The last Taurian Battle-cruiser, not an active design at present but appears soon enough
Colt-class Battle-cruiser
Tech: Inner Sphere 2580
Era: What if
Vessel Type: WarShip
Mass: 820,000 tons
Hull: Naval Grade Taurian Steel
K-F Drive System: Standard
Length: 803 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,141 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 4 Maximum Thrust: 6
Armour Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminium
18 Naval Laser 35
8 NAC/25
4 NAC/35
8 Medium NPPC
6 White Shark
8 Autocannon class-10
16 Autocannon class-5
8 LRM-10
16 SRM-6
In the 2570's the Star League began making hostile overtures towards the Periphery states, trying to strong-arm them into joining the Cameron Empire. From the Malgrotta Incident to the Santiago Massacre to the Pollux Proclamation, the Star League was rattling the sabre, showing the peace-loving nations of the periphery that it was willing to go to war to unite all humanity under Terran rule. As unwilling to bow to Terran rulers as his ancestor Samantha Calderon, Mitchell Calderon started a crash build-up of the Taurian Defence Force and Taurian Concordat Navy.
One of these programs was to build a new heavy warship, larger than even the massive Winchester-class Cruisers that had been the pride of the Taurian Navy for over two centuries. Unfortunately for the Concordat, they simply lacked the technology and infrastructure to build such a massive craft. It took until 2577, the year of the infamous Case Amber, to upgrade the Horsham shipyards to accommodate such craft.
The Colt is quite a beautiful vessel, unlike many vessels which are round and generally tubular in shape, the Colt is shaped like a Delta-ray of Ancient Terra with a wide body and long ‘wings‘ that appear to spread out either side of the vessel towards the rear, it almost appears as if the Colt could enter a planet‘s atmosphere although any attempt to do such a move would destroy the vessel. The Colt is also a swift vessel for its size however this speed comes at a price with a range of medium-class Naval Particle Projection Cannons, Lasers, Autocannons and Whale Shark Capital Missile Launchers.
Unlike many vessels of the era it mounts a thick net of standard scale autocannons, short and long range missiles making assaulting a vessel of this size very difficult for aerospace fighters and DropShips. For added offensive and defensive power the vessel carries twenty-four Aerospace Fighters, eight small craft/assault shuttles and sixty-three marines allowing it to capture vessels and resist any assault very well.
Also although it has never been confirmed the Star League Intelligence Corps suspected that the Colt’s Whale Shark Missiles were Anti-WarShip variants with Nuclear tipped warheads.
By 2579, five of these massive vessels were under construction, with the first, the TCW Achilles, launching in 2581 to help fight in the battle of Robsart where it was instrumental in destroying the Star League battleship SLS Troas, despite missing its fighter squadrons and most of its ammo due to its quick launching. The Achilles, like many Taurian ships at that battle, was lost, destroyed by a strike across her stern by the destroyer SLS Paris which struck one of her fusion reactors. The loss of so many industrial worlds to the SLDF advance put the other four ships, the Perseus, Jason, Theseus, and Heracles, on hold while the Concordat funnelled more funds into producing other, cheaper craft.
When Horsham came under assault in 2582, the half completed Colt-class Battle-cruisers were called into service, acting as little more than stationary gun platforms while still moored in their slips. During the climactic ending of the battle, with her sister ships destroyed by Star League warships, the TCW Heracles opened fire on the SLS Yamato with one final strike, crippling the ship before she herself was targeted by the Yamato's sister ships, resulting in a massive explosion. When the radiation cleared and SLDF salvage teams arrived on site, they discovered that there was not enough debris to constitute a vessel the size of the Heracles. While officially listed as "Destroyed" by Star League Naval Intelligence, many believe that the TCW Heracles was able to activate her jump drives and escape the system, but has never been seen since.
Colt-class Battle-cruiser WarShip 820,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant 196,800
Thrust Safe Thrust 4
Maximum Thrust 6
Kearny-Fuchida Jump Drive Compact (Integrity 17) 371,050
Jump Sail (Detachable) 0,071
Structual Integrity 65 53,300
Heat Sinks 2,890 2,218
Fuel and Pumps 6,403
Bridge and Control systems 2,050
Armour (Improved Ferro aluminium) 674pts 1,053
Fore 129
Fore Left/Right 120
Aft Left/Right 105
Aft 95
Bay 1: Fighters (24) with 6 doors 3,600
Small Craft (8) 1,600
Bay 2: Cargo with 2 doors 51,723
DropShip Capacity 3 Hardpoints 3,000
Life Boats 20 0,140
Escape Pods: 40 0,280
Crew and Passengers:
55 Officers 0,550
200 Crew 0,140
58 Gunners 0,406
64 Marine Troopers 0,320
Weapons and Equipment Location Damage (C) Max Range Mass
3 Medium NPPC Nose 27 Extreme 5,400
4 NL-35 Nose 14 Long 2,800
2 LRM-10 Nose 2 (12) Long 0,010
4 SRM-6 Nose 4 (32) Short 0,012
2 NAC25 FL/R 50 Long 24,000
2 Medium NPPC FL/R 18 Extreme 14,400
2 White Shark FL/R 6 Extreme 0,300
2 AC/10, 4 AC/5 FL/R 4 (40) Medium 0,224
2 NAC35 BSL/R 70 Medium 32,000
3 NL-35 BSL/R 11 Long 8,400
2 LRM-10 BSL/R 2 (12) Long 0,020
4 SRM-6 BSL/R 4 (32) Short 0,024
2 NAC25 AL/R 50 Long 24,000
2 NL-35 AL/R 7 Long 5,600
2 AC/10, 4 AC/5 AL/R 4 (40) Medium 0,224
2 White Shark AL/R 4 (40 Extreme 0,300
2 NL-35 Aft 7 Long 2,800
1 Medium NPPC Aft 9 Extreme 1,800
2 LRM-10 Aft 2 (12) Long 0,010
4 SRM-6 Aft 4 (32) Short 0,012
NAC25 216 (27 Rounds per cannon) 0,360
White Shark 400 (75 per fore launcher, 50 per aft) 4,000
NAC35 240 (60 per cannon) 0,240
LRM-10 960 (120 per launcher) 0,080
SRM-6 240 (15 rounds per launcher) 0,016
AC10 160 (20 rounds per cannon) 0,016
AC5 960 (60 rounds per cannon) 0,048