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Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« on: December 25, 2010, 08:32:55 AM »

A bit of a present for everyone- hope you all enjoy.


As you have requested I have conducted a complete review of the current state of the Concordat. While the Concordat and it’s people have suffered greatly since the Uprisings and the fall of the hated Star League, in recent days the situation has begun improving improving.  While we still have a long way to go before we restore the Concordat to it’s previous grand state, it appears that the worst days are in the past.  The recovery programs you have implemented have shown great success and moral is very high among our citizens, despite the current problems.  

It is my hope that this report will prove useful to you.

Your loving son,

Taurian Concordat Situation Report
Classified: Top Secret/Eyes Only
Taurian Publication Number: TC/23217456
January 10, 2790

Historical Overview:
The Taurian Concordat has a long history, going back to 2253 when Samantha Calderon led the expedition that first pierced the Hyades Cluster and settled Taurus.  From those humble beginnings, the Taurian people expanded the nation, first colonizing the worlds of the Hyades Cluster and then the worlds outside of the cluster.  Eventually these worlds would band together to form the Taurian Concordat in order to provide for the common welfare and defense of their people. The Concordat continued to grow, but it’s prosperity made it a tempting target for it’s larger neighbors.  In 2360 the Taurian Defense Force was formed to defend the people of the Concordat from foreign aggression.

Over the next century the Concordat was forced to defend itself against invaders from both the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation.  Our troops valiantly fought against the massive Davion military and the treacherous Capellans.  They managed to fend off the Davions and the Capellans, and eventually peace treaties were signed with both powers. While the rest of the Inner Sphere was embroiled in massive battles during the Age of War, the Concordat experienced a Golden Age.  

It was during this time, unplagued by war, that the Concordat manage to colonize many new worlds.  In addition, the Concordat saw massive industrialization of many worlds and greatly expanded the military forces dedicated to defending the nation’s expanding borders.

But nothing lasts forever.  After the formation of the Star League, the Tyrant, Ian Cameron turned his greedy eyes towards the Periphery.  In 2573 a squadron of Taurian Warships out on maneuvers accidentally entered the demilitarized Malagrotta system due to a navigational error.  The Davions, in their typical fashion, responded to the situation by launching an attack against our vessels, without bothering to determine what had actually happened.  What started as a navigational error turned into the prelude to war.  Seeing an opportunity to further his power, Ian Cameron tried to intervene in the situation.  Protector Caterina Calderon refused to recognize the authority of the Star League to deal with what was a private matter between the Concordat and the Federated Suns.  This greatly angered the Tyrant and only increased his desire to see the Concordat and other Periphery states subjugated by the Star League.

The Tyrant first tried to get the Concordat to join the Star League through peaceful mean.  The Star League offered empty bribes and worthless trade agreements, and when those failed to work they tried economic sanctions.  The Concordat did not need the Star League or it’s aid and made it known to the Tyrant.  Ian Cameron could not stand being rebuffed by the Concordat, which prompted his issuing of the Pollux Proclamation and the call to forcibly incorporate the Periphery states into the Star League.  

The Concordat refused to sacrifice it’s independence and join the Star League without a fight.  Protector Mitchell Calderon began a major build up of the TDF.  In an effort to buy time to call up the reserves and incorporate new recruits into the TDF, the military executed Case Amber.  The Davion fleet was easily fooled into thinking the Taurian border was weakly defended and so they were induced to deploy a major portion of their navy in an attack against the Concordat.  The Concordat Navy managed to cut off the invading Davion fleet and destroyed over 2 dozen ships while suffering only minor damage to 3 ships.  With the Davion forces forced to lick their wounds in the wake of the losses suffered during Case Amber, the Star League Defense Forces took the lead against the Concordat in the War of Star League Aggression.  

The battles that were fought were incredibly fierce and the destruction caused during the war quickly surpassed that of the entire Age of War.  On world after world, the Star League forces met the fanatical defenders of the TDF.  The losses on both sides were very high, with the Taurian defenders fighting to the last man.  Unfortunately, the Concordat could not hold out forever.  By 2590 the Concordat was forced to fall back to the Hyades Clusters.  Yet despite this, the Concordat managed to hold out for another six years.  Finally in 2596 the Concordat surrendered to the Star League, rather then see the Taurian core worlds invaded by a vengeful enemy.  

The years of the Star League were a Golden Age for the Inner Sphere.  However in the Periphery those years were marked by the rape of our worlds.  The Inner Sphere powers pillaged the wealth of our worlds to feed their greed and avarice.  The Council Lords imposed tax after tax on the Periphery states to pay for their extravagances. This only further fueled the hatred that the people of the Concordat had for the decadent Inner Sphere.

The problems facing the Concordat and the other Periphery states only got worse during the reign of Jonathan Cameron.  The House Lords managed to pass Directive 41, removing the Periphery Administrators.  With no one to stop them, the House Lords increased their exploitation of our worlds and people.  The hatred of the Star League and the Inner Sphere increased to new levels and freedom fighters started to organize themselves across the Periphery in  an effort to fight the SLDF.  In the Taurian Concordat, the Taurian Freedom Army would lead the fight against the Star League Occupation Forces.  Covertly aided by the Taurian Government, the TFA worked towards freeing the Concordat from Star League rule.  They conducted many raids and attacks against the SLDF troops before they were nearly wiped out in an attack by General Kerensky.  However the General’s hope that this would bring peace to the Concordat were quickly dashed.  The efforts of the TFA were only the tip of the iceberg, a prelude to the  Periphery uprisings of 2765.  

In 2765 years of pent up rage and anger were unleashed through out the periphery.  It all started when New Vandenberg and 17 other worlds of the Taurian Concordat seceded from the Star League while still remaining members of the Taurian Concordat. The new First Lord fumed at the thought that these 18 worlds had seceded from the Star League. He immediately ordered that the worlds rejoin the Star League.  Protector Nicoletta Calderon declared the problem an internal matter of the Concordat and therefore no concern of the First Lord.  She then proceeded to do nothing about the situation, refusing to order Taurian troops to take up arms against their own people.  In response, the First Lord ordered General Kerensky to invade the Concordat and recapture the worlds that had seceded.

General Kerensky led his troops into the Periphery in an effort to subdue the rebellious worlds.  The General expected to quickly put down the rebellions and return the worlds to the Star League.  Any hope of a quick victory were dispelled when the periphery states unleashed  a massive army against the SLDF.  Since 2760 the Periphery states had been secretly building and training an incredibly large army.  A force of 50 Mech Divisions had been covertly trained and assembled in the deep Periphery.  The SLDF had no knowledge of this force and was caught off guard when they were attacked from beyond known space.  The SLDF troops were forced to either beat a hasty retreat to the worlds of the Inner Sphere or face annihilation at the hands of the Periphery forces.

Unwilling to allow the Periphery states to break away from the Star League, General Kerensky launched a counter offensive in 2766.  The fighting was vicious and there were great losses on both sides.  The SLDF slowly managed to grind down the Periphery forces and retake the worlds that had been lost. By the beginning of 2767 General Kerensky had retaken New Vandenberg.  The war with the Star League then entered into a lull as General Kerensky consolidated his gains before finishing off the rebels.  

The situation changed in May of 2767 when word reached General Kerensky that Stephan Amaris had captured the Terran Hegemony and named himself emperor. General Kerensky quickly declared a truce with the Taurian Concordat and all of the Periphery states, except for the Rim Worlds Republic.  Unwilling to be involved in the war, Nicoletta Calderon declared the Taurian Concordat neutral in the war between Amaris and Kerensky.

While Amaris and Kerensky fought over the carcass of the Terran Hegemony, the Taurian Concordat spent the next dozen years focused on it’s own needs and problems.  Ignoring the conflict that was devastating the Inner Sphere, Nicoletta invested the Concordat’s resources into rebuilding the worlds shattered in the Periphery uprisings and preparing for future.  While the core worlds of the Hyades cluster were relatively untouched in the fighting, many of the outer worlds had been severely damage. The Concordat focused it’s reconstruction efforts on the most important worlds, such as New Vandenberg, Laconis, Pinard and Perdition.  In addition to the rebuilding efforts, the Concordat also made an effort to reduce it’s dependance on foreign trade. The Star League had attempted to gain control of the Periphery worlds by controlling the supply of parts for water purification plants and fusion reactors.  The Taurian government invested heavily in expanding the few remaining manufacturers in the Concordat who provided components for those critical industries. While the Concordat could not increase production to the levels required to supply every world, they were able to dramatically increase production, saving many worlds from abandonment.  

After the war against Amaris ended, Nicoletta Calderon returned to Terra for the final meetings of the Star League council.  Nicoletta, alone among all of the council members, recognized the importance of the interstellar communication network and nominated Jerome Blake to head up the reconstruction of the HPG network. The nomination of Jerome Blake was one of the only actions taken by the Council Lords before the dissolution of the Star League in 2781.  Freed from the Star League’s control,  the Concordat declared it’s independence in 2781.

The years before the outbreak of the War of Star League Succession, in 2786, saw a major military build up in the Concordat.  Many in the Taurian government could see the clouds of war quickly approaching.  In addition, there were a number of troops, from both the Star League and the Rim Worlds Republic, which went rouge and raided any targets of opportunity.  The surviving forces from the Periphery uprisings were reorganized as the Taurian Defense Force and they were supplemented by mercenary units hired by the Taurian government. The reconstituted TDF worked with the planetary militias to turn them into combat effective units, improving security across the Concordat.  

The most important program during these years was the Emergency Interstellar Communications Network (EICN).  Despite Nicoletta Calderon’s support of Jerome Blake and the efforts to rebuild the communication networks, the Concordat was not to benefit from Blake’s efforts as he chose to cut off the periphery states from the HPG network.  Realizing the importance of the HPG network, the EICN was formed to maintain the HPGs in the Concordat.  With only a few techs trained to operated the HPGs and no replacement parts, the Concordat was forced to cannibalize many of the HPG stations in order to maintain key HPGs on Taurus, New Vandenberg, Atreus Prime, Sterope, Centavido,  Masterton, Norman’s World, Cyrton, Angra and Badlands.  While this did not provide full coverage to all of the worlds, it kept the majority of the Concordat’s worlds within 1 jump of a HPG, greatly reducing communication times between Taurus and outlying worlds.  Fortunately an HPG is not needed to receive the message sent via an HPG.  This allows messages from Taurus to be distributed to almost every planet in the Concordat within a few hours if necessary. Currently the University of Taurus has a team of engineers studying the HPGs in an effort to reverse engineer them.  If this program is successful, new HPG stations will be built on every world of the Concordat.

The biggest problems facing the Concordat today are the abandonment of many worlds and the current economic crisis.  With the fall of the Star League and the resulting reduction in interstellar trade combined with the loss of so many of the factories that produce parts for water purification plants, the supply of fresh water has once again become a major concern for many worlds.  Despite the Concordat’s efforts to expand it’s limited production capacity for water purification plant components, the output is still far below what is needed.  Rather then let the problem drag the entire Concordat into disaster, Nicoletta Calderon made the difficult decision to abandon a number of worlds.  The worlds which were chosen, were newer colonies and lightly industrialized worlds, all of which were heavily dependent on water purifiers for their drinking water.  Using most of the Jumpships still available to the Concordat, the people on those worlds were evacuated to other worlds in the Concordat and the abandoned worlds were stripped of any valuable supplies.  The efforts to evacuate these people was a major drain on the Concordat’s shipping capability and further disrupted the nation’s economy.  By 2790 a total of 17 worlds had been completely abandoned.  An additional 12 worlds were partially abandoned. These worlds were considered vital to the Concordat’s future as they were either the site of key military bases or contained mineral resources that were vital to Taurian industries. On these planets all of the nonessential population was evacuated to other worlds.  This reduced the strain on the water purification plants, and made the worlds viable for continued occupation.

The current economic crisis was caused by a variety of factors. The biggest factor was the Uprisings of 2765 when the Taurian Concordat and the other nations of the Periphery threw off the yoke of the oppressive Star League.  The Star League Defense Forces attempted to recapture the worlds that had rebelled in a violent campaign.  Many of those worlds, which included New Vandenberg, Pinard and Perdition, were devastated in the fighting.  While the core worlds of the Hyades Cluster survived relatively unharmed, the damage to the outer worlds put a severe strain on the Concordat.  During the years of the Amaris Crisis, the Concordat made a major effort to rebuild those worlds that were damaged in the fighting. The efforts to rebuild the damaged worlds was hindered by the events transpiring in  the Inner Sphere. The fighting between General Kerensky and Amaris disrupted trade throughout know space.  Further complicating problems was the loss of many jumpships and dropships which were commandeered by SLDF troops for their campaign against Amaris.  The capabilities of the worlds of the Hyades Cluster were woefully insufficient to meet the needs of the Concordat and support the rebuilding of so many worlds. The government made a conscious decision to focus most of their efforts and resources on rebuilding a few key worlds of the Concordat.  As a result many worlds were forced to bootstrap themselves to their prewar capabilities. Although progress has been slow, many worlds are beginning to show signs of improvement.

The economic crisis was made all the worse because of the need to abandon so many worlds.  The efforts to evacuate those planets required  the use of most of the Concordat’s remaining jumpships, which reduced trade to only a trickle of the most vital goods.  As ships have been freed from conducting evacuation efforts they have been returned to commercial service, increasing trade and strengthening the economy.
It appears the the Concordat has survived the worst of the economic crisis.  The economy is showing signs that it is starting to rebound. While the improvements are very slow in coming, the signs of improvement are seen all over the Concordat.  The greatest sign of the Concordat’s revival is the new Jumpship yard that is under construction over Taurus. This shipyard will produce a variety of jumpships, which will expand the Concordat’s merchant fleet and further improve the Concordat’s economy.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 08:33:31 AM by lrose »


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2010, 08:33:44 AM »

Sociopolitical Structure

The Taurian government is a constitutional monarchy, with each of the member planets being organized as a representative democracy. These member worlds have been granted a great deal of autonomy in dealing with local issues, allowing them to determine what is best for their people. 

Government Structure
Planetary governments are allowed to chose any form of representation they desire. The only requirement imposed by the Taurian government is that they maintain their allegiance to the Protector and the Concordat.

The Protector is the supreme leader of the Taurian Concordat.  The Protector is typically the eldest member of the ruling line of the Calderon family, although if there is no member of sufficient age, a Regent may be selected until such time as the next in line comes of age.  There is no requirement that the Regent come from the Calderon family.  The Protector, in addition to being the primary policy maker of the Concordat, is also the commander in chief of the Taurian Defense Forces.   As a check against potential abuse, the laws enacted by the Protector are subject to review by the Concordat Courts, which will periodically review the laws that are enacted by the Protector and strike down those deemed to be in-violation of the Taurian Constitution. In the event of a war, however, the Protector can invoke emergency powers that allow him to assume total control of the Concordat in order to fully prosecute the war.

Privy Council
The Privy Council serves as advisors to the Protector.  The Council is composed of representatives from all of the major governmental departments, as well as other advisors appointed by the Protector.  The council meets monthly to review matters of state and make policy recommendations to the Protector.  While many Protector’s rely heavily on the advice of the experts that make up the Privy Council, he is in no way bound to follow these recommendations.

Ministry of Defense
The Ministry of Defense is tasked with all issues related to the defense of the Concordat. The Defense Board consists of civilian advisors and military specialists who are responsible for developing the Concordat’s defense policy, overseeing military training programs and academies, ensuring the troops in the field are properly equipped, coordinating military research and development programs and working with the private sector to balance the material needs of the Concordat’s military and the civilian economy.   The primary focus of the Ministry over the last decade has been the reformation of the Taurian Defense Forces in the wake of the Uprisings and strengthening the Concordat’s defenses.

The Exchequer is responsible for maintaining the Concordat’s economy and managing the fiscal affairs of the nation. The Exchequer runs the Concordat Bank of Taurus, the government Mint and the Taurian Treasury Reserve on Taurus. Recently the Exchequer has been working to stabilize the Taurian economy in the wake of the current economic problems. The Exchequer is headed up by the Treasury Director.

Ministry of the Interior
The Ministry of the Interior handles internal security and intelligence gathering operations for the Concordat. The main operational arm of the Ministry is the Concordat Constabulary, a paramilitary force that is responsible for maintaining civil order on the Concordat’s worlds.  In addition to their main role as a national police force, the Constabulary also serves as a reserve to the TDF and conducts counterintelligence operations in the Concordat, protecting the nation against infiltration by foreign agents.  The Ministry’s Diplomatic Corps provides protection for Taurian officials and diplomats during visits to foreign states as well as serving as government liaisons to visiting foreign dignitaries.

Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education provides for the education of the Taurian people.  Since the end of the Uprisings, the Ministry of Education has been revamping the Taurian educational system from the flawed Star League educational programs to the proven and effective Taurian system.  The Ministry has been working hard to ensure that there are an adequate number of teachers available so that the Concordat will be able to maintain it’s literacy and education standards. The Ministry is also responsible of appointing and promoting instructors and administrators, as well as developing new educational and research institutions in the state.

Ministry of Trade and Colonization
The Ministry of Trade and Colonization is tasked with developing trade and commerce in the Concordat. The Ministry has also been put in charge of handling the evacuation of the Taurian worlds which are currently being abandoned. 

Concordat Courts
The Concordat Court system is the judicial branch of the government. Each planet has several civil and criminal courts, the number depending on the size of the planetary population.  For every 3 words, there is a Planetary Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court on Taurus is the final appeals option in the court system.

There is also a separate Court of Judicial Review which is responsible for reviewing the statutes and decrees of the Protector and other governmental branches. This court has the ability to strike down any legislation which might threaten individual civil liberties.

Concordat Functionaries
The Concordat Functionaries are the civil servants of the Taurian government and are responsible for carrying out a variety of administrative tasks. The Concordat Functionaries are broken down into 2 groups.  The Auditors are responsible for reviewing other government agencies and their operations to ensure they are operating efficiently and without corruption.  The Masters of Requests are the rank and file bureaucrats that are responsible for handling all of the paperwork necessary to run the government.

Taurian Nobility
The Taurian nobility is very different from that of other states. Titles of nobility are awarded for providing special service to the state, which means the Taurian people, not the government. Many of these titles are hereditary, although some of the current nobles have been awarded their titles for their work in education or their humanitarian efforts.  The titles used reflect the idea that the nobility is responsible to the people.

Nobles of the Concordat generally have few material advantages compared to their Inner Sphere counterparts. This is part of the Concordat’s social structure and the belief that an enlightened aristocracy provides the greatest good to the greatest number.

Conditions for Citizenship
The Taurian government provides for a free and open society, protects individual rights and promotes the general welfare of it citizens. There are no limits placed on movement, the citizens of the Concordat can move freely to any world in the Concordat without the need for passes or work permits. Furthermore, citizens are allowed to pursue their own economic and social goals without government regulation.  In return for the benefits the Taurian government provides to the people, including a free education, medical care and protection, the citizens, starting at age 18,  must serve the state for 4 years. This could include serving in the military or in one of the branches of the Taurian Government.  In some cases, a deferment is allowed so that the person can attend a university program, but this deferment is usually only granted to those people who have made a commitment to remain in government service after their 4 year term is completed.  This service requirement has a significant impact on the social development of the Concordat’s youths, many of whom meet their future spouses while completing their government service.

Political Goals
The primary goal of the Taurian Concordat is to preserve the independence and safety of the individual Concordat citizen. The protection of individual rights are the greatest concern of the Taurian Government.  With the outbreak of hostilities between the nations of the Inner Sphere, many Taurian leaders consider it a real possibility that the conflict will eventually involve the Concordat, despite efforts to avoid getting involved in the fighting. For this reason the development and maintenance of a strong military is a major priority for the Taurian government.

Interstellar Relations

Federated Suns
The Federated Suns and the Taurian Concordat have a history going back to before the Age of War. While the first meetings of the two nations were marked by a series of armed conflicts and border skirmishes, by the end of the Age of War the Concordat and Suns were working together for their common good. Agreements such as the Omsol Accords, which provided for the joint mining of Fontana in the Malagrotta system provided hope to the Taurian people for a future free of war.  That changed with the War of Star League Aggression.  Few in the Concordat are willing to forgive the Federated Suns for it’s role in that war. While the Federated Suns became an important market for Taurian manufacturers, political relations between the 2 states were very limited.  The Taurian people’s poor view of the Federated Suns only intensified in the later years of the Star League, when the Davion Princes abused their power to illegally tax us, stealing our wealth and resources. 

The collapse of the Star League after the Coup and the subsequent destruction of the HPG network has caused severe problems for Concordat-Suns trade relations.  Where large merchant convoys once traveled between the 2 states, they have now been replaced by small independent vessels, carrying small quantities of goods between the Federation and the Concordat.  On the diplomatic front, there has been no official contact between the 2 states since 2782. 

As the Concordat government and the Taurian people consider the Federated Suns as the greatest threat to the freedom, the TDF has been deployed to defend any possible incursions from the Federated Suns.  So far the Federated Suns has been too preoccupied with the fighting on their Draconis and Capellan fronts to launch any attacks against the Concordat.

Capellan Confederation
The Concordat and Capellan Confederation also have a long history. The Capellans, always the weakest of the so called “Great Houses”  thought they could take advantage of us.  During Rim War, the Capellans invaded Taurian territory and showed us their true colors, killing civilians and committing atrocities on scale that was only succeed by the Star League during the War of Star League Aggression. While we eventually made peace with Capellans we have not forgotten what they did.  Many of these “lessons” were put to use during the War of Star League Aggression.  

During the Star League era, the Concordat and Confederation developed closer ties. This was largely due to the fact that the Capellans chose to not to fight the Concordat during the war. As a result many in the Concordat see dealing with the Capellans as a better alternative to the Davions. This resulted in a number of trade agreements with the Capellans.  Surprisingly the Concordat sold a large number of high tech products to the tech starved Capellans.  This proved very beneficial to the people of the Concordat and has the source of much of the Concordat’s prosperity during the Star League era.

However, despite this a large and very vocal minority however, have been railing against closer ties with the Capellans, calling them untrustworthy and duplicitous.  While both sides continue to argue their viewpoints, these arguments have become largely academic with the breakdown of interstellar communication and trade. While the Confederation has always been eager to buy manufactured goods from the Concordat, the needs of the Taurian people for those same items and the dangers of pirate attacks has reduced trade to almost nothing. On the diplomatic front, Chancellor Liao has shown little interest in relations with the Concordat, claiming “The Capellan Confederation does not need the aid of other states to prove our superiority and suitability to rule as the head of a new Star League.” 

Magistracy of Canopus

The Magistracy of Canopus is a one of our fellow Periphery brethren, a relationship that the people of the Inner Sphere will never understand. Together we struggled to free our nations from the rule of the Star League, culminating in the Uprisings of 2765.  SInce that time our two states have gone their separate ways. While the Concordat prepared for dark times, the Canopians hoped that after the Coup and the removal of Amaris from the rule of the Terran Hegemony, peace would return to the inner Sphere and travelers would come back to Canopian Pleasure Palaces.  

Unfortunately for the Canopians, the warlords of the Inner Sphere could not avoid the temptation of war.  This has brought the travel industry to a near halt, cutting off the foreign visitors which the Canopians rely on as their main source of income.  While the Canopians did expand their economy to include some industrial concerns, which has helped keep the Magistracy from a total collapse, the bulk of the economy is tied to the entertainment industry.  Many in  the Concordat would like to provide aid to the Canopians during the current crisis, but our own situation has so far prevented this from happening.  [For more details on the current situation see the Ministry of Intelligence report MOC-234] 
Terran Republic
The Terran Republic was formed from the ruins of the Terran Hegemony.  So far there has been had little contact between the Concordat and the new Republic.  During the Star League era, the people of the Concordat saw little distinction between the Terran Hegemony and the Star League itself as both were ruled by the hated Camerons. While the people of the Concordat have nothing but hatred for the Star League and were overjoyed to see Amaris overthrow it, most of the Concordat’s citizens were appalled by the atrocities he committed against the civilian population.  Following the end of the Coup, many Taurian’s generously donated money and supplies to help the Terran’s rebuild their shattered worlds.  Along with these donations came a message from Nicoletta Calderon to the new Regent: “These supplies are being sent to aid you in your time in need and help you rebuild from this great tragedy. It is my hope that never again will one people be enslaved and mistreated by another.  We should hope and pray for a universe in which all people are free and safe from war.”  Since that time there has been little contact between the Republic and the Concordat.

Outworlds Alliance
The distance between the Outworlds Alliance and the Taurian Concordat has limited the contact between the two states.  As with the Magistracy of Canopus, the people of the Concordat feel a unique bond with the Outworlds Alliance that is only understood by those who live in the periphery.  With it’s largely agrarian society and pacifist nature the Alliance lack the production capacity needed to equip the forces that would fight in the Uprisings.  Through contacts established by Amaris, Taurian Industry supplied weapons to the Alliance forces.  With the collapse of the Star League and their newfound independence, the people of the Alliance currently see little need for additional weapons of war. Combined with their limited interest in advanced technologies, other then medical and life sustaining devices, their has been little opportunity for trade between the 2 nations.  Even so, the Concordat and the Alliance have attempted to maintain regular diplomatic contact, despite the difficulties of communicating over such long distances and in such dangerous regions of space. However despite these efforts, contact between the 2 states has continued to decline and looks like it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

The Current Situation
Reconstruction Efforts
The Taurian government has been heavily involved in rebuilding the Concordat in the wake of the Uprisings and the collapse of the Star League.  Fortunately the core worlds of the Hyades Cluster were spared in the fighting and have been able to help rebuild the other worlds of the Concordat.  Even so, the loss of trade with the Inner Sphere has proven devastating, with massive shortages of vitally needed equipment.  Much of the reconstruction effort has been focused on building factories to manufacture vitally needed goods which had once been supplied by factories in the Inner Sphere

The reconstruction efforts have  been split into 3 major programs.  These are the rebuilding of basic planetary infrastructure (power plants, water purification systems, schools, and housing), the rebuilding of the civilian industries and the expansion of the military related industries.  As is to be expected, the 3 programs are all competing for what resources are available, limiting the progress that can be made.  

For obvious reasons the greatest priority has been given to the basic infrastructure program.  The main goal of this program has been to rebuild the fusion power plants and water purification facilities that were damaged or destroyed during the Uprisings.  This effort has been hindered by the Star League’s decision to try and control the Periphery states by controlling the supply of replacement parts for these vital life supporting industries.  Capable of manufacturing these components on a massive scale, they could undercut local manufacturers on price, not to mention the fact that Terran produced water filtration systems were more advanced and could treat water that was previously considered untreatable.  While some Taurian worlds stubbornly stood by their local suppliers, despite the higher costs, many chose to purchase equipment from the Star League.  As a result of this decision of the nearly 100 manufacturers of fusion plant and water purification systems in the Concordat, only 3 remained in business by 2620.  Now with the loss of trade with the Inner Sphere, we have become totally dependent on these local manufacturers for not only replacement parts for existing systems, but for facilities to replace those lost during the uprisings.  The small size of these factories limits their production, and as a result they can not keep up with demand. 

Fortunately Nicoletta Calderon had foreseen the possibility of this occurring and during the years of the Coup managed to covertly build up large stockpiles of replacement parts. These stockpiles have helped bridge the gap between the available production capability and the requirements of the Concordat’s worlds.  Realizing that eventually these stockpiles will run out, the Taurian government has taken two measures to help solve the problem. The first is the complete abandonment of a number of worlds, and the partial evacuation of others, mainly worlds which require advanced water purification systems, for which the Concordat is unable to manufacture replacement parts.  The second is the construction of new government subsidized factories, dedicated to building replacement parts for water purifiers and fusion plants.  Once these factories are operational, they should be able to provide enough parts to meet the needs of the remaining worlds of the Concordat. 

An equally important, but unfortunately not as well funded, program is been the construction of new housing to replace the homes that were damaged or destroyed during the Uprisings.  Further compounding the problem is the need to provide housing for those people who are being relocated from the abandoned worlds.  Because of the need to replace so many dwellings, it has been impossible to rebuild all of the individual homes that were destroyed. Instead, the early reconstruction efforts focused on building large apartment complexes which could be quickly constructed.  While these apartments are somewhat spartan, they have at least ensured that every citizen has a home.  Recently, there has been an upswing in the production of single family homes on many worlds of the Concordat.  While some have questioned why the government is allowing valuable resources to be used for this project, the moral impact has been enormous.  As the number of homes being built is no where near the demand, lotteries are held for the new homes, with the winners chosen from among those who lost their homes in the Uprisings. While the odds of winning the lottery is low, the hope of getting a new home has restored hope that the Concordat’s situation will improve in the future.

The final part of the infrastructure program is the rebuilding of the Taurian educational system.  During the Uprisings many schools and educational facilities were damaged or destroyed in the fighting.  Realizing that a strong educational system is vital to the future growth of the Concordat, many Taurian citizens have worked to rebuild the system.  Unlike many other aspects of the reconstruction program which are being funded and run by the Taurian Government, the effort to rebuild the educational system has largely been handled on the local level.  Many Taurians have donated their time to help rebuild the schools that were lost in the fighting, while  companies across the Concordat have donated supplies to help stock the schools. The Ministry of Education has taken oversight role these efforts, ensuring that the schools meet all basic requirements and helping to provide resources and supplies where there are shortages. As a result of these grass root efforts all Concordat citizens can get at least a basic level of education. [For more details on the current state of the educational system see the Education section below.]

Second in importance to the infrastructure program is the expansion of the Concordat’s weapon’s industries.  Since shortly after the end of the War of Star League Aggression, the government operated covert weapons factories throughout the Concordat.  These plants provided weapons to the rebels fighting against the Star League’s occupation forces.  Following the Uprisings and the official reformation of the TDF, the Concordat needed a better source of weapons than the hand built weapons produced in secret underground factories.  During the confusion of the Amaris Crisis many of the Deep Periphery mech factories that had been established with the aid of Amaris were relocated to worlds in the Concordat, where they would be better protected.  The manufacturing equipment from these plants was used to improve the capabilities of Vandenberg Mechanized Industries, Sterope Defense Industries, Jefferson MechWorks and Concordat MetalWorks, adding new production lines and increasing the output of existing products.  There was so much equipment acquired from these Deep Periphery factories that the Concordat was able to form Taurus Territorial Industries (TTI) on Taurus.  The TTI facility is a massive factory which has quickly become the largest weapons producer in the Concordat. 

Unlike the infrastructure and weapons programs, the civilian industrial reconstruction program has received only limited government support.  A number of factories located in the Hyades cluster survived the Uprisings untouched and continue to produce civilian consumer goods, although in almost all cases production is limited to basic consumer products, rather then luxury items.  While this production capability is sufficient to meet the most basic needs of the Taurian people, due to the limited number of jumpships available, it has proven very difficult to transport those manufactured goods to the worlds where they are needed most.  As  government resources have been stretched to the limit with it’s other programs, the government has turned to Taurian corporations to take charge of the industrial reconstruction program.  The government has offered lucrative tax credits to companies that either rebuild damaged factories or construction new ones on worlds that were devastated during the Uprising. This has had the desired effect, with new factories being opened on New Vandenberg, Pinard, Althea’s Choice, Grossbach and Mithron among other worlds. Even so many worlds are still dependent on off world trade for many consumer goods.

Abandoned Worlds
Since the Uprisings the Concordat has abandoned 17 worlds.  The decision to abandon these worlds was not made lightly, it was only the cold reality that the Concordat lacked the resources needed to support these worlds that led to their abandonment.  The lack of replacement parts for vital life supporting technologies, combined with the very limited transportation capacity of the Taurian merchant fleets meant that if the government tried to hold on to these worlds, it could have devastated the economy.  In a study commissioned by the Protector it was determined that any effort to hold on to these 17 worlds, which represent less then 5% of the Concordat’s population, would use 40% of the Concordat’s annual output of water purification plant parts and a staggering 65% of the Concordat’s transportation capacity.

As expected this decision has had a major negative impact on public moral, as the colonization program has always been viewed with great pride by the Concordat’s citizens.  However the people understand the reasons for the Protector’s decision and have worked to aid those who have been affected by it.  On the worlds which were abandoned, careful efforts were taken to mothball any equipment and buildings which were left behind.  It is hoped that when the current crisis has passed the resources will become available to recolonize these worlds.

The Taurian government also ordered the partial abandonment of an additional dozen worlds.   These worlds are either strategically located and key to defense of the Concordat against the Federated Suns or contain mining facilities that are vital to the industrial capability of the Concordat.  All nonessential personnel were evacuated from these worlds, reducing the supplies needed by the planets and making their continued habitation possible.

Abandoned Worlds: Balter, Cadela, Famdo, Flatspin, Guldra, Hawktor, Klenker, Leh, Luderlitz, Mas, Paf, San Carlos, Sebha, Simone, Tirabad, Woogi, Zelski III

Partly Abandoned Worlds: Angra, Artu, Centavido, Fiery Plains, Hanseta, Heliat, Lorkdal, Mavegh, Odsford, Qalzi, Sartu, Serenity

Emergency Interstellar Communications Network
The Emergency Interstellar Communications Network (EICN) is an outstanding example of the Concordat’s determination to succeed in the face of any adversity.  The fall of the Star League also brought about the collapse of the HPG network that had become so vital for communications between worlds.  Protector Nicoletta Calderon understood the importance of the HPG network and at the final meetings of the Star League Council she nominated Jerome Blake to rebuild the HPG network as the new MInister of Communications.  In return for her efforts, Jerome Blake turned his back on the Periphery states and refused to aid them in rebuilding their HPG networks. 

Protector Calderon knew that the HPG network was vital to the survival of the Concordat and so she authorized creation of the Emergency Interstellar Communications Network (EICN).  Run by a small number of Starlight Broadcasting and Communication Enterprises technicians who had remained in the Concordat, the EICN maintains 10 HPG stations located on the following worlds: Taurus, New Vandenberg, Atreus Prime, Katinka, Centavido,  Masterton, Norman’s World, Cyrton, Angra and Badlands.  In order to maintain these 10 stations, the Concordat was forced to cannibalize every other HPG station in the Concordat for parts.

The placement of the stations was carefully chosen so that almost every Taurian world was within 50 light years of an HPG station. This ensures that those planets can be contacted via HPG with priority messages.  Contrary to popular belief an HPG is not needed at the destination to receive an HPG message. The messages sent by an HPG are only standard radio transmissions sent through KF space by the HPG transmitter.  These transmissions can be picked up by any radio receiver at the destination.  To prevent enemy interception of the messages, all transmissions are encoded using the latest encryption codes. 

The EICN has proven very valuable to the Concordat. Priority messages can be routed throughout the Concordat in far less time then it would take a jumpship to get the message through.  A notable example of the system’s value was during the outbreak of Antares Flu on Logan’s Land in 2788.  A transport jumped to the Norman’s World system with news of the outbreak and an HPG message was sent to Taurus.  Within 3 weeks a stockpile of vaccines for Antares Flu arrived in system from Mithron.  Without the EICN It would have taken at least 3 weeks just to get the message to Mithron.  The quick arrival of the vaccine was credited with saving many lives. 

The Taurian Concordat has traditionally tolerated all forms of religion and expression.  As a result the Concordat is home to a very diverse number of religious groups, many who originally came seeking religious freedom.  Considering this, many find it surprising that the Concordat also supports a state religion, the Deism.  Keeping with the Concordat’s traditions of religious freedom, no citizen is forced to join the Taurian Deist Church.  Despite some questions about the point of supporting a Deist “Church”, the institution receives government support and boasts the largest following of any religious denomination in the Concordat. 

Culture & Arts
Viewing itself as a servant of the people, the Taurian government has traditionally refrained from censoring its media even in time of war.  Throughout the Concordat, individuals retain the right to free expression without the threat of government intervention , so long as such expression can not be proven libelous.  The average Taurian citizen can expect free medical care, an old age pension and a living allowance. There are also guaranteed death benefits to surviving family members at the government’s expense. The recent problems have reduced the benefits, especially on the outer colonies, but the government has done it’s best to continue supplying them.

The Taurian Concordat has been, like many free societies, inconsistent about producing major artists.  While historically the Taurian Government would provide large stipends to artists, the current difficulties have reduced the support that is available.  As a result there are very few professional artists in the Concordat.  There are however a number of amateur artists, especially musicians.  Most of the musical compositions being produced are very patriotic in nature.

Educational System
The Taurian educational system has always been a high priority for the government. It is the belief of the Taurian government that an educated populace is necessary for the success of the nation and so great effort has been placed on developing an effect educational system.  The Taurian model has proven so effective that it has served as a model for many other nations. 

During the War of Star League Aggression, the hated Star League forces destroyed many of the Concordat’s primary and secondary educational facilities.  After the war, the Star League attempted to subvert our educational system for their own ends and indoctrinate our children about the “benefits” of membership in the Star League.  The Cameron’s tried to brainwash our children and turn them into mindless zombies loyal to their Star League oppressors.  Fortunately, the people of the Concordat  were not willing to sit by and allow this to happen unchallenged.  Many parents home schooled their children or sent them to private academies, where the cirriculum was not determined by the Star League.  In the public school system, the Taurian educators worked to made sure that the truth was taught to their students and that Star League “indoctrination methods” were revealed for the lies that they were.

When the Star League forces left the Concordat at the start of the Amaris Crisis, the Ministry of Education immediately disposed of the Star League cirriculum, replacing it with one that was free of propaganda.  Schools have been rebuilt on worlds where they had been destroyed and new teachers hired to staff them.  It is a testament to the skill of the Ministry of Education and the determination of the Taurian people hat every planet in the Concordat has been able to maintain a complete primary education system, from ages 3 to 18, despite the current problems and limited funding.  According to the latest test results, the literacy rate of the Concordat has been climbing over the last few years and is slowly approaching the traditional Taurian literacy rate.

Unfortunately this success has come at the expense of the Concordat’s university program. There are only 3 major universities that are currently open in the Concordat. The University of Taurus was undamaged during the Uprisings and is the largest university in the Concordat. The school has a broad cirriculum including the Liberal Arts, Sciences, Legal and Medical fields.  Samantha University which is best known for it’s Samantha Calderon Business School, also managed to survive the Uprisings unscathed.  New Vandenberg University, however, was badly damaged during the Uprisings. Most of the reconstruction effort at the university has been focused on the School of Engineering, which began accepting new students in 2780.  The other schools at New Vandenberg University have remained largely shutdown since the Uprisings. Recently there has been some talk of trying to rebuild the University of Pinard, the University of MacLeod’s Land, The Landmark School, Sterope University and Grand University on Organo, all of which were destroyed during the Uprisings.  However the lack of the necessary resources has made this goal nearly unobtainable.


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2010, 08:34:13 AM »

The Taurian Defense Force is composed of highly motivated and dedicated soldiers. The troops realize that they are the first, and last, line of defense for the Concordat and so they take their mission very seriously. Drawing on the best traditions of the soldiers who fought in the War of Star League Aggression, the current Concordat troops are very well trained and experienced, with excellent fighting skills and highly developed unit coordination.

The Concordat has worked hard over the last few decades to build a credible military.  Prior to the Uprisings, the Taurians secretly reformed the TDF as an underground army.  Since that time the Concordat has expanded the military and transformed it into a highly profession organization.

With the reformation of the TDF as a standing army, the Concordat has had to develop new, professional training programs to replace the older secret training programs.  The Concordat has developed a highly innovative Academy training program for their troops.  The training program combines a number of traditional training techniques, along with the best techniques from other states.  The end result is that, while the Concordat’s training programs only produce a limited number of graduates, those who do graduate are very innovative and highly skilled soldiers.  In addition to the academy programs, the Concordat maintains training camps on every world to train armor and infantry troops for both the front line forces and the Noble Family regiments. 

The biggest problem facing the Concordat is the need to protect so many worlds from both the nations of the Inner Sphere and pirate forces.  The large size of the Concordat, combined with the small size of the TDF has put a heavy strain on the military. This forces the TDF to rely heavily on the noble family regiments to provide additional forces to support the front line units in defensive operations.  So far the system has proven very effective, with the noble family regiments showing fanatical resistance when their planets are attacked.

There are 6 enlisted ranks and 6 officer ranks in the TDF.

Enlisted Ranks:
All newly inducted members of the TDF receive the rank of Recruit. Recruits are assigned to a provisional training battalion for 18 weeks of basic training before being assigned to a field unit.  Each planet maintains several Provisional Training Battalions to handle basic training.

In infantry units a corporal commands a Maniple of 5 men. In armor units a Corporal serves a tank commander. In the other branches a Corporal is a junior grade specialist (Medic, tech, etc.).

Section Leader:
In the infantry a section leader commands a squad. In armor units they command a Maniple of 2 vehicles.  In the other branches a Corporal is a senior grade specialist (Medic, tech, etc.).

Force Sergeant:
In the infantry a Force Sergeant commands an infantry platoon.  In armor units they command a lance of armor. In the Aerospace arm, a Force Sergeant is a junior pilot.  In the support branches, this rank represents a low level manager.

Lance Sergeant:
A lance sergeant serves as an assistant company commander in infantry and armor units. In the aerospace arm, a Lance Sergeant commands an air lance. In the support  branches a Lance sergeant is a senior manager.  All Battlemech trainees receive the rank of Lance Sergeant while in training.

Battalion Chief Sergeant/Air Chief:
The Battalion Chief Sergeant is the senior NCO in an infantry, armor or support unit. The Battalion Chief Sergeant serves as the interface between the men and the officers of the unit and fills a number of administrative roles. All mechwarriors receive the rank of Battalion Chief Sergeant upon graduating from their training program.  In the aerospace arm,  an air chief commands  a flight of 2 lances. 

Officer Ranks:
A Cornet serves as a company commander in infantry and armor units. In Battlemech units a Cornet commands a lance.  In support units they serve as assistant department heads. On board naval vessels, ensigns serve as assistant department heads. In the aerospace arm an ensign serves as a wing commander.

Subaltern/Air Master Junior Grade:
Subalterns serve as battalion commanders in infantry and armor units. In Battlemech units they command a company.  In support units they serve as department heads. On board naval vessels, Air Master Junior Grades serve as department heads, while in the aerospace arm they serve as assistant commanders of an Air Division.

Brigadier/Air Master Senior Grade:
Brigadiers serve as executive officers in armor, infantry and support units. In Battlemech units they command a battalion of mechs. In the Navy Air Master Senior Grades serve as XO’s of a ship, while in the aerospace arm they command an Air Division.

Colonel/Space Master:
Colonels are regimental commanders in the Concordat Army.  In the Navy, a Space Master is the captain of a naval vessel.

The rank of Comptroller is largely administrative in nature, and is responsible for overseeing the defense of a planet and coordinating operations between the noble family regiments and regular forces. Comptrollers also serve in planning staffs and as aides to Corps commanders. In the Navy a Commodore is assigned to command a demi-squadron of ships.

The Taurian Concordat current has 6 Marshals, each of whom commands an entire Corps.   The Concordat also has 4 Admirals, each of whom commands a Fleet.  The Protector, as commander in chief of the TDF, holds the rank of Senior Marshal.

Tactical Organization of Concordat Forces:
The smallest infantry unit is a Maniple of 5 soldiers. 2 Maniples form a squad, while 2 squads and command Maniple form a platoon.  A company is composed of 3 platoons, with a battalion composed of 3 companies. Each regiment is composed of 3 battalions plus supporting elements.

The smallest armor unit is a Maniple of 2 vehicles. An armor lance is composed of 3 Maniples, while a company is composed of 3 lances.  3 Companies form an armor battalion and 3 battalions form an armor regiment.  Taurian armor units do not use independent command units.

The smallest aerospace unit is a lance of 2 fighters. 2 Lances form a flight and 2 flights form a wing.  3 wings form an air division.

The TDF uses lances of 4 battlemechs. As in the Inner Sphere, a company is composed of 3 lances. However, unlike many other states, the Concordat deploys 4 companies in  a Battlemech battalion. Taurian mech regiments are composed of 3 Battlemech battalions.  The Concordat does not deploy independent command units, except at the regimental and corps level.

Recently the Red Chasseurs have started to experiment with a new organizational structure for their mech units.  Looking for ways to increase the tactical flexibility and striking power of the unit, Brigadier Willis Makepeace proposed organizing mech units along the same lines as Taurian armor units. These new reinforced companies, called troops, consist of 3 platoons each with 6 Battlemechs.  The platoons are broken down into 3 maniples each with 2 Battlemechs.  In keeping with the Cavalry theme, the units battalions have been renamed squadrons and are composed of 3 troops.  During exercises conducted by the Red Chasseurs the new formation has provided the Chasseurs with added striking power and improved tactical flexibility.  The TDF senior commanders are keeping an eye on the experiment.  If it proves successful other units may switch to the new organization.

Structure of the TDF:

Concordat Army
The Concordat Army is composed of 6 Corps, 4 Battlemech Corps (the Taurian Guard, I, II & III Corps) the Armor Corps and the Infantry Corps.  While the 4 Battlemech Corps may get the most publicity it is the Armor and Infantry Corps which are the largest and some of the most important formations in the TDF.  Throughout it’s history, the Concordat has preferred to expand through peaceful methods, such as colonization, rather then through force like many of it’s neighbors.  As a result, the TDF has traditionally been organized for defensive missions, rather then as an offensive force.  This allowed the TDF to rely on infantry and conventional armor, which are cheaper to deploy and very effective in defensive operations, even against Battlemechs.  During the War of Star League Aggression, the Armor and Infantry Corps attempted to hold off the invaders, while the Concordat’s Battlemech forces were held in reserve, where they were able to reinforce threatened worlds and conduct local counterattacks and deep raids against SLDF supply depots and communication centers.  The end of the War of Star League Aggression saw the disbanding of the Concordat’s Battlemech forces and most of its Armor and Infantry units,

Following the Uprisings, the TDF was reformed by the Taurian Government.  The largest components of the the new TDF are the Armor and Infantry corps.  These corps are spread across every world of the Concordat and form the main defensive capability of the Concordat.  With the need to cover large areas with minimal forces, the Armor Corps tends to favor fast hovercraft which can quickly deploy to engage the enemy.  These are backed up by heavier armored units which serve as anvil to the lighter forces.   The Infantry Corps regiments deploy a large number of heavy artillery weapons and are trained in anti-mech tactics, making them very effective in combat.

Having learned from the War of Star League Aggression, the Concordat High Command has realized the need for a large Battlemech force.  The Battlemech forces provide the TDF with increased flexibility and the gives it the capability to rapidly respond to enemy incursions.

The Concordat currently deploys 4 Battlemech Corps, containing a total of 11 Battlemech Regiments.  Taurian Mech Regiments are generally built around medium mechs, which are supported by a large number of light and heavy mechs. Most Mech regiment’s have an attached armor unit, typically equipped with fast hover tanks and an infantry force equipped with jump packs, VTOLs or APCs for better mobility. 

The Battlemech Corps are routinely trained as Special Task Groups.   The STGs are trained to conduct a variety of missions such as counterattacking planetary invasions or raiding supply and communication points behind enemy lines.  The STGs provide the TDF with added flexibility against enemy invasions. In the event of an invasion units not already engaging the enemy would be formed into STGs and used to attack the invaders.

Concordat Navy
The Concordat has a surprisingly large navy for such a small state. The Navy has a small number of warships, which are supplemented by conventional jumpships and dropships.  The Concordat Navy is currently divided into 4 fleets (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th).  Each fleet is commanded by an Admiral and is assigned to patrol a particular region of Taurian space.  The Taurian Navy is also responsible for providing transport for Army units during raids or planetary assaults.  In the event of an attack against the Concordat, the Navy will serve as the first line of defense, engaging the enemy as far forward as possible in an effort to blunt the invasion.  Unlike other branches of the Taurian Defense Forces the Navy is staffed entirely by long term volunteers, rather then draftees.     

Aerospace Arm
The Aerospace Arm is currently the weakest of the TDF’s 3 combat branches.  The Taurian aerospace forces suffered heavy losses during the Uprisings and so there were very few trained pilots available to serve as instructors for the next generation of pilots. Further complicating the problem is the fact that very few pilots had any experience in air to air combat during the Uprisings as the Aerospace Arm was used primarily in a ground attack role.  Since the reformation of the TDF, the Aerospace Arm has continued to operate mainly in a ground attack role.

Medical Division
The Medical Division is tasked with recovering and treating wounded soldiers. There is a special emphasis placed on quickly retrieving wounded soldiers from the front lines. The Medical Division has the capability to rapidly deploy emergency medical and surgical stations via support craft and it operates a variety of MASH units and hospital dropships.

Transport and Service Division
The Transport and Service Division fulfills several key roles for the TDF.  One of their most important roles is to provide transportation for replacement troops and supplies to combat areas. The T&SD also handles major repair and recovery operations, supplementing the organic repair capabilities of TDF units.  The other major responsibility of the T&SD is the routine transportation of reserves from training camps to their assignments, ensuring that the TDF’s regiments maintain their strength. Except for those vessels assigned to the Concordat Navy, all military Dropships and Jumpships are under the control of this division.  Unlike the Concordat Navy, which deploys mainly assault ships and transports, the T&SD fleet is composed of mainly large transports that are ill-suited for combat drops and raids. 

Administrative Corps
The Administrative Corps is responsible for handling all matters related to the personnel and administration of the TDF. This includes financial matters, record keeping, promotion review boards, and the JAG office.

Propaganda Division
The Propaganda Division is responsible for maintaining good morale within the military. Acting as an independent arm of the government, the Propaganda Division distributes information regarding the current situation in Taurian Concordat and discounts rumors instigated by enemy agents.

Concordat Army Unit Profiles
Taurian Guard  Corps

Unit Name: Taurian Guard
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel John Matherson
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience: Elite
Mech Weight: Heavy
Aerospace Support: 4th Taurian Air Division
Fighter Weight: Heavy
Armor: 1st Taurian Armor Guard (Battalion, Hover)
Infantry: 8th New Vandenberg Rifleman (Regiment, Mechanized)
Unit History:
The Taurian Guard is the oldest and most prestigious unit of the TDF, having been originally formed as the Taurus planetary militia shortly during the reign of Timothy Calderon.  The regiment later became one of the original formations of the TDF when it was founded in 2360.  For the next two centuries, the Taurian Guard saw only limited action, fighting in the Rim War against the Capellans and defending the Concordat against pirates and raiders.  It was during the War of Star League Aggression that the Taurian Guard showed their capabilities and determination to defend the people of the Concordat.  They played a key role in the Second Battle of Diefenbaker, destroying a large number of SLDF mechs.  Badly battered in the fighting, the Guard withdrew to the Hyades Cluster, where they rebuilt and prepared to defend Taurus against the Star League. After the war the unit was disbanded, with the exception of the 1st Taurian Armor Guard which served as a militia unit on Taurus.  In the years before the Uprisings, the Taurian Guard was secretly reformed in the Deep Periphery.  When the fighting broke out the Taurian Guards were assigned to New Vandenberg, where they managed to drive General Kerensky and the SLDF from the planet in 2765. During 2766 and 2767 the Guard defended New Vandenberg against an SLDF invasion force.  Despite being out numbered the Taurian Guard managed to hold their own almost a year before retreating from New Vandenberg in January 2767.  When the SLDF left Concordat in 2767, the Taurian Guard were the first unit that was rebuilt by the Taurian government.  The Taurian Guard boast the best equipment of any Taurian units, including a large number of Assault Mechs and captured Star League equipment. 

The 4th Taurian Air Division is one of the best aerospace units in the Taurian Concordat, and one of only 3 Air Divisions permanently assigned to support a Taurian Mech regiment.  The 4th uses aerospace fighters and is highly skilled in both air to air combat and ground attack roles.  The 1st Taurian Armor Guard, having been reunited with the Taurian Guard following the Uprisings, is considered a permanent part of the Taurus garrison and is used to defend the capitol city of Samantha. The 8th New Vandenberg Riflemen were formed during the Uprising from volunteers on New Vandenberg.  The regiment is famous for holding off 2 companies of SLDF mechs and a battalion of infantry from the 62nd Jump Infantry Division during the Battle of Beckett’s Ridge, buying time for the Taurian Guard to reform and counter attack the SLDF’s 299th Mechanized Infantry Division and push them out of Harmony.  After the war the Taurian Guard specifically requested that the unit be attached to them as a support unit. Since the Uprisings, the Taurian Guard have served mainly in the Hyades Cluster.

Unit Name: Taurian Velites
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Beth Conners
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience:  Veteran
Mech Weight: Medium
Aerospace Support: Velite Chargers (Air Division)
Fighter Weight: Medium
Armor: None
Infantry: 33rd Pinard Infantry (Regiment, Mechanized)
Unit History:
The Taurian Velites were formed during the Uprisings on Pinard.  The core of the unit came from several Noble Volunteer Battalions that were secretly raised by the local nobles.  These battalions were reinforced by a cadre of officers and senior NCOs from the secret training bases out in the Deep Periphery.  During the war, the unit saw heavy action on Pinard against the Star League’s 14th and 71st Striker Regiments.  The battle, which lasted 140 days, was hard fought by both sides.  This highly mobile campaign raged all across the planet, as both sides launched a series of attacks and counter attacks in an attempt to out maneuver and capture the opposing force.  During this campaign, the Velites made very  effective use of the Aerospace fighters assigned to them.  The Taurian fighters were used to counter the mobility of the SLDF’s Striker Regiments, slowing their retreats and driving them towards ambushed by the Velites.  The Velites Battlemech regiment was supported by several armor and infantry regiments which were raised from the planetary populace of Pinard. The armored units suffered heavy casualties during the fighting and after the war the survivors were transferred to the TDF’s Armor Corps and transferred to local defense battalions.  Likewise, most of the Velites infantry assets were transferred to the Infantry Corps after the Uprisings, with only the 33rd Pinard Infantry remaining attached to the Velites.  Since the Uprising, the  Velites have been deployed on the border between the Federated Suns and the Hyades Cluster.

Unit Name: Concordat Commandos
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Richard Evans
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience: Regular
Mech Weight: Light/Medium
Aerospace Support: None
Armor: None
Infantry: 35th Hyades Light Infantry (Regiment, Foot)
Unit History:
The Concordat Commandos have a history going back to the last days of the War of Star League Aggression.  Formed from newly graduated cadets led by some of the finest Taurian special forces commanders, the regiment fought in defense of New Vandenberg before falling back to the Hyades Cluster.   Officially disbanded after the fall of the Concordat, the surviving members of the Commandos continued to covertly train together in defiance of the Star League.  For 250 years the Commandos trained troops for the day when the Concordat would rise up and overthrow the yoke of Star League oppression.  Their efforts expanded in the decade  before the Uprisings, where with aid from the Taurian government, the Commandos trained tens of thousands of troops for the reconstituted TDF.  During the Uprisings, the Commandos were assigned to New Vandenberg.  Experts in unconventional warfare, the Commandos conducted a number of raids against key Star League supply and communication centers located deep behind enemy lines.  The Commandos suffered heavy casualties during the battles, but inflicted even heavier loses on the SLDF troops.  Because the unit spent most of the war operating behind enemy lines with no fixed bases of operations, they were never permanently assigned any aerospace support.  The Commandos also never operated along side any armor units, as they felt the limited mobility of tanks and hover vehicles would hamper the mech regiment’s ability to traverse the rough terrain.  The only support unit permanently assigned to the Commandos is the 35th Hyades Light Infantry.  The 35th is an elite regiment that is trained in commando tactics and anti-battlemech warfare.  Since the uprisings the Commandos have been deployed along the Capellan border to guard against any possible incursions . 

I Corps

Unit Name: Calderon Red Hand
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Seth Calderon
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience: Veteran
Mech Weight: Medium
Aerospace Support: None
Armor: 23rd Armored Cavalry (Battalion, Hover)
Infantry: 19th Taurian Infantry (Battalion, Mechanized)
Unit History:
Like many other Taurian units, the Calderon Red Hand have a history going back to before the War of Star League Aggression. The original Calderon Red Hand were part of the Calderon Household Battlemech Regiments.   During the War of Star League Aggression they saw action at  the massive 2nd Battle of Diefenbacker where they were almost completely wiped out, the few survivors being assigned as replacements in other units.  The regiment was secretly reformed during the Uprisings and, alongside the Taurian Jaegers and Logan’s Liberators, they fought battles on Logan’s Land, Norman’s World and Celentaro against the SLDF’s 192nd Jump Infantry, the 141st Dragoon Regiment and the 477th Battle Regiment.  While they managed to inflict heavy losses on the SLDF troops, the Taurian forces suffered very heavy casualties.

After the Uprisings the surviving Battlemech troops from the Jaegers and Liberators were used to bring the Calderon Red Hand up to full strength.  As only a few aerospace pilots assigned to the unit survived the Uprisings, they were transferred to the Concordat Cuirassier’s 99th Taurian Aero Wing while the bulk of the surviving conventional troops were transferred to the Armor and Infantry Corps regiments assigned to defend Logan’s Land and Celentaro. As a result, the Calderon Red Hand only has a few supporting units assigned to it.  The 19th Taurian Infantry fought with the Red Hand during the Uprisings and suffered major losses in the battles on Norman’s World. Originally assigned to the Infantry Corps forces on Norman’s World, they petitioned the TDF High Command to continue serving along side the Calderon Red Hand.  Reduced to a single battalion in size, current plans call for doubling the size of the 19th sometime in the next 2 years by splitting the battalion into 2 halves and rebuilding both to full strength using new recruits.  The 23rd Armored Cavalry was only recently added to the unit at the request of Colonel Calderon. Since the Uprisings the unit has been deployed in the New Vandenberg region.

Unit Name: Red Chasseurs
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Amanda Jennings
Unit size: 3 Squadrons
Experience: Regular
Mech Weight: Medium
Aerospace Support: 1st Wing, 21st Corps Air Division
Fighter Weight: Medium
Armor: 27th Armored Reconnaissance (1 Battalion, Hover)
Infantry: 35th Cluster Support Force- Red Gate Infantry (Battalion, mechanized)
Unit History:
The Red Chasseurs were one of the many mech regiments that were secretly raised in the years before the Uprisings.  During the initial stages of the campaign, the Red Chasseurs were held as a strategic reserve against any possible SLDF counter attacks against the rebel’s bases.  With the SLDF invasion of the Concordat in 2766, the Red Chasseurs found themselves assigned to conduct hit and run raids against the SLDF, striking targets of opportunity and bringing in supplies and reinforcements to Taurian troops fighting  the SLDF.  During these operations, the Red Chasseurs became became experts at rapid deployment techniques and the jumpship navigators assigned to the unit’s transports became experts at using pirate jump points to quickly get in and out of enemy held systems.  Since the end of the Uprisings, the Red Chasseurs have served as Concordat’s rapid reaction force and are capable of deploying within 6 hours of receiving their orders.  Some what surprisingly, given their rapid reaction role,  the Red Chasseurs deploy a large number of heavy mechs, mainly faster designs, which provide the regiment with significant firepower.

Due to their role as a rapid reaction force, the Red Chasseurs are the only Concordat Army unit to have permanently assigned Jumpship and Dropship transports.  These ships are drawn from the Navy’s 4th Fleet and only the best navigators in the Taurian Navy are assigned to serve aboard these ships.  To provide protection for these ships, the 1st Wing of the 21st Corps Air Division is semi-permanently assigned to the Chasseurs.  Unlike many other aerospace units in the Concordat, the 21st Corps Air Division is composed of experts in air to air combat and is well suited to it’s primary task of defending the Chasseurs' transports.  The 27th Armored Reconnaissance is composed entirely of fast hovercraft and provides the Chasseurs with superior recon support.  The battalion is typically used to draw enemy forces towards the Red Chasseurs’ positions.  The 35th Cluster Support force is a special unit that is geared towards the Chasseurs’ rapid response mission.  The unit includes an Artillery battery, a company of VTOLs, a squad of minelayers, a scout company and a commando company trained in sabotage and demolitions.

Recently the Red Chasseurs have begun experimenting with a new tactical organization.  The units battlemechs have been reorganized into troops of 18 mechs, with 3 troops per squadron.  This provides the unit with better flexibility on the battle field and more power then a standard company.  Other mech regiments in the TDF have started to study this organization and are considering reorganizing along these lines.

Unit Name: 159th Hussars
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Gerald Lambert
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience: Veteran
Mech Weight: Medium-Heavy
Aerospace Support: 159th Air Wing
Fighter Weight: Medium
Armor: 159th Armor (Battalion, Medium Tracked)
Infantry: 159th Infantry (Battalion, Jump)
Unit History:
The 159th Hussars were originally part of the Star League Defense Forces.  The commander of the unit at the time, Colonel David Roshenko, saw the injustices that were being suffered by the Taurian people and, upon arriving in the Landmark system, convinced his unit to join the rebellion against the Star League.  Almost the entire regiment followed the Colonel and joined the rebels.  While Taurians had some distrust of the Hussars at first, that was eventually overcome, especially after the unit helped defend Landmark against the 246th Royal Battlemech Division.  After the Uprisings the Hussars were offered a position in the newly reformed TDF.  While a few members chose to return to their homes in the Inner Sphere or join Kerensky’s campaign to liberate the Hegemony, the majority of the regiment decided to remain in the Concordat. 

The Star League Hussar regiments were traditionally self contained units, with organic aerospace fighter, armor and infantry support.  The 159th retains a battalion of tracked armor and a battalion of Jump infantry as well as a wing of fighters. In recent years the unit has been operating in the region around the Hyades Cluster.

II Corps

Unit Name: Concordat Cuirassiers
Unit Type:  House
Co: Colonel Ulric Patterson
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience: Veteran
Mech Weight: Medium
Aerospace Support: 99th Taurian Air Wing
Fighter Weight: Heavy
Armor: 55th Heavy Cavalry (2 Battalions, Hover)
Infantry: 22nd Mountain Infantry (Regiment, Foot)
Unit History:
In the years before the War of Star League Aggression, the Concordat Cuirassiers Brigade formed the core of the Taurian Defense Forces’ battlemech strength.  The unit fought bravely against the Star League defenders but suffered many losses against the superior numbers of the SLDF. By the time the SLDF invaded New Vandenberg the brigade had been reduced to a single regiment. The Cuirassiers fought hard against the SLDF invaders and despite handing the butcher Forlough his first defeat at the battle of Harmony, the regiment was completely wiped out by the time New Vandenberg fell to the SLDF.

In preparation for the Uprisings, one of the first mech divisions raised by the Taurian government was the Concordat Cuirassiers Mech Division. At the start of the Uprisings, the Cuirassiers were assigned to liberate MacLeod’s Land, where they successfully destroyed the 218th Royal Light Horse and 94th Dragoon Regiments.  When the SLDF launched it’s counteroffensive in 2766,  MacLeod’s Land was attacked by the 231st Battlemech Division, the 85th Mechanized Infantry Division and the 17th Infantry Division.  Despite being vastly out numbered, the Cuirassiers had the advantage of fighting from well prepared defensive positions in the Edinburgh Mountains.  In fighting reminiscent of the War of Star League Aggression, the SLDF troops kept throwing themselves at the heavily fortified Taurian positions only to be rebuffed and pushed back by massive artillery barrages. The fighting was fierce and losses were extremely heavy on both sides.  By the time the SLDF withdrew from the Concordat, the 3 SLDF Divisions fighting against the Cuirassiers had been decimated, the few survivors were reassigned to other SLDF units. The Cuirassiers were only slightly better off.  The  6 battlemech regiments of the Cuirassiers Division were reduced to a single regiment.  The 2 air divisions assigned to support the Cuirassiers Division were reorganized into a to single wing, the 99th Taurian Air Wing.  The 22nd Mountain Infantry which had fought alongside the Cuirassiers on MacLeod’s Land was permanently assigned to the regiment after the Uprisings.  Originally a specialized defensive unit, the 22nd has a full battalion of heavy artillery and a battalion of engineers, who specialize in constructing defensive positions.  The 55th Heavy Cavalry was recently added to the Cuirassiers as a reconnaissance and screening unit.  The Cuirassiers are currently assigned to postings along the Federated Suns border.

Unit Name: Hyades Light Infantry
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Kelly Rackham
Unit size: 2 Battalions
Experience: Regular
Mech Weight: Light
Aerospace Support: 2nd Corps Air Wing
Fighter Weight: Light-Medium
Armor: none
Infantry: Hyades Support Group (Regiment, Jump, Mechanized)
Unit History:
The original Hyades Light Infantry was formed in the closing days of the War of Star League Aggression from the special services troops assigned to defend the Hyades Cluster.  Composed entirely of volunteers, the soldiers of the Hyades Light Infantry were fanatical patriots who fought to the death to defend the Concordat.  When Marantha Calderon surrendered the Concordat to the Star League, the surviving members of the unit convinced a Taurian Jumpship Captain to take them into the deep periphery.  For the next 250 years the unit raided SLDF targets, aided by covert support from the Taurian government.  Eventually, the Hyades Light Infantry became part of the Taurian Freedom Army and worked to liberate the Concordat from League rule.  The regiment had great success against the SLDF Army and even the much vaunted SAS troops, routinely outsmarting and outmaneuvering the enemy.  When the SLDF hit the TFA headquarters on Camadeierre in 2764, the Hyades Light Infantry was conducting a raid on Althea’s Choice.  With their home base in the hands of the SLDF, the regiment fell back to a secret Taurian base in the Badlands Star Cluster.  At the start of the Uprisings, the Light Infantry conducted a series of raids against SLDF forces, both inside the Concordat and in the Federated Suns.  After the Uprisings, the Hyades Light Infantry officially rejoined the TDF and was assigned to serve along the border with the Federated Suns.

The 2nd Corps Air Wing is a recent addition to the Hyades Light Infantry.  The wing specializes in providing close air support to the Light Infantry, usually engaging heavier mechs and tanks which pose a greater threat to the regiments light mechs. The Hyades Support Group is a regiment of elite infantry that operates along side the Mech regiment. Many members of the Support Group were formerly part of the Taurian Freedom Army.  The Support Group is jump capable and has access to a variety of VTOL and Hover craft transports.

Unit Name: 428th Battlemech Regiment
Unit Type: Mercenary
Co: Colonel Howard Martinson
Unit size: 4 Battalions
Experience: Regular
Mech Weight: Medium
Aerospace Support:  Eagle Squadron (Wing)
Fighter Weight: Light
Armor: 1037th Heavy Tank Regiment (Regiment, Tracked, Heavy), 223rd Armored Cavalry (2 Battalions, Hover)
Infantry: 145th Mechanized Infantry (Regiment, Mechanized), 988th Mechanized Infantry (Regiment, Mechanized), 737th Infantry (Regiment, foot)
Unit History:
The 428th Battle Regiment and it’s associated brigades (the 36th Infantry Brigade, made up of the 737th Infantry Regiment and the 1037th Heavy tank regiment, and the 161st Mechanized Brigade, made up of the 145th and 998th Mechanized Infantry Regiments and the 223rd Armored Cavalry) were formed from Star League troops who joined the Taurian Concordat during the Uprisings. The 428th Battlemech Division, 36th Infantry Division and 161st Mechanized Infantry Divisions were all stationed in the Concordat during the opening phase of the Uprisings.  During the initial attacks by the reformed TDF, the 3 divisions suffered such heavy losses fighting that they were eventually disbanded by the SLDF.  When General Kerensky ordered the withdrawal of the SLDF from the Periphery at the end of 2765, many members of the 428th, 36th and 161st chose to remain the Concordat and join the fight against the SLDF, having seen first hand the way the people of the Concordat were being abused and exploited by the Star League.

The TDF took these soldiers and reorganized them into a new unit.  The mechwarriors were organized into the 428th Battlemech Regiment, while the armor and Infantry troops were organized into the 36th Infantry Brigade and the 161st Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The 428th has 4 battalions of troops, but unlike Taurian regiments they use the standard SLDF organizational structure with 3 companies per battalion, make the regiment effectively the same size as a Taurian one. The 428th is supported by a large number of conventional troops, with 3 regiments of Infantry and almost 2 regiments of armor.  The 737th Infantry is noteworthy in that it includes a number of engineering units which specialize in building defensive fortifications.  The 428th has been deployed along the border with the Federated Suns, where they have been helping the local militia units build defensive fortifications. While nominally a mercenary unit, the 428th has signed a long term contract with the Concordat and is currently considering an offer to become a house unit.

III Corps

Unit Name: Pleiades Hussars
Unit Type: House
Co: Colonel Edward Tharn
Unit size: 3 Battalions
Experience: Veteran
Mech Weight: Medium-Heavy
Aerospace Support: Pleiades 7th Air Division
Fighter Weight: Medium
Armor: 42nd Armored Reconnaissance (2 Battalions, Hover)
Infantry: 12th Pleiades Infantry (2 Battalions, Jump)
Unit History:
The Pleiades Hussars have a history going back to before the War of Star League Aggression, originally being raised to defend the Pleiades Cluster against Davion attacks in the 24th Century.  During the War of Star League Aggression the Pleiades Hussars defended their home worlds against the SLDF.  The Hussars fought hard against the SLDF troops, but they were eventually forced to retreat deeper into Concordat territory.  However, before they left the Cluster, the Hussar established an effective resistance organization which harassed the SLDF occupation troops for many years.  The Hussars were later assigned to defend the agricultural worlds of Carmichael, Midale and Werfer against several SLDF Light Horse Regiments.  The battles turned into a series of mobile attacks and counter attacks between the 2 sides. The Hussars slowly wore down the SLDF troops but ultimately they were forced to retreat in to the Hyades Cluster.  After the surrender of the Concordat, the Hussars were officially disbanded.  With the reformation of the TDF in the years before the  Uprisings, the Hussars were reformed, with many members of the new unit descended from members of the original regiment.  During the Uprisings, the Hussars launched numerous assaults against the SLDF occupation army.  The Hussars fought with fanatical determination and suffered heavy losses, only a single mech regiment survived from the Hussars division.  Since the fall of the Star League and the out break of war between the Inner Sphere states, many in the Hussars have called for the Concordat to take advantage of the Federated Suns current woes to liberate the Pleiades Cluster and other worlds which have been occupied by the Federated Suns since the War of Star League Aggression.  So far, the Concordat government has refused to start a war with the Federated Suns.  Surprisingly, this decision has had little impact on the regiment’s reliability as they have shown no anger towards  Taurian government’s decision to not invade the Federated Suns. 

The 12th Pleiades Infantry is one of the few TDF units that was not disbanded after the War of Star League Aggression.  At the end of war, the 12th was assigned to the Atreus Prime planetary militia.  At the start of the Uprisings, the 12th launched as series of attacks against the senior SLDF commanders on Atreus Prime, killing them and creating chaos for the remaining SLDF soldiers.  The 12th then helped secure the world and defend it against the SLDF counter offensive of 2766.  After the Uprisings the 12th petitioned to be reassigned to serve along side the newly reconstituted Pleiades Hussars.  This request was quickly granted by the TDF high command. The Pleiades 7th Air Division is one of the few Air Divisions permanently assigned to a mech unit.  Having served along side the Hussars during the Uprisings, the 7th faced very little opposition from SLDF aerospace fighters and so unlike many other Taurian aerospace units, they did not suffer significant casualties.  The 42nd Armored Reconnaissance was only recently added to the unit.  The 42nd lacks any ties to the Pleiades Cluster and so it’s members are viewed as outsiders by the Hussars and the 12th Pleiades Infantry.  Because of the uncomfortable nature of the situation, the commander of the 42nd Armored Reconnaissance has already requested that the 42nd be transferred to a different unit.  The Pleiades Hussars are deployed along the Federated Suns border near the Badlands Star Cluster.

Unit Name: The Chief Joseph Brigade
Unit Type: Mercenary
Co: Colonel Xian Zho
Unit size: 3 battalions
Experience: Regular
Mech Weight: Medium
Aerospace Support:  1st Air Wing
Fighter Weight: Light
Armor: 655th Heavy Armor (Regiment, Tracked, Heavy)
Infantry: 875th Mechanized Infantry (Regiment, Tracked)
Unit History:
The Chief Joseph Brigade traces it’s history back to the Star League’s 262nd Battlemech Division and 200th Mechanized Infantry Division.  Both of those units were badly damaged in the Uprisings and disbanded by the Star League. As with many other SLDF units, a significant number of these soldiers sympathized with the plight of the people in the Periphery and decided to remain in the Concordat.  The Chief Joseph Brigade,  which takes it’s name from the nickname of the 262nd Battlemech Division, was formed on Celentaro during the later stages of the Uprisings.  The regiment saw no action during the Uprisings, although recently it has dealt with several pirate raids against the Concordat.  The unit is supported by a heavy armor regiment and a mechanized infantry regiment.  The brigade is usually deployed as 3 combined arms regiments, each composed of a mech battalion, an armor battalion and infantry battalion.  The Chief Joseph Brigade is currently deployed along the Federated Sun border near the Badlands Star Cluster.

Armor Corps
The TDF’s Armor Corps primary mission is to defend the worlds of the Concordat against invaders.  With the exception of those armored units permanently assigned to the TDF’s battlemech corps, all of the Taurian armored regiments come under the command of the Armor Corps. With over 200 armored regiments, the Armor Corps dwarf’s the TDF’s battlemech forces.  The Armor Corps forces are deployed in units ranging in size from single battalions on outlying colony worlds to multiple brigades on core worlds like Taurus and New Vandenberg.

Since armored vehicles are ill-suited for large scale interstellar offensive operations and raids, the Armor Corps is used solely to defend the Concordat against invaders. The Armor Corps deploys a variety of vehicles. Many were captured from the SLDF or salvaged after the Uprisings, while others were purchased on the open market after the Uprisings.  There is a distinct preference in the Armor Corps for fast hover tanks, as they can cover easily more ground during patrol operations and quickly deploy to counter invasion forces.  Heavier tanks are usually deployed on key worlds with vital industries, resources or supply centers.  The heavier tanks are used to garrison these locations, which are more likely to be attacked if the planet is invaded, while faster hovercraft units are used to harass invaders and drive them towards fixed defensive positions.

The Armor Corps also controls all of the Concordat’s conventional fighter and VTOL forces.  While there are only a few conventional fighter wings, found mostly on worlds such as Taurus and Pinard, the Concordat deploys a large number of VTOLs, whose role is to provide close air support to the ground troops.  The Armor Corps is also responsible for all of the self-propelled artillery units in the TDF.  The Concordat deploys a large number of these weapons which have proven devastating when properly used.

The Armor Corps routinely cross trains its forces with the Infantry Corps.  As both organizations are tasked with the same mission, coordination is considered vital.  As Battlemech forces are less common in the Concordat, the Armor Corps units typically have less experience operating along side them and as a result they have a harder coordinating their operations with them.

Infantry Corps
The Infantry Corps is the largest Corps in the Concordat with over 400 regiments.  Relatively cheap to raise and maintain, even the newest colony worlds have at least 2 regiments of infantry, while many more developed worlds have multiple brigades or divisions. However, unlike many other nations, the senior military commanders of the Concordat realize just how effective well trained and motivated infantry soldiers can be on the modern battlefield.  Rather then being considered cheap disposable troops, like in other realms, Taurian soldiers are highly trained and well equipped.  Every regiment has a wide assortment of support weapons, from man portable PPCs and SRMs to towed howitzers and artillery pieces.  Many of these forces are equipped with either APCs or jump packs, providing the infantry with better mobility on the battlefield.  The Concordat also routinely trains it’s infantry regiments in Anti-Mech tactics, as well as deploying large numbers of specialists, including demolition experts, snipers, infiltrators and guerilla warfare experts.  Many Taurian units have special commando platoons, and there are even several elite battalions composed entirely of commando troops. In recognition of the fact that strong defensive positions can inflict heavy losses on enemy forces, even those deploying Battlemechs, every infantry battalion has a platoon of Combat Engineers that specialize in the construction of defensive fortifications.

Deployment Table:
Taurian Defense Forces:
Commander: Senior Marshal Nicoletta Calderon
Aide: Comptroller David Brenner
Mech Strength:  11 Regiments

Taurian Guard
Commander: Marshal Edgar Robinson
Aide: Comptroller Melissa Hancock
Mech Strength: 3 Regiments

Unit Name            Exp. Level   Loyalty   Home world
Taurian Guard
(CO: Colonel John Matherson)
   1st Battalion      Elite      Fanatical   Taurus      
   (CO: Brigadier Martin Smith)
   2nd Battalion      Veteran   Fanatical   Taurus
   (CO: Brigadier Jessica Wakefield)
   3rd Battalion      Elite      Fanatical   Samantha
   (CO: Brigadier Andrew Harmon)
   4th Air Division      Veteran   Fanatical    Taurus/Samantha
   (CO: Air Master SG Felicia Tucker)
   1st Armor Guard   Regular   Fanatical   Taurus
   (CO: Subaltern Marc Stevens)
   8th New Vandenberg   Elite      Fanatical   Taurus/Samantha
   (CO: Colonel Davis Olson)

Taurian Velites
(CO: Colonel Beth Conners)
   1st Battalion      Veteran   Fanatical   Jansen’s Hold
   (CO: Brigadier Walter Doru)
   2nd Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   New Vallis
   (CO: Brigadier Matthew Calderon)
   3rd Battalion      Regular   Fanatical   New Ganymede
   (CO: Brigadier Wilson Mattingly)
   Velite Chargers      Veteran   Reliable   Jansen’s Hold
   (CO: Air Master SG Franklin Hammel)
   33rd Pinard      Regular   Reliable   New Vallis/Jansen’s       (CO: Colonel Penelope Ulsner)                Hold

Concordat Commandos
(CO: Colonel Richard Evans)
   1st Battalion      Regular   Reliable   Pinard
   (CO: Brigadier Angela Remson)
   2nd Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   MacLeod’s Land
   (CO: Brigadier Peter Lonnager)
   3rd Battalion      Regular   Fanatical   Brinton
   (CO: Brigadier Zeng Xiao Chang)
   35th Hyades Light Inf   Elite      Fanatical   Brinton/Pinard/
   (CO: Colonel Edward Trey)            MacLeod’s Land

I Corps
Commander: Marshal Jonas Smith
Aide: Comptroller Peter Degraw
Mech Strength: 3 Regiments

Unit Name            Exp. Level   Loyalty   Home world
Calderon Red Hand
(CO: Colonel Seth Calderon)
   1st Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   New Vandenberg
   (CO: Brigadier Allison Markowitz)
   2nd Battalion      Regular   Reliable   New Vandenberg
   (CO:   Brigadier David Trennouth)
   3rd Battalion      Veteran   Fanatical   Laconis
   (CO: Brigadier Samuel Mueller)
   23rd Armored Cavalry Regular   Reliable   New Vandenberg
   (CO: Subaltern Pam Kelly)
   19th Taurian Infantry   Regular   Fanatical    New Vandenberg
   (CO: Subaltern Rosie Lourdes)

Red Chasseurs
(CO: Colonel Amanda Jennings)
   1st Squadron      Regular   Reliable   Brisbane
   (CO: Brigadier Thomas Kinkaid)
   2nd Squadron      Regular    Fanatical   Coromodir
   (CO: Brigadier Lewis Greller)
   3rd Squadron      Veteran   Fanatical   Mavegh
   (CO:   Brigadier Willis Makepeace)
   1st Wing, 21st Corp   Regular   Reliable   Brisbane/Coromodir/
   (CO: Air Master JG Rachel Buam)      Mavegh   
   27th Armored Recon   Veteran   Fanatical    Coromodir/Brisbane
   (CO:   Subaltern Marc Polaski)
   35th Cluster Support   Veteran   Reliable   Mavegh/Coromodir
   (CO:   Subaltern Jessica Devers)

159th Hussars
(CO: Colonel Gerald Lambert
   1st Battalion      Regular   Reliable   Illiushin
   (CO: Brigadier Ronald Dawson)
   2nd Battalion      Veteran    Questionable   Renfield
   (CO: Brigadier Heather Singleton)
   3rd Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   Camadeierre
   (CO: Brigadier Omar Tremont)
   Air Wing         Regular    Reliable   Illiushin/Camadeierre
   (CO: Air Master JG Owen Taylor)
   Armor Battalion      Veteran   Questionable   Renfield
   (CO:   Subaltern Jeremy Walker)
   Infantry Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   Illiushin
   (CO: Subaltern Mandy Turner)

II Corps
Commander: Marshal Joshua Lambert
Aide: Colonel Hector Rodridgez
Mech Strength: 3 Regiments

Unit Name            Exp. Level   Loyalty   Home world
Concordat Cuirassiers
(CO: Colonel Ulric Patterson)
   1st Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   Sartu
   (CO: Brigadier Clarence Waters)
   2nd Battalion      Veteran   Fanatical   Atreus Prime
   (CO: Brigadier Peter Gallitzin)      
   3rd Battalion       Regular   Reliable   Mithron
   (CO: Brigadier Laura Wilkinson)
   99th Taurian Air Wing   Veteran   Reliable   Sartu
   (CO: Air Master JG Paulette Yeffers)
   55th Heavy Cavalry   Green   Questionable  Atreus Prime
   (CO: Brigadier Marc Reminger)
   22nd Mountain Infantry Veteran   Fanatical   Sartu/Mithron
   (CO: Colonel Gerald Talbert)               

Hyades Light Infantry
(CO: Colonel Kelly Rackham)
   1st Battalion      Regular   Fanatical   Grossbach
   (CO: Brigadier John Kithrong)
   2nd Battalion       Regular   Fanatical   Girondas
   (CO: Brigadier Sylvia Winn)   
   Hyades Support Group Elite   Fanatical   Grossbach/Girondas   
   (CO: Colonel Richard Stone)
   2nd Corps Air Wing   Regular   Reliable   Grossbach
   (CO: Air Master JG Jack Donaldson)

428th Battlemech Regiment
(CO: Colonel Howard Martinson
   1st Battalion      Regular   Reliable   Amber Grove
   (CO: Brigadier Floyd Wannake)
   2nd Battalion       Veteran   Reliable   Logan’s Land
   (CO: Brigadier Olympia Conners)
   3rd Battalion      Regular   Reliable   Perdition
   (CO: Brigadier Reginold Ewing)
   4th Battalion      Green   Questionable  Hanseta
   (CO: Brigadier Wyatt Tolland)
   Eagle Squadron      Regular    Reliable   Perdition
   (CO: Air Master JG Indira Solomon)
   1037th Heavy Tank   Veteran   Reliable   Perdition
   (CO: Colonel Xavier Hernandez)
   223rd Armored Recon Regular   Reliable   Logan’s Land/
   (CO: Brigadier Lisa Bernard)         Amber Grove
   145th Mechanized   Regular   Reliable   Logan’s Land
   (CO: Colonel Scott Conrad)
   988th Mechanized   Veteran   Reliable   Amber Grove
   (CO: Colonel Sally Levine)
   737th Infantry      Veteran   Reliable   Perdition
   (CO: Colonel Wendy Pallus)

III Corps
Commander: Marshal Joan Potter
Aide: Comptroller Janine Lewis
Mech Strength: 2 Regiments

Unit Name            Exp. Level   Loyalty   Home world
Pleiades Hussars
(CO: Colonel Edward Tharn
   1st Battalion      Veteran   Reliable   Althea’s Choice   
   (CO: Brigadier David Winters)   
   2nd Battalion      Elite      Reliable   Cyrton
   (CO: Brigadier Elisa Markham)
   3rd Battalion       Veteran   Fanatical   Badlands
   (CO: Brigadier Lester Doohan)
   7th Air Division      Green   Fanatical   Badlands/             (CO: Air Master SG Frank Cooper)      Cyrton
   42nd Armored Recon   Green   Reliable   Althea’s Choice/
   (CO: Brigadier Cody Nixon)         Cyrton
   12 Pleiades Infantry   Regular   Fanatical   Althea’s Choice/
   (CO: Brigadier Edward Jenkins)         Cyrton      

Chief Joseph’s Brigade
(CO: Colonel Xian Zho
   1st Battalion      Regular   Reliable   Organo
   (CO: Brigadier Daniel Wakefield)
   2nd Battalion      Regular   Questionable  Norman’s World
   (CO: Brigadier Kim Gellman)
   3rd Battalion       Green   Reliable   Celentaro
   (CO: Brigadier Michael Phelps)
   1st Air Wing      Regular   Reliable   Organo
   (CO: Air Master JG Ryan Anderson)
   655th Heavy Armor   Regular   Reliable   Organo/Celentaro/
   (CO: Colonel Melissa Cunningham)      Norman’s World
   875th Mechanized   Regular   Reliable   Organo/Celentaro/
   (CO: Colonel Jeffrey Fredericks)         Norman’s World


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2010, 08:34:53 AM »

Concordat Navy
One of the greatest secrets of the Taurian Concordat following the War of Star League Aggression was that the Concordat Navy was not wiped out during the conflict.  While most of the Taurian Fleet was destroyed by the Star League forces, a few ships were able to escape and were hidden away in the Badlands Cluster for future use.  The ships were carefully mothballed to ensure that they would be ready when the time came.  The ships were reactivated at the start of the Uprisings, but due to the amount of work required to take them out of mothballs, they were not ready for active duty until after the start of the Amaris Crisis. 

The Concordat Navy currently operates a total of 8 Warships, 48 jumpships and 146 dropships.  These ships are split into 4 fleets which are deployed as the first line of defense for the Concordat.   The Concordat Navy is also responsible for providing transport to the Concordat Army for raids and planetary assaults.  All other transportation requirements of the TDF, including follow up troops for invasions and routine supply and unit transfers are handled by the fleets of the Transport & Service Division.

The ships of the Concordat Navy have come from a variety of sources.  The warships were mothballed and hidden away after the War of Star League Aggression and only returned to service during the Amaris Coup.  Many of the transports and assault ships which make up the fleet were acquired in the years before the Uprisings to  support the TDF’s secret Mech Divisions and were later incorporated into the TDF.  Most of the remaining ships were either assigned to Star League units that chose to defect to the Concordat during the Uprisings or were former SLDF vessels that were damaged during the Uprisings and were later repaired and returned to active service by the TDF.

Taurian Naval Deployment

1st Fleet
Commander: Admiral Frank Jamison
Aide: Commodore Rebecca Doud
TCW Lexington- Lexington Class Strike Carrier
TCW Pinard- Vincent (Taurian) Class Destroyer
3 Star Lord Class Jumpships
3 Venture Class Jumpships
3 Invader Class Jumpships
2 Vanguard Class Jumpships
8 Privateer Assault Ships
1 Achilles Assault Ship
3 Overlord Mech Transports
9 Unions  Mech Transports
4 Leopard Mech Transports
2 Triumph Armor Transports
2 Purveyor Cargo Ships
3 Danais -Trojan Cargo Ships
4 Bastion Troop Transports
1 Fortress Assault Ship

The 1st Fleet is the pride of the Concordat Navy.  The 1st is the most versatile of the TDF’s fleets and is capable of carrying out any type of mission, from reconnaissance operations to planetary assault landings.   The flagship of the 1st Fleet is the TCW Lexington, the famed raider from the War of Star League Aggression. The TCW Pinard serves as an escort for the Lexington.  Supporting the 2 warships is a squadron of assault ships. While several of the assault ships are permanently stationed in the Hyades Cluster to defend Taurus against raiders, most of the ships are deployed as escorts for the Lexington and the troop transports of the 1st Fleet. The 1st Fleet has the ability to transport 2 regiments of mechs and several regiments of conventional troops in a single lift, allowing the fleet to support simultaneous planetary assault operations. 

2nd Fleet
Commander: Admiral Kelly Nakamura
Aide: Commodore Quentin Sprague
TCW Concordia- Winchester (Refit) Class Cruiser
TCW Resolute- Dart (Refit) Class Light Cruiser
2 Star Lord Class Jumpships
2 Venture Class Jumpships
2 Invader Class Jumpships
3 Vanguard Class Jumpships
2 Trader Class Jumpships
1 Merchant Class Jumpship
1 Achilles Assault Ship
10 Privateer Assault Ships
6 Union Mech Transports
4 Leopard Mech Transports
2 Gazelle Armor Transports
2 Fury Troop Transports
4 Intruder Assault Ships
3 Triumph Armor Transports
3 Danais Cargo Ships
3 Danais -Trojan Cargo Ships
2 Mule Cargo ships
1 Leopard CV Carrier

The 2nd Fleet is the Concordat Navy’s heavy assault force.  The flagship is the TCW Concordia, the last surviving Winchester Class Cruiser. It is supported by the TCW Resolute, a Dart class Light Cruiser. The warships are escorted by a large  number of assault ships, including Privateers, Intruders and an Achilles. As part of it’s assault role, the 2nd Fleet deploys several companies of Marines capable of conducting boarding operations against enemy ships.

Unlike the 1st Fleet, the 2nd does not have a large number of troop transports.  In it’s role as a heavy assault force, the 2nd specializes in 
landing troops in heavily contested landing zones. 

3rd Fleet
Commander: Admiral Irene Thompkins
Aide: Commodore Paul Jacoby
TCW Vengeance- Lola II Class Destroyer
TCW Tiger- Bulldog Class Corvette
TCW Firefly- Bulldog Class Corvette
2 Star Lord Class Jumpships
3 Invader Class Jumpships
3 Vanguard Class Jumpships
3 Trader Class Jumpships
1 Scout Class Jumpship
6 Privateer Assault Ships
1 Overlord Mech Transport
5 Union Mech Transports
4 Leopard Mech Transports
3 Purveyor Cargo Ships
1 Bastion Troop Transport
2 Gazelle Armor Transports
3 Triumph Armor Transports
1 Fury Troop Transport
1 Leopard CV Carrier
2 Danais Cargo Ships

The 3rd Fleet is a general purpose force.  The flagship of the fleet is the TCW Vengeance, the only Lola II Destroyer to have survived the Uprisings. The Vengeance is escorted by the TCW Tiger and TCW Firefly, Bulldog class corvettes.  The 3rd Fleet also deploys 6 Privateer assault ships as escorts. Lacking the heavy punch of the 2nd fleet, the 3rd Fleet is highly skilled in hit and run tactics. The 3rd Fleet operates a small fleet of troop transports capable of carrying a mech regiment and it’s supporting forces.

4th Fleet
Commander: Admiral Wendy Anderson
Aide: Commodore Theodore Kingsly
TCW Dagger- Pinto Class Corvette
TCS Buccaneer- Bounty Class Jumpship
TCS Ghost- Bounty Class Jumpship
2 Tramp Class Jumpships
2 Venture Class Jumpship
1 Trader Class Jumpships
3 Invader Class Jumpships
2 Merchant Class Jumpships
2 Scout Class Jumpships
1 Explorer Class Jumpship
6 Doppelganger Raiders
4 Privateer Assault Ships
1 Overlord Mech Transport
8 Union Mech Transports
3 Leopard Mech Transports
2 Triumph Armor Transports
2 Buccaneer Cargo Ships
2 Intruder Assault Ships
2 Fury Troop Carriers
4 Danais -Trojan Cargo Ships
1 Black Ball Cargo Ship
1 Mammoth Cargo Ship
1 Purveyor Cargo Ship

Unlike the other fleets in the Concordat Navy, the 4th Fleet rarely operates as a single unit but is instead usually deployed as 3 independent squadrons. The 1st Squadron lays claims to the traditions of Special Warfare Squadron 7 and the Taurian convoy raiders from the War of Star League Aggression.  The flagship of the fleet is the last surviving Pinto Class Corvette, the TCW Dagger. The high thrust capability of the Pinto allows it to hit convoys and escape before the defending ships can return fire.  The 1st Squadron also deploys the only 2 known surviving Bounty Class Jumpships.  Nearly indistinguishable from the Trader Jumpships on which they were based, the Bounty can be used to sneak behind enemy lines and attack enemy shipping.  The Bounties are supported by the last surviving Doppelganger class raiders.  To supplement the Doppelgangers, the demi-squadron also deploys 4 Danais class dropships which have been converted into assault ships. Boarding operations are conducted by several companies of Marines which are permanently assigned to the squadron. These troops are carried by the Squadron’s Intruders and Furys, with interstellar transport provided by two Venture class jumpships. 

The 2nd Squadron is permanently assigned as the transport for the Red Chasseurs.  To fulfill this role, the squadron operates 1 Overlord, 8 Union, 3 Leopard and 2 Triumph dropships. Interstellar transport is provided by 3 Invader, 1 Tramp and 2 Scout class jumpships.  The jumpship navigators assigned to the 2nd Squadron are among the best in the Taurian Concordat and are all experts in plotting jumps to pirate pirates, reducing the time it takes to for the Red Chasseurs to reach their destination.

The 3rd Squadron is a general purpose transport group.  Interstellar transport is provided by  1 Tramp, 1 Trader, 2 Merchant and 1 Explorer Class jumpship.  Interplanetary transport is provided by 2 Buccaneers, a Black Ball, a Mammoth and a Purveyor class dropships.  4 Privateer Assault ships provide protection to the transports.  Better guarded then the convoys deployed by the Transport and Service Division of the TDF, the 3rd is used to transport cargos into and out of high risk areas.

Taurian Reserve Fleet
Most of the surviving Taurian warships have been deployed as part of the active fleet.  However, the Concordat does maintain a small number of ships in the Taurian Reserve Fleet. These vessels are currently stored at the Norfolk Shipyard in the Badlands Cluster. 

The Taurian Reserve Fleet current has the following ships:
TCW Vandenberg- The Vandenberg is a Vincent (Taurian) Class destroyer which was badly damaged during the War of Star League Aggression. While the ship is not beyond repair, it would be prohibitively expensive to return the ship to operational status at this time. The ship is currently being used as a parts hulk to support the other ships in the Concordat Navy although it is one day hoped to return the Vandenberg to active service.

TCS Pathfinder- The Pathfinder is the last surviving Trailblazer class Explorer ship.  During the last days of the War of Star League Aggression the Pathfinder was searching for a new Taurian home world where the Taurian people could escape to and be free of the hated Star League. Unfortunately the SLDF managed to surround the Hyades Cluster before a suitable world could be located. The Pathfinder was then put into mothballs and stored for future use. With all new colonization and exploration efforts currently suspended, the Pathfinder has been left in mothballs.

TCW Deception- The TCW Deception is the last known survivor of the Federated Sun’s Triad class cruisers. The ship, formerly the FSS Baxley,  was one of 5 captured during Case Amber.  Considered a poor design by the Concordat Navy, the Triads were left orbiting Taurus for several years.  With the success of the Taurian Convoy raiders it was proposed that the Triads be refit for duty with Special Warfare Squadron 7.  Only 3 of the ships were rebuilt, the other 2 were scraped for parts.  The Deception was assigned to raid SLDF and AFFS convoys operating between New Syrtis and Panpour, where she managed to destroy numerous transports and force the SLDF to assign a large number of ships to defend it’s rear areas from the raiders. In 2594, the SLDF claimed to have destroyed the Deception while it was operating in the Bromhead system.  In actuality, the Deception managed a narrow escape from the SLDF forces in the system. However, the ship was badly damaged and forced to return to the Badlands Cluster for repairs.  The repairs had almost been completed when the Concordat surrendered.  The ship was then hidden away where the SLDF would not find it. The Deception has not been reactivated and most likely will remain in the reserve fleet for the foreseeable future. The age of the ship has made maintenance and replacement of damaged systems, especially the Davion manufactured engines, extremely difficult. The Deception would need a total overhaul and replacement of the engines before it would ready for operational use.  Currently such an overhaul is beyond the capabilities of the Concordat’s remaining shipyards.

Norfolk Shipyard
The Norfolk Shipyard is the Concordat’s last remaining military dry dock complex.  Hidden deep in the Badlands Cluster, the route to the facility is known only to a handful of Taurian navigators.  During the War of Star League Aggression, the shipyard was vital to the operations of the Concordat Navy, providing a safe haven for the fleet to conduct repair and resupply operations.  Following the end of the war, the shipyard, which was never located by the SLDF, was used to hide the few surviving Taurian warships.  As part of the preparations for the Uprisings the shipyard was reactivated and returned to service supporting the rebuilt Concordat Navy.  Since that time it has become the premier shipyard in the Concordat, serving as the primary overhaul and repair facility for Taurian warships and naval Jumpships.  While the base is equipped to handle just about any repair that a ship may need, it lacks the ability to construct new vessels. 

Aerospace Arm
The Aerospace Arm of the TDF is the weakest of the three combat branches.  During the Uprisings, the Taurian aerospace force suffered severe losses, including large numbers of it’s pilots.  As a result the Aerospace Arm has been spread thin trying to fulfill the missions assigned to it .  Further complicating the situation is that with so few surviving pilots, the Aerospace Arm simply can not spare many of it’s veterans to train the next generation of pilots. As a result the graduating classes from the Concordat Aerospace Flight School are barely adequate to keep the Aerospace Arm at it’s current size.

The need for more aerospace pilots combined with the lack of instructors has led to severe deficiencies in the Aerospace Arm, most notably in the area of air to air combat.  As very few pilots are skilled in this area, most of a recruit’s training focuses on providing close air support for the Concordat Army.  Most of the pilots with air combat experience can either be found stationed on the TCW Lexington, TCW Tiger or TCW Firefly or serving as instructors at the Concordat Aerospace Flight School on Samantha.

Currently the Aerospace Arm can deploy the equivalent of 15 Air Divisions.   Four Air Divisions worth of fighters are permanently assigned to support the TDF’s Battlemech Corps.  The bulk of the Aerospace Arm, 8 Air Divisions are assigned to the Navy’s Warships.  Even so most ships lack a full complement of fighters.  The remaining 3 Air Divisions are split into individual wings and assigned to defend key worlds in the Concordat.   
The Aerospace Arm is composed mainly of light aerospace fighters, such as the Sabre and Seydlitz.  This proved problematic during the Uprisings, as the light fighters were easily destroyed and many of the pilots were killed.  In an effort to better protect it’s valuable pilots, the Aerospace Arm has begun favoring the use of medium and heavy fighters, which offer better protection and improved survivability. 
Special Forces
Taurian Marine Corps
The TDF, with it’s traditional view of the Navy as the Concordat’s first line of defense, has always maintained a strong Marine force.  Taurian Marines are an all volunteer force trained in zero-g combat and ship boarding operations.  The Marine Corps is divided into 3 sections. 

The Fleet Marine Force (FMF) is deployed on board the ships of the Concordat Navy in platoon and company sized detachments.  These troops are primarily tasked with defending Taurian ships against enemy boarders. They are also used as assault troops to board and capture enemy ships and naval facilities.  The FMF also fills a variety of other roles, including protecting shore parties and serving as part of their ship’s damage control teams. 

The Marine Defense Force (MDF) is assigned to guard Taurian Naval bases and shipyards.  The MDF is composed of Zero-G trained infantry supported by AAA Battalions. The AAA battalions are equipped with a variety of portable laser and missile batteries which can be  mounted on the stations to supplement their existing fighter defenses.

The Special Asteroid Support Force (SASF) is an elite force of 5000 Marines trained in Zero-G combat.  These troops are assigned to defensive platforms that are placed throughout the asteroid field of the Hyades Cluster.  The SASF provides a formidable defensive capability for the cluster. During the War of Star League Aggression, the SASF managed to hold off the Star League invaders for 6 years.  The current SASF is an all volunteer force made up of highly motivated individuals.  The troops of the SASF are well aware of the history of their unit and the important role they play in the defense of the Cluster and are considered some of the most fanatical soldiers in the TDF. .

Noble Family Regiments
The Noble Family regiments are the backbone of the Taurian Reserves.  One of the obligations of the Taurian aristocracy is to provide for the defense of their subjects.  Every noble is required to raise troops to defend their world in the event of an invasion.  These units vary widely in size, on many outlying colonies the noble forces may consist of a single  infantry battalion with some armor support, while on more developed worlds there may be several brigades of armor and infantry regiments.  Most of these units are composed of Taurian citizens who have completed their tour of duty in the TDF.  The Noble Family Regiments are generally staffed by a cadre of full time officers and NCOs with most of the enlisted posts being filled by “weekend warriors” who receive refresher training several times a year. The Noble Family Regiments regularly practice mobilization exercises and can be ready for action within 24 hours.  By law the Noble Family Regiments can not be deployed off of their home world.  In the event of an invasion these troops would be mobilized and used to supplement the TDF line units on the planet.  In many cases the Noble Family Regiments would be used in rear areas, in order to free up the TDF units for front line duty.

29th Brisbane Planetary Marines
The 29th Brisbane Planetary Marines were formed from the SLDF’s 29th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment. When the Uprisings broke out, the 29th was quickly transferred to the water-rich world of Brisbane in an effort to deal with the Taurian freedom fighters on the planet.  As the majority of the land on Brisbane is comprised of small scattered land masses, the local freedom fighters took advantage of this by developing a fleet of wet naval warships based on the commercial vessels used by the local fishing industries.  They used these ships to strike at the SLDF troops and then escape out of their reach.  The Star League forces were ill-equipped to deal with these attacks and the local fighters scored several notable victories against the SLDF troops. When the 29th arrived on planet the on-planet SLDF commander ordered the 29th to attack and destroy the main Taurian base on the Killian Islands, a small group of islands that were over 6000kms from the nearest land mass. These islands were fairly small and had a very strong air defense network which prevented the SLDF from landing troops. The SLDF commander, frustrated by his failures against the Resistance, ordered the 29th to bombard the islands and completely level them.  The islands had a large civilian population of over 100,000 people and the 29th refused to commit such an atrocity. The soldiers of the 29th were appalled that an SLDF officer would even consider ordering an attack against innocent civilians.  Seeing that they were on the wrong side, the 29th decided to join the Taurian forces on the Killian Islands. The 29th helped fight against the SLDF forces until the SLDF troops were withdrawn in 2767.

After the uprisings the 29th Royal CAAN permanently joined the TDF.
With few planets in the Concordat having the need for a wet navy, it was decided that the 29th could be best utilized on Brisbane.  The 29th, now known as the 29th Brisbane Planetary Marines. is now part of the TDF’s garrison for Brisbane. 

With the 29th’s unique status in the TDF, it retains the same organization it had as part of the SLDF, rather the following standard TDF organizational structures. The Marines deploy several capital class naval ships, mostly destroyers and landing ships that they had from their SLDF days, as well as a number of smaller patrol ships, hydrofoils and submarines.  These ships are used to maintain control the seas, support amphibious landings and conduct shore bombardment.  The amphibious assault troops consist of a Battlemech battalion, an amtank battalion composed of hover tanks, a heavy tracked tank battalion all modified to be able to mount wading gear if needed and 2 battalions of jump infantry, one equipped with VTOL transport and the other with hover APCs. Air support is provided by a wing of Aerospace fighters.

Concordat Constabulary
The Concordat Constabulary is a paramilitary force that is responsible for maintaining order on the worlds of the Taurian Concordat. Part of the Ministry of Interior, the Constabulary fulfills a number of different roles.  They are best known for their operations as a national police and investigative force that is used to supplement local police forces as well as  handling interplanetary investigations.  One important aspect of this roles is conducting internal intelligence gathering and mole hunting operations. As the Constabulary is only chartered to handle these types of operations within Concordat space, foreign intelligence operations are the responsibility of the Ministry of the Intelligence.  Because of the potential for overlap in their missions the Constabulary and the Ministry of Intelligence maintain close ties.  The two agencies also share training facilities and procedural methods.  As the members of the Constabulary and the Ministry of Intelligence realize the importance of their work in making the Concordat safe for it’s citizens, they have managed to put aside any differences and work together.

The Constabulary is also responsible for developing civil defense plans and preparations.   In the event of a war the Constabulary forces would be mobilized and attached to the local planetary garrisons, providing an extra 2 to 6 battalions of troops.  Typically these troops would be assigned to provide rear area security, freeing more line troops for deployment to the front.  The Constabulary’s infantry troops are supplemented by 1 or 2 companies of light armor.  The Constabulary also maintains an engineering company on every planet in the Concordat.  The engineering companies are responsible for building and maintaining planetary fortifications and defenses.



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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2010, 08:35:29 AM »

Weapons Industry
The Taurian Concordat has a very healthy weapons industry.  In the years before the fall of the Star League, many foreign firms opened factories in the Concordat to take advantage of the low labor costs.  In addition to these factories, there were a number of factories secretly built by the Taurian government to support the Taurian resistance groups.  These factories were well hidden and operated under the noses of the Star League occupation forces.  Finally in the last years of the Star League a number of weapons factories were secretly built in the deep periphery.  The output of these factories was used to equip the divisions which fought in the Uprisings. 

The fierce fighting during the Uprising destroyed many of these facilities.  Due to the need to rebuild and supply the TDF a great deal of effort has been expended to rebuild the surviving facilities and establish new ones. The reconstruction efforts have salvaged a number of the secret factories that were located in the deep periphery and used the materials to repair and expand factories located in Concordat space.

Taurus Territorial Industries
Plant Location: Taurus
Wasp Light Mech
Locust Light Mech
Thunderbolt Heavy Mech
Warhammer Heavy mech
Marauder Heavy Mech
Lightning Aerospace Fighter
Thunderbird Aerospace Fighter
Leopard Dropships
Fusion Engines
Small Arms

Plant Location: Sterope
Seydlitz Aerospace Fighter
Bat Hawk Heavy Strike Fighter
Tracked APC
Hunter Support Tank
Union Dropship
Danais Dropships
antipersonnel Mines
Static Gun Emplacements

Taurus Territorial Industries is the newest weapons manufacturer in the Concordat, having been founded in the wake of the Uprisings. Sponsored by the Taurian government, TTI was created using equipment that was salvaged from the secret weapons factories located in the Deep Periphery.  Despite being the newest weapon’s manufacturer in the Concordat, TTI has taken a place of prominence as the Concordat’s largest weapons manufacturer.  The Taurus facility produces a number of battlemech designs and several aerospace fighters as well as a variety of small arms for the infantry.  The Taurus plant also produces Leopard class Dropships for the Navy.  Recently the company acquired the small Vlar fusion engine factory which is located on Taurus. Cut off from it’s inner sphere headquarters, the Vlar factory had been struggling under inefficient management. These struggles had a severe impact on TTI’s battlemech production as many of their design’s use Vlar’s fusion engines.  Since TTI acquired the company, Vlar’s production has increased by 50%.

In addition to their primary factory on Taurus, TTI has taken over several manufacturers on Sterope.  Territorial Defense Industries (TDI) was a small company that manufactured aerospace and conventional fighters for planetary militias in the Concordat and Federated Suns.  Their main products were the Seydlitz aerospace fighter which was licensed from the Shipil Company in the Lyran Commonwealth as was the Bat Hawk Heavy Strike Fighter which is a licensed variant of Jalastar Aerospaces’s Meteor Heavy Strike Fighter.  After the Coup, TDI found itself in financial trouble as the collapse of the Star League resulted in a number of contract defaults by the company’s customers. Rather then allow TDI to go under, the Taurian government took over the company and turned over the day to day operation of the factory to TTI.  Looking to expand their operations on Sterope, TTI then acquired Gottherd Industries, a small vehicle and ordnance manufacturer.  TTI’s most recent acquisition is Concordat Shipyards.  Prior to the Uprisings, the company manufactured the Danais dropship for local merchants and also secretly built the Danais Trojan model for the Taurian government and resistance groups.  After the company was acquired by TTI the yard began producing the Union class dropship for the Concordat Navy. 

Vandenberg Mechanized Industries
Plant Location: New Vandenberg
Toro Light Mech
Archer Heavy Mech
Marauder Heavy Mech
Chippewa Aerospace Fighter
Hunter Support Tank

Plant Location: Illiushin
Toro Light Mech
Commando Light Mech
Griffin Medium Mech
TIG-15 Tigress Close Patrol Craft
Danais Dropship
Union Dropship (Line under construction)
Small Arms and Jump Packs

Plant Location: Pinard
Thunderbolt Heavy Mech
Warhammer Heavy Mech
SRM Carrier
Artillery Pieces & Munitions

Vandenberg Mechanized Industries was formed shortly after the Uprisings from seven smaller firms which had operated secretly during the Star League occupation of the Concordat.  Several of these firms had maintained civilian factories to provide a cover for their weapon production lines, while others operated in complete secrecy.  After the Uprisings, the firms merged and formed Vandenberg Mechanized Industries. By joining into a single firm the companies were able to pool their limited capital and resources, making the company more financially sound. Currently the company operates factories on 3 worlds.

The main factory and corporate headquarters are located on New Vandenberg.  The New Vandenberg complex is currently being expanded using equipment salvaged from the secret periphery weapons factories.  The expansion is proceeding slowly due to the current situation, but when completed, the output of the factory should increase by a third. As part of the expansion program, the company has recently retooled the Stinger line to manufacture the famed Toro.  While some have questioned the wisdom in expending so many scarce resources to redevelop the Toro, many in the TDF see it as a matter of pride and new Toro is in great demand with Mechwarriors.  Seeking to expand into other areas of weapons manufacture, the company acquired a license for the Hunter Support Tank from TTI and also began production of the Chippewa Aerospace fighter.  The company has been reluctant to say how it acquired the plans for the Chippewa, but rumors suggest that the company somehow managed to steal the plans from Bowie Industries.

The VMI factory on Illiushin is fairly small compared to the New Vandenberg complex. Once a heavily industrialized world, and home to one of the main warship yards in the Concordat, the planet’s industrial capability was badly damaged during the War of Star League Aggression.  During the Occupation, the Star League made some efforts to rebuild the destroyed factories on Illiushin. However, much of the equipment was secretly rerouted to caves located in the Pemberton Mountains and used to establish covert weapons factories for the Resistance. Many of these caves had originally been used as bases for the TDF forces during the war and, having never been discovered by the SLDF, they were the ideal location for a hidden factory.  The Illiushin factory was one of the main suppliers of weapons for the Taurian Freedom Army and other resistance groups.  During the Occupation, their main products were small arms, jump packs and small hover tanks.  After the Uprisings the factory upgraded it’s hover tank line to produce Battlemechs. It is unclear how the company acquired the plans for the Commando, but as with the Chippewa, rumors point to a spy ring operating in the Lyran Commonwealth. The Stinger production line, which began operation in 2769, has, recently been retooled to build the Toro.  The Illiushin factory also continues to be a major manufacturer of small arms and jump packs for the TDF’s Infantry Corps.  VMI also operates a small shipyard in the system.   After the War of Star League Aggression, the ruined remains of the Illiushin shipyards were dismantled by the Star League.  In their place, the Star League established a small dropship facility, which built cargo haulers for the Concordat’s shipping companies, and a jumpship maintenance yard. In the 2720s, the Illiushin Shipyards, which later became part of VMI, began production of the Danais class cargo ships.  The company also was the first to build the Trojan model for use by the resistance.  Recently the company has begun to expand it’s production capability by building a new assembly line for the Union class dropship.  The company has also recently introduced the TIG-15 Tigress Close Patrol Craft for service with the Concordat Navy as an escort for the Concordat’s dropships and warships.

The Pinard factory is a small but highly efficient plant.  The War of Star League Aggression saw heavy fighting on Pinard and the planet’s industries suffered heavy damage.  Rebuilt by the Star League after the end of the war, Pinard is home to many modern and highly automated factories.  In the last years of the occupation several of these factories were secretly converted to the production of Battlemechs and tanks for the resistance. The Taurian Velites made use of these facilities during the Uprisings, drawing new mechs and other replacement equipment directly from the factory lines to make good their losses. While most of the factories were destroyed during the fighting, several have been rebuilt and put back into operation supplying weapons to the TDF.

Jefferson Mechworks
Plant Location: MacLeod’s Land
Construction Mechs
Locust Light Mech
Stinger Light Mech

Jefferson Mechworks is the largest producer of agromechs and construction Mechs in the Concordat.  During the years of the Occupation, the Workmechs produced by Jefferson were vital to the successful colonization of many new worlds across the Periphery.  The company has long maintained good relations with the Taurian government.  The current CEO, Martin Jefferson, has shown that he is a true Taurian patriot.  During the Uprisings he converted his factories to produce desperately needed replacement parts for the TDF’s mech divisions.  As a result the SLDF attacked many of the company’s factories in an effort to cut off the TDF’s supply sources.   After the SLDF left the Concordat, the company salvaged what it could from the ruins of it’s factories and used that material to rebuild the factory on MacLeod’s Land.  Martin Jefferson also personally funded the conversion of several of the production lines from the production of Workmechs to Battlemechs for the TDF. The small size of the factory has limited it to the production of mechs massing 25 tons or less. 

Concordat MetalWorks
Plant Location: Perdition
Heavy Constructionmechs
Wasp Light Mech
Thunderbird Aerospace Fighter

Concordat MetalWorks was one of the original manufacturers of heavy workmechs in the Concordat.  Founded in the early 26th Century, the company was a major supplier of workmechs for the mining and construction industries. During the Occupation, the company’s factories were rebuilt with Star League aid and they continued to supply workmechs in large numbers to the Concordat as well as the nearby worlds of the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation. Despite the large increase in revenue due to the opening of new markets in the Suns and Confederation, the directors of the company supported independence from the Star League.  In the years before the Uprisings, the company was secretly contacted by the Taurian government about it’s willingness to provide weapons for the reconstituted TDF.  Despite the risk of what might have happened if they were discovered, an assembly line was converted to the production of Wasp battlemechs.  After the fall of the Star League, the company found itself with significant excess capacity due to the loss of markets in the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation.  With the company’s major customer, Taurus Majoris Mining cutting back operations and consequently it’s purchases of new equipment,  Concordat Metalworks forecasted that there was no hope that local markets could make up for the loss of it’s export trade.  The one area that was seen to be growing in the Taurian economy was the armaments industry, where the TDF and local forces were purchasing every weapon they could get their hands on.  Rather then adding additional battlemech assembly lines, the company realized there was a very lucrative market for heavy aerospace fighters.  The company quickly acquired the plans for the Thunderbird from TTI and converted one of their workmech lines to the production of the fighter. While there were some early problems getting the line up and running, the company has solved those problems and is producing the Thunderbird in quantity for the TDF.

Alphard Trading Corp
Plant Location: Perdition
J. Edgar Light Tank
Whirlwind IFV
Harrier Hover Tank

Alphard Trading Corp was once one of the industrial giants of the Periphery. With facilities throughout the Periphery, the company was a major supplier of manufactured goods for all of the Periphery states.  They were also supporters of Stefan Amaris and at his urging provided equipment to the Periphery rebels. In 2732 ATC shutdown it’s vehicle division due to declining sales.  The division’s Perdition factory was retooled to manufacture consumer products.  However the factory continued to secretly produce the J. Edgar Light Tank for the Periphery rebels. The Whirlwind and Harrier were put into production in the 2750’s after ATC acquired the plans for the designs from Red Devil Industries. While ATC was not officially building armored vehicles at the time, the plans were offically resold for a significant profit to a number of companies across the Inner Sphere and secretly put into production on Perdition.   While most of ATC’s factories were destroyed by the SLDF, the Perdition factory survived with only minimal damage.  Recently the company has looked into producing a new hover tank for the TDF.

Plant Location: Organo
Sabre Aerospace Fighter

Raimei is a Combine company which has factories located in every Great House and several periphery nations.  Since the fall of the Star League and the collapse of the HPG network, the Organo plant has been operating semi-independently under the direction of the local plant manager. Despite it’s small size the Sabre has become popular with planetary defense squadrons and the Concordat has ordered large numbers of the fighter for the Aerospace Arm.

Plant Location: Perdition
Fusion Engines

Leneex is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Alphard Trading Corp.  The company is a major manufacturer of fusion engines for light mechs and vehicles.  With the loss of trade between the Concordat and the Inner Sphere the company has found itself with significant excess capacity.  Company officials have been working with other Concordat manufacturers to develop new designs which can utilize these engines.

Battlemech Factory #225
Plant Location: Girondas
Wasp Light Mech
Dervish Medium Mech

In the years before the Uprisings a large number of weapons factories were secretly established in the Periphery. These factories supplied the weapons that equipped the Mech divisions which fought the SLDF during the Uprisings.  Many of these factories were located in remote systems in order to hide them from the eyes of the Star League.  Despite this, the SLDF managed to locate many of these worlds and destroy the factories before General Kerensky declared a cease fire in 2767. Since that time,  the Concordat has relocated the equipment that could be salvaged from the factories near the Concordat to core worlds like Taurus, New Vandenberg and Pinard, where they are easier to defend and supply.  The sole exception is Battlemech Factory #225, located on the planet Girondas, near the New Vandenberg system.  The Girondas system has several planets rich in the raw materials needed to build battlemechs.  However the system is filled with many asteroids and debris fields making travel extremely dangerous.  Despite the hazards, the world was colonized by the Concordat during the Star League era.  Recognizing the value of the ores located in the system, the Concordat established massive mining operations on several planets and in the systems asteroid belts.  When the secret weapons factories were being set up in the late 2750s, Girondas was an obvious location for one of these factories.   The availability of the raw materials need to manufacture mechs made it easy to supply the facility, while all the shipping activity in the system made it easy to hide the shipments.  As a result, Battlemech Factory #225 is completely self-sufficient and requires no shipments of materials or components from other systems.  For this reasons it was decided to keep the factory on Girondas, rather then relocate it.  The factory currently produces Wasps and Dervishes which are based on stolen plans from the Archernar Battlemech Factory which were provided by Amaris.

Taurus Shipyards
Plant Location: Hyades Cluster
Jumpship components
Invader Jumpships (Line under construction)

The Taurus Shipyards are currently under construction in the Hyades Cluster.  During the War of Star League Aggression all of the Taurian shipyards outside of the Hyades Cluster were either destroyed or captured by foreign powers.  After the war, the massive shipyards in the Hyades Cluster were mostly dismantled by the Star League occupation forces, all that remained was a small yard capable of performing ship repairs and overhauls. During the years of the Star League occupation, several efforts were made by the Taurian government to covertly build new shipyards and acquire warships with which to fight the Star League. Most of these efforts failed, one of the most notable failures was the attempt to capture 3 new Emerald Battlecruisers from Qinghai Shipbuilding  in the Pleiades Cluster.  The shipyards were secretly funded in part by the Taurian government and many of the Qinghai employees were natives of the Cluster with sympathies for the Taurian Concordat.  These employees willingly aided the Concordat’s unsuccessful effort to capture the Emerald Battlecruisers in 2763.  As a result of this action, the production of the Emerald class was relocated to other shipyards in the Federated Suns Qinghai’s yard at Electra was reduced to performing repair and maintenance work.   

When war broke out in 2786, the Taurian government offered to provide sanctuary to any employees of Qinghai seeking to avoid the devastation of the Succession War.  Somewhat surprisingly many chose to accept the Concordat’s offer.  Working under the noses of Federation officials, the Concordat government managed to sneak out the personnel and some of the valuable manufacturing equipment located at the Electra Yard.  Before the Federation found out what was happening and put a stop to the operation, the Concordat was able to remove enough equipment to begin upgrading the Taurus Shipyards to manufacture new jumpships. However, even with the equipment from Qinghai, progress has been slow. There have been numerous set backs to the project as resources have dried up and unexpected problems have arisen. Even so work has continued on the project and the Taurian government has no intention of halting the construction of the yard, despite the delays and cost overruns.

The Taurus Shipyards will be used to construct new jumpships, as well as continuing to provide dry dock facilities for repairs and overhauls.  Currently it is expected that  the shipyard will begin producing Invader class jumpships within the next 5 years if all goes according to the latest plan.  The design team has already started working on a new design, the Concordat Class which is tailored to meet the specific needs of the Concordat.  The design team hopes to have a prototype ready for trials within 10 years and full production within 20 years.  Future plans call for expanding the shipyards so that they can build compact cores for Warships.

Plant Location: Taurus
Fusion Engines
Dropship Engines

Magna was one of the many companies that set up factories in the Concordat after the War of Star League Aggression in order to take advantage of the cheap labor rates in the Periphery.  The factory originally produced fusion engines for a variety of applications and later expanded into the production of weapons. Shortly before the start of the Uprisings, the plant was expanded again and began producing dropship engines.  The Taurus Dropship Engine Facility experimented with a new production model where the drives would be built at one location and then distributed to shipyards throughout the Concordat, Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation for assembly into ships.  The goal was to significantly reduce the cost of the drives by mass producing them at one site.  While this was proving successful at reducing engine costs, the concept was never applied anywhere else in human space due to the fall of the Star League.  The Concordat continues to distribute the dropship engines to shipyards in the Taurus, Illiusin and Sterope systems .  Taurian engineers are also looking at using the dropship engines produced by Magna to power an upgraded model of the Privateer Assault ship.

Sterope Defense Industries
Plant Location: Sterope

Sterope Defense Industries was originally a small company that supplied tank and battlemech weapons to local manufacturers and replacement parts for the local SLDF garrisons. As one of the few weapons manufacturers in the Concordat that was operating under Taurian control, the facility was very closely watched by the Star League and much to the disappointment of it’s employees played no role in the Uprisings. .  Since the fall of the Star League the SDI plant has dramatically increased it’s production rates and has begun supplying weapons to weapons manufacturers throughout the Concordat.

Paulina Weapons
Plant Location: New Vandenberg   
Cyrano Gunship

Paulina Weapons of Tigress opened their New Vandenberg facility after the War of Star League Aggression to take advantage of the cheap labor in the Concordat.  This large facility employs over 2000 workers and was one of the major suppliers of VTOLs to the SLDF.  Since the fall of the Star League, the company has continued to produce the Cyrano for the TDF and local militias in the Concordat.  Recently the company has been working on developing several new VTOLs for the Concordat.

Plant Location: Pinard
Medium Lasers

Taking advantage of the low labor rates in the Concordat, Martell opened a large factory on Pinard to manufacture lasers for the SLDF. During the Uprisings, the SLDF troops and the Taurian Velites both fought over the Martell factory, with the complex changing hands several times during the campaign,.  As a result the facility was badly damaged during the conflict. After the SLDF troops left in 2767, Taurian engineers were able to restore the production lines for the Martell Medium Laser.  In order to do this they had to cannibalize all of the surviving equipment from the other assembly lines.

Military Training

Every planet in the Concordat maintains a military training facility. These facilities are used to train troops for the Taurian Armor Corps and the Infantry Corps. They also train support troops, including armor technicians, signals personnel and medics.  Advanced military training is carried out at 3 specialized schools, the Taurian Ecole Militaire, the Taurian Naval Institute and the Concordat Aerospace Flight School.  The training provided at the academies is free to the recruits.  Each school can only handle 500 students a year due the limited facilities and faculty.  Competition for positions is very fierce and it is common for “endowments” to be made in order to gain entrance. These endowments are a form of bribery, but the money from these “endowments” are used on the academy programs, rather then lining the pockets of corrupt administrators.

Military Academies
Taurian Ecole Militaire
The Taurian Ecole Militaire specializes in training ground combat officers and technicians. The school currently has programs for armor and infantry officers, mechwarriors and battlemech technicians.  The instructors are all veterans from the TDF and well experienced in their fields.  The Ecole Militaire has a very successful curriculum, despite it’s relative youth. There is a heavy emphasis on the basic training programs and the military history of the TDF.  In addition to it’s standard 4 year programs, the school also offers OCS classes for senior armor and infantry commanders who were originally trained at regional facilities.  The Taurian Ecole Militaire is located on Taurus.

Taurian Naval Institute
The Taurian Naval Institute specializes in training dropship, jumpship and warship crewmen and technicians.  The Naval Institute also has a program to train Marine officers.  As with other the Taurian academies, the school is staffed by TDF veterans.  The Institute’s cirriculum places a heavy emphasis on basic ship handling, gunnery and navigation. The campus is located in orbit over New Vandenberg. 

Concordat Aerospace Flight School.
The Concordat Aerospace Flight School is responsible for training Aerospace fighter pilots and technicians.  The school is current having difficulty finding a sufficient number of flight instructors due to the heavy losses that the Concordat Aerospace forces suffered during the Uprisings. This is further exacerbated by the fact that there is a general shortage in the Concordat of pilots who are skilled in air to air combat tactics.  As a result, the curriculum has focused most of it’s efforts on training cadets in air to ground combat tactics.  While this leaves pilots deficient in air to air combat skill, the senior Aerospace Arm commanders felt it was better to have pilots excel in one area rather then be mediocre in all areas.  It is hoped that as more instructors become available the school will be able to expand it’s programs, especially the air combat training program.  The Aerospace technician program is much better staffed and turns out highly trained technicians for the TDF.  The flight school is located on Samantha.

Ministry of Intelligence
The Ministry of Intelligence is one of the Concordat’s greatest secrets. The Ministry is the successor to the famed Concordat Security Service.  During the War of Star League Aggression, the CSS played a key role, conducting intelligence gathering missions and covert operations against the Star League.  After the war the CSS was disbanded and most of the survivors went underground.  They continued to carry on the fight against the Star League and their descendants would found the Taurian Freedom Army and other resistance organizations. 

After the Uprisings, the Concordat began to rebuild it’s intelligence capabilities.  The surviving members of the TFA were used to form the core of the new agency.  The new Ministry of Intelligence is a secret organization that reports directly to the Protector and the Privy Council.  The Ministry of Intelligence is composed of several branches.  Some what surprisingly most of these branches are officially part of other Ministries in the Taurian government or the TDF.  The Ministry of Intelligence coordinates the actions of these different organizations to ensure that the operations run smoothly.

The Bureau of Analysis is the only branch assigned directly to the Ministry.  The Bureau is responsible for gathering and interpreting intelligence about foreign realms, especially the Federated Suns, Capellan Confederation and Magistracy of Canopus. The bureau has a number of field agents and conducts extensive passive surveillance of other realms, including monitoring media reports and other communications.  Currently, due to the breakdown of communications,  the intelligence gathered by the Bureau is heavily dependent on foreign operatives.  The data gathered in the field is returned to Concordat periodically by merchant jumpships that are secretly operated by the Ministry of Intelligence.

The Diplomatic Corps is modeled on the Lyran Commonwealth’s Diplomatic Corps.  The departments agent’s are deployed as a guards for foreign dignitaries in the Concordat and for Taurian diplomats traveling to other nations. In addition to their roles as guards, the members of the Diplomatic Corps attempt to gather information from the people they are guarding and their contacts. This information is then supplied to the Bureau of Analysis.  The Diplomatic Corps is officially a part of the Taurian Ministry of the Interior.

The Concordat Constabulary is officially part of the Ministry of the Interior but many of it’s operations come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Intelligence. One of the major tasks of the Constabulary is conducting domestic intelligence and counter intelligence operations. The Constabulary has been hindered by efforts to maintain a free and open society in the Concordat. However it was decided that the potential problems caused by foreign agents did not justify violating the civil rights of Taurian citizens.

The TDF’s Propaganda Division is tasked with discrediting rumors from foreign agents.  In order to instill confidence in the information provided by the Propaganda Division, the statements that are issued must be 100% factual.  The Propaganda Division strives to avoid spinning the information they present, as a result many soldiers consider the Propaganda Division statements to be highly reliable.  The Ministry of the Interior maintains a civilian counterpart to the Propaganda division.  The Ministry is working to provide citizens with accurate details about the current situation in the Concordat and the efforts that are underway to resolve the current economic crisis.

The TDF’s Special Task Groups are, contrary to popular belief, not part of the Ministry of Intelligence.  The Special Task Groups are formed from the TDF units on an as needed basis to conduct raids or counterattack against enemy invaders.  The Ministry of Intelligence does not contain any covert operations forces and so it relies on the STGs and other formations to conduct commando missions.  The STGs can consist of a variety of troops from battlemechs to infantry, although most STGs assigned to work with the Ministry are composed of infantry.  While the STGs are under the control of the TDF, the Ministry of Intelligence helps coordinate their operations and if necessary provides special mission training for the STGs. 


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2010, 08:36:16 AM »


The Taurian Concordat has traditionally maintained a laissez-faire approach to the economy. However, the government does retain responsibility for maintaining the stability of the Taurian Monetary system, this is done through institutions such  as the Bank of Taurus, the Concordat Mint and the Taurian Treasury Reserve.   The current situation, however, has forced the government to actively intervene in the economy in an attempt to stave off a total economic collapse.  These efforts have involved a variety of government work programs as well as financial aid to companies struggling in the current crisis. 

The corporations in the Concordat all operate on a profit basis, although the current on going conflict in the Inner Sphere has greatly reduced profits, if it hasn’t completely eliminated them.  Trade between the Concordat and other nations has been greatly disrupted as a result of the fighting.  Recent government imposed restrictions prevent most trade with either the Capellan Confederation or the Federated Suns in an effort to avoid being dragged into the so called Succession War.  In reality there restrictions are a mere formality, with the destruction of so many factories and jumpships in the opening waves of the war there has been little available in the way of trade goods from the Inner Sphere.  With the loss of so many markets in the Inner Sphere there has been significant efforts to maintain trade with both the Magistracy of Canopus and the Outworlds Alliance, but it has proven very difficult.  Trade with the Outworlds Alliance has almost completely disappeared due to the extreme distances between the two states and the difficulty of protecting trade convoys, while trade with the Magistracy of Canopus has been complicated by internal problems in the Magistracy.  The  loss of trade has reduced the amount of venture capital available for investment to the Concordat’s industries. This is greatly hindering the recovery and growth of the Taurian economy.

The other major impact on the Taurian economy is a severe lack of jumpships.  When the SLDF forces left the Concordat after the Uprisings they took with them a significant portion of the jumpships operating in the Concordat. While many of the ships assigned to support the rebel forces managed to avoid being confiscated, almost 65% of the civilian ships in the Concordat  were taken by the SLDF.  While a few have managed to return home since the end of the Coup, most of them were either destroyed in the fighting or taken by Kerensky on his Exodus.  The lack of civilian jumpships has reduced trade between Taurian worlds to the barest trickle of critical goods.  The system has been further strained by the need to evacuate so many unviable worlds.  The Taurian economy will not be able to truly recover until a sufficient number of jumpships are available to support trade and commerce.

Major Corporations

Taurus Majoris Mining
Taurus Majoris Mining is the largest commercial extractor and refiner of ores in the Concordat.  The company has major holdings in the Laconis and Camadeierre systems as well as smaller holdings on many other systems across the Concordat.  In the years before the Uprisings the company secretly converted several facilities on Laconis to manufacture Crystal Steel Armor for the Battlemechs that were being produced in the Deep Periphery.  Following the end of the Uprisings, the company has expanded it’s armor factory and is now the largest supplier of armor plating in the Concordat.

The company currently employs over 1 million people, most of whom work in the extracting and refining areas. During the Star League era the company employed a significant number of interstellar prospectors but with the current unrest in the Concordat and the Inner Sphere, the company has dramatically reduced their prospecting efforts, preferring to focus on exploiting existing ore deposits.  The company’s current prospecting efforts have been limited to further exploration and exploitation of Concordat worlds, rather then searching for new worlds.  As a result most of the company’s 25 dropships are used to haul ore and refined materials from TMM’s mines to the refineries and from there to the company’s customers.  Recently several dropships were lost to raiders near the Badlands Cluster, in response to this TMM has begun hiring mercenaries to guard their vessels.  TMM also currently operates 37 Snowden class mobile mining stations. Many of these are located in the Hyades Clusters, while others can be found in the Badlands Cluster, the Girondas system and the Illiushin system.  The company hopes to resume deep space prospecting within the next decade, once the economic situation in the Concordat has stabilized.

Pinard-Dicolais Electronics
Pinard-Dicolais Electronics is the largest privately owned and operated company in the Concordat.  The company was founded  in 2506 and specialized in producing electronics for the Concordat’s civilian and military markets. During the War of Star League Aggression many of the firm’s holdings were lost when the Federated Suns annexed the worlds of Robsart, Electra and Horsham.  Despite these losses the company is still the largest electronics supplier in the Concordat.  The company’s military electronics factory on Pinard is a major supplier of communication systems, targeting systems and other electronics to the Concordat’s military industries.  The company’s consumer electronics division is headquartered on Landmark also operates factories on Pinard, Samantha, Mithron and Organo. The consumer electronics division produces a variety of personal computers, PDAs, holoplayers, communication systems and game machines.

O/P Computer Electronics
O/P Computer Electronics is a relatively new company that was founded in the wake of the Star League’s collapse. The O/P factory was originally Doering Electronic’s Concordat subsidiary.  Following the War of Star Aggression, Doering established a factory on Brinton to build it’s O/P line of com and targeting systems.  Located at a key crossroads between the Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns and Taurian Concordat, the Doering factory sold equipment to manufacturers in all 3 nations.  Since the Uprisings and the fall of the Star League, the company has lost contact with it’s main headquarters in the Lyran Commonwealth.  The plant manager took control of the company and reorganized it as O/P Computer Electronics.  This has allowed the factory to continue operating.  Despite the loss of markets in the Confederation and the Suns, O/P has a seen it’s business remain fairly stable as the increased production of the Taurian facilities has made up for the loss of foreign sales. In addition to it’s military lines, the company produces a series of com systems for the civilian market.

Brisbane Water Industries
Brisbane Water Industries (BWI) is quite possibly the most important company in the Concordat.  Located on the water rich world of Brisbane, the company is the only major producer of replacement parts for water purification plants in the Concordat.  Despite many efforts by the Star League to drive the company out of business, BWI managed to survive, in large part due to covert financial aid from the Taurian government.  This proved prudent in the wake of recent events.  The parts from the BWI factory have been vital in keeping water purification systems operational on planets all across the Concordat.  Due to concerns about the vulnerability of a single factory to raiders, and the need for increased production of water purifier parts, the company has received aid from the Taurian government for the construction of 2 new plants, one to be located on Taurus and the other on Perdition.  Construction of the new facilities has been very slow as the disruption of interstellar travel has prevented vital equipment from arriving at the new factories.

Ishtar Foodstuffs
Ishtar Foodstuffs is the largest supplier of agricultural and food products in the Concordat.  Based on the planet Ishtar, the company is involved in a variety of farming and ranching operations.  The foodstuffs produced on Ishtar are shipped throughout the Concordat.

New Vandenberg Autoworks
New Vandenberg Autoworks is one of the largest manufacturing concerns in the Concordat.  Headquartered on New Vandenberg, the company has major manufacturing facilities on Taurus, Sterope, Althea’s Choice, Pinard, Grossbach and Illiushin, as well as minor facilities on a dozen more planets.  The company is the largest manufacturer of ground transport systems in the Concordat.  The Automotive Division manufactures a wide variety of vehicles, from personal autos to large commercial trucks.  The Rail Systems Divisions manufactures high speed maglev passenger trains, locomotives and freight cars.  The Heavy Equipment Division manufactures specialized construction vehicles, emergency vehicles and heavy duty mining vehicles as well as specialized vehicles like the Dromedary Water Transport.  The newest division is the Military Products Division which builds the J-27 Ordnance Transport (under a license from Acme Widgets which was acquired in 2781) and the E-44 Engineering Vehicle for the TDF.  While New Vandenberg Autoworks lost a number of factories during the Uprisings, the sheer size of the company ensured its survival.  The Rail Systems, Heavy Equipment and Military Products Divisions have seen a huge demand for their products which are needed to rebuild the Concordat’s shattered infrastructure.  To help meet these demands, several of the Automotive Division’s largest factories have been converted for use by the company’s other division, creating shortages in the supply of personal automobiles.  In an effort to help alleviate these shortages and revitalize the Taurian economy, the company has recently begun looking into opening new factories on Norman’s World and Logan’s Land to manufacture automobiles.  These factories will be a great boost to the economies of those worlds and the bottom line of New Vandenberg Autoworks.     

Concordat Free Press
Located on Jamestown in the Hyades Cluster, the Concordat Free Press is one of the oldest publishing houses in the Concordat, having been founded in the 24th Century. The company is the leading publisher of books and e-books in the Concordat and it’s line includes fiction, nonfiction and reference books.

Spencer Fisheries
Spencer Fisheries is one of the largest seafood companies in the Concordat. During the Star League era, the planet Spencer was settled by the Taurian Concordat. The world was home to large oceans filled with massive schools of fishes. A large fishing industry quickly sprung up on the world and soon the planet was exporting fish to worlds in the Free Worlds League, Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns and Magistracy of Canopus.  Spencer Canfish quickly became considered a delicacy and demand soon began to outstrip supply. Even before the fall of the Star League, the world began to come upon hard times as poor resource management techniques resulted in over fishing of the world’s oceans. It is expected that if the situation does not change, fishing will become unviable within 50 years.

Portland Agro Products
Portland Agro Products a the major competitor of Ishtar Foodstuffs.  Founded during the Star League era, Portland possesses incredibly rich soil, well suited to Terran plants.  The world has become an important agriculture center, supply food to worlds all across the Concordat, Magistracy and Capellan Confederation. Portland Agro Products is a grower-owned agricultural cooperative.  The farmers all own a part of the company, which is responsible for marketing, distributing and selling their products. 


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2010, 09:29:38 AM »

Well it seems the Taurian Concordat is getting a lot of love around here lately.  ;) Good to see this revised edition of FM TC which one day will be part of FM Periphery 2812. Great stuff Lee! Super Christmas present to our community.  ;D

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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2010, 08:43:29 AM »

Are Noble Family Regiments following the standard Infantry organisation?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2010, 08:58:32 AM »

Are Noble Family Regiments following the standard Infantry organisation?

In most cases yes.  The noble family regiments are under the control of the Noble that raised them.  So in some cases (for what ever reason) some of the regiments follow irregular TO&Es.  But in most cases, since the units are staffed by former TDF officers they use a standard Taurian organization.


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2011, 07:40:17 PM »

I doubt any peripheral ruler would go to the last meetings of the SL, if for no other reason than trying desperatly to clean up the craterfield the SLDF turned their nations into.


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2011, 09:28:28 PM »

I doubt any peripheral ruler would go to the last meetings of the SL, if for no other reason than trying desperatly to clean up the craterfield the SLDF turned their nations into.

Nicoletta Calderon's attendance at the meeting and her nomination of Jerome Blake to head the Dept of Communications is canon and is mentioned in several sources.


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2011, 03:28:19 AM »

  For what it's worth, Irose, I put together the attached hasty/rough-depiction of the TC's BTSD geography for my own project(s) and figured I'd make it available to you/the BTSD team as well, as a handy quick-reference.  Red worlds are abandoned; blues are those cut back to minimal staffing.
  I couldn't find Odsford on the canon map, though; do I need glasses?  :-[

Developer-in-Chief, Renegade Tech 2.0


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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2011, 06:07:40 AM »

Very nice map.  Odsford probably needs to be removed from the FM- before we had all of these neat maps I made up a bunchof worlds to meet the numbers that were listed in the various SBs.



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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2011, 07:47:24 AM »

Hmmm... Somehow I managed to miss this thread up to now. Very impressive write-up!

One question though Irose: Do you intend to include the information(on units, equipment etc) given in the Reunification War sourcebook?



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Re: Field Manual Taurian Concordat
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2011, 08:59:28 AM »

Very nicely done.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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