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master arminas

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The Armored Corps of the TDF
« on: December 22, 2010, 12:19:38 PM »

Good morning, all.  I know it has been a while since I last posted here at Shattered Dawn, but I have not forgotten any of you.  Things are so-so right now, but I have finished In Harm’s Way and e-mailed it off to Baen (keep your fingers crossed!), so I can finally sit down and take a good hard look at something fun (BattleTech!  Yeah!  LOL).  I am still looking for full-time work, and do not have regular access to the internet, but I did want to continue making a few small contributions to our shared universe.  So having said that, let us be about it.

Today, I intend to take an in-depth look at the Armored Corps of the Taurian Defense Force.  I know, I know; I have done similar looks in the past but this one takes all of your comments and suggestions into consideration and looks past the BattleMech Force of the TDF to fully examine all components of our favorite Periphery power.  First off, we need to ask ourselves the question:  what do the Taurians expect out of their own Defense Forces?  For much of the history of the Concordat, we see a state that does not embark upon expeditions of conquest or even raids.  Instead, more than any other known power expect maybe the Outworlds Alliance, the Concordat views its own armed forces as a defensive instrument.  Protecting the citizens of the Concordat from invaders and raiders is the number one job of the Defense Force, so that is where we will begin.

From canon we know that each and every world of the Taurian Concordat is assigned at least one full-strength Armored Battalion.  That is in addition to any local infantry and constabulary forces, or any Noble’s Regiments that may or may not be present on a given world.  We also know that TDF Armored formations utilize a unique ‘maniple’ system with two vehicles to the maniple and three maniples to the lance.  This structure means that TDF Armored formations—at all levels—are big and mean, with 18 vehicles to the company and at least 54 to the battalion.  I say ‘at least’ because that number assumes three companies to the battalion, an assumption that I do not believe holds true for the TDF as I envision it.  My vision of the Taurian Armored Corps is that of an integrated combined-arms formation of armor, infantry, VTOLs, and artillery that uses mobility and firepower to drive away hostile forces.  While Fortress Command utilizes super-heavy (and super-slow) armored vehicles, towed artillery, and heavy infantry to defend specific locations, the responsibility of the Armored Corps is to use maneuver and fire to isolate and defeat in detail the invaders.  If isolating an enemy proves unfeasible, TDF armored battalions and regiments will maneuver to strike at their most vulnerable points:  the logistics, transports, and rear-echelon components that any realistic assault force has to have to succeed.

This doesn’t mean that the Armored Corps won’t go toe-to-toe with enemy ‘Mechs or armor; indeed, Taurian history is filled with many such instances of Concordat tanks charging Star League assault battalions.  Rather, I see the men and women of the Armored Corps as having been taught all of the accumulated history and tactics of armored warfare from the early 20th Century onwards.  They know that without supplies and ammunition and fuel, invaders have little choice but to retreat—that is a military axiom that has only rarely been violated throughout history.  Most BattleTech writers tend to ignore that, however, seeing everything as a clash of ‘Mechs, with tanks and infantry playing only a supporting role.  In the TDF, on the other hand, that perception is reversed.  Here it is TDF ‘Mechs that distract and pin hostile invaders (on worlds lucky enough to have a BattleMech battalion or two) while the Armored Corps cuts its vulnerable chain of supply and retreat:  a defensive mission that the Taurian Armored Corps conducts in an offensive manner.  The key to success lies in training, aggression, and equipment, none of which the Taurians lack.

Although the BattleMech Force gets all the media attentions, the Taurians know it is the Armored Corps that is the primary defenders of their worlds.  Unlike Fortress Battalions and locally raised infantry formations, the Armored Corps consists of volunteers from those who have completed their mandatory service under the conscription laws.  These men and women are professional soldiers who have chosen to make defending their homes their number one priority.  Once an individual volunteers for service in the Armored Corps, they undergo a three-month course of training that encompasses everything from how to operate and fight armored vehicles, to maintaining them in the field, to the history and tactics of armored combat.  Building upon the knowledge the recruits gained at Infantry School after being conscripted, the Armored Course hones their skills and puts through grueling challenges to test their competence and aggression.  Only seventy percent of the volunteers complete the course annually, but those who do pass and join the Armored Corps are among the best that Taurus has to offer.

Once the Armored Course is completed, the solider is then assigned to one of more than two hundred regiments and independent battalions stationed across the Concordat.  Unlike the ‘Mechs of BattleMech Force, the Armored Corps formations mostly remain on the same world, although there are more than two dozen regiments and battalions in the Hyades Cluster designated as a Rapid Deployment Force that stand ready to ship out to a hot spot on only a few days notice.  This tendency by the Armored Corps to keep the same units on the same worlds allows the personnel assigned to those formations to learn how to best use that worlds terrain and weather to assist in their defense of the people living there.  After just two decades of this policy being put into place after the Fall of the Star League, armored formations garrisoning worlds began to display an institutional knowledge of ‘their’ worlds special conditions.  The individual troopers may come and go, reassigned to other units on other worlds, but the formation itself retains that knowledge and teaches it to soldiers new to the world.

Now we come to the nuts and bolts of the thing:  how the Armored Corps is comprised.  There are seven types of common battalion level formations in the Taurian Armored Corps:  the air cavalry squadron, the armored cavalry squadron, the light armored battalion, the medium armored battalion, the heavy armored battalion, the mobile artillery battalion, and the heavy artillery battalion.  We will begin by looking at the artillery formations.

The mobile artillery battalion is the most commonly encountered formation of Taurian artillery.  Consisting of Gribeauval Light Mobile Howitzers, Napoleon Mobile Howitzers, and Swift Wind scout cars, this formation is able to maneuver well enough to support everything but the hovercraft armored cavalry formations.  The basic unit of the mobile artillery battalion is the battery, which contains three lances of six vehicles each.  Two of the batteries feature two lances of Gribeauvals (each of which carries a turret-mounted Thumper artillery piece with forty rounds and moves at 5/8) and one of Swift Winds (which operate independently as forward observers for the Gribeauvals).  The other two batteries are organized the same, but feature Napoleons in place of the Gribeauvals (the Napoleons are slower at 4/6, but carry a Sniper artillery piece in the turret, along with thirty rounds).

The heavy artillery battalion is organized identically, but replaces the Gribeauvals with Dahlgrens (a slow and heavy self-propelled howitzer, moving at 3/5, but one that carries a turret-mounted Long Tom along with 20 rounds).  Only a handful of Taurian mobile artillery battalions are classified as heavy and these formations are normally found only on worlds of vital importance to the Concordat.

Air Cavalry Squadrons are formations that consist solely of Bessieres VTOLs.  Organized in four troops with three lances of six Bessieres each, the Air Cavalry is fast and lethal.  Each Bessieres moves at 12/18 and carries a pair of LRM-5 launchers (with a ton of ammo), a machine-gun (with a half-ton of ammo), and a 1.5-ton bay able to carry cargo or up to five fully equipped jump infantry.  This means that each Air Cavalry Squadron can deploy seventy-two fast-moving VTOLs and three-hundred sixty jump infantrymen.  Air Cavalry Squadrons are used as supporting elements in the defense of Concordat system, and are never found as the sole Armored Corps defenders of any specific world.  These units tend to operate as scouts and flankers, protecting formations of ‘Mechs or armored fighting vehicles from being ambushed by hostile forces.  They also serve a critical role in being able to rapidly move into an enemy’s rear and deploy as a blocking force, or for operations against vulnerable supply lines and lightly armored support vehicles.

Armored Cavalry Squadrons are probably the most sought after formations to join in the Taurian Armored Corps.  These formations consist of three troops of hovercraft, supported by a troop of Bessieres and their jump infantry.  There are three types of hovercraft assigned to the Armored Cavalry Squadrons, each posted to their own troop.  The St.-Cyrs are the lightest and fastest, with a ground speed of 11/17, and are armed with a medium laser, a SRM-4 launcher with 25 salvoes, and a machine-gun with 100 bursts, all of which are mounted in a turret.  In addition, each St.-Cyr is outfitted with a 1-ton bay that can carry cargo or five fully equipped foot infantry troopers (up to seven to squeeze in a pinch, however).  Next are the mid-weight Jourdans, with a ground speed of 10/15.  The Jourdan forgoes a missile rack in order to carry a single turret-mounted PPC and machine-gun, the latter with 100 bursts of fire.  It also carries a 1-ton infantry bay identical in dimensions to that of the St.-Cyr.  Finally, the Massenas are the heavy hitters of the Armored Cav.  Each Massena moves at 9/14 and packs quite a wallop with its turret mounted armaments:  a PPC, a LRM-5 with 24 salvoes, a SRM-4 with 25 salvoes, and a machine-gun with 100 bursts.  Like the St.-Cyr and Jourdan, the Massena is also outfitted with a 1-ton bay for cargo or infantry.  Overall, this gives the Armored Cavalry Squadron a total of fifty-four hovercraft, eighteen VTOLs, ninety jump infantry, and two-hundred seventy foot infantry troopers.  Armored Cavalry Squadrons are the fencing foils of the TDF, and are usually the first to see serious combat.  They are also kept in reserve to exploit any openings during battle, using their speed and firepower to slip past enemy formations and attack their rear or flanks—or their grounded transport ships.

The three types of Armored Battalions are all organized identically, with three companies of armored combat vehicles (each with three six-vehicle lances) and a fourth company that consists of Bessieres VTOLs and jump infantry.  The only difference lies in the vehicles assigned to the unit, but each consists of fifty-four tracked vehicles, eighteen VTOLs, ninety jump infantry, and two-hundred seventy foot infantry troopers.  First we will take a look at the vehicles and then at the various formations.

The Murat is the lightest of the tracked ground vehicles assigned to the Armored Battalions.  This vehicle has a ground speed of 7/11 and carries all of its armaments in the turret (a medium laser, a SRM-4 with 25 salvoes, and a machine-gun with 100 bursts).  Like all the previous Taurian armored combat vehicles, the Murat features a 1-ton bay that can carry either cargo or five fully-equipped foot infantry troopers.

The Lannes comes next.  With its speed of 6/9 and turret-mounted PPC and machine-gun (100 bursts of fire included at no additional charge!), plus the capability to carry cargo or infantry, it serves as a vital component for all Armored Corps commands.

The Davout moves at 5/8 and carries a heavy selection of guns, all in its turret.  The main weapon is a PPC, with a machine-gun with 100 bursts for anti-personnel work.  But in addition, the Davout carries a LRM-5 launcher with 24 salvoes of missiles.  Of course, the 1-ton bay for infantry and/or cargo comes standard.

Then there is the hard-hitting Suchet.  At 4/6, the Suchet features a PPC, a LRM-10 launcher with 24 salvoes, a SRM-6 launcher with 15 salvoes, and a machine-gun with 100 bursts—all of which are turret mounted.  Plus, there is the infantry/cargo bay seen on previous TDF armored combat vehicles.

Last, but certainly not least, is the massive Soult assault tank.  This ninety-ton monster carries armament and equipment and infantry bay identical to the Suchet, but adds an AC-10 autocannon with 20 bursts to the turret.  It pays for that firepower, however, by having a ground speed of merely 3/5.

Light Armored Battalions are the most common of the three encountered on Taurian worlds.  These formations consist of a one company each of Murats, Lannes, Davouts, and Bessieres.  With its combination of mobility, firepower, infantry, and armor, the Light Armored Battalions are the heart and soul of the TDF Armored Corps.

Only slightly less common than the LABs are the Medium Armored Battalions.  These units are comprised of one company each of Lannes, Davouts, Suchets, and Bessieres.  While not quite as maneuverable or mobile as the LABs, the MABs can lay down a withering field of fire against hostile forces and sustain heavier damage while still remaining operational.

Finally, the Heavy Armored Battalions are the rarest of the TDF Armored Corps.  Not well-favored in a military that relies upon maneuver rather than firepower, the HABs are assigned only to the most critically important of Concordat worlds to serve as a mobile reserve for Fortress Command.

The majority of Concordat worlds have only a handful of Armored Corps battalions to defend themselves with; yet, against the threat of pirates and raiders this is usually enough to protect the citizenry.  Important worlds, such as New Vandenberg, Pinard, Perdition, Sterope, MacLeod’s Land, and core systems of the Hyades are defended by multiple REGIMENTS of Armored Corps units.

master arminas

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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2010, 12:20:15 PM »

Armored Corps Regiments consist of three armored combat battalions or squadrons—typically all of the same type (i.e., three Light Armored Battalions in a Light Armored Regiment, or three Medium Armored Battalions in a Medium Armored Regiment, etc., etc.).  In addition, each Light, Medium, or Heavy Armored Regiment is assigned an Artillery Battalion (typically a Mobile Artillery Battalion, but a few HARs are assigned Heavy Artillery Battalions).  Instead of an Artillery Battalion, Armored Cavalry Regiments are assigned a fourth Armored Cavalry Squadron.

There are only two Air Cavalry Regiments in the TDF—one each assigned to Taurus and New Vandenberg.  Each of these units carries an establishment of four Air Cavalry Squadrons.

Please note that these are only the combat elements of Armored Corps Battalions and Regiments.  In addition, there are support and service units that can literally number in the thousands of men and women who work maintenance, food services, medical, supply, and all of the other thankless jobs required to put the troops in the field.  These elements are normally grouped together as a Support and Services Company (or Troop or Squadron or Battalion) and can easily triple or even quadruple the number soldiers and vehicles found in any one formation.  For the sake of your sanity and mine, I have chosen not to go into specifics about these elements.  It boggles the mind to think of the sheer numbers of noncombat personnel and vehicles Davion RCTs have to transport in addition to their combat elements, does it not?

Finally, let us take a look at what I think the TDF Armored Corps deployment looks like.  Below, I have listed every world in the Taurian Concordat (circa 3025) [Note to readers:  I include colonies not officially on the 3025 map because I don’t believe that the TC managed to colonize three dozen worlds in less than 25 years—MA] along with the Armored Corps formations I have assigned to them.  As always, it’s a work in progress and I’d appreciate any thoughts or critiques you might have.

ACS = Armored Cavalry Squadron
ACR = Armored Cavalry Regiment
Air CS = Air Cavalry Squadron
Air CR = Air Cavalry Regiment
LAB = Light Armored Battalion
LAR = Light Armored Regiment
MAB = Medium Armored Battalion
MAR = Medium Armored Regiment
HAB = Heavy Armored Battalion
HAR = Heavy Armored Regiment
MArB = Mobile Artillery Battalion
HArB = Heavy Artillery Battalion

Hyades Cluster

Taurus:  6 ACR; 4 HAR; 10 MAR; 14 LAR; 2 HArB; 4 MArB; 1 Air CR
Aurora:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
Ina:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
Ishtar:  None
Jamestown:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
Megaris:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
Menion:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
New Columbia:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
Parian:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS
Samantha:  1 ACS; 2 MAR; 4 LAR; 1 Air CS

I Corps

Aea:  1 LAB
Brisbane:  4 ACR; 1 MAR; 1 Air CS
Burton:  1 MAB; 1 LAB; 1 Air CS
Flaum:  2 LAB
Laconis:  1 ACS; 1 LAB
Landmark:  1 ACR; 1 LAR
MacLeod’s Land:  1 ACS; 1 MAR; 2 LAR; 1 Air CS
New Vandenberg:  4 ACR; 2 HAR; 5 MAR; 9 LAR; 3 HArB; 1 Air CR
Pinard:  2 ACR; 4 MAR; 5 LAR; 1 HAB; 1 HArB; 2 Air CS

II Corps

Atreus Prime:  2 ACS; 2 LAB; 1 MArB; 1 Air CS
Camadeierre:  1 ACS
Illiushin:  2 ACS; 1 MAR; 1 LAR; 1 Air CS
Jansen’s Hold:  3 MAR; 2 MArB; 1 Air CS
Mithron:  3 LAB
New Ganymede:  1 ACS; 1 MAB; 2 LAB; 1 MArB; 1 Air CS
New Vallis; 1 ACS; 1 LAB
Renfield:  1 LAB
Spitz:  1 ACS

III Corps

Amber Grove:  1 ACS, 2 MAB, 3 LAB, 1 MArB, 1 Air CS
Celentaro:  2 ACS, 1 MAB, 1 LAR, 1 MArB, 1 Air CS
Dicallus:  1 LAB
Euschelus:  1 ACS
Grossbach:  1 ACS, 1 LAB
Logan’s Land:  2 ACS, 1 MAB, 2 LAB, 1 MArB, 1 Air CS
Norman’s world:  1 ACS, 2 MAR, 1 Air CS
Perdition:  1 ACR, 1 HAB, 2 MAR, 2 LAR, 1 Air CS
Sterope:  1 ACR, 2 MAR, 2 LAR, 1 Air CS

IV Corps

Althea’s Choice:  2 ACS, 1 MAB, 2 LAB, 1 MArB, 1 Air CS
Carvajal:  1 LAB
Charleston:  1 LAB
Cyrton:  1 ACS
Micros III:  1 ACS
Mirfak:  2 LAB
Organo:  1 LAB
Orkney:  2 ACS
Tyrrhenia:  1 MAB, 1 LAB

V Corps

Argos:  1 ACS
Cadiz:  1 LAB
Carthage:  1 MAB, 1 Air CS
Celano:  1 LAB
Davetal II:  1 ACS
Davetal III:  1 LAB
Gant:  1 LAB
Hellespont:  1 ACS, 1 MAB, 1 LAB
Regis Roost:  1 ACS, 1 MAB, 1 LAB, 1 Air CS

Air Cavalry Squadron:  26
Armored Cavalry Squadron:  35
Heavy Armored Battalion:  2
Medium Armored Battalion:  11
Light Armored Battalion: 34
Heavy Artillery Battalion:  6
Mobile Artillery Battalion:  12

Total Independent Battalions/Squadrons:  126

Air Cavalry Regiment: 2
Armored Cavalry Regiment:  19
Heavy Armored Regiment:  6
Medium Armored Regiment:  47
Light Armored Regiment:  69

Total Regiments:  143

Although the vehicles and infantry of the Taurian Armored Corps may be unsuited for offensive action against the other guy’s worlds, I think that this proposed TO&E will provide a suitable defensive force for Taurian worlds—and that is in the end what the purpose behind the TDF is.  To protect their own lands and their own peoples from hostile aggression.  We may not have the most ‘Mechs or the heaviest tanks or a Fleet of WarShips at our disposal, but by God in heaven we will make any invader pay for every inch of ground he tries to take from us!

Anyway, guys, that is it for today.  Next time we look at the poor bloody infantry and a few new toys that the boys at Taurus Territorial Industries and Vandenberg Mechanized Industries have cooked up for them.  Take care!

Master Arminas



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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2010, 08:03:14 PM »

Good to see you back Master Arminas! Now to chew on this.  :o

Rainbow 6

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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2010, 01:36:32 PM »

Nice to see you back and very impressive work, the only thing is surely the Outworlds Alliance is our favourate Periphery power?  ;D

Ice Hellion

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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2010, 07:03:17 PM »

Just one question: how did you decide how to split the Corps in Air/Light... units?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

master arminas

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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2010, 12:56:48 PM »

I have always viewed the TDF armored forces as being more light and maneuverable, so I went that direction with the majority of the Armored Corps seen above.  The TO&E shown up top is my own--and owes little to canon.  So I pretty much made it all up.   ;D



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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2010, 09:26:11 AM »

I love it when you make stuff up arminas! Looking forward to more great stuff.  ;)


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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2010, 10:56:36 AM »

Some very interesting stuff there-  I agree with your view of the Armored Corps as a the backbone of the TDF but I am not sure I buy into the notion that AC battalions are combined arms forces.  Rather I see the Armored Corps and the Infantry Corps working very closely together, but not integrating their forces. 

I also see the role of the Battlemech and Armored forces slightly differently- The way I see it battlemechs are used for missions that require strategic mobility (planetary assaults, reinforcing worlds that are under attack) due to their better interstellar mobility (fewer personnel per battalion and theoretically a somewhat smaller logistical train) and ease of deployment (namely the ability to conduct orbital drops).  Armor battalions are assigned the defensive role as they are not as easy to deploy over interstellar distances.

I largely agree with the types of battalions you proposed but went a little further in streamlining it for SD.  In SD the ideal TDF has armored Cav battalions which each lance having 2 J. Edgars for scouting and 4 Centaurs (basically slightly larger J.Edgars with PPCs in place of the Medium Lasers) as the main punch.  Armored battalions are built around lances of 4 Centurions (a 50 ton 5/8 MBT with a PPC, SRM 2 and 2 LRM5s) with 2 Hunters for fire support.  Heavy armor battalions are built around the Conquerors - heavy MBTS and several varients which largely just swap the turret for other configurations (fire support, close assault, air defense).   The heavy armor battalions are rare and are used to defend key points (like factories and HQs).  Air cav battalions are built around around a variety of helicopters all using the same basic chassis.

Overall I like the numbers of the Armored Corps and their deployment.


master arminas

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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2010, 12:42:24 PM »

That is exactly what I meant, Irose!

Strategic mobility (less J/S, D/S, and the ability to drop from orbit) and a smaller logistical footprint makes the 'Mech Force better as a rapid reaction force, whereas the Armored Corps is better at holding ground (and counter-attacking).  The reason I put a substantial infantry component in this TO&E is because--while I still envision Infantry Command as a seperate entity--I picture these 'mobile infantry' of the Armored Corps as the cream of the crop of Concordat Infantry.  Trained and equipped to operate hand-in-glove with the tankers and choppers of Armored Corps (and running a rather close second to the Marines and zero-g Infantry of the SASF).  History has shown that infantry support is of vital importance to armored formations, so I made certain that the TDF Armored Corps had that integral support.  Of course, that does mean that the units require even more logistical support and transportation, so it is a trade-off.

I took your advice on the use of fusion power plants in the front-line TDF vehicles as well.  Everything listed in the TO&E above uses a fusion plant (contary to my first ideas of an all ICE force).  But even thought we approached it from different directions, I think we both agree that overall the TDF should be light-to-mid weight overall, with an emphasis on mobility and firepower.

Next thing I'm planning to post is the local Infantry Command--which is probably three to four times as large as Armored Corps overall.  Should have a few new toys for the PBIs in that article including some 5-ton wheeled transports modeled on the old US Army deuce-and-a-half.  Then, I plan to look at the TAC (Taurian Aerospace Corps)--the organization responsible for atmospheric and near-orbital operations in defense of a world.  I have a host of new conventional fighter craft designed just for the aire-dales of TAC--and we have stolen plans for the Stock refueling tanker from the Cappies as well!

Anyway, glad that all of you enjoyed this look at the armored forces of the TDF.  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Master Arminas


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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2010, 01:01:45 PM »

Well I can't wait. Any way we can incorporate this all into our FM?


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Re: The Armored Corps of the TDF
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2010, 09:36:51 PM »

The reason I put a substantial infantry component in this TO&E is because--while I still envision Infantry Command as a seperate entity--I picture these 'mobile infantry' of the Armored Corps as the cream of the crop of Concordat Infantry.  Trained and equipped to operate hand-in-glove with the tankers and choppers of Armored Corps (and running a rather close second to the Marines and zero-g Infantry of the SASF). 

Here's a bit where we differ- I envision the entire Infantry Corps being trained to operate along side the Armored Corps. 

I took your advice on the use of fusion power plants in the front-line TDF vehicles as well.  Everything listed in the TO&E above uses a fusion plant (contary to my first ideas of an all ICE force).  But even thought we approached it from different directions, I think we both agree that overall the TDF should be light-to-mid weight overall, with an emphasis on mobility and firepower.

I haven't really run any numbers on my vision of the TDF Armored Corps, but if the Armored Corps reached it's ideal TO&E, I figure the weight would average around 40-50 tons.  I tended to discard the very light designs in favor of ones with better hitting power.

Well I can't wait. Any way we can incorporate this all into our FM?

Some of this is in the FM in a slightly different form and it is expanded on in the Update that  I did for the TC which brings the TC to 2812. 
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