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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2018, 04:14:11 AM »

Chapter 16

The Cave, Saso, New Syrtis
Capellan March, Federated Suns
16 May, 3022.

Colonel Justin Xiang Allard, he still could not get used to the new rank his father and Hanse Davion had thrust on him, stared at the holographic representation of the Capellan March and areas of the Crucis March and Capellan Confederation spin slowly in the air before him.  The Cave, the command centre of the Capellan March, was quite at the moment.  The many data terminals and map tables were sparsely populated this early in the morning, with only a few AFFS personnel typing away or examining reports of raids and small strikes.  The only table with any life to it, was the one at which he and the other officers had gathered.  Justin stood there with Morgan Hasek-Davion, the new Field Marshal of the Capellan March, his face still drawn following the slow and hideous death of his father, Michael.  The unknown virus that had taken Michael’s life was one of the nastiest things Justin had ever seen.  By the end, the once powerful and forceful man was reduced to a skeleton like visage of skin and bone.  If that wasn’t bad enough, the virus had also attacked his skin, making him look like the victim of a horrendous fire.  Justin remembered seeing corpses on the Battlefield, stuck in gutted vehicles, which had been burnt down to something that looked like Michael.  How Morgan was able to stay by his father’s bed, day after day was something that Justin was moved and impressed by.  The man has steel within him.  If my father is right, he will bring the Capellan March back into Hanse’s camp rapidly.  But if Hanse Davion’s deepest fears are proved correct, then the Federated Suns and House Davion are in mortal danger.

Standing next to Justin was the always recruiting poster proper Ardan Sortek, Hanse Davion’s oldest and most trusted friend.  Sortek, like Justin, was here to assist Morgan in his new position and to try and limit the influence of Michael Hasek-Davion’s advisors.  Those men had been poisoned against Hanse Davion and represented the best chance for Morgan to slide into his father’s way of doing things.  Ardan and Justin were there to prevent just that.

Funny how things work out.  If Michael had not fallen ill, we would all be in other places right now.  Ardan on New Avalon with Morgan and I would be planning to end my life as I knew it. 

It was the simplest of mistakes that had first led to the MIIO discovering Michael Hasek-Davion’s treachery, though at the time, no one knew it was Michael at all.  Early in 3020, a detailed discussion paper, which was known only to the highest officers in the Capellan March, regarding the reorganization of the March’s defences, fell into Capellan hands.  The nature of the haul, that the document was little changed and that it had to have come from one of only two dozen people set alarm bells ringing on New Avalon.  The MIIO knew of the document thanks to their placement of an operative high in the Maskirovka’s organisation.  The operative also reported later that better methods were put in place that reworded later dispatches from the spy, making it harder to determine the point of origin of documents.  Justin’s father, Quintus, had set in motion a detailed plan, where each of the twenty odd suspects were briefed on a secret plan, for their eyes only, requiring each officer to take specific actions in the event of a major invasion of the realm or of the death of Hanse Davion.  Each officer briefed was given the name of the plan as a colour.  Case Blue, was Michael Hasek-Davion’s colour.  Two months later, although the original document was now much changed after the Maskirovka had instructed Michael to be more careful, Case Blue came across the desk of the MIIO operative on Sian.  Two revisions to Case Blue followed over the next five months and Quintus had found the leak.

All that set in motion a plan to plant Justin in Chancellor’s eye and exile him from the Federated Suns on a mission of great personal danger.  Justin would use the information Michael provided as his way into the Confederation and then work to cover any deficiencies from the data whilst on Sian.  The plan was audacious and Justin had accepted, even though he believed it was a pipe dream of sorts.  However, with Michel’s death a year before the plan was to begin its initial phase, it had been called off as too dangerous.  Now Justin was in a place no less dangerous as his half Capellan background made him a focus of hate for those short sighted officers of the Capellan March who seemed to crawl out from under every rock on New Syrtis.

Justin looked up as Morgan brought the path of McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry up onto the projection.  Those disreputable mercenary regiments had hit system after system.  They had suffered losses, but had done plenty of damage along the way as well.  Goshen and Emerson had recently felt their bite and then came the ambush of McCarron on Beten Kaitos by the Davion Heavy Guards.  Morgan would have been there if not for his father’s illness and some believed that was why the mercenaries escaped.  The new Major of Morgan’s old Battalion had let the mercenaries slip away.  All five regiments of the mercenaries were now on their way to Bristol, where there was little to stop them.

Morgan spoke up.  “There is little we can do at the moment.  Our forces are closing the net, but it will be six weeks before we can realistically present McCarron with the options of withdraw or die.  I know that gives him time to hit more worlds, but the strategy so far undertaken was too hit and miss.  We have tried to take him straight out instead of strangling him.  This has allowed him to move his units around and avoid heavy losses.”

Marshalls Angerstand and Steadman, commanders of the Alcyone and Kathil PDZ’s bristled at the rebuke, but it was the old Marshal, Tamara Hasek, commander of the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers that spoke up.  “Your father looked to end McCarron’s menace once and for all, he behaved like a man.  You seem to want to dance our forces around, avoiding a real battle and allowing McCarron to do as he will.  The 5th Crucis Lancers are near enough to Bristol to get there before McCarron can and delay him until help arrives.”

Morgan shook his head.  “The 5th is just an overly large Mechanised Combat Command.  Without a Mech Regiment, they have little hope in pinning McCarron down.  McCarron could well try and rip them apart if he out manoeuvred them.  I do not want my first action to be the loss of an entire RCT.  We will wait until the other forces detailed to the encirclement are in place and then strike.  There is also the chance McCarron could just run when he sees us coming, which is just as well.  We drive him off without further loss.”

Tamara Hasek, her faced crinkled by many lines from many worlds and numerous battles, could not keep the contempt from her voice.  “You are a coward Morgan.  Your time on New Avalon has softened you.  You’re strategies are those of Hanse Davion, strategies that allow the Capellan March to be pillaged, whilst you and Hanse watch from afar.”

Ardan moved to Morgan’s aid.  “Marshall Hasek, you’re new Field Marshal’s plan is sound.  Either we overwhelm and destroy McCarron or we drive him off without loss.  You’re efforts so far have resulted in numerous losses, little damage to McCarron, and several battered AFFS regiments.”

Justin added his own weight to the argument.  “I agree, the General who wins without fighting is to be respected.”

Tamara turned on Justin.  “You would be happy to see our March suffer, wouldn’t you half-breed?”

Morgan’s loud voice silenced everyone.  “ENOUGH OF THIS!  I have made my decision and you will follow your orders as befitting officers of the AFFS.  Either that or, if the orders are too bitter for you, you can resign your positions.”

Tamara looked at Morgan in defiance for a moment, and then relented.  “Very well, I will do as ordered.  You will see however, that the people of our March will not be happy with dancing soldiers.  They want fighters!”

Morgan stared at Tamara for a moment before switching his gaze to Justin.  “Justin, can you apprise us of the new plans for the Training Battalions?”

Justin was glad for the change of topic.  “Yes Sir.  Due to apparent build up of forces in Galedon and Dieron, and the rumours we are getting from Sian that there are new forces forming in or near St. Ives, the First Prince has decided to expand the existing AFFS Training Battalions into full RCT’s that will maintain a secondary training function, though not the NAIS or Albion units.  Effectively two thirds of each training RCT will be composed of recruits, with those passing through joining the RCT’s main line units or going to other commands as required.  The High Command believes this will give young soldiers a better feel for combined arms operations before going on to their first assignment.  Additionally, as the structures to support the training battalions are already in place, they can be expanded upon instead of starting from scratch.”

Marshal Steadman snorted.  “That’s all we need.  More hicks in the line.  Those training Battalion have hardly done a thing since they were formed and now the Prince wants to turn them into full blown circuses.”

Morgan, his voice becoming stained, answered, “We already know your view on the Training Battalions Marshal.  This is a done deal.  The orders are from the High Command so we will carry them out.  What are the new formations to be called?”

Ardan answered before Justin could.  “The Federated Suns Light Cavalry.  Looks like the Kittery Battalion will form the core of the 1st Cavalry; Bell the 2nd, Brockton the 3rd and Conroe the 4th.  Others may form over time.”

Morgan nodded.  “A decent name.  Justin, Ardan.  You will see to the requirements of these units that will come from our March.”

Justin looked across at Morgan.  “Yes sir.  There is one other thing that may help in that.  There’s a guy I want to bring across from Kittery to help us here.  He has been with the Battalion for a time and knows how they work.  His insight into how they operate will be very helpful in getting the RCT’s off the ground.  The guys got a good head, good insight, and I think you know him; Andrew Redburn?”

Morgan smiled, the first time Justin had seen him do so since arriving on New Syrtis.  “Andrew and I were at the Warrior’s Hall together, he’s a good man.  If Andrew knows what will help, get him on board.”

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2018, 05:27:19 PM »

Chapter 17

Forbidden City, Sian,
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
11 April, 3023. 

Romano Liao howled at her sister in anger.  ”How dare you think to get away with such an attempt on the throne sister.  I know you seek to place those new units father wants in a position of loyalty to you so you can remove him and turn on ME!”

Here we go again.  Thought Candace.  Her dear sister Romano kept a mental tally in her head of what she believed the score was between them.  When she scored points she became insufferable, when Candace scored, she bitched.  In this situation, Candace has scored big, very big.  “Dearest sister,” Candace began, “Perhaps father simply wished to ensure that the new regiments would be trained in proper tactics and strategy, and not turned into a pack of raving religious fanatics.”  That should keep her going until father gets here. 

Romano’s face went through several shades of red before here top completely blew.  “YOU INSUFFERABLE WHORE!”  Romano screamed “It is MY right that those regiments be moulded in MY image, the image of power and strength that is the hallmark of MY people.  You seek to strengthen St. Ives until you have your own little empire, all but a jump from father’s throat.  I know your plan and I will never let you complete it.  Stupid Tormana may think you the darling of family, but I have known your ways since I was born.”  It was at this point the Maximillian Liao, well groomed and assured as ever, and Pavel Ridzik with his uniform lit up with the many awards he had gained over the years, entered to see Romano in full fury.  Candace chose that precise moment to smile at her sister in the most vacant way possible, driving Romano still further into a rage, as she had not heard her father enter behind her.

Romano continued, her voice getting louder and louder.  “I know you seek to supplant father and remove that idiot Ridzik, may Kali send him to hell.  You would enslave our fool brother and see me off to ensure your own path to the throne.  I will not have it!  I WILL SEE YOU DEAD!”  Romano punctuated her last outburst by hurling one of the small jade carvings that adorned the centre of the large oak meeting table that dominated the room at her sister.

The carving tumbled lazily through the air, missing Candace by inches and smashing through a window of one of the rooms many display cases, which was filled with priceless Han antiques.  “An interesting take on our future little daughter.  I wonder what Senior Colonel Ridzik thinks?” Said Maximilian in a voice like a snake.

Romano spun quickly, her tightly braided hair wheeling out behind her.  “Father?” Her voice turned sweet, “I was merely protecting your future against my sister’s machinations.”  She did not even look at Ridzik.

“Interesting that her actions were at my order.  Do you disagree with what I have done Romano?”

Romano saw the danger immediately.  “No father, I have always believed in your vision for the Confederation.  I merely act to ensure all follow your will as keenly as I.”

Deceitful little wretch, you are out for yourself, like me, like Ridzik, and like our father.  We all stand alone in this place.

“I can return later should you wish Excellency?”  Ridzik said, looking as impassive as ever.  The man knew when to put his head in the sand, a skill learned over many years in service to the Liao family.

Maximillian turned his head slightly.  “There will be no need, Pavel, we will discuss what we came her to discuss and my daughters can have their little spat at a time that suits us all better.”  He turned to face his daughters.  “All of you sit.”  Everyone quickly arranged themselves at the table, Max at the head with Ridzik to his right, Romano to his left and Candace at the foot.  Romano smiled with her success at beating Candace to her father’s side.  Small victory sister.

Maximillian wasted little time in starting proceedings.  “Candace, what of the Capellan Grenadiers and your plans for the strike from St. Ives.?”

“Father,” Candace began, “the first three of the six planned Grenadier regiments and their supporting formations have been forming up and training together on Hexare.  To date the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grenadiers are at 75%, 60%, and 50% of their authorised strength respectively, and will be at full strength by years end.  The 4th, 5th, and 6th will form during 3024.  Thus far, their drive and dedication has been exemplary and they are coming together as units quickly.  As per your orders, I have taken temporary overall command until you decide on a commander for the entire Corps.”  Romano sneered as Candace continued.  “With these extra regiments, and those of St. Ives, I will the launch strikes as requested from January of 3025 aimed at taking the Kittery Thumb.  Initial forces will land on Shoreham, Royalston, Happajarvi, Corella, and Hadnall.  These forces will be tasked with taking these worlds and digging in.  Second wave forces will land on Weekapung, Mentasta, and Beid, further isolating the tip of the salient.  From there, any reserve forces can act as a ready strike force to assist against any Davion counter-attack.  Over time, the remaining worlds of Kittery, Scituate, Gurnet, and Spica will be reduced by Death Commando strike units; Maskirovka led uprisings, and whatever forces can be spared from worlds already taken.”

Maximilian smiled like and angel as he looked at his daughter, his expression mirrored perfectly in its negative by Romano.  “How many BattleMech regiments will you require daughter?”

“Twelve, plus three to five regiments in reserve and standard supporting forces.  All told approximately forty eight regiments with nine to fifteen in reserve and four to six full aerospace regiments.”

“You would strip our heartland bear you fool!” Snarled Romano.

“She will do no such thing.” Returned Maximillian.  “Senior Colonel, what do you think of this plan?”

The as to now quite Colonel thought for a moment, as if weighing the risks.  “The plan is acceptable and achievable, but as Romano points out, the realms heartland will be left vulnerable, even more so should you wish me to carry out the strike from Tikonov, six new regiments notwithstanding.”

Max smiled like a cat in the cream.  “There will be no threat, as I will move at least a dozen to eighteen regiments from the Marik border to reinforce you Pavel as well as providing Candace with enough force to mount a similar operation against the Ziliang Salient.”

There was silence for a moment around the table as Romano and Pavel absorbed what Candace already knew.  Of course she did not yet know how her father planned to protect the Free Worlds border.  Then Romano exploded.  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING FATHER?  You will see the end of us all, of the Celestial Throne, of our entire House.  How can you leave us to the Eagle’s talons like this?  You are MAD!”

Maximilian’s face grew stern.  “Question me again daughter and you can return to Highspire permanently.  Do you think I would be so foolish as to leave us open to the Marik’s?  ComStar is providing us with the materials we need and the forces to garrison both sides of the border whilst we fall on Davion and Steiner.  Should Marik or, and I warn you most pointedly to the extent that should you disobey me you will die, you yourself take advantage of the situation to strike out at your blood foe, then ComStar will interdict both states.  We are safe as long as we focus on Davion.  Once we have reclaimed those systems lost since the Star League era, we will turn on Marik and give him his due.”

Romano was dumbfounded, something Candace had to admit was as rare as a quintuple star system.  Colonel Ridzik spoke up.  “Now Celestial Wisdom, I can plan the end of our foes.  From Tikonov, Jonothan, and Ronel, I will strike out in your name and reclaim the Terran systems we once held and restore Chesterton to the Confederation.  Perhaps the Lady Romano would do me the honour of leading the Chesterton strike from Jonothan?”  You rat bastard, she just said she would see you dead and now you play up to her.  So this is where you stand Colonel?  I may have to deal with you before I even take the throne.  Despite her inner anger, Candace held her tongue.

Romano’s eye glowed as she saw herself becoming the one to return the long lost Chesterton Worlds to the Capellan fold.  She grabbed her father’s arm and begged.  “Oh father, you must allow me to fulfil this destiny, my destiny.  A Liao must walk upon Chesterton as a saviour from the Davion yoke.”

Max smiled, a wild light coming into his eyes.  “Yes Romano, a Liao must.  You will do as the Colonel directs, but you will be the first on Chesterton, in my name.”

Candace’s insides dropped.  Damm you wretch.  With Rizdik’s stupid idea you become father’s darling.  Even if you take back just one Chesterton World, you will do more in his eyes and the Confederation’s than I can by taking twenty worlds from the Kittery and Ziliang Salients.  This must end soon little sister, very soon, or else your cold soul will sit on our ancestral throne and I will end up rotting in a hole on St. Ives.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2018, 06:47:13 PM »

Chapter 18

Lioness Training Range, New Olympia,
Marik Commonwealth, Free Worlds League,
27 April, 3023. 

Colonel Hudson was quietly satisfied by his troop’s performance so far.  Not bad for a bunch of…what did Colonel Carver call us…a bunch of green horned hopefuls who could only bring further shame to the name of the Atrean Hussars.  Arrogant Prick!  Now to tear your regiment in half.

Hudson watched the display of the exercise on his Mech’s primary screen.  It showed Falcon Battalion, the second of the Regiments three Mech Battalions, beginning to crumble…or so it would seem.  The Colonel had learnt to trust that pattern in exercises, as Force Commander Carolyn Romalo played her battlefield tune again.  Six weeks ago, the Force Commander had asked the Command Company, a unit of twelve heavy and assault Mechs to go up against her Battalions 2nd Company of twelve mediums and heavies, to provide them with experience against the best in the regiment.  “Don’t go easy on us, make us work for our money.”  She had said.  So, the Command Company went on the front foot and looked to be giving the new Company hell as their centre collapsed.  The command unit exploited this gap and fell right into an envelopment that cost them the battle. 

Romalo had trained her “Green” troops to act like it, not to actually be like it.  She drew in an experienced force that expected such a reaction and hammered them.  Suffice to say that the debriefing had led to some bruised egos and a few bets being settled to long odds.  Now Romalo was suckering the better part of the 4th Oriente Hussars into a place they should never have been.

The 4th Hussars were a light regiment and should have tried to force the inexperienced 2nd Atrean Hussars into an open field engagement where their medium and heavy Mechs would be at a disadvantage.  However, despite some nasty losses to the recon element, the 2nd Atrean had drawn the 4th Hussars onto themselves.  The 4th, thinking to force the 2nd into a rash action, had immediately attacked the main body of the 2nd, which under Romalo’s command had appeared to crack under the pressure.  The light units of the 4th were now pouring into the shallow depression that lay behind the Atrean’s original line.  At one end of this depression was Hudson, his Command Company, and Falcon Battalion, now just turning to counter-attack.  Hawk and Eagle Battalions were swinging inwards to form a three-edged killing zone that the 4th was only now realising they were in.

Hudson decided the time was right.  “All Blue Eagles, this is Blue Eagle Actual.  Commence Fire.”

Hudson brought up the arms of his Warhammer, which sported 2 PPC’s, a rarity considering the League’s issues with production of sufficient PPC’s, especially so as neither weapon appeared to be from the League, like his ‘Mech, but Hudson was not one to ask questions about such matters.  Dropping the targeting reticule over a Stinger that was moving quickly from left to right across the battlefield he let fly with two beams of simulated blue lighting.  Although only one connected, hits from other Atrean Mechs caused the simulated dismemberment of the small Mech.  With no other targets near by, or shielded by his own regiment’s Mechs, Hudson looked at the display again.  The point of the 4th Hussars attack had folded in on itself within minutes as the flanks recoiled inwards.  Chaos was raging in the Oriente lines, with only their rearguard offering any real opposition as they tried to stabilise the open end of the box so their comrades could extricate themselves.

Hudson spoke to his regiment again in clipped commands, in his deep voiced manner that was the reason for his nickname amongst the regiment as The Voice.  “All Blue Eagles, this is Blue Eagle Actual.  Commence General Advance.”

Surging down from the hills, the heavy Mechs of the Atrean’s created further chaos as the Oriente Hussars tried desperately to disengage.  Mech after Mech was ruled destroyed by the exercises computer system as the 4th fell apart at the seams.

The Captain-General had told Hudson that the newly formed 2nd Atrean Hussars were to turn around the history of their Corps, to be an example to the other new units that they could take their place in the line and know success in the name of the League.  So nice that it is at the expense of that self-righteous prick in the 4th.  Thought Hudson, as his troops began a general pursuit of the 4th.  It would not last long, as the 2nd could not catch its lighter opponent once they disengaged, but the damage was done.  From the rough count he could make, there were over fifty disabled Oriente Mechs in the depression and a little over a dozen Atrean Mechs.  Not bad for a first time out on the range.  I‘m sure this will make you happy Janos; I sure as hell owe you.  Now to see if we can have a crack at a few other units and maybe get ourselves posted somewhere where we can do some real damage.  It was Hudson’s fervent hope that he would see service against the Lyrans.  He still owed them for Loric and McAffe, and Dixie and a dozen other worlds.  I will make the 2nd Atrean Hussars a name the Lyrans will fear.

All across the Free Worlds League, units with equipment from unknown sources and supplied through the clever machinations of the Captain-General and his heir were furiously training, testing themselves against the established formations. From the Duchy of Andurien, to Sirius and Tamarind, rebuilt and new commands sought to emulate the glory of the League’s past. The League took notice, as did her foes in the realm of the House of Steiner, as the Bondian agents of the LIC ferreted out information on the foundation and progress of these new regiments. At intelligence nodes across the Lyran Commonwealth, Norns analysts frowned, as they calculated and recalculated the correlation of forces. Within the core of the Commonwealth, General Staff officers compared the League analysis with that of the Draconis Combine, and many grew concerned, as the ancient enemies of the Lyran state both continued to grow in strength, whilst the Commonwealth lagged behind.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2018, 12:24:35 AM »

Chapter 19

Sandhurst Military Academy,
England, Terra
16 May, 3023. 

This lot better be worth the effort, thought Angus. The first of the ComGuards new Combat Brigades was ready to be activated after flying through training and equipping.  Christ, how did Pat manage this?  The reorganising of the standing forces, with a liberal poaching of the Terran Security Forces had gone surprisingly smoothly, but all and sundry had expected the new units to have all sorts of issues in during their creation.  Pat however, had done his level best to channel Satan and become what many were referring to as the Terror of Sandhurst.  Soldiers were too scared to fail, and several quartermasters had learned the hard way that the word “no” was up there with a full declaration of war as far as Pat was concerned. The liberal, though not completely overt use of nascent Terran nationalism was proving to be useful in welding the new formations together, far more so than a nebulous adherence to a religion built around the worship of technology. Terran recruit’s attitude to ComStar practices ranged from smugly amused to outright derision, and it had caused issues with long serving ComStar personnel who were strict adherents to the faith. Pat was already working to fix that issue, though it remained to be seen if the fix would work when Precentor Waterly discovered it.

Pat, at his parade ground best, hollered at the assembled troops.  “ComGuards, Thirty First Combat Brigade, Dis-missed.”  As one, the assembled officers and men saluted, faced right and began marching off the parade ground.

Once Angus had lowered his own salute, he moved forward to stand just behind Pat, so he could speak quietly in his ear. Pat was displaying his best parade ground prick demeanour, and Angus just loved stirring him up about it whenever he had the chance. “What’s it worth to you for me not to tell that story about the time I got lost in the brothel on Mentasta right now?  You know that one where you found me getting chased by that furious Canopian Cat girl?”  Hamilton asked in a quite voice, his mouth barely moving.  He just could not help himself.

“Your continued ******* life and good health is what!”  Pat growled back in a voice from the crypt.

As the last of the new recruits left the field Pat tuned to face his commander.  Angus spoke before Pat could say anything.  “You’ve changed Precentor.  It used to be about the music.”

Pat could no longer help himself and started laughing.  Once he had finished he answered.  “I’ve changed Precentor-Martial?  I still get to stomp on newbie’s and slap around training officers whilst you swan around with the First Circuit.  What’s got you in such a good mood?”

Hamilton turned and began to walk off the viewing platform once the other officers had departed before answering, the cool late afternoon wind blowing his ComGuard robe about.  “You have Pat.  You are becoming something of a miracle worker.  The new units are forming up on time and with their full compliment and you are scaring the buggers straight.  The First Circuit and Precentor Dieron think the sun shines from my ass.”

“When all that’s shinning from it is me.”  Added Pat.

“Yeah, that’s what I keep telling them.”  Pat heard the altered tone in the Precentor Martial’s voice.

“I take it Precentor Dieron still disapproves of my methods?”

“Pat, you give atheism a bad name.  You hardly give the hearts and minds mob a chance in the classroom, and your little slip of the tongue at the first briefing has not been forgotten.”

Pat stopped and pulled his friend up with a hand on his arm.  “They wanted results and damm it and I’m getting them.  I don’t give a rat’s arse what the spiritual needs of a toaster are or how praying to it might make my breakfast taste better.  I don’t trust Waterly and neither should you.  Have you even seen the Primus yet?”

Hamilton leant back against a tree before answering.  “No.  It seems the Primus may be somewhat cloistered from what I can gather.  Waterly has something on him and it’s given her carte blanche with the military.  I don’t trust her, she is the oiliest, slipperiest politician I have ever met, but I do have to work with her.  That means you have to make my life easier.  Keep the troops marching out and keep your opinions to yourself.  I can’t have her getting rid of you when you are keeping me in a job.”

Pat snorted.  “Be a real shame for people to see how incompetent you really are without me around.  I’ll try and be nice, but I’m not going to start kissing my holovid player goodnight.”

Angus laughed and they both began to walk back towards the main building again.  “Fine with me.”

Both men walked in silence across the lawn and into the main building, returning salutes as required.  Eventually they arrived back at Angus’s office and entered the room.  Both men stopped in the door as the thin figure at the window turned to face them.  The man’s wan face and long nose lent him an almost rodent like air, but anyone who dismissed him as vermin did so at their own peril.  “Good afternoon Precentor Martial Hamilton, Precentor Millray.  It is nice to finally make your acquaintance.”  Said Leyland Belov, Precentor ROM.  “May the Peace of Blake be with you both.”

Before Angus could even answer, Pat shot off his mouth.  “Like hell it is when you let yourself in unannounced.”

Angus put his hand on Pat’s arm.  “Its fine Pat, let it lie.”  The Precentor Martial extended his hand to Precentor ROM.  “The Peace of Blake be with you Precentor.”  Both men shook hands before Belov extended his hand to Pat.  Pat accepted as the Precentor ROM apologised.  “You must forgive me Precentor Millray, I was sent directly from Hilton Head.  Precentor Dieron said she would inform you of my visit.”  Both men shrugged.  “Perhaps not.  May we talk?”

Like you refuse Precentor ROM an afternoon chat, even if you’re the Precentor Martial.  Thought Angus. 

Precentor ROM seated himself in on of the three old battered green leather chairs that sat around the bay window that formed an alcove off the main section of the office and looked across Sandhurst’s extensive grounds.  The other two joined him, sitting on either side of the Precentor ROM, who took the central position.

The small man, Angus was sure he could throw him a good ten meters on a bad day, began talking in a measured, almost slow tone, with a slight Russian accent as he folded his hands in his lap.  “I would be happy to sit here in this warm spot and talk about simple pleasures and other places, but I wished to meet you and discuss Precentor Dieron’s latest request.”

“What does the honoured Precentor wish of us?”  Asked Precentor Hamilton.

Belov smiled at Hamilton’s use of words. “Due to the hurried nature of the ComGuards expansion, despite its obvious success,” he bowed his head to Pat, “Precentor Dieron feels that the ComGuards could be served well by the assigning of ROM personnel to the command and intelligence sections of the ComGuards.”

Pat smiled a wry smile.  “Spies in the High Command, Precentor?  Hardly up to her usual subtlety.”

Strangely enough, Precentor ROM smiled back.  “I said the same thing, though of course she denied it.  My long-time support of the Precentor sometimes blinds her to the fact that my first concern is the proper functioning of ROM, all other considerations are secondary to that.”

Something clicked at that moment for Angus, and he felt his stomach drop away as the revelation hit him.  It was something many years later Angus would still look back on and wonder about.  He would often wonder how he came to the decision he did and why.  At the time, as Pat would point out later, he was getting in bed with the devil, but this devil held many of the keys to the kingdom and an ally like that could not be passed up.  Angus would look back and see this meeting as the real beginning, the genesis of the rest of his life.  Without this one meeting, that sudden decision, his life would have been very different. 

Hs spoke up.  “Precentor Belov, I take it Precentor Dieron’s plan does not suit the current requirements of ROM?”

“No, it does not.”  A very level stare was shared.

“The primary issue being…?”

“Manpower.  Recent efforts by the First Circuit, following incidents with a previous Precentor ROM, in the Free Worlds League with Wolfs Dragoons, have seen our manpower and resources drawn back somewhat.”

Angus thought for a moment.  “The manpower requirement of her plan must be large indeed.”

“It is.”

“How large?”

“The complete acquisition of the ComGuards battlefield and command intelligence arms to be run by ROM staff.”

The Precentor Martial smiled at Pat.  “And Precentor Millray and the Precentor Naval are doing too good a job at expanding the military.  You can’t keep up can you?  The manpower requirements would cripple ROM’s other operations.  Succeed at one task and you fail at the other and you become easy prey.  Which leads me to the question: What did you do to cross her?”

Precentor ROM leaned back in his chair, tapping on one of his teeth with his left index finger.  “Firstly, yes you have been too successful in expanding your forces, and your projected growth in numbers will outstrip anything I can do with ROM in the same time frame.  Secondly, I opposed the expansion of the ComGuards.”

Pat leaned forwards.  “So first you didn’t even want us and now you want to control us.”

“Wrong on both counts Precentor Millray.  We need the ComGuards, however, I do not believe need the guards in such numbers so quickly.  My opposition was purely based on the diversion of resources and manpower I could have otherwise had access to.  I also have no wish to control the ComGuards.  Few in ROM have military experience and we have neither the time nor people to acquire it.”

The Precentor Martial decided now was the time.  “There is a solution.  A solution that will satisfy us both, and when presented to Precentor Dieron as a joint effort, one that will have to be accepted.”

Precentor ROM cocked his head to one side.  “What do you propose?”

“We don’t want ROM running battlefield intel, it just won’t work, and you need the bulk of your people elsewhere, should it happen, both of our organisation will be thrown into chaos.  Instead, I propose that you assign a ROM liaison team, a small group of analysis specialists, who can collate and interpret data quickly to assist the Brigade Commanders.  They can work fist in glove with the Staff Intelligence officers who, I must admit, need the help.  Many just don’t have the experience we need yet at operational and strategic intelligence analysis.  This way we fulfil the spirit if not the letter of Precentor Dieron’s request.  The ComGuard command structure maintains itself and you are not drained of manpower.”

Precentor ROM smiled; an altogether frightening visage.  “Yes, I see your way of thinking.  We need more to convince her however.  I believe that your thinking would best be supported through ensuring that the liaison teams have priority access to military intelligence generated by ROM from our other sources, both on planet and from other systems, to assist them and your officers in planning.  This way, we appear to be happily cooperating, providing Precentor Dieron with what she wants, and both maintaining control of our assets.”

“Whilst ensuring we both keep an eye on the other Percentor ROM eh?” Angus smiled as he said it and Pat snorted.

Belov also smiled. “Ah yes, Precentor Martial, yes indeed. Welcome to the Machiavellian world of ComStar politics, where watching one friends is as important as watching one’s enemies.
Yeah, but what one are you? Thought Angus.

Precentor ROM stood and extended his hand, with the Precentor Martial doing the same.  Angus spoke first however. “I will have my staff draw up a plan for your people to implement.  We will need them to undertake training here at Sandhurst to familiarise themselves with our processes and to be able to acquit themselves in the field.  Will our people need training at your end?”

“I can provide ROM officers to come here if you like, to centralise the training?”

“Excellent.  On one condition.”

Precentor ROM looked surprised but nodded.  “Very well, what is it?”

“You present this plan to Precentor Waterly.”

Precentor ROM laughed, a sound almost a frightening as his smile.  “Very well Precentor Martial you have a deal. I do like the way you negotiate, perhaps sometime soon we should play cards?” Angus nodded as the Precentor ROM continued speaking, “I must return to Cairo first, before heading back to Hilton Head.  It has been a most enlightening conversation Precentor Martial, Precentor Millray.”  Both men bowed slightly as Precentor ROM bowed himself, then turned and walked from the room.

Pat looked at his old friend with a look of pure disbelief once the door was closed and Belov’s footsteps had faded.  “Well done dickhead!  Now we have riddled our forces and Sandhurst with informants.”

“Yes we have.  Informants, who moonlight for us, provide us with strategic intelligence, and who we know the faces of. “Angus’s voice was just as hard.  “This might just be an alliance of convenience, but it has turned out better than I could have hoped.  This was always going to happen and at least the Precentor ROM will be well disposed to my next offer, instead of working against us and setting us up for a fall for Waterly.”

“What’s to say he isn’t?” Pat retorted.

“Nothing at all.”
« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 12:27:40 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2018, 06:15:46 PM »

Skye Gardens, New Glasgow, Skye,
Federation of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth,
17 May, 3023. 

Katrina Steiner stood upon the speaker’s platform that looked out across the enormous botanical gardens of New Glasgow, the capital of the world of Skye. The ancient plantings from many worlds, which created a large and most impressive avenue before her, provided her listeners shade from the hot noon sun, as well as giving her security detail fits, as they were forced to watch what they called too many dead spots and potential hides.
Katrina knew it was a calculated risk, yet by the day’s end, she hoped to be hailed as an Archon who backed her word and was a friend of Skye.  No one, not the people gathered before her, not the commanders of the Skye Rangers, the nobles of Skye and most satisfactorily, Aldo Lestrade and Frederick Steiner, could oppose her for her actions this day.  Lestrade, more than any other opponent in the Commonwealth, even Alessandro Steiner, was the bane of Katrina’s rule.  The self-appointed leader of the disaffected Federation of Skye nobles had manipulated her cousin Frederick and many others into opposition through all kinds of propaganda, but it was all for his own power, not for the people of Skye as he claimed.  Should Katrina fall, Frederick and Aldo would try to prevent her daughter Melissa ascending to the throne to ensure Frederick would become Archon.  What Frederick failed to realise was that he would become Aldo’s puppet.

The surprise that was coming would be all the sweeter as Aldo, his crippled frame held in a pose of haughty contempt, and Frederick, ever the picture of military bearing, were on the platform with her.  Their presence, along with many others of the Skye nobility, lent unknowing support to her plans for the day.  Not all those behind her were against her however; General of the Armies, Edward Regis, his drawn face seemly as melancholy as ever; and Duchess of the planet of Skye Margret Aten, the dark skinned, forceful and forthright adopted daughter of the last Duke and Duchess, stood in full support of Katrina.  Duchess Aten was a particularly valuable ally whose poor origins, radical social reforms and support of the Archon had caused an uproar in the upper classes of Skye.

Katrina breathed in deeply to bring her speech to its conclusion, the small light on the solid wooden podium before her blinking now, warning her that her surprise was only minutes away.  “Long have I, and those who held the Archonship before me, been accused of ignoring the people of Skye.  As Kurita and Marik march against your borders, as your worlds fall to foreigners, as your industries are broken and thrown down, as your sons and daughters are sent to distant fronts to fight for worlds they have never heard of and as your industrial and output and personal wealth are taken and taxed for the benefit for the rest of the Commonwealth, nothing is done for Skye.  I have been accused of all these things, whilst doing nothing for Skye, whilst forgetting you, the people of Skye.  This is an untruth of the highest order.  Long have I thought of the people of Skye, as people of the Commonwealth, as those who it is my responsibility to protect, something I think on day and night.  I know the importance of what you do for the future of all the Lyran peoples.  Without Skye, we would not be Lyrans, yet without Donegal and Tamar, there would be no Skye. 

I have long supported your new Duchess, Margaret Aten, in the program of social improvement for all those living in Skye.  This program is one designed to benefit the many, not the few, the few who would seek to maintain their iron grip upon the wealth of Skye and prevent her people from gaining their fair share.  It is these few who lead the calls against me, who seek to have the Commonwealth government driven from Skye for their own enrichment.  I oppose these few, on your behalf, to help your Duchess make a better Skye for all.”  Katrina could fell the platform begin to shake a little as her surprise approached.  Now Frederick, Aldo, you will see my actions, actions you must support or ostracise yourself from the people you say you speak for.  If only I could see your faces.

“To show the people of Skye that I can and will continue to make concrete actions to strengthen Skye against both internal and external threats, I present to you today the first of these.”  Katrina outstretched her arms, forcing the crowed to turn.  Arising over a hill at the rear of the gardens, along the wide granite paved road that ran straight to the podium, two BattleMechs, an Atlas and a new model Banshee, strode towards the platform, the area through the centre of the crowed cleared of onlookers preventing any chance of an accident.  Both BattleMechs were painted in the colours of the Skye Rangers, red with black arms.  For those with an eye for detail and the requisite knowledge, the trim colours of the two Mechs were highly unusual.  The Atlas sported an iridescent emerald green trim, whilst the Banshee was trimmed with gleaming silver.  Both wore the Steiner fist and the Skye Rangers emblem of the yellow sun breaking through white clouds.  The Atlas also bore the personnel emblem of House McQuiston, the planet of Skye on a green shield, surrounded by seven white stars.  The Banshee’s unique emblem was one of a BattleMech in the robes of a Templar Knight.

“Before you stand the first of two formations, long lost from the roles of the sworn defenders of the people of Skye; the Skye Rangers.  The General of the Armies and I, have today signed the documents reincorporating the First and Second Skye Rangers.”  The roar from the crowd was intense.  It was like a wave that hit the podium as the crowed began screaming and cheering.  It felt magnificent; it always did when a crowd cheered Katrina.  It was addictive and today even more so.  Aldo and Frederick would be forced to clap, support and toe the line.  Any support they gave strengthened her, any opposition weakened them.

“The reformation of these two ancient regiments by the LCAF, at my express order, are meant to firstly assure the people of Skye that Tharkad has not and never will forget you; and to ensure that those who seek to injure Skye will have to do so against the best we, as Lyrans standing together, can offer.”

The crowed continued to cheer and holler as Katrina held her hands above her head for quiet.  Although the crowed continued to murmur, the sound diminished to a level that she could be heard over.  “This is not all, however, as the Commonwealth is more than just Skye.  Next year, again at my order, the LCAF will reform the Tamar Tigers and the 2nd Brigade of Winfield’s Brigade, to show the same commitment and support to Tamar, that today I have shown for Skye.”

Katrina stood back from the podium as the crowed again cheered and yelled, turning to smile at the others on the platform and finally see the fixed, and no doubt agonised, smiles that Aldo and Frederick wore.  Katrina bowed to the assembled nobles, who returned the gesture, some more deeply than others.  Katrina then turned and descended from the steps, followed by General Regis and Duchess Aten and a swarm of LIC security agents.  Katrina proceeded to walk along the barriers, greeting members of the crowed before getting into her hover limousine where Simon Johnson, head of the LIC, awaited her and her two companions.

Once all four were settled and the car, Johnson spoke.  “An impressive performance Archon and one I am sure Dukes Lestrade and Steiner did not enjoy.”

“Thank you Simon.  I must admit, it was the highlight of this tour to do so.  I am sure there will be some opposition, but we can only gain from this.”  She finished talking as she waved at the crowds as the limo moved past the massed onlookers.

“We also gain four combat commands in frontline regions over the next two years that will go some way to countermanding the expansion of the FWLM and DCMS.”  Said the General in his low voice.  “A way that will have general support from the people.”

Katrina nodded.  “There is not much I can do beyond these two gestures, what with the expansion of the aerospace and conventional arms to meet the requirements of the new RCT program.  We are going to be a little stretched for the next two years if we see major action.  Which reminds me Simon, have you determined what is going on in the DCMS and FWLM?”

Johnson shook his head.  “Not in the DCMS.  However, my operatives in the FWLM have determined that despite the formation of three regiments early this year and three more scheduled for July, the FWLM depots are still full.  This concerns us as either someone is supplying the League, they have managed to stockpile far more efficiently than anyone thought possible, or they have a new and unknown production capacity.”

Katarina looked grim.  “Any of which is off extreme concern to the Lyran state.  Spare no effort or resource.  This now becomes a priority.  We must know what our enemies are doing, or we will be caught flat footed when the time comes.  We cannot match, even with our industrial output, the formation of six BattleMech regiments a year by the FWLM, let alone what the DCMS is producing.”

“It will be as you command Archon.  I will see what I can work in with MIO and DMI as well, we need all the information we can get.”

Duchess Aten lent forward, a frown on her face.  “I apologise for changing the topic Archon, but the two new regiments will soon be overrun by Sanglamore Academy graduates from here on Skye, many of whom will listen to Lestrade before you.”

Katrina smiled at her ally and placed her hand upon the other woman’s.  “Thank you for your justifiable concern.  I agree that these two regiments cannot become weapons for Lestrade.  As part of their formation, and that of the Tigers and 2nd Winfield, each regiment will have a third of its people drawn from Donegal, Tamar and Skye, with the officers being handpicked by General Regis and Simon here.  There will be little chance of using these units against us.  I also intend to assign the 1st Rangers as your personal regiment, so you will have a hand in selecting its people.  I want these regiments loyal to the Commonwealth and its people, not the nobles of Lestrade’s disaffected following.”

The Duchess nodded and smiled, “That will go some way to alleviating the problem, though I expect we will need to remain vigilant against the machinations of Lestrade and his agitators in the Skye Rangers?”

“Yes, Duchess, we will, as ever, but if the Dragon or the Eagle move, the Rangers will have far more to worry about than getting postings in the 1st and 2nd, as there will be holes enough in their own rosters at that point.”
Duchess Aten nodded sadly “That war could come all too soon, and cost many lives.”

“I expect it will.” Answered Katrina, “The build-up of our foes has been rapid and unexpected, and the placement of many of these new regiments can only be understood in the context of a planned invasion. Both Bolan and Tamar look to be the main concerns for us, but should both realms strike, then Skye too will be in danger. We are strong, but I am not sure if we will be strong enough to meet and drive off the combined forces of Marik and Kurita.”
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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2018, 05:56:08 AM »

Chapter 21

System CDSISS 00827, Deep Periphery
15 July, 3023. 

The Captain of the ship looked out across the vista of stars before him, before lowering his eyes to the planet that spun past well away below his JumpShip, looking like a small grey coin.  The planet, designated CDSISS 00827d, was largely inhospitable, unless one had the resources and bloody mindedness to really want a colony to suffer.  Like many of the planets in many of the systems that his ship and others like it, from both their own fleet and that of their allies, had surveyed, it was worthless.  The only real value to having surveyed the system would be if it was ever required as a supply base.

Seven months the Captain and his ship had been out here.  Seven long lonely months, with just the crew as company.  Four more months until he was home.  Well, not so much home has as in surveyed space.  Home was another six weeks from there.  Despite all that, he was happy for the solitude.  He never really fitted in back at home, never had, never would.  All parties were happy to see him out here, himself included.  Here with his ship and his books, he could while away the hours as the scientists on board took their measurements and did their tests.

He has seen some beautiful sites and seen some terrible accidents in his years in space.  Gleaming nebulae, the results of ancient Super Novas, triple star systems, their planets and stars weaving intricate dances, ships shattered by the effects of space travel and the human losses of those tragedies.

Whether it was all worth it was beyond him, he did not think in those terms.  He was just happy to explore, happy to look about and see what was out there.  Sometimes they met new people, many who had forgotten their origins, some who did not.  The worlds where people were encountered were important.  Many were more than moderately habitable and some were abundant in natural and easily accessible resources.  These were what he was really after, those and the traces.

There were two sets of traces he looked for, for those who passed through and for those who were, like him, looking.  Those who passed through were a curiosity, an important curiosity nevertheless, but still a curiosity.  Those who explored, who looked, were the problem.  His people did not like competition, they dealt with it forcefully.  They also treasured their privacy and their isolation.  That one day would be lost, unless they travelled further afar, but for now, it was his job to make sure the other explorers were not heard from again.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 1: Plans within Plans
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2018, 06:01:37 AM »

Chapter 22

ComStar Fleet Base, Ross 248
Near Terra,
1 September, 3023

Precentor Martial Hamilton was as giddy as a school child.  He stood on the observer’s area within the bridge of the ComStar Battlecrusier CSS Invisible Truth.  He had never, in all his long years, ever thought he would see, let alone be on, a WarShip.  The Truth was enormous.  He had no real appreciation of the ship’s size until his DropShip had begun its close approach.  It was at that point that the massive size and bulk of the huge ship became apparent.  Never in his career had he been so terrified of the power he commanded, especially now since Precentor Naval had been made subordinate to him by Precentor Dieron.  He had protested, not seeing the need for having command over the fleet and not wishing to jeopardise the relationship he had with Precentor Neville.  That’s why he was here, to assure the naval man that his province would remain his own.  Hamilton was wise enough to know he knew precious little of naval warfare and was best to leave it to the experts.  That said, he would learn all he could whilst he was here.

The Naval Precentor turned to Angus.  “Would you like to give the order to fire Sir?”

Angus looked down across the ship’s bridge, feeling surprisingly nervous.  “Are you sure?”

“Certainly Precentor Martial.  Please, if would join me.”  The Precentor Naval gestured to where he was standing and Angus descended to the Precentor Naval’s position.  This was the last of the gunnery practice firing for the day.  This one against a real target drone instead of floating space rock.

When he arrived next to Precentor Neville he asked quietly, “The Fire Control Officers name?”

“Adept Nonu.”

The Precentor Martial turned to the young officer.  “Mr Nonu, engage target drone, fire at will.

The young man responded quickly and set about his task.  “Engage my target and fire at will, Aye Sir.”  He then turned to the technicians in his section, each of which was seated at a terminal that controlled part of the ships weapons.  “Mr Aloysius, lock starboard centre batteries on target and fire.”

“Aye Sir, engage target with starboard centre batteries.”  One of the techs answered as he punched first one button that caused the icon representing the target on the various screens around the bridge to flash red.  A second button unleashed the full fury of the Cameron-class Battlecruiser’s centre-starboard firepower.  Four massive naval auto-cannon and three enormous naval lasers disgorged a torrent of fire that the Precentor Martial was in awe of, even more so since this was but a fraction of the ships total arsenal.  The target, an old and decrepit Overlord class DropShip, was ravaged by the fire.  Great scars were seared through the side armour of the vessel by the lasers before the arrival of the stream of heavy shells from the auto-cannon.  The lasers would have crippled the Overlord in normal circumstances, but the following arrival of the massive auto-cannon shells ripped the heart out of the old ship before smashing out the other side.  The old vessel seemed to collapse in on its self as the impact from the hits spun it off into space trailing an ever-growing cloud of debris.
Mr Nonu looked to the two officers as the icon representing the DropShip faded to grey.  “Target engaged and destroyed sir.”

****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

Precentor Martial Hamilton continued to play the destruction of the old DropShip over in his head as the Invisible Truth made a one-G burn for four hours to rendezvous with several other ships for the upcoming fleet exercise.  The flagship, a Cameron-class Battlecrusier, would be joined by the three ships of the Ross squadron; the Aegis-class Cruiser Avenging Sword, Lola III-class Destroyer Blake's Vision, and Essex-class Destroyer Brandenburg Crusader, the Dante-class Frigate Bordeaux from the Lyuten base, and the Essex-class Defender of Versailles, and Vincent class-Corvette Alacrity from Terra.  These seven ships were to practice what Precentor Naval Neville had called anti-ship missile defence.

As the exercise approached, the Precentor Martial returned to the bridge and approached the naval man.  “Precentor, what exactly are you planning for the day’s exercise.”

The Precentor Naval turned and gestured towards his little fleet as it was displayed on the screen.  “Precentor Martial, the possibility exists, albeit remotely, that the fleet may have to engage in the defence of Terra at some stage or another.  In such a circumstance we would be assaulted, more than likely, by swarms of aerospace fighters and assault DropShips.  As you are aware, we do not have enough fighter carrying DropShips to match the massed fighter wings of a Successor State and their attendant DropShips, so we have refitted, or are refitting, all our vessels with a standard anti-fighter defence system.  It’s not the best we could do, but it makes attacking the fleet that much harder.”

“What is the fit out?” Asked the Precentor Martial.

“Each ship, dependant on class will have from eight to forty PPC’s and a similar number of LRM and Medium Laser batteries.  This gives us a layered defence against fighters and also for close approaching DropShips that the capital weapons could not engage.  The fit out has been costly, time consuming and there are glitches and problems in several ships, but all in all it’s been worth the effort.  Most ships have dropped cargo tonnage, but some have been forced to lose a capital weapon or two.  Considering the opposition we will face, it is considered a fair compromise.  With our own fighters and those of the escort wings, we can now have reasonable confidence in the security of the fleet.”

Angus became a little confused.  “So then why is this anti-missile drill?”

“Because we have become too tough a nut to crack.  One of our young hot shots down in tactics, when looking over the defences, made the wise remark: “You know the House Lords will just use nukes get rid of us.”  A stupid as it sounds, he was right.  We have run multiple simulations and a few liberally applied nuclear weapons would make this fleet a radioactive cloud in no time.”

Hamilton shuddered.  It would be bad enough to be caught on the ground in a nuclear exchange, but stuck in space, with nowhere to go on a massive floating target, would be something to definitely miss.  “What was your solution?”

“Extend the refit.  It’s all we could really do.  We have decided to install a twin layer missile defence system on each of the ships.  The point defence system consists of anti-missile systems on all arcs to engage missiles that get past the outer defence.  The outer defence is something new, or old, depending on your point of view.  There was an old SLDF program that never got the funding it needed, as the SLDF aerospace arm saw it as a threat to their duty of fleet defence.  The system was first tested during the Reunification War but never put into service.  It was dusted off during the Periphery uprising at the end of the Star League era and was installed on eleven ships towards the end of the conflict, but again, other programs and fleet construction and maintenance got priority.  The Fleet Missile Interceptor Defence System, F-MIDS, was shown to be useful, but never really got a chance to prove itself.  Luckily, one of the mothballed ships we have access to, the Aegis-class Cruiser SLS Olympic, was fitted out with F-MIDS.”

Hamilton had listened quietly, absorbing as much detail as possible and impressed with the naval man’s own, and his troop’s, ability to foresee potential threats and act decisively to incorporate counter-measures into an already intense Warship reactivation program.  “What is F-MIDS?”

The Precentor Naval pressed a button on the console before him, bringing up a picture of the ship showing sixteen points on the hull that flashed.  “F-MIDS is an interlinked series of class two auto-cannon that are slaved into a dedicated targeting system that is tasked solely with the interception of anti-ship missiles.  The system is autonomous and is smart enough to ignore aerospace fighters, although it can target them as required in an anti-air mode.  The system’s failing is its radar and weapon combination.  It can’t lock onto large targets, because the radar can’t determine the range to a large target –  it becomes over whelmed by the targets size and just keep recycling as it tries to determine range.  Also, due to the AC-2, it can’t engage targets that get in too close, hence the need for the CWIS mounts.  However, with both missile defence systems, the new anti-fighter defences, our decent fighter cover, and the ability of the ships capital weapons to keeps DropShips at bay, we have a layered defence that should be capable of ensuring the safety of the fleet.”
The Precentor Martial nodded, seeing the integrated defence for what it was; a simple yet effective blend of the strengths of various weapons systems to create a network that used each system’s strength to cover the weaknesses of others.  “I take it we are testing the F-MIDS today?”  Hamilton asked with a wry smile.

“Yes.  The seven ships here and our on-board complements of seventy fighters are going to engage five of our Terran defence wings and their assault DropShips; about 200 plus fighters and over a dozen assault ships.  The attackers will seek to score hits on our warships with dummy nukes, each of which would be equivalent to a 50-kiloton hit.  Even the Truth can’t survive many hits like that and the smaller ships will be out of the fight after one.  The aero squadrons will be testing various methods through the day to see how they can break through.”

This should be an interesting day at the office.  Having a bunch of hotwired fighter jocks lob nukes at us for shits and giggles.  “I look forward to the demonstration.  I’ll let you get on with organising it.”

****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

Precentor Martial Hamilton watched as the Invisible Truth’s fighter wing and those of the other warships moved to break up the oncoming attack.  He had never seen so many fighters in the air at once.  Nearly three hundred of the buggers.  Here’s hoping they don’t start smacking into each other.  The oncoming fighters moved in several formations, each having at its core a squadron of six fighters that moved together in a tight group, apparently escorted by the others.

The fighter battle began as the attacker’s fighter sweep engaged the outlying Combat Air Patrol of the fleet.  The small CAP could do little against the massed sweep, but did force a slight change in the attacker’s formation.  Three minutes later the full force of the remaining sixty plus fighters from the fleet arrived, half tasked with interception of the bombers, the other half in covering the interceptors.  Outnumbered almost three to one by the attacking escorts, the fleet’s fighters nevertheless scored hits on and disabled several of the incoming nuclear strike aircraft.  The cost, if the battle had been for real, would have been terrible, as losses mounted past twenty fighters within five minutes.  Soon enough the Truth’s and the other fleet ship’s capital weapons began firing at enemy DropShips that got too close; two being disabled before they pulled back. 

Then the strike aircraft began launching.  Thirty-five missiles were launched and almost at once the F-MIDS system came to life and began tracking targets.  To create havoc for the system, enemy fighters began to interpose themselves in front of the missiles.  The pilots ran straight at the warships, trying to take hits for the missiles, but the ship’s own anti-fighter defences and the flak pouring from the seventy fleet F-MIDS system autocannon shattered the fighter screen.  The F-MIDS rapidly acquired targets and began to eliminate the fast-moving missiles.  The number dropped from thirty-six, rapidly past thirty, then twenty and down to ten.  As the missiles entered the inner defence envelope, where the F-MIDS was ineffective, the CWIS anti-missile systems opened up.  Two missiles had gotten through the Truth’s F-MIDS and both were engaged by several CWIS that shattered them before impact.  Likewise, across the fleet, the CWIS were effective in crushing the attack in all cases except that of the Dante-class Frigate Bordeaux.  The missile that got through her defences hit the Frigate broadside on the port and the simulated explosion was horrendous.  The ship began to roll and twist as the simulated damage gutted the centre of the ship.  The engines shut down and the information being received showed that simulated fires were ranging in some compartments as other vented into space.

Two hours later the drill was over and the costs tallied.  The attackers had lost two DropShips and seventy fighters for the destruction of a Frigate and thirty-six defending fighters.  Precentor Naval summed up the feeling in the fleet as he and the Precentor Martial discussed the day’s events long into the night.  “We did well in engaging their fighters, but letting just one missile through was too costly.  The shield their missile escort fighters provided was a daring and unexpected ploy and was enough to let ten missiles get too close.  In future, we will have to have a number of fighters tasked for close escort and missile escort intercept.”

“As you think best Grahame.” Answered the Precentor Martial, still overwhelmed somewhat by the day’s events.  He was bewildered at first by the firepower the fleet commanded and then at the ease at which a massive ship, like the Bordeaux, could be broken so easily.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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