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Author Topic: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine  (Read 31598 times)

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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2013, 11:01:40 PM »

*clearing his throat*

ahem, to respond to my esteemed colleague directly.

Fair enough, but the Terran Hegemony has not, nor will it be, the driving force behind the acceptance of these rules. ...
I don't recall having asked the Terran Hegemony to be the driving force, merely move the conversation to a clear and suitable forum for further discussion and ratification.

Since Oberon continues to act on the ground of moral and legal ambiguity, ...
The murder of innocents, specifically defenseless women and children.  According to my brief look through criminal law and religious texts, murder is quite immoral to every major religion, and illegal in every single Terran Hegemony world, and all the major nations including the Draconis Combine, and has been for a very long time.  Military Combatants however is a different story.  What we are referring too in this discussion is the willful slaughter of innocent civilians, regardless if it is done from Orbit or by camps like on Elbar or by concentration camps like Auschwitz.

The Hegemony's admirals for one, will be happier knowing they can use their WarShips in any manner they see fit when protecting the Terran people. ...
*a picture of a two year old dark haired girl in a pink tutu and pigtails, holding a floppy eared 6 legged bunny rabbit is displayed on the screen behind, superimposed on a scrolling list of hundreds of thousands of names*
I had not been aware that young Cassandra Hibakusha frightens the Hegemony Admirals so.  Behind me you will all see the current list of civilian casualties from the Draconis Combine's unprovoked assault using of Orbital Bombardment on Reykjavik.  These women and children were so threatening in their attacks on the Draconis Combine that the DCMS had no choice but to bombard them from Orbit?

Furthermore, the Hegemony will begin offering HPG information and assistance to those nations it deems fit in order to bring this absurd farce to a swift conclusion.

...The Hegemony's comments never once insinuated that StarLight Communications is anything but independent. We have, however, made comment on and to the fact that the Hegemony has the right to offer our technology to whomever we so chose.
These last two items are somewhat contradictory in that if the Hegemony is giving out information contained within the HPG signals, it violates the governance of this very council.  If the Hegemony is offering their wondrous technology that they have been holding over the head of the rest of the Inner Sphere for hundreds of years, well that is a different story all together.

Yes, it is a grand conspiracy to keep the Commonwealth from bullying the rest of the Inner Sphere around. 
I had to chuckle with this comment... I just can't help but wonder who the bully really is...the nation who is bombarding innocent women and children from orbit, or the one... well I think I'll stop there.

Again, the Terran people would like to thank the Commonwealth and its mouth-pieces ...
Can we keep this civil.  Name calling like school yard bullies... no wait there is that word again.

...With no legally binding rules it would be a terrible reversal of fortune if the Commonwealth and her allies were faced with a vote for their own interdiction based on groundless political pandering...
Laws on every planet...threats...
*stomps his foot*  Looks like the ground is pretty solid.
*pointing at the now scrolling pictures of faces of women and children* politics be damned, this is about doing something to show the entire galaxy that this sort of evil will not be tolerated by people who can not stand by and do nothing when otherwise evil would triumph.

I could not sleep at night knowing that I did nothing when the next world burns.  Can you?


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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #61 on: September 23, 2013, 11:05:25 AM »

The murder of innocents, specifically defenseless women and children.  According to my brief look through criminal law and religious texts, murder is quite immoral to every major religion, and illegal in every single Terran Hegemony world, and all the major nations including the Draconis Combine, and has been for a very long time.  Military Combatants however is a different story.  What we are referring too in this discussion is the willful slaughter of innocent civilians, regardless if it is done from Orbit or by camps like on Elbar or by concentration camps like Auschwitz.

You seem to be quite fond of referencing history...

*Tosses pictures of the scorched, burned and destroyed landscapes of Caph, New Earth and Talitha. Orbital pics of whole continents poisoned on New Dallas and the charred ruins on Thorin and Graham IV.*

...and the Hegemony can throw pictures on a table as well. Where is the justice for these crimes? What about the millions since who have died from exposure to radiation and other poisons over the centuries. Innocent generations suffering from shortened lifespans because their bodies were wracked with cancer. These planets were bombed and destroyed over and over, and over again without thought or regard. And while the bombs have stopped falling, innocents are still suffering and dying because of them. While the crimes against the Hegemony are decades or even centuries old, the residual effects are still felt as keenly today as they were when the bombs first dropped.

Should the Hegemony consider their deaths to be murder? What about manslaughter? Does that definition fit Oberon's description of the murder of innocents better?

I could not sleep at night knowing that I did nothing when the next world burns.  Can you?

So lets have a discussion about the willful slaughter of innocent civilians.

By your definition it doesn't matter if the murdering is done from orbit or in Elbar's camps, so why not add any death as a result of combat? If Auschwitz created no great physical or lasting ecological disaster compared to say the scouring of Terra Firma or the destruction of Meredith, then surely the scouring of Terra Firma can be justifiably called murder. If so, then every nation of this board is a murderer, as every nation here has willfully murdered innocents. The Hegemony is a murderer for its long history of oppressing and killing the Periphery, the Great Houses for their Succession Wars, even your beloved Oberon has a not-so-distant history of piracy, slavery and murder.

If all this is true, or even some of it is true, where does Oberon suggest we place a statute on the prosecution of criminals who conduct the "willful slaughter of innocent civilians"? Where do we draw the line? Is Oberon ready to face judgement for decades of piracy, theft and murder? Many of Oberon's last victims before achieving legitimacy are still living, do they deserve justice?

The point is, Oberon has no more right to stand on moral principle than any other nation present. Oberon and others can sit and claim to be paradigms of moral virtue, but the truth is they can't claim to be anymore virtuous than the Hegemony unless others are willing to forget their past.   

The Hegemony believes there is a choice. There is a choice to draw a line in the sand and say the past is the past in the interest of forging a better future. If this board is serious about curbing the death of innocent civilians it will work towards achieving that goal through equitable and honest collaboration, not by pointing fingers, claiming the moral high ground or meting out punishment based on nothing but a self righteous or politically motivated cause.

Had Oberon or the Commonwealth approached the Combine through this board, or others in the spirit of creating rules and guidelines the Human Sphere could follow, perhaps Luthien would have listened...perhaps even now the majority of the Inner Sphere would be beholden to a common interstellar law instead of this endless bickering.

If pushing for the Ares Conventions, if offering to provide HPG technology to others to negate the bullying of power-blocs in this council is bullying—then yes—the Hegemony is bully. The Hegemony only hopes more nations act accordingly.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 11:12:30 AM by Knightmare »
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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #62 on: September 23, 2013, 01:03:35 PM »

The reference to historic events provided a valuable frame of reference which you almost understood.  However the events that are at the heart of the matter are in fact CURRENT events, happening now while you bandy about historic claims of travesties.  The children of Reyjkavik are dieing today.  This is the second time in this decade that the government of the Draconis Combine has used Orbital Bombardment against non military targets. 

If you want to dredge up past transgressions, by all means do so in the correct discussion forum.  Or let the past rest as is your prerogative.

As far as accusing the Oberon Confederation of piracy, perhaps you should learn your recent history.  The government of the Oberon Confederation has never conducted slavery or murderous operations and in fact has been instrumental in ending piracy in the Coreward Periphery.  We have prosecuted and provided justice to more pirate bands since our creation than the Terran government of any form has in centuries.

In this day of this age, the Oberon Confederation will act in whatever manner available to it to prevent further catastrophes from reoccurring.  We will support the creation of the Ares Conventions, but will never support the willful slaughter of innocents, let alone gloat over the act like our neighbours have just done yet again.  If our vote to Interdict stops one planet from burning like Rasalhague, regardless if the interdiction is passed, that would be at least a few million lives saved, now wouldn't it.

In terms of bullying, it is interesting to see that you use such terms for the Hegemony's own political gains and their own "power-bloc" to bully and threaten our small periphery nation, antagonize the Lyran Commonwealth, not to mention permit the complete annihilation of the Principality of Rasalhague.

The Outworld's Alliance's Arbitration Committee's enthusiasm, although misplaced, we have to agree with the spirit of it.  If you would have noted the Oberon Confederation did not vote for interdiction based on the information provided by this Committee, however supported interdiction based on the indiscriminate use of Orbital Bombardment upon a civilian population as an aggressive and punitive act, and not as many seem to be overlooking an act of defense.  It is hard to imagine when or how orbital bombardment of civilians could be construed as an act of defense at any level.

We also hope that more nations will act appropriately to show that in this day and age the people of the Inner Sphere do not tolerate barbarism.


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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #63 on: September 23, 2013, 03:12:33 PM »

The Taurian Concordat will use every means at its disposal to protect its legitimate borders from any aggressor.

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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #64 on: September 23, 2013, 05:38:18 PM »

I have been asked to provide the following comment from the Government of the Combine:

"The Dragon Throne will consider any such treaty once presented and apply it provisions to the great states, however, the Draconis Combine will not tolerate the application of such provisions in regards to internal rebellions for any state, such as the one it is now engaged in quelling, or against pirate forces, such as the puppet state of Oberon, which preyed upon Draconis Combine worlds as little as a decade ago, before winning its little pirate war.

Internal matters of the Draconis Combine and other states are just that, internal, and those who support such rebellions in any way will be dealt with as the Draconis Combine sees fit. Mercy for brigands and plunderers will not be considered in any shape or form.

Thank you

Doris Katya
Draconis Combine Representative
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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #65 on: September 23, 2013, 06:38:31 PM »

The Taurian Concordat will use every means at its disposal to protect its legitimate borders from any aggressor.

This is exactly what is being done for the people of the Principality of Rasalhague. Would you not seek he same if for example some military force three times your size attacked your nation without provocation or justification and bombarded your cities from orbit?  Or have you forgotten Amos Furlough?

Well we now have the answer of the Draconis combine who just now after more than 5 years consider the Principality of Rasalhague to be an internal matter.

No mercy, well the DCMS and DCA in specific have shown that they have neither mercy nor honor.


Ice Hellion

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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #66 on: September 24, 2013, 03:33:12 PM »

I don't understand the point of my honorable colleague.

The Taurian Concordat just said that no one would ever be able to do to it what the Star Leahue did and that any thread to our legitimate borders will be dealt with the needed answer.
This is why we can't agree to this convention that is in favour of the big powers with big navies and armies.

As for the Principality, it is free to deal with its opponents as it wants and I am sure it has friends that are more than willing to help it.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #67 on: September 24, 2013, 03:55:22 PM »

I understand the confusion. Perhaps I can clarify.

This current topic and the vote that has been tabled is the interdiction of the Draconis Combine for using their navy to indiscriminately bombard the civilian population of Rasalhague.

A secondary topic that should be retabled as a separate topic is the reformation of the Ares Conventions as initiated by the Terran Hegemony.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 03:56:49 PM by Kwic »

Ice Hellion

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Re: Interdiction of the Draconis Combine
« Reply #68 on: September 25, 2013, 01:50:18 PM »

I understand but the Taurian Concordat only answered to the Ares Convention as there was never a clear answer to our initial question.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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