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    • The Kapteyn Universe
Book 1: Plans within Plans
« on: March 10, 2018, 04:24:16 PM »

Author’s Note: This is an alternate timeline story set in 3022, which rewrites the lead up too, and outbreak of the 4th Succession War.  It is based firstly on the side bar on page 57 of the original House Marik Sourcebook, but quickly diverges into an alternate reaction by ComStar and the Kapteyn powers.  I had an epiphany that started with the question “What if…”.  What if Marik, Kurita, and Liao had struck first, before Davion and Steiner were ready, all manipulated by ComStar. The 4th War is now a very different beast, and what comes after has completely changed the balance of power in the Inner Sphere.

The results of the invasions were gamed out and the story of the alternate war slowly written as we progressed the results of the war, using a highly detailed version of Succession Wars/Inner Sphere in Flames.

Special Thanks: An enormous number of people have contributed to the Kapteyn Universe (KU), and I hope I have not forgotten any of them below:

Matthew “Blacknova” Alexander, Joshua “Knightmare” Perian, Jason “Panzerfaust150” Wiser, Michael “drakensis” Brown, Eugene “Centurion03” Klopper, Dan “Coriendal” Waugh, Glenn “Rainbow 6” Miller, Andrea “Magestric_Artbitch” Hamann, Xavier “Ice Hellion” Lugherini, Bruce “Kwic” Jensen, Jeremy “shwagpo”, “Manne”, “Epoch Rooster”, “Recon-5”,
Chris “Alex Knight” Marti, “Dragon Cat”, “Potenza”, “Dread Moores”, “Hessian”, Jason “VhenRa” Fraser, “Shadow Wraith”, Nathan “Valles” Baxter, Robert “Chaosextreme”
Johnson, John “Col. Chiang” Almond, Christopher Damour, Tony Crum, David “Slencgb”, “Red Pins”, Michael “DragonCat” Middleton, Matthew Stohner and anyone else we may have missed!

Book 1

Plans Within Plans

Chapter 1

Elmau, Bavaria, Terra.
15 September, 3022.

The oldest Successor Lord in the Inner Sphere seemed bowed over by the weight of his bitter experience, bowed by Civil War, the betrayal of siblings, and the loss of children.  Although still strong, his ever growing burdens were readily apparent to the other man in the room, a man whose bolt straight stature and strong physique bespoke of a man in his prime, who believed in not only in his current self, but his personal vision of his own destiny. 

Takashi Kurita extended his hand to grasp that of the other, the tired one, and for a moment, two of the most powerful men in existence stood toe to toe. The old man in a rose pleated, long sleeve jacket, and buff striped white stirrup pants, marking him out as a member of the Free Worlds Guards, whilst the stronger of the two wore a garb consisting of a high collared white tunic with orange stripes down its arms and centre, set against red striped black pants and high leather boots. 

“Captain-General Marik, it is a good to meet you at last.  We have much of importance to discuss.”

The older man, Capitan-General Janos Marik, thought for a moment before breaking their grip and replying.  “Yes Coordinator, we have much to discuss and many problems to resolve, although I am sure our meetings will be productive and beneficial.”

Takashi turned his head, showing the grey that was slowly encroaching upon his jet-black temples and looked out across the vista that the spartan and little furnished room provided.  “I trust your journey here was as pleasant as the vistas our destination provides.”

“Yes Lord Kurita, a most pleasant journey.  It has been many years since I last visited my ancestral homeland.  I must thank you for choosing this region for our meeting; I have many pleasant memories of it from my youth.  Will you be visiting your own people’s land whilst here?”

Takashi paused before answering.  “Should I visit the Land of the Rising Sun, I would be compelled by honour and duty to pay my respects to the Emperor, something that I am sure would become public knowledge in no small amount of time.  I do not wish either the Steiners or Davions to learn of our meeting so easily.”

Abruptly, Kurita turned, and, fixing the Marik with an expression that was half wry humour and half sadistic amusement, said, "It is probably time that we welcomed our third partner."  Before Janos Marik could reply, the pair of oak doors at the rear of the room swung wide, and Maximilian Liao walked into the room, his perfectly tailored uniform ablaze with military ribbons and decorations, some of them clearly won in the long wars between the Capellans and the Free Worlds League.

Marik glared at Kurita, then at Liao, then back at Kurita.  "What is he doing here?" he finally asked.

"He is here to negotiate peace, of course," Kurita replied, extending a hand to the small Capellan.  "He is here because he is an enemy of our enemy, Hanse Davion." He dropped Liao's hand and turned to face Marik once more.  "He is also a loaded gun, friend Janos.  It is better to take such weapons in hand and point them away from ones self, then to leave them for an enemy to pick up.  I'm sure you agree?" Liao flinched at the metaphor, but smiled, showing a row of perfect teeth.

"You would make this a necessary condition of our own alliance?" Marik asked.

"I would."

"And if I do not choose to negotiate with one such as him?"

“Then your realm will bear the brunt of the coming war and there will be little I can do to save you or your people” said a new voice behind Janos.

The Marik spun around to see the red robes of a ComStar Precentor and one he recognised as Myndo Waterly, Precentor Dieron, her gold hair framing her face like an iridescent halo, an effect he was sure she had taken much time to create.

“Save my realm? How do you propose to undertake such an action and more importantly still, what makes you think my realm will bear the brunt of any attack Precentor?”

“Should our noble friends here today, negotiate an alliance between each other, our mutual enemy, Hanse Davion will be hemmed in and his courses of action limited.  He would then be forced to compel the Lyrans to consummate their new alliance with a strike into, and through, your Terran holdings in an effort to unite the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns.  I am also most sure, that given such a tempting situation and with no treaty as a break on his actions, Chancellor Liao would have little compunction in finishing you off.”

The Precentor smiled benignly at the Captain-General and the predatory smile on the face of Maximillian Liao only emphasised her point.  That little Liao bastard would do anything to reclaim what we have taken from his realm over the centuries.  Precentor Dieron is correct and damm her for being so.

Janos smiled and bowed his head in Myndo’s direction.  “As always, ComStar sees to the heart of the matter at hand with clarity that is ever omniscient.  Please excuse my rudeness, I did not expect so many to be part of our discussion.”

Myndo bowed in return “Please Captain-General, you have committed no wrong, my vehemence is fuelled only by the great threat that confronts us all.  Should Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner pull their alliance together, we are all in grave danger, hence why the Primus has directed me to see that these negotiations are as fruitful as possible.”

The Precentor extended a hand to take in the stuffed couches that surrounded the low table in the room’s centre “Please gentlemen, make yourselves comfortable, we have much to discuss and only so much time to do so.”

The four sat themselves at the cardinal points of the table, none wishing to be too close to a neighbour.  Marik and Liao sat facing each other, something to be expected given the circumstances.

Myndo began speaking once all four were settled, slowly moving her gaze from one Successor Lord to the next.  “I wish to take some time to explain the course of action which must be followed by all here to ensure our survival in the coming years.  Should we falter on this path, our ends at the hands of the nascent Federated Commonwealth will be swift indeed.”

Takashi Kurita responded as the other two Lords nodded “Please Precentor, take all the time necessary.”

“Thankyou Lord Kurita.  As you are all aware, Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner have concluded an alliance between the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth, which has been dubbed the Federated Commonwealth Alliance.  Each of you will already have seen some results of this alliance through the trade and intelligence exchanges which have strengthened both realms?” All three nodded in agreement.

“What you may not be aware of are certain secret clauses within the
F-C Alliance document, clauses that could spell the end of the balance of power in the Inner Sphere.”  The three men, despite themselves, all leaned forward, even the stoic Kurita.

“When the Alliance was signed in May, it provided for more than just trade and intelligence.  Secret clauses provide for the merger of the two realms into a single super-state that will be cemented by the marriage of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner upon her reaching her eighteenth birthday.”

“This would mean disaster!” Exclaimed Liao.  “We would be exterminated one by one.  Why has ComStar waited this long to tell the other powers of these provisions?  Have you taken sides against us?”

“ComStar still has not told you of this.  I have told you of this, and at great personal risk.  The Primus does not believe you yet need to know.”

Silence fell across the table.  “You mean to tell us that your organisation has allowed the greatest threat to the Inner Sphere’s future to come to fruition and then decided to take no action to counter it?” Kurita asked leaning across the table a skewering Myndo with a look that she was sure presaged the death of any other it could have been directed at.

Myndo paused, to steady herself.  “Yes, and at the same time no.”

“I sense there are deep factional politics at work in your organisation, are there not Precentor Dieron?” asked Janos.

“Yes Captain-General, there are.  There are many, like myself, who believe Primus Tiepolo has lost site of Blake’s blessed vision and is leading us down a path to disaster.  This faction has appointed me to be their head and ensure that your states are informed of events and provided with the means and methods to counter this coming storm.”

“That is all well and good Precentor, but how do you propose to live past this meeting? I am sure the Primus will view your actions and those of your allies dimly?” said The Marik.

“I will survive because he will not here of it.  ROM is loyal to Precentor ROM and Precentor ROM is loyal to me.”

“I see you ensured your path was secure before taking it, and if your intelligence apparatus is loyal to you through Precentor ROM, then you can report what you like of our meetings.  I feel some confidence in what we plan here now.” Said the Liao.

Takashi immediately retorted, “Do not be so quick to gloat Maximillian, short of a coup or the Primus stepping down for some reason, this will come to a head and when that happens, should Precentor Dieron’s faction come out the worse for it, we will be left out in the cold.”

“You are correct Lord Kurita, that what you speak of is a possibility.  However, measures are being taken, and can be enacted, which will assure that you will receive the full support of our order in your endeavours.”

Kurita frowned and looked into the distance, whilst his mind investigated a myriad possibilities, intently watched all the while by Marik and Liao. “I will accept your word for now.  However, should at any time I believe you have been compromised, I will ensure that the Combine will take no further part in your efforts.  So, what of your plan? What do you propose that will halt this Steiner-Davion demon?” asked Kurita.

Myndo smiled gracefully and looked up “In January of 3025, twenty-seven months from now, with assistance in the form of transport, intelligence, and mercenaries from ComStar, your three realms will launch a coordinated invasion of the Terran regions of the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth, ensuring that they have no chance of ever physically uniting their realms, and showing their alliance for the fiction it is.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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