And actually a retcon. FMCC p. 51 indicates there is a single regiment per commonality.
Thats pretty much how FR CCAF presents the Hussars with a regiment for all seven commonality with the Red Lancers being the Chancellor's regiment. Although the Ares Titans don't "fit" if you ask me. What do you think about keeping the Celestial Hand in the SD setting? Perhaps they are a new unit?
But if you are going for 1 regiment per commonality what they have doesn't work.
Red Lancers- should represent St Ives but in the revised canon represent Sian
Blandford's Grenadiers represent Tikonov but now apparent represent Sarna- not
Gryff's Hussars represent St Ives
Ares Titans represent Capella
Prefectorate Guard represents Capella
Marshals of Tikonov represent Tikonov
Chesterton Guardians represent Chesterton
Andurien Heavy Guard represent Andurien
I don't get the Blandford's Grenadiers representing Sarna and I don't care for the Ares Titans. I would keep Blandford's Grenadiers as the Tikonov unit, drop the Ares Titans and Marshals of Tikonov and add a Sarna Regiment. We can also keep the Celestial Hand - I have no problem with a pan-Confederation unit.
Here is the SD Overview: The Chargers are the "strong hammer" of the Capellan military. Quite simply they are a four regiment force of heavy and assault BattleMechs used to spearhead assaults against heavily defended enemy worlds. The Chargers carry this aggressive tactical doctrine to its end point both on and off the battlefield. Typical their members are described as brash and callous in manner. In other words they come straight to the point and won’t hesitate to fight if provoked.
Gonna do my damnest to integrate both visions but is it possible??
I think it will work. The Chargers are described as the "heavily armored core of the CCAF". During the Age of War they are said to go"diving into the thick of every major offensive". 2 regiments (the 1st & 2nd) are described as being heavy units, the 3rd is described as being light-medium and the 4th is not described (so we can do whatever we want...). What I would say is that the 1st, 2nd a& 4th are heavy units, the 3rd is a lighter and used to provide recon/scouting for the other regiments. The units mechwarriors are described as having an arrogant swagger and seeing themselves as "virtual gods amongst men"- which ties in to the brash and callous nature we are going for. I think with just a little work we can easily make the Chargers fit what we want.