Imperial-class Battleship
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3108
Vessel Type: WarShip
Rules: Advanced
Mass: 1,750,000 tons
Hull: Illium-14
K-F Drive System: KF Mark CCXXVII
Length: 1,243 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,375 meters
Power Plant: Series 8 "Behemoth"
Safe Thrust: 2g
Maximum Thrust: 3g
Armor Type: Nobel Compound LFC Lamellor Ferro-carbide
10 Irian Coporated Heavy Naval Gauss Rifle
33 Oriente-3 series 20 Naval autocannon
40 Thunderbolt Class 55 Naval Laser
48 Magna Starfire Heavy PPC
32 Imperator II Light Gauss Rifle
32 McArthur Laser AMS
The Free Worlds League's first Battleship was designed in the Ionus
system at the Illium Shipyards and launched in 3108. The ship is designed
to face down against the WarShips of the Lyran Commonwealth, Wolf Empire and
Capellan Confederation.
The Imperial-class Battleship is able to match the Lyran Mjolnir
class for speed and is able to fight naval sized opponents with a mix of
Naval Gauss Rifles, Naval autocannons and Naval Lasers. The naval autocannon
armament in particular stands out with eleven "trip-turrets" covering every
angle of the hull. For defence against fighters and DropShips the class is
equipped with a variety of Heavy Particle Cannons and Light Gauss Rifles.
For missile defence the ship is equipped with an extensive grid of Laser
Anti-Missile Systems which never run out of ammunition.
Supporting each Imperial-class is thirty-six aerospace fighters,
twenty small craft, two DropShips and ninety-six Battle Armour troopers. The
ship can carry two hundred-and forty passengers, though these are often
occupied by the pilots and support staff of the aerospace fighter pilots.
Finally each Imperial is equipped with an advanced Mark II Lithium Fusion
Battery and is capable of carrying over eighty-four thousand tons of cargo.
The first Imperial-class Battleship was commissioned into the
District of Marik's navy in 3108. The MS Grand Marik instantly becoming the
largest WarShip in service of a Free World's League navy. Parliment has
called for vessels of the Free Worlds League to retake the FWLS designator
but the Captain-General has refused to support this until parliament agrees
to the recreation of Federal troops under the command of Parliament and
independent of the District states.
Imperial-class Battleship
Mass: 1,750,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 420,000.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 34) 791,875.00
Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II 35,000.00
Jump Sail (Detachable): (Integrity = 7) 118.00
Structural Integrity: 100 175,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 7,000 Double 6,039.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 4,590.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 4,375.00
Fire Control Computers: 6,178.00
Food & Water: (243 days supply) 1,000.00
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-carbide (2,585 total armor pts) 2,525.00
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 478
Fore-Left/Right: 430/430
Aft-Left/Right: 430/430
Aft: 387
Bay 1: Small Craft (20) with 2 doors 4,000.00
Fighters (36) with 6 doors 5,400.00
Bay 2: Cargo (1) with 4 doors 84,901.00
DropShip Capacity: 2 Docking Hardpoints 2,000.00
Grav Deck #1: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #2: (55-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #3: (65-meter diameter) 50.00
Life Boats: 65 (7 tons each) 455.00
Escape Pods: 65 (7 tons each) 455.00
Crew and Passengers:
110 Officers (95 minimum) 1,100.00
320 Crew (285 minimum) 2,240.00
97 Gunners 1,050.00
96 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals 672.00
40 First Class Passenger Quarters 400.00
200 Second Class Passenger Quarters 1,400.00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
2 Heavy Naval Gauss (200 R)Nose 60 60 60 60 36 14,100.00
2 Heavy Naval Gauss (200 R)Nose 60 60 60 60 36 14,100.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) Nose 60 60 60 -- 180 7,596.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) Nose 60 60 60 -- 180 7,596.00
4 NL55 Nose 22 22 22 22 340 4,400.00
6 Heavy PPC Nose 9(90) 9(90) -- -- 90 60.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle (480 R)Nose 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 8 108.00
4 Laser AMS Nose -- -- -- -- 48 6.00
2 Heavy Naval Gauss (200 R)FL/R 60 60 60 60 36 28,200.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) FL/R 60 60 60 -- 180 15,192.00
4 NL55 FL/R 22 22 22 22 340 8,800.00
6 Heavy PPC FL/R 9(90) 9(90) -- -- 90 120.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle (480 R)FL/R 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 8 216.00
4 Laser AMS FL/R -- -- -- -- 96 12.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) L/RBS 60 60 60 -- 180 15,192.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) L/RBS 60 60 60 -- 180 15,192.00
6 NL55 L/RBS 33 33 33 33 510 13,200.00
6 Heavy PPC L/RBS 9(90) 9(90) -- -- 90 120.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle (480 R)L/RBS 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 8 216.00
4 Laser AMS L/RBS -- -- -- -- 96 12.00
Heavy Naval Gauss (100 R) AL/R 30 30 30 30 18 14,100.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) AL/R 60 60 60 -- 180 15,192.00
6 NL66 AL/R 33 33 33 33 1020 13,200.00
6 Heavy PPC AL/R 9(90) 9(90) -- -- 90 120.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle (480 R)AL/R 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 8 216.00
4 Laser AMS AL/R -- -- -- -- 48 12.00
3 NAC/20(240 Rounds) Aft 60 60 60 -- 180 7,596.00
4 NL55 Aft 22 22 22 22 340 4,400.00
6 Heavy PPC Aft 9(90) 9(90) -- -- 90 60.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle (480 R)Aft 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 8 108.00
4 Laser AMS Aft -- -- -- -- 48 6.00