A way of having a shipyard without having a shipyard.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Behemoth-class Yardship
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3100
Vessel Type: Spheroid DropShip
Rules: Level 3, Custom Equipment
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 100,000 tons
Length: 200 metres (400 metres extended)
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 2
Maximum Thrust: 3
Armor Type: Standard
4 Large Laser
10 Medium Laser
The Behemoth is the largest DropShip ever constructed and is larger than
many JumpShips so it made the perfect base for Lockheed/CBM to use for their
new Shipyard concept built in orbit over Tharkad the company took two
Behemoth's and began their work making leaps forward in DropShip design along
the way.
Like the original Behemoth the vessel's massive engines take up the lower
decks these engines are completely unchanged from the original design and
under normal circumstances can produce a maximum thrust of approximately 1.5G
acceleration. The core of the Behemoth was kept intact by Lockheed/CBM with
the cargo lifts that access all levels are intact in a levels intact. The
twenty small craft bays are also still intact allowing the Behemoth's crew
to transfer crew and cargo to other ships and support construction efforts.
This is where the similarities between the two craft end however as the
structual integrity of the vessel was massively reinforced to support the
construction capabilities mounted in the front of the ship. This moved the
crew quarters up as well with crew quarters, mess halls, gyms and lounge areas
provided for the crew and upto 1,000 passengers this along with the structual
reinforcement gives these modified craft a far fatter appearance compared to
standard Behemoth's additionally for crew comfort the designers modified a
1,000 metre wide gravity deck to fit onto a DropShip this huge piece of
equipment extends out of the vessel's hull when the main engines are not
being used. Because of the additional equipment required the deck weighs
twice as much as a standard gravity deck.
Above these facilities are the massive cargo decks capable of holding
over forty thousand tons of cargo with these are facilities to hold
thirty-six BattleMech cubicles and thirty squads worth of battle armour
suits which are used by construction workers to aid in construction/repair
Finally the massive construction and docking bays take up the entire
nose section of the Behemoth with the craft almost literally "opening up"
when it approaches another equipped craft so the support grids attach to
the other craft these docking facilities are rated at the same as a JumpShip
docking collar. The process of extending the repair facility essentially
doubles the length of the Behemoth before it has even docked making the total
structure of the two craft around 800 metres when extended.
Only two of these ships are known to exist the Constellation and
Constitution both are operated exclusively by the Lockheed/CBM company of
Tharkad and they operate in the Tharkad system.
Class/Model/Name: Behemoth
Mass: 100,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 13,000.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 2
Maximum Thrust: 3
Structural Integrity: 60 12,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 297 Single 153.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 612.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 750.00
Fire Control Computers: .00
Food & Water: (29 days supply) 22.00
Armour Type: Standard (210 total armour pts) 15.00
Standard Scale Armour Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 20
Left/Right Sides: 60/60
Aft: 70
Bay 1: Reinforced Repair facility (max capacity 25,000) 1 door 7,500.00
Bay 2: BattleMech (36) with 4 doors 5,400.00
Bay 3: Battle Armour squads (30) with 4 doors 300.00
Bay 3: Cargo (1) with 10 doors 22,045.00
Bay 4: Cargo (1) with 10 doors 23,075.00
Bay 5: Small Craft (20) with 4 doors 4,000.00
Life Boats: 50 (7 tons each) 350.00
Escape Pods: 50 (7 tons each) 350.00
Forward docking collar: 1,000.00
Gravity Deck: (1,000 metre diametre): 1,000.00
Crew and Passengers:
9 Officers (8 minimum) 90.00
41 Crew (14 minimum) 287.00
3 Gunners (3 minimum) 21.00
1000 Passenger quarters: 7,000.00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Large Laser FL/R 2(18) 1(8) -- -- 16 10.00
2 Medium Laser 12 4.00
1 Large Laser AL/R 2(18) 1(8) -- -- 16 10.00
2 Medium Laser 12 4.00
2 Medium Laser Aft 1(10) -- -- -- 6 2.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%) 1,000.00
New Tech
DropShip Reinforced Docking Bay
Designed by Lockheed/CBM of Tharkad as a method of constructing their Sub-Compact Core powered vessels without the need of constructing a full Shipyard. To make the facility work Lockheed/CBM found that two vessels each equipped with the bay facility must work together. With each vessel essentially extending their nose section docking with the other ship.
Due to the additional tonnage required to mount this facility on a DropShip, and dock it with another DropShip, the facility weighs in at 7,500 tons 30% of the 25,000 ton capacity and will only operate when used on two vessels at the same time. Due to the requirement of needing to dock to another DropShip the vessel must mount an additional docking collar to account for the linkages between the two vessels.
DropShip Gravity Deck
The gravity deck is something that has been seen on a JumpShip almost exclusively until the launch of the Behemoth-class Yardship. The gravity deck weighs in at a ton for ever metre of its width to a maximum of 1,000 metres. This is due to the additional support the deck needs due to it being mounted on a DropShip. The Gravity Deck cannot be used when the vessel's engines are in use.