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Terran Holidays
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:49:34 PM »

Takiro Terran Holidays « on: February 09, 2007, 12:14:08 PM »

Here is your chance to contribute to the New Republic my fellow Terrans. Based on what information there is what Holidays, nation wide preferably but regional or planetary holidays are good as well, would the Terran Republic celebrate during the year. Got my own ideas but would like to here some of yours in this process.

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 12:46:52 PM »

Is it OK for mercenaries to contribute? Wink Grin

Here are some ideas:
General Kerensky's birthday
Exodus Day (memorial type)
Founding Day of the Terran Republic
Amanda Cameron/Ian Sinclair's birthday(s)
A day for the fallen heroes (like Memorial Day)
A Veteran's day

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 04:32:05 PM »

Great minds think a like, even if you are a mercenary. Wink Not sure about an Exodus Day. I know Eridani Light Horse has it and the Clans but it would be a good day to memorialize the SLDF. Here is what I have in detail so far.

Terran Holidays

New Year (December 31/January 1) – This holiday celebrated throughout the Human Sphere is an official holiday of the New Republic as well during which almost every person reflects on the past year and looks forward to the next. This often takes the form of large parties and wild celebrations that occur all over Terran space featuring massive fireworks and light displays. For Terrans this day also takes on a special patriotic significance as it marks the unofficial birth of the Republic.
Republic Day (March 10) – This newest national holiday has yet to be celebrated by our proud nation who is only now approaching its first full year under this new government. It will the officially mark the foundation of the Republic as our third governing system when in 2785 the great people of our realm overwhelming voted to ratify the Terran Constitution. This should be a very patriotic day of huge parades and massive firework celebrations.

Star League Day (July 9) – Marks the foundation of the Star League in 2571 when all six House Lords appeared together in Geneva to sign the historic League Accords and make that monumental announcement. While the holiday was established many years ago by the Hegemony it has survived today in a much different form. During the Star League era it was a great patriotic celebration of that once proud organization. Now it is a day of remembrance for the Terran people who revere its accomplishments and dream of a time of future cooperation among the Houses.

Liberation Day (September 30) – Only recently established as a national holiday that marks the successful conclusion of Operation Liberation with the capture of the Usurper and the end of the horrific Amaris Coup. This is a somber day of remembrance and thanksgiving during which Terrans gather with their families and close friends. These quiet celebrations show that all misfortunes can be overcome in time, no matter how dark they are, by the indomitable spirit of our nation.
Kerensky Day (December 16) – Honors the savior of the Terran people and the Protector of the Star League by marking his birthday in the year 2700. This holiday began somewhat spontaneously after the SLDF’s Hegemony Campaign freed the first Terran worlds in 2772. When the Hegemony Congress was reconvened on New Earth during Operation Liberation one of its first acts was to establish Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky’s birthday as an official Terran holiday. It has remained so ever since in spite of the Star League’s dissolution and the Exodus of the SLDF led by Kerensky himself. The focus of the celebrations take place in Moscow on Terra were he was born and are relayed around the nation.

In Development
Cameron Day ( ) – This commemoration recently established by Congress, over the objections of the Last Cameron ironically, honors the one of the greatest noble dynasty to ever rule. It remembers not only the good members (although it usually focuses on the positive) but also the bad of this Great House. Not on December 27th which some favored to mark the tragedy of 2766 but on the day Michael Cameron came to rule in 2340.

Terran Day ( ) – Marks the birth of the Terran nation in 2086 when the Alliance was created

Reunification Day (September 22) – Marks the Taurian surrender and the end of resistance to the Star League 2596

Need dates on Terran and Cameron Day.

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 08:50:21 PM »

Finished two more.  Wink

Cameron Day (January 17) – This commemoration recently established by Congress, over the objections of the Last Cameron ironically, honors one of the greatest noble dynasties to ever rule. It mainly remembers the good rules of this Great House but a few critics have also announced their intentions to point out the bad ones on this day. Some favored having this holiday fall on December 27th which would mark the tragedy of 2766 but Regent Amanda Cameron objected to this. Instead it falls almost a month later on the day that the First Cameron, Michael, was sworn in as the second Director-General and Lord Protector of the Terran Hegemony in 2340.

Exodus Day (November 5) – Another recent holiday established by the Terran Republic is celebrated on the day General Kerensky and the SLDF left the InnerSphere on Operation Exodus. A memorial day of sort for what is widely regarded as the greatest military force ever known to exist. It honors their victories and accomplishments perhaps the greatest of which was their last ones. Not just the Hegemony Campaign or Operation Liberation but the Exodus itself which might have spared the Human Sphere a far more devastating conflict.

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 09:20:09 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on February 09, 2007, 04:32:05 PM
Great minds think a like, even if you are a mercenary. Wink

Why thank you, sir. Cheesy Although, if I had to make a choice (i.e.: an AC/20 pointed at my 'Mech's head) I'd choose the Terrans. They seem to be the least maladjusted group of all the possibilities... Wink Maybe I should have said that in the Faction thread?

A very good bunch of holidays, if I do say so myself (which I just did Grin). I don't think there is any more that I could add. Besides, the government workers can't have too many days off. Wink

Guess I'm in a silly mood tonight. It's Friday after all...

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 11:11:40 PM »

Well thank you sir. I would like to finish Terran or National Day but I seem to be stuck there is no date given for the founding of the Terran Alliance besides 2086. Sucks. I think eight holidays is a good number to begin with. We can certainly add more later.

If we can't find a specific date for the establishment of the Terran Alliance (only thing I see is a year 2086) then we might be forced to switch this last major holiday to Hegemony Day (July 22) honoring Admiral James McKenna's issuing of the Hegemony Charter and announcing the formation of Terran Hegemony.  Undecided

Any ideas for regional holidays? Provinces or System wide? Huh

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #6 on: February 10, 2007, 12:00:45 AM »

Well, I am sure you've checked every Sourcebook, but I checked quickly in my copies of the original House Handbooks and even the ComStar Hisorical Archives online - I couldn't find a date either. So my thought is, make one up. If anyone calls you on it, at least then you'll have the correct date. Then again, the Terran Alliance was almost 700 years ago. The Hegemony is more recent and therefore more likely to be celebrated. It's also the precursor to the current Republic, correct?

I don't have any ideas for any regional/provincial holidays other than a Founding Day probably celebrated on each world. On worlds that may have experienced a catastrophic event (climate, disease, attack), that might also be a remembrance day of some sort. Famous people might also be honored with a holiday on their homeworlds.

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #7 on: February 10, 2007, 12:28:29 AM »

Excellent points on Regional Holidays. A Foundation/Colonization/Settlement Day would be common for all worlds but Terra of course. This could extend to each Province but I doubt it. They all came about at the same time on March 10, 2785 when the Constitution was signed and they came into being officially.

I'll have to see what Liam says about his Tanabata Festival from Altair to Vega mirriored on the Japanese holiday. I'll have to see what his spin on it. Here is a Wikipedia article on subject.


Yeah it looks like we will go with Hegemony Day (July 22) instead of a Terran Day. It is workable but I would have prefered my original idea.

We could go world by world but that is probably to specific. Lets keep it to multi-system celebrations or common holidays like a Founding Date. Nice job MechRat!

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #8 on: February 10, 2007, 07:52:13 AM »

Don't forget the numerous cultural and religious holidays that currently exist. As humanity spread among the stars, the holidays would have followed. Worlds would observe different holidays based on the cultural makeup of each one. There also might be holidays by the new religious groups that had formed in canon.

Interesting article and holiday. I'm not sure how it will translate on planets other than Terra.

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #9 on: February 10, 2007, 10:48:34 AM »

Well Liam hasn't gotten back to me yet but here is a part of his write up from the old version of the Same class Corvette. Could give us some insight.

The Same's first role was rather unusual to say the least. In early June of 2758, the second ship of the classs, the Kasasagi, was "loaned" to the noble Takeda clan, and took part in the festivities surrounding the marriage of the clan's eldest daughter Midori, transporting her on a symbolic journey from Vega to Altair to meet her future husband.
The very nature of the journey (requiring that Lady Midori arrive by July 7th) actually proved just a little dangerous, as the Kasasagi twice had to endure a quick charge of its KF-drive, AND jump to a pirate point in the Altair system in order to deliver its passenger on time. Nevertheless, the untested ship made it through in fine style.
[editor's note: Ridiculously extravagant really, especially when you consider that neither Vega nor Altair were Combine territory at the time. The amount of influence that had to be peddled to allow a heavily armed corvette, especially one that had yet to complete its shakedown cruise, to take this little jaunt through two states was considerable. Still, this gesture, full of romantic symbolism and inspired by classical Japanese legend, was considered incredibly romantic by some. Even today some maidens travel what is called the "lover's crossing" between Vega and Altair as a way of showing their devotion to their lovers].

Well what new religions do the Terrans really embrace? Not many. I could go into the difference of Christmas and Easter between the Roman (Terran) Catholic and the New Avalon (Davion) Catholics. Actually probably pretty damn close but I could go on about tensions on these holy days rising to a fever pitch.

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #10 on: February 11, 2007, 12:06:56 AM »

Actually I was referring to current-day (real-life) holidays. I don't think there would be any state supported religious holidays in the TR. The state would have to remain secular with the diverse religions present in the Republic. I guess I was referring to individual worlds and the holidays they might observe. The dominant religion of each world, if there is one, would probably celebrate important dates just as each country in our own world celebrates religious holidays.

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #11 on: February 11, 2007, 07:47:28 AM »

Well I just received word from Roosterboy that confirms my findings, there is no published date for the founding of the Terran Alliance other than 2086. So we are left with only one option.

Hegemony Day (July 22) - Another holiday that has changed in signifigance to our people but is still celebrated by our nation is Hegemony Day. It marks the day in 2315 when Admiral James McKenna's announced the formation of Terran Hegemony and issued the Hegemony Charter for ratification. While it is no longer honored as our sole national birthday it is still an important event to the New Republic which acknowledges it as the birthdate of the modern Terran state and an end to the political ineptness of the Alliance.

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #12 on: February 11, 2007, 08:16:49 AM »

Sounds good to me. Actually I think it seems more relevant than the founding of the Alliance, as it is more recent. However, since there is no published date, you could always create one... Wink Like I said before, if ayone calls you on it, then you'll have your date.

Are your sources from CBT? You've got one heck of a network. Smiley

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #13 on: February 11, 2007, 10:42:05 AM »

Consolidating and add a detail to Hegemony Day.

National Holidays
The Terran Republic has eight national holidays that are celebrated throughout our realm and have been legally recognized by the Congress. These official holidays see the shutdown of all unessential government offices as well as many other public and private institutions. Those who are required to work on these days earn additional wages called holiday pay which is usually double their normal rate.

New Year's (January 1) – This holiday celebrated throughout the Human Sphere is an official holiday of the New Republic as well during which almost every person reflects on the past year and looks forward to the next. This often takes the form of large parties and wild celebrations that occur all over Terran space featuring massive fireworks and light displays. For Terrans this day also takes on a special patriotic significance as it marks the unofficial birth of the Republic.

Cameron Day (January 17) – This commemoration recently established by Congress, over the objections of the Last Cameron ironically, honors one of the greatest noble dynasties to ever rule. It mainly remembers the good rules of this Great House but a few critics have also announced their intentions to point out the bad ones on this day. Some favored having this holiday fall on December 27th which would mark the tragedy of 2766 but Regent Amanda Cameron objected to this. Instead it falls almost a month later on the day that the First Cameron, Michael, was sworn in as the second Director-General and Lord Protector of the Terran Hegemony in 2340.

Republic Day (March 10) – This newest national holiday has yet to be celebrated by our proud nation who is only now approaching its first full year under this new government. It will the officially mark the foundation of the Republic as our third governing system when in 2785 the great people of our realm overwhelming voted to ratify the Terran Constitution. This should be a very patriotic day of huge parades and massive firework celebrations.

Star League Day (July 9) – Marks the foundation of the Star League in 2571 when all six House Lords appeared together in Geneva to sign the historic League Accords and make that monumental announcement. While the holiday was established many years ago by the Hegemony it has survived today in a much different form. During the Star League era it was a great patriotic celebration of that once proud organization. Now it is a day of remembrance for the Terran people who revere its accomplishments and dream of a time of future cooperation among the Houses.

Hegemony Day (July 22) – Another holiday that has changed in significance to our people but is still celebrated by our nation is Hegemony Day. It marks the day in 2315 when Admiral James McKenna's announced the formation of Terran Hegemony and issued the Hegemony Charter for ratification. Also incorporated into this reorganized holiday was James McKenna's Birthday that celebrated the founder of our realm which had been its own holiday during the Terran Hegemony. This recent development has irked some avid nationalists but most see it as only practical with the passing of the Hegemony and the birth of the New Republic. While it is no longer honored as our sole national birthday it is still an important event to our young country which acknowledges it as the birth date of the modern Terran state, a celebration of its founder, and an end to the political ineptness of the bygone Alliance.

Liberation Day (September 30) – Only recently established as a national holiday that marks the successful conclusion of Operation Liberation with the capture of the Usurper and the end of the horrific Amaris Coup. This is a somber day of remembrance and thanksgiving during which Terrans gather with their families and close friends. These quiet celebrations show that all misfortunes can be overcome in time, no matter how dark they are, by the indomitable spirit of our nation.

Exodus Day (November 5) – Another recent holiday established by the Terran Republic is celebrated on the day General Kerensky and the SLDF left the InnerSphere on Operation Exodus. A memorial day of sort for what is widely regarded as the greatest military force ever known to exist. It honors their victories and accomplishments perhaps the greatest of which was their last ones. Not just the Hegemony Campaign or Operation Liberation but the Exodus itself which might have spared the Human Sphere a far more devastating conflict.

Kerensky Day (December 16) – Honors the savior of the Terran people and the Protector of the Star League by marking his birthday in the year 2700. This holiday began somewhat spontaneously after the SLDF’s Hegemony Campaign freed the first Terran worlds in 2772. When the Hegemony Congress was reconvened on New Earth during Operation Liberation one of its first acts was to establish Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky’s birthday as an official Terran holiday. It has remained so ever since in spite of the Star League’s dissolution and the Exodus of the SLDF led by Kerensky himself. The focus of the celebrations take place in Moscow on Terra were he was born and are relayed around the nation.

Calderon Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #14 on: February 11, 2007, 02:22:06 PM »

What about a Calderon Day or a Bradshaw day???!!!

Calderon Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #15 on: February 11, 2007, 02:22:41 PM »

Or Saint George of the jungle day?!

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #16 on: February 11, 2007, 07:30:53 PM »

Quote from: Calderon on February 11, 2007, 02:22:06 PM
What about a Calderon Day or a Bradshaw day???!!!

We're talking about Terran holidays here. Tongue Maybe the Davions could name a day for you... G

Calderon Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #17 on: February 11, 2007, 09:40:17 PM »

I think I'll campagan for that...it will be like saint patricks day...everyone drinks!!

MechRat Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #18 on: February 11, 2007, 11:02:45 PM »

More power to you, Calderon! Best of luck and I will cast a vote for you in favor of your day, if needed... Grin

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 12:08:57 AM »

Calderon Day I think is probably best celebrated in the Taurian Concordat.  Wink

Liam just got me the Tanabata Festival enjoy! Should be done tommorrow with the smaller ones. Enjoy!

Celebrated on July 7th of every year on the worlds of Vega and Altair, Tanabata is a festival comemorating the close cultural and spiritual ties between the two worlds. The roots of the festival extend as far back as Terra's so callled Far East in the 12th or 13th century, though its current form has evolved greatly from how it was originally practiced.

Though largely a cultural festival, the most well known element of Tanabata is the Lover's Crossing, a journey undertaken by wives and wives to be to show their devotion to their lovers. While for many the journey is symbolic in nature, for those who can afford to do so, the journey is very much real, with a jumpship, by tradition named the Kasasagi (Magpie), transporting such well-to-do brides from Vega to Altair. On a more practical note, the increase of jumpship traffic between the two worlds during Tanabata also fosters increased trade and interdependence.

Calderon Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #20 on: February 13, 2007, 06:26:08 PM »

But I got MechRats vote?

Takiro Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #21 on: February 13, 2007, 10:47:53 PM »

This ain't a democracy. Here is the completed list unless somebody else has a useful suggestion.  Wink

National Holidays
The Terran Republic has eight national holidays that are celebrated throughout our realm and have been legally recognized by the Congress. These official holidays see the shutdown of all unessential government offices as well as many other public and private institutions. Those who are required to work on these days earn additional wages called holiday pay which is usually double their normal rate.

New Year's (January 1) – This holiday celebrated throughout the Human Sphere is an official holiday of the New Republic as well during which almost every person reflects on the past year and looks forward to the next. This often takes the form of large parties and wild celebrations that occur all over Terran space featuring massive fireworks and light displays. For Terrans this day also takes on a special patriotic significance as it marks the unofficial birth of the Republic.

Cameron Day (January 17) – This commemoration recently established by Congress, over the objections of the Last Cameron ironically, honors one of the greatest noble dynasties to ever rule. It mainly remembers the good rules of this Great House but a few critics have also announced their intentions to point out the bad ones on this day. Some favored having this holiday fall on December 27th which would mark the tragedy of 2766 but Regent Amanda Cameron objected to this. Instead it falls almost a month later on the day that the First Cameron, Michael, was sworn in as the second Director-General and Lord Protector of the Terran Hegemony in 2340.

Republic Day (March 10) – This newest national holiday has yet to be celebrated by our proud nation who is only now approaching its first full year under this new government. It will the officially mark the foundation of the Republic as our third governing system when in 2785 the great people of our realm overwhelming voted to ratify the Terran Constitution. This should be a very patriotic day of huge parades and massive firework celebrations.

Star League Day (July 9) – Marks the foundation of the Star League in 2571 when all six House Lords appeared together in Geneva to sign the historic League Accords and make that monumental announcement. While the holiday was established many years ago by the Hegemony it has survived today in a much different form. During the Star League era it was a great patriotic celebration of that once proud organization. Now it is a day of remembrance for the Terran people who revere its accomplishments and dream of a time of future cooperation among the Houses.

Hegemony Day (July 22) – Another holiday that has changed in significance to our people but is still celebrated by our nation is Hegemony Day. It marks the day in 2315 when Admiral James McKenna's announced the formation of Terran Hegemony and issued the Hegemony Charter for ratification. Also incorporated into this reorganized holiday was James McKenna's Birthday that celebrated the founder of our realm which had been its own holiday during the Terran Hegemony. This recent development has irked some avid nationalists but most see it as only practical with the passing of the Hegemony and the birth of the New Republic. While it is no longer honored as our sole national birthday it is still an important event to our young country which acknowledges it as the birth date of the modern Terran state, a celebration of its founder, and an end to the political ineptness of the bygone Alliance.

Liberation Day (September 30) – Only recently established as a national holiday that marks the successful conclusion of Operation Liberation with the capture of the Usurper and the end of the horrific Amaris Coup. This is a somber day of remembrance and thanksgiving during which Terrans gather with their families and close friends. These quiet celebrations show that all misfortunes can be overcome in time, no matter how dark they are, by the indomitable spirit of our nation.

Exodus Day (November 5) – Another recent holiday established by the Terran Republic is celebrated on the day General Kerensky and the SLDF left the InnerSphere on Operation Exodus. A memorial day of sort for what is widely regarded as the greatest military force ever known to exist. It honors their victories and accomplishments perhaps the greatest of which was their last ones. Not just the Hegemony Campaign or Operation Liberation but the Exodus itself which might have spared the Human Sphere a far more devastating conflict.

Kerensky Day (December 16) – Honors the savior of the Terran people and the Protector of the Star League by marking his birthday in the year 2700. This holiday began somewhat spontaneously after the SLDF’s Hegemony Campaign freed the first Terran worlds in 2772. When the Hegemony Congress was reconvened on New Earth during Operation Liberation one of its first acts was to establish Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky’s birthday as an official Terran holiday. It has remained so ever since in spite of the Star League’s dissolution and the Exodus of the SLDF led by Kerensky himself. The focus of the celebrations take place in Moscow on Terra were he was born and are relayed around the nation.

Regional Holidays
In addition to National Holidays the Terran Republic is home to many other smaller festivals and holidays. Currently there are no Province-wide celebrations although given time to develop their own regional histories it is certainly possible that these relatively new political divisions could declare their own holidays. However, there are many Multiple System and System-wide celebrations throughout Terran space.

The most common of these are the Founding Day ceremonies held annually on every world in the Republic except for Terra. These celebrations mark the colonization of each planet by humanity and honor the first settlers’ efforts to colonize these worlds of the Republic. While their actual names may differ from planet to planet (Colonization Day or Settlement Day are also very common variations on this theme) the celebrations themselves are remarkably similar. Perhaps the most elaborate of these is Foundation Day occurring on New Earth every March 8th. This holiday commemorates the establishment of the first human extra-solar colony in the year 2116 by 500 colonists who were transported to Tau Ceti IV (now more widely known as New Earth) by the very first colony jumpship, the TAS Ark.

Another common holiday marked by many regions of the Terran Republic is Christmas celebrated most often on December 25th. Christians of all dominations commemorate the birth of their savior Jesus on this day although some celebrate this holiest of days on January 6th or 7th. While this holiday clearly has its roots in a Christian religious celebration it has expanded over the centuries to encompass the secular. These observances which include gift-giving, Santa Claus, and the decoration of trees and houses are not explicity Christian. It is this aspect that many have embraced and celebrate to this day as a public holiday. However, this practice has always been a bone of contention by those who claim that this is an endorsement of state sponsered religion. On these grounds the New Republic chose to let individual regions decide their own policy for a Christmas holiday. Some including the Roman Catholic Chruch have urged the Regent to reverse this policy and declare Christmas a national holiday. This seems unlikely at the moment especially because of the New Avalon Schism which has caused rising tensions along the Terran-Davion border.

One of the most unique multi-world and multi-national celebrations is celebrated on July 7th of every year on the worlds of Vega and Altair. The Tanabata Festival commemorates the close cultural and spiritual ties between the two worlds. The roots of the festival extend as far back as Terra's so called Far East in the 12th or 13th century, though its current form has evolved greatly from how it was originally practiced. Though largely a cultural festival, the most well known element of Tanabata is the Lover's Crossing, a journey undertaken by wives and wives to be to show their devotion to their lovers. While for many the journey is symbolic in nature, for those who can afford to do so, the journey is very much real, with a jumpship, by tradition named the Kasasagi (Magpie), transporting such well-to-do brides from Vega to Altair. On a more practical note, the increase of jumpship traffic between the two worlds during Tanabata also fosters increased trade and interdependence.

In fact there are over one hundred different holidays celebrated all across our nation that largely depends on the history, culture, and religion of each world. Some of these celebrations are secular in nature while others are religious but all are important to the denizens of the New Republic.

Calderon Re: Terran Holidays « Reply #22 on: February 14, 2007, 11:02:15 AM »

 Tongue Tongue Tongue
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