A woman dressed in formal attire of black and gold approaches the podium and bows to the assembly. "Good day, I am Ebba Sparre and I formally announce the creation of the Anti-Spinward Union, which I have the honor to represent as Ambassador-at-Large. The interstellar polities of the Lothian League, Circinus Federation and Illyrian Palatinate have determined these trying times represent a significant challenge to their continued economic, political and social development. Thus, they have confederated their realms into a Union founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law, principles which are common to the original Member States."
She then presents her credentials to Precentor Chase. During this time, the banners of the Lothian League, Circinus Federation and Illyrian Palatinate are solemnly furled and a new flag, a Gold Cross of Saint George upon a Field of Black, with three Gold four pointed Stars in the Canton is displayed in the area previously occupied by the Lothian League. She returns to the podium and continues. "We have established a new capital, named Union, located at coordinates -438.160 -163.973. I hereby invite all nation states desiring peaceful relations with the Anti-Spinward Union to send their accredited diplomatic representatives to our new government seat and establish embassies there. We extend the hand of friendship to all and look forward to negotiating treaties of commercial and scientific nature with any interested party. Thank you."
She bows again and returns to her seat under the new flag.