Precentor Chase stands and decides to hold down the conversation before it rages out of control:
"As the last session fell off the rails so to speak, I would ask that each delegate make a statement covering the four topics raised by the esteemed delegate from Oberon. Following that, we can summarise any differences on each topic and discuss them."
In order to begin proceedings, ComStar will provide our thoughts on these matters:
1. ComStar is more than willing to support a call for freedom from any world, much as we have from the worlds of Andrion and Texlos.
2. Although ComStar deplores war in all of its forms, there is little The Order, as a neutral party, can be expected to do when all five of the major powers are at each other’s throats.
3. As ComStar deploys no WarShips, this is a matter for the other nations to discuss, however, I believe the Areas conventions regarding their usage would be an appropriate starting point.
4. ComStar would be interested in seeing how far the Periphery has fallen behind, as a cursory glance at our own data shows GDP in all Periphery states climbing during the last two years. Special not should be taken of the Rim, Mica, Lothian and Illyrian growth rates during this period.