Yeah, my sheer wild-assed guess would be that that’s a ‘two-step’, meant to reconcile the two sets of stats and explain away the ‘confusion’ between the TRO2750 and TRO3057(R) versions of the Congress. Now it’s just a matter of saying that the ComStar adept who wrote the 2750 book ‘mistakenly’ gave the Davion-version stats for the SLDF Congress, and TRO3057(R) represents the Congress that actually served in the SLDF and then made Exodus. 
Newer players likely won’t care, but speaking for myself, if not long-term rivet-counting veterans everywhere, I appreciate that little act of fan-service and devotion. 
I'm okay with them trying to fix the TR2750/T3057 issues with the congress (but it would have been nice if they stuck to the Bspace stats which did not use DHS but had the NAC/30s in the FL/FR) I just wish the fluff was more interesting...
To each their own; I don’t really mind, since it strikes me as being part of the love-letter to the long-term fans and the older BT lore. Besides, the old fluff was good enough the first time around; it establishes/reinforces the common origins of the two classes; and rewriting too much could have walked them into another Canon Minefield (not unlike the one that claimed the Davvie
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I’ll go back to the love-letter theory. TRO2750 has been OOP for almost a
quarter-century, and only got a pdf release within the last five(?) years IIRC, by which it would have been outside most peoples’ field-of-interest. Most modern players first met the
Congress in TRO3057R, which noticeably abridged the original fluff. How many aerospace gamers who came to the game in the FanPro or CGL eras actually own a copy of TRO2750 and know the ‘full’ fluff? This gets us the original and ‘complete’ stats and story of the
Congress-class frigate, in ‘print’, in a product which is compliant with the modern version of the game. IMPO, it’s new information, almost a revelation, to the newcomers who don’t have the book from 1990; and for those who
do know the old lore, putting it back into ‘print’ is a sincere ‘thank-you’ for their loyalty and endurance.