Not mine originally created by someone on the CBT forum. Can't remember who but you have my thanks.
Not sure about the fire control through think it may be wrong maybe someone with HMA could fix that? Thanks if possible.
Intrepid-class Troopship
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2580
Era: Canon 2580/What if 3073+
Availability: Unique
Vessel Type: WarShip
Mass: 980,000 tons
K-F Drive System: (Unknown)
Length: 894 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,198 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 4 Maximum Thrust: 6
Armour Type: Ferro-Carbide
180 Extended-Range Particle Projection Cannon
240 LRM-20 with Artemis
32 Barracuda Capital Missile Launchers
8 Naval Autocannon class-25
70 LB 20-X Autocannons
The Intrepid-class Troopship was developed by followers of Jerome Blake following the SLDF Exodus and the removal of almost all Potemkin-class Troopships from the Inner Sphere. They were designed in case ComStar needed vessels that could move large amounts of forces at once (i.e. if ComStar attempted to annex the former Terran Hegemony Worlds as Jerome Blake originally planned.) However, following the First Circuit's decision to remain in the Terran system and the Inner Sphere degenerating into massed combat ComStar shelved the project leaving the three constructed hulls in an unmarked system. As the centuries moved on and ComStar’s mystical leaning continued to grow these vessels were never used instead put into mothballed at a secret anchorage.
The ship was designed to avoid combat and deliver approximately two ComGuard Armies to a planetary surface. One Army is transported aboard six DropShips and another is delivered directly from the Intrepid‘s Cargo Bay. When Battle Armour was widely deployed the Intrepid was upgraded and instead of infantry the Intrepid can carry thirty-four Battle Armour squads this was done at a high cost to ComStar and was seen as a strange move due to the Intrepid-class position in Mothball.
The Intrepid’s own firepower is almost all conventional weapons with an amazing array of one hundred-and-eighty Particle Projection Cannons and two hundred and forty twenty-tube Long Range Missile launchers, because ComStar’s technology base never dwindled to the levels of the Succession Lords all the energy weapons are Extended-Range models and all the LRM launchers have Artemis fire-control systems increasing the hit/fired ratio of each flight of missiles. These weapons combine to surround and create a bubble of death that can destroy any fighter or DropShip that attempts to close. For point blank protection inside the bubble seventy brand-new Lyran built LB 20-X ACs were added in the early 3050s giving the vessel devastating firepower in ever arc against fighters, especially true when the autocannons are armed with scatter-shot cluster munitions for fighters, where they can pierce a fighter’s canopy or ruin flight surfaces, or solid shot for DropShips where they can tear a vessel‘s side open with one or two volleys. The ship's broadside autocannon and barracuda batteries almost appear as an afterthought. To dispense this heat the Intrepid has over eight thousand-seven hundred double heat sinks.
The Intrepid’s sixty fighters and six DropShips can supplement the Transport’s firepower as well as helping the ground forces. The Intrepid also carries just under one hundred thousand tons of cargo space and a mobile HPG. Finally for crew and passenger comfort twelve one hundred-and-twenty metre wide Gravity Decks were installed, it is thought this is the most gravity decks ever mounted on anything other than a space station.
Only three of these vessels exist held in secret by ComStar at a base even the Word of Blake are unaware of. When ComStar decides the Word of Blake were {information distorted} the ComGuards {information distorted} WHITE. The first combat test for these vessels came in [information distorted} CASE {distoted}. [Blake's Will will always triumph over the evil of the heretics, all will feel the Master's will]
Intrepid-class Troopship WarShip/Transport 980,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant 235,200
Thrust Safe Thrust 4
Maximum Thrust 6
Kearny-Fuchida Jump Drive Compact (Integrity 20) 443,450
Lithium Fusion Battery 9,800
Jump Sail (Detachable) 5 0,079
Structual Integrity 95 93,100
Heat Sinks (Double) 8,721 (17,442) 7,991
Fuel and pump 12,500 5,100
Bridge and Control systems 2,450
HPG 0,050
Armour (Ferro Carbide) 1,550pts 1,862
Fore 225
Fore Left/Right 275
Aft Left/Right 275
Aft 235
Bay 1: BattleMechs (60) with 4 doors 9,000
Bay 2: Fighters (50) with 6 doors 9,000
Bay 3: Battle Armour (40 squads) with 2 doors 0,400
Bay 4: Cargo with 1 doors 97,640
Docking Collars 6 6,000
Gravity Decks (1-12) 120 Diameter 1,200
Life Boats 150 1,050
Escape Pods: 150 1,050
Crew and Passengers:
120 Officers 1,200
400 Crew 2,800
200 Gunners 0,840
Weapons and Equipment Location Damage (C) Max Range Mass
30 ERPPC Nose 30 (300) Long 0,210
40 LRM-20 with Artemis Nose 48 (480) Long 0,444
20 LB20-XAC Nose 24 (240) Short 0,280
30 ERPPC FL/R 30 (300) Long 0,420
40 LRM-20 with Artemis FL/R 48 (480) Long 0,888
2 NAC/25 R/LBS 50 Long 12,000
2 NAC/25 R/LBS 50 Long 12,000
16 Barracuda R/LBS 32 Extreme 0,960
20 LB20-XAC R/LBS 24 (240) Short 0,560
30 ERPPC AL/R 30 (300) Long 0,420
40 LRM-20 with Artemis AL/R 48 (480) Long 0,888
30 ERPPC Aft 30 (300) Long 0,210
40 LRM-20 with Artemis Aft 48 (480) Long 0,444
20 LB20-XAC Aft 24 (240) Short 0,280
LRM-20 8,640 (18 Rounds per launcher) 1,440
LB20-XAC 7,000 (100 Rounds per launcher) 1,400
Barracuda 320 (10 missiles per launcher) 9,600
NAC/25 160 (20 rounds per cannon) 0,096