Star League - Clan Territories:
ilClan Wolf:
The Wolves were initially against the idea of invading the Inner Sphere, but once the decision had been made, they threw themselves into the project whole-heartedly. The road to Terra became a race between the Wolves, Jaguars and Falcons. When the Falcons were stymied at Outreach, Khan Ulric Kerensky knew he had to reach Terra first at all costs, lest the Jaguars succeed and become ilClan. The bloodbath that would unleash was too horrible to contemplate. Khan Ulric expended any and all units necessary to achieve the goal of securing Terra. He managed to succeed, wresting the world from ComStar after a month long campaign across the Antarctic, South America and the plains of Russia.
After fending off the Smoke Jaguars Refusal of this conquest, ilKhan Ulric declared the invasion at an end and imposed a five year peace upon the Clans. He then extended an offer to all successor houses to join the new Star League peacefully.
Since the end of the invasion, much of the ilKhan’s efforts have been aimed at integrating the Capellan population as well as keeping the peace between the rival factions of the grand council.
Clan Blood Spirit:
With Terra secured by Clan Wolf, the Blood Spirits surprised everyone with a bid to secure Mars from the last of ComStar’s holdouts. The battle weary leaders of Clan Wolf eagerly agreed and cordoned off the world until the Blood Spirits could arrive. With the assistance of Clans Diamond Shark and Snow Raven, the Spirits picked up and moved virtually their entire population. They landed in force and promptly secured the world, exterminating all ComStar personnel on planet. Since that time they have transformed Mars into the model Clan planet and their sole home.
Clan Coyote:
The Coyote’s largely sat out the invasion, only acquiring an Inner Sphere holding when the Wolves needed to cut loose some territory. This landed the Coyote’s some much needed resources and has allowed them to slowly start rebuilding their touman. For now they are content to maintain their territory.
Clan Ghost Bear:
The Ghost Bears won the right to invade the FWL corridor. While they believed at the time that this would make for an easy corridor, it proved not to be the case. Many FWL units fought to the death because they were defending their homes and family. The Bears could appreciate that and have endeavoured to keep a light touch on the civilian population. This had the effect of slowing their progress however. Added to the fierce bidding for the right to seize Outreach, the Bears took themselves out of the running to be the first Clan to Terra.
Since the end of the invasion the Bears have been gradually moving their population into the Inner Sphere with the long range plan of moving entirely to the Inner Sphere. They have worked closely with the Wolves in an attempt to forge closer ties with the ilClan.
Clan Hell’s Horses:
Originally a reserve Clan, the Hell’s Horses participated in some of the early skirmishes in the Taurian Concordat before being called up to serve as garrison forces for the Wolves and Falcons. In the wake of the Falcon relocation to Vega, the Horses seized a fair amount of worlds and were also rewarded with numerous rear area worlds by the Wolves.
The Horses have split their touman roughly 50/50 between the Homeworlds and Inner Sphere, an arrangement that has created some tension amongst the warriors.
Clan Ice Hellion:
The Ice Hellions failed to win a position in the invasion force but in the post invasion years were used by the ilKhan as a rapid deployment force to help secure the borders of those nations that joined the Star League. As such there are Hellion troops in both the Skye and Rasalhague regions, with some having served on Regulus as well.
Tensions have been building between the Hellions and the leaders of Skye, as the Hellion occupation of Hesperus II was supposed to have been a temporary affair. The matter will likely soon come to a head.
Clan Jade Falcon:
The Jade Falcons won the prestigious Capellan Confederation/Capellan March invasion corridor, a highly contentious border region that was hoped would provide sufficient challenge to their troops. The toughest battles the Falcons faced however were on St. Ives, where the Compact made its last stand, and on Outreach where the Falcons won the right to punish the Wolfs Dragoons. The battles on Outreach gutted Gamma galaxy and delayed the Falcons advance enough that the Wolves were able to reach Terra first.
A hasty assembly of warriors was convened and the decision was made to uproot their invasion force and head for the world of Vega. It was felt that seizing the world where the original Star League was formed would have almost as much honour as taking Terra itself. The Falcons mercilessly drove the Combine forces from fourteen worlds around Vega and settled in, calling for the entirety of their touman and civilian population to join them there.
In late 3054 the Falcons experienced a second Culling. Though somewhat weakened the Falcons emerged more ideologically pure.
Clan Nova Cat:
The Nova Cats won the right to be a reserve unit but were not called upon during the invasion. They waited patiently on the staging world of Herotitus, believing their chance would come. It did not. They were however the first to encounter emissaries of ComStar. Oathmaster Biccon Winters violently opposed letting the ComStar ambassador meet with the ilKhan and killed her. While Winters was reprimanded for this, she claimed that a vision had guided her actions. After this ComStar was viewed with some suspicion and treated accordingly.
In the post invasion years, the Nova Cats have stationed one galaxy of troops in the Principality of Regulus to safeguard that fledgling nation from predation by the Inner Sphere. However there are tensions developing, with the Regulans viewing the Cats as simple mercenaries. Only time will tell if an amicable solution can be reached.
Clan Smoke Jaguar:
The Smoke Jaguars pushed hard to win the coveted Federated Suns invasion corridor, as the Suns was home to their founder. Several early victories led to serious overconfidence on the part of Jaguar leaders and troops, which caused problems later in the invasion.
It was Kathil that truly slowed the Jaguars advance. The then Federated Commonwealth kept throwing RCT after RCT into the meat grinder that the world had become. The Jaguars had no choice but to respond in kind. By the time they had finally emerged victorious, the Wolves had taken Terra.
Leo Showers immediately called a Refusal against the Wolves but was soundly defeated. The humiliated former ilKhan was offered a prestigious post as Defender of Terra but refused and disappeared into the periphery. Some say he committed suicide rather than live under Wolf rule, while others say he lives, biding his time.
Clan Snow Raven:
While not participating in the invasion itself, the Snow Ravens have managed to acquire multiple holdings in the Inner Sphere. The Viper absorption netted them the remains of the Taurian Concordat, and they are working strenuously to rebuild these shattered worlds.
The Ravens have also managed to secure for themselves both the Kathil Shipyards (renamed back to McKenna Shipyards) and the Titan Shipyards in the Terran system. This was accomplished through careful bidding and trading political favours.
They have also secured hefty gains in the homeworlds, making them an important player in the reborn Star League.
Clan Star Adder:
The Star Adders have been the Clan to benefit the most from the Jade Falcon relocation to the Inner Sphere. When it was clear that the Falcons had completely abandoned their invasion corridor in favour of Vega, the Star Adders won the bidding to occupy it. They had to spend some months putting down rebellions, but their comparatively light hand compared to the Falcons has begun to win the hearts and minds of their Inner Sphere population.
In the Homeworlds the Adders managed to secure most of the Falcons holdings on Ironhold as well as several other key Falcon enclaves, some of which they traded away for much needed resources.