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Re: Time Line
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2011, 07:35:08 PM »

Flack Naval AC, nice idea.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2011, 07:57:19 AM »

March 2583- The truce between the Pitcairn Legion and the SLDF ends when the DCMS Auxiliary Corps arrives at Goveld III and Bryceland.  On both worlds, the Legion is slowly pushed back and then finally forced to retreat.

March 2583- In the Rim Worlds Republic, the SLDF has made almost no headway.   Having had to deal with several counter attacks by the RWR and pressure from the Archon to attack across a broad front, the SLDF has been largely stymied.  By this time they have only managed to capture Urjala, Stirling, Bucklands and Malibu.  They are also attempting to secure Treeline, Persistence and Steelton but the lack of men and materials has proven more troublesome then the enemy.

March 2583- With the initial successes in the Diefenbaker system, the SLDF reinforces the system with additional warships. 

March 2583- The Concordat's 4th Fleet escorts the 4th Taurian Guard and 17th Concordat Chasseurs to the Diefenbaker system.  Caught off guard by the additional SLDF vessels in the system, the Taurian 4th Fleet is forced to punch a hole through the SLDF warships for the transports.  While they succeed in doing this, the 4th Fleet suffers heavy loses as do the ground forces, almost a third of the troop transports are destroyed before they can land.  The surviving troops manage to link up with the 2nd Taurian Guard who are already on the planet. 

April 2583 – The SLDF launches an attack at Tetski in the MOC. Initially the 3rd Canopian Light Horse perform well against the 1st Marik Militia, but as the battle continues, more SLDF units arrive in the system.  The 2 MOC warships in the system are destroyed.  Fortunately for the MOC, the Taurian and MOC naval squadron is at Joyz on their way to the fleet base at Cate's Hold.  Redirecting their path to the Tetski system, the MOC and Taurian fleet engaged the SLDF and FWL warships.  While they are unable to destroy the SLDF warships, two of the Taurian Pinto Corvettes are able to briefly take up position over the planet, where they bombard several SLDF staging areas and supply depots.  The MOC and Taurian forces then escape the system. 

April 2583- Marshal Santos, Protector Calderon and several other senior military officers meet to discuss the impact of the SLDF attack in February.  While the TC managed to inflict heavy losses at Robsart and Warren, the SLDF Navy has established a major presence in the Diefenbaker and Werfer systems, although the battles between the SLDF and TDF ground forces continues in both systems.  The inescapable conclusion is that if the SLDF continues to keep launching multiple simultaneous attacks, there is no way the TDF can defend against them all and eventually the Concordat will fall. One of the conclusions that they come to is that General Kinkaid must be eliminated.  While not all of her plans work, she has proven to be a very challenging opponent.  Protector Calderon authorizes her assassination.

May 2583 Anxious to make progress in the war against the OWA, General Forlough authorizes a deep strike against Sevon.  Having received warning of this attack through Davion Intelligence, Colonel Pitcairn deploys his troops on planet.  Backed up by a number of Alliance units, including armor, infantry, aerospace fighters and even mechs, the forces on Sevon represent a formidable foe for the SLDF.   Forlough deploys the 132nd & 134th Brigade supported by the DCMS Auxiliary.  After landing uncontested, the DCMS units are hit by the Pitcairn Legion, while several armor and infantry units engage the SLDF brigades, tying them down.  The DCMS suffers moderate losses before the Legion disengages.  The two sides fight a series of inconclusive battles.  Ultimately the defenders take up position in the city of Semal.  The SLDF and DCMS forces besiege the city, while the Legion fights off several attempts to break into the city.

May 2583- Fighting continues on Tetski.  The Canopian Light Horse are using their superior mobility to stay ahead of the SLDF units that are chasing them.

June 2583 The Concordat Navy raids both Diefenbaker and Werfer.  They inflict only minimal losses on the SLDF but in response the SLDF Navy deploys more units to forward areas.  On both planets the TDF ground forces continue to resist the SLDF advance.

July 2583- Having monitored General Kinkaid's movements through the efforts of E-Toro, they learn that the General will be on Drienfontein in July.  A TDF commando team slips on to the planet and using a prototype particle weapon they manage to kill the General.  The Taurian team is killed after a short battle and the weapon is destroyed.

July 2583- the SLDF along the Concordat front falls into chaos.  General Zhao Li, Kinkaid's deputy and Major General Elias Priest, commanding I Corps, struggle for control.  General Zhao orders a halt on any further action until he can assemble the staff and review the war plans.  General Priest heads to Kinkaid's HQ and takes charge, issuing orders to all of the Corps in the theater.  Most Corps commanders do nothing in the face of the conflicting orders.  The SLDF fleet prepares to deploy on an offensive against the Concordat Navy. 

July 2583- On Sevon in the OWA, the Pitcairn Legion continues to hold off the SLDF.  General Forlough simply lacks the troops needed to overwhelm the well entrenched defenders.

August 2583 – Command and Control begins to breakdown on the Taurian Front.  General Zhao and Priest battle for control of the front.  Admiral Roberts, commanding the SLDF Fleet, takes off on his own to seek out and destroy the Taurian fleet.  Admiral Roberts feels that the SLDF Navy has been tied to the needs of the Army for too long and that given more independence they could have crushed the Taurian fleet long ago.  He dispatches a number of hunter-killer squadrons with orders to locate the Taurian Navy and tie it down long enough for the main fleet to arrive. 

August 2583- Protector Calderon and the senior officers of the TDF are monitoring the situation with the SLDF.  Of particular interest are the battles between SLDF officers for supplies and personnel and the movements of the SLDF fleets.   

July 2583 – On Diefenbaker and Werfer the SLDF and TDF continue to fight.  In both cases the SLDF begins to suffer from supply shortages brought about largely by the battles between General Zhao and General Priest. 

August 2583- the SLDF destroys the 3rd Canopian Light Horse on Tetski and secure the planet.

September 2583 – General Lee appoints General Zhao as commander of the Taurian Front and General Priest as his deputy.  There are huge conflicts between the 2 men and discipline becomes a major problem. 

September 2583 – The Pitcairn Legion and the OWA forces are running low on supplies and so they retreat from Sevon.  Guerrilla resistance on the planet remains high. 

September 2583- The Magistrix orders a retaliatory strike against the FWL after the loss of Tetski.  In a controversial decision by Adam Buquoy and the commanders of the Taurian Squadron and the MOC Navy it is decided to raid Oriente.  Locate nearly 2 months travel from the front lines, the world has numerous factories and supply centers.  While it is the center of the Duchy of Oriente, it is also expected to be lightly defended as it is so far behind the front lines.  The strike force consists of the 7 surviving Taurian vessels supported by 2 MOC Warships with Kincani's Dragoons, Force Majoris and the 2nd Canopian Grenadiers. 

September 2583- The SLDF invades Afarsin and Megarez.  Both worlds fall fairly rapidly to the SLDF. Captain General Marik prepares another invasion of Lindenmarle. 

October 2583 – The Concordat Navy strikes at the SLDF Navy.  After spending September hiding in uninhabited systems, the Taurian Navy launches a series of strikes against Admiral Roberts' Hunter Killer Squadrons.  Fielding superior numbers, the Taurian forces hit hard and fast, leaving the system before SLDF reinforcements can arrive.  Large numbers of  SLDF warships are destroyed. Taurian losses are minimal. Admiral Roberts becomes enraged by his losses. He decides to launch an attack against the TC fleet base at Anaheim.  General Zhao and Priest are so involved in their own power struggle that neither is paying any attention to what Admiral Roberts is doing. 

October 2583 – On Diefenbaker the TDF gains the upper hand and forces the SLDF on the defensive.  On Werfer the the two sides maintain a level of parity, with the defenders slowly wearing down the SLDF's superior numbers.

November 2583 – Captain General Marik launches an attack against Lindenmarle.  Having anticipated that the SLDF would return, the MOC evacuated the defenders from the world. Lindenmarle soon falls to the SL.

November 2583- The  MOC/TC Strike force hits Oriente.  The warships quickly brush aside the few defenders in the system and the ground troops land on the planet.  They raid several industrial facilities and supply depots, capturing huge stores of equipment.  There is a running battle with the Fusiliers of Oriente, but the MOC forces are able to escape off world. 

November 2583 – Admiral Roberts gathers nearly the entire SLDF Navy for a strike against Anaheim.   Warned of the attack by E-Toro, Marshal Santos gathers most of the Taurian Fleet to launch a counter strike.   Marshal Santos deploys a number of gunships, assault ships and marines to the asteroid belt in the Anaheim system while marshaling the 1st, 4th and 5th Taurian fleets, supported by the 7th, 9th and 15th Special Attack Squadrons at Weippe.  Only the 3rd Fleet is held back in the Pleiades Cluster as a reserve.  3 Star Runners are deployed in the Anaheim system to watch for the Star League attack.

December 2583 – In the OWA General Forlough launches a new attack.  Leaving a regiment of the DCMS Auxiliary Corps on Sevon, he sets out to track down Pitcairn and his forces.  The 132nd Brigade hits Medron, the 134th Brigade hits Kinkaid II and the 143rd Brigade hits Banori.  The DCMS hits Budington, Nexus Ri, Valentina, and Kazanaka.  All of the worlds were well defended.  In the wake of  Forlough's orders to slaughter civilians enlistment has surged.  Many of these forces are trained by Davion military advisors and are well trained.  Resistance to the invasions is heavy and the SLDF and DCMS units are unable to make significant progress.  The SLDF & DCMS' superiority in equipment is balanced out by the OWA superior numbers and determination. 

December 2583- having received word of the attack on Oriente, Captain General Marik is forced to withdraw a number of her forces to defend her rear areas.  Operations to capture Adherlwin and Nobel are canceled.
December 2583- The TC/MOC strike force hit several worlds on their way back to the MOC.  The attacks are very limited and mainly intended to disrupt shipping. 

December 2583 – The SLDF Navy attacks Anaheim.  Arriving in system at both the Zenith and Nadir points, the SLDF forces head for the Asteroid Belt where the Concordat Naval Base is located.  Three days later when the SLDF is halfway to the Asteroid Belt, Taurian forces jump into the Zenith and Nadir points.  Lead by the Armageddons of the Special Attack Squadrons, they race towards the SLDF ships.  Realizing the threat posed by the Armageddons and their nuclear arsenal, Admiral Roberts orders his forces to make for the Asteroid Belt, as the debris will prevent the Armageddons from making their customary high speed hit and run attacks.  The Taurian fleet maintains a constant 2.5G thrust during it's drive towards the SLDF units, rapidly closing the distance between them.  The SLDF manages to reach the asteroid belt when it receives a rude surprise.  Hidden among the debris is hundreds of assault ships and thousands of fighters and gunships.  There are also numerous defense platforms and detachments of zero-g marines.  The Taurians inflict heavy damage on the SLDF vessels. Numerous ships are boarded and captured.  Admiral Roberts is killed aboard his flagship and Admiral Hiroku takes command of the fleet, ordering a retreat to the systems Zenith point.  En route the SLDF fights a brief battle with the inbound Taurian fleet before escaping the system with the remnants of the fleet.

January 2584- First Lord Ian Cameron rages when he learns of the destruction of the fleet in the Concordat. He threatens to sack every senior officer and put them up on charges. General Lee is ordered to the Taurian Front to clean up the situation and take charge if necessary. 

January 2584 – With the success against the SLDF at Anaheim, the Protector orders increased attacks against shipping and convoys in the Federated Suns.  Nearly every world along the border with the Concordat will be hit in the next few months. Deciding it is time to take advantage of the chaos and confusion among the SLDF, the Protector orders the TDF to begin a campaign to liberate the worlds that have been captured by the SLDF. 


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2011, 09:11:42 AM »

Now things are really going badly for the SLDF, I'm anxious to see what your vision of the BattleTech universe would be like with the Star League loosing the Reunification War - as it looks like (and I hope) they are ;D

I'm interested to know why you chose Oriente and not a closer provincial capital like Andurien. I assume the base political structure of the FWL at the time would be fairly similar to more modern battletech so I guess hitting a more loyal province like Oriente makes sense but dang that's far back. Then again the TC is hitting all throughout the FS it seems and looks like its being pretty effective.
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Re: Time Line
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2011, 10:56:37 AM »

The reason I chose Oriente is simple- Andurien  is a Capellan holding at this point and the Concordat has not hit any Liao worlds.  It's part of their strategy, which has only been brief hit upon in the timeline.  Basically the TC has specifically avoided striking the the Capellans to try and create tension between the FS and the CC, which it is starting to do.  Oriente was chosen because it is an important world, with military factories and probably a lot of shipping to raid.  It is also far enough from the front that it will not be well defended and the shock of the attack will both unnerve the FWL and probably lead to demands to deploy more ships and troops in the rear areas, pulling them off of the front lines. 


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2011, 11:26:36 AM »

Duh! Were's my head nvm of course Andurien wouldn't be the target. Making more sense the more I think :D

Striking at the FS and FWL but avoiding CC is an awesome way to get them mad at eachother, chaulk up another awesome idea.
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Re: Time Line
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2011, 11:44:38 AM »

Avoiding hitting targets is a good idea but it's going to come back and bite the Concordat in a bit.


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2011, 01:27:36 PM »

Striking at the FS and FWL but avoiding CC is an awesome way to get them mad at eachother, chaulk up another awesome idea.

Even more in a coalition.

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Re: Time Line
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2011, 08:37:26 PM »

I'm just sad that you seem to have continued H:RW's nonsense about code-breaking.  No serious military traffic is encoded based on the sort of mathematical principles mentioned in passing in H:RW, precisely because no one can confirm if they're breakable or not.  Which is why anyone who plays the code game uses one-time pads for important message traffic, because they are the only absolutely unbreakable system on a depth of one. 

On the other hand, humans get notoriously silly about their technological achievements, and pride can get in the way of good sense on these matters.  I'm just sad that the SLDF, which did have some decent brains in the technology department, fell victim to this. 
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Re: Time Line
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2011, 06:50:03 AM »

I just can't see how the SLDF can manage a one time pad system across so many different units and so many light years when it can take months just to get from earth to the front.  I could see a one time pad for important messages from say the Commanding General Taurian Front to the First Lord, but with message flying between all the units on the Taurian Front I just don't see how they can use a one time pad system.

Besides the SLDF and HAF before it are arrogant- they would never suspect that anyone can break their codes, much less the periphery.


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2011, 08:06:53 AM »

I'm not versed in encryption and the ins and outs of encoding, etc. but I would suspect that it should be possible to figure out the algorithms that are used to make a one-off encryption so with enough computing power you should be able to crack even a one time pad system if you can figure out how they go about coming up with them. - If I'm totally off base tell me but in my experience anything human beings are involved in can be decoded.
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Re: Time Line
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2011, 08:22:20 AM »

From what I understand it has been mathematically proven that a One Time Pad System is the most secure method of encryption.  In practice there are reasons why it is not foolproof (can you make a truly random pad, security of providing a copy of the pad to both sender and receiver) but in theory it is immune to being cracked through the use of brute force computer decoding.


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2011, 11:41:12 AM »

I see, still I think its reasonable to think eventually someone will find a way to break those as well especially like I say if you can figure out how the other guy is coming up with the "random" one time pads because unless I wasn't informed and it would be a big enough deal that I think I would be - there is no way yet to produce a truly random number its always based off of something.

Again maybe its just my ignorance but I was easily able to accept that the SLDF's code being broken is a plausible scenario.
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Re: Time Line
« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2011, 04:01:24 PM »

Besides the SLDF and HAF before it are arrogant- they would never suspect that anyone can break their codes, much less the periphery.

Just look at Enigma and also at the Japanese codes.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Time Line
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2011, 09:35:26 PM »

One-time pads are often "randomized" based on recorded atmospheric noise, precisely to avoid any unexpected human-produced patterns.  Given how closely-guarded encryption keys are, and the ridiculous lengths I've seen first-class militaries go to transporting and securing said encryption keys so that everyone gets a new copy on schedule, I don't actually foresee a major problem for the SLDF with codes, unless it bases them on something like Public Key Infrastructure with its supposedly asymmetric encoding.  But the military doesn't use such for tactical communications. 

And precisely because of things like the killing of Admiral Yamamoto in WWII, in the US Military the travel itinerary of the top generals are less widely distributed than most "Top Secret" intelligence.  And even then, code words and cover terms are typically employed in any electronic communication, so that even if someone breaks the encryption they still may not know what the message is about. 

However, not just with the encryption, my other issue with E-Toro is that there's no reason for the SLDF to ever actually broadcast a communication in such a way that the enemy can intercept it.  Since they have to send a ship physically from one planet to the next, a series of courier small craft would get the message from JumpShip to planetary HQ at the cost of only the travel time from JumpPoint to planet, and then their communications could only be compromised via a human source, which is much easier to protect against in the pre-HPG environment.  This is how I would expect even an arrogant military force to operate in the given conditions.

This still isn't as paranoid as I'd operate; what I'd do if I were the CG would be to give whoever I plan to visit no more than a week's warning before I hit planet; this would make it practically impossible for the enemy to get a specially-trained and specially equipped assassination team in position just to whack me, because there's be insufficient time for the enemy to figure out where I was and move assets around.  Unless the enemy wanted to put such strike teams on every single planet they have units on, which would be possible but very difficult, and a great way to force the enemy to dilute their strength and attention.  I'm still amazed that in a pre-HPG era the word still managed to make it to Taurus in time for the strike team that killed Kincaid to make it into position.  This would have required two command circuits of jump ships; one from wherever the VOODOO RED traffic was intercepted to Taurus, and another from Taurus to Firgrove. The latter looks to be about five jumps.  And it's not stated when they got the word, but I've never known a CG to plan movements months in advance.  Generally the show up with no more than a week's warning and completely screw up ongoing operations due to the massive security details they require, to say nothing of intelligence assets for force protection.

Good job for the Taurians, managing to pull that off.  Even if it ultimately earned them Forlough in Kincaid's place, which, although he's easier to outsmart, resulted in many more dead Taurians.  And probably made it easier for the FedSuns to integrate so many Taurian worlds into their realm, because 1) they weren't the SLDF and 2) the Taurian Gov't clearly couldn't protect its citizens, which rather delegitimizes a government in many citizens' views.

On the other hand, I should also stop criticizing Irose's decisions with this; it is, after all, his alternate universe, and as the creator he can justify anything happening however he likes. 
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 09:45:49 PM by Halvagor »
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Re: Time Line
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2011, 09:56:51 AM »

On the other hand, I should also stop criticizing Irose's decisions with this; it is, after all, his alternate universe, and as the creator he can justify anything happening however he likes. 

I've been thinking some more about this and while I do see what you are saying at this point I am going to keep what I have to date about E-Toro (rather then rewrite everything) but down play it going forward- basically the SLDF having learned their lesson following the death of General Kinkaid switches their methods of communicating sensitive information.  Actually that will work out well - it gives the SLDF a chance to score some big victories. 

I do want to say that I am not offended by the criticism and I appreciate it- even I don't use it on this project it gives me something to think about and consider on future projects. 

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