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Author Topic: The Exodus Redux  (Read 47859 times)

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The Exodus Redux
« on: September 14, 2021, 04:19:05 PM »

I've been thinking long and hard about the Exodus and the Terran Regency. I don't think it is a stretch for Regent Amanda Cameron and General Aleksandr Kerensky to agree that there is a need for such an operation. Sparing the SLDF itself and the InnerSphere from the significant destruction that would be wrought by their participation in a Star League Civil War would not only be a noble endeavor but remove units that could augment Terra's enemies. I really don't want to debate that so lets just call it fixed in stone.

What I wanted to go over here is all the information we now have about the remaining SLDF and from that determine what units would remain with the Terran Regency and who would chose to leave. Anyone up for it?


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2021, 04:46:34 PM »

Sarna has the following (under Operation Exodus, scroll down to Order of Battle):

238th Armored Division

11th Royal BattleMech Division
15th BattleMech Division
26th Royal BattleMech Division
39th Royal BattleMech Division
81st BattleMech Division
89th BattleMech Division
116th BattleMech Division
131st BattleMech Division
135th Royal BattleMech Division
146th Royal BattleMech Division
150th Royal BattleMech Division
154th BattleMech Division
164th BattleMech Division
168th BattleMech Division
173rd BattleMech Division
189th BattleMech Division
218th BattleMech Division
229th BattleMech Division
271st BattleMech Division
275th BattleMech Division
299th Royal BattleMech Division
308th BattleMech Division
309th Royal BattleMech Division
315th BattleMech Division
316th Royal BattleMech Division
328th Royal BattleMech Division
331st Royal BattleMech Division
341st Royal BattleMech Division
342nd Royal BattleMech Division
349th Royal BattleMech Division
382nd BattleMech Division

11th Infantry Division
14th Infantry Division
35th Infantry Division
44th Royal Infantry Division
49th Infantry Division
50th Royal Infantry Division
53rd Infantry Division
72nd Infantry Division

1st Jump Infantry Division
12th Jump Infantry Division
17th Jump Infantry Division
30th Jump Infantry Division
59th Jump Infantry Division
60th Jump Infantry Division
61st Royal Jump Infantry Division
65th Jump Infantry Division
80th Royal Jump Infantry Division
82nd Royal Jump Infantry Division
101st Jump Infantry Division
106th Royal Jump Infantry Division
145th Jump Infantry Division
159th Jump Infantry Division
185th Jump Infantry Division
206th Jump Infantry Division
208th Jump Infantry Division
210th Jump Infantry Division
1007th Jump Infantry Division

1swt Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
9th Mechanized Infantry Division
13th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
16th Mechanized Infantry Division
17th Royal Mechanized Infanntry Division
24th Mechanized Infantry Division
26th Mechanized Infantry Division
27th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
34th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
41st Mechanized Infantry Division
46th Mechanized Infantry Division
49th Mechanized Infantry Division
50th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
65th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
67th Mechanized Infantry Division
68th Mechanized Infantry Division
111th Mechanized Infantry Division
120th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
129th Mechanized Infantry Division
131st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
132nd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
142nd Mechanized Infantry Division
146th Mechanized Infantry Division
147th Mechanized Infantry Division
157th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
159th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
164th Mechanized Infantry Division
169th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
172nd Mechanized Infantry Division
174th Mechanized Infantry Division
183rd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
191st Mechanized Infantry Division
192nd Mechanized Infantry Division
194th Mechanized Infantry Division
196th Mechanized Infantry Division
212th Mechanized Infantry Division
226th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
237th Mechanized Infantry Division
242nd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
255th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
257th Mechanized Infantry Division
279th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division
294th Mechanized Infantry Division
300th Mechanized Infantry Division

plus 4 Infantry Divisions not named on Sarna

587th Royal Artillery Regiment

458th Battle Regiment

22nd Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
31st Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
35th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment

16th Dragoon Regiment
20th Dragoon Regiment
29th Royal Dragoon Regiment
74th Royal Dragoon Regiment
102nd Dragoon Regiment
108th Dragoon Regiment
111th Dragoon Regiment
121st Royal Dragoon Regiment
129th Dragoon Regiment
131st Dragoon Regiment
138th Dragoon Regiment
146th Dragoon Regiment
200th Dragoon Regiment
261st Dragoon Regiment
300th Dragoon Regiment
315th Dragoon Regiment
345th Dragoon Regiment
367th Dragoon Regiment
405th Royal Dragoon Regiment

plus 39 Independent Regiments not named on Sarna

Missing four Infantry Divisions (various types) and 39 Independent Regiments (various types) from what we know went with Kerensky on the Exodus.  108 Divisions (out of 113 surviving in the SLDF) and 63 Regiments, plus 402 WarShips.

Don't have time to dig through my Star League book to find every unit listed that went on the Exodus, but this is a good start for you.


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2021, 05:11:10 PM »

Can see what i can do with downtimes at work
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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2021, 08:14:52 PM »

Great list masterarminas!

We have a new starting point then we used to Bradshaw. Field SLDF. We begin there and then try to trace each unit throughout the Periphery Uprising and the Amaris Coup to see where they served and what they did. We can also speculate on disbanded units which were folded into the survivors in order to create full combat commands after Operation Liberation.

Also we should note units that were important to the formation of the Clans as they are more likely to Exodus in my opinion then others.


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2021, 09:25:52 PM »

The thing is . . . with an intact Hegemony, would any of the Royal formations go?  If Kerensky goes with them, they would follow . . . or would they?  In canon, they did because there was no Cameron heir, no First Lord.  With the Star League falling apart, though, and a living Cameron at the helm of the Hegemony would the Royals abandon the worlds they had fought and bled to free from Amaris?  Their own homes?

If, IF there is another Exodus, I would imagine it to be just regular SLDF formations raised from the member states, not the Royals.

I could be wrong.


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2021, 03:33:26 AM »

Yeah we could argue that point until we are blue in the face but let's just say Kerenskys reasons were valid as I believe they were. Irose and I developed a more compelling reason than which we have been given anyway then just the breakdown of the League itself. However,  that would still remain their primary reason for departure.

In this setting the SLDF will be given a choice by Amanda and Aleksandr. Which should have been done by me the first time. There really wasn't that much known when I broke it down prior. We now have more info to draw on about the surviving units and their possible influences on such a decision.

Originally I placed all the unknown SLDF commands in the TRAS. However, this group will also have to undergo review because of their now known deployment (see 1st Succession War Historical). Forces that still remained with ComStar will likely remain with the Terran Regency in this redux version as well.

I am already thinking about adding units as a result of our efforts here even though some units might be subtracted. A unit name i liked was the Royal Watch which was created by Bradshaw for another one of our settings.


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2021, 01:28:26 PM »

Couldn't sleep last night, so I went back through the SLDF book and found everything listed as going on the Exodus.

Includes all of the above, plus the following:

71st BattleMech Division (The Outreach Division)
149th BattleMech Division (The Erwin Rommel Division)
59th BattleMech Division (The Wellington Division)
250th BattleMech Division (The Stalingrad Division)
275th BattleMech Division (The Altair Division)

68th Infantry Division (The Thai Division)

120th Jump Infantry Division

95th Mechanized Infantry Division

114th Heavy Assault Regiment (The Titans of Tymons)
189th Heavy Assault Regiment
287th Heavy Assault Regiment
309th Heavy Assault Regiment
312th Heavy Assault Regiment

38th Hussar Regiment
48th Hussar Regiment
128th Hussar Regiment
152nd Hussar Regiment
218th Hussar Regiment
300th Hussar Regiment
902nd Royal Hussar Regiment

188th Royal Independent Aero Wing
687th Independent Aero Wing
1002nd Independent Aero Wing
2369th Independent Aero Wing
2525th Independent Aero Wing
3058th Independent Aero Wing

1007th Jump Infantry Regiment

13th Light Horse Regiment
35th Light Horse Regiment
38th Light Horse Regiment
43rd Royal Light Horse Regiment (The Steeds of Nicholas)
55th Royal Light Horse Regiment (4th RCT)
59th Royal Light Horse Regiment
90th Royal Light Horse Regiment
149th Light Horse Regiment
221st Light Horse Regiment
279th Light Horse Regiment
4003rd Light Horse Regiment (5th RCT)

658th Marine Infantry Regiment

9873rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment
9999th Mechanized Infantry Regiment

135th Royal Striker Regiment
201st Striker Regiment
208th Striker Regiment
512th Striker Regiment
741st Royal Striker Regiment

105th Wheeled Armor Regiment

However, the list on Sarna includes several units NOT listed in the SLDF book as departing on the Exodus, including (but not limited to) the 238th Armored Division.

Then, we have all of those SLDF units that are listed as Unknown, but stayed behind to help ComStar defend Terra.

Hope this helps.


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2021, 02:12:26 PM »

Was going through this list just now. 238 is important for the Clans to because origins of the Osis bloodname.

before I go much further want to make sure doing this right this is what I'm doing (see attached)
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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2021, 02:19:20 PM »

And here are the "known" Unknown units:

151st Royal BattleMech Division (The Ulysses S. Grant Division)
213th BattleMech Division (The Carver Division)
295th BattleMech Division (The Blue Star Division)
328th BattleMech Division (The Manteufel Division)
359th BattleMech Division (The Montgomery Division)

13th Royal Infantry Division (The Superstition Division)
31st Infantry Division

54th Mechanized Infantry Division
79th Mechanized Infantry Division
123rd Mechanized Infantry Division
125th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Bullfighters from Seville)
173rd Mechanized Infantry Division
184th Mechanized Infantry Division
197th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Florida Swamp Foxes)
272nd Mechanized Infantry Division
280th Mechanized Infantry Division

509th Battle Regiment

38th Dragoon Regiment
89th Dragoon Regiment
90th Dragoon Regiment
277th Dragoon Regiment
349th Dragoon Regiment

13th Royal French Demi-Brigade

211th Hussar Regiment
242nd Hussar Regiment
321st Hussar Regiment

167th Light Horse Regiment

231st Striker Regiment
238th Striker Regiment
997th Striker Regiment

Accounts for all fourteen Regiments that stayed behind on Terra and sixteen of the seventeen Divisions that remained.  Perhaps one Division listed as Exodus instead stayed behind?


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2021, 02:33:22 PM »

Total of all forces is (if my math is right):   127 Divisions and 77 Regiments.

Armored:  1
BattleMech:  41
Infantry:  11
Jump Infantry:  20
Mechanized Infantry:  54

Artillery:  1
Battle:  2
CAAN:  3
Dragoon:  24
French Demi-Brigade:  1
Heavy Assault:  5
Hussar:  10
Independent Aero Wing:  6
Jump Infantry:  1
Light Horse:  12
Marine Infantry:  1
Mechanized Infantry:  2
Striker:  8
Wheeled Armor:  1
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 02:42:56 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2021, 03:17:46 PM »

Thanks masterarminas and Bradshaw. Reviewing just the information from sarna.net on the Armored and BattleMech Divisions (BMDs) I was able to make a general breakdown of Kerensky Loyalists (aka Clan founders who I tried to list) and Others. The Others consist of BMDs whose presence lacks any notable followers of the General during the Exodus up to the Pentagon Civil War. I believe they would be possible swing units to the Regency and to that I've listed Royal (important factor cause they are entirely staffed by Terrans) as well as their duty stations (Hegemony garrisons with ties to the communities before the Coup may wish to remain more I figure)

Kerensky Loyalists (7)
238th Armored Division (Lena and Simas Osis)
11th Royal BattleMech Division (David Rippon and Daniel Mattlov)
131st BattleMech Division (Ellie Kinnison)
146th Royal BattleMech Division (several)
149th BattleMech Division (Absalom Truscott)
328th Royal BattleMech Division (Clan Wolf)
331st Royal BattleMech Division (Clan Wolverine)

Others (26)
15th BattleMech Division (the Bryant Division) Free Worlds League
26th Royal BattleMech Division (the Graham Division) Federated Suns
39th Royal BattleMech Division (the Denebola Division) Federated Suns
81st BattleMech Division (Devils of Devil's Rock) Draconis Combine
89th BattleMech Division (the Cyclops Division) Capellan Confederation
116th BattleMech Division (the Gargantua Division) Federated Suns
135th Royal BattleMech Division (the Van Diemen Division) Draconis Combine
150th Royal BattleMech Division (the Rigil Kentaurus Division) Capellan Con
154th BattleMech Division (the Small World Division) Federated Suns
164th BattleMech Division (the Hannibal Division) Terran Hegemony [Lyons]
168th BattleMech Division (the Czar Peter Division) Draconis Combine
173rd BattleMech Division (the New Earth Division) Federated Suns
189th BattleMech Division (the Marshal Ney Division) Capellan Confederation
218th BattleMech Division (the Quentin Division) Capellan Confederation
229th BattleMech Division (the Chara Division) Lyran Commonwealth
271st BattleMech Division (the Outreach Division) Periphery
275th BattleMech Division (the Altair Division) Free Worlds League
299th Royal BattleMech Division (the Protector Division) Draconis Combine
308th BattleMech Division (the Punjab Pass Division) Lyran Commonwealth
309th Royal BattleMech Division (the Black Charger Division) Capellan Confederation
315th BattleMech Division Division (the Yorrii Division) Outworlds Alliance
316th Royal BattleMech Division (the Rio Grande Division) Free Worlds League
341st Royal BattleMech Division (the Black Prince Division) Draconis Combine
342nd Royal BattleMech Division (?)
349th Royal BattleMech Division (the King Henry Division) Draconis Combine
382nd BattleMech Division (the Westmoreland Division) Periphery

I have to say that BattleTechWiki made today's quick review exceptionally easy but some units were omitted. Thanks to masterarminas' excellent research three have been added which I will have to further research. I excluded the other two below for the reasons given.

masterarminas additions (3?)
59th BattleMech Division (the Wellington Division)
250th BattleMech Division (the Stalingrad Division)
275th BattleMech Division (the Altair Division)
The 71st BMD (the Outreach Division) is likely the 271st BMD (the Outreach Division) which is listed on the sarna list. I got the 149th BMD (the Erwin Rommel Division) when went over the list and got the 146th (the George Patton Division). 

What do you guys think?


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2021, 04:12:21 PM »

masterarminas additions (3?)
59th BattleMech Division (the Wellington Division)
250th BattleMech Division (the Stalingrad Division)
275th BattleMech Division (the Altair Division)
The 71st BMD (the Outreach Division) is likely the 271st BMD (the Outreach Division) which is listed on the sarna list. I got the 149th BMD (the Erwin Rommel Division) when went over the list and got the 146th (the George Patton Division). 

159th BattleMech Division The Wellington Division The 159th survived the war and the Hegemony Campaign, to be absorbed by the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns by 2784

The 250th fought in the Periphery campaign successfully and joined General Kerensky in his campaign to liberation of the Terran Hegemony. Unlike many of its fellow Seventh Army units, the Division survived the Star League Civil War. However, the unit's loyalties to Kerensky fractured when he called for the SLDF to take part in Operation Exodus. Only parts of the Division would travel with Kerensky on his Exodus in 2784. The 555th Honor Guard Brigade and 556th Honor Guard Brigade would remain in the Inner Sphere and entered the service of Federated Suns as the mercenary unit, the Screaming Eagles. A battalion of the 250th also joined the AFFS directly, joining with battalions recruited from the 199th Dragoon Regiment and 396th Dragoon Regiment to form the Third Ceti Hussars.

275th mostly left besides the 104th Striker Regiment which chose to remain behind and joined the Draconis Combine.

71st is definitely 271st

Do we know which ones became clusters for the Clans?
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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2021, 04:19:37 PM »

To Masterarminas point about people still joining Kerensky.

Would it still happen....yes

Would people still buy into it....yes

would as many units go....I'd say no. Especially not Royals who have stronger ties to the planets then the regulars. If an organized realm and Cameron is around I'd find it hard for many of them that have fought for almost two decades say you know it wasn't worth it after all and I'm out.

Had the thoughts of what you were going to do with the Exodus been brainstormed when this was originally done. I recall discussions but can't recall them at this point. Because with what we know now of the universe we could do something better.
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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2021, 05:13:02 PM »

With those four (159th, 250th, 71st, and 149th) gone, we are down to canon numbers for Operation Silver Shield and Operation Exodus (5 BMD for SS, 32 BMD for Exodus). 

I'm okay with that, especially since the Star League Sourcebook (my main source of information) contains plenty of errors.


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Re: The Exodus Redux
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2021, 07:38:36 PM »

Any information on the 342nd Royal BattleMech Division? That is one I don't have info on yet.

The 341st Royal BattleMech Division (the Black Prince Division) might be associated with Clan Wolf as a Cluster if I remember correctly. I have a list of other divisions that were associated with the Clans. I'll post it later.
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