Tai-sa, perhaps you should spend a little more time reading the briefing notes, before you jump to rattle your sword.
The Oberon Confederation and ORCA have from the moment this event began to transpire earlier this month, been working along with both Governments to provide a solution, including providing peacekeeping forces if required. The two worlds rebelled against the Circinus Federation to join the Lyran Commonwealth, you seem to have missed that point. The Lyrans have agreed to remove their forces and make appropriate repairations to the Circinus Federation, however due to the timing involved and the misunderstanding we just finished talking about, diplomacy did not have the time needed to achieve a peaceful resolution.
Considering that the Dragon has only just recently heard of the peacefully concluded results of Andrion, I find it quite humorous that you are claiming that lives could have been saved by positioning a shield between the Circinian people and Lyran Guns in a rebellious event that only developed in the last few weeks. It is a miracle that Comstar has been able to keep up with the flurry of HPG messages going around to all parties over the last few days. Is it the Dragon's policy to now position shields between random periphery worlds and other Inner Sphere house troops unasked for and often unwelcome? The DCMS must be quite large and ominscient indeed to take on such an auspicious task.
And Tai-sa, the people of the Kirchbach who have been victimized by the raiding of one certain pirate band can sleep easier at night now, as I have heard reports that the OCAF has managed to catch up with and cripple the band as well as eliminated their base of operations, in a few short months. You might remember that this is the very same band that grew from a green unit of 120 light mechs and 40 medium fighters to an elite band of 178 medium and 100 medium fighters, on the blood and broken backs of the people of places like Rodigo, Bruben, Verthandi, and New Caledonia. What the DCMS "warmongering death machine" failed to do in years, the OCAF managed to do in a few short months. But then again, the OCAF focus on killing pirates, not chasing old lines on old maps with the blood of young men.