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  • Jaim Magnus
Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« on: November 17, 2012, 11:11:06 PM »

PART I: Prologue

12th Wolf Guards Garrison Post
Second Try, Wolf Territories, Clan Domains
11 January 3053

“Hail dogs and tremble in your kennels! I, Star Colonel Levon Mendoza of the Smoke Jaguars come to lay claim to the warrior Cassandra Radick. Great have been her deeds, greater still would they be in service of the Jaguar.  I come with the elite forces of the 412th Pouncer Trinary.  With what paltry forces will you defend yourself?”

The transmission ended, displaying the Jaguar symbol before fading away.  Cassandra turned to face her troops.  HER troops.  Her star commanders were both present, as were the senior elemental point commanders.  Atrius and Gabriel looked bored.  MacKinley looked eager for the fight.  None of those present had a particular love of the Jaguars and since the conquest of Terra, the Wolf touman had been focused on rebuilding rather than combat.  This fight would be good for her unit, and slake the bloodlust she felt.

Atrius, who had once been a Nova Cat, spoke first. “The Jaguars will come straight at us and will attempt to slaughter all but their prize.  Great things will hinge upon this day.” He spoke low and firm, a tone all present recognized as his having experienced a vision.

Gabriel chuckled nastily. “Don’t matter, we’ll send them to meet the Great Father in hell, see if we don’t.” The freeborn let his language slip, a subtle reminder to all of his origins and his continued presence amongst them... despite Cassandra’s best efforts to see him sent... elsewhere.

Cassandra turned to MacKinley.  “I want your elementals concealed in the swamp east of the Jaguar landing zone.  Come at them from the side after the rest of us engage them.”

“Aye, Star Captain.”

“Gabriel, your star will attempt to flank the Jaguars while Atrius’ star follows mine.  Remember, the Jaguars favour heavier machines than us, so use your mobility.  Prepare your forces to move out within the hour.”

Two hours later...

Cassandra sat in her customized Timber Wolf, anxious to defend her legacy and kill Jaguars.  And oddly she was proud. The Jaguars had recognized that she was a superior warrior, one who would benefit their Clan should they succeed in taking her.  They would not of course, but the honour it awarded her was not to be scoffed at.

The Jaguar commander had, like her, a supernova trinary.  Cassandra had bid away some of her elementals and lighter ‘Mechs to show her disdain for the other Clan.  Overall, the Jaguar force outweighed hers, but she had the better warriors... even if they were a pack of freebirths and misfits.

She scanned the field and found the Dire Wolf piloted by Star Colonel Mendoza.  It outclassed her own Timber Wolf by 25 tons, but she had faith in her abilities.  She charged her weapons and gave the signal for her forces to move out.  Her PPC blinked ready and she fired the first shot of the battle.  Her shot proved a signal as both sides opened up with their long range weapons, hammering away at each other.  An overzealous Jaguar in an Ebon Jaguar fired at a Wolf already being targeted and zellbrigen was thrown to the winds.  Ominously, there was no sign of the Jaguar elementals, nor of her own.

Osiris plodded along beside her, snapping off highly accurate shots with his quartet of PPCs, his Warhawk shrugging off all incoming damage.

Cassandra grinned ferally and brutalized an Adder, making short work of the lighter machine.  She slowed long enough to slag the cockpit, then moved on, searching for the Star Colonel.  His Dire Wolf was easy to spot, being the only such machine on the battlefield.  She snapped off a shot with her gauss rifle and just missed the cockpit, shattering the glass and surely injuring the man within.  Mendoza returned fire in kind, his own gauss slug slamming into her right torso, virtually eliminating the armour there.  She gritted her teeth and pressed forward while keying on her comms.  “Gabriel!  Where are my flankers?!”

The reply, when it came, was garbled with static.  “Apologies ma’am.  Bloody Jags anticipated us. We’re swarmed by elementals.  Two ‘Mechs down, sending my jumper your way.  Me n’ Tank are movin’ slower, but we’ll be there.”

Dryly she said, “We await you with baited breath.”  She changed frequencies.  “Atrius!  Status.”  While speaking she fired off her LRM rack.

“The battle proceeds well Star Captain.  We have nearly accounted for a star, and I have claimed a bondsman. And your own battle?”

“In progress.  Proceed as you see fit Star Commander.”  She cut that signal and tried MacKinley again.  Still no response.

While she had been checking on her command, Osiris had been drawn off, attempting to deal with a pair of Mad Dogs.  As the battle twisted and turned, Cassandra found she was alone and facing the Star Colonel.  “Star Colonel Mendoza, I abhor the waste of this battle.  Let us settle this matter in personal combat.”

“I agree, Cassandra Radick.  Let it be so.”

“Seyla!” Cassandra cried.  She launched a spread of SRMs, the missiles pock marking the assault machine.  She fired her medium lasers at the same time Mendoza fired his autocannon.  Her lasers stitched up the Dire Wolf, spreading out a moderate amount of damage.  Mendoza’s shot was far more deadly, severing her right arm in which was mounted her gauss rifle.  Cassandra howled in rage and loosed a combined spread of long and short range missiles.  The missiles cratered the assault ‘mech and even managed to detonate its missile ammo bins, but CASE saved the machine and it stomped forward, duel blasting with autocannons, first left then right.  The Timber Wolf shuddered and quaked beneath Cassandra.  Alarms blared, consoles shorted out and a wave of nausea swept over her, a sure indication of a gyro hit.  Stubborn to the end, Cassandra triggered an alpha strike, a waved of heat rushing up to steal her breath, though she slapped the override button and managed to dump her missiles. 

Though her shots had been scattered, they did a fair amount of damage, destroying a hip actuator and peeling the armour from one leg, severing an arm and further ripping open the cockpit.  And yet the monstrous machine remained upright.  Growling and damning the heat curve, she fired a pair of medium lasers.  They scored hits on the undamaged left torso.  Her Timber Wolf became sluggish, its systems addled or overwhelmed by the extreme heat.

The broadband radio crackled to life.  “Cassandra Radick, you have fought valiantly, but you are finished.  Accept your defeat and take your rightful place amongst the Smoke Jaguar Clan.”

“Never!” she cried then pushed her ‘Mech into a shuffling run, intent on ramming the Star Colonel.  She slammed into him, the impact rattling her in her five point restraint.  Her controls exploded around her.  Just visible through the canopy, she could see the upright frame of the Dire Wolf.  Then blackness took her.


She awoke an indeterminate time later to the sounds of a medical bay and the whispered conversations of medical technicians.  She opened her eyes slowly and was awarded with the sight of a heavily bandaged man with dusky skin and long black hair.  She sighed.  “Levon Mendoza.  I am defeated then.”

“Perhaps, Cassandra Radick, but only for a short time.”  He bent forward and wrapped her wrist in the three bands of a bondcord.  “Now your destiny belongs to the Jaguar.”


CODEX: Cassandra Radick

06/20/3029 - Decanted on Eden. Radick/Leroux genetic mix.
04/29/3048 - Passes trial of position with 2 kills, earns rank of Star Commander.  Assumes a temporary post in Eden Garrison as a warrior.
06/01/3049 - Assigned to Tau Galaxy, 12th Wolf Guards, Trinary Assault, Aggressor Star.  Succeeds in a trial of position for command of the star.
12/20/3049 – Leads her unit in battle on Claybrooke in the FWL. 4 kills, 1 assist.
01/08/3050 – Participates in the assault on Andurien, accounting for 5 kills.
02/18/3050 – Attack on Ito in the Capellan Confederation. Attacks by irregular forces nearly turn the Wolves back but quick thinking on Cassandra’s part salvages a victory. 3 kills.
05/02/3050 – Lands on Sian with the Wolf invasion force. Accounts for 3 kills before her Timber Wolf is destroyed. Commandeers a Warhammer IIC and returns to battle.
05/10/3050 – Defeats Major Talon Zahn in personal combat. Takes him bondsman, but Khan Ulric Kerensky exercises his right to claim the defeated warrior.
05/13/3050 – Helps lead the assault on Sian’s HPG after the death of her Star Colonel.  Uncovers ComStar treachery and saves her command, though at the cost of the HPG. 4 kills.
05/20/3050 – Leads her unit to the heart of the Forbidden City. 5 kills.
06/01/3050 – Succeeds in a trial of position, earning the rank of Star Captain.
07/23/3050 – Completes her trial of bloodright, earning the Radick bloodname once carried by the deceased saKhan Garth Radick.
09/12/3050 – Defeats the command company of the 8th FedCom on Second Try. 4 kills.
10/15/3050 – Attack on Liao. Defeats 7 opponents.
11/11/3050 – Battle of Nanking.  Destruction of the 2nd Kearney Highlanders. 5 kills.
03/02/3051 – Battle of Terra.
03/29/3051 – End of the Battle of Terra.  12 kills overall, 9 assists.
05/19/3051 – Participates in the retrieval of the Bristol Cache.
08/25/3051 – Temporary leave to explore Terra.
10/12/3051 – Assigned to garrison Second Try with the 12th Wolf Guards.
11/08/3051 – Puts down a civilian uprising. Serious injuries sustained by many civilians.
11/09/3051 – Defeats Star Commander Atrius in a trial of grievance.
04/16/3052 – Repulses a Jade Falcon raid. 1 kill.
06/26/3052 – Participates in the pacification of St. Ives. 6 kills.
08/01/3052 – Returns to garrison post on Second Try.
01/11/3053 – Taken bondsman by Star Colonel Levon Mendoza of Clan Smoke Jaguar.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 11:13:44 PM »


Chapter 1 – Integrity

“And the first of the bondcords stands for integrity.”

Outbound Vector, Second Try
Wolf Territories, Clan Domains
12 January 3053

Cassandra gritted her teeth as she strove to pay attention to the technician.  The elderly man (which to Cassandra meant early forties) was attempting to explain the intricacies of attaching myomer bundles inside the limbs of an OmniMech, in this case the Star Colonel’s Dire Wolf.  She had to admit, if only to herself, that such work was far beyond her.  At this point in time she was hoping merely to avoid causing further damage to the machine.

The tech, whose name was Hoff, droned on and on.  Cassandra set her body on autopilot.  While she followed instructions and twisted inside the leg, fitting myomers into place, her mind was occupied with her future.

First came the difficult admission that she was no longer a Wolf.  That thought, surprisingly, did not sting as much as she thought it would.  She had always felt underappreciated in her Clan of origin.  Perhaps she could change that here.  She knew she would be a warrior again.  There was no other possibility.  To that end she focused on how to have her bondcord cut.  She had to prove herself which should be easy enough.  No, the hard part would be playing the inferior when she was supremely confident in herself.

Oddly her thoughts turned to her former subordinate Atrius.  He had been born a Nova Cat and become a Wolf.  Though loyal to his new Clan he had retained many beliefs and traditions that made him stand out.  He blended the best of both Clans.  That was what she would do.  After all, if a lesser warrior such as Atrius could succeed and adapt, then so could she.

She stopped her labours and looked up.  “I am sorry Technician Hoff, I did not hear you.”

Hoff sighed in feigned exasperation.  “I said, you have been doing excellent work bondsman.  The Star Colonel will be quite pleased that you’re fixing much of the damage you yourself caused.  Commendable.”

Cassandra bit back a retort, instead merely grunting.

“What was that bondsman?”

Fighting not to roll her eyes she replied, “The work is much more detailed than I imagined.”

That caused the other to chuckle.  “Had the Clans money, I’d be a rich man because of how often I hear that from trueborn warriors.”

“Yes,” she replied, drawing out the word.  “Quite.  So in addition to caring for Levon Mendoza’s ‘Mech, we also see to the maintenance of his star, quiaff?”

“Correct bondsman.  My, you learn quickly don’t ya?”

She offered a poor imitation of a grin.  “We are bred for it, or so I am told.”

Hoff slapped her back in a comradely gesture.  “You’re alright Cassandra.  Come.  Let us finish this work so I can enjoy some much needed time off.”


Groaning, Cassandra sank onto her cot.  She was filthy and everything hurt.  Her lean physique meant Hoff had sent her scurrying through the interior of ‘Mechs all day.  Normally she would have called a trial against him, but that was no longer her place.  Her teeth ached from being clenched all day.  First she would sleep. Then she would bathe.  Then she would adapt.

Garrison Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territories, Clan Domains.
28 April 3053

Time passed.  Days became weeks, weeks became months.  Slowly, Cassandra transformed from a surly warrior into a passable technician... though she remained surly.

When not performing her technician duties Cassandra spent her time staying in shape, preparing for the day when she was a warrior again.  It had to be done late at night, so as not to interfere with the warriors.  Even then she would sometimes have to vacate the gym.  It annoyed her, but she refused to complain.

This night she had hoped to remain undisturbed.  She had an unusual amount of aggression to work off.  Her fists ached from hitting the punching back.  Sweat coated her lithe body, soaking into her clothes.  Her hair, recently cut short, was damp and plastered to her skull.  She was finally starting to find her calm when Ghast entered.

Ghast was a recent arrival from Huntress.  He had been the only warrior from his sibko to become a warrior.  Not unusual in itself, but he had slain at least four of his sibkin in the process.  Such ruthlessness was often prided by the Jaguars.  He was of a type that the Lootera scientists seemed to be churning out these days; tall and heavily muscled, a brute in all honesty.  Only elementals made him look small.  And he despised Cassandra.  The feeling was, of course, mutual.

He swaggered in and sneered upon noticing her.  “Since when did they allow Wolf trash in here?  You will leave.  Now.”

Any other day Cassandra would have done as she was told.  Today her hackles were raised.  “I will leave when I am done.”

That stopped the young warrior for a moment.  He was used to Cassandra meekly obeying.  “You will do as I say bondsman,” he growled reaching out with one ridiculously large hand.

“If you touch me, I will make you regret it.”

Ghast’s hand curled into a fist.  “It is time someone taught you respect.”

That elicited a snort from Cassandra.  “I respect those worthy of it, no one else.  If you think to teach me, you are welcome to try.”  She stood, arms akimbo, silently daring the warrior to strike.

Lacking proper judgement, the young Jaguar rushed her.  He swung one massive fist, which Cassandra easily avoided, but she couldn’t avoid the second.  It connected with her stomach, knocking the wind out of her.  Ghast grabbed her hair and pulled it down whilst bringing up his knee.  It was a solid blow and Cassandra felt her nose break.  That only served to fuel her anger.  Ghast pinned her and drew back to pummel her, which is when she acted.  She bucked and pushed him off, spinning around and leaping to her feet.  Springing forward on the attack she dodged his sloppy punches and kneed him in the groin.  As the man doubled over Cassandra looped her arm around his neck and squeezed.  He struggled of course, but Cassandra had much more practice at it.  She refused to let up until she heard his neck snap.  Stepping back she let the corpse fall to the floor.  As the rage cleared from her eyes it finally occurred to her what it was she had done.  And there was only one thing to do.

Despite the lateness of the hour the Star Colonel answered his door after the first ring.  He took in Cassandra’s dishevelled and bloody appearance.  “To what do I owe the... pleasure... of this visit bondsman?”

“I have come to confess and beg for surkai.  Not ten minutes ago I ended the life of MechWarrior Ghast.”  She sighed deeply.  “I await your punishment.”

Mendoza stared at her for several minutes before finally gesturing to his desk chair.  “Sit.”  She did so, then Mendoza perched himself on the edge of the desk.  He took in her expression again, his own face thoughtful.  “You are correct in that you should not have killed Ghast, but I know well how much he has been pushing you.  I doubt he will be missed, but some of the other warriors may use it as an excuse to make your life more difficult.”

She grinned wanly.  “I can handle myself.”

Mendoza looked at her, suddenly serious.  “Yes, indeed you can.  I know you will succeed here Cassandra.  He gripped her wrist and withdrew a knife.  In a swift motion he cut one of the three cords.  “You have shown your integrity by coming straight to me.  At this rate you will soon be free of your bondcords.  Dismissed.”

Feeling elated Cassandra left.  She would be a warrior again.  It was only a matter of time.



CODEX: Levon Mendoza

12/09/3014 – Decanted on Niles, into Clan Hell’s Horses.  Mendoza/Budolin genetic mix.
04/12/3032 – Passes trial of position with 1 kill.  Assigned to Delta Galaxy, 44th Mechanized Assault Cluster, Charlie Trinary, Beta Nova.
10/06/3036 – Passes trial of position and wins the rank of Nova Commander.
07/21/3038 – Participates in a trial of possession when Ghost Bear forces attempt to lay claim to the Tokasha mechworks.
09/12/3039 – Completes trial of bloodright, earning the Mendoza bloodname.
07/25/3042 – Taken bondsman by Star Captain Castin Sharrete of Clan Smoke Jaguar.
03/19/3043 – Regains warrior status. Assigned to the 19th Striker Cluster.
11/18/3044 – Wins the rank of Star Commander.
01/16/3045 – Wins a trial of grievance against a subordinate over his command.
05/05/3045 – Participates in a raid against Ice Hellion forces.
12/10/3049 – Battle of Lothair.  19th Striker defeats the 8th Syrtis Fusiliers, driving the unit from the planet.
02/13/3050 – Battle of Enchi.  19th Striker and other elements of Delta Galaxy destroy the 2nd Albion Training Cadre.
03/22/3050 – Battle of New Syrtis.
05/12/3050 – Battle of Sekulmun, where AFFC forces had been rallying. Delta Galaxy takes severe damage.
01/19/3051 – Battle of Kathil begins.
02/28/3051 – Battle of Kathil ends. 1st Kathil Uhlans driven from the world. Levon is the highest ranking member of his cluster remaining.
04/02/3051 – Wins the rank of Star Colonel and command of the 19th Striker Cluster and is tasked with rebuilding this tainted unit.
06/15/3050 – 19th Striker assigned to garrison Kathil.
08/29/3051 - Repels AFFC raid on Kathil.
10/10/3051 - Puts down a worker revolt.  Only kills the ringleaders.
01/11/3053 – Takes Star Captain Cassandra Radick of Clan Wolf as bondsman.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2012, 11:18:07 PM »

Chapter 2 – Prowess

“The second cord is prowess.  Prowess is the heart of the warrior.  Without this, one can never return to battle.”

Watson, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territories, Clan Domains
17 May 3053

A large bug, somewhat similar to a Terran ladybug, was buzzing about Cassandra’s head, attracted by her perspiration.  She and several other technicians were making field repairs to a pair of Summoner’s.  Cassandra had been left alone to work on hers, as it was in the better condition of the two.  Swatting at the bugs, Cassandra got to work.  The leg actuator on this particular Summoner was just shy of being fused.  While her skills could not repair the actuator, she could ensure it was mobile enough for someone to return the Omni to base, perhaps even she herself could do so.

The rest of the supernova trinary was off pursuing the raiders, in this case a short battalion of the Eridani Light Horse.  How the Jaguars detested that unit... traitors to Kerensky’s vision who had stayed behind for money.  Cassandra shared that hatred, though many of her former Clan did not.  Indeed, if rumours were to be believed, the ilKhan wished to draw them back into service with the Star League.  Sighing, Cassandra pushed such thoughts aside.  For now she had a job to do.

Some hours later the repairs were complete.  She signalled the elementals assigned to guard duty and one of them transmitted that they were ready to return when suddenly the armoured warriors bounded forward.  Cassandra heard the noise a moment later, the sonic boom of a passing fighter.  She cursed and scrambled up to the ‘Mechs cockpit.  Though she could not use the weapons, techs rarely could, she could at least get the Summoner moving and potentially save the machine.  It would be wasteful to leave it behind.

It was easy enough to power up the Summoner and get it mobile, but the damaged actuator slowed it to a limping jog.  All she had to do was find cover until the fighter passed.

Even in this limited state it was glorious to be piloting a ‘Mech again after so long.  It was an oddly fitting machine as well, hobbled as it was.  Still she revelled in it.  Not for long however.

Her scanners revealed that while the fighter had departed, a pair of ‘Mechs were approaching.  Lights from the readings, a Stinger and a Hornet.  Normally not even a match for a Summoner but she had a bad actuator and no weapons.  She briefly considered abandoning the ‘Mech and escaping on foot, but hated the idea of showing fear to spheroid freebirth scum, even more than she hated an honourless death.  And so she prepared herself as best she could.  Her main advantage lay in her armour.  Even with it already worn from battle, she still carried more armour than both Inner Sphere designs combined.

It didn’t take long for the spheroid machines to reach her position, speedy scouts that they were.  She knew there was little to fear from the Stinger, the Hornet was the greater concern, being a newer design with a heavier weapons load.  The two spheroid pilots were obviously quite brave.  Though unaware that Cassandra’s weapons were inoperative, they dashed in at full speed.  All three ‘Mechs were equipped with jump jets, so this would be a battle of skill.  That being the case, Cassandra had confidence in herself.

Cassandra knew when they were almost upon her when she was peppered with missiles from an LRM-5.  She focused her scanner and located the Hornet.  She set the Summoner off towards it.  Running as fast as the leg would allow, she charged the light machine.  The pilot was obviously a rookie as he began reversing, firing his medium laser and not kicking in his jump jets.  Cassandra rode out the impacts and when she was close enough activated her jets.  The seventy ton Omni suddenly surged forward. Cassandra controlled her ascent so the legs clipped the top of the light, knocking it over.  Cassandra landed her machine, the damaged leg groaning in protest, then spun and smashed her right foot down, crushing the Light Horse warrior in his cockpit.  Warning lights flared showing that she had undone all her repairs, but Cassandra knew it was worth it.  Of course the Stinger pilot then began blasting away at her with a medium laser and machine guns.  More and more damage accumulated and she began to despair, if only for the briefest of moments.  If today was her day to die then so be it, but she would go down fighting.  To that end she began hobbling towards the other ‘Mech.

The Eridani Light Horse MechWarrior continued firing until something appeared to ruin his day.  Cassandra’s elemental guards had returned.  They bounded forward and swarmed up to the Stingers’ cockpit, tearing their way in and making very short work of the warrior within.  Adrenaline raged through Cassandra’s system, the quick end to the skirmish feeling anticlimactic and dissatisfying.  None-the-less she began calming her nerves before embarking on the very long trek back to base.

18 May 3053

Once more Cassandra stood before the Star Colonel.  He was decked out in his warrior togs, having just returned from the field where he had been chasing the last of the raiders back to their drop ships.  He faced her, dark eyes speculative.  “You continue to impress me Cassandra Radick.  Your bravery in the face of such circumstances has gained you much.  Hold out your arm.”  She did so and he produced his knife.  “I release you from the second bond for your unexpected bravery in the field and your desire to protect the interests of the Clan.  You showed great skill. I think that soon you will be back amongst warriors as an equal.  Dismissed.”

Filled with a new sense of determination, Cassandra bowed and left.


Interlude: Key Players and the Touman

Khan Sarah Weaver
saKhan Dorian Wirth
Loremaster Alkin Hoff

The status of former ilKhan Leo Showers is unknown.  After the Wolves conquered Terra, Showers (reluctantly) stepped down.  He then issued a trial of refusal against Ulric Kerensky.  Though the ensuing battle was fierce, Kerensky won.  In a bid to foster unity, Kerensky offered Showers the position of ‘Defender of Terra.’  Showers declined rather forcefully.  He then vanished into the periphery.  The official line is that he sought a private world on which to end his life, but in reality no one knows what happened to him.

Clan Smoke Jaguar: Approx. 42 clusters

Jaguars' Den Keshik – Khan Sarah Weaver
Shroud Keshik – saKhan Dorian Wirth
Naval Reserve  – S. Cmdre. Paulina Perez

Alpha Galaxy ‘Soul of the Jaguar’
   Jaguar Spirit Keshik – G. Cmdr. Lincoln Osis
   Jaguar Grenadiers – S. Col. Brandon Howell
   5th Jaguar Regulars ‘The Hidden Jaguar’ – S. Col. Lois Furey
   7th Jaguar Dragoons ‘The Leaping Jaguar’ – S. Col. Anthony Chrisholm
   9th Jaguar Cavaliers ‘Pouncers’ – S. Col. Franklin Wimmer
   122nd Striker Cluster ‘Spotted Cats of Death’ – S. Col. Tyler Perez
   181st Battle Cluster ‘Huntress Ghosts’ – S. Col. Delia Nevversan

Beta Galaxy ‘The Mistweavers’
   Swath Keshik – G. Cmdr. Dietr Osis
   1st Jaguar Guards ‘The Whitewatch’ – S. Col. Trent Howell
   2nd Smoke Jaguar Guards ‘The Striking Cats’ – S. Col. Jefferson DesCastris
   3rd Jaguar Cavaliers ‘The Stormriders’ – S. Col. Paul Moon
   225th Jaguar Battle Cluster ‘Hunters All’ – S. Col. Antonia Kotare
   267th Battle Cluster ‘The Devil’s Mist’ – S. Col. Diane Perez
   214th Jaguar Dragoons ‘Desperate Moves’ – S. Col. Harrison Wirth
   362nd Assault Cluster ‘The Silver Jaguars’ – S. Col. Emilie Wimmer

Delta Galaxy ‘Cloud Rangers’ (5 Clusters)
   Skyriders Keshik – G. Cmdr. Hang Mehta
   1st Striker Cluster ‘Sheep’s Clothing’ – S. Col. Mikhail Ward
   3rd Assault Cluster ‘Wolfsbane’ – S. Col. Norrington Wirth
   4th Jaguar Dragoons ‘From Beyond’ – S. Col. Aaron Showers
   19th Striker Cluster ‘The Razor’s Edge’ – S. Col. Levon Mendoza
   1106th Aggressor Cluster ‘The Cat’s Paw’ – S. Col. Zoe Morris

Epsilon Galaxy ‘The Teeth of Justice’
   Dark Prowlers Keshik – G. Cmdr. Jin Mehta
   6th Striker Cluster – S. Col. Sidney Nevversan
   28th Jaguar Combat Cluster – S. Col. William Chrisholm
   32nd Smoke Jaguar Regulars – S. Col. Brian Furey
   43rd Jaguar Battle Cluster – S. Col. Leeta Nevversan

Mu Galaxy ‘The Ravagers’
   Savage Keshik – G. Cmdr. Burton Wirth
   63rd Smoke Jaguar Regulars – S. Col. Jez
   75th Jaguar Assault Cluster – S. Col. Timothy Showers
   304th Battle Cluster – S. Col. Jenny Showers
   315th Battle Cluster – S. Col. Aeryk DesCastris

Zeta Garrison Galaxy ‘The Iron Guard’
   Galaxy Command Trinary
   5th Garrison Cluster
   47th Garrison Cluster
   189th Garrison Cluster

Omega Garrison Galaxy ‘The Watchmen’
   Galaxy Command Trinary
   48th Battle Cluster
   10th Smoke Jaguar Regulars
   27th Garrison Cluster
   151st Garrison Cluster

Nu Galaxy
   Galaxy Command Trinary
   124th Garrison Cluster
   143rd Garrison Cluster
   168th Garrison Cluster

Independent Clusters
   336th Combat Cluster ‘Cheshire Cats’ – S. Col. Hampton Wimmer
   Jaguar’s Swords – S. Col. Jason Furey
   77th Solahma Cluster ‘Last Legs’ – S. Col. Caesar



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  • Jaim Magnus
Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2012, 11:20:26 PM »

Chapter 3 – Fidelity

“And lo, the third bondcord represents fidelity, the demonstration of one’s adherence to new beliefs and duties.”

St. Petersburg
Terra, Clan Domains
2 September 3053

Terra was a beautiful world.  Had she any such inclination, Cassandra would settle here.  Perhaps she would if she did not regain her warrior status.  No, that would not be a concern.  Today she wandered the streets of St. Petersburg, taking in the sights of a city that had been standing since long before humanity left the cradle of Terra.  It was a humbling feeling.  She walked among the other citizens, one amongst a multitude, watching as people parted for those in Clan uniforms, men and women moving about on important errands.

The 19th was on Terra because one of their members was being honoured with an appointment to the forming Black Watch Cluster.  This new cluster would be part of the Terran systems defence and would contain members from virtually all the Clans... and even a few of their Spheroid allies.  Star Commander Rossou would do well there, she thought.  Bleeding heart that he was.  That was likely why ilKhan Kerensky had chosen the man.

Regardless, the entire unit had escorted the Star Commander to Terra to honour him... and to view the world itself.  For Cassandra it had been nearly two years since she had set foot on the world.  Then she had been a Wolf, flush with victory.  Now she was a Jaguar, struggling to find her place.  Perhaps that is why what came next was a surprise... and yet not.

The sound of a clearing throat preceded the warrior’s voice.  “Cassandra Radick, late of the Wolves.  I greet you in all honour.”

Cassandra turned slowly around, not at all pleased that someone had managed to sneak up on her.  The warrior was young.  Slight of build with black hair and eyes.  He was a Jade Falcon and a Star Commander by his rank pin, though that meant little.  She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.  “And why should I greet a Jade Falcon with anything but contempt?”

“Why, because of what I can offer you,” he replied smoothly.

Cassandra cocked an eyebrow.  “And what might that be?”

“A return to your rightful place as a warrior, with troops to command and leaders worthy of your respect.”

Cassandra couldn’t help the snort of derision that escaped her.  “Not likely amongst your brood.  I have yet to meet a Falcon I respect.”

What the man said next sent a chill through her spine.  “Did I say I represented the Jade Falcons?  No, there is something greater, true followers of Kerensky, the true Kerensky, not the pretender Ulric.”

Though intrigued, Cassandra held up a hand to stop him.  “I do not care, whoever you are.  I am committed to the honourable path amongst the Smoke Jaguars.  My duty lies with them.”

The man frowned.  “So be it.  But know that there are those watching.  They will make themselves known if you ever change your mind.”  Without another word, he turned and vanished into the crowds.  Cassandra tried to keep track of him, but couldn’t.

She had intended to spend much more time in the city, but this strange encounter with the Jade Falcon officer led her to cut her tour short.  She would have to speak to the Star Colonel.

Levon was frowning.  “You have done well to bring this to my attention, bondsman.  And you could recognize this warrior again, quiaff?”

She nodded once.  “Aff, Star Colonel.”

“Good.  Then you shall accompany me to Unity City for the induction ceremony.  See if you can spot this warrior.”

“Your will, Star Colonel.”

Unity City, 2 days later...

A vast throng of warriors filled the square, a mixture hailing from many Clans.  They stood at attention, surrounded by their fellows, as the ilKhan finished his speech conferring command to Amerlin Johns of the Blood Spirits.  Cassandra stood beside Star Colonel Mendoza at the head of the rest of the 19th.  A great cheer erupted from them as the Blood Spirit warrior acknowledged the ilKhan and the assembled crowd.  She launched into a speech of her own, which Cassandra ignored.  She was too busy scanning the crowd, hoping to spot the mysterious Falcon.  So far she and not had any luck.

“What do you think of the formation of this cluster, bondsman?”

Cassandra’s thoughts momentarily lurched.  “It is... a bold move.  Such a unit demonstrates our ties to the Star League of old.  And placing a Blood Spirit in command is wise, given that their founder was a member of the original Black Watch.  And it will help ease concerns that Terra is but a Wolf world, rather than one belonging to all the Clans.”

Mendoza smiled.  “Your thoughts mirror my own.  Insights such as this are sorely needed by our Clan.”

Cassandra snorted.  “Indeed.”  She caught herself.  “I apologize Star Colonel.”

“No need bondsman.”

And then Cassandra saw him.  The mystery Falcon.  He stood in the entourage of Kael Pershaw, Loremaster of the Clans.  She quickly pointed this out to Mendoza.

“Hmm.  So this is your ‘recruiter.’  Interesting.  We will pass this information on to the Watch.”  He paused.  “You may have the rest of the day to yourself, so long as you are back in the Luger’s hanger at 1900 hours.”

DropShip Luger, Unity City, 1900 hours

The hanger was dark and silent, a rare occurrence.  So rare in fact, that it set Cassandra’s nerves on edge, ever instinct she had screaming out that something was wrong.  She stepped inside and the great bay door of the Union-C dropship rumbled closed.  Once it was sealed a spotlight snapped on, bathing her in light forcing her to shield her eyes.

“Cassandra Radick,” a voice boomed from the darkness.  “Step forward.”

Recognizing the voice of her bondholder, she did as instructed.  “Already you have proven your prowess and integrity.  Over the past nine months you have demonstrated your fidelity to your new Clan and endured much that would affront your warriors spirit.  Your recent actions have solidified my view of your worth.  Step forward and take your reward.”

Posture straightening with pride, Cassandra stepped up and faced him.  Mendoza reached down and with a quick cut, severed the last bond.  “My warriors,” Mendoza shouted out.  “Welcome Cassandra Radick to the fold, newest warrior of the Smoke Jaguars!”  With that a mighty cheer rose from the walkways, from the warriors of the cluster.

And once more, Cassandra felt as if she belonged.

Chapter 4 – Trial

Sante Fe Testing Grounds
Terra, Clan Domains
6 September 3053

The cooling togs felt right.  The vest was new but fit extremely well.  She was on her way to her trial of position, a formality really.  Ahead was the ‘Mech she would pilot for the trial, an Inner Sphere Hunchback that had formerly belonged to the Com Guards.  Such lesser machines were now frequently used for such trials... to preserve the more valuable Clan equipment.  Her opponents would face her in similar machines.

Cassandra scrambled up the rungs of the ladder and settled into the centuries old cockpit.  Powering it up she revelled at the sense of power brought on by the simple rumble of the engine.  She spun up the weapons and examined her instruments, getting a feel for the antiquated ‘Mech.  The first ‘Mech she had taken into battle, at full capability, in the better part of a year.  It felt good.

With a single transmitted word, “Begin,” from the comm, Cassandra throttled up into a run and began scanning for her opponents.  The stride of the Hunchback was jerkier than she was accustomed to and she knew she would feel it in the base of her spine on the morrow, but that was of little concern.  Now all that mattered was battle.

She knew there were two ‘Mechs in the field, meaning she could become a Star Commander again... if she was lucky.  Warrior would suffice for her.

Her sensors blared and she saw a Centurion in the distance.  The other ‘Mech got a lock on her and fired its LRM-10, but Cassandra managed to dodge the shot.  Given her weapons, she had to get closer.  Using the pillars spaced throughout the field, Cassandra managed to get close, but had to step out into the open.  The bore of the AC 20 spat fire and she struggled to maintain balance.  The Centurion returned fire with its own autocannon, chewing up her centre torso and nearly pushing her ‘Mech over.  Only a desperate shuffle hop kept her machine upright.  The traded medium laser shots while jockeying for a clear shot with their respective autocannons.  A fury filled her.  She HAD to win this fight and that meant doing whatever was necessary.  So she lashed out, the Hunchbacks armoured fist clanging against the Centurions cockpit.  The other MechWarrior was shaken, so Cassandra kicked out with her foot and tripped her opponent.  Fifty tons of war machine crashed to the earth.  She stared coldly down at it then fired her autocannon into its back, blasting through armour, destroying the gyro and damaging the engine.  Come what may she was now a warrior.  But there was one more ‘Mech out there.

Her Hunchback shuddered under a laser impact, which melted off a fair chunk of her rear torso armour.  Cassandra spun her machine around to face a Guillotine.  That put her at a disadvantage, but that would not deter her.  In fact, she relished the challenge.  She pushed the Inner Sphere ‘Mech into a run and charged straight at the Guillotine, surely the last thing the pilot expected.  As the distance closed she began to dodge in an intricate pattern, throwing off the other ‘Mechs aim.  She snapped off a pair of shots with her medium lasers, but both shots missed.

The Guillotine caught on to her pattern and lacerated her torso with a shot from its large laser.  Cassandra angrily shrugged it off, not caring because she was finally close enough to fire her autocannon.  The Guillotine lost shards of armour and reeled, but the pilot was good, keeping the machine upright.  The quartet of medium lasers stabbed out, the energy beams blowing off the Hunchbacks left arm.

The sudden loss of weight unbalanced the ‘Mech, but Cassandra kept it steady and ripped into the Guillotine with her autocannon, mauling a pair of lasers.  To add insult to injury, Cassandra popped off a shot with her small laser, which grazed the cockpit.  She pulled the trigger for her autocannon again.  This time she only managed to clip a foot as the Guillotine leapt in the air, jumpjets flaring.  It soared over her head and she spun the Hunchback around, but was not fast enough.  SRMs ravaged her already damaged rear armour, fragging the engine.  The Hunchback shutdown and toppled over, helpless.  Cassandra didn’t feel the impact though.  Despite this loss, she was a warrior in fact was well as name.

Cassandra stood before Mendoza, who had been piloting the Guillotine.  “A fine showing, MechWarrior Cassandra Radick.  You are a welcome addition to the cluster.  We have an opening in Bravo Star, Supernova Battle thanks to the departure of Star Commander Rossou.  You will report for duty to Star Captain Erik Osis and Star Commander Samson Furey first thing tomorrow.”

She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.  “Aff, Star Colonel.  I look forward to it.”

“Oh and Warrior.  See the quartermaster to get a proper uniform.  Dismissed.”

She was elated, for now she was truly a Smoke Jaguar.  Let the universe beware.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2012, 11:22:41 PM »

PART III: Warrior

Chapter 1 – Ties

Sante Fe Testing Grounds
Terra, Clan Domains
9 September 3053

The practice for the nova star had been long and demanding.  Star Commander Samson Furey proved a capable and adaptable leader, using his elementals to great effect and winning the exercise.  Star Captain Erik Osis, however, proved to be extremely inflexible, which largely accounted for his loss.  But he used tried and true Smoke Jaguar tactics, so he continued to flourish, with the patronage of such notables as Lincoln Osis.  Cassandra felt his career had peaked and expected a challenge against him in the near future.

Regardless, it had been wonderful to be back at the controls of an OmniMech, in this case an Ebon Jaguar.  Though lighter than the Timber Wolf she was accustomed to, her new ride seemed a versatile design.  She looked forward to testing its limits.

Upon her return to the training grounds she was surprised to find a message waiting for her.  A technician informed her that Star Captain Atrius of the Wolves had requested to see her, as he was also on Terra.  This surprised her for many reasons.  First, she had not known that her former command was on planet.  Second, that Atrius actually wanted to see her.  Third, that she would not mind seeing him.  The two of them had never truly seen eye to eye.  Still, there was nothing wrong with granting his request and she so informed the technician, then left to wash.

Atrius was seated in the base commissary.  He wore his usual serious expression upon his tattooed face.  He rose at Cassandra’s approach and nodded his greetings.  He wore dark grey wolf leathers and bore the rank pin of a Star Captain.  Conversely, Cassandra wore the mottled dark grey and indigo of the Smoke Jaguar’s for the first time.  Her former subordinate eyed her appraisingly.  “You seem to be adapting well Cassandra.  I sensed you might.”

She shrugged.  “It was a simple matter.  I am a warrior.  It was only a matter of time until the Jaguars recognized this.”  She paused.  “Are you here to make small talk, quineg?”

A hint of a smile creased Atrius’ face.  “Neg Cassandra.  I am here to return something which belongs to you.  If you will come with me.”  He stood and began to leave.

Also standing, Cassandra let a hint of confusion enter her voice.  “Wait.  Why can you not bring it in here?”

Atrius called back, “The guards would not let me bring it in.  Something about fouling the room.”

Now intrigued, Cassandra followed him.

The courtyard outside the barracks was only sparsely populated, mostly with technicians, but there were a few warriors and labourers as well.  They were all staying clear of one small area, though she could not see why until getting closer.  Sitting calmly in the sun was her pet wolf, Hopper.  She had rescued him from the wild still in the sibko.

“He has been a pain ever since you were taken bondsman, but Osiris refused to abandon him.  He seems to have developed a bond with the beast.

Cassandra looked over from where Hopper was licking her hand, a rare grin briefly on her face before it faded away.  “No.  I am a Smoke Jaguar now.  Having such a pet is inappropriate.  Give him to Osiris.  They always did enjoy each other’s company.”

“As you say.  It may interest you to know that Osiris has won a trial of position and is now one of my Star Commanders.”

Now Cassandra grinned in earnest.  She and Osiris, though of different bloodlines, had grown up in the same sibko and had developed an excellent working relationship... and the occasional personal one as well.  It pleased her that he was doing so well.  “Please pass my congratulations on to Star Commander Osiris Sender.”

“Indeed.”  Atrius picked up Hopper’s lead.  “I shall depart then.  Success in your new Clan, Cassandra Radick.  I hope to one day meet you in battle.”

She bared her teeth in what could only passably be called a grin.  Of that I can assure you.  Farewell Atrius.”

With a fractional nod, the Wolf turned and walked away.  Cassandra watched until his form faded away with distance then turned and made for the barracks.  It was time to get to know her star mates better.

Conversation proved elusive, but she eventually learned many things.

The Star Commander, Samson Furey, had made a name for himself during the invasion.  His creative use of elementals and aerospace fighters had nicely countered the Davion proclivity for infantry and artillery.  He had also been a vocal advocate of ceasing batchalls when dealing with Inner Sphere forces.  Clearly this had been well received, for the practice had ceased midway through the invasion.  He was a tall and muscled man with little by way of body fat or sense of humour.  Cassandra recognized his skill and considered herself lucky to be under his direct command.

MechWarrior Ballard was a traditional Smoke Jaguar warrior through and through.  In battle he would charge his Warhawk straight at the enemy and soak up the damage.  His accuracy was exceptional, but the technicians despised him due to the sheer volume of repairs they had to make to his ‘Mech.  His arrogance and superiority was second only to the now deceased Ghast and Cassandra suspected she would have to put Ballard down as well.

Roberta was an extremist, on the downward spiral of her career.  At 31 she had never won a bloodname and had been losing rank and position steadily.  Her steel grey eyes held a fanatics gleam and were surrounded by the risky EI tattoo’s.  Her hair had begun to grey as well and so the elderly warrior had begun to shave her head.  She rarely spoke, but when she did it was usually to complain about how things were done.  Obviously she was ignored, given that she was only a step away from becoming solahma.

Lastly there was Aven.  Fresh out of the sibko, she was something of an anomaly.  Small and mousy, her matrilineal genes had been captured from the Snow Ravens.  As such she seemed to display the furtive nature of that Clan ... or her comrades were seeing what they were expecting to see.  Either way she was a quiet, dedicated warrior, and a good one to have watching your back.

Only Ballard and Roberta caused her any concern, but they would either accept her or face her in a circle of equals.  During the wait for the return to Kathil, she spent nearly as much time conversing with the intriguing Star Commander Samson as she did with Levon.

And then, at last, it was time to depart Terra.

Chapter 2 – Raid

Near Outpost 18
Thespia Continent, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
18 December 3053

Bright sunlight glanced off the newly fallen snow, which crunched under the running feet of Cassandra Radick.  Her breath puffed out in great clouds as she continued her run, pushing herself to beat the stars best time.  The morning was quiet, which she enjoyed a great deal.  Her path took her through the wild outskirts of the base, so she could admire the mountainous scenery and test her memory by recalling the names of the various indigenous creatures.

The silence was broken by two things; a star of aerospace fighters launching from the airstrip and the harsh trill of her comms unit.  She snatched up the device.  “Radick here.”

“Report back to base MechWarrior,” came the tinny voice of a tech.  “Incoming hostile forces.”

“Acknowledged base, I am on my way.” She redirected her path and made for the base, excitement building.


The briefing theatre was less full than usual, as half of the cluster, two trinaries, were still out on manoeuvres on the Hurste continent.  The Star Colonel waited for everyone to be seated before commencing.  Cassandra was jittery with anticipation.

“An hour ago, a Federated Suns jumpship materialized at a pirate point near the moon.  They detached dropships and immediately began a high-g burn in.  Given the number and suspected types of dropships, we are assuming an understrength RCT.  We do not yet know which one, but should have that information soon.  Star Captain Sifton,” he gestured to a warrior with a scarred face, “of the garrison trinary will be deploying with my command star.  We do not yet know their landing zone, so you will be positioned around the primary mine by trinary and will link up once we know exactly where they are.  Make sure your techs outfit your forces for a long fight.  Projected ETA is tomorrow evening.

Next day…

Cassandra sat in her cockpit, ready for battle.  The foe had finally been identified as the 2nd St. Ives Lancers.  They had belonged to the defunct St. Ives Compact and had joined the AFFS to continue fighting the Clans.  Cassandra had never fought them before but had fought Capellans during the initial invasion and suspected that this would be a hard fought battle.  From the reports she had heard, a strike against the orbiting shipyards had been foiled and Jaguar fighters were harassing the incoming dropships.  Secretly she hoped they were unsuccessful, leaving her more enemies to kill.

Star Commander Furey had deployed the star near a large grove of trees, using them to conceal the attached elementals.  Cassandra’s Ebon Jaguar was deployed forward, along with Furey’s Summoner.  The Warhawk, Hunchback IIC and Shadow Cat of Ballard, Roberta and Aven respectively, were arrayed behind her.  Star Captain Osis had the rest of the trinary located in a depression nearly 15 kilometres away.  The deployment made Cassandra question Osis’ ability, but time would tell.

At long last something happened.  An Overlord dropship cruised by overhead, bathing the Jaguar forces with engine was before continuing on to land roughly 2 kilometres distant.  Its bays opened and began disgorging a plethora of primarily light and medium ‘Mechs.  Last off were a heavy lance of missile boats; two Archers, a Catapult and a Bombardier.  Were it not for their numbers, Cassandra would feel sorry for them.

She and Ballard, boasting primarily long range weaponry, remained on the outskirts of the grove while the rest of the nova charged forward, led by the Hunchback IIC.  Elementals bounded across the expanse separating the two forces, anxious to begin scoring kills.  Cassandra wanted to be forward with them, but knew how to follow orders.  Charging her gauss rifle, she targeted a fast-moving Cicada, breathed out, and triggered her shot, blasting the right leg clean off the Inner Sphere machine.

The nova was thus far adhering to zellbrigen, more a matter of personal honour than respect for their foes.  A point of elementals swarmed an Enforcer, scrambling up to rip open the cockpit and hurl the MechWarrior within down to her death.  Cassandra watched it all with a sense of glee.  It was glorious to be in combat again!

The rules of ritual combat were thrown out once the heavy lance opened fire, missiles raining down on multiple targets.  The fools.

Marching her Ebon Jaguar forward with a slow, methodical pace, Cassandra locked on to the Catapult, a ‘Mech whose weaknesses she knew well from her years fighting Capellans and former CCAF renegades.  She fired her gauss rifle, the silvery slug achieving a glancing shot that never-the-less shattered armour and blow off one of the missile covers followed by her large laser which scored a torso hit.  That got the Catapult’s attention.  The pilot loosed a double flight at her, thirty missiles raining down around and on her.  Clods of earth exploded and the cockpit rang, a secondary monitor erupting in a shower of sparks.  Cassandra ignored the carnage, keeping her eyes and sensors locked on the opposing machine.

The enemy pilot was good.  Rather than back off or wait, the pilot used their jumpjets to leap forward into range of their medium lasers, clearly counting on Cassandra being rattled by the missile strike.  Unfortunately for them, she was on her game.  She speared out with her trio of Clan ER medium lasers, slicing into the Catapult’s leg, melting and gouging armour.  The Catapult landed roughly, staggered, but kept its feet.

Leaning forward in her cockpit, Cassandra attacked again.  Her medium lasers flashed again as did her missiles.  The Inner Sphere machine quaked under the impacts but refused to fall.  Grinning savagely, she stomped forward and, with an awkward bird-legged kick, shattered the knee of the Catapult, sending it crashing to the ground.  She gave it another kick for good measure hen turned to search for another target.

She found her target when it fired on her.  An autocannon tore into her torso, breaching the armour and causing some internal damage.  Red and yellow damage indicators flashed warningly, but she ignored them, turning to face her challenger; a Centurion.  She knew that machine well also.  She loosed a quick shot with her gauss rifle, striking a glancing blow to the shoulder.

So fixated was her attention that Cassandra nearly missed seeing the jumping Hatchetman.  The massive blade that gave the ‘Mech its name cleaved through the already damaged torso, spilling gauss projectiles and severing the arm which mounted the rifle.  Cassandra stagger stepped the Ebon Jaguar sideways and triggered her lasers, savaging the chest and head of the Hatchetman.

An autocannon blast from the Hatchetman knocked her further off balance, and she looked out her cockpit to see the hatchet poised for another strike when the ‘Mech erupted in front of her.  As the Hatchetman collapsed loosely to the ground, it revealed a battle scarred Shadow Cat.

“A fine battle so far, quaiff, MechWarrior Cassandra?”

A relieved smile covered Cassandra’s face.  “Aff, MechWarrior Aven.  Let us return to it and kill more of these Federated Suns surats.”

12 hours later…

The battle had been long and brutal but the Jaguars had prevailed.  Not a single Lancers warrior had escaped Kathil and only one of the dropships had gotten away.  Burning ‘Mechs littered the fields near the mines, the smoke from the smoldering carcasses mixing with the smoke of industry and the shattered egg of a dropship.  Cassandra stood on the field, one arm bound securely to her chest and wrapped in a greatcoat for warmth.  She watched as techs swarmed the battered remains of her Ebon Jaguar, preparing to ship it back to base for repairs.

The butchers bill had been terrible.  Roberta was dead, having charged her ‘Mech headlong into two full lances of medium ‘Mechs.  Aven had survived, but had suffered such injuries that she might never pilot a ‘Mech again.  Ballard had escaped relatively unscathed, but even Star Commander Furey had been wounded.  The rest of the trinary had suffered similarly.  All thanks to the incompetence of Star Captain Erik Osis, who had refused to consolidate his forces.  And because of that, she knew his days were numbered.

The crunch of boots alerted her to his approach.  The limping gait let her know at once who it was.  “Hello Star Commander.”

“MechWarrior Cassandra.  You fought well today.”

She turned and stared at him, eyes icily amused.  “I always fight well.”

A smile tugged at the corner of Furey’s mouth.  “Indeed.  I was impressed by little else but you today.  Today’s failures were but the latest in a very long line.  I believe the time has come to deal with Star Captain Osis.”

Cassandra bared her teeth.  If Furey advanced, then so could she.  “Great Father grant you victory Star Commander.”  For whether you win or lose, she thought to herself, I shall take your place.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2012, 11:24:09 PM »

Chapter 3 – Grievance

Outpost 18
Thespia Continent, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
21 December 3053

“And so I challenge you to a trial of grievance!” shouted Furey.

Osis actually took a step back as warriors about him cheered the Star Commander.  “What madness is this?”

“The madness is yours,” countered Furey.  “Your so-called plan wasted warriors lives for nothing!  For that, I challenge your right to lead.”

“So be it,” Osis snarled.  “Face me if you dare.  Warriors!  Form a circle.”

Cassandra leapt forward, eagerly taking her place in the circle.  This was what it meant to be a Clan warrior.  If you failed too many times, as Erik Osis had, you were replaced.  Forcibly if necessary.

The two warriors circled each other, judging their opponents ability.  On the surface it was an uneven fight, for Osis was an elemental.  But Furey was a generation younger and was driven not by thoughts of victory alone, but also the greater glory of the Clan.

The Star Captain flexed his massive shoulders and charged the smaller warrior, but Furey dodged easily and jabbed Osis in the kidneys.  The elemental grunted and wind milled around, one trunk-like arm smashing Samson full in the face and sending him flying.  The Star Commander crashed to the ground and rolled through the dust.  He rose slowly and spit out several teeth, rubbing his jaw.  The resumed circling each other.

“Give up Samson,” the elemental gloated.  “You know you can never beat me.”

“A true warrior never gives up!” he snarled in response.  He lunged forward in a leaping somersault and drove his feet into Osis’ knee.  A loud crack followed and Osis howled, for in fury than pain, before falling to the ground.

Samson regained his feed and leered at his commander.  “You will yield, quineg?”

“Neg!” he bellowed.  Rolling onto his stomach he began crawling towards Samson, hatred and bloodlust tainting his features.

For his part, Samson calmly walked forward, stepped on Osis’ arm and proceeded to repeatedly kick the Star Captain in the head until he was unconscious.  Then he turned to the circle.  “Do any here dispute my victory?”  A chorus of ‘negs’ greeted him.

Days later…

Now that Osis had been released by the medical technicians the two combatants and a host of Star Commanders, Cassandra amongst them, stood before the Star Colonel.  He eyed Samson, weighing him.  “Congratulations on your victory Star Captain Furey.  I expect your trinary’s performance to improve.”

“Aff, Star Colonel, it will.  Personnel transfers will begin shortly.”

Mendoza threw a glance to Osis.  “Yes, I imagine they will.  Erik Osis, I have a position for a Star Commander in my command nova.  Will you accept such a position, or will you stay with your former unit?”

Osis looked deflated, but straightened slightly at the offer.  “I will gladly serve in your nova, Star Colonel.  Perhaps there I can make up for my loss of honour.”

“Perhaps.”  He turned back to Furey.  “Have your warriors held trials for your former position?”

“They have sir.  Cassandra Radick now commands.”

“I defeated MechWarrior Jasika at a game of chess.  She shows promise, and I have convinced her to serve under me,” Cassandra chimed in.

Mendoza smiled.  “Excellent.  Rebuild your commands, for we are the strong claws of the Jaguar, and must always be prepared.”



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2012, 11:26:44 PM »

PART IV: Command

Chapter 1 – Comes the Unkindness

Garrison Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
13 March 3054

The command centre was a hub of activity, technicians scurrying about on whatever strange tasks it was they performed.  The lighting was dim, faces bathed in the reflected light of consoles and the large holotank situated in the centre of the room.  Cassandra entered at a brisk pace, making straight for the holotank where Star Colonel Mendoza stood.  He stood in profile, hand grasping his chin in thought.  A short distance away was the diminutive frame of Galaxy Commander Hang Mehta who had arrived a few days earlier on a tour of the various clusters under her command.

“I come as ordered, Star Colonel,” she said as she stopped and came to attention.

He grunted, then spoke, eyes remaining fixed on the holotank display.  “We have just detected a jump emergence at the zenith jump point. Two vessels, possibly a warship.” A shrill beep sounded and suddenly the holotank view zoomed in to show three markers, then tag them.  CSR.  “Snow Ravens,” he said with a sneer in his voice.

Contempt filled her thoughts as Cassandra reviewed what she knew of the Snow Ravens.  They were warship focused and relied heavily on aerospace minded combined arms.  They had failed to win a spot in the initial invasion, but had petitioned the Grand Council for the right to absorb the Steel Vipers the previous year.  The Ravens had emerged victorious and laid claim to the Vipers occupation zone, what had once been known as the Taurian Concordat.  Since that time the carrion crows had been busy consolidating.

“They are a long way from home, quiaff?”

“Aff.” Another tone sounded and a vidscreen opened, displaying the visage of a scrawny woman with piercing eyes.  “Ah, perhaps now we shall see what they want.”

“Warriors of Clan Smoke Jaguar, I am Star Admiral Tamarinth Shu of Clan Snow Raven’s Zeta Galaxy, the Storm Riders.”  Cassandra was surprised, for she had never heard of this unit before.  “We come in the name of our Clan to lay claim to the McKenna shipyards, named for the line of our founder.  With what forces will you defend yourself?”

Mehta stepped forward, looming over the camera that would transmit her image to the Ravens.  “Our claws will rend you in the space where you claim to be experts.  I, Galaxy Commander Hang Mehta, bid my aerospace forces, all fifteen points, to meet you in battle at the shipyards.  There, in view of your prize, you shall taste defeat and your blasted remains shall be left to drift forever amongst your cherished void!”

A slow grin formed on the Star Admiral’s face.  “Bargained well and done.” And with that, the transmission was terminated.

Mendoza approached Mehta.  “Galaxy Commander, I am not sure that was wise.  The Snow Ravens have greater experience in the realm of aerospace combat.  Perhaps you should have met them here, on the ground…” he was cut off as she struck him across the face.

“Silence!  I command here, not you.  Our pilots will wipe them from the sky!”

Glowering, Mendoza nodded.  “Very well, but when this crisis is passed, I challenge you to a trial of grievance.”

Snorting in contempt, Mehta turned away.  “You may challenge me at any time Star Colonel.  I will be only too happy to remove you from existence.  For now, you are dismissed.”

Mendoza straightened, rather as if struck again.  “As you wish, Galaxy Commander.”  He turned, and gestured for Cassandra to follow him.

Once clear of the command centre Cassandra felt free to speak.  “Why did you not challenge her right away?  You had grounds, after the contempt she showed you.”

“Because sometimes it is better to let your enemy destroy themselves than to do it yourself.  Hang Mehta’s strategy will backfire.  Her loss of the shipyards will cause her great dishonour and none will challenge my right to remove her from this command.”

“I see.  And then you are in a position to affect policy on a grander scale.”

“Exactly.  The Jaguar is a strong Clan, but the inflexibility of the bulk of the warrior caste will surely cause the Clan to fail in the long run.  You and I can see this, and we must make the Jaguar see this.  Then, and only then, will the Smoke Jaguar Clan assume its rightful place amongst the best of the children of Kerensky.”

Parade Grounds
Garrison Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
15 March 3054

Four OmniMechs stomped forward, their lines crisp, their paint new.  Standing about their feet were twenty-five elementals.  This was Cassandra’s nova.  Her own ‘Mech was behind her, equally polished, though shut down.  She was reviewing her troops, as ordered by both Star Captain Furey and Star Colonel Mendoza.  She would have done so herself regardless.  It was essential to establish her dominance over the troops quickly.

She suspected they would be needed.  Word had come down through channels yesterday that the Snow Ravens had defeated the garrison fighters at the shipyard, claiming it as isorla.  The opportunistic Ravens would not let slip an opportunity to gain more territory or at the very least further embarrass the Smoke Jaguars.  If ground combat were to come, Cassandra planned to bid whatever necessary to participate in the battle.

With such thoughts in mind, she grew excited when she saw the approach of Star Colonel Mendoza’s hover jeep.  She waited impatiently for his arrival.  Her excitement waned slightly when she saw his expression.

“What has happened? Have we been left out of the fighting?”

“Neg, our cluster will fight the Ravens upon their arrival.  What concerns me is that Galaxy Commander Mehta will be leading us with her personal star.  And we will be significantly outnumbered.  We will face two clusters to our reinforced one.”

“Bah.  The Ravens talk and talk, but their fighting prowess leaves much to be desired,” Cassandra scoffed.

“Were that the case,” countered Mendoza, “They would not have been able to successfully absorb the Steel Vipers.  Never underestimate an opponent.”

“Rebuke accepted,” she said with some humour.  “What target have the Ravens specified, or do they come for the entire planet?”

“No, they have a very specific target in mind.  Tell me Star Commander, what do you know of Yare?”


Chapter 2 – Yare

Yare, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
2 April 3054

In the distance, just within visual range, sat the six still cooling dropships that had transported the Snow Raven forces to Kathil.  Behind loomed the massive microwave dish of the Yare power plant.  And in the middle stood Cassandra, her nova and the entirety of the 19th Striker Cluster.  Added to that were the reinforcements of Hang Mehta’s command star.  Opposing them were the two Raven clusters, new units that no one had ever heard of; the 210th Strike Cluster and the 301st Phalanx.  Cassandra assumed, and Mendoza agreed, that they were made up of Steel Viper abtakha looking to prove their worth to their new Clan.

Hang Mehta’s Timberwolf stood at the very front of the Jaguar formation, ready to lead the ‘glorious charge’ as she had phrased it.  The Galaxy Commander had ordered Mendoza to look after the rear of the formation, presumably as punishment, but the Star Colonel simply accepted the duty.

The coms crackled and Hang Mehta’s voice came on.  “Warriors of the Jaguar, the dishonourable carrion have come to take what is ours.  Charge, and let none survive!”

Suiting action to words, Mehta’s Timberwolf loped forward, straining to be the first in weapons range.  Cassandra felt the same bloodlust as Mehta, but forced her mind to stay focused.  “Aven, Corina, left flank.  Ballard, Christopher, right flank.  Elementals, stay with your ‘Mechs.  Advance!”

The nova surged forward, elementals riding atop their designated ‘Mechs.  They kept the pace slow so that Ballard’s Warhawk would not fall behind, at least not yet.

“All forces, the Ravens are advancing with medium forces.  Stormcrows and Shadow Cats mainly.  Choose your targets wisely and watch for long range fire.  And watch the skies.”

Mendoza’s warning proved timely.  A pair of fighters strafed Cassandra’s position with autocannon fire before banking away, though they did drop a point of elementals in their wake.

“Point Commander Theddis, eliminate them!” Cassandra ordered.  She then increased her speed and charged her gauss rifle.  A quick scan of the battlefield revealed an unengaged Stormcrow darting into view.  Cassandra slammed her ‘Mech to a halt and carefully aimed with the gauss rifle before triggering her shot.  The supersonic shell crashed into the Raven ‘Mech, sending it sprawling to the ground temporarily.  It righted itself and continued to limp forward.  Cassandra grinned and fired her large lasers, the energy beams peeling more armour from her beleaguered opponent.  The Raven pilot finally managed to get off a shot, launching a spread of LRM’s at her.  Enough of the missiles hit to cause damage, but it was minor so Cassandra put it out of her mind.  Instead she waited for her gauss to reach charge and fired again.  This time the slug smashed the Snow Ravens cockpit and sent the Stormcrow to the ground once more.  The pilot was either dead or incapacitated, but Cassandra didn’t care.  She only needed to find another target.

The orderly lines of the 19th had begun to crumble as it was revealed that the 301st Phalanx was almost entirely elementals.  Hundreds of the armoured battlesuits bounded across the battlefields at such speeds that it was difficult to tell which side they belonged to.  Still, there were enough of them to cause difficulties.  Cassandra witnessed a Jaguar Thresher being swarmed by two points of Raven elementals.  She angled and fired a round of SRMs at the elementals, not caring for zellbrigen.  The fact that two points of elementals were involved meant that honourable combat had been breached.  The battle was now a furious free-for-all.

And there came the perfect target, a Kingfisher omnimech.  It outweighed her by 25 tons, but that was what made it so perfect.  The challenge would test her mettle as a warrior.  She wheeled and saw a Timberwolf beside her target.  “Ballard, take down that Timberwolf, Aven run interference.”  Both mechwarriors acknowledged and saw to their duty, leaving Cassandra to focus on her target.  With luck, it would be a command ‘Mech.

A lance from a PPC rocked Cassandra’s Ebon Jaguar back on its haunches but she managed to keep it on its feet.  As her machine settled she fired her large lasers.  One missed wide, but the other scoured a deep furrow in the chest of her opponent.  The Kingfisher responded with a burst from its autocannon.  Minor damage showed up across all aspects of her frontal armour, but as usual Cassandra did not care.  Damaged machines were of secondary concern to victory.

She continued to close and exchanged laser fire with her foe.  Each of them were losing armour, but in a battle of attrition Cassandra would lose.  It was time to consider something drastic.  An idea formed as she passed the downed hulk of a Gargoyle, which lay almost in between them.  Pushing her throttle to the maximum, Cassandra raced her Ebon Jaguar forward and used the carcass as a ramp.  She leapt at the last instant, sending her ‘Mech soaring, or at least cruising, through the air.  As she did not equip jumpjets, the move should be somewhat unexpected.  The move rapidly closed the distance between the two and she triggered an alpha strike.  Every weapon she had cored into the Kingfisher, reducing its chest armour to tatters.  The pilot may have been able to recover from that, but the uncontrolled weight of her Ebon Jaguar slammed into it, knocking the assault machine off its feet.  The two ‘Mechs crumpled into a heap, but at least Cassandra was on top.

Sparks had erupted inside her cockpit and her gauss rifle kept flashing between operational and offline.  Her cockpit glass had a large crack running up it, but most of her systems appeared operational.  Carefully Cassandra rocked her battered machine to its feet.  She then leveled her large lasers at the Kingfishers cockpit and burned it to nothingness.

Scanning her surroundings Cassandra saw that the battle had descended even further into chaos.  There were no lines of battle and it was difficult to tell who was winning.

Suddenly a voice cried out over the coms.  “The Galaxy Commander is down!”

Before she could respond, an entire star of Crossbows appeared on the hills and fired towards her position.  Two hundred missiles arched towards her, spread out to be sure, but she prepared to weather the storm.  Dozens of warheads exploded against her ‘Mech and she heard her case systems cook off.  The lurching and shuddering finally subsided, allowing her to check her damage readout.  Gauss rifle and SRM both destroyed.  Engine shielding cracked, if the sudden surge of heat was any judge.

She wearily angled towards the offending star when she saw a quartet of PPCs lance out from beside her.  The beams converged and literally tore apart one of the Crossbows.

“You appeared in need of assistance, Star Commander.”

“Aye Star Colonel,” she replied in relief.

“You eliminated one of their Star Colonels, and their forces are in disarray.”

“As are ours sir.”

“Neg.  Only Hang Mehta’s personal star reacted poorly to her death.  They have charged off, and I do not expect them to survive the battle.  But enough.  First we shall finish with those Crossbows.  Then we shall deal with the rest of the Ravens.”

“Aff, Star Colonel.”

Together they made short work of the Crossbows, though not without taking further damage.  Cassandra’s reactor was running so hot that she almost opened her canopy, but refrained from doing so due to the amount of elementals still on the field.

Under the direction of Levon Mendoza the Jaguars were starting to push the Ravens back towards their dropships.  What he intended to do then she did not know, though she could guess.  If they were pushed back far enough, he would offer them hegira, allowing both sides to survive with some strength remaining.

And that was exactly what was happening.  Despite their numerical superiority the Ravens were falling back.  Perhaps they did not have the stomach for the fight, or perhaps they had not had adequate time to properly inculcate the Steel Viper abtakha.  Whatever the case, the Jaguars were winning.

At last she heard the transmission she had been expecting.  “Snow Raven commander, this is Star Colonel Levon Mendoza.  Your forces are beaten and fought with little honour.  I will allow you to salvage what honour remains to you and offer you hegira.”

It was a weary voice that replied.  “Very well, I know when I am beaten.  In the name of Clan Snow Raven I, Star Colonel Benjamin Chand, accept hegira.”

“We will allow you enough time to board your dropships in detail, but you forfeit the field and whatever is upon it.”

There followed a lengthy pause.  “Agreed.”

1 hour later…

Cassandra was impressed by the amount of isorla left on the field.  There was enough material to fully refit the cluster.  The Star Colonel would be pleased.

A presence made itself felt at her side.  She looked over and saw Aven.  The woman was pale and tousled but uninjured.  “A wonderful victory, quiaff?  Despite the loss of the Galaxy Commander I mean.”

“Aff, I suppose.”

“I do not suppose you have heard yet, seeing as how you’re moping about the field.  Star Captain Furey took Benjamin Chand bondsman.  And the Star Colonel killed the other Star Colonel, Willa Andrews.  The Snow Ravens will think twice before returning to Kathil.”

“Indeed.  Though they still hold the shipyards.”

“A minor concern at best.  We were not using the facilities anyway.”


“I also hear that the Star Colonel is on the HPG to Talcott, informing them of the situation.  Do you think he will attempt to take command of the Galaxy?  You know him better than most.”

“Looking to increase your chances in the betting pool?”

Aven laughed, a nervous titter really.  “You know me too well Star Commander.  Do you think he will?”

“Of that, I have no doubt.”



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2012, 11:28:51 PM »

Chapter 3 – The Plan

Garrison Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
5 April 3054

She was beginning to get concerned, for he had been talking to the Khan alone for nearly three hours.  Sarah Weaver was not known for her lengthy diatribes, so whatever was being said must be of great importance.  Cassandra was for once unsure of what to do.  She had been asked to wait by Mendoza, but she had duties that needed tending to.  Ultimately she decided to wait another quarter hour before leaving.  This proved unnecessary as only a few minutes later the door to the office opened and Mendoza emerged.  He looked drawn and tired, but not defeated.

“All went as expected, quiaff?” she asked.

“Nearly so, but not quite.”  He began walking towards his office.  “There are matters we need to discuss, Cassandra.  Along with your commander.”

Her brow creased in frustration.  “I see.  What exactly are these matters?”

“Not here.  Wait until we reach my office.”

It was a brisk walk, Mendoza deep in thought.  Around them, the techs and labourers dutifully removed themselves as obstructions, quickly pressing against the walls to allow the two warriors to pass.  It took them less than ten minutes to arrive at Mendoza’s office, where they discovered Star Captain Furey already waiting for them.  He had made good time, despite having been wounded in the recent action against the Snow Ravens.  Mendoza gestured him in then shut the door behind them.  Crossing the room he plunked himself in the chair behind the desk.  Cassandra and Furey quietly sat in the chairs opposite and waited for their commander to begin.

“To begin with, I have been elevated to Galaxy Commander.  I leave for Galaxy command on Novaya Zemlya tomorrow.  Further, after some discussion with the Khan, both of you are being elevated as well.  A Clan wide announcement will go out soon limiting all trials within the Clan to the barest minimum.”

Cassandra was shocked, and her expression was mirrored on the face of Samson Furey.  A promotion without trial?  While not unheard of it was exceptionally rare amongst the Smoke Jaguars.

Samson found his voice first.  “Might I ask why this is being done?”

“Yes.  Simply put the touman is facing a critical shortage.  The invasion and subsequent trials have nearly spent our strength as a Clan.  We have almost no troops available to replace combat losses at this time.  The soonest large scale reinforcements will be available is 3062.  And that is assuming a high percentage of warriors pass their trials.”

“What exactly are we to do then?” Cassandra asked.

Levon sighed.  “We build the touman by any and all means necessary.  Starting with the Nineteenth.  This cluster will serve as something of an experiment, and we have already taken the first steps.  Star Colonel,” he turned to Furey, “the bondsmen we have just taken from the Snow Ravens are to be fast tracked back into the warrior caste.  Do not reward those of poor will, but any that show an early aptitude for our ways must be made warriors as soon as possible.”

A notion entered Cassandra’s mind and she almost dismissed it, but opted to speak instead.  “And what of freeborns?  I know the Smoke Jaguars are loathe to use them, but I have tolerated their presence before.  When necessary.”

“As have I, Star Captain.  If you find any suitable candidates, you are welcome to add them to your unit, providing the Star Colonel here agrees.”

Furey had the sour expression of someone having just ingested an entire lemon.  “If we must, but I would prefer other options.”

Finally some animation returned to Mendoza’s face.  “As to that, I have a plan.  Unfortunately your injuries preclude you from an active role in the initial stages, Star Colonel.  You will remain on Kathil and catalogue our recent isorla and see that it is distributed accordingly.”

Furey’s scowl deepened, but he nodded reluctantly.  “As ordered, Galaxy Commander.”

“Cassandra, you will load up all currently operational assets of the Nineteenth and depart immediately.”

“I see.  And what is my destination?”

Now a true grin crossed Mendoza’s face.  “The planet Redfield, in the Star Adder territories.”


Chapter 4 – Harvest Raid

Reynard Springs, Redfield
Star Adder Territory, Clan Domains
19 May 3054

The dropship bucked as it descended at breakneck speed through the atmosphere, shaking Cassandra about in her cockpit.  The bidding against the 286th Adder Sentinels had gone without a hitch so there was no true need for a drop at high combat speeds, except that Cassandra felt her troops needed the shakeup.  It had been years since it had been a necessity and she wanted to ensure the skills did not become rusty.

She felt the rumbling subside and knew they had touched down.  This was confirmed moments later by the dropships commander announcing their landing, and the doors descending.  Cassandra opened her communications channel.  “Smoke Jaguars of the 121st Provisional Supernova, advance for the glory of your Clan.”  The four stars that comprised her ad hoc unit moved forward, eager for the honour of the kill.

The goal of this raid was to acquire warriors from the Star Adders, perhaps as many as a full trinary.  It was what she had heard spheroids refer to as a ‘smash and grab.’  The term appealed to her.

Her Ebon Jaguar had been too badly damaged to repair en route, so for this battle she was using a captured Stormcrow.  True, it was a lighter ‘Mech than she was used to, but she would adapt.  That was simply what a warrior did.  She started forward, immediately checking her sensors.  As expected the Star Adders were waiting for them at the agreed upon co-ordinates.  She could see that they were divided into two binaries of force… so the internal bidding had whittled them down, making it a relatively even fight.

“Break by stars.  Alpha and Beta will head straight in, Delta and Gamma stars come at them from the flanks.  Pick your targets carefully. Execute!”

The Jaguar forces charged.  Each star contained a mix of heavy hitters and elementals.  All had been chosen for their high speed or weapons range.  After all, the Galaxy Commander’s plan called for them to take as little damage as possible.

A weapons lock tone sounded and Cassandra focused on that ‘Mech as her first opponent of the battle.  A Timberwolf, a ‘Mech she knew well.  She lined up her large lasers and fired, successfully striking the weak knee joint.  While she did not drop the machine, she had succeeded in hobbling it.  Using her speed, she charged in to close range and blasted away with her medium lasers, melting armour from the limping Timberwolf’s torso.

The Adder warrior finally regained control of their ‘Mech and returned fire, peppering her with SRMs.  Armour buckled and her ‘Mech quaked, but it held together.  She wove circles around her foe, sniping with her lasers, gradually whittling the armour down.  And then the shot she had been waiting for… a second perfect shot to the already damaged knee.  The joint blew apart, dropping the machine to the ground.

She shifted focus, checking on her command while also looking for new targets.  An elemental was sailing through the air towards her so she melted it down with a well-placed large laser.  Too easy.

Spotting an unengaged Nova, she quickly designated it as her target.  The Nova was a tricky foe, which made it all the more tempting.  She moved to engage, firing with only one large laser from long range.  The Nova was now hers.

The canny pilot began dodging immediately after being struck.  He disappeared behind a rocky outcropping then appeared seconds later as he kicked in his jump jets, hoping to rapidly close the range.  Cassandra knew she had to inflict as much damage as possible before the Nova closed, so she halted and fired her large lasers off, one after the other, right left right left.  She was hoping to keep her heat down for as long as she could.

The Adder pilot had no choice but to weather the barrage, at least until he touched down.  He at once sent his Nova sprinting to the side, which brought the five medium lasers of the left arm into range.  He fired them all, of which four scored hits.  Armour melted off Cassandra’s legs as alerts sounded and yellow lit up her damage display.  No major breaches yet.

Rounding her ‘Mech, Cassandra triggered a risky alpha strike.  Her heat spiked and she had to slap her override to prevent shutdown, but the effort was worth it as she watched the offending arm of the Nova crash to the ground.  Her opponent had just lost half of his firepower.  It gave her a decided edge.

The Adder warrior kept his machine stable and pivoted to bring his other weapons in line.  The green beams lashed out, melting more armour from Cassandra’s weathered machine.  She rode out the damage and frowned as her heat spiked again, remaining dangerously high.  But there was nothing for it.  So she fired two of her medium lasers, scoring only one hit and slapping the override again.  Her ‘Mech was becoming sluggish, not a good sign at all.

The Nova seemed to be having problems as well, though not nearly so many.  The pilot lined up and triggered four of his lasers, melting through the last of the armour on her leg and damaging some of the internals, rendering the leg only partially functional.

Hobbling forward, Cassandra triggered a single laser, loathe to let an exchange pass her by.  Luckily, her heat sinks were finally starting to do their jobs.  The Stormcrow was holding together far better than she had expected, though for how much longer she could only guess.

It was a waiting game now.  Whose ‘Mech would crumble from the accumulated damage. Whose weapons would be charged first.  Who, in essence, would be luckier.

As it happened, it was Cassandra.

Her heat scale finally falling to an acceptable limit, she fired both large lasers into the cavity where an arm had been.  The Nova shuddered and lurched, then collapsed, smoke and ruined chunks of gyro spewing out through the hole.

Sweat evaporating from her face, Cassandra allowed herself a tight grin before focusing on the battle at large once more.

Mendoza’s plan seemed to be working for the most part.  Ranged sniping and elemental ambushes were taking their toll on the Star Adder forces.  The Adders were being steadily driven back, taking heavier losses than they gave.  The battle had been raging for a mere 30 minutes, but felt considerably longer.  Luckily for her, the battle was not to last much longer.

“Star Captain Cassandra Radick,” her radio crackled to life, “I, Star Colonel Torrent Lahiri, yield the battle to you.”

Cassandra switched her radio to wide band.  “Jaguars, stand down.  I accept your surrender, Star Colonel.  We will take the warriors and equipment still on the field as isorla, but the rest of your forces may withdraw.”

Hours later…

A small train of defeated warriors shambled up the dropship boarding ramp, most moving under their own power, but one being carried.  All told, nine Star Adder warriors had been taken bondsman, and four ‘Mechs were worthy of salvage.  Only one of her own warriors had perished, so overall it was a reasonable gain.  Assuming the bondsmen tested back into the warrior caste.

Casting a last glance back at the planet Redfield, Cassandra strode up the ramp and made ready for the long journey home.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2012, 11:32:20 PM »

Chapter 5 – Difficulties

Garrison Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
12 June 3054

Disastrous, that was what this drill was.  Simply disastrous.  The mixed bag of warriors under her command were having a difficult time integrating.  Had it been only a few warriors it would perhaps be manageable, but Cassandra was struggling to integrate eight warriors, three from the Star Adders and five from the Snow Ravens, four of whom were themselves former Steel Vipers.  They showed the technical prowess of warriors, but seemed unable to work efficiently under her command.

Given all these various internal struggles, there had been several upsets in the chain of command for her trinary.  She herself had been challenged twice, but had defended her position.  Her Star Commanders had changed several times.  This despite the ban on unnecessary trials.  This latest crop were no better.  They simply could not get beta and gamma stars to act according to orders.  A simple coordinated march had transformed into a chaotic shuffle.

Finally she had had enough.  “Trinary!” she barked into the comms. “Dismount and assemble on the parade grounds.”  She quickly suited action to words herself, powering down her rebuilt Ebon Jaguar and descending to the tarmac.  Clad only in her cooling vest and shorts she stood waiting for her warriors under the blazing summer sun.

Her warriors trickled in without any cohesion.  A glaring statement in support of the larger problem.  At last the entire trinary stood assembled before her.  She strode up and down the line, singling out warriors for her harshest stare as she passed.  Finally she stopped and faced them.

“I have been lenient up until now, but my patience has ended.  This sorry excuse for a trinary will be whipped into shape if it kills all of you.  Whatever sibkin games you have been playing will end.  Or I will end them.  Michael,” she turned to face a sweating man of middling height and rather plain appearance.  “I am removing you as Star Commander.  Your performance has been dismal.  MechWarrior Jasika, you will assume command of beta star. Vera Mercer, you will command gamma star.  If either of you disgraces,” and here she glared hard at Michael and then Tallus, “wish to face me in a circle of equals, that is your right, but know that my patience has run out.”  Neither warrior made a move against her, which justified their removal.  They lacked the spirit for command.

Cassandra then proceeded to reorganize the trinary on the fly, making sure there were true Jaguars in each star to share the proper spirit with their new trothkin.  Cassandra took the extreme trouble makers herself.  Michael, Tallus and Odette joined the command star, along with Aven and Cassandra herself.

MechWarrior Claude, a former Snow Raven, proved extremely glum at being placed under the command of Vera Mercer, but had little choice but to accede unless he wished to challenge Cassandra again.  Evidently he did not.  They were joined by George, Ballard and Leona.

Newly minted Star Commander Jasika took on Olivia, Jon, Harold and Corina.  Of this lot only Olivia would likely prove difficult, as she had initially won the right to command beta star.

“We will learn to work as a unit, a unit that will make the Smoke Jaguars proud.  We will show that no matter what your origin, the heart of the jaguar beats in your chest.  Look at me.  Not so very long ago I was in your position.  Yet here I stand, a Star Captain in a prestigious frontline cluster.  And all of you have shown your warrior prowess by passing your trials and reclaiming your status as warriors.  You must embrace this opportunity.  For if you do not… well, let us just say that in that circumstance, you will be left behind and forgotten.  Dismissed.”

The warriors gradually filtered away, leaving their ‘Mechs in the field for the techs to retrieve.  Eventually only Cassandra and Aven remained.  During the journey to and from Redfield, Aven had proven herself extremely useful, so much so that Cassandra had made her coregn.

“I believe you may have finally hit upon a balance that will work Star Captain.”

“Perhaps.  I seriously considered making you Star Commander.”

Aven held up tiny hands.  “No, no.  I have no desire for such responsibility.  I am quite content so long as I get to enjoy a battle or two every once in a while.”

“You are a strange one.”

Aven’s mouth quirked up.  “That is why you like me, quiaff?”

“Aff, I suppose it is.  Come, let us whip our star into some semblance of order.”


Interlude: Composition – The Cloud Rangers

Delta Galaxy ‘Cloud Rangers’ (5 Clusters, on paper)
   Skyriders Keshik – G. Cmdr. Levon Mendoza
      Force strength: 10 points
   1st Striker Cluster ‘Sheep’s Clothing’ – S. Col. Mikhail Ward
      Force strength: 40 points
   3rd Assault Cluster ‘Wolfsbane’ – S. Col. Norrington Wirth
      Force strength: 35 points
   4th Jaguar Dragoons ‘From Beyond’ – S. Col. Aaron Showers
      Force strength: 40 points
   1106th Aggressor Cluster ‘The Cat’s Paw’ – S. Col. Zoe Morris
      Force strength: 30 points
        *19th Striker Cluster ‘The Razor’s Edge’
   Force strength: 40 points – 25 Mechs, 75 Elementals, 20 fighters
            Command Star – S. Col. Samson Furey
            412th Pouncer Trinary – S. Capt. Cassandra Radick
              Beta Star – S. Cmdr. Jasika
              Gamma Star – S. Cmdr. Vera Mercer
            59th Claw Binary – S. Capt. Annabelle Irons
            72nd Elemental Binary – S. Capt. Benjamin Chand
              2nd Star – S. Cmdr. Erik Osis
            91st Aerospace Binary – S. Capt. Sagan

*our focus cluster



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2012, 11:58:48 PM »

To the readers (whoever you wonderful people are) this is mapped out to Part X.


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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2012, 12:17:16 AM »

PART V: Councils and Blood

Chapter 1 – Death on High

Garrison Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
12 August 3054

Cassandra looked out at the field and found it good.  After nearly two months of virtually beating her troops, and one death, she had finally managed to bring some semblance of order to her hodge-podge of a unit.  Commands were being followed and while manoeuvres were not yet smooth, they at least attempted to follow her directions.

She watched as gamma star ran a series of drills meant to break their warriors of standard Clan doctrine.  Instead of charging straight at their enemy, they were being trained to use cover.  Most had finally gotten used to the idea. Now she just had to make it habit.

Her comms buzzed and an irritated grimace crossed her face.  “What!” she demanded by way of answering.

“S-Star Captain, the Star Colonel requests your presence at headquarters,” came the timid reply of a technician.

Cassandra rolled her eyes.  “Very well.  Inform him I am on my way.”

It was a matter of only fifteen minutes before she arrived at the headquarters building and a further ten before she arrived at the command centre.  The Star Colonel stood in conference with the other Star Captains of the cluster.  They all looked over as she approached.

“A party?  Am I the last to be invited?” she asked mockingly.

“No Star Captain Cassandra,” the Star Colonel said with a sigh in his voice.  “A call from Talcott.  Khan Weaver is dead, killed in a raid by the Star Adders.  The saKhan has called the bloodnamed to Talcott to elect a new Khan.”

Cassandra frowned.  “Surely it is enough to cast our votes via HPG.  With all the border conflicts, now is hardly the time to gather the blood.”

Furey looked even more pained.  “The saKhan wishes a spectacle for the masses.  The election will even be broadcast live to the lower castes.”

A snort came from Annabelle Irons while a hiss escaped from Cassandra.  “So the bloodnamed are to be entertainment for the masses?”

“Apparently.  Something I mean to take up with our illustrious saKhan.  In the meantime, gather the bloodnamed of your unit and meet me at landing pad 93.  Our dropship leaves at 1725 hours.”

“As you wish Star Colonel.”
Cassandra was lost in thought as she hurried to rejoin her unit.  She was struggling to recall all she knew about potential candidates for the position.  Another part of her mind was determining who to leave in command.  Jasika seemed the logical choice, with Aven assisting her.  Yes, that would do nicely.

Voting for a Khan.  It was ironic that it stirred her more now than when she was a Wolf.  As a Wolf she had felt it inevitable that certain warriors were elected.  Now, as a Jaguar, she felt that her voice would finally be heard in the council.

Who knew… maybe one day she would be a Khan herself.


Yeah, yeah.  Short, I know.  But it's just to get the ball rolling.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2012, 08:21:12 PM »

Chapter 2 – The Game of Blood

Clan Council Chambers
New Lootera, Talcott
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
6 September 3054

New Lootera was a city built on the bones of another.  Before the Smoke Jaguars had come this city had been known as Calhoun, but it had been leveled and remade in the image of a proper Clan city; perfectly aligned streets, large blocky buildings and very little colour.  On the outskirts of the city a new genetic repository was under construction, a great pyramidal structure with a skyward pointed laser at its summit, a perfect replica of the one on Huntress.

The council chambers were a circular affair constructed of marble shipped all the way from Strana Mechty.  It was a hard room made for hard decisions.

Today, the bloodnamed of the Smoke Jaguars were gathered to elect a new Khan, the first time since the lead up to the invasion of the Inner Sphere.  Cassandra sat further back in the third tier of seats, due to both her rank and non-Jaguar origins.  Nearby were the other warriors of her cluster in a similar position: Annabelle Irons formerly of the Star Adders, Benjamin Chand formerly of the Snow Ravens, and Vera Mercer formerly of the Snow Ravens and Steel Vipers before that.  She had listened and knew that the election was supposed to be a foregone conclusion, but she had other plans.

The murmured conversations halted as the masked Loremaster took his position, a bright spotlight from high above illuminating him.  His mask was of a scarred and snarling black jaguar.  This visage scanned the assembled warriors made somewhat menacing by Edmund Hoyt’s stooped posture.  “Trothkin, we gather to replace our fallen Khan.  Sarah Weaver died as a warrior should, in battle.  Her saKhan stands before you, ready to assume the duties of Khan.  I therefore nominate Dorian Wirth for the post of senior Khan.  Are there any opposed?”  Silence filled the room.  “Then I acclaim Dorian Wirth as Khan.  Step forward.”

Wirth was an unassuming, rather plain looking man.  “Warriors, the time has come to resume our war against the Inner Sphere, whether the grand council approves or not.  To support that end, I nominate Galaxy Commander Lincoln Osis as both my saKhan and warlord.”

“Lincoln Osis has been placed into consideration.  Are there any other nominations?”  Hoyt voiced the question in such a way that he clearly did not expect further contenders for the post.  Cassandra was more than pleased to throw a mandrill into the works.

Rising from her seat, Cassandra called out in a firm voice.  “I nominate Star Colonel Mikail Ward of Delta Galaxy.”  Her fellow warriors looked over at her in shock, clearly just as surprised as everyone else.  The Loremaster’s masked face tracked towards her, and she was sure he was scowling beneath it.

“So be it, Mikail Ward is so nominated.”

And then the dam broke.  Voices clamored for attention, the Loremaster struggling to keep up with all the nominations being thrown at him.  By the time he had it all sorted out there were six nominations for saKhan; Galaxy Commanders Lincoln and Dietr Osis, as well as Star Colonels Paul Moon, Mikail Ward, Antonia Kotare and Trent Howell.  Cassandra was quite pleased with herself.  Leadership positions should never be so easily decided.

“With so many nominations,” Hoyt began in an aggrieved tone, “we shall conduct several votes unless a clear winner emerges in this round of voting.”  There was a flurry of activity as warriors quickly input their votes.  Then a slight delay as they were tabulated.  “We have no clear winner.   Star Colonel Mikail Ward is removed from consideration, having only garnered 12 votes.  Antonia Kotare is similarly removed.”

Off to the side Cassandra could see a heated discussion between Lincoln and Dietr Osis.  After nodding his head, Dietr stood.  “Loremaster, I withdraw myself from consideration.  I feel my purpose lies with my Galaxy.”

“Very well.  Our next round will then be amongst Galaxy Commander Lincoln Osis and Star Colonels Paul Moon and Trent Howell.  Begin.”

Cassandra quickly scanned the codex of each warrior, finding much she approved of amongst them all.  It was a difficult decision, but she ultimately favoured the most unusual of the nominees.

The votes rolled in and a sigh of exasperation escaped the Loremaster.  “Lincoln Osis and Trent Howell are tied, Paul Moon is therefore removed from consideration.  Would either of the two candidates care to concede?” and here he pointedly looked at Howell who grinned lazily back at him.  “No?  Then we shall proceed to the final vote.”

It was a moment of truth for Cassandra, indeed, for the entire Clan.  The results of this election would shape the future of the Jaguars for generations to come, though none knew it at the time.

She cast her vote and waited.



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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2012, 06:32:22 PM »

Chapter 3 – Results

Clan Council Chambers
New Lootera, Talcott
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
6 September 3054

The silence was deafening.  And it dragged on.  Murmurs and grumbles began to sound from the stands.  The assembled knew that the vote had been tabulated and yet the Loremaster remained silent.  At last he shook himself and straightened up.  “By a narrow margin,” Hoyt stressed the word narrow, “Trent Howell has been elected saKhan.”

The victorious Star Colonel… former Star Colonel… stood and offered a brief bow to Lincoln Osis before proceeding down to the podium and taking his place next to Dorian Wirth.

Osis, meanwhile, was fuming and looked ready to step down and challenge the smug Howell, but the intervention of Dietr Osis calmed him.  He glared PPCs down at the new saKhan, but returned to his seat.

Cassandra, from her removed observation point, had a clear view of it all.  She was satisfied with the outcome, though in truth surprised.  She had thought that Osis’ election would be a foregone conclusion.  That it had not been meant there was hope for the future.  She had studied Osis’ record and while she found him to be an exceptional warrior, his leadership qualities left something to be desired.  She was frankly amazed that he was able to retain command of his galaxy.

Now that the election was over, the council could get down to serious business.  Which she found rather tedious, however necessary it might be.  Finally, talk in the council turned towards something interesting, the weakened status of the touman.  SaKhan Howell stood to address the issue.

“We all of us here know that the touman has been severely weakened by the losses of the invasion.  And that it will be many years before the breeding program can catch up.  I propose an expansion of the experiment begun by Galaxy Commander Mendoza.  For those of you who do not know, Delta galaxy has recently begun incorporating testdowns, abtakha and even freeborns.”  There was a collective howl of outrage from the stands, led by Lincoln Osis.  Howell gestured for silence and eventually it returned.  “The needs of the Crusade demand that we take this step trothkin.  The ilKhan’s imposed peace expires in a year and we must be ready to take our place at the forefront of the renewed invasion.  If that means we must accept the previously unacceptable then so be it.

“And so, with the Khan’s permission, I propose forming a cluster for these misfits and giving them just one chance to prove their worth to the Clan.  I believe it is a risk worth taking to ensure the strength of the Jaguar.  I will supervise them myself.  I will take the stain to my personal honour should they prove unworthy.”

Cassandra watched as the Khan churned over the idea before finally nodding his agreement.  Of course, she knew what that meant.  Wirth had just given Howell the rope with which he could hang himself.  If this experiment were to fail, Howell would be removed and his favoured choice, Osis, would be swept into power.  She would just have to see what she could do about that.  To that end, she quietly sent a message to the saKhan requesting a meeting.

Eventually, the council wound down.  The few matters that required approval were approved and the Khans began preparing themselves for the journey to Terra.

As she filed out of the chambers, Furey caught up to her.  “That was a bold move, proposing Ward as saKhan.  I did not think you knew what you were doing.  I am still not sure you knew what you were doing.”

She looked at him from the corner of her eye.  “Come now, Star Colonel.  Surely you do not think that a position as important as saKhan should be assumed unopposed, quiaff?”

“True, but you may have made a serious enemy of Lincoln Osis.”

“I do relish a challenge.  Let him come for me, if he dares.”

Furey snorted.  “You are overconfident.”

“Neg, I have faith in my own abilities.  That is the hallmark of any true warrior.”


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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2012, 10:59:40 AM »

Chapter 4 – Suggestions for the Future

New Lootera, Talcott
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
9 September 3054

It had taken several days, but the saKhan had finally responded to Cassandra’s message.  She was glad, because she was scheduled to depart the next day.

She was waiting outside the saKhan’s office and had seen many higher ranking warriors pass through.  Clearly he was making sure he was brought up to speed on his new duties and responsibilities.  At last he opened the door and gestured for her to enter.  The saKhan was a tall man, straight backed and impressive for the conviction in his eyes.

“Now then Star Captain Radick, your message said you had some insights for me regarding freeborns.  Normally I would not bother, but I see from your codex that you were of the Wolf Clan, a Clan known for its use of freeborn warriors.  I also see that you have served with several over the years.  I am interested in what you have to say.”

“Thank you, sir.  Given that this will be a unit of unprecedented uniqueness in the Clan, I would suggest that you take it a step further.  Abtakha warriors, such as myself, are easily accepted by our warriors.  Even testdowns will be accepted, for they are trueborn and received the proper training.  But freeborns are another matter.  They can be unruly, chaotic.  This is part of what makes them valuable, but it is also what makes them difficult to accept amongst trueborn.”

“Yes.  So far you are not suggesting anything new to me Star Captain. Get to the point.”

“Sir, I suggest that you create a unit made up exclusively of freeborns.  There will be less conflict amongst the ranks that way.  Trueborn will feel less threatened or insulted by them, and the freeborns will be able to learn more efficiently.  They will develop a camaraderie that they would never have if there were trueborn amongst them.”

“I see some merit in what you suggest.  It is quite similar to what I was considering. I have scanned the records and have discovered a great number of techs that have scored rather high on piloting and gunnery aptitudes.”

“Carried out while the ‘Mechs in their care were being serviced, quiaff?”

“Aff.  The records have revealed two binaries worth of techs I would consider worthy.  That is all we can truly afford to equip with ‘Mechs at this time, even if they are old machines taken from storage.”

“If I may sir, I have another suggestion.”


“Look to the labourer caste.  Make another binary of conventional infantry.  They will have their uses. And it is my belief they will fight like demons to prove themselves to you and to the Clan.”

“An interesting idea, Star Captain.  I will consider it.  You may leave now, and tell your commander that you continue to serve the Jaguar well.”

Cassandra offered a quick bow, then turned and departed.  She had done what she could for the time being.  It was time now to explore what Talcott had to offer before returning to Kathil.


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Re: Shedding the Wolf (3053+)
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2012, 12:12:19 PM »

PART VI: The New Crusade

Chapter 1 – Launch

Garrison Command Post, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
7 January 3055

The meeting room was abuzz with conversation.  It had been ages since a meeting of the entire cluster had taken place, so whatever was happening was important.  The warriors of Cassandra’s trinary were finally working together as a cohesive unit.  It made her proud.

Aven was just leaning in to say something when the Star Colonel entered the room and took his place at the podium.  Samson Furey had adjusted well to his role as cluster commander, whipping his warriors into shape.  The usually taciturn Star Colonel was looking particularly excited today.

“I will put this simply.  We are going to war.  Three days ago, in the grand council session, our Khans announced their intention to resume the invasion.  We launch for the Federated Suns in three days.  Delta’s role is to assault and conquer the worlds of Salem and Victoria.  Galaxy Commander Mendoza has decided upon a two pronged attack structure, so we of the 19th will be taking Salem alone.”  Cheers greeted that statement.  “I want all trinary commanders to inventory and take on whatever supplies you deem necessary.  Have your techs requisition spare ‘Mechs and ammunition.  I am anticipating a large degree of resistance on these worlds, and expect it to be better prepared than during the initial invasion.  Questions?”

“Sir,” Cassandra spoke up, “what will the rest of the touman be tasked with?”

“This is a full-scale invasion, so all our frontline galaxies will see action.  Epsilon has been assigned Panpour and As Samik to secure their manufacturing facilities.  Beta Galaxy has been assigned to the Wernke-Talon system, to secure the Battlemech production facilities there.  Alpha Galaxy, under the personal command of saKhan Howell, will invade and secure New Avalon, the heart of the enemy.”

Shouts of approval for the audacity of the plan rang through the room.  Cassandra allowed herself a wolfish grin.  Battle such as this would bathe the warriors involved in honour and glory.  What more could a Clan warrior wish for?

Launch Pad 5, Kathil
Smoke Jaguar Territory, Clan Domains
10 January 3055

Cassandra watched as her Ebon Jaguar was secured aboard the DropShip ‘Phantom Cat’, her trinary’s assigned ship.  Hers was the last to be stored.

“All personnel and supplies loaded Star Captain.  Once we board we are ready to depart,” said Vera Mercer after a quick examination of a data pad.

“Then let us proceed, Star Commander.  There is glory to be won.”

Cassandra bounded up the ramp with a lightness in her step.  This was what she was born and bred to do.  This was what the Clans were meant to do and it was why she was glad to be a Jaguar now.  The Wolves had lost their teeth, but that left more rewards for her new Clan.

The ramp sealed behind her and she made her way to the bridge.  She would oversee the launch and transit to the jumpship from there.

“Onwards to Salem and glory,” she muttered to herself.
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