The original Monolisk was developed by Hellraiser
here: liked the design at the time but I wasn't sure how I wanted to use her. Hellraiser had built a ship designed for a post-Jihad little WarShip environment while where I wanted to use the ship in my WarShip heavy AU the ship didn't fit.
Then came Oriente. Oriente lacks shipyards while its neighbours all had, they lacked the resources for a Battleship or to develop something completely new so taking the basic idea of a Monolith and turning it into a WarShip... was a start (I know it's a leap but we're talking a universe with 13 metre tall Mechs and 2.5 million ton WarShips that jump massive distances in a blink of an eye so stick with me.)

I then decided that I wanted to play with my new tech that had come along with the AU. The AR-15 capable of firing any type of Sub-Capital Missile. And the Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II
Both on this thread: here we go... my changes have been done by hand so please point out (and forgive) any mistakes I made along the way.
Monolisk Class Destroyer
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3096
Vessel Type: WarShip
Mass: 430,000 tons
K-F Drive System: (Unknown)
Length: 750 meters
Sail Diameter: 1270 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-carbide
28 Naval Laser-class 45
4 Naval Autocannon class-30
12 AR-15 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher
4 Screen Launchers
36 Light Gauss Rifle
22 Fifteen-tube Long Range Missile Launcher with Artemis
30 Heavy Particle Projection Cannon
24 Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Free-flight Limited/Hellraiser Productions
Location: Fletcher (Oriente)
When Hellraiser Productions approached Free flight Limited's
shipyards over Fletcher in the Oriente Protectorate few thought anything
of it. A new Monolith JumpShip production facility was a welcome sight
especially for Oriente which lacked shipyard facilities.
As was expected Oriente welcomed the move with open arms
however few even within the Oriente Protectorate knew the true reason.
Oriente concealled from public view what was going on at the facility
rerouting all traffic in the system around the shipyards. Officially this was
because Oriente felt protective over their new, and only, shipyard facility
unofficially they began shipping in supplies under false cargo manifests
hiding the WarShip grade engines, armour, Lithium Fusion Battery and
weapons. Eventually unveiling the Monolisk-class Destroyer claiming
the previous press releases about a "Monolith" yard had been a typo.
The Monolisk is named a Destroyer however she is really a
jack of all trades, and unfortunately for the people of Oriente, a master
of none. Filling the roll of a WarShip, JumpShip, Carrier and cargo hauler
in its four hundred and thirty thousand ton frame. This is no more true
than with the vessel's "Central Corridor" which runs the length of the
ship allowing cargo to be transferred between the four cargo bays.
During combat this corridor is closed by pressure doors however it is a
clear design weakness as these doors are an internal weakness that there
is few ways to counter.
The vessel is capable of a max acceleration of 2.5G while a
newly developed Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II allows the ship to make
three jumps between recharging vastly increasing its utility. This
requirement for utility is seen throughout the vessel with NINE DropShip
collars attached to the vessel. Due to the lack of other JumpShip
production facilities the Monolisk's are as likely to find themselves in the
roll of transport vessel than they are a combat vessel. This utility is also
seen in the vessel's two fighter wings while in combat these prove quite
useful the Monolisks have been used to move aerospace fighters to
planet based garrisons as Oriente continues to try and strengthen their
defences. Unfortunately the same can be said for the vessel's
complement of twelve small craft, which are more often courier vessels
than battle taxis.
Because the WarShip cannot always rely on its carried
complement of aerospace fighters and DropShips in a fight the vessel
carries an impressive armament with twenty-eight class 45 Naval Lasers,
four class 30 Naval Autocannons and twelve recently developed AR-15
Multi-Sub Capital Missile Launchers making up the vessels primary
offensive armament. Initially four more naval autocannons had been
planned to cover the rear arcs however these were scrubbed as
designers believed the Monolisk did not have enough space dedicated to
Backing up these weapons are eighty-eight seperate
conventional weapons made up of Light Gauss Rifles, Heavy Particle
Cannons and Long Range Missile launchers. For defence four Screen
Launchers and twenty-four Anti-Missile systems dot the hull while nearly a
thousand tons of Ferro-carbide armour coat the vessel's superstructure.
When the first three Monolisks launched in 3096 they did so
devoid of capital weapons, support DropShips or aerospace fighters.
Over the following year each of the three vessels would be kitted out to
Oriente's demands while the production facilities at Fletcher prepared
for the next phase of construction, six more vessels of the same class.
Class/Model/Name: Monolisk Class Destroyer
Mass: 430,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 77,400.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 10) 194,575.00
Lithium Fusion Battery Mk. II 8,600.00
Jump Sail (Detachable): (Integrity = 4) 52.00
Structural Integrity: 110 47,300.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2,438 Double 2,000.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 4,386.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 1,075.00
Armour Type: Ferro-carbide (823 total armour pts) 946.00
Capital Scale Armour
Location: L / R
Fore: 140
Fore-Left/Right: 140/140
Aft-Left/Right: 140/140
Aft: 123
Bay 1: Fighters (18) with 2 doors 2,700.00
Cargo with 1 door 6,672.00
Bay 2: Small Craft (6) with 1 door 1,200.00
Cargo with 1 door 6,672.00
Bay 3: Fighters (18) with 2 doors 2,700.00
Cargo with 1 door 6,672.00
Bay 4: Small Craft (6) with 1 door 1,200.00
Cargo with 1 door 6,672.00
DropShip Capacity: 9 Docking Hardpoints 9,000.00
Grav Deck #1: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #2: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #3: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Life Boats: 40 (7 tons each) 280.00
Escape Pods: 40 (7 tons each) 280.00
Crew and Passengers:
34 Officers 340.00
97 Crew 679.00
67 Gunners 469.00
94 Marines 470.00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
4 NL45 Nose 18 18 18 18 280 3,600.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle Nose 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 4 48.00
4 LRM-15 w/Artemis Nose 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) -- 20 32.00
8 AMS Nose -- -- -- -- 8 4.00
2 NAC/30 FL/R 60 60 60 -- 400 14,000.00
1 Screen Launcher FL/R -- -- -- -- 20 80.00
3 AR15 FL/R * * * * 44 1,320.00
6 Heavy PPC FL/R 9(90) 9(90) -- -- 180 120.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle FL/R 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 8 96.00
4 LRM-15 w/Artemis FL/R 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) -- 40 64.00
5 NL45 L/RBS 23 23 23 23 700 9,000.00
4 Heavy PPC L/RBS 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 120 80.00
5 Light Gauss Rifle L/RBS 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 10 120.00
8 AMS L/RBS -- -- -- -- 16 12.00
5 NL45 AL/R 23 23 23 23 700 9,000.00
1 Screen Launcher AL/R -- -- -- -- 20 80.00
3 AR15 AL/R * * * * 44 1,320.00
3 Heavy PPC AL/R 5(45) 5(45) -- -- 90 60.00
3 LRM 15 w/Artemis AL/R 4(36) 4(36) 4(36) -- 24 48.00
5 Light Gauss Rifle AL/R 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 10 120.00
4 NL45 Aft 18 18 18 18 280 3,600.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle Aft 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) 4 48.00
4 LRM-15 w/Artemis Aft 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) -- 20 32.00
4 Heavy PPC Aft 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 60 40.00
8 AMS Aft -- -- -- -- 8 4.00
Light Naval Gauss Rifle 96 per cannon 192.00
LRM-15 96 per launcher 288.00
AMS 120 per cannon 240.00
NAC/30 40 per cannon 200.00
Screen Launcher 20 per launcher 400.00
Swordfish 5 per launcher 900.00
Manta Ray 5 per launcher 1,080.00
Piranah 5 per launcher 600.00
Stingray 5 per launcher 720.00