SLDF Royal Formations, Pre-Coup
In the discussion on FM: SLDF, Takiro had posed a question based on the fluff text at the start of the document: apparently, there was a growing division or discontent between the regular SLDF and the Royals prior to the Amaris Coup. He asked, what might happen if the SLDF had returned the Royals and reformed the HAF. I have gone through and think (I hope, at least), that I have all known Royals listed. It is an extensive list. And that bugs me . . . the Royals were those units raised just from the Hegemony. But the sheer number of them is staggering. Showing here:
7th Royal BattleMech Division (The Keid Division)
11th Royal BattleMech Division (The Orion Division)
21st Royal BattleMech Division (The Antaeus Division)
26th Royal BattleMech Division (The Graham Division)
34th Royal BattleMech Division (The Epsilon Indi Division)
39th Royal BattleMech Division (The Denbola Division)
48th Royal BattleMech Division (The Goliath Division)
52nd Royal BattleMech Division (The King of Bashan Division)
60th Royal BattleMech Division (The Anakim Division)
62nd Royal BattleMech Division (The Rephaim Division)
135th Royal BattleMech Division (The Van Diemen Division)
146th Royal BattleMech Division (The George S. Patton Division)
150th Royal BattleMech Division (The Rigil Kentaurus Division)
151st Royal BattleMech Division (The Ulysses S. Grant Division)
191st Royal BattleMech Division (The Zavijava Division)
246th Royal BattleMech Division (The Saffel Division)
255th Royal BattleMech Division (The Sherman Division)
286th Royal BattleMech Division (The Minsk Division)
299th Royal BattleMech Division (The Protector Division)
309th Royal BattleMech Division (The Black Charger Division)
316th Royal BattleMech Division (The Rio Grande Division)
328th Royal BattleMech Division (The Lion-Hearted Division)
331st Royal BattleMech Division (The North American Division)
341st Royal BattleMech Division (The Black Prince Division)
349th Royal BattleMech Division (The King Henry Division)
423rd Royal BattleMech Division (The Enterprise Division)
4th Royal Infantry Division (The Gurkha Rifles)
13th Royal Infantry Division (The Superstition Division)
22nd Royal Infantry Division
44th Royal Infantry Division
50th Royal Infantry Division (The Flame Keepers of Greece)
63rd Royal Infantry Division
21st Royal Jump Infantry Division
56th Royal Jump Infantry Division
61st Royal Jump Infantry Division
80th Royal Jump Infantry Division
82nd Royal Jump Infantry Division (The All Americans)
95th Royal Jump Infantry Division
106th Royal Jump Infantry Division
132nd Royal Jump Infantry Division
191st Royal Jump Infantry Division
1st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
6th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
13th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
17th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
18th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Pride of Leningrad)
27th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
31st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
34th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
47th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
50th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
65th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
94th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Bavarian Division)
100th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
120th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
131st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Los Angeles Division)
132nd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
157th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
159th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Athena Division)
169th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
175th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Desert Rats)
181st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The King's Own Scots Rifles)
183rd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
190th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
206th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Democrats of Brazil)
226th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Wild Ones from Yorii)
242nd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
251st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
255th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
279th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Chara Cossacks)
235th Royal Artillery Regiment
587th Royal Artillery Regiment
287th Royal Battle Regiment
8th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (The Black Sea Regiment)
9th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
11th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
14th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (The Tripoli Regiment)
16th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
20th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (The Saipan Regiment)
22nd Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
26th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (The Ducks of Recba)
27th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (The Guadalcanal Regiment)
30th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
31st Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
32nd Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (The Iwo Jima Regiment)
34th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
35th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
38th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
29th Royal Dragoon Regiment
74th Royal Dragoon Regiment (The Dogs of Dogarish)
76th Royal Dragoon Regiment
121st Royal Dragoon Regiment
151st Royal Dragoon Regiment
229th Royal Dragoon Regiment
335th Royal Dragoon Regiment
367th Royal Dragoon Regiment
405th Royal Dragoon Regiment
1st Royal French Demi-Brigade
11th Royal Heavy Assault Regiment
121st Royal Heavy Assault Regiment
305th Royal Heavy Assault Regiment
325th Royal Heavy Assault Regiment
125th Royal Hover Armor Regiment
75th Royal Hussar Regiment
101st Royal Hussar regiment
112th Royal Hussar Regiment (The Jokes of Joseph)
192nd Royal Hussar Regiment
235th Royal Hussar Regiment
245th Royal Hussar Regiment
902nd Royal Hussar Regiment
188th Royal Independent Aero Wing
3687th Royal Independent Aero Wing
2555th Royal Jump Infantry Regiment
43rd Royal Light Horse Regiment (The Steeds of Nicholas)
55th Royal Light Horse Regiment
59th Royal Light Horse Regiment
90th Royal Light Horse Regiment
102nd Royal Light Horse Regiment
195th Royal Light Horse Regiment
200th Royal Light Horse Regiment
218th Royal Light Horse Regiment
135th Royal Striker Regiment
187th Royal Striker Regiment
741st Royal Striker Regiment
982nd Royal Striker Regiment
26 BattleMech Divisions, 6 Infantry Divisions, 9 Jump Infantry Divisions, and 29 Mechanized Infantry Divisions. Seventy Divisions. Plus 2 Artillery Regiments, 1 Battle Regiment, 15 CAAN Marine Regiments, 9 Dragoon Regiments, the French Demi-Brigade, 4 Heavy Assault Regiments, 1 Hover Armor Regiment, 7 Hussar Regiments, 2 Independent Aero Wings, 1 Jump Infantry Regiment, 8 Light Horse Regiments, and 4 Striker Regiments. That is 55 independent Regiments.
The Royals were a bloody huge force, making up around 1-6th the entire SLDF, or around 16% of its total ground strength. (If my numbers are right, that is.)
BattleMech Divisions: 119
Mechanized Infantry Divisions: 192
Jump Infantry Divisions: 73
Infantry Divisions: 49
Independent Mech Regiments: 232
Independent Infantry Regiments: 13
Independent Tank Regiments: 7
Independent Artillery Regiments: 5
Independent Aerospace Wings: 15
CAAN Regiments: 15
I can't see the SLDF letting such a large force go and reform the HAF. However, I could see the malcontents and dispirited personnel partitioned off and elements of the Royals used to form a new HAF, perhaps around the size of the current militaries of the Great Houses. Probably somewhere around 110-115 Regiments (the official strength of the AFFS and DCMS, respectively, in 2765).
Your thoughts?