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Author Topic: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)  (Read 20064 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« on: March 31, 2020, 09:45:16 AM »

A new side story of my Alternate timeline with thanks and an explanation for the travel times thread a started a wee while ago.  It's going towards the below piece a new competition that will start on Solaris and quickly pass to other nations.

The Hellfish was designed by Psykosama I saw it years ago and have wanted to use it in a story for a while it's detailed in the following link.


I hope you enjoy, I may do further stories on this thread as there are more stories planned.  Anyone with Conventional Fighter builds they'd like featured I'll accommodate in future stories.

Solaris Racing Event
San Bardo Canyon, Equatus
Solaris VII, Independent Clan Territory
7th July 3115

   On a sunny day on the world of Solaris VII a Lexan Oceanic Series Luxury VTOL flew high above the San Bardo Canyon on the Equatus continent far to the east of Solaris City.  The area had long been used as a training ground by MechWarriors preparing themselves for the hardships they would encounter in Solaris famous Arenas.  Today however the canyon was going to be used for an entirely new event.  From the rear cabin of the aircraft announcer Rick De Graff stood in front of the Tri-vid camera wearing his customary navy suit and multi-coloured bow tie the Lexan was designed for long distance travel and had a fully kitted out set of luxury passenger quarters normally but today they had been replaced with tri-vid cameras and six crewmen from the Solaris Entertainment Company.  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen my name is Rick De Graff and for the last thirty years I have commentated on the various competitions that have taken place here on Solaris VII.  I stayed on with the Leagues when the Clans came to Solaris and have seen them go from strength to strength.  But now, today we have the debut of a new organised competition on Solaris based out of the San Bardo Canyon here in sunny Equatus I bring you the Solaris Racing League!  Gone are the days of two pilots racing to show who has the fastest aircraft now they need skill and they need the crowds to win in a competition fully supported and sponsored by the Solaris Entertainment Company and TD Investments.”  He announced as two conventional aircraft flew past the Lexan rocking it slightly with the wind caused by their passing.  “Featuring conventional aircraft of various sizes and capabilities the Racing League will be almost unique on Solaris in that we won’t be using weapons on any of the aircraft taking part.  Each craft will be expected to carry these weapons or appropriate weights to represent them and to ensure that the race judges and ourselves are kept in contact with all craft each has been fitted with a Slave C3 system allowing us to take data directly from the aircraft and from specially fitted video cameras on each aircraft.  We’ll also all be able to follow the action from camera crews situated around the course and from drone craft positioned waiting for the competitors.”  He said showing off camera footage of a small twin turbine drone craft that had at least three cameras on it.

   â€œThe rules are simple the winning aircraft will be the one with the fastest time through San Bardo Canyon, each aircraft will also gain points for completing each challenge while remaining under one and fifty hundred metres, anytime spent above this height will result in point deductions, these points will be result in subtractions or additions to the finish times at the end of the race.  “Any aircraft that leaves the canyon will be disqualified.”  He explained

   â€œNow let’s see the course!”  He said and Rick De Graff’s image was replaced by a computer-generated image of a turbine powered aircraft in normal flight as De Graff narrated.  “Initially the flight will involve a forward dash through the firebreak between the Redwood and Riverbank Forests.”  He said as the aircraft began to fly between the forests on each side “our competitors will then raise up the right-hand side of the canyon walls entering a natural formation known as Hamilton Tunnel.”  He said as the small aircraft entered the tunnel it will fly in a downward spiral through the tunnel avoiding any obstacles inside before exiting and sprinting past the northern edge of Riverbank Forest.  After crossing over Forss Water the competitors will then fly up over the Solaris Steps where we’ll have spectators camped out waiting for them.”  The camera then cut to people already camping out on the natural stone Solaris Steps which were bathed in sunlight “those people are in for a treat.”  De Graff said as the image shifted to the aircraft which flew from the tunnel over the choppy river then up over the stone steps. “They’ll climb to one hundred metres and dart through the Loch Gateway” he said as the aircraft flew through a stone archway which faced onto the open water below.  “They’ll then fly over Loch Scramclate banking to the left around Grant Island where we’ve got more people waiting for them” again the camera showed crowds gathering this time on beach built bandstands “each aircraft will be expected to do a signature move in front of the crowds at Grant Island with bonus points voted by you being awarded to each pilot after the race is complete.  These points will go towards each pilots own personal ranking score which will count towards their season points.”  He said as the computer-generated image showed the aircraft banking around Grant Island pulling a series of tight turns before flying off around the Island over Lock Scramclate.  “After their excursion over the waters of Scramclate they will fly through the firebreak of Sibster Forest before climbing to the final area of the competition.”  He said as the small craft flew between the trees of the forest before raising into TD Investments Stadium an artificially flattened area in the Canyon Wall which had multiple built up bandstands waiting “In TD Investments Stadium, along with you at home, we have 7,500 people waiting for them there each pilot can again preform their signature move and be awarded additional points for their efforts before hitting the finish line.”

   â€œWithout further waffling from me here comes our first competitor” he said as an HL-15 Hellfish Light Attack Fighter flew into the area.  The craft’s wing edge tilt-rotor turbines pulling it through the air while the pilot could be seen in the forward bulbous cockpit the Solaris sun glinting off of the twin tailed rear boom.  “Allow me to introduce Koskova Yartseva piloting a Hellfish Light Attack Fighter from Silver in the Free Worlds League, let’s see how he gets on.”  The small ten-ton aircraft flew through the trees before diving down into Hamilton Tunnel inside gun cameras from the small aircraft showed just how close the tiny ten-ton aircraft came to the obstacles inside the tunnel.  “The small Hellfish is perfect for this type of close quarters flying and is able to avoid everything in the tunnel with ease.”  Turning left Yartseva expertly brought the craft down through the tunnel and out the other side then across the water before climbing up over the Solaris Steps tipping his wings ever so slightly as he passed over the heads of the spectators “KEEP your heads down there!”  De Graff called out as the spectators cheered at the aircraft passing by the Hellfish didn’t stop it continued on diving through the Loch Gateway and then over Loch Scramclate.  “Here come’s Yarseva to our first display area what will he do for the crowds?”  Turning towards Grant Island as the aircraft quickly flew past the crammed spectator stands on the island’s western edge flicking the VSTOL controls Yartseva brought the engine nacelles up into a hover turning his fighter to face the people below as he did causing the aircraft to do a near perfect reverse turn as it moved past the island one hundred metres below.  “HA!  Using the Hellfish’s VSTOL equipment to pull an entirely unique move in the spectator region.  The crowd down there are going to be in for a treat with the rest of the competitors.”  He then flicked the engines back into normal flight function and accelerated away from Grant Island banking again to the left towards Sibster Forest.  “Here comes Yarseva towards the homestretch and here in TD Investments Stadium!”  De Graff said as the crowd below his aircraft went wild in anticipation the cameras showed the small Hellfish flying between the trees then pulling upwards towards the bandstands of TD Investments Stadium.  As the small aircraft flew into the stadium area the Hellfish’s engine nacelles again slowly turned pointing upwards bringing a halt to the craft’s forward movement as it did so allowing the craft to turn in a full 360 degrees before finally pointing to the exit of the course.  “Well ladies and gentlemen there we have it the end of the first competitors run and a time on the board now everyone knows what to beat.  Remember ladies and gentlemen your vote from home can make all the difference for all Solaris Residence you can instant message on the numbers below to cast your vote at the standard calling price.  The pilot has done his best job now its up to you to enhance his finishing position.”

   Over the course of the next hour eight more competitors flew through the course each piloting thier own type of aircraft.  Most of the competitors were based on Solaris and had been seen flying in the adhoc events that had taken place on Solaris before but finally it was Jonnie Mjalby from Aubisson in the Rasalhague Dominion piloting an ASF-23 Protector Aircraft that won the first organised league on Solaris VII.

   â€œCongratulations to Jonnie Mjalby for his victory here at San Bardo Canyon on Solaris VII.  I hope you enjoyed that ladies and gentlemen because this debut season is not done, we’ll have another race which will take place in Dunnet Forest on October 22nd.  You can click on the link below to find out how you can be a spectator at that event and stay tuned to the Solaris Entertainment Sports IV for an interview with Jonnie Mjalby and some of the other competitors with me Rick De Graff.”
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2020, 09:48:04 AM »

The Solaris San Barno Canyon course is below I hope you like it
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2020, 09:52:24 AM »

The standings after one race

Pilot                  Place of Origin                           Aircraft                                         Races     Points
Jonnie Mjalby   Aubisson, Rasalhague Dominion   ASF-23 Protector Aircraft                   1   12
Irene Steele   Solaris VII                                   Guardian                                           1   10
Koskova Yartseva   Silver, Free Worlds League   HL-15 Hellfish Light Attack Fighter   1   8
Joe Normandn   Raven Alliance                           Corvine Attack Craft                           1   6
Zhao Jian-guo   Solaris VII                                   Angel Light Strike Fighter                   1   4
Nicolae Carpathia   Solaris VII                           MSF-42 Bluehawk Combat Support      1   3
Otto Biermann   Solaris VII                                   Hurricane                                           1   2
Masao Suzuki   Solaris VII                                   Defender Medium Strike Fighter           1   1
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2020, 08:21:43 AM »

Solaris Racing Event
Dunnet Forest, Thurso
Solaris VII, Independent Clan Territory
8th September 3115

The second event in the Solaris Racing League had come up quickly after the racers and their support crews had packed up their equipment into a dozen GESV’s and other transport vehicles and traveled from San Bardo Canyon across Solaris to the city of Thurso near Dunnet Forest.  This race track was longer than the San Bardo Canyon race and took place in and around the City of Thurso and the nearby Town of Crownkirk.  Sitting in his ASF-23 Protector Aircraft Jonnie Mjalby felt pretty confident his win at San Bardo had been partly because of a decent time and partly because the public had gotten behind his race style but today was a whole new challenge.  The San Bardo Canyon relied on maneuverability over speed Dunnet Forest/Thurso Racetrack on the other-hand depended on speed with several long straights on which Mjalby’s Protector would struggle with.

Listening to the announcer Rick de Graff Mjalby maintained his altitude at just over two hundred metres and maintained crusing speed on his main HUD he saw the countdown timer had started.  “Today ladies and gentlemen our winner from the previous race Jonnie Mjalby, piloting a ASF-23 Protector aircraft, begins proceedings the others will be using his time as a benchmark and watching his performance for tips.  Good luck Mjalby!”  He said as he did the countdown timer hit zero and Mjalby dived his aircraft below one hundred metres and headed for the starting line.

Unlike San Bardo Canyon the Dunnet Forest was designed from the ground up as a spectator stadium with dozens of stands filled with a live audience just to add to the pressure on the pilots.  Now was not the time to think of spectators Mjalby thought as his fighter crossed the starting line.  Almost immediately he turned the Protector into a hard-right turn onto the first straight maintaining altitude of eight metres he flew past the towering spectator stand on his left-hand side before heading out across the Thurso River which bisected the course.  The trip across the choppy river water was a short one and Mjalby was quickly on the other side immediately entering the first stadium known locally as Pittodrie.  The area was essentially an oval cut out of the forest with spectator stands, food and drink stands and medical facilities on all sides.  Mjalby maintained his speed as he flew into the area ignoring the flashing lights from the stands he concentrated on making the perfect right hand turn fighting the g-forces put against his body as the aircraft completed the turn.  Levelling out his fighter was gone from Pittodrie Stadium as quickly as it had entered and was heading back across Thurso River flying pararell to the Interstate Highway 16 Bridge passing by the town of Crownkirk the Protector passed over the Road Tunnel leading into the town and then Mjalby pushed the aircraft into a shallow dive slowing his speed slightly he entered Nevis Tunnel, a man-made paved tunnel through the hard rock of the same name.  Following the “S-Bend” track of the Tunnel Mjalby accelerated as he exited entering the second stadium Hillhead.

Smaller than Pittodirie but still packed with people Hillhead was a loop with four tight left turns and one tight right turn.  Too fast you’d overshoot and have to raise in altitude to turn and re-enter the course losing time and points, too slow and this section could cost you valuable time.  Mjalby’s Protector was well suited for this section maintaining the same speed he held the turn again fighting the g-forces once more he quickly left Hillhead Stadium heading back into Dunnet Forest flying between the trees on one side and Nevis Rock on the other he followed the path of the course left around Nevis Rock and back towards Crownkirk and into the next section.

This part of the course Jonnie Mjalby knew his Protector was not well suited for it with long sweeping turns that took them through the forest and towards a raised area known as Beinn Hob.  Here planes with a high top speed would have a significant advantage the turns suited high speed flying with relatively low g-forces there wasn’t much he could do but ride through the long turn and concentrate on not messing up.  Raising out of the trees and up Beinn Hob Mjalby focused on the next section which would see him travel up, down and then up again long “S-Bend” over the hill which would take him into the third S-Bend.  By the time Mjalby’s Protector had the hill for a second time he could see the third stadium section the Daniel Keith Stands.  Named for one of the founders of Crownkirk the Daniel Keith Stands jutted out of the side of Beinn Hob and Mjalby felt sorry for the packed spectators below as the winds up the side of the hill buffeted the area.  He wasn’t here to feel sorry for them or watch the crowd however instead he was here for an almost leisurely right turn between the stands followed by a second right turn that took him back down the hill and into Dunnet Forest.  According to the race guide this section could catch a pilot off guard as the trees appeared to come up rapidly as the aircraft accelerated down the hill and back into the forest but they were no trouble for Mjalby who carried on the straight towards the bridge of Interstate Highway 16.

Unlike his previous encounter with the ground road this time the course took Mjalby’s fighter under the huge bridge that connected Thurso with other parts of the region.  He could see plenty of spectators and emergency services in the area watching his fifty-ton fighter pass under the bridge and then once cleared from that obstacle make an immediate right turn under a natural rock formation known as Angelica’s Archway.  From there Mjalby crossed the Thurso River for a third and last time now entering Thurso itself to finish the race.  Along the sides of the course there were lines of trees which helped dampen the noise for the residence of the city who were only a few hundred feet away.  The trees also hid energy barriers similar to those in the Solaris Mech arenas which were designed to absorb an aircraft hitting them and force the craft either into the ground or into the air Mjalby hoped if he ever hit any of them it was the latter result and not the former.

Travelling past the trees Mjalby’s Protector entered the final section known as the Janet Porter Stadium, again named after a founder of Thurso, it was a commercial haven like the other spectator stands with food, drink and advertising throughout designed like the rest of this course to make money little else.  Flying around the series of left turns Mjalby intentionally rolled the aircraft in a barrel roll showing off for the crowd counting on their votes to help keep him up the boards as they headed into the final race of the season.  Making the last left turn before the finish line Mjalby knew that speed alone would not help him win and instead pulled the aircraft back doing a loop-the-loop just short of the finish line adding a little flourish to his performance.

As he flew away from the course Jonnie Mjalby knew all he could do now was wait for the other competitors to finish.  There were seven other competitors that would follow him five of those aircraft would outrun his Protector in open flight he just had to hope the crowds were still on his side or one of the others made a mistake.


Hours later the final competitor had crossed the line and the spectator vote had been counted leaving Jonnie with a fourth-place finish.  During the course of the other competitors flights Irene Steele the Guardian pilot who had come second in the San Bardo Canyon run had lost control of her fighter and crashed.  She’d been able to eject but the fighter was a right-off in the medical GESV Mjalby visited her they’d known each other for years competing in various one-off events.

“Glad to see you made it out of that wreck in one piece” he said greeting her Irene was the same age as Jonnie Mjalby, twenty-six, originally from the Federated Suns she’d moved to Solaris sixteen years before when her father had come looking for fame and fortune.  He’d been killed in the Solaris Mech Arenas and Irene had decided that life was not for her instead taking aerospace fighter lessons with the intention of gaining a position within the LCAF.  Things hadn’t turned out that way and instead she’d started flying acrobatics on Solaris to make money now that income had been taken from her.

“Yeah Segura didn’t come out of it so well.”  Irene replied, the fighter had been destroyed in the crash.  “That’s me out, I see you didn’t do so well either?”

“Still there” Jonnie Mjalby said looking down at his injured friend.  “Listen I asked the doc you’re still flight capable, your injuries are not all that severe.”

“Thanks for reminding me Jonnie, but I’m lacking a fighter.”

“I happen to have a spare” he said smirking he saw her surprised one fighter was expensive a second was nearly unheard of.  “Juliusz Kamil decided to hang up his flight gloves before this tournament” he explained she’d heard the “Grandfather of Flight” had retired earlier in the year.  “His Striking Cobra was going cheap.”

“I thought Kamil wanted to put it in a museum?”

“He did, it might still end up there, but it’s got more miles in it and I offered him more.”

“What difference does that make to me, Jonnie, I’ve barely got enough for my medical bills and to pay off the support staff.  I’m out of this game.”

“I’ll give you the Striking Cobra” he said raising his hand to stop her speaking “on credit.  You place in this tournament you pay me some of the money for it.  You win it you can buy it outright from me.”  He suggested offering her a lifeline he could see tears in her eyes.

“Why?”  She croaked

“You deserve to see it to the end, just don’t crash that thing before I get a chance to fly it.”  He said winking to her before turning to leave.  With her last place at Dunnet Forest she was fourth place in the championship out of the major money making positions but still in touching distance to the leaders going into the last round at the Slanotov Industrial Zone in Solaris Arctic Zone.  If she placed and he didn’t at least he’d get some of the money back from this event.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2020, 08:24:00 AM »

Dunnet Forest Racetrack below
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 08:27:55 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2020, 08:24:38 AM »

I didn't like how the standings turned out last time so here's an alternate format
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2020, 08:31:17 AM »

I would like to throw in my Striking Cobra Light Attack and Recon Aircraft

My thanks too DOC_Agren for providing the Striking Cobra Light Attack and Recon Aircraft which was mentioned towards the end of the story.

Anyone else who fancies providing a craft feel free while it will not feature in the next race I've got plenty more planned in the not too distant future.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2020, 09:53:16 AM »

I didn't like how the standings turned out last time so here's an alternate format

San Bardo Canyon
CompetitorPlace of OriginAircraftSan Bardo Canyon FinishSan Bardo Canyon PointsDunnet Forest FinishDunnet Forest PointsSlanotov Industrial FinishSlanotov PointsTotal
Jonnie MjalbyAubisson, Rasalhague DominionASF-23 Protector Aircraft1124618
Irene SteeleSolaris VIIGuardian2108*111
Koskova YartsevaSilver, Free Worlds LeagueHL-15 Hellfish Light Attack Fighter387210
Joe NormandnRaven AllianceCorvine Attack Craft4621016
Zhao Jian-guoSolaris VIIAngel Light Strike Fighter5411216
Nicolae CarpathiaSolaris VIIMSF-42 Bluehawk Combat Support63547
Otto BiermannSolaris VIIHurricane72635
Masao SuzukiSolaris VIIDefender Medium Strike Fighter81389

CompetitorPositionPoints Awarded
Jonnie Mjalby112
Irene Steele210
Koskova Yartseva38
Joe Normandn46
Zhao Jian-guo54
Nicolae Carpathia63
Otto Biermann72
Masao Suzuki81

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2020, 10:12:42 AM »

Id like to throw in a pilot if possible as well.

Modeled after Jack Lemmon character in the Amazing Race

Crown Prince Hannibal Fate is the heir to the Fate estate a rather well to do family from the hinterlands of the Federated Commonwealth. A rather eccentric family from all that know of them, the family believes they are the descendants of a noble family from ancient terra and from their idiosyncrasies it may well be true. The Crown Prince was raised a rather sheltered youth but is a brilliant engineer in his own right. Taking his passion for engineering in an unique direction after watching racing and other flying shows in his youth. He has modified a militia Medium Strike fighter into his own racing plane dubbed the Hannibal 8, what happened to the previous 7 is anyone's guess.

Hannibal 8 Medium Strike Fighter

Code: [Select]
Mass: 25 tons
Power Plant: 200 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Medium Laser
     2 Machine Gun
     1 Flamer

Cost: 758,456 C-bills
Battle Value: 247

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        200 Fusion             13
Safe Thrust: 8
Max Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity:         6                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         480                   3.0
Cockpit                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  24                    1.5

     Nose                    7     
     Wings                  6/6   
     Aft                     5     

Weapons                      Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Medium Laser                    NOS       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Machine Gun                     RWG       0.5      0      2    0    0    0 
Machine Gun                     LWG       0.5      0      2    0    0    0 
Flamer                          AFT       1.0      3      2    0    0    0 
ECM Suite                       FSLG      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)     FSLG      0.5      -      -    -    -    - 
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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2020, 11:32:42 AM »

Here's my toss into the mix.

Armando Gallaraga is a former Taurian Concordat fighter pilot and the scion of a fairly wealthy merchant family. In 3011, he journeyed to Solaris VII to participate in the Solaris Racing League. Using  a recent decommissioned Avispón conventional fighter from the Sterope Planetary Militia has made inroads in the league, but has not been overly successful

Code: [Select]
Avispón F/A-79

Mass: 35 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 245 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     1 MML 5
     2 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3079
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 1,059,282 C-bills

Type: Avispón
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 35
Battle Value: 341

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        245 Fusion             18
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity:         6                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         400                   2.5
Cockpit                                             3.5
Armor Factor (Ferro)          35                      2

     Nose                    12   
     Wings                  8/8   
     Aft                     7     

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Medium Laser            RWG       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
MML 5                   NOS       3.0      3      3    3    3    0 
MML 5 SRM Ammo (20)     FSLG      1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
MML 5 LRM Ammo (24)     FSLG      1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Medium Laser            LWG       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 

A stripped down racer could look like this:

Code: [Select]
Avispón Verde F/A-79 Racer

Mass: 35 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 280 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3079
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 911,075 C-bills

Type: Avispón Verde
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 35
Battle Value: 114

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        280 Fusion             24
Safe Thrust: 8
Max Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity:         6                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         560                   3.5
Cockpit                                             3.5
Armor Factor (Ferro)          35                      2

     Nose                    12   
     Wings                  8/8   
     Aft                     7     

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV

If these need to be redesigned with turbines, I can do that, too.
The Honor of Men cannot be bound by the words of Fools- Marco Hietala
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius
May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies. - Voltaire
Chaos doesn't need a recipe, just a list of ingredients. - Drakensis
Kachi ni Fushigi no Kachi Ari. Make ni Fushigi no Make Nashi
Wielder of the Ferro-Carbide Bat of Doom™®©

Dragon Cat

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2020, 12:39:02 PM »

Great entries

Bradshaw your table looks very good

Adele the fusions fine at the moment Solaris is sort of testing the waters and running a little fast n loose this season in the future though I think itll be more refined also they need to keep guns or tonnage for guns

And fit a Slave C3 optional on spending tonnage on cameras though as they'll be added too
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 01:08:55 PM by Dragon Cat »
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2020, 04:45:09 AM »

Solaris Racing Event
Slanotov Industrial Zone
Solaris VII, Independent Clan Space
18th November 3115

   â€œGood morning ladies and gentlemen, I am Rick de Graff and I am here today to bring you the latest event in the Solaris Racing League at the Slanotov Industrial Zone!  Even as Clan Wolf continues its offensive against the Free Worlds League and Clan Lynx have reportedly invaded the Draconis Combine the Racing is all that matters here on Solaris!”  The announcer said “following our last event at Dunnet Forest the league standings are as follows.  Jonnie Mjalby leads the standings on eighteen points, Joe Normandn and Zhao Jian-guo are close behind on sixteen points, Irene Steele follows on eleven points after her crash at Dunnet Forest just in touching distance to the leaders.”  He said “due to her DNF in the last round Steele will be going first today flying a new substitute aircraft a Striking Cobra which she aquired following the race at Dunnet Forest good luck to her.”

   Irene Steele sat in the pilot’s chair of the Striking Cobra the twenty ton turbine powered aircraft was far different to her jet powered Guardian.  The cockpit was small with all the controls and switches as you’d expect.  She’d flown the aircraft twice since the event moved from Dunnet the first was around the course at San Bardo Canyon and then a practice run here at the burnt out Slanotov Industrial Zone.

   While Slanotov as a settlement was still used by the people of Solaris the Industrial Zone had become a victim of the Succession Wars with most of the building’s now little more than ruins.  Due to the built up nature of the area most of the spectator stands were crammed between buildings and used tri-vid screens to allow spectators to follow the action.

   â€œLadies and gentlemen, without further from me I turn the action over to Irene Steele, good luck racer!”  De Graff said and Irene didn’t need further encouragement.

   Diving her aircraft away from Interstate 3 she slipped the small Striking Cobra down between two buildings.  On each wingtip there was an SRM-4 launcher filled with dummy rounds each pod provided her with a guide for how close she could get to the buildings as she turned the aircraft tightly around buildings under Interstate 3 before turning again between buildings diving over the Canal Pregolya dodging between two parked barges as she flew between and around the buildings.  She breathed deeply as her aircraft leveled out and the g-forces were less strong before pushing the twenty ton aircraft under another of Interstate 3’s roadways heading into an area filled with various disused oil storage containers.

   It was a maze of pipes, chimneys, towers and oil drums that Irene expertly dodged through before making a hairpin turn which would take her towards the Port Authority and Pregolya Tunnel.  The road tunnel was thankfully closed today and was wide enough for her to fly through it with the wings of the small craft level as it took her under the Canal of the same name and out the other side into more buildings.

   A lazy figure of eight around two of the dark grey buildings and she was away from them heading back towards the Interstate Highway that bisected the course.  Before she reached it she turned tightly to the right between the buildings then right again tipping her craft up onto its wing as she split between buildings as fast as she dared finally she turned towards the last area of the course the only open area and the only place with live spectators the creatively named central park.  A wide arc over the Canal Pregolya past the spectators Irene Steele threw her craft into a couple of barrel rolls to make the crowd below happy before turning over the Canal towards the finish point.  She hit maximum throttle and threw her craft over the finish line hoping that her fancy flying and speed had done enough.

   Following Steele came the other six racers of the racing league with Koskova Yartseva doing enough in one of the slowest aircraft to win the race in time and in spectator points.  As he’d flown with great skill and style to prove you didn’t need the fastest aircraft to win the race.  Irene ended up placing second which given she was in a new aircraft was a spectacular result for her, it earned her third place overall and earned her enough credits to pay off Jonnie Mjalby for the plane.  Jonnie himself had placed only fourth in Slanotov his bigger aircraft unable to fit between the oil containers or under the smallest of the river bridges had cost him greatly in the race standings.

The fourth place was enough however for Jonnie Mjalby to be crowned the first champion of the Solaris Racing League however while a commercial and spectator success.  The sport had also brought up several questions due to the variety of aircraft employed and the different ways that points had been scored.  While it was unquestioned whether another year of events would follow already organizers and racers were thinking up new ways to keep the spectators interested and the racing fair… well as fair as Solaris ever got.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 04:55:23 AM by Dragon Cat »
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2020, 04:47:32 AM »

Slanotov Industrial Zone
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2020, 04:49:16 AM »

Final racing league standings
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Solaris Racing League (Alternate Timeline with Thanks)
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2020, 06:20:38 AM »

Congrats to Jonnie Mjalby!

Fun stuff DragonCat!! 8)
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