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Operation Nakam
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:10:05 AM »

New Oslo
Star Type (Recharge Time): A9V (170 hours)
Position in System: 1
Time to Jump Point: 23.75 days
Number of Satellites: 1 (Nesodden)
Surface Gravity: 1.03
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 28° C (Temperate)
Surface Water: 49 percent
Recharging Station: Zenith
HPG Class: B (Clan)
Highest Native Life: Reptile
Population: 218,000,000
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-B-C-B-C
   Technological Sophistication: Advanced World
   Industrial Development: Moderately Industrialized
   Raw Material Dependence: Self-sustaining
   Industrial Output: Good Output
   Agricultural Dependence: Modest Agriculture
Defending Forces: 55th Provisional Garrison Cluster
Land Masses (Capital City): Nordmarka, Asker (Albany), Akershus, Christiania
Importance: Industrial

Initially cataloged by famed 22nd-century explorer Øystein Elgarøy in the thin life zone around its cool, bluish-white star, the planet he dubbed New Oslo was one of the furthest from Mother Terra at the time of its colonization in the 2240s. Several waves of Scandinavian colonists, seeking to escape the oppressive taxes levied to rebuild Terra's ruined Soviet states, settled on Rasalhague and eight other worlds within one jump, New Oslo among them. Together, they would form one of the first interstellar states: the Principality of Rasalhague. New Oslo rapidly became the Principality's beating industrial heart, home to the region's most sophisticated electronics and spacecraft-parts manufacturing. Almost a century later, when the nascent Draconis Combine conquered New Oslo along with the rest of the Principality, it became home to Galileo Instruments, one of the earliest non-Terran manufacturers of DropShips and JumpShips; while their shipyards proper were at nearby Schuyler, many of New Oslo's subsidiary industries fabricated essential components to be used there. The stream of shipments turned into a flood in 2464 when enormous germanium deposits were discovered on Nesodden, the planet's sole moon. This find in particular made New Oslo a vital world for the Rasalhague Military District. It was largely this fact that compensated for the huge headache New Oslo proved to be for House Kurita: the world was a hotbed for the Tyr movement. The infamous pro-independence guerillas constantly launched attacks against Combine government and military sites across the planet, to the point that the DCMS began regularly rotating troops through the system to train them in counter-insurgency tactics.

Like most of the Inner Sphere, the years of the Star League were times of profit and plenty. Gorton, Kingsley & Thorpe Enterprises established a BattleMech factory complex at Haakonstad, nestled in the windy mountains of northern Christiania. It churned out thousands of Archers for both the SLDF and DCMS. To protect these facilities from bandit raids and Tyr uprisings the SLDF built an escalating series of fortifications nearby: Fort Isaacson was eventually upgraded to a Port Castle and then (in the early 28th century) a Castle Brian. When the Twentieth Army was forced to leave the Rim Worlds Republic in 2755 under orders from First Lord Richard Cameron, they relocated their command post to Fort Isaacson. For the next decade, the Pollux RCT (consisting of the 335th Royal, 279th, 280th and 315th Dragoon regiments) made Fort Issacson their home, becoming a regular opposing force for Twentieth Army units visiting the army headquarters. That ended when the Periphery Uprising of 2764 threw half the SLDF into chaos. The Pollux RCT, along with the rest of Twentieth Army, was redeployed to the Outworlds Alliance to put down the Periphery rebels; this left only the Twelfth Rasalhague Regulars on New Oslo. Unbeknownst to the DCMS High Command, Tyr operatives had acquired an SLIC memory core left behind in Fort Isaacson which, among other things, listed all ISF agents embedded in the Twelfth. A swift, brutal purge in early 2766 left a Tyr-loyal Twelfth Rasalhague in charge of the Fort, and the rebels began to contact their compatriots in other Regulars regiments in an attempt to stir up a District-wide revolt. This would prove to be both their, and New Oslo's, undoing.

When the ISF discovered what had happened to the Twelfth, a task force consisting of the Fourth Sword of Light and Second Pesht Regulars moved to the New Oslo system in order to strangle the blossoming insurrection in its crib. While fanatical and reinforced by several months of Archer production from the GK&T lines, the Twelfth knew it could not hold out against the superior numbers and elite warriors of the Fourth Sword for long. Hunkering down in Fort Isaacson, the rebels prepared to make the DCMS pay for every inch of New Oslo soil, but the Combine had other plans. The DCS Radstadt parked in geosynchronous orbit over Haakonstaad and began to pound away at the Castle Brian with its naval lasers and particle cannons, while its fighters deployed over three dozen Alamo-class nuclear missiles in an effort to bring Fort Isaacson down on top of the of the rebels' heads. While ultimately successful in both destroying the Twelfth and cowing the incipient uprising, it also resulted in the destruction of large portions of the BattleMech factories and millions of civilian deaths. The scars of the attack are still visible centuries later, and large swathes of the region are inaccessible without full rad suits and environmentally-sealed vehicles.

In the wake of the House Kurita's brutal crushing of the insurrection, the ISF redoubled their anti-Tyr efforts on the world, and from the fall of the Star League onward, relative peace reigned on New Oslo. A few raids by the Lyran Commonwealth over the course of the Succession Wars did little to disrupt the planet's status quo, and when the Free Rasalhague Republic was finally re-established in 3034, there was much rejoicing. The Republic invested billions of C-bills restoring the old GK&T facilities, eventually giving the fledgling state its first (and only) domestic BattleMech factory. This of course made it a primary target during the Clan Wolf invasion of the Republic during the early 3050s. In July 3050, the planet was attacked by Clan Wolf's Green Keshik and 13th Wolf Regulars as part of their fourth wave during Operation Revival. In response to the invasion and in support of the 1st New Oslo Armored Division, the GKT Volunteer regiment was formed, composed of Archer and Panther 'Mechs produced locally and piloted by retirees and veterans. The battle commenced at the Trysil Pass before moving on to the city of Lillihammer and the vital Ringsaker Valley; the pitched actions fought there left the Wolves in control of the only direct routes to the GKT factory, and thus the planet as a whole. The Wolves converted the factory to produce Locust IICs but otherwise left it alone, preferring to invest their limited resources in the lines at Tamar and Weingarten.

Over the following century, New Oslo would change hands two more times. In early 3070, Clan Hell's Horses blitzed through Clan Wolf space in an attempt to establish an Occupation Zone of their own. Knowing that possession of New Oslo would be critical to securing their place in the Inner Sphere, the entirety of Delta Galaxy dropped onto the world in April of 3071; the defending Second Wolf Lancers were trampled and the planet secured in a single week. By the end of the decade, the former GKT site had been expanded to become the Horses' primary BattleMech production facility, centered around the massive solar furnaces that the old Free Rasalhague Republic had considered too expensive and difficult to relocate. They had been badly damaged during Operation Revival by the retreating GKT Volunteers, but the Horses put their best technicians and laborers to the task of restoring them to full function and they were brought back online by 3072. This made it a tempting target for the Ghost Bear Dominion; the Rasalhagian government had been pushing for the Bear Touman to “liberate” former Republic planets now under Wolf and Horse control. In 3087, a Bear naval binary spearheaded by a Star of Aesir and Vanir assault DropShips appeared at New Oslo's zenith jump point, rapidly capturing the recharging station and driving away the defending Horse fleet of Outpost Defenders and Noruffs. The 18th Battle Cluster and 140th Striker Cluster landed on the planet three weeks later, facing off against the Horses' Beta Galaxy Command Trinary and 888th Mechanized Assault Cluster. Galaxy Commander Ruggieri Lassenerra led a ferocious defense against the Ghost Bears, but when he was killed in a zellbrigen duel with Star Colonel Dana Bekker, the Horses morale was shattered and they retreated to their DropShips, ultimately fleeing to their JumpShips at the nadir point and abandoning the system. This dealt a serious blow to the Horses' military-industrial complex, which had come to depend heavily on New Oslo. By the time the Horses were able to organize a counterattack, the Dominion had reinforced their positions and easily fended off enough retaliatory Trials to convince the Horses that they would not be retaking New Oslo anytime soon.

When Clan Wolf moved to the Lyran/Marik border, the Falcons, Horses, and Bears fought over the worlds the Wolves had abandoned as well as others. One of the earlier clashes came in 3137 when the Rasalhague Dominion’s Fourth Bear Regulars battled the Hell’s Horses’ 666th Mechanized Assault Cluster on New Oslo. After a day of heavy fighting neither force could claim an advantage, and the Horses dispatched a Star of battle armor to eliminate the Rasalhague Dominion commander. Two Points of Wraiths led the assault, making their way stealthily past the pickets. They intercepted the command Star and its escort, a Point of Elementals, as they were leaving the unit’s mobile headquarters. Although sentry ’Mechs responded rapidly once the shooting started, they arrived too late to save the Cluster command staff. Far from cutting the head off the snake, the strike enraged the Dominion forces and they fought with renewed vigor. The Horses quickly lost the little ground they’d gained and began fighting a defensive campaign. Two weeks later, with Dominion forces closing on their DropShips, the Hell’s Horses retreated offworld.

Prior to Clan rule, New Oslo had long been operated as a military dictatorship, with House Kingsley ruling over the populace as the Combine's representatives; several Kingsley daimyos were assassinated by Tyr rebels over the centuries. The House's unpopularity with the populace led to their fall from prominence once the Clans asserted their rule over the planet. The Wolves and Horses both took a rather heavy-handed role over the planet's governance during their reigns, unwilling to risk the locals impacting such a militarily important world. When the Dominion took New Oslo, the natives received them enthusiastically, seeing them as liberators and successors to the old Republic. Bergan Industries took over the GKT factories and greatly increased their output thanks to their fervently patriotic lower castes.

The main languages on New Oslo are English and Norweigan, although Swedenese slang is also common among New Oslofolk. Most Oslofolk are non-religious, although small pockets of Lutheranism exist in the rural areas of Nordmarka. Outside of the 'Mech factories and other industrial concerns on Christiana and Asker, perhaps New Oslo's greatest claim to fame is the sprawling Technical Institute of Albany, which produces some of the Dominion's finest technicians and scientists. Albany is also home to one of the largest American football stadiums in the Inner Sphere; Elgarøy Field seats nearly a quarter of a million screaming fans of the New Oslo Vikings, who won Super Bowl CLXX in a 34-17 victory over the Kessel Kings in 3135. The Oslofolk are extremely proud both of their long history of fighting oppressors and loyalty to the various Rasalhagian states; insulting either to a native's face is a good way to end up with a broken jaw. Somewhat surprisingly for a world with a history like New Oslo's, there is precisely zero support for Motstånd among the Oslofolk. Their fierce fidelity to the Rasalhague Dominion as the "proper" successor to the Republic leads the Oslofolk to view Motstånd as nothing more than terrorist scum killing in the name of symbolism, and they have no tolerance for it. Insulting Rasalhague or New Oslo might get you punched, but on New Oslo, admitting to Motstånd sympathies will get you lynched.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 04:43:36 AM by Kojak »
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 01:17:43 AM »

55th Provisional Garrison Cluster
CO: Star Colonal Bryant Hawker
Unit Status: Green/Fanatical
Homeworld: New Oslo

Trinary Alpha
Mad Dog IV
Stooping Hawk

Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point

Rifleman IIC 8
Beowulf BEO-12

Ursus II
Shadow Hawk
Great Wyrm 2
Clint IIC

Trinary Beta
Marauder IIC 7
Night Wolf
Grizzly 2

Ryoken II
Hitotsume Kozo
Clint IIC

Clint IIC
Bear Cub 2
Bear Cub 2
Stinger IIC

Supernova Gamma
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Clan)
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Clan)
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Clan)
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Clan)
Athena Combat Vehicle (HAG)
Athena Combat Vehicle (HAG)
Ishtar Heavy Fire Support Tank (Gauss)
Ishtar Heavy Fire Support Tank (Gauss)
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point

Axel Heavy Tank IIC
Axel Heavy Tank IIC
Axel Heavy Tank IIC
Axel Heavy Tank IIC
Axel Heavy Tank IIC
Axel Heavy Tank IIC
Hachiman Fire Support Tank
Hachiman Fire Support Tank
Ares Medium Tank (Plasma)
Ares Medium Tank (Plasma)
Clan Medium Battle Armor (Bär)
Clan Medium Battle Armor (Bär)
Clan Medium Battle Armor (Bär)
Clan Medium Battle Armor (Bär)
Clan Medium Battle Armor (Bär)

Eldingar Hover Sled
Eldingar Hover Sled
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Odin Scout Tank
Odin Scout Tank
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point

Trinary Delta
Hydaspes 3
Hydaspes 3
Hydaspes 3
Hydaspes 3

Huscarl HSCL-1-O
Huscarl HSCL-1-O
Huscarl HSCL-1-O
Huscarl HSCL-1-O
Huscarl HSCL-1-O
Slayer SL-15K
Slayer SL-15K

Ammon 2
Ammon 2
Lucifer III LCR-3
Lucifer III LCR-3
Tyre 3
Tyre 3

Trinary Epsilon
Ammon 2
Ammon 2
Ammon 2
Shilone SL-17R
Lucifer III LCR-3
Lucifer III LCR-3
Tyre 3
Tyre 3
Tyre 3
Tyre 3

Sagittarii SGT-2R
Sagittarii SGT-2R
Corax C

Corax C
Corax C
Corax CRX-O
Corax CRX-O
Corax CRX-O
Corax CRX-O
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 02:26:44 AM »


Firebase Echo, Christiania
New Oslo
Rasalhague Dominion
5 May 3146

Initially an industrial jewel in the crown of the Hell's Horses' Occupation Zone when they invaded in 3070, New Oslo had been snatched away by the Dominion less than two decades later. The loss of so much of their military manufacturing had crippled their ability to rebuild and expand for several decades, arguably resulting in the shift to Mongol Doctrine in the early 32nd century, with its smaller Horde Clusters able to be adequately supported by the Horses' industrial base. But the defeat had long rankled the Horse leadership. When Deacon Amirault discovered that New Oslo's HPG had recently succumbed to the same mysterious ailment affecting nearly the entirety of the HPG network, he saw an opportunity to finally accomplish a long-sought goal of his Clan and return New Oslo to its rightful owners. The glory and honor it would bring Tau Galaxy certainly wouldn't hurt either.

Using old Watch maps of the system, Tau's ships jumped in at a pirate point between New Oslo and Nesodden, the planet's sole moon. Intel placed the green 55th Provisional Garrison Cluster onworld; while up until now the PGC had been able to rely on rapid reinforcement from nearby Clusters in the event of an attack, the HPG's failure meant that Tau could potentially secure the planet and dig in before the Dominion would be able to respond in force. Aerospace reconnaissance quickly pinpointed the PGC's command Nova, engaged in a nighttime training exercise with another 'Mech Star just outside an old SLDF firebase near Haakonstad. Using stealthed drop-chutes, Star Captain Arkady Lienet's headhunting Trinary executed a classic decapitation strike against the heavier Bear force -- literally, in the case of the PGC's commander, Star Colonel Bryant Hawker, when a direct hit from an Arrow-IV missile annihilated his Mad Dog Mk IV's cockpit. While the Parashs of Lienet's Star weaved and leapt between their disoriented foes, precision Arrow-IV fire from Gamma Star's Hadurs savaged 'Mech after 'Mech, leaving them easy prey for the remainder of the Trinary. The remaining Parashs, backed by Gamma's hovertanks, swept through what remained of the Bears and destroyed them in a single pass.

With the PGC now leaderless and reeling, the rest of Tau Galaxy landed around the firebase and prepared to march on Haakonstad.


Winner is: 116th Mechanized Cavalry

55th PGC: 3368 BV remaining (from 35060 initially) 0 BV fled
116th Mechanized Cavalry: 36154 BV remaining (from 42342 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Elemental Battle Armor [AP Gauss] (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Florian [1]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor [AP Gauss] #2 (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Mary [3]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor [AP Gauss] #3 (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Maro [3]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor [AP Gauss] #4 (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Micah [2]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor [AP Gauss] #5 (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Roy [2]
Kills : 0

Parash (Standard) (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Star Captain Arkady Lienet [2/2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Parash (Standard) #3 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Evadine [2/3]
Kills : 0

Parash (Standard) #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Augustus [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Parash (Standard) #5 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Paske [4/2]
Kills : 1

Parash 2 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Star Commander Sakutaro [1/3]
Kills : 0

Parash 2 #2 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Beatriche [1/5]
Kills : 0

Parash 2 #3 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Ashley [2/2]
Kills : 1

Parash 2 #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Kanakarasa [2/3]
Kills : 0

Parash 2 #5 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Laria [2/4]
Kills : 0

Bellona Hover Tank (Laser) (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Star Commander Sandu [2/3]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Lalaine [2/5]
Kills : 1

Epona Pursuit Tank A (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Point Commander Stella [3/3]
Kills : 1

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #2 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Rashid [2/4]
Kills : 0

Epona Pursuit Tank A #2 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Point Commander Aydin [2/5]
Kills : 1

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #3 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Arif [4/3]
Kills : 0

Epona Pursuit Tank A #3 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Point Commander Yiliyen [3/4]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Piyale [4/3]
Kills : 2

Epona Pursuit Tank A #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Point Commander Bemus [3/3]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #5 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Driver : Adib [3/4]
Kills : 1

MechWarrior Warrior Tess (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Tess [5] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Constantia (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Constantia [2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Nancy (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Nancy [4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Kathryn (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Gunnery Skill : Kathryn [2] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Iria (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Iria [2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Bjorn (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Bjorn [2] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Sarjana  (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Sarjana  [4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Liesbeth (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Liesbeth [3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Carolyn (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Carolyn [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Beowulf BEO-12 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Tess [5/5] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Parash (Standard) #5 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Karhu D (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Constantia [2/2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Parash (Standard) #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Scourge SCG-WF1 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Nancy [4/6] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Parash 2 #3 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Vulture Mk IV Hawker (55th PGC)
Pilot : Star Colonel Bryant Hawker [1/3] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Parash (Standard) #2 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)
Pilot : Kathryn [2/5] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Hawk (Nova) I (55th PGC)

Stooping Hawk C (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Iria [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Karhu B (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Bjorn [2/4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Epona Pursuit Tank A (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Arcas (Standard) #2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Kyunghyun [3/6] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Black Hawk (Nova) I (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Liesbeth [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #4 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

Arcas (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Carolyn [4/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #5 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
MechWarrior Star Colonel Bryant Hawker (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Star Colonel Bryant Hawker [1] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Kyunghyun (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Kyunghyun [3] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Rifleman IIC 8 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Sarjana  [4/6] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Epona Pursuit Tank A #2 (116th Mechanized Cavalry)

"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop

Dragon Cat

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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2015, 05:56:36 PM »

Stooping Hawk C (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Iria [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Warrior Kyunghyun (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Kyunghyun [3] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

The two I feel sorry for the most tut tut need better training  ;)

Nice fluff I enjoyed the read
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2015, 06:24:50 PM »

I'm actually in the process of updating all of the unit fluff to the latest revision, so check back in a few minutes for more.
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2015, 06:36:46 PM »

Stooping Hawk C (55th PGC)
Pilot : Warrior Iria [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Warrior Kyunghyun (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Kyunghyun [3] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

The two I feel sorry for the most tut tut need better training  ;)

Nice fluff I enjoyed the read

Well, the Stooping Hawk went down when Paske kicked it in the chest and TAC'd out the gyro: the fall caused it to crit out its engine, so that got chalked up to "pilot error", I guess.  And the second guy died when his Arcas got headcapped by a homing Arrow-IV shot, so I'm not sure why it shows up like that.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 06:37:26 PM by Kojak »
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2015, 09:23:03 AM »


Ruins of Fort Isaacson, Christiana
New Oslo
Rasalhague Dominion
6 May 3146

The defending 55th PGC's command structure had been decapitated, both figuratively and literally, by Star Captain Lienet's surgical strike in the late hours of 5 May. The rest of Tau was far from idle; several of Tau's assault DropShips secured the zenith recharge station, forcing their surrender with the implicit threat of overwhelming firepower and the explicit threat of the marines they carried with them. Simultaneously, the entire 231st Mechanized Assault Cluster executed a mass airdrop at dawn on the PGC's main airfield; the defending armor Trinary was so intimidated they surrendered without a shot being fired, and both they and the two aerospace Trinaries were taken prisoner by the Horses. By the afternoon of 6 May, the 55th had been reduced to four 'Mech Stars. Hunkered down in one of the outer bastions of the old Fort Isaacson complex that had been rebuilt by the Dominion, the remaining Bears would force Tau to dig them out if they wanted victory.

Not wishing to put the rest of Tau Galaxy at risk, Star Colonel Ulysses Grant of the 35th Mechanized Strike Cluster personally led his command Supernova to the gates of the Dominion redoubt. While Nova Gamma's tanks held the eastern flank and fended off a token breakout attempt, Ulysses and his Starmates poured laser and PPC fire into the walls around the gate. The walls quickly fell and Ulysses' Star shed their Elemental passengers, who bounded forward and helped tear apart several advancing 'Mechs with barrage of AP gauss rounds and tandem-charge SRMs as the Star Colonel's Timber Wolf pressed forward under heavy fire. While Ulysses was forced to fall back from the sheer damage his 'Mech sustained as the Bears concentrated fire on him, the rest of his Nova pressed forward and pushed the Bears back. Star Captain Trevor, the freeborn leader of the Bear survivors, attempted to halt the Horse advance with his massive Marauder IIC 7, only to be cut down by a barrage of over two hundred semi-guided LRMs from Nova Commander Zero Ravenwater's five Baliuses. As the Bears fell back further into the base, several of the 'Mechs at the rear of their formation began to suddenly drop from massed missile strikes: two Stars of Horse Buraqs had forced their way through the hidden battlesuit sally ports Dominion engineers had installed in the fort's walls. Dozens of SRMs and hundreds of LRMs poured into the Bears, the latter with deadly accuracy thanks to the light TAG the Buraqs carried. The handful of Dominion 'Mechs still standing were now completely surrounded, and one by one shut down their 'Mechs, signaling their capitulation. As with the strike on the PGC's commander the night before, a handful of warriors were taken bondsman and the rest were added to the burgeoning pool of prisoners.

With the Dominion defenders defeated in detail, Tau Galaxy had accomplished the seemingly impossible: they had reclaimed in less than thirty-six hours a world lost to Clan Hell's Horses for almost sixty years. But Galaxy Commander Amirault was no fool; he understood that the Dominion would not give up New Oslo without a fight, and it was only a matter of time before word reached them of the planet's capture. Once Tau secured the Bergan factory complex, they began reinforcing select sites around the complex's defensive perimeter. The prologue was over -- Tau's first true test lay ahead.


Winner is: 35th Mechanized Strike

55th PGC: 9579 BV remaining (from 41149 initially) 0 BV fled
35th Mechanized Strike: 72745 BV remaining (from 79027 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Arcas (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Katinka [3/5]
Kills : 0

Clint IIC (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Nicolas [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Clint IIC (Standard) #2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Star Commander Zalika [3/4]
Kills : 0

Peregrine (Horned Owl) 3 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Yurochka [4/5] ( 3 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0

Bear Cub 2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Ellarose [4/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Ursus II (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Star Commander Thalat [3/5] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Shadow Hawk SHD-12C (55th PGC)
Pilot : Lujan [4/5]
Kills : 1

Clint IIC (Standard) #3 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Mezgebu [4/4]
Kills : 0

Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) T (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Star Colonel Ulysses Grant [0/1]
Kills : 0

Man O' War (Gargoyle) W (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Jibril [2/2]
Kills : 1

Vulture Mk IV (Mad Dog Mk IV) A (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Giacinto [1/1]
Kills : 0

Cauldron-Born (Ebon Jaguar) K (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Seda [2/3]
Kills : 0

Black Hawk (Nova) P (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Ihsan [1/3]
Kills : 1

Elemental Battle Armor (Fire) [AP Gauss] (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Imre [1]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor (Fire) [AP Gauss] #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Hendrik [1]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor (Fire) [AP Gauss] #3 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Don [3]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor (Fire) [AP Gauss] #4 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Riza [1]
Kills : 0

Elemental Battle Armor (Fire) [AP Gauss] #5 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Motono [0]
Kills : 0

Balius L (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Nova Commander Zero Ravenwater [0/1]
Kills : 1

Balius L #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Tyrone [0/4]
Kills : 0

Balius L #3 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Carl [1/2]
Kills : 0

Balius L #4 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Mircea [1/3]
Kills : 0

Balius L #5 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Pilot : Warrior Naima [3/1]
Kills : 1

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Noelle [1]
Kills : 0

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Angela [0]
Kills : 0

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #3 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Christian [0]
Kills : 1

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #4 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Jules [2]
Kills : 1

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #5 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Meqran [2]
Kills : 0

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #6 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Nova Commander Armando [0]
Kills : 0

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #7 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Evelin [1]
Kills : 0

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #8 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Cheol [1]
Kills : 0

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #9 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Gulser [1]
Kills : 1

Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #10 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Gunnery Skill : Point Commander Jung [2]
Kills : 0

Axel Heavy Tank IIC (XL) (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Point Commander Thaqib [2/3]
Kills : 1

Axel Heavy Tank IIC (XL) #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Warrior Elina [3/4]
Kills : 0

Joust Medium Tank BE700 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Point Commander Tuluhan [2/3]
Kills : 0

Joust Medium Tank BE700 #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Warrior Dong [3/5]
Kills : 0

Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Point Commander Semavi [1/4]
Kills : 0

Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Warrior Untung [3/2]
Kills : 1

Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #3 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Point Commander Harshini [3/2]
Kills : 0

Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #4 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Warrior Hong-quan [3/5]
Kills : 0

Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #5 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Point Commander Noburo [3/2]
Kills : 1

Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #6 (35th Mechanized Strike)
Driver : Warrior Hazan [3/5]
Kills : 0

The following units are in retreat:
MechWarrior Wellia (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Wellia [3] ( 4 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Cliantha (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Cliantha [4] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Eylem (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Eylem [3] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Star Commander Tiburcio (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Star Commander Tiburcio [3] ( 3 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Idola (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Idola [3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Melesse (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Melesse [3] ( 1 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Zdenka (55th PGC)
Gunnery Skill : Zdenka [4]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Grizzly 2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Wellia [3/5] ( 4 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Man O' War (Gargoyle) W (35th Mechanized Strike)

Marauder IIC 7 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Star Captain Trevor [3/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Balius L (35th Mechanized Strike)

Night Wolf (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Cliantha [4/4] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Hawk (Nova) P (35th Mechanized Strike)

Arcas (Standard) #2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Star Commander Tiburcio [3/5] ( 3 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Shadow Hawk SHD-12C (55th PGC)

Arcas (Standard) #3 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Eylem [3/4] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Axel Heavy Tank IIC (XL) (35th Mechanized Strike)

Ryoken II (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Fan [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #4 (35th Mechanized Strike)

Beowulf BEO-12 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Kshtovtovna [4/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #5 (35th Mechanized Strike)

Great Wyrm 2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Idola [3/5]
Kills : 0
Pilot ejected.

Arcas 2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Melesse [3/5] ( 1 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #3 (35th Mechanized Strike)

Hitotsume Kozo HKZ-1F (55th PGC)
Pilot : Hylkje [4/4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Enyo Strike Tank (LB-X) 'Sholef' #2 (35th Mechanized Strike)

Bear Cub 2 #2 (55th PGC)
Pilot : Teodozji [4/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Balius L #5 (35th Mechanized Strike)

Stinger IIC (Standard) (55th PGC)
Pilot : Zdenka [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Buraq Fast Battle Armor (Support) #9 (35th Mechanized Strike)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 03:13:19 AM by Kojak »
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2015, 01:45:00 AM »


Trysil Pass, Christiana
New Oslo
Rasalhague Dominion
30 October 3146

When New Oslo fell to Tau Galaxy in May of 3146, the effects began to slowly ripple outward. With the HPG down, the Horses had to immediately dispatch JumpShip couriers to inform Csesztreg that New Oslo had been retaken. The Khan, while initially upset with Galaxy Commander Amirault for potentially antagonizing the Bears, recognized what a boon New Oslo's return would be to the Clan, and was persuaded by both the Galaxy Commander's and Star Colonel Elias Cobb reassurances that they could manage the fallout while ultimately maintaining peace along the border. Eager to begin re-integrating the world's sprawling production lines into the Horses' military-industrial complex, Khan Amirault sent a fleet loaded with technicians and laborers to bring the largely dormant factories back to the peak they had operated at six decades ago. The fleet was greeted by Tau Galaxy's two Stars of assault DropShips, who had established a defensive blockade at the zenith recharge station, where nearly all traffic passed through the system. Numerous Dominion merchant ships were captured in extremely one-sided Trials of Possession over the next two months, preventing the news of New Oslo's capture for filtering out to Rasalhague; the long distance from the planet to the jump point also meant that Dominion planners did not expect to hear back from these ships for a considerable period of time, and so it was not until early August that anyone was sent to investigate the situation. When the Hunter-class JumpShip Eyes of Orion jumped in at a Lagrange point on 5 August, it intercepted radio transmissions between Tau Galaxy and the recharge station's defenders, quickly deduced the situation, and immediately jumped back to the Rasalhague system with the remainder of the charge in its lithium-fusion battery.

As soon as Prince Miraborg and Khan Bekker were informed of the situation, they ordered that the Dominion Council be convened and headed to Alshain to meet with them. A fierce debate erupted within the Council: the freeborn Rasalhagian warriors and many of the civilians wanted to declare war on the Horses and strike at them with the full force of the touman. This faction, led by Galaxy Commander Fred Johansen, argued that to not retake New Oslo showed a lack of commitment to protect the ancestral worlds of the old Principality. Opposing them were most of the trueborn warriors and nearly half the civilians, who felt that New Oslo's relatively low military value to the Dominion was not worth starting a war over with the touman stretched so thin and a long border with Malvina's volatile Jade Falcons still in need of defense. While the conservative Khan Bekker's sympathies lay with the latter camp, Prince Miraborg broke the deadlock with a compromise: the Dominion would allow Galaxy Commander Johansen to lead his own Taiga Galaxy (with which both the Prince and his father, Prince Anders Miraborg, had formerly served) in a formal Trial of Possession to wrest New Oslo back from the Horses. If they failed, the Dominion would formally cede New Oslo to the Hell's Horses, and regardless of the outcome no further aggression would be prosecuted against the Horses, for the Prince took the Khan and the trueborns of the Council seriously about the risks of such an action. As all of this played out, it was relayed back to Star Colonel Elias Cobb via his political connections within his own Bloodname House, along with the Hawkers and Vongs (all three of which had members in both the Horse and Dominion Councils).

After marshaling all four Freemen Clusters on Rasalhague, Taiga Galaxy jumped into the New Oslo system on 24 October, using the same L1 Lagrange point the Eyes of Orion had used ten weeks prior. Escorted by the Black Ghost Naval Assault Star, the Dominion DropShips burned hard for the planet, while Galaxy Commander Johansen declared the Trial of Possession to his Horse counterpart, demanding that he not leave out a single one of his warriors out of his bid and furiously proclaiming that he would spend every last warrior under his command to return New Oslo to its rightful owners if necessary, angrily forswearing zellbrigen in the process. Deacon Amirault chose to grant them safcon, knowing that the contrast between his own conduct in the unfolding Trial and that of Johansen could prove to be a decisive factor in the political battle being waged within the Dominion Council.

The Rasalhagians grounded less than a day away from the critical Trysil Pass, ironically in nearly the same place that Clan Wolf had decamped nearly a century prior when they had taken the world from the Free Rasalhague Republic during Operation Revival. While the rest of the Galaxy secured the immediate locale, Star Colonel Gunde Kalla took a 'Mech Trinary from her own elite Third Freemen and two from the Second Freemen, backed the the Second's artillery Trinary, and moved to punch a hole through the Horses' defenses at Trysil Pass before they could be reinforced. By using a core of highly mobile units to overwhelm the less numerous Horse 'Mechs and backing it with precision artillery support, Kalla hoped to immediately put the Horses on their back foot and overrun them before they could react.

Initially this strategy was quite successful, with the Horses losing several 'Mechs to massed homing Arrow IV salvos as they tried to swat the horde of Kite hovercraft and Donar VTOLs spotting for them. Counterbattery fire from the Horses' own artillery positions just beyond the pass eliminated a few of the Dominion Huitzilopochtlis, but the sheer number of Rasalhagian 'Mechs forced the Horses back. As the Freemen spotters approached the pass, however, a swarm of Bucephalus ProtoMechs emerged, their own spotting lasers allowing hundreds of long-range missiles from Star Colonel Lana Grimheald's Star of Sprites to utterly shred the fragile rotors and hoverskirts of the Donars and Kites. Deprived in moments of most of their spotters, the weight of artillery finally began to tilt in Tau's favor, and Star Captain Ianthe Cobb rallied the remaining Horse warriors in the center of the line to hold out against the sheer overwhelming firepower of the Dominion 'Mechs. Star Captain Arkady Lienet and Star Commander Aeneas O'Reilly managed to turn the Freemen's western flank, but the center and eastern flanks of the Horse line finally began to crumble, unable to stand up to the fanatical Rasalhagian warriors' unyielding advance. Just as all hope seemed lost for the Horses, Deacon Amirault and his Command Star hot-dropped onto the battlefield from his personal DropShip, So Much For Subtlety; the appearance of the Galaxy Commander rejuvenated the Horses' sagging morale, prompting Star Commander Kliment to lead his Bucephalus Star in a practically suicidal charge straight into the teeth of the Bears, focusing specifically on Star Colonel Kalla's Mad Cat Mk II-E. At the cost of nearly half his Star, Kliment's charge brought Star Colonel Kalla down (crushing her 'Mech's right arm and torso and severing its left leg altogether) and a half-dozen Freemen 'Mechs with her. Reeling, the Freemen finally began to fall back, and before they could regroup for another push, Galaxy Commander Amirault offered Kalla and her force hegira. Knowing she was likely to lose practically an entire Cluster if she did not accept, the Star Colonel grudgingly did so, though not before vowing to Tau that they had not seen the last of her.

The assault force retreated back to Taiga Galaxy's LZ, having lost nearly two Trinaries of 'Mechs and almost an entire artillery Trinary before doing so. The Horse defenders were in poor shape themselves, with two Stars of 'Mechs destroyed and most of the rest of the 'Mechs and ProtoMechs badly damaged -- only Deacon Amirault's Command Star and Lana Grimheald's Sprites were largely unscathed. It was clear they could not hold out against another push from the Dominion, and thus Amirault withdrew the survivors through the Trysil Pass to the Ringsaker Valley near Lillihammer. It was here Taiga Galaxy would have to achieve to victory in order to push through to Haakonstad beyond, so Tau dug in, ready for the next inevitable assault.


Winner is: Tau Galaxy

Tau Galaxy: 171419 BV remaining (from 203933 initially) 0 BV fled
Taiga Galaxy: 45210 BV remaining (from 146773 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Anka [2/3]
Kills : 0

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Hamza [2/4]
Kills : 3

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Vid [3/5]
Kills : 0

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #4 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Chantelle [3/4]
Kills : 1

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #5 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Mattias [4/5]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Lalaine [2/5]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Rashid [2/4]
Kills : 1

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Arif [4/3]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Piyale [4/3]
Kills : 1

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #5 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Adib [3/4]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #6 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Anantarama [3/4]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #7 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Ramiro [4/3]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #8 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Zeth [4/4]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #9 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Marvello [4/4]
Kills : 0

Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #10 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Niall [3/4]
Kills : 0

Outpost (Defender) (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Star Commodore Mutsu [3/4]
Kills : 1

Outpost (Defender) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Star Commodore Dontos [3/4]
Kills : 3

Outpost (Defender) #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Driver : Star Commodore Romer [3/4]
Kills : 2

Sprite (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Colonel Lana Grimheald

Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Taikan [1]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Kelly [2]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Brooke [2]
Kills : 3

Sprite (Standard) #5 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Vratislav [2]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #6 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Espen [1]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #7 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Maccon [1]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #8 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Basim [2]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #9 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Phoebe [3]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #10 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Hui-Min [2]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #11 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Zorg [1]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #12 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Lenka [1]
Kills : 2

Sprite (Standard) #13 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Ben [3]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #14 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Wllibald [3]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #15 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Daniela [2]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #16 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Mesrak [1]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #17 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Bengt [3]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #18 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Mamoru [1]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #19 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Tsue [1]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #20 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Volkan [2]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #21 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Christian [1]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #22 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Johannes [3]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #23 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Zenia [2]
Kills : 0

Sprite (Standard) #24 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Myoung-chul [2]
Kills : 1

Sprite (Standard) #25 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Aad [3]
Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Kliment [1]
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Wami [3] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #7 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Eryx [2]
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #10 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Lester [3]
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #13 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Sabit [2]
Kills : 2

Boggart (Quad) HH #14 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Michael [3]
Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH #15 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Massimiliano [3]
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #16 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Adem

Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH #17 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Drew [2] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH #18 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Andrew [3]
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #19 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Kimitada [3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #21 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Majde [1]
Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH #22 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Rudi [1]
Kills : 0

Boggart (Quad) HH #23 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Norbert [3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH #24 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Bonny-lee [2]
Kills : 1

Boggart (Quad) HH #25 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Jenmarie [2]
Kills : 0

Mad Cat Mk II 5 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Captain Ianthe Cobb [0/1]
Kills : 0

Champion C (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Helemano [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Arcas (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Nealon [1/2]
Kills : 1

Griffin IIC 8 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Zai-shuo [2/2]
Kills : 0

Griffin IIC 8 #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Kian [2/3]
Kills : 0

Goshawk (Vapor Eagle) (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Aeneas O'Reilly [0/1] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 2

Hellhound (Conjurer) (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Iker [3/2]
Kills : 0

Shadow Hawk IIC 8 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Pin [2/2]
Kills : 0

Clint IIC 2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Vicente [0/2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Phoenix Hawk IIC 7 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Miquel [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Night Wolf (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Hitoshi [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Grizzly (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Clarence [3/3]
Kills : 0

Karhu X (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Demetria DelVillar [2/2]
Kills : 3

Arcas (Standard) #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Than [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Beowulf C (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Nhat [3/4]
Kills : 0

Beowulf C #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Tiburcio [3/5]
Kills : 2

Parash (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Captain Arkady Lienet [2/2]
Kills : 1

Parash (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Kathryn [2/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Parash (Standard) #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Evadine [2/3]
Kills : 0

Parash (Standard) #5 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Paske [4/2]
Kills : 0

Mad Cat Mk II Enhanced (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Colonel Gunde Kalla [0/1] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Bruin (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Kirsi Beltrán [2/1] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 2

Night Wolf (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Jacob Qutaybah [1/1] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Guillotine IIC (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Lyra Lebon [2/2]
Kills : 0

Arcas (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Karen Belli [0/2]
Kills : 0

Arcas (Standard) #3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Afei Kahekaalohi [0/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Arcas (Standard) #4 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Sarah Skogheim [2/1]
Kills : 0

Arcas (Standard) #5 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Daniel Manwaring [1/2] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Archer ARC-2Rb (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Captain Teva Harris [2/3]
Kills : 2

Marauder MAD-9S (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Eugene Audley [2/4]
Kills : 0

Lobo (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Olga Brewis [2/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Peregrine (Horned Owl) (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Trey Sattler [3/5]
Kills : 2

Peregrine (Horned Owl) 3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Vibeke Hustveit [4/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Stinger IIC (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Amina Langah [2/4]
Kills : 0

Kuma (Standard) #3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Yoshinaka Koyama [2/4]
Kills : 0

Clint IIC (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Gustaf Eliassen [4/4]
Kills : 0

Jenner IIC (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Iver Haugan [4/3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #7 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Keisuke Kawamura [2/5]
Kills : 0

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #8 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Louise Haydaroglu [3/4]
Kills : 0

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #9 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Bergliot Sathaye [2/4]
Kills : 2

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #10 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Yoshinori Suzuki [3/4]
Kills : 0

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #4 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Casey O'Halloran [3/3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Jorge (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Jorge [1] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Augustus (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Augustus [3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Ilhan (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Ilhan [3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Dwien Farbman (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Dwien Farbman [4] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Keisuke Nishimura (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Keisuke Nishimura [4]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Karen Kynder (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Karen Kynder [3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Star Commander Blendi Mariewski (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Star Commander Blendi Mariewski [2] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Blood Asp M (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Galaxy Commander Deacon Amirault [2/1]
Kills : 0

Kingfisher X (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Colonel Elias Cobb [0/1]
Kills : 0

Masakari (Warhawk) E (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Adisvara [2/1]
Kills : 0

Gladiator (Executioner) G (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Homer [1/4]
Kills : 0

Gladiator (Executioner) F (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Danny [2/3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Yngve Babloyan (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Yngve Babloyan [3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Diane Varganti (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Diane Varganti [4]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Star Commander Sadiq (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Star Commander Sadiq [2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Oscar Simonsen (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Oscar Simonsen [4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Warrior Sezer (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Sezer [2] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Griffin IIC 8 #3 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Jorge [1/2] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #9 (Taiga Galaxy)

Parash (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Augustus [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) (Taiga Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Star Commander Caja Hansson [2/4]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Champion C (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior David Susanti [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Eva Chissano [3/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #18 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #4 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Yolanda Sinatra [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #12 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #9 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Torsten Grøndalen [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Goshawk (Vapor Eagle) (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #6 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Kalina Kusnierewicz [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #8 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Lucas Melby [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #14 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #7 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Cataval Serif [2/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #3 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Soon-Ok Hwa [2/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #13 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #7 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Tilda Østgaard [2/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #12 (Tau Galaxy)

Ursus II (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Ilhan [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #9 (Taiga Galaxy)

Kuma (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Captain Nick Quoan [2/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #12 (Tau Galaxy)

Shadow Hawk IIC 2 #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Dwien Farbman [4/4] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #12 (Tau Galaxy)

Arcas (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Trevor [3/3] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Locust IIC 7 #2 (Taiga Galaxy)

Locust IIC 7 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Keisuke Nishimura [4/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Karhu X (Tau Galaxy)

Kuma (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Jovita Romano [2/5] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Beowulf C #2 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #8 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Faizah bin Nadhir [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #24 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #10 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Bill Prockter [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #5 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Zefrino [2] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by War Dog WR-DG-02FC (Taiga Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #9 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Yvon [2] ( 5 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Grizzly (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #11 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Enzo [1] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Arcas (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Mongoose MON-76 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Edward Todal [2/5] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Beowulf C #2 (Tau Galaxy)

Locust IIC 7 #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Karen Kynder [3/4]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Goshawk (Vapor Eagle) (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)

Shadow Hawk IIC 2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Blendi Mariewski [2/3] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Karhu X (Tau Galaxy)

Jenner IIC (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Lesmana Ma [3/3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #24 (Tau Galaxy)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon) #5 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Kornelius Myreng [3/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #6 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #10 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Margareta Quints [3/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)

Clint IIC (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Iestyn Ferguson [2/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Boggart (Quad) HH #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Asmara [1] ( 4 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Peregrine (Horned Owl) (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #12 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Erin [1] ( 3 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Night Wolf (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Phoenix Hawk IIC 4 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Thoa [1/2] ( 5 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Arcas (Standard) #5 (Taiga Galaxy)

Rifleman IIC 8 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Tomokazu [3/2] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Archer ARC-2Rb (Taiga Galaxy)

Locust IIC 6 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Diane Varganti [4/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Parash (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)

Solitaire (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Yvonne Pane [2/4] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #16 (Tau Galaxy)

Spider SDR-8R (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Yngve Babloyan [3/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Arcas (Standard) #6 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #6 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Seung-hwan Tanaka [2/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #10 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #9 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Magnus Jordal [2/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #13 (Tau Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #4 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Taheeb [3] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Peregrine (Horned Owl) (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #6 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Point Commander Altair [1] ( 3 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Arcas (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #20 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Hafoka [1] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Cestus CTS-6Y (Taiga Galaxy)

Ursus II (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Fakir [1/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Lobo (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)

Grizzly (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Ko-rei Øverås [1/1] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #21 (Tau Galaxy)

Shadow Hawk IIC (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Oscar Simonsen [4/3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Arcas (Standard) #8 (Tau Galaxy)

Arcas (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Captain Vince Rueckl [0/1]
Kills : 2
Destroyed by Hadur Fast Support Vehicle (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)

Boggart (Quad) HH #8 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Arturo [3] ( 4 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Archer ARC-2Rb (Taiga Galaxy)

Blood Reaper (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Sezer [2/4] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Bruin (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

War Dog WR-DG-02FC (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Breeda Behringer [3/5] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #14 (Tau Galaxy)

Gallowglas GAL-1GLS (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Una Kuhn [4/3] ( 1 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #23 (Tau Galaxy)

Cestus CTS-6Y (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : June Martin [3/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Boggart (Quad) HH #17 (Tau Galaxy)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Champion C #2 (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Warrior Besa [3/3] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #6 (Taiga Galaxy)

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Nicolay ØverÃ¥s [4/5] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Outpost (Defender) #2 (Tau Galaxy)

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Olga Song [3/3] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Outpost (Defender) #2 (Tau Galaxy)

MechWarrior Warrior Besa (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Besa [3] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Star Captain Brett Blue [2/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Outpost (Defender) #2 (Tau Galaxy)

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #4 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Carlo Svela [3/5] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Outpost (Defender) (Tau Galaxy)

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #5 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Deretka Shavlo [2/5] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Outpost (Defender) #3 (Tau Galaxy)

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #6 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Bianka Sakaguchi [4/3] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Outpost (Defender) #3 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #2 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Warrior Meghan Christensen [3/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank 'Huey' (AAA) #12 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Star Commander Andrew Greene [2/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #9 (Tau Galaxy)

Solitaire (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Emanuel Erga [2/4] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #25 (Tau Galaxy)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard) #5 (Taiga Galaxy)
Driver : Point Commander Maiken Johansson [2/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #8 (Tau Galaxy)

MechWarrior Star Commander Emanuel Erga (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Star Commander Emanuel Erga [2] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Star Commander Edward Todal (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Star Commander Edward Todal [2] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Warrior Trevor (Tau Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Warrior Trevor [3] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Locust IIC 5 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Elizabeth Mariuki [4/3] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sprite (Standard) #4 (Tau Galaxy)

Shadow Hawk IIC (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Eleanor Imara [2/5] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Karhu X (Tau Galaxy)

MechWarrior Elizabeth Mariuki (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Elizabeth Mariuki [4] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Yvonne Pane (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Yvonne Pane [2] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Eleanor Imara (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Eleanor Imara [2] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Bruin (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Sadiq [2/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Bruin (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)

Lobo (Standard) (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Star Commander Euzebia MacLeay [2/4] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Ursus II (Standard) (Tau Galaxy)

MechWarrior Star Commander Euzebia MacLeay (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Star Commander Euzebia MacLeay [2] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Clint IIC (Standard) #3 (Taiga Galaxy)
Pilot : Patrice Chambon [4/5] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Parash (Standard) #2 (Tau Galaxy)

MechWarrior Patrice Chambon (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Patrice Chambon [4] ( 6 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

MechWarrior Breeda Behringer (Taiga Galaxy)
Gunnery Skill : Breeda Behringer [3] ( 6 hit(s)  )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 12:47:36 AM by Kojak »
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop


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Re: Operation Nakam
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2016, 12:47:39 AM »

Commander: Galaxy Commander Fred Johansen
Aide: Star Colonel Carl Fredrickson

                                      Exp/Loy   Homeworld 
1st Freemen Cluster                   V/F       Kandis
(CO: Galaxy Commander Fred Johansen)
2nd Freemen Cluster                   R/R       Gunzburg
(CO: Star Colonel Ivar Oygard)
3rd Freemen Cluster                   E/R       Sheliak
(CO: Star Colonel Gunde Kalla)
4th Freemen Cluster                   G/Q       Spittal
(CO: Star Colonel Thomas Svan)

Overview: The Galaxy of the Freemen, Taiga Galaxy patrols the core of the Dominion, acting as a reserve for whichever border might be attacked. The historic core of the Galaxy, the Second Freemen Cluster, was originally a Rasalhagian regiment trained to fight the Clans, and still retains a ruthless attitude for doing whatever it takes to keep Rasalhague “free”, even in the newly formed Fourth. Galaxy Commander Fred Johansen has been petitioning to replace Rasalhague Galaxy on the Hell’s Horses border, claiming the frontline force botched a golden opportunity to recover more former Rasalhagian worlds, but the Dominion Council does not seem likely to give him the chance to start a new war with the Horses.

The defining feature of the Freemen is their use of artillery. An entire Star of Huitzilopochtli is the norm, supported by a Binary of scout vehicles and VTOLs. Tactically, they try to isolate enemy units and eliminate them with weight of fire.

Unit Abilities: Because of their easy access to artillery, Taiga Galaxy can always make use of off-board artillery (see p. 179, TO) provided both players agree to allow it. Reflecting their nationalist zeal at the expense of tactical wisdom, Taiga receives a  -1 to-hit modifier for all weapon attacks, but suffers a –2 Initiative modifier when fighting on worlds they consider to belong to the Rasalhague Dominion or the historic Rasalhague Republic.

1st Freemen Cluster

1st Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Stone Rhino
Highlander IIC

Guillotine IIC
Ursus II
Ursus II
Ursus II
Wyvern IIC

Arcas 2
Arcas 2
Arcas 2
Arcas 2

2nd Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Warhammer IIC 6
Dragon Fire
Black Knight BL-6-KNT

Rifleman IIC
Rifleman IIC 8
Rifleman IIC 8

Pack Hunter II
Arctic Wolf
Arctic Wolf
Hitman HM-1

1st Freemen Armored Infantry Supernova Binary
Rogue Bear (Hybrid) Point
Rogue Bear (Hybrid) Point
Rogue Bear (Hybrid) Point
Bär Point
Bär Point
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank

Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank

1st Freemen Artillery Trinary
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle

1st Freemen Fighter Binary
Hydaspes 3
Tyre 3
Ammon 2
Ammon 2

Ahab AHB-443b
Slayer SL-15K
Slayer SL-15K
Ammon 2
Ammon 2
Corax C

1st Freemen Transport Binary
Confederate (Clan)-class Deep Sea Diver
Confederate (Clan)-class Alligator
Confederate (Clan)-class Reprise
Confederate (Clan)-class Colorado
Carrier-class Southern Point
Carrier-class Sun in Your Eyes
Sassanid-class Sleeping Ute
Triumph-class Simple Answer
Odyssey-class Speak in Rounds
Odyssey-class Adelma

2nd Freemen Cluster

3rd Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Viking IIC
Marauder IIC
Marauder IIC 7
Marauder IIC 7
Viking VKG-2G

Marauder IIC 3
Dragon Fire
Black Knight BL-6-KNT

Warhammer IIC
Warhammer IIC 8
Warhammer IIC 8
Ryoken II
Ryoken II

4th Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Archer ARC-2Rb
War Dog WR-DG-02FC
Gallowglas GAL-1GLS

Marauder MAD-9S
Cestus CTS-6Y

Horned Owl
Horned Owl
Stinger IIC

Mongoose MON-76
Locust IIC 5
Locust IIC 6
Locust IIC 7
Locust IIC 7

5th Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Clint IIC
Clint IIC

Shadow Hawk IIC 2
Shadow Hawk IIC 2
Shadow Hawk IIC
Shadow Hawk IIC
Clint IIC

Jenner IIC

Jenner IIC
Spider SDR-8R

2nd Freemen Artillery Trinary
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle

2nd Freemen Fighter Binary
Hydaspes 3
Tyre 3
Xerxes 3
Xerxes 3

Ahab AHB-443b
Ahab AHB-443b
Ammon 2

2nd Freemen Transport Binary
Union-C-class Alioth
Union-C-class Megrez
Union-C-class Alkaid
Gazelle-class Oaxaca Run
Gazelle-class Green Giant
Carrier-class Finishing Blow
Carrier-class Widening Gyre
Nagasawa-class Callisto
Odyssey-class Artemis
Odyssey-class Shardik

3rd Freemen Cluster

Command Star
Mad Cat Mk II-Enhanced
Night Wolf
Guillotine IIC

1st Freemen BattleMech Binary
Marauder IIC 7
Marauder IIC 7
Marauder IIC 7
Marauder IIC 7
Marauder IIC 7

Kodiak 5
Cyclops CP-11-G
Thug THG-11E
Glass Spider

2nd Freemen BattleMech Binary

Beowulf IIC
Beowulf IIC
Beowulf IIC
Beowulf IIC
Beowulf IIC

2nd Freemen Armored Infantry Supernova Binary
Golem Assault Armor Point
Golem Assault Armor Point
Golem Assault Armor Point
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point
Golem Assault Armor (Support) Point
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank

Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Kobold IIC Point
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank
Tyr Infantry Support Tank

3rd Freemen Artillery Trinary
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle

3rd Freemen Fighter Binary
Hydaspes 3
Tyre 3
Ammon 2
Ammon 2
Corax C
Corax C

Hammerhead HMR-HDb
Hammerhead HMR-HDb
Ammon 2
Ammon 2

3rd Freemen Transport Binary
Broadsword-class Joyeuse
Lion (Clan)-class Dubhe
Lion (Clan)-class Merak
Sassanid-class Heavy Rain
Triumph-class Tanks A Lot
Carrier-class Cold Comfort
Carrier-class Scythe
Nagasawa-class Bear Market
Odyssey-class Andarta
Odyssey-class Matunos

4th Freemen Cluster

6th Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Night Wolf
Wyvern IIC

Black Hawk
Black Hawk
Griffin GRF-6S

Bear Cub
Bear Cub
Bear Cub
Bear Cub 3
Bear Cub 3

7th Freemen BattleMech Trinary
Ryoken II 2
Bombardier BMB-12D
Barghest BGS-1T
Great Wyrm
Great Wyrm

Hunchback IIC
Hunchback IIC
Hunchback IIC
Hunchback HBK-5N

Hitotsume Kozo HKZ-1F
Hitotsume Kozo HKZ-1F
Shadow Hawk SHD-12C
Shadow Hawk SHD-12C
Shadow Hawk SHD-12C

4th Freemen Artillery Trinary
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)

Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)
Donar Assault Helicopter (Recon)

Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle
Kite Reconnaissance Vehicle

1st Freemen Fighter Trinary
Tyre 3
Ammon 2
Ammon 2
Ammon 2

Ahab AHB-443b
Ahab AHB-443b
Slayer SL-15K
Slayer SL-15K
Rogue RGU-133Eb
Rogue RGU-133Eb
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3

Thunderbird TRB-D56
Lucifer III LCR-3
Slayer SL-15K
Shilone SL-17R
Slayer SL-15K
Shilone SL-17R
Slayer SL-15K
Shilone SL-17R
Poignard PGD-Y3
Poignard PGD-Y3

4th Freemen Transport Star
Union-C-class Phecda
Union-C-class Mizar
Gazelle-class Sindri
Gazelle-class Brokkr
Miraborg-class Unity of Purpose
Invader-class Bourjon's Legacy
Merchant-class Winfrid's First Love

Black Ghost Naval Assault Star
Noruff-class Big Bad Bear
Noruff-class Rattleclaw
Noruff-class Low Growl
Noruff-class Frostbite
Odyssey-class En Passant
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop
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