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Author Topic: Last March of St. Jamis  (Read 4546 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Last March of St. Jamis
« on: April 09, 2011, 03:50:20 PM »

Another snippet from my AU almost straight copy from the CBT forum so probably been read by many

This one covers the biggest event so far, although not the biggest its one of the most important battles on Terra.  Hope you enjoy.

Link to regular topic

Open North American Desert
One Kilometre South Unity City
Terra, Chaos March
12th August 3070

   Leading what was left of his Elite First Division Cameron St. Jamis piloted his customized Awesome, a eighty ton Assault BattleMech forward towards their goal, and potential safety, Unity City the Capital of the old Star League.  Unity City had been risen from the Mid-Western Deserts of North America during the time of the original Star League and been the seat of Terran Rule throughout the Terran Hegemony and the Star League-era, the richest most advanced city of its time.  During the Amaris Coup the city had fallen to the rages of the Rim Worlds Republic forces with the mighty skyscrapers being felled by the jealous periphery troops, the population driven out by the chaos.  During Kerensky’s liberation the city had taken another massive beating as SLDF and Rim Worlds Republic troops fought over the scraps of the city.
   When the Star League had fallen and the Succession Wars had begun the gates to Unity City had been sealed an no-one ventured inside throughout the centuries since the fall of the First Star League ComStar, and later the Word of Blake, had kept up around the clock patrols ensuring no-one opened the City only the First Lord of the Star League had that right and so far the Second Star League had resisted this temptation, mainly through fear of the Word of Blake’s control over Terra.  That control would soon end however, three years of constant fighting against ComStar, their heretic brothers, had destroyed the Word of Blake first in space, then Mars and now on Terra.  Some of the Word of Blake’s resources were still active in the Free Worlds League under the watchful gaze of the Master however Terra would soon be lost and they would be destroyed if they revealed themselves, the great plan, the Word of Blake itself had failed its believers.

   Moving forward Cameron looked down at his instruments seeing a group of new contacts on his Mech’s advanced sensors, each identified themselves as members of the ComGuard’s First Division.  “So this is how it ends, McGillaray’s Legion stand before my True Devotion” Cameron whispered naming the two Divisions by their nickname instead of their official designation’s.  It was the way he preferred to think of his troops, the way the troops thought of themselves as troops of a unit not of an army forces of some political faction.

   The ComGuard’s McGillaray’s Legion was the first ComStar Militia unit ever to be created and the Word of Blake’s True Devotion was formed by the first members of the ComGuard to defect to the Word of Blake.  Both units were the Elite of their respective orders and looking at the figures Cameron could see that both sides were near equal in numbers.  “The way it should end.”  Cameron whispered switching his communication grid to transmit to address the ComGuard commander.  “This is Cameron St. Jamis commander of the True Devotion, Primus Warlord of Terra” he said he had claimed the title following the Ruling Conclave being listed as missing, presumed dead, by ComStar forces following the DropShip being shot down by ComGuard fighters.  “Who commands the forces in front of me?  Who is ready to feel the wrath of the Word of Blake and open our way to Unity City?”

   â€œThis is Precentor Peter McGillaray, commander of the First Division of the Sixth Army and most senior ground commander of the ComGuard remaining standing on Terra.  The Word of Blake forces are ordered to stand down and face the charge of wanton destruction, atrocities against humanity, breach of international law and being a royal pain in my ass.”  The ComGuard commander said Cameron was impressed that a ComStar Division commander had lived this long, his troops had been under orders to target ComStar Division Commanders as often as possible leading to the deaths of many in the opening weeks and helping prolonging the fight.  Scanning the enemy forces Cameron found the reason for McGillaray still walking the field two seventy ton Shootist Bodyguard BattleMechs, two one hundred ton Clan-built Dire Wolf Assault OmniMechs all guarding a ninety ton Highlander Assault BattleMech and a Mobile HQ.  Probably the heaviest force in the entire ComStar forces, soon to be turned to ash.  Cameron sent tight-beam laser transmitted messages to all his troops to target these six units with a massive barrage of weapons fire ignoring everything else until they were destroyed.

   â€œAllow me to remove that for you” Cameron said accelerating his Mech forward to its top speed fifty-four kilometres per hour “True Devotion, Fire!”  He shouted firing both of his own Mech’s Heavy Particle Projection Cannons and both arm mounted light PPCs.  Even under the massive amount of fire hitting the targets Cameron saw one particle bolt burn into the shoulder of one Dire Wolf while the other struck the Highlander dead centre, the lighter two PPCs struck the same targets.  As soon as his weapons cycled Cameron fired again, as did all Word of Blake forces, this time he hit the other Dire Wolf and the Mobile HQ.  As he charged forward Cameron realised that none of the Mechs he had hit had gone down and none were returning fire, even under the massive barrages.  Cameron slowed his pace to look at the targets as all five Mechs began to fall and the Mobile HQ exploded in a ball of flame, none had fired a single shot or moved an inch before being hit, his Men were good but not that good.  “Too easy” Cameron said out loud not noticing the comm. was still active.

   â€œAt least you realise your mistake before your death.  ComGuards, rats are in trap, fire!”  McGillaray said over the comm. how he had survived that barrage and was still transmitting was beyond Cameron.  Suddenly he realised what was going on as dozens of artillery rounds slammed into the ground around him spurting out smoke and then literally hundreds of sensor locks were reported on his Mech as Battle Armour, BattleMechs and Vehicles all rose out of the desert sands and began firing using the cover of the smoke to raise unmolested.  Cameron saw a twenty ton Stinger raise in front of him and sent a particle cannon shot and a tight group of SRMs into the light Mech, it fell back down onto its face but started to get up again..

   â€œTrue Devotion charge, we must make it to Unity City!”  He shouted into the communication system however even he knew it was too late as weapons fire began to tear his own Awesome to pieces all around him hitting him all around.  Fighting his way forward Cameron didn’t stop firing his weapons, the computers screamed of overheat but he continued slapping the overrides charging forward refusing to stop or give up.  As his Mech began to clear the smoke Cameron could see the towers of Unity City less than five hundred Metres away however between him and his goal was a firing line of six ComStar Assault Mechs led by an one hundred ton Grand Crusader, a Word of Blake design.

   â€œYou know I did want to take you prisoner, put you on trial and make the entire Inner Sphere see just how insane you really are.”  McGillaray said as the Grand Crusader stepped forward one step  “But that was never going to happen, was it?”  McGillary continued “you know it’s a shame all you had to do was adapt to the world around you, the Word did make some nice tech.”  McGillaray taunted raising his Grand Crusader’s weapons Cameron looked at his own weapons array, both Heavy PPCs damaged beyond recognition, left arm completely gone, knee actuator on the right destroyed reducing his speed and mobility.  All he had left was a single light particle cannon and his Streak launcher in the torso.  He even saw his C3i Computer mounted in the Awesome’s head was damaged.  Reaching down to his side Cameron picked up his Broadsword, it was something that had been with him since he was a junior member of ComStar and he had kept it in meticulous condition.  Holding the weapon in his right hand Cameron stomped on his Mech‘s accelerator and charged the ComGuard line.

   The ComStar firing line opened fire in unison cutting into every remaining limb of his Mech tearing them clear of the body then finally hitting the torso and head, because of the damage already done and the variety of weapons involved no-one was quite sure who had killed Cameron however on the 12th August 3070, Precentor-Martial Cameron St. Jamis was proclaimed dead less than four hundred metres from Unity City.  Not a single Mech, vehicle or ground trooper of the Word of Blake’s First Division: The True Devotion made it to Unity City, and none were taken prisoner, one hundred percent casualties recorded.  The highest ground war fatality rate in the entire ComStar/Word of Blake conflict when no Weapons of Mass Destruction had been employed. The Battle for Terra was not over but the Word of Blake were dead, from now on there was no going back from this.

Hope you enjoyed

comments welcome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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