The Lyran Ambassador may wish for my censor. He may wish for a great many things but I dare say he shall not have them.
That is up to the Chairman, of which, thankfully you are not. I leave it for him to decide. Your impudence is interesting, and demonstration of an inability to function in polite company.
Now that being said I would be happy to take ownership of any such papers and transcripts as you would wish to provide my government on the completely unconscionable occupation of Andiron.
Such arrangements will be made later today, as for unconscionable, well, that's a point of argument, isn't it?
Further we will not allow you to use our just and proportionate response to the series of cross border raids the Lyran Commonwealth initiated throughout 3024 which I would remind you sir lead to this war.
Just and proportionate response? We didn't seize any worlds, and our strikes were against military targets? Since when was the Timibqui brewery a military target?
That is...if your prepared to conduct the plebiscite without the presence of any forces on world to intimidate the populous.
Our troops will remain to maintain order and protect the planet until the plebiscite has occurred. We wouldn't want temptation coming into any minds in Atreus, would we? By the way, have you ever apologized to Circinius for your occupation of their capital during the 2nd Succession War? It's rather odd you're waving the bloody shirt for them.
What is needed is a neutral observer to see that things are carried out properly. I nominate Comstar, anyone with a brain can see they have maintained neutrality with all realms represented here.
No, after what has come out with Comstar's participation in this war. We would not allow, nor tolerate Comstar's observers present at any such plebiscite. You want observers? We ask for representatives from ORCA.
We entered the war at the request of every. single. one. of our neighbors in the region over the troubling acts of aggression of the then Ceaser O'Reilly who is no longer with us may he find a better path in his next life.
Might be the only thing we agree on, by the way, how are the Marik troops you sent to Niops? I hear it was a rather sad situation. Cautionary tale on the horrors of war and intervening in others affairs?
I call upon the representatives of Illyria, Lothia and Circinus to confirm that Free Worlds involvement was beneficial to the resolution of that war in their favor.
You don't need to, we're willing to concede the point, but please, don't cloak yourself in such wonderful language. You're no more angelic than we are. We're just more willing to try not to be twits.
That being said the new Ceaser O'Reilly is proving to be a far more amiable neighbor then his father and we have no issues in regard with the swift turn over of those citizens of NIOP's which have sought a new life in the Free Worlds League.
By citizens, do you mean the whole planet? I am sure the Oberon Confederation ambassador can provide the communique about your demands over that.
No Ambassador what we have had is Lyran Aggression as it was your military which first crossed the border since the end of the 3rd Succession War or will you deny the facts of the matter? Anyway you want to look at it your Archon violated the peace when she sent her armies of thugs and low rent Mercenaries across the border then in her "wisdom" she went skiing and unfortunately only nearly broke her fool neck.
Ya know, if you can't say something nice...So I won't. You sir have proven to be an uncivil, uncouth and unpleasant person in these exchanges. I may be at war with the Kuritans, but he's less of an unreconstructed fatuous fathead than you are. I've discussed this, perhaps I need to speak slower for the average slack jawed Marik to keep up.
And now, now you prattle on about how your boy might die in the war instead of spending his mandatory service putting up bunting at Military Ball's well boo freaking hoo. Or do you think that men and women don't and have not died in those state sanctioned thieving expeditions you call raids?
Of course they have, and as usual, you're missing the point, tell me, Mr. Ambassador? Do you have any sons or daughters at the front yourself? Have you been in battle yourself? <holds up cane> I got this from a Drac Warhammer. I did in the service of my country. The Warhammer pilot did it in the service of his. I hold him no ill will. I can't say the same of you. You epitomize the old saying about war. "Old men start wars, but young men are left to fight them". You don't scare me, Mr. Ambassador. I know your kind, you're a bully, used to getting what he wants. Well, you just try it with me.
War is evil, but not standing up to Lyran Tyranny is by far a worse evil. When this conflagration comes to an end the Lyran Commonwealth shall not be in a position to violate her neighbors borders for a long time, and because of that many young men and women now in their cribs will get to grow up without the exchange of auto-cannon's violating the night. Without the flames of Lyran Pirates Dropships raining down on their worlds night sky I look forward to that day.
Ah, and I wish you had the insight to replace Lyran with any of our nations...Guess what you moron? That's how they feel about any of us in the border regions?
You say you want peace Ambassador? Then at least have the decency to inquire as to terms before you insist that your neighbors whom you have wronged are unreasonable in their terms.
On the matter of claims should I take this to mean the Lyran Commonwealth no longer maintains its spurious claim the Captain-General's title of First Lord after all..its quite old as well is it not?
Because any fool can guess what your terms even are, and simply put...keep 'em. No on Hesperus, No on Skye. I mean, would you give us Dixie or Timbiqui back? Somehow, I doubt it.
Wow, haven't you kept up with current events? She renounced it almost a year ago in a speech before the Estates-General. It's a dead throne that belongs to an ancient time. Fine, let's say any of our nations SOMEHOW gets their claim recognized by one other nation to the League throne? Then what? Suddenly peace, harmony and goodwill breaks out? We all bow down towards the holder of the golden crown like he's the messiah come to earth? No. The rest of us will call him a pretender and we'll pretty much carry on as before. The sad part is, Ambassador? Were there an external threat to the Inner Sphere? I think I'd pray pretty hard it didn't come through your nation first? The rest of us would be pretty reluctant to help you out.