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BTSD Collection
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:11:02 PM »

Takiro BTSD Collection « on: June 22, 2008, 05:18:00 PM »

Hey gang, I just wanted to post these shorts from the BattleTech: Shattered Dawn universe. They are hardly a cohesive story line but will hopefully provide you with some insight into this alternate setting. Who knows I might try one day to comply a BTSD novel but for now just a couple of little stories. Enjoy!

blacktigeractual Re: Cameron’s Excalibur « Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 04:26:53 AM »

Cool start, and an interesting addition to the mythos.  As to the vid of Amaris trying to start the machine, I'd definately have a laugh about it. Something to spread about the Sphere?

Takiro Re: Cameron’s Excalibur « Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 06:46:32 AM »

Thanks BTA. Got the idea back when they released the first ISP. Reading the second book I wanted to finish this tiny chapter of history. Not sure if this will be the intro for the Succession War Atlas or part of a larger SW novel for BTSD. Depends if I have the time.

Ice Hellion Re: Cameron’s Excalibur « Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 02:31:46 PM »

What is the link with Interstellar Players?

Takiro Re: Cameron’s Excalibur « Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 04:48:28 PM »

No explicit link, it just inspired me and the story hit.

Takiro Re: BTSD Collection « Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 06:36:55 PM »

Cameron’s Excalibur

December 22, 2786
Terran Royal Palace
Earth, Terran Republic

There it stood.

Motionless. Cold. Mute. The same as ever.

Amanda Cameron had seen many a BattleMech in her day. Only twenty one years old and witness to so very much. Too much. The Amaris Coup and all its horrors bought forth these war machines destructive power. And now today the devastation begins anew. You’d think we’d learn.

“I thought I might find you here.”

There was no mistaking that gruff voice coming from an entrance to this darkened ‘Mech bay.

“I’d like to be alone, right now.”

Jon Case laughed. “You should know that I don’t follow orders very well by this time, darling.”

Such insolence in the presence of the Regent was of course completely unacceptable, but Case always proved to be the exception to the rule. Many of his rash actions had saved Amanda and her guardian, Dawn McCormick, several times over during the Coup. Jon was in many ways the only father she had ever known and despite his rogue behavior there was something good and honorable about him. Though it might be hard to identify.

He stood along side her and gazed upward. “One of a kind.”

The understatement of the millennium from the master Amanda thought. This was Cameron's Excalibur. Bought and paid for by the Usurper. Fully customized with the most advanced systems available to the Star League. It was the very best BattleMech money could buy and was a gift for young Richard. Given to my fool of a father on his birthday when he ascended to the First Lordship. Everyone knew that Richard and Stefan loved the fanciful tales of Arthurian legend. It helped bind them together and spelled the doom of the Star League.

“I can’t help thinking how many House Lords would love to run in here, fly up the ladder, hop into the cockpit, and try to start this thing.” On this day Minoru Kurita proclaimed his intention to and soon the others would follow. One after the other they would try to pull the sword from the stone, so to speak. Amanda just shook her head.

Jon snickered. “They’d get the same surprise Amaris did.” One of the only funny things to come from the Coup was the Usurper’s attempt to wield Excalibur. No doubt when he came up with this entire idea Amaris intended ascend the ‘Mech and assume the First Lordship. However, he was quite literally “shocked” to find the Mech wouldn't respond to him. Rather its high tech security system put “a little spark” into the would be Emperor of the Human Sphere. All of this captured for posterity on a vid-disk that somehow survived his best efforts to destroy. Amanda and Jon shared laugh thinking about a dazed Usurper stumbling from the Excalibur’s cockpit, quite enraged by this rejection.

“Funnier yet is that some people around the InnerSphere don’t believe I’m even a Cameron cause I won’t sit in this damn thing and take my rightful place.” Some who knew the story believed that only the next true First Lord of the Star League could active the Excalibur. Amanda was not a Mechwarrior, the Star League was disbanded, and she had no inclination in participating in some foolish ritual established by Amaris no less to prove her birth rite to others. Besides she had tried her best to establish peace in this post-Star League era only to be attacked by some of the Great Houses.

“Your gonna worry about what foreign scandal vids say?! The House Lords are trying to tear you down, so they can build themselves up. The sad thing is those damn fools don’t realize what you do.”

“And what is that?”

Jon turned to her. “You are the only ruler who has put the welfare of her people and her nation ahead of that damned title. That alone proves to me you’re the finest sovereign in the Human Sphere. One I’m proud of and happy to take orders from.”

Amanda smiled.

“So what are your orders my lady?”

“Lets go inform the Coordinator that we won’t be paying homage to him.”

Takiro Re: BTSD Collection « Reply #6 on: February 01, 2009, 06:37:35 PM »

We Stand Alone

January 1, 2786
MegaCastle Schrack
Hall, Terran Republic

Captain David Darby entered the command center for the TRAS headquarters on the Marik Front. The young military courier allowed himself a smile when he heard the name of the facility. MegaCastle Schrack. Hah, hah. “A most appropriate name” he muttered. The schrack was a bird native to the planet of Sorunda which ate imported Marik Eagles and as such became an anti-Marik symbol though known space.

Darby was impressed by this massive new Castle Brian which was equipped and staffed by the very best the New Republic had to offer. As he approached the hub of the command center David recognized some of the mighty figures he had come to admire. Chief amongst them was the recipient of the message he carried from the Regent, the legendary Ian Sinclair. This veteran officer was renowned for his military service during the Amaris Coup and became one General Kerensky’s protégés. This was a role David wanted to emulate.

He was determined to make an impression on the Father of the Republic, after all it was the reason he became a courier. David also knew some members of Sinclair’s Command Staff from his studies at the Academy. There was indomitable Marcus Green who despite being crippled by extensive combat injuries was Sinclair’s capable right hand. Green was joined by the ever fortuitous Felix Magnus whose knack for timing made him the ideal Intelligence Officer and the notorious Christopher Keyes who could acquire almost anything a commander could need or want during a campaign.

This is where he was meant to be. Coming to attention he saluted General Sinclair who was pouring over a star map and discussing strategy. “Happy New Year, sir!” Before David’s salute could be returned one of the soldiers quipped “Does your mother know your out playing soldier?” This drew laughter from the assembly who could tell the wet behind the ears trooper was somewhat embarrassed. Sinclair returned his salute with no such reaction. “What can we do for you, Captain?”

“I have a private message from the Regent, sir.”

“Thank you.” Sinclair slightly withdrew from the group to review the message as Darby began to study the information stream from over sixty worlds spread across three Terran Provinces. This so-called Marik Front had been hit hard by the Free Worlds League. Before hostilities began almost two months ago the League had illegally occupied five Terran worlds and encouraged rebellions on two others. Captain-General Kenyon Marik, Terra’s nemesis, unleashed Operation Avalanche to bury the New Republic.

Major Wade Motte, the Operations Officer, suddenly cut in “Update from Alfeir. The Lexington Combat Group continues to hold the line against Marik invaders, sir. War Plan Azure seems to be paying off.” Darby couldn’t help interjecting “Too bad we can’t afford to reinforce them, we could really kick Kenyon’s tail if more of the SLDF remained.” He had barely finished moving his lips when a stern voice said “Who the hell is this?!” David turned and immediately recognized he had drawn the ire of Sinclair’s closest aide, Lieutenant General Janice Hawkins.

With a thinly veiled smile Major Jason Davis, the Administration Officer, volunteered the information the young officer was too stunned to give. “This Captain David Darby, a courier in the service of the Regent.” His eagerness was suddenly replaced by a sense of dread. The mercurial Hawkins was well known in the TRAS as ‘the Queen of Spades’ or quietly simply the Bitch. As if a drowning man struggling for air he needed to say something, anything to regain his composure. He managed to gasp out “I just wish we could exploit the good news, sir.” Luckily General Sinclair intervened before Darby was torn a new one, “Captain, can I speak with you?”.

The young officer gladly accompanied the General to the safety of his nearby office. “If you want to be a part of this staff like my wife says you do Darby you have to realize the situation we are in.” Sinclair continued “We’ve got ten other worlds under attack by the Free Worlds League who have a decisive naval advantage. It’s a miracle the Lexingtons got to Alfeir and I don’t know how they will ever make it off.” As the General took his seat David realized “A part of your staff, sir?” The General looked up at him “Yes, the Regent says you are a fine officer whose motives are somewhat an open secret.” The young Captain was clearly embarrassed and offered “I’m, sorry sir.”

Sinclair smiled “If General Kerensky was here he’d say don’t apologize, it’s a sign of weakness.” The phrase clearly evoked a specific memory or memories from the General as he continued “but just what are you sorry for Captain? Your nagging ambition? The fact that you opened your mouth in front of General Hawkins? Oh, I wouldn’t apologize for that” as Ian chuckled. “Or is it your all too common ignorance?” While Darby clearly understood the first two implications but not the third, “Sir?”. Sinclair’s smile vanished as if for the hundredth time he was about to explain something that nobody understood.

“Everywhere I go its always; too bad more of the SLDF didn’t remain behind or when will General Kerensky return to reunite the Star League.” Clearly disappointed almost disgusted by the words he continued “Heck, I wish more of the SLDF stayed behind. At some points I wish they all remained but the Star League is DEAD. Sadly you are not the first I’ve had to convince of this all too obvious fact that most people willfully dismiss. If the SLDF remained behind and we actively pushed forward as just another Successor State what do you think the results would have been?”

David bravely put forth “The Star League would have been restored under the leadership of the Last Cameron.” Sinclair just shook his head “I can see you are fresh out of the academy Captain. Oh yes, it is possible we could have succeeded but at what cost? The SLDF sundered, half the InnerSphere occupied territory, and destruction on a scale that would exceed even your wildest imagination. That is not the unifying hope of mankind.” Undeterred Captain Darby continued “not all the Houses would oppose us, sir.”

The General laughed “You didn’t witness the last meeting of the High Council, did you?” David replied negatively. “Obviously” Sinclair shot back “Do you know we’ve already had offers of Davion assistance?” The news gave the young Captain new hope “That is wonderful, sir!” Again Sinclair just shook his head “Captain, offers of protection from Davion or like the kind we’ve just received from House Steiner on Chertan are all aimed at carving up the Terran nation. Why not just trust your life to Chancellor Liao? No thank you we are an independent realm who has to pick their fights in this post Star League era. This war is what the Great Houses want. They dissolved the High Council and we want no longer want any part of them. We stand alone, is that clear!”

“YES SIR!” Darby replied “I understand now, sir. It won’t happen again.” Sinclair stood and saluted him, a gesture which was returned in kind. “Then welcome aboard Captain.”

blacktigeractual Re: BTSD Collection « Reply #7 on: February 01, 2009, 09:22:58 PM »

  This piece should be a great intro chapter to one of the upcoming sourcebooks, well done!

Takiro Re: BTSD Collection « Reply #8 on: February 01, 2009, 09:29:13 PM »

Thanks BTA, glad you liked it. These are story ideas I got that needed writing but had no sourcebook as you suggest. Hence these orphans are dropped here. Maybe one day they might get a novel. Wink

Rainbow 6 Re: BTSD Collection « Reply #9 on: February 02, 2009, 12:58:56 PM »

Good story, it should deffinatly go into a sourcebook.


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Re: BTSD Collection
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 05:47:56 PM »

Waiting for the Rain

September 1, 2785
Terran Royal Palace
Earth, Terran Republic

Ian Sinclair stood amid the holographic displays of the Royal Palace with an impending sense of dread. He had studied the maps, followed the news casts, and waited for what seemed like years now. Sure there had been a few sparks but these incidents were minor in nature. Raids were nothing new to the Great Houses who had long ago forgotten their supposed alliances. His neighbors had embarked on buildups and even some planetary assaults more recently. Smoldering conflicts had erupted along the borders from Bolan to Altair and his new born Terran Republic could do little to halt such aggression.

That was the problem. The horrific Amaris Coup had left Sinclair’s precious homeland utterly devastated. The Usurper’s conquest and inhumane occupation was undone by an epic campaign to liberate its populace which of course caused massive collateral damage. He could hardly blame those who left for greener pastures elsewhere in the wake of it all. Only those who were too prideful or too poor refused to leave their shattered nation. Thankfully the homeless problems and basic infrastructure had been restored but there was still much left to rebuild.

The new TRAS was chief among these concerns. The military anchored by Star League veterans and Terran freedom fighters would develop quickly no doubt. Despite the youth of the organization it contained the most battle hardened troops equipped with the finest weaponry known to man. Still the Republic was surrounded on all sides by five watchful opponents who each outnumbered it by at least three to two. If the line began to falter anywhere there would be no holding back Terra’s enemies. It was a monumental task which required every resource to defend what they had.

Despite all suffering and the huge departures Terra still commanded great wealth. Its spectacular riches ranged from precious monetary resources to vast sums of technological know how. Additionally the Cradle of Humanity held enormous cultural significance to the entire human race. Not to mention its central commercial position at the very heart of the InnerSphere. On top of it all was the political significance of Earth as the capital of the Star League. Its weakened defenses made the Republic the perfect target for her neighbors now looking to seize a share of its former glory.

If only they had more time. The once impressive industrial strength of Terra had been shattered by the Usurper. While Project Phoenix had been able to restore some of this manufacturing capacity by salvaging parts from the Rim it still wasn’t the same. Even worse was the Republic’s dire lack of natural resources which could cripple any war effort. Sinclair hoped what they had would be enough to survive the coming storm but what event he wondered would spark the general conflagration? Thankfully there was something preventing the outbreak of a wide scale war.

The shadow of the SLDF pervaded the entire Human Sphere. Uncertainty created by the Exodus hung like the Sword of Damocles over the Great Houses and all their minions. The specter of a vengeful Kerensky returning to smite their adventurism was a powerful image. Sinclair smiled as he thought this was something the Republic could use at the right time. However with each passing day those who would be First Lord chipped away at the facade of peace. With each act of aggression the House Lords were merely testing their limits like children whose parents had left them home alone.

But would the New Republic survive? Unfortunately such foreboding had not been a stranger to him. Had he done the right thing convincing Amanda to remain? Doubts continued to linger as he waited for the inevitable invasion. The situation was bleak but it was still better than going into exile and abandoning everything they knew. What the Last Cameron had created he would defend he thought. That same conclusion which he wrestled with on a daily basis didn’t seem to help. He couldn’t go back to bed. Instead resumed his watch.
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