Ambassador Kosh looks around at the rest of the delegates, seeing exactly what he expected to see, addresses the council again.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council, let us remain focused on firstly putting together an Agenda of topics that have meaning to the members, even if it is very meaningful to a single member it behoves us as civilized representatives of our governments to hear and discuss their concerns, and secondly rising above the current disagreements between governments to discuss these topics with civility and some semblance of order.
If there are no other topics to add to our first series of discussions, perhaps we should make some progress and actually choose the priorities that we discuss these topics."
If each member of the council would rate the following topics in order of priority with 1 being the highest priority and 4 being the lowest priority for discussion, we can quickly determine which topic should be the first addressed by this council."
For example, the Oberon Confederation rates the topics as follows:
1 - Pirate Activities.
2 - Declaration of Independence of worlds from an interstellar realm.
3 - The Kapteyn Alliance, Federated Commonwealth Alliance War.
4 - Warships.
After the majority of members have similarly rated the topics, we can summarize the order and begin with opening comments in a civilized manner as befits representatives of our respective governments."