Hello all, it seems like a good time to answer a question I get asked more and more these days. BattleTech Shattered Dawn is not dead. Revisions to the storyline anxiously awaiting TPTB input known as Field Report 2765 continue. Just last week I was putting together some thoughts on how events in the Outworlds Alliance might start the 2nd Succession War. Yes, I know who the winners and losers of the 1st will be. The end of the 2nd well that isn’t as clear yet. Before continuing however I’d like to discuss a few things.
I don’t really buy everything from TPTB from the Year of the Star League. Some retcons such as the size of House Forces as eluded to thus far I find unacceptable. We had hard numbers from some of the old House books and they look to have been tossed. Although it is hard to say for certain because again still eagerly awaiting the Field Reports this is but one example. You should expect BTSD to focus more on old school material while incorporating some the new.
That is probably just the way I am. The flawed FASA stuff as incomplete as it was just has more magic then the incredibly detailed Catalyst which puts me to sleep at times. Don’t get me wrong the current crop of writers is very good better in a lot of ways then the originals. There just seemed like there was more room for me back then for all kinds of different adventures and hopefully that is what BTSD will continue to bring once we emerge from hiatus.
What from this continuation will take is still being determined but I’d love to hear your thoughts. The penultimate dream I have is to have Master Arminas write our novels while we put out sourcebooks and maps detailing Shattered Dawn’s development. That probably won’t happen but I’m still hanging around. I haven’t thrown in the towel, sold my BattleTech stuff, burned my voluminous notes, or lost my computer files containing future plans. So yes things are very quiet right now but soon you may hear some noise.