"Gentlemen and ladies, now that the more...emotional responses have been dealt with, I would refer you to the verigraphed ROM chips we are passing around to each of you. They are approximately 10TB in size with video depositions and films of the grave sites on Verthandi. This includes closeups of the bodies in situ and autopsies. I would suggest not viewing around meal time. Furthermore, this includes .pdf copies of investigator field notes and maps of the grave sites themselves. The Archon furthermore invites you to send representatives of your governments, excluding the Draconis Combine, of course, to tour the grave sites for themselves,"
(passes out the ROMs to everyone in the room)
"We have also video depositions on the ROMs as well as video of Kuritan POWs touring the sites for themselves to confirm the genuine nature of these mass graves. We have also video of several towns completely empty of their inhabitants, we cannot confirm the whereabouts of the population of these towns, but we are investigating several mounds of recently disturbed earth located by satellite. This is also on the ROMs"
"Our evidence is good enough to stand trial. We even have paperwork on the ROMs and indictments we are unsealing today at the Commonwealth Supreme Court for 42 men and women of the DCMS and ISF we believe are responsible for some, if not all of the acts leading to these...massacres."