the Hound-class Raider... I mean Corvette
Hope you enjoy!!
Hound-class Corvette
Tech: Inner Sphere /3063
Faction: Federated Suns
Era: What if
Vessel Type: WarShip
Mass: 240,000 tons
K-F Drive System: (Unknown)
Length: 460 meters
Sail Diameter: 990 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 4 Maximum Thrust: 6
Armour Type: Ferro Aluminium
4 Naval Laser class-55
2 Naval Laser class-45
4 Naval Laser class-35
2 NAC/35
2 NAC/30
26 Rotary AC/2
30 Medium Lasers
1 Screen Launcher
15 Anti-Missile System
Following poor combat performance of the Fox-class in Operation
Bulldog, Serpent, the attack on New Syrtis Shipyards and the Draconis Combine
Strike launched by House Davion’s Draconis March in 3062 the AFFS Admiralty
ordered Galax Shipyards and New Syrtis shipyards to fix the design and give
the Federated Suns a better ship. In early 3064 the first such vessel, the
FSS Admiral Michael Sallie, was dubbed the Hound-class Corvette when it was
launched in reality it is little more than a Fox Block II. The Hound
designation was chosen to honour Ian ‘The Hound’ Davion, Hanse ‘The Fox’
Davion’s brother and First Prince before his death in 3041 on Mallory‘s Word
while fighting Draconis Combine troops.
The biggest change the Hound has over the original Fox is the larger
vessels engines providing the vessel with a cruising speed of two gravities
and a top speed of three gravities the Hound can easily out pace the original
design‘s one-and-a-half gravities cruise and two-and-a-half gravities flank
acceleration over short periods. The armour and the Lithium Fusion Battery
are retained keeping with the Fox‘s survivability and tactical mobility.
The originals fighter capacity has been almost doubled with the Hound
carrying a full wing of twenty fighters. The small craft has been doubled to
four and four Battle Armour Squads have been added, although these are housed
in barracks as points instead of as marines. The original five DropShips
have been cut to two making the vessel less of a fleet support ship and more
of a direct combat vessel/carrier making up for the lack of fighters on the
Avalon-class Cruiser.
The armament of the Hound reflects this instead of NAC/10s and
Barracuda capital missile launchers with large pulse lasers providing the
anti-fighter protection of the original Fox, the Hound has an array of ten
Naval Lasers of various calibre and four Naval Autocannons, two NAC/30s and
two NAC/35s in the broadside-arcs for anti-WarShip firepower while twenty-six
Rotary Autocannon class-2s and thirty Medium Lasers providing their
anti-fighter firepower, the lack of range of these Medium Lasers are the only
real criticisms of the anti-fighter defences.
For added defence the Hound has ten forward and five aft facing
Anti-Missile Systems and a single forward Screen launcher defends the ship
from conventional missiles and capital weapons.
This change in firepower and speed makes the Hound more like a Heavy
Raider than a Corvette but the vessel still maintains the Corvette designation
because of its size. The cargo capacity has been reduced to just
under nine thousand tons making the redesign less independent than the
Fox-class vessel.
Only the FSS Admiral Michael Sallie is in service at present however
there are seven more either in production or planned. Some talk has gone
around the AFFS about upgrading the remaining Fox-class vessels to Hound
class however with the constant expansion of the Federated Suns Admiralty
this call has been ignored by the High Command. In the future no more
Fox-class will be built instead all new planned Fox-class vessels will be
converted over to the Hound-class production line.
Hound-class Corvette (Fox Block II) WarShip Tonnage
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant 57,600
Thrust Safe Thrust 4
Maximum Thrust 6
K-F Drive Compact (Integrity 6) 108,600
Lithium Fusion Battery 2,400
Jump Sail 0,042
Structual Integrity 100 24,000
Heat Sinks (Double) 384 (768) 0.000
Fuel and pump 29,600 5,920
Bridge and Control systems 0,600
Armour Ferro Aluminum 376pts 0,394.5
Fore 70
Fore Left/Right 67
Aft Left/Right 54
Aft 64
Bay 1: 20 Aerospace Fighters with four Doors 3,000
Bay 2: 4 Small Craft with two doors 0,800
Bay 3: 4 Battle Armour Squads (16) with one door 0,040
Bay 4: Cargo with one door 8,773
Docking Collar 2 3,000
Gravity Deck 1 Diameter 120 metres 0,100
Life Boats 12 0,084
Escape Pods: 0 0,000
Crew and Passengers:
22 Officers 0,220
71 Enlisted 0,497
30 Gunners 0,210
Weapons and Equipment Location Damage (C) Max Range Mass
2 NAC/30 Nose 60 Long 7,000
Screen Launcher Nose -- Short 0,040
6 RAC/2 Nose 5 (48) Medium 0,048
4 Medium Lasers Nose 2 (20) Short 0,004
2 NL-55 FL/R 11 Extreme 4,400
5 AMS FL/R -- Point 0,005
3 RAC/2 FL/R 2 (24) Medium 0,048
3 Medium Laser FL/R 2 (15) Short 0,006
NAC/35 R/LBS 35 Medium 8,000
4 RAC/2 R/LBS 4 (32) Medium 0,064
4 Medium Laser R/LBS 2 (20) Short 0,008
2 NL-35 AF/R 7 Long 2,800
3 RAC/2 AL/R 2 (24) Medium 0,048
6 Medium Laser AL/R 3 (30) Short 0,012
2 NL-45 Aft 9 Extreme 1,800
5 AMS Aft -- Point 0,002.5
4 Medium Laser Aft -- Short 0,004
NAC/35 40 Rounds (20 per cannon) 0,040
NAC/30 50 Rounds (25 per cannon) 0,040
AMS 360 Rounds (24 per system) 0,030
RAC/2 11,700 Rounds (450 per cannon) 0,260
Screen Launcher 10 Rounds (10 per launcher) 0,100