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Author Topic: Central Stock Exhange  (Read 2194 times)

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Central Stock Exhange
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:58:03 PM »

Takiro Central Stock Exhange « on: March 06, 2008, 05:07:20 PM »

Hey gang. Sorry I've been so quite lately but one of the things I got side tracked on is Terran corporations. Not only was I going through those companies detailed in Project Phoenix and the Mercenary Guild but those not yet listed. Mainly non military in nature some of these firms have been hinted at but not yet explored. So I went to town researching and trolling for these previously overlooked businesses. Pretty close to finishing the first big write up, Dukempic Foods, but wanted to share my stuff thus far. I'm also looking for ideas on other companies. For example I can't find one Travel or Resort company of Terran origin but I could certainly see one. Especially with a hook like going back home to Terra, revisit the first worlds of humanity, vacations, and so forth. Also what about a  Construction conglomerate of developers, civic planners, and builders. So chime in please. Wink

Dukempic Foods – see write ups in SLSB page 144 (HQs at New Leningrad on Keid with offices on Terra, Venus, New Home, and Terra Firma) and Project Phoenix (instrumental in restoring Murchison and a great look at its new corporate structure under the Keid write up) Societal Problems SLSB page 150 pdf, farmers pride
United Medical Sciences – pro-Terran replacement for Quo Medical Technologies created by a merger of smaller medical companies, very loyal but not as good, based on Earth with offices on Athenry, Saffel, and Caph. Medical equipment and pharmaceuticals. Missing some knowledge, security concerns, refusal of foreign assistance and recruiting. Caph write up in SLSB page 152 pdf, three pharmaceutical companies.
O’Keefre Importers-Exporters – Headquartered at Drearson City on the world of Fomalhaut and this company is led by Baron O’Keefre. Once the Star League’s largest import-export company, controlling the vast majority of civil goods traveling into and out of the League, O’Keefre Importers-Exporters was reduced to a mere shell of its former self with the fall of the Star League and the resulting Succession Wars. It limps along with the the interstellar economy that has entered the deep pits of depression.
Styx Mining Company – an interstellar corporation that specialized in mining difficult veins of valuable metals and quality refining processes / Memphis, on Epimethius continent
Terran Free Press -
New Republic Media -

Regional or Planetary Terran Corps

Astan Province
Chaville Trading Collective – local trading firm based on Chaville
Dahler Valley Resources – one of the three major local mining concerns of Zollikofen
DePaik Resource Solutions – mining & refining company owned by Symra’s ruling family.
Duncan Enterprises – local vehicle manufacturer on Moore
Gershwin Mining Collective – one of the three major local mining concerns of Zollikofen
Rosamund Minerals Unlimited – one of three major local mining concerns of Zollikofen
Dieron Province
Three Houses Entertainment Agency – Specializing in musical bands and traveling live-entertainment shows based on Addicks.
Null-Gee Metals – Errai also supports the planetside headquarters of this relatively small corporation that operates numerous mining colonies in the Errai asteroid belt.
DeValt Industries – a minor manufacturer of MinerMechs and ConstructionMechs based in the city of New Anaheim on Nashira
Rhodesian Province
Hara-Maku Enterprises – headquartered in the smaller coastal city of Mountlake they are the owners of Mara’s largest commercial fishing fleet. Hara-Maku’s operations, which focus mainly on harvesting the delicate freshwater Mara Trout, found in many of Appilagio’s inland seas, lakes, and rivers, accounts for most of the planet’s secondary food-export industry.
Mara Development Corporation – a construction equipment company headquartered in the spaceport city of Lockholme on Mara that specializes in the manufacture of both Forestry and Construction ’Mech designs.
Nanking Province
Taijian Petrochemicals – With a home on Acamar it has mining operations in the planetary system’s large asteroid belt called Illeudian.
Thaddeus Enterprises - The city of Parisia on the northern island continent of New Australia on Capolla is home to this interplanetary shipping corporation that aided the planetary government in the redevelopment of its spaceport network, which had been largely destroyed in the fighting following the Federated Commonwealth break-up.
Talithan Province
Nothing found
Oliver Province
AA PolyChem Unlimited – Alula Australis’ largest chemical corporation based in the city of Sturgeon whose facilities dominates the central Hubbes River Valley on Hume.
Callison Enterprises – A local shipping cartel located in the spaceport city of New Rolso on the equatorial landmass of Vantassa on Callison.
Artista Chemicals – Chertan’s largest mineral mining and refining operation located in the city of Altonia near the eastern edge of the Ontario Sea.
Caroli Mining Consortium – Cor Caroli’s largest industrial mining corporation based in Maureen, the largest city on the southern continent of Nikallini.
Redstorm Fashions, Incorporated – A local clothier owned by the planetary governor is the greatest planetary export, is textiles.
Milton StarWorks Limited – The largest spacecraft component manufacturer on Milton exporting industrial metals and radioactive ores along with a host of military and commercial components for use in spacecraft construction and fusion plant design.
Terran Province
Jugens Metals Enterprises – An ore-refining and metalworking corporation that provides finished raw metals to various businesses on and off the planet based on Keid’s largest mining community, DuGatts which is located on the southwestern continent of Mirange.
InterStellar Business Computers – Headquartered in Jobs City the capital of Nusakan
Potter Light Computers – Headquartered in Jobs City the capital of Nusakan
Hiller’s Refineries – built factories in Sirian (Sirius) space
M-F Construction – built factories in Sirian (Sirius) space

MechRat Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #1 on: March 07, 2008, 08:47:21 AM »


Is the Chaville Trading Collective the same as the one I mentioned in my write-up on Chaville? If so, I can do the profile on it if you wish.

For the construction conglomerate, I referenced a company called Dawson Property Development in my profile for EasyBase. I wrote that they are responsible for many large urban renewal projects in the damaged cities on the Terran Republic and Draconis Combine borders of the Federation. Though it is based in the Federated Suns, DPD could have a "branch office" or division of sorts within the Republic. They could be that construction conglomerate by itself or maybe one company within that conglomerate? It could also be an independent company but work collectively with other companies within the group?

Just some ideas... Smiley

Takiro Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #2 on: March 07, 2008, 01:10:09 PM »

Yes MechRat the Chaville Trading Collective is your creation. If you'd like to do a profile that would be cool. It is a small company so it doesn't need to be all that large. Be a good read to see what goes on after Chaville's conquest by the Dragon.

I missed Dawson Property Development but too bad they are a Davion company. Right now I'm looking for Terran companies only. Think they might move into the Republic as a consequence of the Succession War? Wink

MechRat Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #3 on: March 07, 2008, 01:27:21 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on March 07, 2008, 01:10:09 PM
Yes MechRat the Chaville Trading Collective is your creation. If you'd like to do a profile that would be cool. It is a small company so it doesn't need to be all that large. Be a good read to see what goes on after Chaville's conquest by the Dragon.

Great! I'll be happy to take care of that. You are looking for the profile to be written about the company before and after the DC takes over the planet? If I remember right, Duke Desjardin is still in control with the Dragon's blessing, yes?

Quote from: Takiro on March 07, 2008, 01:10:09 PM
I missed Dawson Property Development but too bad they are a Davion company. Right now I'm looking for Terran companies only. Think they might move into the Republic as a consequence of the Succession War? Wink

That could be a possibility if you don't think it's too much of a stretch or far fetched. Maybe the TR could offer DPD tax breaks or other incentives to move their operations there? Let me know what you think.

Takiro Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #4 on: March 07, 2008, 04:39:40 PM »

Cool. Just after would be fine. Date of 2790 or 2795 would be great. It is now Prefect Desjardin. Wink

The incentive just maybe the Combine's massive assault on Davion space. That event coupled with an incentive might just do the trick.

Ice Hellion Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 07:31:28 AM »

Maybe you could look there too:

What about a banking conglomerate?

If you need help with one company, let me know and I will see if I can come up with something (even if the biographies are for now my priority).

Takiro Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #6 on: March 08, 2008, 09:54:29 AM »

Yeah I did Ice. Wink But good advise none the less. Excellent source of info.

Nice suggestion on the banking conglomerate. I think Mitsui Diversified is a big one of these in addition to having military production assets. Not sure I'll have to check that out. Don't forget some companies already detailed despite their military industrial arms have civilian branches as well.

Not a priority at all right now Ice but if you want to have some fun go write ahead. Smiley

Ice Hellion Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 12:23:17 PM »

I will give it a serious thought.

MechRat Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #8 on: March 08, 2008, 12:43:15 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on March 07, 2008, 04:39:40 PM
Cool. Just after would be fine. Date of 2790 or 2795 would be great. It is now Prefect Desjardin. Wink

Prefect Desjardin it is.

Quote from: Takiro on March 07, 2008, 04:39:40 PM
The incentive just maybe the Combine's massive assault on Davion space. That event coupled with an incentive might just do the trick.

That sounds good. Put the two events together and I think it would be suitable motivation for Dawson Property Development to move their HQ to the TR. Would it still be conceivable to have them continue some operations in the FS, but on a more limited basis? The two realms still enjoy a relatively pleasant relationship, yes?

Takiro Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #9 on: March 08, 2008, 01:11:33 PM »

I think the war might actually cut all connections for a good 10 years or more. By that time Dawson will have become a Terran company stronger in the outer provinces.

Weird cycles to explain. First everybody leaves Terra after Operation Liberation. Then attacks on the Republic force some inward. Next increasing destruction by the Great Houses forces some to relocate to the Republic again mainly her outer provinces.

Refugees and some companies follow this herding of the Succession War, IMO.

MechRat Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #10 on: March 08, 2008, 03:40:43 PM »

That sounds reasonable. I'll proceed with that concept in mind.

Takiro Re: Central Stock Exhange « Reply #11 on: March 13, 2008, 04:30:17 PM »

Main Headquarters: New Leningrad, Keid
CEO: Andrew Ballard
Main Products (Ballard-Edibles of Keid): Agricultural Products and Technologies
Main Products (Agr-Corp of New Earth): Agricultural Crops
Main Products (Surinami Processing of Ko): Processed Foods
Main Products (Frontier Gardens of Oberon): Agricultural Crops
   This company was the undisputed agricultural giant of the Star League era renowned for its exotic foods. Its employees seemed omnipresent during humanity’s Golden Age constantly looking for any possible new food sources. Its exobiology labs spread all throughout the Human Sphere to test these potential products were the finest in existence. These unparalleled experts in food science, safety and quality traveled the known worlds advising local governments and people. So despite the seizure of its Terran farm lands and the annihilation of its corporate hierarchy by the Usurper these widespread corporate assets would insure this company’s survival.
   Project Phoenix helped stabilize Dukempic like it did many other Terran companies at the time. It “temporarily” combined this food giant with its smaller competitors who managed to escape the Hegemony. This included Ballard-Edibles and its CEO Andrew Ballard who managed evaded the initial Amaris onslaught. As a natural leader with invaluable agricultural experience Ballard was elected the new corporate boss of Dukempic until the Amaris crisis was resolved. Ballard set to work immediately reorganizing the remnants of the Terran farming industry in exile to feed the massive SLDF and the flood of refugees from the Hegemony.
   This effort gave birth to Frontier Gardens which today continues to be a subsidiary of Dukempic Foods located in the Rim Protectorate. It began with locating needed farm land in the vast expanses of the Rim Republic with the help of Project Phoenix and the SLDF. Using seed banks and agricultural experts from all over the InnerSphere as well as hordes of unskilled laborers from the Rim Worlds the massive effort began to bear fruit quickly. In less than a year Dukempic was feeding the SLDF, the occupied Rim Worlds, and Terran refugees around the Human Sphere. The rapid success and even handed manner in which this vital enterprise was conducted earned its new leader wide spread acclaim.
   In fact Andrew Ballard became very popular for his hard working and generous efforts to feed the starving masses during war to liberate Terra. Today Ballard is known well beyond Dukempic Foods as one the greatest civic heroes of the Amaris Coup. By the time Operation Liberation was concluded it became a foregone conclusion that he would be permanent leader of Dukempic. This however did not please everyone in the growing amalgamation which included some skilled detractors and critics of Ballard. Most of these disgruntled employees left to work for Dukempic’s main Star League corporate rival, Amphigean Agriculture Incorporated. This competitor hailing from the Draconis Combine used simpler more cost effective methods of operation to fight worldwide famines and halt crippling crop diseases.
   The great majority of Dukempic remained unified behind Ballard who moved with characteristic speed to reorganize the giant food conglomerate. The new corporate structure proudly reflected the efforts of those who had worked so hard to feed so many, the farmers. Every grower no matter how big or how small, no matter how new or how old is guaranteed a vote based on their annual produce. This Farm Council which represents a majority of Terran farmers decides a great many things. They not only makeup the corporate leadership of Dukempic Foods but also form a powerful political lobby on Terra. Their combined power is tremendously influential both economically and politically.
   For everyday operations the overall company is divided into four allied parts representing Dukmepic’s former rivals. Ballard-Edibles, Agr-Corp, Surinami Processing and Frontier Gardens are all run by an executive who oversees their respective ventures. The elected Chief Executive, Andrew Ballard, ensures the overall harmony of Dukempic Foods. While his power is somewhat ambiguous within the corporation he holds great influence. It is rumored that General Kerensky offered Ballard a seat on the Exodus which he declined. He did however grant the SLDF access to Dukempic’s rebuilding seed banks which would no doubt help the Exodus set down roots on a new homeworld somewhere in deep space. True or not Ballard remains extremely popular especially in the company. Some would like to rename Dukempic in his honor but Ballard has thus far refused.
   This company with a host of facilities and land that dots the Republic dominates the Terran agricultural markets. Its main operations are located on Keid, Terra, New Earth, and Ko while it has other major offices on Venus, New Home, Terra Firma, and Murchison. Dukempic continues to grow and prosper in Terran space but has seen its foreign holdings take a dreadful beating. Rival agricultural firms from the Great Houses have seized much of the company’s holdings and widespread destruction has devastated most of the rest. Only Frontier Gardens in the Rim Protectorate remains operational but it has been dramatically reduced as a result of the Succession War.
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