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Author Topic: 231st Mechanized Assault Cluster (Hell's Pegasuses)  (Read 5906 times)

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231st Mechanized Assault Cluster (Hell's Pegasuses)
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:59:39 PM »


CO: Star Colonel Lana Grimheald
Unit Status: Veteran/Reliable
Unit Nickname: Hell's Pegasuses
Unit Insignia: A stylized Aithon with angelic wings, wreathed in flame
Unit Colors: The standard Tau Galaxy scheme, flame red on the front half and ash grey on the rear half, with an undulating line of flame separating the halves


Lana Grimheald

Decanted: 3117 (28 in 3146)
Homeworld: Kirchbach
Gunnery: 0
SPAs: Oblique Attacker, Tactical Genius

Lana Grimheald is a rarity among the Clans: a ProtoMechwarrior who has ascended to the rank of Star Colonel. While not a Mongol, her incredible skills as both a ProtoMech pilot and officer earned her a posting to the elite 666th Mechanized Assault Cluster when she won her Bloodname in 3136. Fellow Star Captain and ProtoMechwarrior Margeurite Grimheald, who had designs on command of the 666th, immediately viewed Lana as a threat. A ferocious supporter of Malvina's interpretation of the Mongol philosophy, Margeurite was spectacularly brutal during the invasion of the former Wolf OZ in 3137, her ProtoMechs burning crops and razing villages to compel submission from local governments. When Margeurite unleashed her forces on hospitals and schools during the taking of Weingarten to cow the critical world before it could re-assert its independence, Lana did the unthinkable: she declared a Trial of Grievance against Marguerite on the spot and attacked Marguerite's ProtoMechs with her own, in many cases sacrificing them to protect civilians. Damaged beyond the point of combat effectiveness, the enraged Marguerite had no choice but to withdraw her Trinary. Star Colonel Charo Seidman, furious with Lana for her interference as well, had her transferred to Iota Galaxy and assigned to a dezgra ProtoMech salvaged from the Society decades prior in the Reaving Wars. She languished there until 3142, when she became one of Deacon Amirault's most vocal supporters in the Clan Council. When Tau Galaxy was formed, Amirault tapped her to lead the newly-forming 231st Mechanized Assault Cluster.

Ironically for someone who never wanted to be involved in Clan politics, she now finds herself hip-deep. In addition to being a leader in the anti-Mongol faction, she is also influential in House Grimheald, and there are many who would like to see her become House Leader one day. Unfortunately, the current House Leader is none other than her old rival, Star Colonel Marguerite Grimheald. Already, other Grimhealds have begun to align around one or the other in the Clan Council; whether this is a portent of things to come in the Clan as a whole remains to be seen.

Although she was assigned to a Sprite as a punishment, she has come to perversely appreciate the design; her personal Sprite, which she calls "Cyane", has allowed her to not just survive but achieve victory in situations that would have killed most other ProtoMechwarriors. She has no qualms about using indirect fire, a tactic that many Clan warriors find objectionable, and often lures in her prey by feigning a retreat that actually brings them into range of hidden spotters. Then she jumps out of sight to her waiting Point (or Star) and they annihilate their foe in a hail of semi-guided missiles.

Lanoe Hawker

Decanted: 3108 (38 in 3146)
Homeworld: Csesztreg
Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 2
SPAs: Melee Master, Melee Specialist, Oblique Attacker, Sandblaster

As career paths in the warrior caste go, Nova Captain Lanoe Hawker has had one of the more unusual ones.  Lanoe was a ristar out of the gate, scoring three kills in his initial Trial of Position after he defeated his first two opponents in rapid succession and then kicked the leg off his sibmate Seamus' Mad Dog. Assigned to the 22nd Mechanized Assault Cluster, he led his Trinary to several flashy victories over both the Falcons and Wolves; this attracted the attention of saKhan Jeronimo Cobb, who had Lanoe transferred to his Omega Keshik. In 3135, Lanoe was allowed to participate in the Branding rite on Csesztreg...and that's where everything went wrong. The other Mechwarrior in the Branding party was none other than Seamus, the former sibmate he'd betrayed in his Trial of Position. Seamus held a deep grudge over the incident and plotted to ruin the ristar's career. Killing a hell's horse and framing Lanoe for the deed, Seamus got his revenge: Lanoe was disgraced, branded with the Mark of Hell and banished from the Omega Keshik. Politically unable to have the now-dezgra warrior under his command, saKhan Cobb demoted Lanoe to Star Commander and sent him to the Forty-second BattleMech Cluster to finish out his days in ignominy.

But Lanoe was not content to let it end there. A few years later, when the ancient and venerable Galaxy Commander Stevic Hawker died, Lanoe decided to compete for the open legacy. Unable to secure a sponsor, he entered the Grand Melee and won; despite this, his opponents in the Trial of Bloodright's duels perpetually underestimated him due to their perception of him as a dishonored wash-up, and he emerged victorious. Even Bloodnamed, however, the Mark of Hell left him shunned by most of the Clan Council; he returned the favor by largely ignoring the Clan's internal politics. When the Forty-second was deployed to Hepserus II in support of the Golden Ordun, Lanoe jumped at the chance to fight more worthwhile opponents than the two-bit bandits he was used to mopping up out in the Barrens. Lanoe used his dezgra status to his advantage, tearing apart Wolf and Lyran foes alike with flurries of brutal melee attacks most did not expect from Clan warriors. When the Horses abandoned Malvina following Beckett Malthus' attempt to assassinate her, the Forty-second was forced to lay over at Blue Diamond, where they were attacked by the 75th Falcon Striker Cluster, vengeful over the Horses' renunciation of the Chinggis Khan. Still understrength from the fighting on Hesperus, Lanoe staved off further damage to the Forty-second by challenging the Cluster's commander to a duel in exchange for safe passage through the system. Once again leveraging his dezgra status, Lanoe defeated the overconfident Star Colonel Timothy Vickers and took his Turkina as isorla.

Lanoe had already been somewhat unimpressed with Malvina, but after the death of saKhan Cobb and Malvina's threat to use nuclear weapons against the Hesperan factories, he turned fully against the Mongols, regularly speaking out against them in Council sessions. Deacon Amirault quickly took him under his wing, and he soon became the anti-Mongol movement's bulldog, proactively challenging prominent Mongols to Trials of Grievance over minor matters (which effectively extended the disgrace of his Mark of Hell to them when they lost; after all, if they could not even defeat an honorless dog like Lanoe, how could they expect to triumph over true Clan warriors?). When Tau Galaxy was formed, Deacon gave Lanoe the opportunity to test up to the rank of Nova Captain; upon his success, the Galaxy Commander assigned him to Lana Grimheald as her executive officer. While the Mark still guarantees he is not exactly beloved by his fellow warriors, no one in Tau can deny his prowess on the battlefield.

Lanoe still pilots the Turkina he took as isorla from Timothy Vickers, which he has named "Old Scratch". Podded in the eclectic Xerxes configuration, which combines a bevy of pulse lasers with electronically-enhanced long-range missile racks, its most notable feature are the massive talons it mounts. Capable of shredding BattleMech armor with ease at point-blank ranges, the talons are usually the last thing Lanoe's opponents see before his Turkina comes crashing down on them in a deadly death-from-above maneuver.

Zarek Moiseyev

Decanted: 3120
Homeworld: Csesztreg
Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 2
SPAs: None

Zarek Moiseyev finds himself in an unusual position as an officer of Tau Galaxy: he is the only member of its officer corps who is a committed Mongol. However, he is of the original Seidman school of the Mongol doctrine, rather than Malvina's new school, and thus manages to fit into Tau with relatively little friction. Previously assigned to the First Horde Cluster, Zarek was recommended to Deacon Amirault by Loremaster Ravenwater (the First's commanding officer) after he served with distinction against both the Lyrans and the Exiled Wolves in the fighting on Krievci and Upano; on Upano, Zarek went toe-to-toe with an Exile Hellstar and a pair of Heimdalls simultaneously and emerged victorious despite being outnumbered and outgunned three-to-one. While not particularly vocal about his Mongol leanings for obvious reasons, he does nothing to hide it either; he still evinces the distinct tattoos-and-piercings-laden personal aesthetic popular with Mongol warriors. Zarek has fought off several challenges to his position from subordinates, but as easily the most skilled member of his Nova, no one has come close to unseating him.

Zhorah Cooper

Decanted: 3118 (28 in 3146)
Homeworld: Csesztreg
Gunnery: 1
Anti-'Mech: 3
SPAs: Cluster Hitter

Zhorah Cooper was born into one of the preeminent Elemental Bloodname Houses of the Clans. With high-ranked and influential members among officer corps' of the Horses, Wolves and Ravens, the Coopers wield the kind of clout among the various Clan Councils that most Bloodname Houses only dream of. Zhorah is a quintessential Cooper, headstrong and stubbornly determined. While not a flashy officer, she gets results, and lets those results speak for themselves rather than engaging in self-promotion as other warriors might.

Zhorah's claim to fame (and the incident that propelled her to Bloodname sponsorship) was when she led her Nova to break the Third Royal Guards' defenses at Bodiam Fortress on Sargasso. Repeated drives by the lighter Falcon and Horse forces had been repelled by the entrenched assault 'Mechs and tanks arrayed around the fortress' perimeter. Zhorah spent several days carefully studying the Lyran defenses, and after identifying the weakest point in their fortifications, she led her Nova to punch through the enemy lines, allowing her fellow Clansmen to pour into the fortress and overwhelm those who could not retreat, and ultimately resulting in the Guards' withdrawal from the planet. The Falcons were so impressed by her maneuver that Galaxy Commander Jane Thastus of Gamma Galaxy saw to it that Zhorah's Nova was rewarded with a Star's worth of advanced Ironhold battlesuits, which they still retain to this day.

Accordingly, Zhorah Cooper is now the 231st's siege specialist. Whenever the Cluster encounters dug-in infantry or an impassable bunker, Zhorah's Nova is brought to the fore to deal with it. It may take time, but Zhorah's unstoppable force has yet to encounter the proverbial immovable object.

Ian Cobb

Decanted: 3117 (29 in 3146)
Homeworld: Kirchbach
Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 3
SPAs: Oblique Attacker, Sniper, Some Like It Hot

Ian Cobb, like his twin sister Ianthe, was raised in a large sibko of mixed Cobb-Myers lineage on Kirchbach. Ian and Ianthe had an intense rivalry, each driving the other to greater heights during their time at the ORTF. His off-the-chart scores and two kills at his Trial of Position got him the attention of then-Nova Captain Elias Cobb of the 22nd Mechanized Assault Cluster; Elias began mentoring the younger man, grooming him for higher office and sponsoring him for a Bloodname in 3140. Ianthe was among his competitors for the open legacy, having entered and won the Grand Melee, but was ultimately defeated before Ian could face off against her. Ian ended up winning the tournament, and shortly thereafter was transferred to Elias' Supernova. All along the way, Elias was there to ease the path, ensuring Ian received the finest equipment and securing assignments practically guaranteed to win him glory and honor on the battlefield. When Elias, now a Star Colonel and aide to Galaxy Commander Trina Mitchell of Alpha Galaxy, was chosen by Deacon Amirault as Tau's executive officer, he had Ian promoted to Star Captain and given a powerful assault Trinary in the 231st, along with an advanced new Thunder Stallion. While Ian is highly skilled, he understands how much of his success is due to his patron, and is secretly riddled with self-doubt, wondering if he would have ever come as far as he has if not for Elias.

Alejandro Mehta

Decanted: 3116 (30 in 3146)
Homeworld: Csesztreg
Gunnery: 2
Piloting: 2
SPAs: Multi-Tasker, Oblique Attacker

Alejandro Mehta is a member of another of the more politically powerful Bloodname Houses. Spread across the Wolves, Falcons and Horses (and a century ago, the Smoke Jaguars), House Mehta has been a rival to House Cobb since the Golden Century. Alejandro's assignment to Tau was largely intended by Galaxy Commander Amirault as a sop to House Mehta, preventing them from accusing him of assembling a Galaxy for the aggrandizement of the Cobbs in the Clan Council.  Alejandro has the famed arrogance and disdainfulness of his Bloodname's reputation down pat; he reserves a special level of contempt for freeborn warriors, believing (unlike most Horses) that they are wholly unfit to serve alongside him. Privately, he desires to Trial Ian Cobb for his command position (and, eventually, Elias Cobb for his), both for his own advancement and to bring the Cobbs low. However, he knows that to challenge Ian directly could bring Elias' wrath down on his head, and so is currently weighing his options as to how to proceed.

House Mehta's connections ensured the assignment of a powerful Hellstar assault 'Mech, and Alejandro is skilled enough with it to regularly duel two opponents simultaneously. He has nicknamed it "Purifier", and paints the House Mehta sigil (a winged sword) just below those of his Clan, Galaxy and Cluster.

Rory Mitchell

Decanted: 3119 (27 in 3146)
Homeworld: Csesztreg
Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 3
SPAs: Gunnery Specialization (Ballistic), Oblique Attacker

Rory Mitchell is a former Mongol of Beta Galaxy. Seduced early in her career by the promises of power and dominance the Mongols offered, she embraced their philosophy wholeheartedly. A Star Commander out of the sibko, her impressive performance and full-throated advocacy for the Mongols earned a spot in the Eleventh Horde Cluster. When Beta fought the Kell Hounds on Timkovichi in 3142, Rory tore through two Hound assault 'Mechs and most of a tank lance; just as a third mercenary 'Mech was about to fall before her, the Red Talon opened fire from orbit, and she watched in horror as most of her fellow Horses were obliterated in moments. Realizing that she and her kin had been made fools of by the Chinggis Khan, she returned to Horse space and channeled her rage into earning a Bloodname, which she did within a year. Rory was another of Deacon's early followers in the Clan Council, and was promoted to Star Captain when Tau was formed. Rory generally keeps to herself, but has become very close with Lanoe Hawker; according to the unit's scuttlebutt, the two have been coupling exclusively since shortly after they met.

Rory's assault 'Mech, a rare and ancient Wakazashi, was found among the large caches the Falcons had built out of the old Amaris fortifications on Apollo when the Horses took the world in 3071 (after evicting the invading Ice Hellions). Despite being over three hundred years old, Rory's techs have managed to keep the Wakazashi in full working order, even overhauling its electronics to more modern specifications.

Martin Dwelley

Decanted: 3117 (29 in 3146)
Homeworld: Kirchbach
Gunnery: 2
Piloting: 3
SPAs: Oblique Attacker

Martin Dwelley has had a fairly typical career as Blooded aerospace pilots go. A formerly prominent Horse Bloodname House whose legacies were greatly reduced in the latter half of the previous century, the Dwelleys slowly rebuilt themselves and by the time of the Blackout had over a dozen active legacies, up from their nadir of just three. During his two tours of duty with the 91st Mechanized Assault Cluster, Martin's Star was at the tip of the unit's spear as they rolled across the worlds of the former Wolf Occupation Zone. When his Cluster reached Biota, they were ambushed by Clan Jade Falcon's Fifth Talon, who quickly fought them first to a standstill and then routed the less-experienced Horses. When Martin's Star Commander was killed during the retreat, Martin assumed command and led his Star to destroy one Noruff assault DropShip and cripple another before the 91st pulled off Biota. His heroics earned him sponsorship for a Bloodname, which he won handily. A few years later, House Dwelley secured Martin a prestigious slot commanding a Binary aboard the CHH Stampede, the Clan's York-class WarShip. Standing guard at Csesztreg, Martin's Binary also led the annual Founding Day airshow above Budapest. Despite being in such a prominent position, however, the Stampede rarely joined offensive operations, and Martin began to yearn for a chance to fight for his Clan in earnest once again. Martin fought for and won a slot in Tau Galaxy not because he is particularly interested the struggle between the Mongols and their detractors (House Dwelley is gun-shy about politics by dint of their previously greatly-reduced state) but because he looks forward to demonstrating his prowess in true combat once more.


Despite being extremely slow, the 231st has earned a reputation for always arriving in the nick of time. This is probably because they prefer to arrive on the battlefield via combat drop, often dropping directly on enemy lines for maximum chaotic effect. Even the unit's tanks, ProtoMechs and battlesuits are deployed in this manner, using stealthed drop-chute technology innovated by the Horses in the late 29th century. This is often timed to coincide with a sweep of the area by the aerospace fighters of Trinary Delta, who strike at any AA or enemy fighters looking to exploit the vulnerability of the Cluster's warriors mid-drop.

Star Colonel Grimheald's Trinary Zeta fields a significant percentage of the Horses' remaining Sprites. Using semi-guided munitions acquired via the Sea Foxes, the Star Colonel's Alpha Star peppers the enemy from behind cover with long-range missiles while Beta Star provides TAG spotting and Gamma Star screens them both.

[Unit Abilities: Star Colonel Grimheald has led the Cluster to gain a great deal of facility in indirect fire. All warriors in the Cluster have the Oblique Attacker SPA.]


Trinary Zeta
Sprite Point
Star Colonel Lana Grimheald [0], Tactical Genius
Warrior Taikan [1]
Warrior Kelly [2]
Warrior Brooke [2]
Warrior Vratislav [2]

Sprite Point
Point Commander Espen [1]
Warrior Maccon [1]
Warrior Basim [2]
Warrior Phoebe [3]
Warrior Hui-Min [2]

Sprite Point
Point Commander Zorg [1]
Warrior Lenka [1]
Warrior Ben [3]
Warrior Wllibald [3]
Warrior Daniela [2]

Sprite Point
Point Commander Mesrak [1]
Warrior Bengt [3]
Warrior Mamoru [1]
Warrior Tsue [1]
Warrior Volkan [2]

Sprite Point
Point Commander Christian [1]
Warrior Johannes [3]
Warrior Zenia [2]
Warrior Myoung-chul [2]
Warrior Aad [3]


Boggart HH Point
Star Commander Kliment [1]
Warrior Asmara [1]
Warrior Wami [3]
Warrior Taheeb [3]
Warrior Zefirino [3]

Boggart HH Point
Point Commander Altair [1]
Warrior Eryx [2]
Warrior Arturo [3]
Warrior Yvon [2]
Warrior Lester [3]

Boggart HH Point
Point Comander Enzo [1]
Warrior Erin [2]
Warrior Sabit [2]
Warrior Michael [3]
Warrior Massimiliano [3]

Boggart HH Point
Point Commander Adem [1]
Warrior Drew [2]
Warrior Andrew [3]
Warrior Kimitada [3]
Warrior Hafoka [1]

Boggart HH Point
Point Commander Majde [1]
Warrior Rudi [1]
Warrior Norbert [3]
Warrior Bonny-lee [2]
Warrior Jenmarie [2]


Minotaur Point
Star Commander Surya [2]
Warrior Bruno [2]
Warrior Aetos [3]
Warrior Gerd [2]
Warrior Guo-quiang [2]

Minotaur Point
Point Commander Mud [3]
Warrior Madlena [4]
Warrior Vic [4]
Warrior Roy [4]
Warrior Staffan [4]

Minotaur Point
Point Commander Song-saeng [2]
Warrior Berna [2]
Warrior Gilles [3]
Warrior Amy [3]
Warrior Dima [4]

Minotaur Point
Point Commander Arthur [2]
Warrior Anant [2]
Warrior Dereje [3]
Warrior Nestor [2]
Warrior Lewis [3]

Minotaur Point
Point Commander Bernd [2]
Warrior Zafir [4]
Warrior Juraj [3]
Warrior Dominga [4]
Warrior Apostolos [3]

Supernova Alpha
Nova Captain Lanoe Hawker
Gunnery [1], Piloting [2], Melee Specialist, Melee Master, Sandblaster

Tomahawk II
Mechwarrior Geoffroy
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Mechwarrior Alban
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Dire Wolf
Mechwarrior Raquel
Gunnery [2], Piloting [5]

Savage Coyote
Mechwarrior Owen
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Karin
Gunnery [2], Anti-'Mech [2]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Brennan
Gunnery [2], Anti-'Mech [4]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Krishnapillai
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [2]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Walter
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [3]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Roderyk
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [5]


Nova Commander Zarek Moiseyev
Gunnery [1], Piloting [2]

Mechwarrior Lykaios
Gunnery [1], Piloting [4]

Night Gyr
Mechwarrior Saadet
Gunnery [2], Piloting [5]

Mechwarrior Felix
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Mechwarrior Kisabaka
Gunnery [3], Piloting [4]

Elemental II Point
Point Commander Roodan
Gunnery [1], Anti-'Mech [5]

Elemental II Point
Point Commander Alain
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [3]

Elemental II Point
Point Commander Yoshitaka
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [2]

Elemental II Point
Point Commander Zale
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [3]

Elemental II Point
Point Commander Vittoriano
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [2]


Ironhold (Fire) Point
Nova Commander Zhorah Cooper
Gunnery [1], Anti-'Mech [3], Cluster Hitter

Ironhold (Fire) Point
Point Commander Kali
Gunnery [2], Anti-'Mech [4]

Ironhold (Fire) Point
Point Commander Ennsesbek
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [3]

Ironhold (Fire) Point
Point Commander Timon
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [3]

Ironhold (Fire) Point
Point Commander Patricia
Gunnery [4], Anti-'Mech [3]

Heimdall Ground Monitor
Point Commander Gerald
Gunnery [3], Driving [4]

Aithon Assault Transport
Warrior Olcay
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Heimdall Ground Monitor
Point Commander Rshtun
Gunnery [3], Driving [5]

Aithon Assault Transport
Warrior Majd
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Mars Assault Vehicle (XL)
Point Commander Frank
Gunnery [4], Driving [4]

Aithon Assault Transport
Warrior Hemmu
Gunnery [4], Driving [3]

Mars Assault Vehicle (XL)
Point Commander Yaprak
Gunnery [3], Driving [4]

Aithon Assault Transport
Warrior Konstantine
Gunnery [4], Driving [4]

Mars Assault Vehicle (XL)
Point Commander Cihangir
Gunnery [3], Driving [5]

Aithon Assault Transport
Warrior Teagan
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Trinary Beta
Thunder Stallion 4
Star Captain Ian Cobb
Gunnery [1], Piloting [3], Sniper, Some Like It Hot

Imp C
Mechwarrior Renata
Gunnery [1], Piloting [3]

Bane 3
Mechwarrior Kateb
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Annihilator C
Mechwarrior Lebna
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Thunder Stallion 3
Mechwarrior Finley
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]


Star Commander Alejandro Mehta
Gunnery [2], Piloting [2], Multi-Tasker

Cygnus 2
Mechwarrior Sofronio
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Cygnus 4
Mechwarrior Juma
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Warhammer IIC 4
Mechwarrior Adnan
Gunnery [4], Piloting [2]

Ha Otoko 3
Mechwarrior Joseph
Gunnery [3], Piloting [2]


Gnome (LRM) Point
Nova Commander Saidah
Gunnery [2], Anti-'Mech [2]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Tyler
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [2]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Nichelle
Gunnery [4], Anti-'Mech [3]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Wambua
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [3]

Gnome (LRM) Point
Point Commander Danny
Gunnery [4], Anti-'Mech [4]

Fury Command Tank (Clan)
Point Commander Devanaman
Gunnery [3], Driving [5]

Carnivore Assault Tank
Warrior Taddese
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Fury Command Tank (Clan)
Point Commander Nicolaos
Gunnery [3], Driving [3]

Axel IIC Heavy Tank
Warrior Majella
Gunnery [3], Driving [4]

Fury Command Tank (Clan)
Point Commander Hima
Gunnery [3], Driving [3]

Axel IIC Heavy Tank
Warrior Andrew
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Fury Command Tank (Clan)
Point Commander Achilles
Gunnery [3], Driving [4]

Oro Heavy Tank (HAG)
Warrior Tibalt
Gunnery [4], Driving [4]

Fury Command Tank (Clan)
Point Commander Fabian
Gunnery [3], Driving [5]

Oro Heavy Tank (HAG)
Warrior Adok
Gunnery [4], Driving [4]

Trinary Gamma
Star Captain Rory Mitchell
Gunnery [1], Piloting [3], Gunnery Specialist (Ballistic)

Mad Cat Mk II-Enhanced
Mechwarrior Sofian
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Behemoth 3
Mechwarrior Khalil
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Highlander IIC
Mechwarrior Jabeen
Gunnery [3], Piloting [2]

Rifleman IIC
Mechwarrior Krish
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]


Star Commander Sadiq
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Phoenix Hawk IIC 7
Mechwarrior Miquel
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Night Wolf
Mechwarrior Hitoshi
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Blood Reaper
Mechwarrior Sezer
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Mechwarrior Clarence
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]


Rock Golem Point
Nova Commander Ajax
Gunnery [1], Anti-'Mech [3]

Rock Golem Point
Point Commander Mark
Gunnery [2], Anti-'Mech [5]

Rock Golem Point
Point Commander Haala
Gunnery [3], Anti-'Mech [5]

Rock Golem Point
Point Commander Otis
Gunnery [2], Anti-'Mech [5]

Rock Golem Point
Point Commander Zorba
Gunnery [4], Anti-'Mech [3]

Mars Assault Vehicle (HAG)
Point Commander Iman
Gunnery [2], Driving [4]

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Warrior Anka
Gunnery [2], Driving [3]

Mars Assault Vehicle (HAG)
Point Commander Kent
Gunnery [3], Driving [3]

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Warrior Hamza
Gunnery [2], Driving [4]

Mars Assault Vehicle (HAG)
Point Commander Somay
Gunnery [3], Driving [3]

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Warrior Vid
Gunnery [3], Driving [5]

Mars Assault Vehicle (HAG)
Point Commander Tamerat
Gunnery [3], Driving [5]

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Warrior Andrea
Gunnery [3], Driving [4]

Mars Assault Vehicle (HAG)
Point Commander Toini
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank (AAA)
Warrior Mattias
Gunnery [4], Driving [5]

Trinary Delta
Star Captain Martin Dwelley
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Pilot Firdaus
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]

Point Commander Berta
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Pilot Jon
Gunnery [3], Piloting [5]

Point Commander Naida
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Pilot Kyran
Gunnery [3], Piloting [5]

Point Commander Kas
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Pilot Doug
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]

Hydaspes 3
Point Commander Bura
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Hydaspes 3
Pilot Jacob
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]


Star Commander Alanna
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Pilot Hideyoshi
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Point Commander Lehana
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Pilot Mahdi
Gunnery [3], Piloting [5]

Point Commander Barbora
Gunnery [3], Piloting [5]

Pilot Spiru
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]

Point Commander Gwang-sam
Gunnery [2], Piloting [3]

Pilot Alysia
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]

Point Commander Christopher
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Hydaspes 3
Pilot Trofim
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]


Xerxes 3
Star Commander Vlad
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Xerxes 3
Pilot David
Gunnery [3], Piloting [3]

Xerxes 3
Point Commander Jilenko
Gunnery [2], Piloting [4]

Xerxes 3
Pilot Matthias
Gunnery [4], Piloting [5]

Xerxes 3
Point Commander Najib
Gunnery [2], Piloting [5]

Xerxes 3
Pilot Juan
Gunnery [4], Piloting [5]

Xerxes 3
Point Commander Le-song
Gunnery [3], Piloting [5]

Xerxes 3
Pilot Kassia
Gunnery [4], Piloting [3]

Xerxes 3
Point Commander Krisna
Gunnery [3], Piloting [4]

Xerxes 3
Pilot Denes
Gunnery [4], Piloting [5]


Union-C-class Killing Time
Outpost (3070)-class Black Mountain Side
Outpost (3070)-class Heartbreaker
Outpost (3070)-class Gallows Pole
Arcadia-class Redemption
Arcadia-class Atonement
Arcadia-class Restitution
Titan-class Astraeus
Outpost Defender-class Eric Amirault
Nagasawa-class Profit Margin
Nagasawa-class Trade Surplus
Mammoth-class Pressure Drop

Odyssey-class Ismaros
Odyssey-class Polyphemus
Odyssey-class Circe
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 12:42:15 AM by Kojak »
"I wonder if in some weird Freudian way, Kojak was sucking on his own head."
- Steve Webster on Kojak's lollipop
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