Shaking his head, the co-ambassador from the Oberon Confederation simple states, "Please remember to prepare and stick to your statement related to the issue. Once everyone has had a chance to share their thoughts, it will be possible to argue a side. We should not be instigating conflicts, but looking for peaceful resolutions. It is clear that there cannot be a completely unified anti-piracy movement. However there might be a way to centralize a collective effort through his council."
The Marian foolishness with regards to us waging a war of words or otherwise the curtailment of piracy is a matter worth putting effort into.
Piracy hurt's trade, trade is the lifeblood of all true civilization and has done more to uplift humanity then almost any other force in history.
While intelligence might be harder to share. The fact remains anti-piracy efforts hurt no one. I rather doubt the Lyrans gaining information on Free Worlds efforts to curtail pirate raids into the Mosiro Archipelago will seriously hurt efforts on the war front anymore then Information on an operation directed against the Pirates of Star's End are suddenly going to lay bare the sum of LIC's efforts against the Free Worlds.
Let us talk about what is possible.
There has been talk of oversight being handled by this council. It seems to me we have several components to debate.
I would favor this Council or a committee composed up of representatives of the state's of this council as a supreme command for joint operations and dissemination of piracy related information.
Now here is the rub shall we make it as simple as one state one vote? Or since this needs must be financed will we have a system weighted where one's vote is based of a percentage of what one contributes based on a negotiated value rating both monetary and seconding of military forces.
Whatever voting system that is setup for the governing council since I doubt it is possible at this time for any one to accept a single authority figure coming from one of the state's I recommend that our host's Comstar possesses a non-voting seat. But said representative enforce the rules of the Committee and have the roll of tie breaking where on motions of deadlock the representative of Comstar's vote would decide the matter.
Such is only proper with their order's long standing reputation for neutrality and even handedness.
Joint-Operations: For duration and deployment forces can be seconded by constituent state's to the general anti-piracy operation, or seconded to specific joint-operations once such operations are approved by the council. But command on the spot would be needed. I propose that the Committee/Council as mentioned before have the right to assign officer's from member state's to command of joint-operations, for the duration of such joint-operations to ensure there is no command break down.
Far reaching? certainly...but if we are going to discuss doing this we needs must be precise on what power's and responsibilities each state is allowing this Committee/Council to have. Otherwise later there are those of a less scrupulous nature that might seek to take advantage of the letter of the agreement in defiance of its sentiment.