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Author Topic: Politics and War (3055+)  (Read 9976 times)

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  • Jaim Magnus
Politics and War (3055+)
« on: November 18, 2012, 12:18:10 AM »


Grand Council of the Star League (Update 3055)
Each member state is allowed two seated representatives

IlKhan - Ulric Kerensky (Wolf)
Grand Loremaster of the Star League, Protector of Terra – Silas Kufahl (Coyote)
Unity Keshik – Star Colonel Rook Talasko (Star Adder)

First Tier - Council of Khan’s (32)
   Khan Evantha Fetladral, saKhan Katya Kerensky (Wolf)*
   Khan Persis Anu, saKhan Devlin Hazen (Jade Falcon)*
   Khan Dorian Wirth, saKhan Trent Howell (Smoke Jaguar)*
   Khan Bjorn Jorgensson, saKhan Laurie Tseng (Ghost Bear)*
   Khan Meagan Sukhanov, saKhan Klaus Harper (Snow Raven)*
   Khan Pazi Tchernovkov, saKhan Natron Kozyrev (Coyote)*
   Khan Angus Labov, saKhan Barbara Sennet (Diamond Shark)*
   Khan Karianna Schmitt, saKhan Daryl Keller (Blood Spirit)*
   Khan Malavai Fletcher, saKhan Tanya DeLaurel (Hell’s Horses)*
   Khan Stephen Tyler, saKhan Danielle Lienet (Ice Hellion)*
   Khan Istal Devalis, saKhan Santin West (Nova Cat)*
   Khan Cassius N’Buta, saKhan Tabitha Paik (Star Adder)*
   Khan Din Steiner, saKhan Leighton Khatib (Cloud Cobra)
   Khan Nikolai Djerassi, saKhan Grissom Posavatz (Goliath Scorpion)
   Khan Victoria Sainze, saKhan Amanda Carrol (Fire Mandrill)
   Khan Jocelyn Siddiq, saKhan Cassin Van Houten (Burrock)
Second Tier - Council of Lord’s (8 )
   High Councilor Ryan Steiner, General Teresa Aten (Federation of Skye)
   Elected Prince Haakon Magnusson, General Tor Miraborg (Free Rasalhague Republic)
   Duke Kirc Cameron-Jones, General Janet Simmons (Principality of Regulus)
   Caliph Basir Ojima, General Jusiral Bjutial (Azami Freeholds)

Successor Houses

Lyran Commonwealth - Archon Victor Steiner-Davion
Draconis Combine - Coordinator Theodore Kurita
Outworlds Alliance - President Mitchell Avellar
Federated Suns – First Prince Hanse Davion
Free Worlds League - Captain-General Thomas Marik
ComStar - Primus Ulthan Everson

*Note: This is a continuation of the setting I began in the story Falcon’s Fall.  The Wolves, Jaguars, Falcons, Ghost Bears, Nova Cats, Snow Ravens, Blood Spirits, Ice Hellions, Star Adders, Coyotes and Hell’s Horses have territory in the Inner Sphere.

In the wake of the invasion the Free Rasalhague Republic has joined the (Clan) Star League.  It was the first Inner Sphere power to do so.  The Skye Region quickly followed suit.  Both received Clan forces to deter non-SL powers.  Recently the Principality of Regulus and the newly formed Azami Freeholds have also joined.  The IS nations are given a seat on the Grand Council of the Star League, but are currently seen as lesser contributors.

The Steel Vipers no longer exist.  They originally invaded the Taurian Concordat, but took such heavy casualties that they unleashed total destruction upon the Taurians.  The war of subjugation battered them so much that they were weakened enough for the Snow Ravens to absorb the remains of the Clan.

The Falcons recently concluded a second Culling, after it became known that many within the ranks sought to overthrow Ulric Kerensky’s rule.  These rebels were stopped, but only because Falcon fought Falcon.

Kael Pershaw was killed in October of 3054.  His replacement as Grand Loremaster is Coyote Loremaster Silas Kufahl.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 09:37:55 AM by Corbeau »


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 12:19:35 AM »

Grand Council Chambers, Unity City
Terra, Clan Domains
4 January 3055

The chambers teemed with activity.  The representatives stood in the centre of the round chambers while observers packed the gallery above, all under the watchful eyes of elemental guards from the Unity Keshik.  No one expected trouble, but safety was paramount in the military mind of the Clans.  Given the recent assassination of Kael Pershaw, Star Colonel Rook Talasko was taking no chances.

Most of the representatives were on Terra in person but a few, especially those from the homeworlds, were participating via HPG.  The unique aspect for today’s session was the inclusion of representatives from Inner Sphere powers that had joined the Star League reborn.  It was a measure that Ulric Kerensky had been attempting to get passed by the council for three years.  It had finally done so in the meeting in November.  Today would be the test.

Grand Loremaster Silas Kufahl took his place in the centre of the room, next to ilKhan Kerensky.  “We stand upon the sacred soil of Terra, meeting in Council as the true embodiment of the Star League, exiled no more.  Let the first meeting of the year 3055 begin.”

“Seyla,” intoned the Clan members of council, awkwardly followed by the Inner Sphere members.

Ulric stood and surveyed the room.  “Trothkin, today is an auspicious day for today we welcome four new members to this council, something unprecedented in the history of the Clans.  Today we officially welcome the council of the Free Rasalhague Republic, Federation of Skye, Principality of Regulus and Azami Freeholds.  Welcome them as harbingers of the future, the future envisioned by both the Great Father and Founder.”  A scattering of polite applause greeted this, most notably from those of Warden persuasion.  The named representatives stood and bowed to the ilKhan and the assembly.  “I open the floor to new business.”

Devlin Hazen, saKhan of the Jade Falcons, stood, speaking for his Khan.  “I would address the matter of the death of Kael Pershaw.  Months have passed and all we have is the corpse of a supposed ComStar fanatic.  What efforts are being made to discover the truth?  If the investigators on Terra cannot handle it, the Falcon Watch will gladly take over.”

“No one Clan Watch is permitted to operate on Terra,” began Istal Devalis, “we all agreed to that upon conquering Terra.”

“And clearly, Khan Nova Cat, that was a mistake.  How many other ComStar agents may remain on Terra?  It has only been held by the Clans for four years.  Hardly time enough to properly indoctrinate the population.  When will the Wolves or the ilKhan take action?”

Kerensky stepped forward.  “The Watch officers assigned to the investigation are making progress.  I can have an incomplete report forwarded to you now if you choose, but feel that the investigation should be completed first.”

The Falcon’s senior Khan, Persis Anu, laid a restraining hand on Hazen’s arm.  “Very well,” Hazen replied, “we can accept that for the moment.”

Next to rise was the Khan of the Smoke Jaguars, Dorian Wirth.  “As this council has been in existence for years now, I move that we consider resuming the conquest of the Inner Sphere.  The great crusade has lain fallow for too long.  The rest of the Inner Sphere awaits our rule!”

Meagan Sukhanov of the Snow Ravens addressed him.  “This body agreed to wait five years before resuming the invasion.  Now, barely four years later, you seek to continue.  At least there are some things that never change, such as the impatience of the Jaguar.”

“And the lack of spine shown by the Ravens.”

Sukhanov grinned at her colleague.  “Say what you will Khan Wirth.  The Unkindness has more than proven itself with the absorption of the Steel Vipers and the pacification of the Taurian worlds.”

“Bah, you fed off their corpses, like the carrions you are.”

“And what, Khan Wirth, happened to the Jaguars boast of taking New Avalon?  It still serves as the Davion capitol does it not, quiaff?”

A growl escaped from Dorian Wirth’s throat.  “That will happen yet.  Regardless of what the Council decides, the Smoke Jaguars strike for New Avalon!  None will question the bravery of my warriors!  Not the Wolves, not the Falcons, and certainly not your pack of buzzards!”  With that, the Jaguar Khan stood and stormed from the chambers.

A tentative throat clearing sounded.  The Grand Loremaster turned and spied the raised hand of Ryan Steiner.  “Yes Councillor Steiner?”

The nobleman from Skye stood.  “Noble Khan’s, I want answers from the Ice Hellions.  Two years ago, they took Hesperus II in the name of Skye.  This was done in exchange for our supporting the Star League.  And yet, the world still rests in Ice Hellion hands.  They rebuff Skye representatives at every opportunity.  Now, I know little of Clan law, but here in the Inner Sphere that means an agreement was made that they have backed out on.”

Stephen Tyler jumped to his feet.  “If you seek a trial of grievance simply say so.  Ice Hellion warriors died for that world.  It is our rightful isorla.”

Steiner crossed his arms.  “That may be Khan Tyler, but the price of Skye’s support was Hesperus II.  Therefore on behalf of Skye, I demand a trial of possession for Hesperus II and all its factories.”

“Accepted!  Bring on your so-called honour guard.  My warriors will settle this matter.”

Kufahl listened and arbitrated the details.  After that, there was little new business of import.  Soon the meeting broke up and the rulers of the Star League returned to their own Halls or embassies.

Wolf Enclave, Unity City
Terra, Clan Domains
4 January 3055

Galaxy Commander Cadarn Sender strode into the Khan’s office and stood at attention.  The Khan was an imposing woman, and not only because she was an elemental.  Evantha Fetladral’s exploits during the invasion were sure to become the stuff of legend.  Her brilliant tactics during the defeat of the Capellans Warrior House Kamata had surely cemented her election as saKhan, and later her elevation to Khan.  Many underestimated her because she was an elemental, but Sender knew better.  Inside her genetically bred mass of muscle lurked a mind on par with ilKhan Ulric himself. 

“Welcome Galaxy Commander, please be seated.”

Sender perched himself on the edge of one chair, for he rarely let himself relax.  “To what do I owe the honour of this summons my Khan?”

Evantha smiled.  “I know you suspect more than a mere social call Galaxy Commander.  In truth I wish that is all that it was, but my wishes are so seldom observed.  What is the status of your galaxy?”

“Rebuilding is proceeding ahead of schedule.  The integration of former Capellan citizens into our ranks has been eased thanks to the efforts of Star Captain Talon.  Were he trueborn I would recommend him for both a bloodname and promotion.  With his assistance, the 2nd Rangers are shaping up well.”

“Would you classify them as ready for combat?”

“If necessary, yes.  Certainly, they are above the average expected of spheroid warriors, though slightly below Clan standards.  That will change once they have fought a few trials.”

“Exactly what I had hoped to hear.  I have a somewhat unusual assignment for you.  Something I need an unorthodox commander for.”

“Most would say you have come to the right place.  What is it that the Vanguard can do for you?” Sender replied with some humour.

“It has come to my attention that many Clans have noticed unusual activity along the former Taurian border.  Normally we would assume bandits or pirates, but they have been unusually stealthy.  And their equipment, what has been seen of it, is of significantly better quality than one would normally expect.  Rumours even suggest the possibility of a warship.  Watch agents have been unable to infiltrate this group.  I need someone to take a large force to investigate and if necessary eliminate this nebulous group.”

“This is close to Snow Raven territory, quiaff?  Why have they not received this task?”

“The ilKhan himself has requested that it be a commander I trust with the job.  I cannot say that of the Snow Ravens, though you will have a Raven contingent accompanying you.”


A hint of the politician infected Evantha’s words.  “Play nice.  The Raven Khans have been more reasonable than most in accepting their spheroid population.  We could use their support in the Council.”

“Very well, I accept.  Where shall we begin our investigation?”

“The most recent sighting was near Argos by a Hell’s Horses merchant vessel.  Begin there and follow the path wherever it may take you.  The ilKhan will be granting you authority to enlist aid from whatever Star League forces are within range.  You are of course to exercise this only when necessary.”

“Very well then.  We shall depart within the month.  Who will be assuming garrison duties for our assignments, if I may ask?”

“The Wolf Shield Galaxy will soon be made operational.  They will assume your post for the time being.”

“I see.  So long as Wolf territory is not compromised by our absence.”

“Your concern shows your honour Commander.  Success on your mission.  Dismissed.”

Smoke Jaguar Enclave, Unity City

Dorian Wirth was pacing, never a good sign.  Trent Howell, the recently and surprisingly elected saKhan, knew his superior well enough to know that the man was spoiling for a fight.  It was now a matter of properly channelling that rage.

“Stravag council, savashri Ravens and their meddling! Call my honour into question will they?!  We should burn their worlds down around them!”

“Certainly we could, my Khan, but what would that truly demonstrate?  Will the council remember our punishment of the Ravens, or the fact that we take New Avalon and crush the Federated Suns?”

Dorian stopped and faced his junior khan, the rage flowing away like quicksilver.  “Sometimes I remember why you are here.  Right, to business.  How shall we proceed.”

Trent settled down to business, glad to be discussing the fight against the Inner Sphere rather than other Clans.  “What I would suggest is sending the entirety of Alpha Galaxy to assault New Avalon directly.  Send them through uninhabited systems so that they arrive at full strength.  Have Beta Galaxy and elements of Epsilon strike out from the border, striking at worlds of opportunity.  The warriors of the Federated Suns will be distracted by our claws and not see the strike for their jugular until it is too late.”

“A plan both simple and bold.  See to it.  I leave the assault in your hands.”  Which, Trent translated, meant that the blame for any failure would fall on him and not Wirth.  Lofty rank was proving to be an education.

Wirth watched as his saKhan departed then sat down at his desk and glanced at his data terminal.  A message flashed up and he looked at it in surprise.  Glancing over the contents, he was even more surprised.  Sukhanov was indeed a crafty woman, worthy of her Clan.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 01:19:59 PM by Corbeau »


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 12:22:40 AM »

Black Watch Citadel, Mars
Blood Spirit Territory, Clan Domains
10 January 3055

Khan Karianna Schmitt sat patiently, waiting for the transmission to commence.  It had been recommended to her by ilChi Bri McFadden that this could be of interest.  In a moment the holoscreen flickered to life, displaying a pair of mismatched figures if ever there was a pair.  Khan Meagan Sukhanov was a tiny woman thanks to her aerospace phenotype, while her saKhan, Klaus Harper, was a massive elemental.  She looked childlike next to the man, but to underestimate her was a mistake.  She had ascended to leadership of the Snow Ravens after all.  Yet the Ravens had been kind to her Clan over the past half century, one of the few that had been.  Indeed, at Sukhanov’s urging, her Clan had assisted the Blood Spirits in their relocation from the Pentagon to Mars.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, Khan Sukhanov,” Karianna began.

Meagan smiled her deceptively innocent smile.  “Yes, you know better than to expect me to call with chit chat, don’t you Karianna?  Let us get to the point then.  My Clan has recently begun surveying former Concordat worlds, judging whether they would be worth expanding to.  During the course of their investigations, a survey team came across something that may be of interest you.  Located in a deep valley on the world of Dicallus is a cache of mechs, equipment and personal effects that appears to have belonged to Royal Black Watch members who survived the Amaris Coup, yet did not join the Exodus.  Given your own illustrious ancestors origins, I thought you might want first crack at this find before I contact the Goliath Scorpions.”

Karianna winced at the contraction, but the value of the find quickly grabbed her interest.  But she knew her fellow Khan.  “What price do you seek for this prize?”

“Why nothing at all, Khan Schmitt.  I seek only to foster inter-Clan unity.  Such are the instructions of the ilKhan, quiaff?”

“I know you better than that,” Karianna scoffed.

Meagan’s smile dropped immediately.  “As you wish.  I desire to foster greater ties between our Clans, with the intention of showing the others that it can be done.  It will be a coup for the future, and one I can use for political gain.  You can as well.  At worst you gain relics from your past.  Do we have an agreement?”

Karianna was brought up short.  Bluntness was not something anyone ever expected from a Snow Raven.  Scheming perhaps, and certainly hours of talking where nothing was said, but not truth.  She was intrigued, despite her better judgement.  “I agree, but on one condition.  My troops will go to this world and retrieve the prize ourselves.”

“I find that perfectly acceptable.  Bargained well and done.”  With that, the Snow Raven transmission cut off.

Grand Council Chambers, Unity City
Terra, Clan Domains
12 January 3055

“Honoured members of the council, I must ask why the Ice Hellions have yet to be censured!  The Skye forces under Captain Nancy Kreig defeated the Ice Hellions in a Trial of Possession for Hesperus II nearly a week ago.  Yet the Hellions have yet to vacate the world.  Skye forces were turned away by Hellion warships!  Is this what Clan honour means?  Is this the justice we willingly joined the Star League for?  I tell you now that my nation will not take this lying down.  If the Hellions don’t vacate Hesperus immediately, we will have no choice but to declare war!”

His speech completed, Ryan Steiner returned to his seat.  There was much applause from the second tier, and even some from the first.  There was just as much grumbling though, mainly from Clans of Crusader temperament.

Stephen Tyler leapt to his feet.  “Fah, your forces ignored the rituals of combat, voiding the trial!  I will not take this treatment from anyone, let alone a spheroid!  Your presence here offends me, and you should be glad that my Clan does not destroy your paltry nation!”

“How dare you!” Steiner roared.

“Guards!” bellowed Ulric Kerensky.  “If these men do not silence themselves in one minute, you will remove them by force and throw them in a cell.”

Gradually the council chambers began to quiet down.  The men and women present still conversed in whispers and frantic typing, but the screaming fit appeared to be over for now.

Ryan Steiner visibly calmed himself.  “I move that the Ice Hellions be censured for their refusal to abide by the terms of the trial with Skye.”

The Grand Loremaster nodded graciously to the ilKhan.  “Trothkin, a motion has been forwarded to censure the Ice Hellions for their actions on Hesperus II.  Does any here wish to second it?”

“I second the motion,” this from the screen representing Khan Jocelyn Siddiq of the Burrock’s.  Unusual to say the least, as the Burrock’s rarely concerned themselves with affairs in the Inner Sphere.

IlKhan Ulric Kerensky stood and addressed the council.  “The motion passes.  Khan Stephen Tyler, as your surkai you are to leave Hesperus II at once.  Failure to do so will meet with the gravest of consequences.”

Khan Tyler stood up, the very image of offended dignity.  “So you will side with this spheroid over fellow clansmen?  Is this what the grand council has come to?  If that is so, I will have nothing more to do with it.  You have all lost sight of Kerensky’s vision.  The Ice Hellions withdraw from this body.  You may do what you wish, but we go our own way.”

Danielle Lienet, the Hellion saKhan, looked at Tyler in something approaching horror.  She was likely thinking exactly what was in the minds of virtually all present.  The last time this had happened, a Clan had been annihilated.  She reached out as Tyler began to leave, but missed his arm.  Lienet stood and glanced around the chamber with a sense of doom then chased after her Khan.

Once the Hellions were gone a deathly silence fell upon the chamber, a silence broken by Malavai Fletcher.  “I move that the Ice Hellions be annihilated for their disrespect to Clan ways and to this Council, and bid my own Hell’s Horses to destroy the weasels.”

“That is too harsh a punishment,” countered Khan Djerassi of the Goliath Scorpions.  "I move that the Ice Hellions be abjured for their continued disregard for Clan tradition."

“Seconded,” came the voice of saKhan Tabitha Paik of the Star Adders.

Ulric hung his head in dismay then took a deep breath.  “So be it.  The motion has passed and the Ice Hellion Clan faces abjuration.  You must all cast your votes; aye or nay."

The vote took nearly half an hour as the assembled Khans and rulers deliberated amongst themselves and then made their choice.  Eventually the tally was in.  Of a potential 38 votes, 28 were for the motion, 7 against and 3 abstained.

Ulric spoke again, sadness in his tone.  “The vote is complete, and the Ice Hellions are to be abjured.  Let them forever be barred from this council until we are all dust.”

“Seyla,” intoned the council.

Gravenhurst, Chirikof
Federated Suns
18 January 3055

Dr. Wesley M’Tumba wandered the floor of the gymnasium.  The local hospitals were overflowing with cases of the strange disease that was ravaging the planet.  Medical professionals were at a complete loss.  The disease had appeared out of nowhere and showed no signs of slowing down.  What was known was that the disease was fatal, contagious and had a lengthy incubation period.

The base commander at Fort Chirikof had ordered the entire planet quarantined, but M’Tumba and his fellow medical professionals doubted that would do any good at this point.  The long incubation period meant that hundreds of infected men and women had likely begun to spread the disease to the rest of the Federated Suns.  He and his compatriots, however, were determined to find a cure, no matter what it took.

He stopped by to see his favourite patient, a young boy by the name of Angus.  Though covered in the sores that marked the final stages of the disease, Angus had survived for well over a month.  With luck the child held the secret of a cure within his blood.

“And how’s my best patient today?  Holding up?”

The boy offered a wan smile.  “So far, Doctor Wes.  I miss my parents.”

“I know you do.  We’re doing everything we can to find them.  Until we do, you have to stay strong.  Can you do that for me?”

“I’ll try.  I’m sleepy now.”

“You rest then.”  M’Tumba looked down on the groggy child and wondered what the universe was coming to when such innocence had to lay at deaths door.

New Lootera, Talcott
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
20 January 3055

Trent Howell surveyed the field of waiting DropShips and found it good.  The entirety of Alpha Galaxy, his own Shroud Keshik and the 22nd Freeborn Cluster were loaded up and preparing to launch for the waiting JumpShips above.  Two Keshiks and seven combat clusters.  Not nearly as large an invasion force as seen during the original invasion, but it should certainly be enough to take on one planet, even if it was the capitol of a successor state.  Trent was eagerly anticipating the glory he would reap once New Avalon was his and Hanse Davion’s corpse lay at his feet.  Then the Jaguar’s path would be his and his alone to forge.

Trent suspected that Khan Wirth was setting him up somehow, as the man was even more of a schemer than Leo Showers.  He also knew that his adherence to honour and the Jaguar’s path would see him through any trial.  He had surrounded himself with loyal officers, with the possible exception of Lincoln Osis, and knew that his elite force could handle whatever New Avalon’s defenders could throw at them.  If the worst occurred, then he had a WarShip to back him up.

With an effort Trent returned his thoughts to immediate matters, such as boarding his own DropShip, the Phantom Claw, and getting his invasion under way.  Soon, he would dock with the Sabre Cat and resume the invasion that had been so unjustly delayed.

Fox’s Den, Avalon City
New Avalon, Federated Suns
23 January 3055

Hanse Davion was worried.  Word was filtering through of renewed aggression along the Smoke Jaguar border, as well as what appeared to be sabre rattling from these Snow Ravens.  As if that weren’t enough, reports were coming in that the Chirikof fever was reaching outbreak proportion.  Hundreds of thousands were now reported sick on dozens of worlds, New Avalon amongst them.  The civilian sectors were being hit hard, but of more immediate concern was the status of the AFFS in the Crucis March.  Hundreds of soldiers had already fallen ill, and there was no antidote in sight.  It frustrated Hanse to no end.  His nation had survived the crucible of the Clan invasion, weakened but still free.  To be brought low by a disease of all things... well, it churned his stomach. 

Hanse turned around and looked at the other men and women present.  Morgan Hasek-Davion, who had survived the fall of New Syrtis, and served still as the Marshal of the Armies, despite injuries caused from neural feedback.  Justin Allard, spymaster extraordinaire, whose heart had been broken when Candace Liao, his wife, died on St. Ives when it was overrun by the Jade Falcons.  His daughter Katherine, whose focus on humanitarian endeavours had endeared her to the people of the Federated Suns.  He wished Melissa were here, but she had been one of the first on New Avalon to succumb to the fever.  She was presently quarantined at the NAIS.

“Alright gentlemen, I want your opinion of the Clan front.  What are the Jags up to?”

Morgan snorted.  “They’re bored.  These Clanners convince themselves they have such short lives that they need to stretch and kill every once in a while, especially the Jaguars.  They seem to be the most violent of all the Clans, and that’s saying a lot.”

“Possibly,” came Allard’s quiet voice.  “They’re certainly the ones who try to embrace their totem as much as possible, but this feels like more.  The new saKhan, this Trent Howell, seems more thoughtful than the average Jaguar.  I think we need to be wary.  The moves on the border could be something akin to our own manoeuvres during the Galahad operations.”

“You mean an elaborate game,” chimed in the heir-apparent.  “The only question is, will we buy it?”

Hanse looked lovingly over at his daughter.  Katherine had such a fine grasp of politics.  A spine of steel too, which she kept hidden from most, but not from her father.  One day she would make a fine ruler.  “Of course not.  Morgan, can we strip forces away from the Combine border to reinforce the Jaguar border?”

Morgan looked thoughtful, probably reviewing troop deployments in his head.  “A half dozen regiments.  Theodore is still honouring your agreement to demilitarize the border.”

That agreement had caused the Sandoval family to have numerous fits about the safety of the realm, but the fact remained that Hanse had to focus on the greater danger to his truncated realm.

“Good.  Justin, see what you can do about getting some more operatives into the occupation zone.  We can’t keep fighting blind like this.”

Allard looked pained.  “I’ll do my best highness, but given Clan society and their view of spies, we won’t get very much out of them.”

“Anything is better than nothing.  Information is ammunition, and right now I’m feeling the need for a reload.”

Orbital Approach
New Avalon, Federated Suns
12 February 3055

Davion aerospace fighters were launching suicidal attacks on the inbound Clan DropShips.  They knew what was at stake, the very future of their realm.  The Clan taskforce had arrived eight days ago and overwhelmed the tiny garrison at the recharge station.  The DropShips then began a standard burn to the planet.  During the journey, no ships had been detected departing or arriving in the system.  It was unusual to say the least.

Trent’s batchall had been answered by Hanse Davion himself.  When Trent had spoken to him, the leader of the Federated Suns had not looked well, pale and with bags under his eyes, but Trent chalked that up to age.  The First Prince had bid everything he had, and Trent had honoured him by doing the same.  His entire force was set to land on the continent of Albion and face the defenders in a massive free for all.  If the so-called Fox honoured his pledge.

Dozens of Davion DropShips and hundreds of fighters materialized to challenge the Smoke Jaguar landing.  Again the defenders became suicidal.  Trent watched his display as wave after wave of Davion vessels literally smashed into his own troop carriers.  It was in this manner that all but a trinary of the 5th Regulars was lost before the ground battle had even commenced.  A less than auspicious beginning in Trent’s opinion.

Trent’s command ship passed near to Avalon City, close enough that he could make out Mount Davion in the distance.  How appropriate, he thought, that we invade an enemy so similar to us.  Once conquered, Mount Davion would be made over in the image of Mount Szabo on Huntress.  The giant engraved image of a leaping Jaguar would dominate the world for centuries to come.  Already plumes of smoke could be seen coming from the city.  This struck the saKhan as odd because the attack had not yet begun.  “Tau and Epsilon flights,” he spoke into his microphone, “detour and investigate the city proper.  Report anything unusual to me at once.”

“Aye my Khan,” came the tinny response.

Long moments passed before the pilots reported in. “My Khan, there appears to be numerous pyres lit throughout the city.  I cannot tell what is being burned, only that that the piles are large.  The city’s defences seem minimal, with many ‘Mechs apparently abandoned.  I do not understand.  Recommend elementals be dispatched to investigate further.”

“Excellent work Tau flight.  Return to CAP duty.”  Trent toggled his comm gear again.  “Star Colonel Harrian, detach your infantry and send them to scout the city.”

“Your will my Khan.”

Harrian commanded the 22nd Freeborn Cluster, an experimental unit put together by Trent.  The unit fielded few elementals, having mainly standard infantry, but they would be ideal for the job ahead.

“SaKhan Howell,” came Harrian’s shaky voice.  “The piles are bodies, bodies being burned.  It’d seem there’s some kind of plague tearing through the city.”

Trent immediately slapped his comm gear again.  “All forces this is saKhan Howell.  Do not disembark from your DropShips.  If you have already done so, do not exit your ‘Mechs.  Possible contagion.”  He switched channels to the orbiting warship.  “Star Commodore Sophie, please send a detachment of scientists to the surface.”

Trent gazed at the instrument panel of his Timber Wolf.  He had been robbed of the glory of conquest.  Instead it seemed that a sickness had beaten New Avalon before he had.


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 12:24:50 AM »

Brunswick Continent
New Avalon, Federated Suns
21 February 3055

The Timber Wolf shuddered under yet another weapons impact, destroying the left arm.  Trent grimaced.  The defenders of New Avalon were proving more tenacious than Trent had given them credit for.  The Davion Heavy Guards were living up to their elite status, but by far the worst were the New Syrtis Avengers.  That unit was made up of Fusiliers survivors who had a grudge against his Clan.

Trent had been forced to withdraw from the Albion continent, which was poisoned by some form of plague that locals were calling the Chirikof fever.  Some of his troops had already succumbed to the disease, further reducing his available force.  Once reaching the continent of Brunswick, the Federated troops had struck, sowing confusion and destroying some of his desperately needed supplies.  Because of that he’d had to wage a much more cautious campaign than he preferred.  Several days ago he had lost several trinaries to a booby trapped oil refinery, fires from which still burned and obscured the horizon behind him.

The Federated troops had pulled out all the stops.  Hit and run guerrilla tactics were the name of the game.  Every time Trent and his commanders thought they had the Feds tracked down, they vanished once more.  Lincoln Osis was becoming increasingly frustrated by it and kept demanding the right to unleash the fire power of the Sabre Cat from orbit.  Trent had so far refused, feeling it would be a dishonourable tactic given the Inner Sphere’s lack of warships.

But back to the present.  Trent locked on to a Cerberus and fired his LRM’s, to devastating effect.  The spheroid mech rocked and quaked, but refused to go down.  It returned fire with paired gauss rifles, only one of which connected, but the damage from that one shot was severe enough, partially caving in his right torso armour.  Trent returned fire with his PPC and surged after the enemy machine.

Long range artillery slammed into the ground ahead, discouraging pursuit as the Davion defenders once again retreated, fading into the distance.  Trent slammed a fist into the control panel.  He wanted to tear the throat out of his enemies, not take them a piece at a time!

“Alpha Galaxy, fall back to base camp.”

Technicians scrambled over the damaged OmniMechs, struggling to repair them while under the watchful eyes of their saKhan.  He was immovable and unreadable to them.  For his part, Trent was fascinated by the technicians work.  It was so different from his life as a warrior, but they seemed to take their own kind of pride from it.

A set of heavy footfalls approached, signalling the arrival of Tiaret Nevversan, who had recently taken command of the 7th Dragoons.

“Yes Star Captain, what is it?”

“My Khan, our scouts have been unable to locate the centre of Davion resistance.  Our troops are being cut down continuously.  Should we not call for reinforcements, quiaff?”

Trent turned and stared at the woman.  “Neg, for several reasons.  First, we have no idea exactly how many regiments are hidden away on this forsaken world.  Second, there is the plague to consider.  Our scientists have yet to concoct an antidote.  Third, and least important, is the loss of honour that would come with asking for assistance.  Were I to do so, it would be exactly what Khan Wirth needs to topple me from my position and install someone more to his liking.  No, we forge ahead with what we have.”

“As you say, Khan Howell.”

The Khan rubbed the back of his neck in an attempt to relieve the building stress.  “What news from Albion?  Have the 22nd found anything?”

“They have indeed,” Tiaret began, glad to have some good news to impart.  “Star Colonel Harrian managed to breach the lockdown on the Fox’s Den.  None within survived, but he did manage to identify Hanse Davion.  All within apparently succumbed to this plague just after sealing themselves inside.  Furthermore, he had technicians dig through records and files and believes he has managed to identify the current leader of resistance.  Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion.”

“Stravag!” cursed Trent.  “He is the one who nearly took New Syrtis back.  The man is a strategic and tactical genius.  If he is indeed in command, we face a bitter fight.”

“But will we not gain more honour by defeating such a worthy opponent?”

“Indeed we shall, Star Captain, indeed we shall.  Gather the other commanders.  We have a campaign to win.”

Elizabeth Hazen Proving Grounds, Vega
Jade Falcon Territory, Clan Domains
23 February 3055

Diana moved her Nova forward cautiously, scanning for her opponent.  The bloodright trial had entered its final phase, meaning she had but to defeat Star Commander Malcolm and she would claim her father’s bloodname, the first freeborn to do so.  One of the many changes sweeping through the Jade Falcons thanks to the new Khans and the brilliance of Galaxy Commander Pryde.

Somewhere on the field was her opponents Stormcrow.  She had surrendered 5 tons to Malcolm, but felt sure that the weapons configuration of the Nova more than made up for it.  Her scanners detected a mass of moving metal 200 metres ahead and slightly to the left.  She angled her Nova and charged in at full speed, fully intending to give Malcolm no time to respond.

Malcolm’s Stormcrow stepped out from behind a pillar and fired a group of medium lasers.  Diana juked to avoid the shot, but still took some damage.  She lined up her own shot and triggered a blast from half of her own mediums.  Only three connected, but it meant that they were fairly even in damage.

The two mechs danced around each other, trading sniping shots with medium lasers.  Diana managed to stay opposite of Malcolm’s AC/20, which could conceivably devastate her mech.  The run around continued until Diana managed to kick in her jump jets and get a clear shot at the AC/20.  Eight of her medium lasers connected with the arm, ripping it from the mech.  The loss of weight unbalanced the machine, but Malcolm managed to compensate and keep from crashing to the ground.  He rounded and fired his own mediums, one of which gouged the cockpit glass.

Diana ran straight at her opponent, kicking in her jump jets at the very last second.  One foot clipped the Stormcrow on the way over.  A quick feathering of her jets spun the Nova around 180 degrees.  Slamming into the ground and skidding, Diana never the less managed to line up a shot on the thin rear armour of the Stormcrow.  She triggered an alpha strike and cored the Stormcrow with nine of the ten.  Malcolm’s machine quaked and shuddered as its reactor was destroyed.  Diana was pleased to see that he managed to eject before his mech exploded.  Malcolm was a fine warrior, and the Clan needed fine warriors at this time.  The recent… culling had taken a toll.

With the defeat of Malcolm, she was now Diana Pryde, holder of her father’s bloodname and self-proclaimed holder of his destiny.  She intended to go far.  Farther than anyone could possibly expect.

Maria’s Elegy, Hesperus II
Ice Hellion Territory
25 February 3055

Weiland Cage scrolled through the reports, his sense of despair mounting.  The other Clans with forces still in the homeworlds had descended upon his Clan and had devastated them.  Barely a galaxy worth of troops had managed to escape, with some of the civilians in tow.  Cage’s problem now was where to send them.  Hesperus II was a fortress, but the rest of the Star League would be gunning for them.  The periphery perhaps, but where?

Cage had been elected Khan in an emergency session of the Clan Council.  Neither that hot head Stephen Tyler, nor Danielle Lienet had escaped from Terra following the abjuration.  Tyler had apparently died at the hands of Lienet, who had then turned herself over to the warriors of Unity Keshik.

He could take his forces to one of the non-Star League nations, but that held its own peril.  Few of the other Clans would be willing to shelter the Ice Hellions, so the uncharted depths of the periphery were looking like his best option.

A technician came running up to him.  “Khan Cage, your presence is requested at once in the command centre.  There are enemy forces inbound.”

Cage felt heavy as he followed the tech back to the war room.  He only had Alpha and Delta galaxies on planet to defend with, and suspected those nine clusters would not be enough.  If they won this battle, more would follow.  They would continue until his Clan was destroyed.

Waiting for him was Grace Lienet, recently raised to Galaxy Commander.  She turned to face him.  “Sir, we have inbound dropships.  IFF identifies them as belonging to both Skye and the Hell’s Horses.  They have issued no batchall, but there appear to be enough ships to transport a galaxy of Horses and several regiments worth of Skye forces.”

“Order the Cage’s Pride and Whelp to intercept.  They are to disable or destroy as many dropships as possible.”


“Do it Galaxy Commander!  The fate of our Clan is at stake!”

“Aff, my Khan.”

Hours later Cage sat in his mech, waiting for the inevitable assault.  His warships had managed to eliminate scores of dropships, mainly those bearing Skye troops.  He cared nothing for the spheroids, thinking they had earned their fate.  Now he was more concerned with the galaxy of Hell’s Horses that were fast approaching.  Of all the Clans, the Horses were best equipped to counter the Hellions style of mobile warfare.

The damage caused by the two warships meant that the Hellions outnumbered the invaders, but several clusters had been tasked with the defence of the civilians while they were loaded onto their dropships for the journey to what Cage hoped was a safe world.

Cage was forced to focus on immediate concerns when his proximity alarms went off.  A pair of fast moving hovertanks raced forward, scouting out his position for the Horses no doubt.  He would just have to ruin their day.  “Beta star, target those tanks and eliminate them.”

A concentrated barrage of missiles arched overhead and slammed into the pair of tanks.  As they were only lightly armoured scouts, they were virtually annihilated beneath the combined fire.  Cage felt a slight twinge about the dishonourable tactic, but when faced with his Clans survival, anything was acceptable.

Moments later the Horses forces crested the ridge, briefly outlined against the top of the hill.  His long range equipped forces fired, causing moderate damage.  The Horses quickly split into four highly mobile formations, anchored on the plodding assault mechs of the Skye forces.

Cage unleashed his own highly mobile forces, hoping they would be enough.  The lines of mechs streaked past each other, firing all the while, then swooped back around to repeat the same tactic.  At least that’s what the Clan forces were doing.  The Skye troops were launching repeated long range bombardments at the Hellions, either from their mechs or a small contingent of artillery.  The end result was that the Hellions were taking quite a pounding.  The light and medium machines simply weren’t designed for that kind of punishment.

Worse was when the Horse aerospace units strafed his troops, inflicting more damage than was returned.  He called forward his reserves and hoped they would be enough, equipped as they were with gauss rifles and other weapons well suited to taking on fighters.  It was a gamble, but that was the nature of combat.

So far, luck seemed to be on the side of the Horses.

On the bridge of the Cage’s Pride, Star Commodore Helene Dwelley stared at the holographic display.  “Stravag,” she cursed.  “The Bucephalus.”



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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 12:28:00 AM »

Brunswick Continent
New Avalon, Federated Suns
3 March 3055

The forest was thick with trees and secondary growth, fouling the sensors of Harrian’s forces.  The freeborn Star Colonel spread his forces out, making them harder targets to hit.  He knew that the Davion Heavy Guards were based around here somewhere, but they knew the terrain so well that they could blend in and strike at will.  Many of the True’s were calling them rodents and animals, but Harrian couldn’t help but admire them.  He was even making sure that his troops were learning the tactics being used against them.  As an irregular unit, the twenty-second would benefit immensely.

“Contact!” came the exclamation from the ever excitable Kristophe.

Harrian quickly glanced at his HUD to determine Kristophe’s location.  He was several hundred metres west.  Harrian throttled up his Highlander IIC and began knocking trees out of his way.  Kristophe was piloting an Icestorm and was unlikely to stand up to the kind of punishment.  “Command star, converge on Kristophe’s location.  Move it people!”

The five mechs of the command star emerged into a small clearing as one, just in time to witness a gauss slug from a Victor core into the already damaged frame of the Icestorm.  Harrian and his companions lit up the Victor, which held up to the combined fire for a brief moment before erupting into a flaming pillar of debris.  “Kristophe, you alive in there?”

“Yeah, I think so Colonel.  My mech’s toast though.”

“Don’t worry about it.  Stay here and wait for recovery.  Everyone else, move forward and by the Great Father watch for ambushes!”

The twenty-second began to move forward again.  It was difficult to harass the superior numbers of the Davion troops, but the slightly more advanced gear helped balance the equation somewhat.  Of course, the Davion tactics unbalanced that equation again.  But he believed the tenacity of the Jaguar would win out in the end.

An adhoc binary centred on him and led the charge against a strong Davion presence.  The first mechs spotted were a pair of Caesar’s, a Jagermech and a captured Timber Wolf.  Three more lances of heavies and assaults soon stepped onto the field.  Harrian chose to focus on the Timber Wolf, both because it was the most dangerous mech on the field and because it had likely been taken from a dead Jaguar.  He triggered his gauss rifle and watched as the other machine stumbled from the impact, but quickly righted itself under the skilled manipulations of its pilot.

The Timberwolf returned fire with its LRM’s and large lasers.  They connected, ravaging his Highlander, but the assault machine was built to weather such punishment.  He returned fire with his own LRM’s and began a lumbering run towards the Timber Wolf.  The Davion pilot began backing away, switching to their medium lasers as Harrian closed in.  Harrian fired his SRM’s then kicking in the jump jets.  Ninety tons of mech didn’t really soar through the air, but it was imposing and effective never the less.  Harrian came down on top of the Timber Wolf, giving it a ‘Highlander burial.’  The Timber Wolf wouldn’t be getting back up, but was salvageable. 

Harrian had to right himself before facing another opponent, this one in what his targeting computer was tagging as a Devastator.  He shrugged and waded back in, knowing that the enemy would give no quarter nor ask for any in return.

Hell’s Horses Encampment, Maria’s Elegy
Hesperus II, Federation of Skye
3 March 3055

Xandria Mitchell watched as the prisoner was brought forward.  The arrival of her Beta Galaxy and its accompanying warships had broken the back of the Ice Hellion defence.  The rapidity of her assault had netted her this prize, Weiland Cage, the so-called Khan of the Ice Hellions.

For his part, Weiland was battered and bruised but still held his head high.  The desperate defence here on the ground, and the sacrifice of the orbiting warships, had allowed all of the lower castes to escape, along with a minor protection detail of warriors.  Whatever happened here, his Clan would survive.

The Galaxy Commander paced before focusing on the Hellion leader.  “What shall I do with you, little weasel?”

Cage bristled, but calmed himself quickly.  “I do not care.  You will clearly not treat me honourably but know that you have failed here.  You may have destroyed my two galaxies, but my people live on.  You will not find them.”

“You are correct, not-Khan.  You are unworthy of my respect as a warrior.  If you were, your Clan would not have been abjured.  As to your people, they are no longer your concern.”  Mitchell drew her ceremonial sword.  The blade glistened in the light of the setting sun.  With a flourish, she brought the blade down.  The blade cut through the neck of Weiland Cage with ease.  As Mitchell wiped the blood from it, Cage’s head fell from his shoulders and fell to the ground with a thud.

Mitchell sheathed her sword then gestured to the corpse at her feet.  “Get that out of here.  It is time to inspect our new holdings.”

Smoke Jaguar Command, Brunswick Continent
New Avalon, Federated Suns
5 March 3055

“And we have made progress against the Heavy Guards position, taking out several companies worth of mechs.  Captured warriors have been unable to reveal the location of their base.  Apparently Marshal Hasek-Davion has his troops constantly on the move.”  Tiaret concluded her report and looked at the two men in front of her, men who were so very different from each other.  Lincoln Osis was, like her, massive as befitted an Elemental.  He was a man scarred by combat, but who continued to push forward despite his advancing age.  Trent Howell was much smaller but contained the spirit of the Jaguar.  He did not attack blindly but struck for his foes throat.  This constant searching for the Davions was wearing on him, but he continued to plan and adapt.

“And what of the situation on Albion?” Howell directed this to Osis.

Osis eyed the younger man.  “The scientists have not yet discovered a means to counter this disease.  I have ordered the infected to be quarantined in public buildings… stadiums and the like.  If we do not discover a solution soon, we will have to terminate them before this infection spreads.  Already we have lost dozens of technicians and a handful of warriors.”

Trent nodded thoughtfully.  “I have requested additional scientists, but Khan Wirth informs me they cannot be spared at the moment.  We must make do with what we have.”

As the two officers conversed a technician raced up with a report.  Tiaret took it from the young man and glanced over it.  What she saw caused her to frown.  “Sir,” she interrupted, “several JumpShips have arrived at a pirate point near the planet.  They have detached DropShips and are even now burning for the planet.  Aerospace fighters have been dispatched.  They report that the DropShips bear the markings of the 1st Kathil Uhlans and 12th FedCom.”

The saKhan and Galaxy Commander stopped their conversation, each considering what this meant to their plans.  The reinforcements might just give the Davion’s the edge.  Osis spoke first.  “Order the Sabre Cat and our fighters to take out as many of those ships as possible.”  Tiaret looked to Trent, who nodded his agreement reluctantly, before departing to communicate the orders to Star Commodore Sophie.

The battle for New Avalon was far from over.

Zenith Jump Point, Montour
Snow Raven Territory, Clan Domains
15 March 3055

“IR signal detected, Star Commodore.  Incoming JumpShip.”

Star Commodore Tambor Lankenau of the Aegis-class Feathered Serpent looked over to the duty officer, Star Commander Mena Tamm.  Both Tamm and the vessel itself had once belonged to the now defunct Steel Vipers.  The ship had adjusted to its new life easier than the officers, though Tamm was showing promise.

“Redirect the CAP, launch the ready fives and arm weapons.  There are no ships of ours scheduled to arrive.”

The bridge erupted into a flurry of activity, and then settled in to wait.  Within moments another JumpShip was present, several million kilometres off the starboard bow.

“CAP run a flyby.  Sensors, run a scan and see if you can identify our guest,” Lankenau ordered.

“Bridge, this is flight one,” came the static filled voice of the CAP lead pilot.  “Markings on the hull indicate civilian ship of probable Federated Suns origin.  No sign of offensive capabilities.  Orders?”

“Maintain position, flight one.  Communications open a channel to that ship.  Unidentified vessel, this is the Snow Raven vessel Feathered Serpent.  You have entered the realm of the Unkindness, state your purpose or risk destruction.”

The reply was several minutes in coming.  The voice was feminine, but raspy and guttural.  “Feathered Serpent, we are the merchant vessel Miriam.  We’re refugees from Macintosh.  We’re looking for sanctuary.  Are you authorized to negotiate?”

“Aff, Miriam.  Stand by, we are sending over an inspection crew.”

“Acknowledged, Feathered Serpent.  We’re looking forward to meeting you.”

“Send over two points of marines and a tech crew,” Lankenau ordered Tamm.

Nearly an hour had passed before the report came in, during which time the Miriam had deployed its sail.  “Star Commodore, this is technician Bradley.  A large portion of the passengers appear to be ill.  I cannot identify it, but given the whispers passing amongst the crew it is the Fever.  What are your orders?”

Tambor closed his eyes.  “Have you and your crew been exposed technician?”

“Aff, Star Commodore.  We did not enact quarantine protocols.  We are prepared for whatever your decision may be.”

“Commendable.”  Lankenau terminated the link and turned to Tamm.  “Target all weapons.  Destroy that ship.  It carries a plague that cannot be allowed to spread.”

“Aye Commodore.”  Tamm turned to her duty.

Death rained from the weapons of the Feathered Serpent, reducing the JumpShip to nothing but debris.  Lankenau ordered the CAP to sweep the wreckage for any survivors and terminate them.

The men and women of the Miriam died for the greater good.

Regulus City
Principality of Regulus
20 March 3055

Brian Lossey was trying to wait patiently, but it was difficult.  The so-called ‘Prince’ of Regulus was a pompous man who seemed to enjoy making others wait.  Lossey supposed that was his right as a ruler, but that did not mean he had to enjoy it.  At last Kirc Cameron-Jones made his appearance.  As ever the man was dressed in ostentatious robes, flouting his status as a noble.

“Ah Galaxy Commander, I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

Lossey forced a smile onto his face.  “Not at all Duke.  To what do I owe the pleasure of this summons?”

“A simple conference, a comparison on the status of your garrison and how you view the defences of my realm at present.”

“The Principality is secure, nor is it likely to be unsecure at any point in the near future.  Your former countrymen are content to maintain their borders.”

Cameron-Jones looked thoughtful, nodding.  “Yes, yes.  I only ask because of the invasion currently being waged by the Smoke Jaguars.  Others might think that it’s an indication of a renewed invasion.  Now you know, and I know that that’s not the case, but the Captain-General might not.  So you can understand  my concern, right?”

“I do to a degree, aff.  However, I do not concern myself with hypotheticals.”

“I see, I see.  That’s very Clan of you.  Well then, that is all Galaxy Commander.  You can leave your report here and get back to your troops.”

Lossey’s eyes narrowed.  He threw down a PDA then spun on his heel and marched from the room.  Cameron-Jones watched him leave.  Once the door closed he moved to the opposite side of the room and opened another door.  Beyond was a small office, inside of which sat a young woman.  “You heard?” the duke asked her.

“Yes,” she replied.

Cameron-Jones produced a storage crystal and backed up the PDAs data.  “Make sure to use this well.”

“Of this I can assure you, Duke.  ROM thanks you for your cooperation.”

Cameron-Jones watched the unnamed operative leave as well.  Playing the two sides was a dangerous game, but might just put him in a position of real power.


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 08:04:07 AM »

Command Bivouac, Brunswick Continent
New Avalon, Federated Suns
23 March 3055

The War Dog stood silent next to the mobile HQ as its pilot crawled down the retractable ladder.  One figure stood at the bottom, waiting for the warrior.  Both men were older, veterans of the 4th Succession War.  They clasped hands in greeting, grinning despite the desperate nature of the situation.

“God Morgan it’s good to see you.  When I heard the Jags hit New Avalon I feared the worst.”  Andrew Redburn greeted and took stock of his friend of almost thirty years.  Morgan looked tired, which considering the situation was understandable.

“I’ve had better months, I can tell you that.  I’m just glad that most of the kids were off world.  Jackson and George took Yvonne and Arthur on a tour of the Draconis March.  And Peter’s off with his unit… makes him as safe as the rest of us I suppose.  How’re the Uhlans holding up?”

“They’re mad as all hell Morgan.  We got kicked off Kathil during the invasion.  We’re not going to let New Avalon fall.  We lost a few on the burn in to that damned warship, but overall moral is good.”

“I figured it would be.  We’re going to need them to hold together until this is done.  The only way the Jaguars are taking New Avalon is over my dead body.”

Redburn grimaced.  “Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.  How are your forces?  We have supplies and personnel to help bring you back up to strength.”

“The militia fell apart after the death of General Gustafson.  I’ve used the survivors to plug up most of the gaps in the First and Heavy Guards, but we’re still under strength.  Albion is a total write-off.  The Jags have started burning the cities and rounding up healthy civilians and shipping them off somewhere.  We’re holding on Brunswick here, but the Jags are learning.  Our only saving grace at the moment is that they haven’t called in any reinforcements.”

Redburn nodded along.  “Yeah, my intel boys decrypted some transmissions.  Seems the senior Khan isn’t allowing any more troops to be used here, some part of a disagreement between the Khan’s.”

Morgan gestured to the mobile HQ.  “Then let’s get this liberation planned General.”

The Triad
Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth
24 March 3055

It was a small but important group gathered today.  Victor Steiner-Davion, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, was still reeling after news of the death of his parents and sister.  Leutnant-General Galen Cox, Victor’s strongest supporter and intelligence filter, was present to advise and consol his friend, as was Leutnant-Colonel Kai Allard-Liao of the 10th Lyran Guards.  Rounding out the gathering were Morgan Kell, leader of the infamous Kell Hounds and, most surprising of all, Anastasius Focht, Precentor Martial of the Com Guards.

“And given this information,” Focht was saying, “we believe the time is right to strike back at the Clans and their puppets in Skye.”

Kell gave his beard a thoughtful stroke.  “Could work, but how do you intend to counter the Clanners warships?”

A tiny smile creased Focht’s features.  “Suffice it to say ComStar is not without resources.  A gift of sorts will be arriving in system tomorrow that should clear up this issue.  As to the actual invasion force, ComStar can commit the 9th and 166th Divisions.”

Victor looked up, his grief aged face gaining some animation.  “Sounds like we may have something workable here.  Galen, what can we spare?”

Cox tilted his head, sorting through rosters in his head.  “The 2nd Royals have just finished their refits, and the 10th Lyran Guards are back up to strength as well.  The 12th Donegal and 2nd Kell Hounds are available, as are the 3rd FedCom and 41st Avalon Hussars.”

“With that kind of force, we can retake Hesperus II and make it stick,” Kai offered.

Taking the role of devil’s advocate, Kell spoke up.  “Oh it will work.  But it will stir up the clanners and this League of theirs.  Are you ready to do that Victor?”

Victor looked at him with a pained expression.  “How can we not?  Morale has been deteriorating ever since the Skye secession and the breakup of the Federated Commonwealth.  The people need something to rally behind, Morgan.  Taking back Hesperus may be just what the people need.  Morgan, I want you to work with the Precentor Martial and draw up a coordinated plan of attack.  Galen, get Cynthia in here.  We’re going to need her input.  Kai, prep the 10th for action.

“Everything we’re discussing here will go under the codename Stormhammer.”

Unknown Valley, Dicallus
Unclaimed Territory
26 March 3055

The dry gravel that served as soil crunched under the boots of Star Colonel Troy Boques, commander of the Cerise Guards.  He and his cluster had landed an hour ago, then traveled across the land to the secluded valley that contained their prize.  Now he was staring at the derelict form of a Colossus dropship.  It was registered as the Abyss and had last been assigned to the Royal Black Watch.  Two of the massive landing struts had collapsed, leaving the ruin tilting far to the right.  Several rents gouged the hull, for all appearances having been caused by internal ruptures of some sort.  Even with all the damage, it seemed that nature had yet to breech the interior.

“Quite a sight, is it not Star Colonel?” came the voice of the Snow Raven Liaison, Star Captain Trask Howe.  Howe and the 110th Striker Triad of the 6th Stoop Cluster had been guarding the ruin until the Blood Spirits arrival.

Though annoyed by the interruption, Boques could not help but agree.  Centuries of weathering had been unable to remove all the markings on the ship, and the Cameron star stood out prominently.  Techs were busily trying to open one of the doors to allow an investigation of the interior.  At long last one of the loading doors was forced open, though it would likely take a massive over hall to seal it again.  Boques and Howe moved forward and grabbed a high intensity portable light each.  No one wanted to be left out of this endeavour.

A guard detail was left outside, while a total of sixty men and women assembled to enter the ancient dropship.  Of that group, twenty were techs charged with restoring power to the backup systems; lights, consoles and the like.  The remaining forty were broken up into teams of five, three warriors and two techs each.

Boques led the way into the cavernous mech bay.  Designed to hold a full battalion, only three machines were racked.  Present were a Black Knight and royal variants of the Marauder and Rifleman.  A fourth rack was set up, but empty.  Perhaps the ships logs would provide some clues as to the fourth mechs fate.

Howe accompanied the Star Colonel’s team as they proceeded into the vessel.  The grated stairs to the next level groaned under the weight after centuries of neglect but held.  Making his way to the door, Troy forced it open, an easy task as it had been ajar.  The space beyond was as black as the depths of space, but the portable lights cut through the pitch.  All that was revealed was a standard metal corridor, curving with the outer hull.  Boques led his team in with a sense of destiny.

Several hours of exploration later and Boques’ team was approaching the command deck.  The tilt caused by the broken landing struts was most noticeable here, but the passages were still navigable.  The team proceeded to the cabin that should be the commander’s.  They were almost to the doors when the lights flickered and came on at partial strength.

Boques and the others forced open the doors and hauled themselves up into the room.  Red emergency illumination filled the room, except near the terminal, which was powering back up.  The blue-white light from the terminal illuminated the mummified remains of a body strapped into the chair.  The body wore a standard Star League military uniform, with major’s rank insignia.

Boques moved to the terminal and glanced at the screen.  A start up sequence was running, so he turned his attention to the body.  It was slumped over and desiccated, but remained intact.  The nametag read ‘MacIntosh,’ which sparked a memory.  There had been a Major Ian MacIntosh in the Black Watch at the time of the Usurpers takeover.  His fate was unknown, but he had been presumed dead along with the rest of the Black Watch.  If this was truly his body it raised questions as to why a member of the First Lord’s body guard had died so far from Terra.

The data terminal beeped that it was ready and resumed the last screen, which appeared to be the Major’s log.

7 June 2767
Have sent the Tripitz to rendezvous with General Kerensky’s forces and inform him of what we were forced to do.  I’m sure he will understand our theft of the heirs in light of the situation.  We are making planetfall on Dicallus soon.  Though it’s a Taurian world, it is so sparsely populated that we can hide here indefinitely, until loyal SLDF units arrive to take custody of my charges.  For now they are safely tucked away in the XO’s cabin.
**End of Log**

Boques stared at the log.  Was it possible?  Could such an event have been overlooked?  Without a word he turned from the terminal and rushed to the XO’s cabin.  His team members followed, calling out questions but he didn’t reply.  He heaved the door to the cabin open and shined his flashlight inside.  Somewhat smaller than the commanders cabin, it was easy to discover the secret within.  Two small bodies strapped into the bed.

Pirate Jump Point
Hesperus II, Federation of Skye
5 April 3055

The armada materialized from hyperspace and immediately moved to a defensive posture before launching their dropships.  A veritable cloud of troop carriers emerged and began a hard burn for the planet.  Task Force Stormhammer was a liberation force as much as it was a statement to the Clans and those that toadied up to them.  A massive fighter screen preceded the troop ships and all proceeded under the watchful eyes of the LCS Invincible and the CSS Invisible Truth.

The unified command structure hammered out for the assault placed ComStar’s Precentor Alain Beresick in command of naval operations.  Ground command went to Leutnant-General James McFarland, commander of the 10th Lyran Guard and the most experienced command officer in combat against the Clans.  Intelligence placed a depleted galaxy and regiment on planet.  Though far from the three to one odds favoured for a planetary invasion, General McFarland was hoping that the sheer surprise of the assault would make up for the near even odds.

The CHHS Bucephalus swung out from behind the wreckage of the Cage’s Pride and deployed her fighter screen.  Though outgunned, the Clan warship refused to back down.  The two Inner Sphere warships opened fire, having been ordered to ignore the Clan rituals of combat.  The Bucephalus powered forward and returned fire, focusing on the Truth.  Newly raised Admiral Harrington Voight of the Invincible loosed a full port broadside at the engineering section of the Bucephalus.  The Horse warship took heavy damage but remained manoeuvrable.  The Horse commander rolled and fired simultaneous shots at both Inner Sphere warships, then increased thrust and swung itself around the wreck of the Whelp, using the ruined Hellion ship as a shield.

The two spheroid warships reduced thrust and held back, unwilling to risk incurring too much damage.  For the moment the Clan warship was neutralized.  The dropship flotilla streamed past and oriented itself for landing.

LZ Alpha-2
Hesperus II, Federation of Skye

The Overlord-class Mailed Fist touched down, her ramps already descending.  Leutnant-Colonel Kai Allard-Liao led the troops of the 10th Lyran Guards forward, leading from the front as he always did in Yen-lo-wang.  The heavy mechs of the Guards were almost all new models, built for durability and speed, and capable of meeting the Clan warriors on near equal footing.

“Alright boys and girls, remember the goal.  We’re here to take this planet back for the Commonwealth, and kick some Clanner butt!  Command company on me.  Brava and Charlie company, left and right flank respectively, and move out!”

Moving forward the Lyran mechs met little resistance until passing what was marked as hill 102.  Just ahead was a line of Hell’s Horses forces, the 666th Mechanized Cavalry.  A full binary of fighters strafed the approaching Lyran forces, wreaking havoc but the battle-hardened Lyrans ploughed forward.  Their Archon had tasked them with an important duty and they wouldn’t let him down.  The Lyrans formed a line spanning the width of the hill and marched forward, weapons blazing.  The Horses sped forward to meet them, a vanguard of hovertanks and elementals reaching the Lyran line first.  Though better prepared than they had been during the initial invasion, the elementals still took a toll on the mechs.  Lyran infantry and vehicles swarmed forward to help counter this advantage, but they took horrendous casualties.

With all this going on, Kai charged forward and targeted a Nova that appeared to be directing operations.  From range he fired his gauss rifle and continued forward, fluidly dodging any shots directed at him so that by the time he was within medium range Yen-lo-wang had taken only superficial damage.  He fired a full strike at the Nova, medium lasers scoring armour, but the gauss slug took out the cockpit.  The mech collapsed in a heap and Kai continued forward.

LZ Tango

Whooping with joy, Captain Phelan Kell kicked in the jump jets of his Wolfhound as it fell from the hovering dropship.  The 2nd Kell Hounds were dropping nearly dead on top of the 3rd Freedom Rangers.  Chaos reigned in the Ranger compound as the mercenaries landed inside and began firing at the idle machines.  Orders from the high command were to limit casualties as much as possible, but to take down any and all hardware.  Phelan revelled in these orders, and stretched the limits, taking out C and C facilities and even mess tents along with the powered down mechs he saw.  If the rest of the fight for the planet went this easily, Hesperus would be flying the flag of the Commonwealth by the end of the day.

LZ Foxtrot, -10 km

Shaking off her dizziness, Precentor Judith Faber levered her Marauder II to its feet and bulled her way through the ruined door of the dropship.  The 166th had encountered heavy fire from Horses aerospace elements and her dropship had been hit worst of all.  From what she could tell a fighter had destroyed the command centre as the ship descended from orbit.  That it was even this close to the LZ was a minor miracle.  She managed to cobble together a demi-lance from the survivors and immediately proceeded towards her objective.  Her forces were to disable a secondary airstrip and deny safe haven to the very fighters that had forced her down.

Emerging from the forest, she spied the airstrip.  It was currently devoid of fighters, which made her job somewhat easier.  She targeted the fuel bunkers from long range and triggered her ER PPC’s.  The explosion was beyond satisfying and she lumbered her machine forward to deal with whatever defences may be left.

Zanzibar, Tamarind
Free Worlds League

“...and so, in light of these recent developments, I propose that we expand the scope of the Treaty of Loric to include a complete disarmament of our mutual border to allow us to focus on the military threat posed by the Star League.  If this is not acceptable, perhaps we could petition ComStar to post some of their military to the region to keep both of us honest.  Inform me as soon as you reach a decision Thomas.”  With that, the transmission of Archon Victor Steiner-Davion froze, before fading to be replaced by the mailed fist of the Commonwealth.

Thomas Marik, Captain-General of the much reduced FWL, sat back in his chair and considered the words of Victor Steiner.  Though reluctant to admit it, the younger man had a point.  “Thoughts?” he inquired of his advisors.

“This could work in well with your plans sir,” began General Samuel Garibaldi.  “If we could get the Lyrans to draw off even some of the heat, we’d be in a much better position to maximize Operation Turnabout.”

Sun-Tzu Liao, Marik’s son in law and Chancellor in Exile of the Capellan Confederation steepled his fingers before speaking.  “Combining our military might with that of the Lyrans makes sense in our present situation.  The question is, how far do we trust Victor?  As the spawn of Hanse Davion, this could be the opening ploy in a move to remove the Free Worlds threat completely.”

“Hm.  Thank you for your input gentlemen.  I shall make a decision soon.  Dismissed.”  Thomas watched as the two men left, then sank back into his chair.  He knew what it was he would do, but what would Shadow Brother say?


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 08:08:07 AM »

Northwind, Federated Suns
10 April 3055

The young officer stood and watched as the Broadsword dropship descended and rolled to a stop on the tarmac.  The grey hull displayed both the Cameron star and the emblem of the Blood Spirits.  Within moments of stopping a hatch opened and a ramp descended to the ground.  A tall blonde woman emerged, back straight and oozing arrogance.  She stopped before the officer, sizing him up, and then spoke to him.  “I am Star Captain Tanica Campbell of the Blood Spirits.  I have been assigned as ilChi to this world and the forces that defend it.”

The officer offered a slight bow.  “I am Lieutenant Brian Cameron of the Revenants.  I’ve been instructed to take you to my commanders.  If you’ll follow me?” he said, gesturing at the nearby ground car.

The ride to the Fort was long and awkward.  Brian had thought that, as a trueborn himself, he would be able to identify with the Clan representative.  Clearly the difference in how he had been raised spoke volumes.  Fortunately the clanswoman seemed quite impressed by the Fort itself.  Which he supposed made sense.  Recalling his briefings, he knew that the Blood Spirits claimed that some of their founders had claimed connections to the Royal Black Watch, which in turn had connections to Northwind.

Taking her through the Fort, he at last arrived at the conference room.  Pushing open the door he entered first.  Sitting within were the three on planet Colonel’s; William MacLeod and Andrea Stirling of the Northwind Highlanders, as well as Kelly Yukinov of the Revenants.  Campbell nodded to each Colonel in turn before taking her seat, facing the panel.  Brian stepped back and closed the door.  What was said in this room would stay in this room until the Colonel’s decided otherwise.

The clanswoman got things rolling.  “I bring you greetings from Terra, the ilKhan and Khan Schmitt.”

Cat Stirling leaned forward.  “Yes, yes.  We’re all very happy to be sitting here.  Can we get down to business?  What is it that your ilKhan thinks he’s up to?”

Campbell grimaced at the contractions.  “Ulric Kerensky wishes to open a dialogue with the Highlanders and Revenants because of your connection to the Star League of old and the Clans respectively.  He believes that because of these connections we should not be in conflict with each other.  He further offers you an invitation to join the Star League or, if that is unacceptable to you, to recognize you as an independent and neutral power.”

The grey and scarred Yukinov barked out a laugh.  “You expect us to believe that we can join just like that?  That our turning against them is forgiven?  That our warring against them is forgotten?  Sorry girl, but I don’t buy it.”

“That is your right.  Shall I return to my ship then?”

MacLeod shook his head.  “Nae lass, ye just have to appreciate that we’re sceptical of the offer.  Your people and ours have been at war for five years and there’s been plenty o’ death on both sides.  That’s nae so easily forgotten by some.”

“I understand Colonel.  We seek to open the lines of communication.  Our goal, as you know, is to unify the Inner Sphere.  The ilKhan believes that this can be achieved without unnecessary warfare, to limit the death and destruction inflicted upon the civilian population.  Your own Highlanders claim descent from the SLDF, and because of this the ilKhan believes you share his view.  If you do, you would be worthy allies.  If you do not, you would make honourable foes.  Either is acceptable to the Way of the Clans.”

“And your ilKhan has something specific in mind does he?

“Indeed he does.  He proposes the formalization of your coalition into a nation-state.  The Star League would then recognize this nation, whether you were to join or not.  It frees you from the Davion yoke and grants you the one thing all of your commands desire; independence.”

“Ye understand that this is nae something we can decide right away?” asked MacLeod.

“Indeed.  I shall remain here until your decision is made.”

Errai Prime
Errai, Federated Suns
12 April 3055

Blue smoke curled through the air of the small office as Charles Antonescu chewed on the end of his cigar, absorbed in thought.  The print out in front of him, delivered by courier, had the potential to alter the fate of the Eridani Light Horse forever.  And it was not a decision he could make alone, for this he needed his staff and had summoned them.

In short order his two Colonel’s arrived, Natalia Roth of the 71st and Chang Shi Koh of the recently rebuilt 151st.  The pair were veterans of the fierce war against the Clans, and may not take kindly to the news.

“A few days ago the council on Northwind received an emissary of sorts from the Clans.  They were offering a deal.  The Clans will recognize our four worlds as an independent nation in exchange for our no longer assisting in the defence of the Federated Suns.  As far as I can tell the council is seriously considering the offer.  Your thoughts?”

“Are you kidding me?  A deal like this invalidates the sacrifice of our brothers and sisters during the Clan wars.  No frikkin way!”  As always, Roth was hot-tempered.

Koh was of course more level headed.  It was an important dynamic.  “Such an arrangement would give us the time we need to rebuild to full strength.  And from the looks of things we won’t be getting much support from the Davions.  Between the Fever and the Jaguar invasion, they have their hands full.  We should be looking out for our own.”

“Bah, that’s the cowards way out.  If the Federated Suns is at risk, we should be defending it, not considering this move to abandon it.  I say we pack up and head to New Avalon today,” retorted Roth.

Antonescu sighed.  He hadn’t expected an answer anyway.  “Begin polling the troops, quietly.  See what the general consensus is and we’ll move forward from there.”

The two Colonel’s, one thoughtful the other sullen, saluted their General and departed.  Antonescu resumed his thinking, not liking what the days ahead may bring.

Castle Sandoval
Robinson, Federated Suns
15 April 3055

Jackson Davion slumped in his chair, allowing himself a moment of despondency.  Hanse dead, the Prince’s Champion dead, the Marshal of the Armies trapped on New Avalon, and an emergency verigraph granting him the powers of regent until Katherine or one of the other children could take the throne.  He had never sought out power, but he was a man of honour and would fulfill his duty.

Yvonne and Arthur had been sent to a safe location under heavy guard, for in them lay the future of the realm.  With the heirs safe, Jackson could focus himself on retaking the capitol.  Andy Redburn had already launched an unauthorized relief force, something which he was unlikely to ever have to face charges for.  The man had only done what every citizen wanted to do.  Hell, it was what Jackson wanted to do now, but he couldn’t.  The safety of the realm entire took precedent over one world.  The Federated Suns was beset by enemies on nearly every front; the Combine, the Wolves, Jaguars and Ravens of the Star League, and this blasted fever that was sweeping the outback.  He simply could not justify the resources that would be spent on retaking New Avalon, but he must find a way.  The battered nation could be shattered if the people lost their seat of power.

As such Jackson had called a strategy meeting.  Arriving soon would be Duke James Sandoval and his son, Colonel Tancred Sandoval, as well as General Mae Fortuna.  Also in attendance would be General Justin Sortek of the Davion Guards.  The fate of New Avalon and the survival of the Federated Suns as they knew it were at stake.

Soon the officers and their senior aides arrived in the room set aside for this meeting.  All told, roughly a dozen men and women were present.  A dozen individuals to decide the future of the realm.

“Thank you all for coming,” Jackson began.  “As you are all aware, the Smoke Jaguars have begun a massive invasion of the Crucis March.  This does not appear to be a resumption of the ‘Star League’s’ war, but rather one of their own.  Regardless, they have landed troops on New Avalon.  The heart of our nation lies threatened by a beast.  Our purpose here today is to determine what to do about that threat.   From what intel we’ve been able to gather, effective forces on the ground have been reduced to just over two regiments, and that’s including the forces brought in by General Redburn.  What, if anything, can we do to help?  Keep in mind that New Avalon has been hit by the fever.”

“Why are we even discussing this?  I’m ready to load my troops up and head out now!” exclaimed Justin Sortek.

Leaning forward almost reluctantly Tancred Sandoval looked at all those present.  “I hate to be the one to view things from this perspective, but why even consider this?  Aside from symbolic value, what’s left for us on New Avalon?  Hanse is dead, and the heirs are safe.  Our troops are drastically reduced in number.  Even with four years of relative peace, the AFFS is in serious need of rebuilding.  If we pour in more troops now, we risk losing them.  We need to gain strength.  Maybe in a few years we’ll be able to consider retaking the capitol, but not now.”

Justin Sortek slammed his fist down on the table.  “How can you even say that?  Those are OUR people there!  We can’t abandon them!”

“I have no intention of doing so,” Jackson began, “at least not in the long term.  For now, these are your orders.  All AFFS troops in the Outback are to withdraw into the Crucis March and reinforce valuable worlds, worlds we’ll need to have in order to properly retake the regions we have to temporarily abandon.”

Cries of dismay arose from around the table.  “Silence!  I am the regent and this is my decision!  History will judge me, and me alone.  You have your orders.”

The officers stood and filed out of the room, leaving Jackson to feel very much alone again.

Gawain, Brunswick Continent
New Avalon, Disputed
15 April 3055

The lines of troops converged, the warriors intent on annihilating each other.  Davion infantry bravely (or foolishly) went toe to toe with elementals.  Mechs charged forward and engaged in vicious melee attacks due to depleted ammunition and combat damage.  It was a no hold barred battle that raged through the streets of Gawain.

The command unit under Morgan Hasek-Davion had been forced to retreat into the city when the forces of the Jaguar Spirits and Jaguar Grenadiers finally caught up with them.  Galaxy Commander Osis was personally leading the assault, seeking the glory of besting Morgan personally.  His personal point of elementals scoured the city for the Davion leader, laying waste to any who opposed them.

For his part, Morgan Hasek-Davion was leading his troops from his mobile HQ, attempting to once more pull victory from the jaws of defeat.  Things were not looking good at present.  His command had been trapped in the city, which was thankfully abandoned.  The fighting was progressing from building to building and was not going well for the Davions.  These Jaguar troops had descended to an unseen level of ferocity.

Lincoln Osis waded through the spheroid infantry, cutting them down in such numbers that he didn’t even bother to keep track.  Their blood was splashed upon his body armour, making him an even more terrifying sight.  He advanced without remorse towards his goal, the mobile HQ that was directing the entire war effort against the Clan.

“Alpha star, forward!  We seek the Stravag that dares to lead forces against us.  This world was once home to our founder and it will be ours again!  Forward, strike for the throat, and rend our enemy to pieces!”

A great roar of approval came across the com lines.  The Jaguars pounced forward, slaughtering the Davion defenders.  Osis himself was carried away by the bloodlust and searched for the mobile HQ carrying his opposite number.  At last he spied it not far ahead, in the shadow of a crumbled factory.  He and his troops moved forward, only to be confronted by a defence force of infantry and light vehicles.  Hardly a challenge for his elite elementals.

Twenty-five battle hardened elementals surged forward, like an unstoppable wave of death.  Vehicles were breeched, infantry eviscerated and elementals killed.  It was an orgy of death and destruction, where neither side was willing to give up.

It was Osis himself who finally ripped the door off the mobile HQ.  He was greeted by a hail of small arms fire from the techs within, but he shrugged those aside.  Like a hunter of old he zeroed in on his foe, Morgan Hasek-Davion, easily discerned by his height and mane of golden-red hair.  Osis flexed the claw of his battle suit and stomped forward.  He smashed in the skulls of several technicians and punched through the chest of one woman who refused to get out of his way.  Hasek-Davion himself produced a weapon and fired it at the incoming elemental.  Osis waded through the laser fire and batted the weapon from Hasek-Davion’s hand, the force of the blow breaking the limb.  Osis then gripped his uniform and lifted the Marshal into the air.  Osis opened the helmet of his armour so he could glare into his opponents eyes.  “You will order your forces to stand down at once.”

Morgan then did the last thing Osis expected; he laughed.  “If you think I’ll do that you’re sadly mistaken.  I’ve been prepared for this ever since you cornered us yesterday.”

Rage overtook the Clan warrior and he threw Morgan across the confines of the mobile HQ.  The Marshal hit a bank of instruments with a resounding crash.  He flopped to the floor but managed to prop himself up with his broken arm.  Using his good arm Morgan pulled a device from his pocket.  “I do this not only for my Prince and my nation, but to send your sorry Clanner butt to whatever hell you may believe in.”  With that, he pressed home the button.  Understanding dawned on Osis’ face just before the HQ erupted into a ball of fire.



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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 08:11:38 AM »

Maria’s Elegy
Hesperus II, Lyran Commonwealth
21 April 3055

It was a joyous day.  After more than two years the mailed fist flew once more over Hesperus II.  The local Skye defenders had been crushed and the Hell’s Horsemen had accepted hegira, a decision which had created some griping but the decision stood.

In honour of the valiant efforts of the taskforce, newly named Duke Daniel Brewer had opened his family’s stores and thrown the biggest party this side of Amaris’ defeat.  The Lyran warriors felt safe with the prowling bulk of two allied warships in the skies overhead.

Word of their victory had immediately been sent to Tharkad, where it was said Victor Steiner had let out a triumphant yell of appreciation for his troops.  He had then entered commendations in every warriors record.  The young Archon knew the value of such gestures to the common soldier.

Phelan Kell partied with his fiancée, Tyra Miraborg, in the halls of the Brewer family compound.  Other officers flocked to the pair, basking in their star power.  Even though Phelan was still considered the black sheep of the Kell family it was suspected that he would one day inherit the unit, so they were trying to get close now.

Deep under the mountain that protected DefHes, Leutnant Colonel Kai Allard-Liao, Precentor Judith Faber and General James McFarland were discussing how best to defend what was a key industrial centre and now a world on the front lines.

“I suspect Victor will grant any requests you have for additional defenders.  The Grey Death Legion and Kell Hounds are both currently exploring contract options, and I’ve no doubt many regulars could be assigned.”

“I know the Precentor Martial has already granted permission for the 166th to remain on station, assuming that’s acceptable to the local authorities,” said Judith Faber.  The Com Guard officer was nursing a broken arm after the jostling she had taken in the near destruction of her Marauder II.

“Yes,” harrumphed the General.  “Well, for the moment all forces will remain on station.  I don’t expect the Clans or Skye to take this lying down.  Invincible will remain in orbit, while the Invisible Truth will take up station near the zenith jump point.  It took us this long to regain possession of Hesperus, we’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure we never lose it again.

Chapter 14 – “Day of Infamy”
High Orbit
Oriente, Ghost Bear Territory, Clan Domains
22 April 3055

The JumpShip materialized very near the moon Escorial, the gravitational forces warping and pulling at the heavily modified structure of the ship as it materialized.  The skeleton crew knew that it would never jump again, but they had known that going in.  The overloaded and jury-rigged docking collars disgorged their flotilla of DropShips to ferry the heavily reinforced regiment to the surface.  Aerospace fighters screamed from their bays to shield the DropShips and take out the orbiting satellites.

The entire assault force was made up of volunteers, fanatics who would stop at nothing and use whatever means necessary to kill as many Clanners as they could.  Indeed the now ruined JumpShip had a few final surprises in store for the Ghost Bears.  It would be a day forever remembered.

Defence Command, Amur
0830 local time

The first indication of any problem was the massive EM spike near Escorial.  The tech on duty, a failed warrior of the Huntsig line, double then triple checked the reading.  “Star Colonel!  Jump detected in orbit!  DropShips inbound... scans indicate they are coming here.”

Star Colonel Gurdel approached the station, his lanky frame easily covering the distance.  “Order all aerospace forces to deploy.  Have the inbound issued a batchall yet?”

“Neg Star Colonel, they are running silent.  I am even having difficulty reading their IFF... wait, I have cleared the interference.  IFF shows them to be Regulan forces.”

“If they will not issue a batchall they will be treated as bandits.  So be it.  Send to all commands that zellbrigen is not to be enforced.  I will go to the Khans myself.”

0947 local time

Star Captain Angela Bekker scanned the skies, watching for the inbound DropShips.  At last she spotted them.  “All right, here they come!  Trinary form up on me and make ready.”  She throttled up her Executioner and primed her long range weapons.  At last the base defences kicked in, PPC’s and LRM’s firing up at the DropShips.  Sufficient damage was inflicted to knock several from the sky.  Those ships weaved wildly through the sky before finally crashing to the ground.  While some of the mechs within might eventually make their way out, they were not a concern.  The immediate concern were the eight Overlords landing.

The Overlords spread out their landing pattern and began disgorging mechs, mostly common Inner Sphere designs, with a few Star League models mixed in.  Bekker lined up a shot and took down a stinger with two ER large lasers.  The machine crumpled, but she could see the pilot emerge and join up with the infantry beginning to swarm around the mechs feet.  She watched as elementals bounded forward to eliminate the infantry and harass the mechs.  She stomped her own machine forward, a grin on her face as she faced superior numbers.  It was a situation that any Clan warrior would revel in.  It would not last long however. She knew that the rest of Alpha was inbound.

She moved forward and lined up on an Awesome, ready to pulverize the enemy mech.  Sadly the movement of battle pulled her opponent away and she had to locate another, normally a breach of protocol, but zellbrigen was being ignored for this battle.  She lost herself in the flow of battle, taking and dishing out damage though only she remained standing.  Her opponents fell before her like chaff.

Angela knew that the rest of Alpha would soon be on its way to counter the invaders.  The Bears ire had been raised and woe to any who stood in their way.

1350 local time

Grinning madly, Justin Gurdel charged his Mad Dog forward.  The enemy troops had broken, the few survivors attempting to withdraw to their DropShips.  He had no intention of letting the filthy surats escape.  They would face Bear justice at the end of his weapons barrels.  He took a pot shot at a fleeing Phoenix Hawk with his medium lasers.  The machine shuddered and swayed before turning around to confront him.  Almost carelessly Justin launched a flight of LRM’s at it.  The warheads managed to inflict enough damage to destroy the enemy mech.  The warrior did not eject.

A damaged Rifleman stopped its limping and turned to trade fire with him, the autocannons pummelling his central torso and cracking the ferro-glass of his cockpit.  He countered with a double blast from his large lasers and watched as sympathetic explosions ripped through the mech.

In the distance he could see aerospace fighters strafing the grounded DropShips and doing a significant amount of damage.  It appeared that victory was within their grasp.  The Regulans would rue this day.  He would see to it personally.

1401 local time

Laurie Tseng halted her Stormcrow and watched as the last of the invaders fell.  Many of her Keshik had fallen, but they had slain many more of the invaders, sacrificing themselves for the greater good of the Clan.  The Regulan force had been kept from reaching the genetic repository and the command centre, both of which seemed to have been the objective of their attack.

Tseng wiped sweat from her eyes and focused on gathering her wayward forces together.  Alpha was battered, but mostly intact.  Only the 139th Striker had been unable to reach the battle in time, but their absence had not been greatly felt, in fact it gave the warriors present an even greater shot at honour.  With the knowledge that her galaxy had survived, Laurie could focus on other business, namely revealing the Regulans treachery to the Grand Council.

1405 local time

Inside the command bunker the techs were celebrating, cheering the victory of their warriors over the interlopers.  Bjorn Jorgennson allowed them their shouts of joy, glad of the fact that all members of the Clan would exult in their victory.
He had been forced to sit out the battle himself, being unable to reach his fighter in time.  But that mattered not.  He was already showered in glory and had achieved the Khanship.  Let the younger warriors with more to prove have the greater chance at combat and honour.  His lot was to battle on the Council floor and punish the Regulans for their temerity.

“My Khan,” called out one of the techs.

Jorgennson made his way over to the station.  “Yes technician, what is it?”

“I am detecting odd readings from the hulk of the invader JumpShip.  I have only seen readings like this in my training, indicating that… by the Great Father!”

1406 local time, near orbit

The crew had fired the few thrusters remaining and set the ship on a course for Oriente’s atmosphere, ensuring that no evidence survived.  But before the ship burned up, its crew had one final task to perform.  Emergency panels were blown off and systems armed and the launch enabled.  Four missiles struck out from the ship and angled for the planet below.

1410 local time

Hunter Tseng felt some shame that his 139th Striker, now some 12 kilometres from city, had been unable to participate in the defence of the capital, but resolved to make an unbeatable bid to take the fight to the enemy.  His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the squawk of his comm unit.

“All forces, this is the Khan, retreat from Amur at once!  I repeat, retreat from…”  The Khan’s words were cut off by a bright flash from high in the sky.  The instrumentation of Hunter’s mech flickered and he felt a partial wave of neural feedback wash over him.  He managed to keep his Executioner on its feet, but others of his cluster were not so lucky.

Hunter shook his head and activated his comms.  “All Star Commanders report in!”  He quickly learned that his forces were fine, but many machines had fallen and were only now struggling to regain their feet.

From his high cockpit vantage, Tseng could see three contrails vectoring in on central Amur.  A horrific thought struck him.  “They would not dare!  They would NOT!”

His fears were confirmed when he saw the massive explosions from a nuclear blast.  The mushroom clouds were already forming by the time the shockwaves reached his position.  The force of the blast picked his 95-ton war machine up and hurled it like a doll.  The control systems shorted and the viewport ferro-glass shattered before Tseng blacked out.



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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2012, 08:15:08 AM »

Chapter 15

Ravens Roost, Perdition
Snow Raven Territory, Clan Domains
22 April 3055

The drop port took up nearly a quarter of this particular island, but was noticeably devoid of DropShips.  The surrounding seas were calm, with only a slight breeze carrying the smell of the surf upon the air.  The sun was high on the horizon, the warm light shining down through a cloudless blue sky.  Gulls hovered in the air, searching for whatever they might be able to scavenge.

The twin caskets, silver and etched with the Cameron star, were carefully loaded into the cargo section of the Union-C class Blooding.  The Blood Spirit and Snow Raven officers present saluted in SLDF fashion as the caskets passed.  An honour guard of elementals, also from both Clans, fired three shots into the air after they passed.

The two commanders, Troy Boques and Trask Howe, stood side by side both decked out in dress uniforms, the black and white of the Snow Raven’s contrasting with the red and black of the Blood Spirit’s.  Once the caskets were loaded, Howe turned to Boques and offered his hand.  “It was a pleasure to meet you Star Colonel.  I hope to work with you again in the future.”

Boques looked at the extended hand blankly.  “It is an Inner Sphere custom I picked up from some Taurian bondsmen,” Howe explained.

“I am familiar with the practice.  I was merely determining whether I wished to take you up on it.”

Howe laughed, loudly and with great mirth.  “That is what I like about you Star Colonel.  You are refreshingly honest.  Enjoy your trip to Mars.  If you or your Khan needs anything, do not hesitate to call upon the Unkindness.”

Boques nearly sneered.  “I will take that under advisement.  Good-bye Star Captain.  You have proven… an interesting companion.”

“Safe travels.”

With a grunt of acknowledgment Boques turned and ascended the ramp.  Howe watched him go, then jumped into a nearby jeep.  He drove it safely back to the control complex and entered just in time to hear the chief technician give the Blooding permission to take off.  He watched as the Blood Spirit vessel climbed into the sky, his face carefully schooled not to show any expression. 

His aide, Star Commander Hege, stepped up beside him.  “Why did we give the remains to the Spirits so easily Star Captain?  What is it you expect them to do?”

A smirk creased Howe’s face.  “They will do exactly what the Khan expects them to do.  Their history will allow them to do only one thing.”

Hege frowned.  “And what might that be?”

Howe spun to face her.  He held up one finger and squinted an eye.  “That, my dear, is a secret!”  With that, the Star Captain left.

“I hate it when he does that.”

Blooding, departure vector

The metal was smooth and cool to the touch, except where the Cameron star had been skilfully etched into the surface.  Inside lay the future of the Blood Spirits, perhaps even the future of all the Clans and Inner Sphere alike.  Troy Boques felt the need to kneel before the caskets, to pray like some pathetic Cloud Cobra, but shrugged it off.  He would deliver this sacred bundle to the Khan and she would decide how best to use it.

Leaving the caskets he made for his ready room, where he would begin making plans on how to keep the Ravens from letting slip what had been found.

Chapter 16 - “Fallout”

Ghost Bear Enclave, Unity City
Terra, Clan Domains
23 April 3055

Fingers drummed on the surface of the Terran oak as Michael Hawkins, Loremaster of the Ghost Bears, waited impatiently for the technician to get back to him.  At last the young woman approached, looking decidedly nervous.  “I am sorry Loremaster, but we still cannot raise Oriente.  The HPG is not picking up a signal.”

“How can that be?”

“I do not know sir.  Perhaps they are down for unscheduled maintenance.  The transmitter is an Inner Sphere model that hasn’t been properly maintained for centuries.  Such failures are to be expected.”

“Yes, perhaps.”  Hawkins sat there, thinking.  “Connect to the White Claw.  I want to speak to Star Commodore Hakimi.”

“At once sir,” the technician saluted and departed.

At last his screen lit up with the face of Kiira Hakimi.  “Star Commodore, I have an urgent mission for you.”

Even though she was in zero-g the Star Commodore straightened.  “How may I be of service Loremaster?”

“I need you to go to Oriente at once and report back to me as soon as you can.”

Hakimi frowned.  “Is anything wrong Loremaster?”

“I do not know.  I hope it is merely a technical malfunction but we must know what is happening on our capital.”

“As you say, Loremaster.  I will begin jump prep at once.”

Once the screen winked off, Hawkins steepled his fingers and leaned back in his chair.  He felt uneasy, the same sort of unease he experienced on the battlefield.  Something was very, very wrong.

Outer Ruins of Amur
Oriente, Ghost Bear Territory, Clan Domains

The first sign of returning consciousness was a constant, rhythmic drumming.  There was something wet on his face that was gradually helping to revive him.  Tseng levered his eyes open slowly and surveyed his battered cockpit.  As expected his instruments were ruined.  The viewport was shattered, which was letting in the rain, a filthy looking black rain that coated everything in a layer of what looked like tar.  It was this sticky rain that trickled down his face. 

With a groan, Hunter unbuckled his five-point restraining harness and carefully crawled out of his broken mech.  Standing atop the ruined machine he stared out at the horizon.  A steady rain fell, making it difficult to see far, but he could still see far enough to know that Amur was gone.  Completely.  Despite the rain, small fires continued to burn.

Scrambling down to the ground, he made his way to the nearest of his mechs and saw the warrior already sitting atop the missile rack, a look of shock upon his face.  “MechWarrior Richius!”  The warrior gradually shifted focus to his commander.  “Y… yes Star Colonel?”

“Come down from there.  We must check on the rest of the cluster.  I will need your help.”

“Aff, Star Colonel!”

It took some time to gather up his clusters survivors, but once he did Hunter was pleased.  There were few casualties and they even had several mechs that were still operational.  The wounded were rounded up and placed under shelter and the operational mechs split into two groups.  One was sent closer to the blast site while the other was sent back along the highway to meet up with any emergency services that had been dispatched.

Within an hour Tseng had a field command unit set up, directing the recovery efforts as the medics attended to him and his warriors, ensuring they had not been dosed with too much radiation.  He dispatched a handful of elementals, all volunteers, to enter the ruins and attempt to retrieve the battle ROMS from any mechs they could find.  They were also to investigate the command bunker and determine whether or not the Khan had survived.  It was unlikely, but had to be done.

At last the emergency services were responding.  The planetary militia brought their field hospitals forward, along with the few experts on nuclear fallout.  Tseng was also coordinating the evacuation of nearby settlements that were in danger from fallout.  To that end he had commandeered several merchant DropShips and was using them to ferry civilians to safety.

His next major headache was how to get the news of the attack out.  With the capital gone, so was the HPG and there were currently no jump or warships in the system.  He would have to wait for the next ship through before he could warn the other Bear worlds, assuming they had not already been attacked.  Elections would have to be held to replace both Khans, a rare occurrence indeed, and because of it, it was of paramount importance that the Loremaster be informed so he could take leadership of the Clan until the bloodnamed could be gathered.

Star Commander Tarren approached, her blonde hair darkened by soot, her eyes bloodshot.  “Star Colonel, we have a report from the blast site.  As expected there are no survivors, nor have we been able to recover any battle ROMS.  The team did locate the hulk of one of the DropShips.  They have managed to confirm that the invaders were Regulan.”

Rage filled Hunter but he forced it down so he could think.  “Excellent, have them mark the location so we may retrieve it later, then have them return here.  I do not want them to die from exposure.”

“Aff Star Colonel.”

Ghost Bear Enclave, Unity City
Terra, Clan Domains
27 April 3055

Five days.  Five days to learn the terrible truth.  Amur devastated.  Both Khans were dead.  Countless warriors dead, killed without honour.  Innumerable civilians placed at risk.  The Bear had been wounded and its family placed at risk.  There would be a reckoning.  To that end Hawkins had called a meeting of the bloodnamed warriors of Clan Ghost Bear.  Those not here in person were attending via tele-presence.  Hawkins stood before them all, his rage kept in check by an incredible force of will.

“Trothkin near and far, I stand before you humbled and enraged.  A terrible crime has been perpetrated upon the Children of the Bear.  Five days ago we were attacked, not in honourable combat, but in a dishonourable sneak attack.  When the attackers discovered they were not strong enough to kill the Bear in his own den, they opted to strike in the most cowardly and despicable manner imaginable.  They struck at our capital with nuclear weapons.  Amur is no more.  Our Khans are dead as are thousands of Clan warriors and millions of civilians.”

Cries of dismay sounded, as did bellows of rage.  An eruption of talking as warriors began speaking to those around them, giving vent to their thoughts.

Holding his hands up in the air, Hawkins gestured for silence and eventually he was granted it.  “I know what you are thinking, for I am thinking it as well.  You want revenge, but know not where to strike.  Do not fear trothkin, for through the diligent efforts of Star Colonel Hunter Tseng we have learned who the perpetrators are.  The Principality of Regulus.”

This time the roar was deafening as Bear warriors expressed their rage and called for blood.  Chaos reigned and Hawkins let it, for he felt the same.  Eventually order returned as warriors quieted and returned to their seats.

“My warriors, we will have our revenge.  But first we must elect our new Khans, Khans who will lead us to bloody victory over the treacherous forces of Regulus.  I open the floor to nominations.”

Minutes passed as the assembled council deliberated amongst themselves, minutes that Hawkins passed in anxious silence.  He did not know who would eventually be elected, having had no chance to poll the bloodnamed before the council.

At last Roberto Snuka, commander of Delta Galaxy, stood to address the council.  “I nominate Michael Hawkins for the post of Khan.”

“Seconded!” called out Paul Vishio.
Hawkins bowed his head.  “I am honoured by your consideration of me.”  He turned to his aide.  “Aletha, please take over the duties of Oathmaster.”

Aletha Kabrinski nodded and stood.  “I am the Oathmaster.  Let the children of the Bear cast their votes.”  Through the room and all across Ghost Bear occupied space the surviving Ghost Bears cast their votes.  It didn’t take long, a mere fifteen minutes.  Aletha stood by the Loremaster’s podium and tallied the votes.  “By a margin of five to one, Michael Hawkins has been elected Khan, thus shall it be ‘til we are all dust.”

Hawkins stepped forward again.  “My first order of business is to nominate Hunter Tseng as saKhan, for his abilities as a warrior and his struggle to contain the disaster and save as many as possible on Amur.  Are there any opposed?”  He cast a glance at Aletha who shook her head.  “Then warriors, let us plan our revenge.”

Grand Council Chambers, Unity City
Terra, Clan Domains
29 April 3055

The council chambers were silent; many of those present knew what was coming.  It was Ulric who spoke first.  “This council has been called at the request of the Ghost Bears.  They wish to address a matter of the utmost seriousness.  Khan Hawkins.”

With some gravity Michael Hawkins stood and looked around the chamber, fixating on the sole delegate from the Principality of Regulus.  “Khan’s, leaders of the Star League.  By now you have all undoubtedly heard of the disaster which befell Amur.  How an attacker using nuclear weapons destroyed the city and killed both our Khans.  What you do not know is that we have ascertained the identity of our attackers.  Rather than being one of the Spheroid powers that have yet to see their destiny lies with the Star League, it was one of our own from this council.  The Principality of Regulus.”

Cries of outrage came from the assembled leaders.  “Not possible!” cried out Janet Simmons, the only Regulan representative present.  “We are missing no military assets!”

“And yet your leader declined to attend this meeting.  Does this not speak to his guilt?” countered Hawkins.

“No.  The Prince had important matters to deal with at home, that doesn’t mean...”

“Enough!” Hawkins bellowed, interrupting her.  “We have proof of your treachery!  And it will be dealt with.  I am here to inform the council that Ghost Bear forces under saKhan Tseng are jumping into Regulan territory.  We will not stop until their military is no more and their ruler dead or in our hands.”

“Now wait just a minute!” protested Simmons.

“You will find General,” said Persis Anu of the Jade Falcons, “that the Bears are most stubborn and will not heed your objections.  You should best prepare yourself for death.”

Hawkins nodded to the Falcon Khan.  He then turned to Ulric.  “What say you ilKhan?”

“I have reviewed your evidence Khan Hawkins and your anger is justified.  I warn you though, not to expand your war to the civilians, or I will unleash the Wolves upon you.”

“You need not fear ilKhan.  Unlike the Regulans, we know how to wage honourable combat.”

As the Bear Khan left, Ulric gestured to the guards from Unity Keshik, indicating that they take General Simmons into custody.


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2012, 08:18:42 AM »

Chapter 17

Jaguar Command Bivouac
New Avalon, Disputed
1 May 3055

The roar of the fire was almost deafening as the forest burned.  The Davion defenders had become so desperate that one of their numbers had set fire to the woods surrounding the Jaguar position.  Coughing against the smoke, Trent Howell made his way to his mech and climbed the rungs.  Once in the cockpit he quickly got the life support system working on clearing out the smoke so he could breathe clearly and begin to think.

With his mech powered up Howell moved out, knowing that all around him his troops were doing the same.  Not having to worry about them, he switched on his sensors to get a picture of what was going on.  A quick survey led him to believe a full battalion was attacking, which put the attackers at near even odds, further impressing their desperation upon him.  Even odds so rarely favoured the Inner Sphere.

A Firestarter emerged from the smoke and Howell ruthlessly cut it down, knowing it was one of the mechs that could have started the blaze.  Missiles rained down around his position, damaging his already battered machine.  Gritting his teeth Trent rode it out then went on the advance, several other mechs forming up around him.  He spotted a distinctive Marauder in the black and gold of the Uhlans.  He fired his large lasers, watching as his heat soared and the beams sliced one arm off the enemy machine.  The Marauder slowed and twisted, returning fire, autocannon and laser fire stitched across his Timber Wolf, further rattling Trent.  He snarled and cut loose with his SRM’s and medium lasers, hammering the Marauder and causing it to crash thunderously to the ground.  Once he knew the mech wasn’t getting back up he moved on.

Tuning back into the radio frequencies he found that his forces were of course performing well.  The spheroid raiders were being turned back, with relatively few actually making it away.  The Jaguars were taking advantage of the opportunity to punish the raiders for the weeks of guerrilla style attacks.  There was hope amongst the ranks that this battle would finally provide the decisive victory that Howell was looking for.

“Kappa flight to base,” came a voice over the comms.

“Shroud actual here Kappa flight.  Report.”

“We have spotted a reinforced company not far from your current position.  They appear to have been attempting to encircle your position and are now attempting to withdraw.  Orders?”

Two possibilities immediately presented themselves.  Follow the mechs back to base or destroy them now.  Trent was torn, but eventually decided that taking them out would be the best option.  These Davions had proven far too adept at eluding his troops.  It would be best to cut their numbers down further.  “Kappa flight, you are clear to strafe the enemy.  Ground forces are inbound to finish the job.”  The line went dead.

Trent immediately began gathering up a force to deal with any mechs that survived the strafing run.


This story will be completed, but not until 'Shedding the Wolf' catches up chronologically.




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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2012, 10:07:18 PM »

Since I did the maps for 3052, I had not read much of this.  It has developed impresivly.  Would you like me to upload the map I did for you?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2012, 11:07:16 PM »

Since I did the maps for 3052, I had not read much of this.  It has developed impresivly.  Would you like me to upload the map I did for you?

That would be excellent.


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2012, 11:10:15 PM »

Where would you like it?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Politics and War (3055+)
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2012, 11:11:52 PM »

I'll open up a thread for it.  Might need more in the future ;)
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