Ambassador Kosh takes a deep breath.
"alright then, let me see if I have all the major thoughts on this topic covered.
There has been a significant increase in pirate activity and size of bands operating around the Inner Sphere.
Comstar is supporting anti piracy activities with the offer of transportation, and believes that any additional oversight committees is largely unnecessary.
The Draconis Combine has not commented nor have they demonstrated a history of anitpiracy operations in recent years, however negotiations to cooperate in a joint operation with the OCAF in the near future have begun.
The Outworlds Alliance wishes to contribute to mirco alliances with their nearby neighbors, however no significant negotiations are known to be underway. Also some form of joint intelligence operation or intelligence sharing plan is desired. The OCAF has also extended an offer to operate a joint anti piracy operation, but has yet to receive any response from the Outworlds government.
The Federated Suns currently has a significant force of units assigned to periphery garrisons to deal with pirate threats, an in recent years has launched a number of operations to eliminate havens of pirate activity in their nearby periphery.
The Taurian Concordat wants to be involved in micro alliances in their area of operations, so that would be the Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League, Magistry of Canopus.
The Capellan Confederation will deal with pirate threats internally as they develop, with possibilities of working together with the Magistry of Canapus or Taurian Concordat if the situation presents itself.
The Marian Hegemony commits a legio unit for joint operations within 90 ly of it's borders.
The Free Worlds League desires to have an overseeing committee to supervise and command multiple small alliances operating around the Inner Sphere, but has not committed any specific forces to this effort as of yet.
The Mica Majority, Magistry of Canopus, Illyrian Palatinate, Lothian League, Circinus Federation and Rim Commonality have not yet addressed this issue, however each nation has a limited excess military and would be likely candiates for joint operations possibly sponsered by ORCA members in the very near future.
The Lyran Commonwealth is currently operating and plans to stage additional anti piracy operations with the cooperation of it's neighboring periphery realms
And finally the Oberon Confederation has offered to contribute forces for anti piracy joint ventures to all of our neighboring realms. So far the only Joint Operation that has actually been negotiated and put into place has been the one with the LCAF. We have high hopes that our other neighbors will also join us in successfull Joint operations in the very near future.
Is that a fair assessment?"