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Battlezone: Telos IV
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:09:37 PM »

Takiro Battlezone: Telos IV « on: March 19, 2007, 10:20:56 PM »

Telos IV
Star Type: K7IV
Position in System: 4 (of 6)
Number of Moons: 1 (Sadib)
Days to Jump Point: 4
Surface Water: 82%
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.73
Equatorial Temp: 44° C
Highest Native Life: Birds
Planetary Ruler: Duchess Martha Kressler

   Cursed with a weak ozone layer that lets in more than the average amount of solar radiation, Telos IV is a warm, dreary world of continual rainstorms and freak tornadoes that ravage all four of its island continents in the middle latitudes. Surviving despite these hazards, the people of this world have developed a reputation for being stubborn and fiercely independent, a reputation that has caused them no small share of problems over the centuries when dealing with the greater realms. Shiro Kurita, founder of the Draconis Combine, manipulated the people of Telos IV into joining his growing state through guile and political trickery. When the deceit was discovered, the Telosians revolted, which prompted the first Coordinator to invade the planet as a demonstration of the Combine’s superiority. In the years that followed, the population remained stubborn. Though suppressed for a time, the Kuritas found the Telosians difficult to deal with, as they resorted to passive resistance instead of outright rebellion. Since Telos IV lacked significant mineral or agricultural wealth, the Combine willingly ceded the world to the rising Terran Hegemony, hoping its dissident population would give the Camerons as much trouble as it had the Kuritas. At first, the Telosians did just that, but Hegemony efforts to improve relations with the planet, which included placing several storm inhibitors (similar to those employed on Bryant) in Telos IV’s orbit, helped win over the locals. This amicable relationship helped during the Amaris Crisis, when the Usurper, finding little of value on Telos IV, abandoned the world after demolishing the storm inhibitors and planetary defense network. Kerensky’s forces found support on Telos IV when they arrived and easily advanced on their campaign of liberation. Today, however, the warm and stormy world of Telos IV is tranquil once again, secure in the freedoms of the Terran Hegemony’s closest successor. The capital of Telos IV, Triumph, is located on the large northern continent of Dulles. Telos IV’s other three continents—Rustov on the equator and Fellin and Haranshire in the southern hemisphere—are home to a scattering of large cities and mining towns.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Telos IV « Reply #1 on: March 25, 2007, 07:17:55 AM »

6th Dieron Borderers Veteran/ Fanatical CO: Brigadier William Russell
Telos SDF Green/ Fanatical CO: Colonel Nathaniel Madison
54th Attack Wing Regular/ Fanatical CO: Lt. Commander Carl Steins
7th Interceptor Wing Regular/ Fanatical CO: Lt. Commander Peter Russell
SitRep: As one Royal Command staffer put it “the defenders of Telos are a pretty determined bunch”. Led by the iron willed Duchess Martha Kressler and the equally resolute Brigadier William Russell the defenses of Telos IV will be difficult to crack for the DCMS. The populace is solidly behind their beloved Duchess who endured the horrors of the Amaris Coup with them. They have vowed to resist any advances by House Kurita through various means including violent and non-violent resistance. Meanwhile the planet’s military defenders, all of whom have been deployed on world for more than a year, have prepared quite a welcome for the Dragon should it ever come. The main defensive point on Telos is Fort Tenacity, the sole planetary Castle Brian, which has been buttressed by numerous other works which will no doubt help the defenders. The Sixth has been training constantly with the other units on world and today they function as a well oiled machine.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Telos IV « Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 04:52:44 PM »

4th Taskforce (the Adaptors)
Commander: Brigadier General Pako Ti Ch’uan
Force Skill/ Loyalty Ratings: Regular/ Reliable
Description: The officers of the Fourth had to assemble their taskforce with either younger Ronin who lacked experience or older warriors whose skills had degraded. Forced to select from this depleted talent pool they focused much of their efforts on building camaraderie among its new found membership. Carefully assigning troops to units they encouraged teamwork and their soldiers’ ability to adapt to changing conditions. So far the results have paid off nicely for the Fourth which has proven itself a capable fighting force during combat exercises against fellow Ronin. Some of the group’s successes have even fueled a burgeoning rivalry with the Third Taskforce who is widely viewed as the Fourth’s antithesis. Like most of its fellow Ronin Taskforces the Fourth fields a medium sized BattleMech contingent. Eagerly embracing new methods and owing to its can do nature the Fourth grabs every technological upgrade it can. Ironically it has benefited from the Third refusal to use these “risky systems” on the battlefield. The driving force behind the Fourth is two officers who both were Ronin for a short time. The taskforce commander is Brigadier General Pako Ti Ch’uan who is an organizational mastermind but lacks great combat skill. Meanwhile the elderly Colonel Masafumi Yeguchi is a legendary Mechwarrior who excels at battlefield combat but lacks other behind the scene command abilities. As individuals they found themselves on the outside of the DCMS looking in but since the Coordinator’s recall both have found new life. Complementing each other perfectly they embody their unit’s personality and form a deadly opponent on the field of battle.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Telos IV « Reply #3 on: June 03, 2007, 03:05:50 PM »

Well here is the carnage of Telos, enjoy! Undecided

Battle of Telos IV

   The Fourth Ronin Taskforce jumped into system on September 6th at both standard jump points. Its supporting naval assets easily secured each point and even managed to capture a few Terran dropships that were attempting to depart the Telos system. This success buoyed the confidence of Commodore Joran Lars a Rasalhague native and loyal follower of House Kurita. From this point forward he was determined that his forces composed of an Atago class Heavy Cruiser, two Mogami class Light Cruisers, three Cloud class Destroyers, and three Baron class Destroyers would be instrumental in winning this battle for the Combine.

   During the Invasion Forces four day journey to planet Terran defenders made ready to repel the coming attack. The planet’s sole Castle Brian, Fort Tenacity, was defended by the Telos SDF while the 6th Dieron Borderers scattered around the capital of Triumph in hardened defenses. Many of these positions were mines but some were newly built hard points constructed by Terran engineers since the fall of the Star League. As Brigadier William Russell deployed his available armed forces the indomitable Duchess Martha Kressler prepared her followers to resist the invaders.

   While in transit Commodore Lars convinced the Ronin commander, Brigadier General Pako Ti Ch’uan, to let his forces use their naval superiority and all available aerospace assets to destroy the defenders aerospace support. When they arrived in orbit on September 10th the Draconis Invasion Force ruthlessly attacked from space every possible landing strip and defensive point they could for two days. While aggravated by the Commodore’s lengthy operation which overstepped its original bounds Brigadier General Ch’uan was pleased by the apparent lack of response from Terran defenders.

   On September 12th with the Republic’s aerospace defense presumed destroyed the Ronin proceeded to land in the Barren Plains just beyond the capital of Triumph. While the planet’s atmosphere provided the attackers with a bumpy ride their landing operations went off without many difficulties. As the Ronin left their dropships bound for the capital they could not guess the dangers that awaited them on Telos. Their first clue came when Terran defenders used the orbiting Storm Inhibitors of the planet as a weapon on their grounded dropships. Like ants under a giant magnifying glass these ships slowed burned and caught fire under the intense heat. As fuel in some of the vessels exploded Draconis marines seized the Inhibitors but the damage had been done. Four ships in all were severely damaged with hundreds of support personnel like techs and medics killed.

   As the Ronin preceded across the continent of Dulles towards their target the capital of Truimph they were harassed by elements of the 6th Dieron Borderers. This delayed the advance of the Ronin which would take them a total of three days to reach the city outskirts. As they arrived at Truimph they encountered no active military resistance but instead were met by Mayor Charles Wilson who formally surrendered the city. Native Telosians appeared to greet the Dragon with a renewed campaign of non-violent resistance and non-cooperation. Late on the 15th of September the conventional forces of the Taskforce landed at Victory Starport to occupy the city. The Ronin quickly moved on from Truimph looking to engage and destroy the cowardly defenders of Telos.

   That same night Terran fighters from the 54th Attack Wing and the 7th Interceptor Wing thought destroyed by the Combine invaders attacked the Ronin dropships. Despite their stunning appearance an alert Draconis aerospace cap reacted quickly to the assault. As result of their efforts Combine personnel were evacuate the dropzone and avoid the carnage to come. Fanatical Terran pilots used their craft in kamikaze style attacks to completely immobilize the landed BattleMech transports of the Ronin. This attack stranded the Ronin on planet until new transports could arrive. After Kurita fighters annihilated Terran air attacks they would go onto search and destroy missions attempting obliterate these dishonorable warriors once and for all.

   However, Terran warriors weren’t the only enemies that the Draconis Combine would be faced with on Telos. Beginning in the early morning of the sixteenth civilian attacks on Kurita troops began in earnest. Infantry in the capital were faced with suicide bombing and water poisoning as Telosians rose up. Destroying supplies and killing soldiers of the Dragon was the final straw for many in the Fourth Ronin Taskforce. Responding to calls for orbital bombardment Commodore Joran Lars ordered the complete annihilation by Truimph. Warships destroyed the city and all its inhabitants including remaining Draconis conventional soldiers.

   For the next two weeks forces of the Dragon ruthlessly hunted down as insurgent or Terran defender. Multiple nuclear strikes and orbital bombardment devastated whole areas and sent civilians fleeing for safety. Terran defenders try to hold off the Combine attack while woman and children fled this horrific retribution from settlements all over Dulles. The mines of Telos offered only limited protection from the fury of the Draconis assault which used every means at its disposal to annihilate their enemy. All known and suspected Terran positions were bombed into nothingness as the DCMS showed no mercy. Ultimately the mines were obliterated by Weapons of Mass Destruction as even Terran troops resorted to small scale nuclear attacks to hit concentrations of Ronin forces.

   Fort Tenacity became the last remaining stronghold of Terran forces on planet as DCMS forces closed in. The Ronin holding perimeter outside the Castle Brian called in orbital bombardment from their warships again. Incredibly these strikes hit some Ronin positions marking the second time in this campaign that Combine Naval forces hit their own ground troops. As DCMS forces withdrew to a safe distance and regrouped they commenced bombardment against the battered Castle with every weapon in their arsenal. As a result of this massive destruction the entire continent of Dulles was rendered uninhabitable.

   Wasting little time the Ronin moved to secure the other continents on planet and wrap up their assault. Laying waste to Dulles also devastated the southern continent of Fellin which was also rendered uninhabitable thanks to fallout from nuclear and orbital strikes. The equatorial continent of Rustov and the southern continent of Haranshire appear to be alright for now as weather patterns and fighting did not endanger either of them. There was heavy fighting on Haranshire as the some of the populace again tried to fight back but were ultimately suppressed by the Ronin. Limited time and efforts spent on clean up has left a large Terran resistance movement on Rustov.

   In this bloodbath Terran forces were completely wiped out. Likewise no Terran military commander or governing personality survived the carnage. As a result any resistance left on planet is entirely civilian. The denizens of Telos have already paid a heavy price losing 60 to 80 million people to Kurita WMD strikes which left ten times that number homeless. Refugees are still moving from Dulles and Fellin to Rustov and Haranshire without Draconis help. Sadly the death toll will probably rise from this catastrophe as the planet’s new authorities seem to think that the populace got what it deserved in the battle.

   House Kurita suffered badly in the Telosian Bloodbath as they lost an entire regiment of BattleMechs from its Fourth Ronin Taskforce. Their supporting forces, combatant and non-combatant alike, were devastated by Terran attacks. Armor and Infantry assets, almost sixteen regiments, were complete losses. Even more significant were the loss of interplanetary transports for next wave which have to be replaced. The Ronin might even be forced to use captured civilian dropships captured early on in the invasion. Only aerospace forces were spared from the destruction wrought on planet as they had no significant losses to speak of during the conflict. For his conduct during the battle Commodore Joran Lars was recalled by the DCA for disciplinary actions.

Rainbow 6 Re: Battlezone: Telos IV « Reply #4 on: October 30, 2008, 04:08:32 PM »

A sad end for the 6th Dierion Borderers.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Telos IV « Reply #5 on: October 30, 2008, 06:17:25 PM »

And poor Telos. Cry BTW Six we are working on Operation Avalanche battles right now.  Wink

Rainbow 6 Re: Battlezone: Telos IV « Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 02:37:01 PM »

Excellent i'm looking forward to seeing the FWLM in action.
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