5 February 3022; Birth of the freeborn Gabriel into Clan Wolf.
12 September 3028; Atrius Nova Cat is decanted on Bearclaw.
1 June 3049; Clan Wolf forms Tau Galaxy. It is intended to participate in the invasion. Abtakha, renegades, freeborn and other ill considered troops make up the bulk of this Galaxy. Command is given to Anton Fetladral.
3 September 3049; The Clans launch Operation Renaissance. Clan Diamond Shark forces hit the Magistracy of Canopus, while Clan Steel Viper hit’s the Taurian Concordat.
10 September; Clans Wolf, Jade Falcon and Ghost Bear establish forward command bases and supply depots on the independent worlds of Herotitus and Detroit.
ilKhan Leo Showers issues a recall order to the warriors of Wolf’s Dragoons. It is ignored and the Dragoons are officially listed as dezgra bandits.
11 November 3049; Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht is escorted to a meeting with ilKhan Leo Showers and the Clan Council on Herotitus.
14 November 3049; Oathmaster Biccon Winters challenges saKhan Lucian Carns to a Trial of Grievance regarding ComStar and wins. Carns is crippled and steps down as saKhan. The Nova Cats throw all their weight behind repudiating any agreements with ComStar.
20 November 3049; Istal Devalis becomes saKhan of Clan Nova Cat.
30 December 3049; Beginning of the invasion of the Inner Sphere. Clans Ghost Bear, Wolf, Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar hit the first worlds of their respective corridors.
Clan Wolf hits Claybrooke.
5 January 3050; Wolf’s Dragoons enacts escape clauses from their contracts, returning all 5 regiments to Outreach.
January 3050; Clan Wolf hits Andurien and Conquista.
12 January 3050; New Syrtis falls to the forces of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Destruction of the New Syrtis CMM.
February 3050; The Magistracy government and Clan Diamond Shark broker a deal ending their conflict.
March 3050; Clan Wolf hits Ito.
17 March 3050; The Steel Viper vessel Pit Viper is destroyed in a nuclear blast, along with several clusters of troops.
10 April 3050; Clan Steel Viper contracts elements of the Hell’s Horses to assist with pacifying the Taurian Concordat. Death of Primus Myndo Waterly. Ulthan Everson is elevated to Primus.
16 April 3050; Primus Everson authorizes the release of the ComGuards. ComGuard troops reinforce all fronts of the Clan invasion. Particular focus is given to the remnant of the Capellan Confederation.
8 May 3050; Clan Wolf hits Sian with Alpha and Tau Galaxies. Death of Star Colonel Laura Sword.
10 May 3050; Sun-Tzu and Kali Liao are evacuated from Sian by House Leader Ion Rush. They depart for the interior of the FWL.
18 May 3050; Sian falls to Clan Wolf. Death of Tsen Shang. Organized resistance in the Capellan Confederation crumbles. SaKhan Garth Radick is killed during this battle. Talon Zahn taken bondsman.
22 May 3050; Clan Wolf pauses and holds bloodname competitions.
26 May 3050; The bloodnamed of Clan Wolf elect Marcos Radick their new saKhan.
1 July 3050; Clan Ghost Bear is forced to contract Nova Cat forces to help pacify worlds in their occupation zone. These worlds are surrendered to Clan Nova Cat.
2 July 3050; Formation of the Bloody Wolves trinary of the 12th Wolf Guards, expanding it to 3 trinaries and a fighter binary.
22 July 3050; Clan Steel Viper brings more troops from the homeworlds to help with the conquest of the Taurian Concordat.
September 3050; Clan Wolf hits Corey.
October 3050; Clan Wolf hits Second Try.
November 3050; Clan Wolf hits Liao and Nanking.
7 November 3050; A delegation departs from the FWL. The intent is to request military aid from the Draconis Combine.
December 3050; Clan Jade Falcon assaults Outreach with 2 galaxies. After the fall of Outreach, surviving elements of Wolf’s Dragoons find sanctuary on Northwind. This siege halts the Jade Falcon advance. Battle lasts 2-3 months.
January 3051; A unified mercenary front emerges to combat the Clans. This group consists of Wolf’s Dragoons (1), Kell Hounds (2), Northwind Highlanders (4), and surviving elements of both McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry (2) and the Eridani Light Horse (2). Approximately 11 regiments worth of troops stand ready to defend the Sarna March from the Clan onslaught. Command is jointly held by Colonel Jaime Wolf and General Ariana Winston.
February 3051; Clan Wolf hits Carver V.
March 3051; Several regiments of Capellan origin turn mercenary and head to the Draconis Combine, following the earlier lead of the Shin Legions.
Clan Wolf lands on Terra.
2 April 3051; Terra falls to the forces of Clan Wolf. ComStar leadership retreats to enclaves in both the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League. Precentor Martial Anastasias Focht leads roughly half the surviving ComGuards into the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth. The other half vanish, their fate unknown (note: they retreated to the Hidden Five).
15 April 3051; Clan Wolf proclaims itself ilClan and the reformation of the Star League. Ulric Kerensky becomes permanent ilKhan. Marcos Radick becomes senior Khan, Evantha Fetladral becomes saKhan. Kerensky offers Leo Showers the position of commander of Terra’s garrison. Showers refuses and returns to his Clan.
3 May 3051; Clan Steel Viper begins bringing in the bulk of its touman to assist with the pacification of the Taurian Concordat.
6 June 3051; Thomas Marik announces the engagement of Isis Marik and Sun-Tzu Liao. This grants the FWL claim to the lost Capellan territory.
May 3052; Clan Jade Falcon uproots itself from its conquered territory and takes 14 worlds from the Draconis Combine, centred on Vega. This is done to appease Falcon warriors who are upset over losing to the Wolves.
June 3052; Hanse Davion suffers a near fatal heart attack. He faces a lengthy recovery.
July 3052; Star Captain Trent of the Smoke Jaguars wins the Howell bloodname.
August 3052; Clan’s Wolf, Hell’s Horses and Star Adder move to take worlds abandoned by the Jade Falcons.
September 3052; Death of Khan Marcos Radick in combat against the Star Adders. Evantha Fetladral becomes senior Khan, Katya Kerensky becomes saKhan.
October 3052; Trent Howell tests out to Star Colonel and assumes command of the 1st Jaguar Guards.
December 3052; Clan Steel Viper declares the Taurian Concordat pacified. Virtually all Taurians have been wiped out in the Vipers genocidal war. Only worlds taken by the Hell’s Horses retain significant populations.
Official decision made to dissolve the Federated Commonwealth.
January 3053; Clan Snow Raven brings a petition for the absorption of the Steel Vipers before the Grand Council. The primary motivation is the Vipers present weakness and their brutal behaviour during the subjugation of the Concordat. The motion carries and the Snow Ravens narrowly win the right to absorb their hated enemy.
March 3053; Clan Snow Raven completes its absorption of the Steel Vipers. All martial and civilian assets are added to the Raven touman, as are the Vipers Inner Sphere holdings. The Ravens establish a capitol on Sterope. An under strength galaxy is formed, after surviving warriors of the Vipers are added to the touman. Former Viper warriors are spread throughout the touman, with the intention of making it easier for them to adopt Raven ways.
Signing of the Treaty of Cassias. This establishes a grudging ceasefire between the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns.
Refugees from the Federated Suns begin flooding into the Outworlds Alliance.
April 3053; Victor Steiner-Davion arrives on Tharkad and takes up the position of Archon, which had been thrust upon him by his parents.
Skye region separates from the Lyran Commonwealth. The new Federation of Skye immediately petitions for Clan assistance. Clan Ice Hellion troops garrison key areas of Skye to curb Lyran aggression.
Clan Blood Spirit moves the entirety of the Clan to Mars. This is done as a method of protecting the Star League. The Khan orders ilChi’s dispatched to all Inner Sphere powers.
May 3053;
The Free Rasalhague Republic joins the Star League in hopes of maintaining its independence. In exchange for numerous enclaves, Clan Ice Hellion takes up defensive positions within the Republic.
August 3053; Michi Noketsuna assassinates Takashi Kurita on Luthien.
Theodore Kurita becomes the new Coordinator of the Draconis Combine.
3054; Clan Wolf unveils the Raven IIC, an improved version of the Capellan scout ‘Mech.
Goliath Scorpion seekers become a common sight in the Inner Sphere.
The Principality of Regulus secedes from the FWL and joins the Star League. Nova Cat forces take up station to assist in defence.
Captain-General Thomas Marik moves the FWL capitol to Tamarind.
Clan Ice Hellion invades and secures Hesperus II.
Unveiling of the Nova Cat OmniMech.
Lyran Commonwealth and FWL sign a non-aggression pact, the Treaty of Loric.
(late) Jade Falcon saKhan Timur Malthus learns of Elias Crichell’s secret breeding program. He challenges Crichell to a trial of grievance and defeats the senior Khan. Second Culling. Diane Anu elected senior Khan of the Jade Falcons. Devlin Hazen elected saKhan.
Assassination of Kael Pershaw. His successor as Grand Loremaster of the Star League is Silas Kufahl of Clan Coyote. IlKhan Ulric Kerensky writes a law stating that no Wolf can hold the position of Grand Loremaster, as only Wolves can be ilKhan. His goal is to create a balance of power.
Clan Wolf forms the Wolf Legions, clusters composed primarily of freeborn Capellan warriors. These units form the bulk of the Lang Dun ‘Wolf Shield’ Galaxy and Vau Galaxy.
Death of Smoke Jaguar Khan Sarah Weaver.
Dorian Wirth elected Khan of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Trent Howell becomes saKhan.
3055; An unknown but highly virulent virus ravages the worlds of the Federated Suns.
Abjuration of the Ice Hellions following disputes over ownership of Hesperus II.
In order to regain honour lost from failure to take Terra, Clan Smoke Jaguar launches an assault aimed at the conquest of New Avalon.
Crichell’s secret sibko’s test out, forming 2 additional galaxies of troops for the Jade Falcon’s, and rebuilding other depleted units.
Clan Wolf unveils the Men Shen OmniMech, based on Capellan design concepts.
MechWarrior Diana wins the Pryde bloodname. She is the first freeborn to do so in nearly 200 years.
Hanse Davion’s emergency protocols cede power to Marshal Jackson Davion. Regent Davion makes the decision to withdraw troops from the Outback, focusing instead on protecting the Draconis March and the remains of the Crucis March.
The Smoke Jaguars take New Avalon. The ruling Steiner-Davion line is either killed in the fighting or dies of the plague.