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KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« on: May 12, 2018, 05:52:36 PM »



Chapter 23

Elmau, Bavaria, Terra,
15 September, 3023

Candace Liao looked around the conference table once everyone had seated themselves.  To her right, was Senior Colonel Pavel Ridzik, well turned out in his CCAF dress uniform, but nevertheless, looking like he felt a little overawed.  Candace had had to pull the Colonel into line twice already during the conferences regarding the coming war.  Since the attempted assassination on the Liao family through poisoning, Candace had been required to assume a greater role in the leadership of her nation, hence her presence here.  Her father was still a wreck, the doctors believing that his recovery would take two years and never be a complete one.  Romano had recovered quickly, although the paranoia the attack generated had sent her further down the spiral of distrust and manic reaction to perceived threats.  The little bitch bore watching before, now I have to double my caution.  Her assault on Chesterton may have to be made a little harder than she anticipated, ensuring her glorious end as a martyr for the Capellan state.  Candace still felt poorly of a morning, but each day since the attempt three months ago, she had felt a slight improvement. The worst part was that there was as yet no evidence as to who had perpetrated the attempt.

To Candace’s left sat Precentor Sian, her plain features masking her keen intellect and ability to see to the heart of issues quickly and clearly.  Candace valued her insight to a point, but knew better than to trust the ComStar Precentor too far.

Across from the Liao group was the Marik contingent, consisting of Captain-General Janos Marik, appearing to be more life-like than she had been led to believe he could.  Her advisors had put this recovery down to his recent wins over Parliament and the return and assistance of his son Thomas.  Thomas, quiet and reserved, sat next to his father, leafing through the documents that sat before him, as they did before each person at the table.  Candace knew Thomas would bear watching, as his assistance to his father so far had born the League new strength, strength that would one day be turned against the Capellan people.  Completing the group opposite Candace was the ever present, yet ever demure, Precentor Atreus, a man almost as forgettable as Precentor Sian, but also just as effective.

The group to Candace’s right consisted of the party from the Draconis Combine.  The young Coordinator, Theodore, had an air of confidence and power, one that despite its natural strength, paled next to that of his military advisor, Yorainaga Kurita.  The man had an immense aura, it could almost be felt.  Without even trying he dominated the table, but in a way that offered no threat or malice, it was just simply there.  Candace suspected that Pavel’s ill humour was due to his own feeling of inadequacy compared to the presence of his equal from the Combine.  Precentor Waterly had placed her aide as Precentor Dieron, Precentor Nishara Singh, a dark-skinned waif of a woman of extraordinary beauty, with the Combine delegation.

The final group was that of ComStar, consisting of Precentor Myndo Waterly of Dieron herself, as self-righteous and self-assured as her father had said she would be.  Precentor Dieron was flanked by her military advisors, the powerful looking Precentor Martial Angus Hamilton, a man who had so far not only impressed the three leaders present, but just as importantly their military advisors as well.  The other man was simply introduced as Precentor Grahame Neville.  He seemed to be subordinate to Hamilton, but was treated with great respect by the Precentor Martial.  He was responsible for the supply and transport of ComStar and allied supplies and troops and a man that Candace knew she could not afford to offend for any reason.  Hence why she had been forced to stomp on Senior Colonel Ridzik, as the Colonel had developed an intense dislike of Precentor Neville.  For a leader of men Colonel Ridzik you can be the pettiest of individuals.  Well Pavel, you will be tolerated until such time as I am Chancellor.  At that point you can retire, in whatever manner you choose, or force me to choose for you.

Precentor Martial Hamilton took the lead, as it seemed that Precentor Waterly was happy to accede to his military experience.  “I hope, this afternoon, to go over what we have discussed to date before we move into more detailed planning over the next few days.  Should anyone have additional comments or ideas, now will be the best time to air them so that they can be incorporated into the planning sessions to come.”

The Precentor Martial brought up a holographic image that showed the Inner Sphere, with Terra at its centre and the Lyran Commonwealth/Draconis Combine border running to the maps top.  “I will start with the Combine’s planned operations if that is acceptable Coordinator, Kanrei?”

Theodore nodded whilst answering “Of course Precentor Martial.” Yorinaga made an almost imperceptible bow to indicate his own assent.

“Thankyou.  Operation URIZEN, the assault on the Lyran border was, as you rightly pointed out Kanrei, to have been originally launched too close to Skye to effectively draw off Lyran reinforcements from the Terran region.  Although the Moesby Thumb is a tempting target, the area immediately below Tamar that Coordinator Kurita has identified should suit our purposes admirably.”

Theodore spoke up. “Yes, I agree.  We have the further option of threatening or later assaulting Tamar should we require it.  The Lyrans cannot afford to ignore this strike.”

Angus focused the map on the region below Tamar. “Exactly Coordinator.  By striking from Volders, Wheel and Quarrel at Maestu, Cusset, Biota, Montmarault, La Grave and Orkney, the DCMS will be able to isolate a string of seven border worlds from Kobe to Carse for later reduction.  The threat to Tamar comes through the potential to close off its access to the Commonwealth through Laurent and Severn. We anticipate that reserves in the Tamar district, as well as part of the strategic reserve at Tharkad, would be mobilised to assist.”

“They have to react.  If they don’t, they will allow the DCMS to overrun the heart of the Tamar region.” Said Colonel Ridzik in a voice full of self-assurance.

Angus accepted the Colonel’s point as he continued. “A point we all agree on.  This brings us to Operation SHIRO.  The DCMS plans a similar strike, based upon the original salient cutting concept that Duchess Liao produced last year, to cut off Galtor.  As the Kanrei pointed out, as long as the strike is weighted from Galedon, the AFFS should shift to protect their spinward flank, especially if Wolf’s Dragoons are there in reserve.  We cannot prevent the reinforcement of Robinson, but the plan to move the Dragoons rapidly towards Terra using a command circuit for the main invasion, should catch the AFFS by surprise.”  The map jumped to Galtor at the Precentor’s command as he continued.  “Using forces from Galtor and the Ryuken regiments, the DCMS will strike from Tripoli, Thestria and later from Misery to take Eldiere IV, Glenmora, Bergman’s Planet, Harrow’s Sun, Bennet III, Crossing, Lima, Royal and Breed.  This will isolate the remaining six planets of the Galtor region for reduction as required.”

Moving the map again, the Precentor brought up the Capellan/FedSuns border in the St. Ives region.  Candace got skewered by the penetrating look that the Precentor Martial had when directly engaging a person.  It would have been unbalancing had Candace not been trained to deal with such situations. “Duchess Liao, your Operation WUHAN and Operation CANTON are designed to cut off the Kittery and Ziliang salients and were the catalyst for the other plans.  I must again commend you on the simplicity and directness of your planning, it has allowed us to expand your concept to assist in other areas.”  Candace nodded her thanks.  It is always nice to have one’s ass kissed in public.

The Precentor Martial continued. “Initial strikes from St. Ives, Warlock, Teng, Mitchell and Jacson will land on Shoreham, Royalston, Happajarvi, Corella, Hadnall, Safe Port, Sirdar, Glentworth, Cotocallo and Courcellete to begin the isolation of the salients.  Follow up strikes from St. Ives, Maladar, Texlos, and Xieng Khouang will complete the isolation and allow you to reduce the remaining eleven worlds at your leisure.  Combined with the strike on Galtor, the AFFS will be forced to commit the bulk of its reserves if it wishes to have any real chance of stopping the assaults.”

“We can only hope the Fox sees the situation that way.  He may well see our ruse and sacrifice the salients to protect his link with Terra.” Yorinaga stared at the projection before him as he spoke.

“We must therefore assure that our plan survives contact with him.” Said Thomas Marik.

“Yes, Captain-General, that we must.  Which brings me to the final initial strike: The Free Worlds League’s Operation THRESHER.  I must thank you Captain-General for allowing Thomas and I to modify the initial plan.  Should the strikes through the border near Hyde have gone in, the reinforcements for the LCAF would have been too close to Terra for the second phase of attacks to have avoided them.  The new plan is before you now.”  The map zoomed to the part of the Free Worlds/Lyran border where it met the Periphery.  “The strike will now be launched from four worlds and include forces to hold the first set of targets whilst the assault forces move onto their second objectives.  The jump off worlds and their targets are; Galisteo-Pecander-Abramkovo, Griffith-Timbiqui-Zdice, Epsilon-Penobscot-Kamenz and Promised Land-Cavanaugh II-Bolan via the now abandoned Tylarzka system.  This strike, with the one aimed at Tamar, will pull in many of the reserves that are close enough to influence any assault on the Skye region near Terra.”

Before continuing, the Precentor Martial looked around the table and saw that all the leaders were enthralled.  “As these strikes begin in January 3025 and develop through to June, they will incorporate reserves that each of your enemies knows of from your own central reserve areas.  The allocation of these units should convince them of the assaults validity.  Once the F-C reserves are committed, the main assaults will commence in July of 3025 using the remaining forces the Combine can muster and the forces stripped from the Free Worlds/Capellan border.  During this first phase, ComStar will begin the movement of our troops to the League/Capellan border and place transports in various systems to expedite ours and your own troop’s redeployment.  This second phase will be the main focus of our discussions over the coming days. Does anyone have any questions?”

Janos Marik spoke up before the others had a chance. “We have been receiving supplies from ComStar at the rate specified, but have begun to note that the Lyrans and Davions have determined that our depots are full as we build new regiments.  Your hand may soon be revealed.  How will we counter this if the F-C Alliance strikes out against us early?”

Precentor Hamilton turned to Precentor Neville “Grahame, if you would be so kind.”

“Yes, Precentor Martial,” answered the naval Precentor, “My Pleasure.  To ally your fears, Captain-General, each ship that leaves Terra does not go out full as it heads into your realms.  The ships take a roundabout course and offload their cargos in unsettled systems to ships that then appear to move from the interior of your realms fully loaded.  To all intents and purposes, the Steiners and Davions will come to the conclusion that you have increased your production bases.  Any other conclusion, especially one involving our supply of your efforts, will seem too farfetched.”

Janos let a small smile creep onto his features. “A clever ruse.  As long as the F-C powers do not begin a crash armaments industry expansion to compensate, we should be safe with your ploy for the short term.”

Candace eyes flickered across the group. That’s all very well Marik, but what happens after the war?  ComStar won’t support us once we get the upper hand.  They will turn around and pull out the rugs from under all our feet.  Father was too glib in his assessment of this plan, it all fits too well.  I believe Yorinaga sees it and therefore so does Theodore.  Pavel refuses to see a major problem and Thomas is too ComStar to question it.  Janos’s reliance on his son has clouded his judgement.  I have to plan more than just this war; I need to plan its aftermath.  Romano must be the first obstacle removed. Perhaps a nice asylum on some half-forgotten world where the native predators are a little too free with the inmate’s mortal coil. Then there is father.  What to do with you and this disgusting little Colonel you have saddled me with?

The meeting dragged on as the conversation became more involved in specific details, all the while with twelve minds all working on many different levels.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2018, 03:21:00 AM »

Chapter 24

Elmau, Bavaria, Terra,
16 September, 3023

Candace Liao stood on the long wide balcony looking across the ancient resort’s old stone buildings and its well-manicured gardens to the snow-capped mountains in the distance.  The evening was cool due to a breeze was blowing down from the mountains and providing a chill that she found quite refreshing.  She had not changed from the semi-military garb she had worn to the first of the discussions of the main assaults on the Terran corridor.  The pale green jacket and pants seemed almost grey in the slowly dying light.  If this plan is as effective as we think it will be, the Confederation will be a power to be reckoned with again.  Davion will be weakened to a point where he will be no immediate threat and the Free Worlds will be occupied with preventing the Lyrans from taking back their industrial heartlands.  For the first time in centuries my people will be free of their old entanglements.  We can at last chart our own destiny.

Candace’s thoughts were interrupted as Thomas Marik, as reserved as ever, entered onto the balcony from a door to her right.  Candace turned to see the junior Marik stop, and look up startled, as if brought out of deep thought. “Duchess Liao, I did not realise you were here. My apologies for disturbing you.  If you will excuse me?”

Always so unfailingly polite Thomas, you intrigue me, so different from the other Mariks and therefore so very much more dangerous.  Candace spoke up before Thomas could walk away. “Please, there is no need for you to leave.  If you would be so kind, I have some questions for you that I hoped you may be able to answer for me.”

Thomas made a small bow and visibly relaxed, crossed to the stone veranda wall, and leaned comfortably against it.  His dress was part Marik and part ComStar styled robe, an interesting combination that gave him the look of a learned lecturer, an image a man of his known intelligence and pursuits would doubtless appreciate.  “What is it you wish me to bring to light Duchess Liao?”

“Firstly, your title.  Should I address you as Precentor or as something closer to your home in the League?”

“Thomas will be fine for now.” He answered.

“Very well Thomas, I suppose my father may well wake screaming from his sleep, but I think for now Candace should suffice as well.”

“Very well Candace.  I am sure my title and dignity are not all that concerns you?”

Candace frowned a little before continuing, shifting her weight as she did so and leaning against the wall in a similar fashion to Thomas. “Your insight into the views of ComStar will allow you to plan well beyond this war and to anticipate when and where ComStar will withdraw its support from our forces.  I would be interested to discuss your own views on this, and perhaps share mine.”

Thomas seemed a little startled by the directness of the question but recovered quickly.  He thought quietly to himself for a moment before asking his own question. “What makes you believe ComStar will withdraw its support?”

Candace face lit up in a wry smile. “ComStar have ever striven for balance, you of all people should know and understand that.  Their actions with us are designed to re-establish that balance and prevent the Steiner-Davion Alliance from dominating the Inner Sphere.  Once that has been achieved they will withdraw their support from us.  Should we be too successful, they will do what they can to slow us.  I am sure they have contingencies that will pit our two nations against each other should the need arise.”

Thomas looked Candace straight in the eye. “I would hope my former colleagues would have more respect for their allies than that, but you are right about the need for balance.  No state has the capacity to rule the entire Inner Sphere.  Should anyone try, chaos would eventuate and bring about the fall of civilisation as Blake foresaw.”

Still so much part of the order that trained you Thomas, your words betray you. “They also have access to internal breaks within our realms with which to slow us and cause confusion.” Continued Candace.

“Ah yes,” replied Thomas “the famed inability of the Marik family to go more than a few years without someone trying to kill off their relatives.  I believe that the family Liao is possibly going to follow our ignoble lead in the current generation.”

Candace coloured visibly before regaining control of her sudden ager at Thomas for his barb.  “There are issues, I will grant you that, but nothing which cannot be handled discreetly and cleanly, much like your handling of Parliament on your fathers’ behalf.” That ought to get you off this dammed topic.

Thomas smiled as he recalled the coup of the year before. “Yes, I am sure you can be just as effective in peaceful outcomes for complex and dangerous situations.  Perhaps you could do me a service? Maybe I could send the bulk of my relatives to Sian as ambassadors and you could entertain them as you wish?”

Candace appreciated his acknowledgement of her dislike of the topic and his attempt to turn to humour, so she followed suit. “But my dear Thomas, if you were to do that I would be forced to send Romano as a representative of the Liao throne.”

Thomas laughed out loud. “That would be an intriguing trade.  The Tiger Romano set among the pigeons of our Parliament, the chaos that would ensue would be a delight to watch.”

Both Candace and Thomas began laughing as they pictured the scene, the tension of moments before dispelled.  As they recovered, both saw the Precentor Martial walk out into the gardens below in a simple and rather worn jumpsuit with several mercenary unit patches on each sleeve.  Just as suddenly, Yorinaga Kurita emerged from the opposite end of the garden, dressed in a dark kimono and sandals.  He walked a direct path towards the Precentor Martial, as if expecting him to have been there.  They met in mid-garden next to a large pond that dominated the centre of the landscaped area.  Candace looked at Thomas. “I wonder what they are discussing.  It would be interesting to know?”

Thomas looked across the gardens. “I am sure they may well ask themselves the same question should they see us here.”

“Perhaps they believe we are trying to sort out the issues between our two nations in one afternoon?” Candace smiled at the thought. “I know for a fact that once you ascend to the office of the Captain-General, the Capellan Confederation will face a dangerous and skilled opponent.”

Thomas bowed to Candace. “Thank you Duchess, I believe the same of the Confederation should you rise to your fathers’ position.”

Candace returned the bow. “Perhaps then your best option would be to toss me from this verandah?” Candace looked over the edge.
   Thomas raised an eyebrow. “If only it were so simple.  With your known skills as a warrior, I am sure you would drag me with you, ending both our paths to leadership.  It would raise another issue – the end of our two realms.”

Candace was surprised by Thomas’s answer, “The end of our realms?”
   â€œOf course.  With me gone my family will fall to infighting and renewed civil war.  With your loss, Romano comes to power and the Confederation becomes an easy target.”

As Candace’s gaze crossed again to the garden where Yorinaga and Hamilton had begun walking together she said, “Well then Thomas, we must agree to work together for now so at least one of our two nations can survive to the future.” And no matter what your charm or skills Thomas, it will be the Capellan Confederation that survives.

****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****
Precentor Martial Hamilton wandered aimlessly through the old gardens of Elmau, lost in thoughts of earlier times when he had been little more than a simple mercenary, noted for his skills as both a Company and then Battalion commander, as well as his abilities as a staff officer.  The natural aptitude he possessed in that role had been the reason for his successful career and the reason he had been head hunted by some of the best mercenary regiments in the Inner Sphere.

As he wandered along through the gardens, surrounded by their many spring scents, he came upon the pool in the garden’s centre and as he looked across the lake he saw Yorinaga Kurita, the Gunji-no-Kanrei of the DCMS, walking serenely towards him in a plain dark kimono.  Hamilton stopped and watched the old soldier approach, fascinated by the way Yorinaga seemed to flow as he walked; his fluid grace and ease of movement betraying the abilities the man possessed as a Mechwarrior.

Yorinaga stopped before Hamilton and bowed, an action which Angus mimicked.  As both men straightened, Yorinaga spoke.  “Precentor Martial Hamilton, I thought I might find you enjoying the peace of this wonderful place.  May I offer my company for a short time?”

“Certainly Kanrei, I would be most honoured by your company.”

Both men began walking slowly around the pond’s edge, their step in time, arms behind their backs.  Yorinaga glanced across at Angus’s shoulder patches on his right arm. “Your time with the Eridani Light Horse was most impressive, Precentor.  Your work in preparing the Horsemen for their raids on the Combine after 3010 was effective.  Your skill at identifying weak areas in our defence was a key in the Eridani’s success.  I would be interested to know where you learnt this skill.  Was it with the 21st Centauri or before that from your time in the Dismal Disinherited?”

What don’t you know about me Yorinaga?  I would guess that there is not much you don’t know with the ISF feeding you information. Hamilton paused before beginning, thinking back to his time as a young man learning from his grandfather, surprisingly comfortable with discussing his past with the Kuritan.   â€œI learnt the basics and saw them applied by my Grandfather, Major Eric Hamilton.  When my parents died in 2982, I was shipped of from my home in southern Australia to my grandfather out on the Lyran/Combine border.  He had always been a mercenary and had every intention of raising me as a commander of men, no matter what I thought.  Luckily for him, or more for me, I lost myself in the intricacies of the training and my lessons.  I think, if it was not for that, I would have become lost following the death of my parents.”

Yorinaga smiled, “I remember well my own education, a wise old man taught me much of what I now know.  Without his steady hand and kind, firm direction, I would never have been the man I have become.”  Both men walked quietly for a moment lost in their pasts before Yorinaga continued. “So, it was your grandfather who we must thank for your insights?”

“He set me on the path yes.  My internship was with a unit called the Archers, formed with many Terran ex-pats, and after three years I was given command of a lance in the second of our two Battalions, under my Grandfather on the planet Tamar.  We were stationed there with a regiment of the Dismal Disinherited and found that the two units worked well together both in offence and defence.  In 2986, the 8th Sword of Light and 11th Rasalhague Regulars paid us a visit, having jumped in to the L1 point and hit the planet quickly.  Unfortunately, with most of the regular troops on a training exercise on the planets far side, it was up the Archers to hold the attack until the Disinherited could mobilise.  We held for two days before relieved, but there was little over a company of Mechs by the time the Disinherited and the Lyrans arrived.  My grandfather was crippled and my first combat experience was a nightmare.”

“Such baptisms are not to be wished on any young commander, it must have been a dark time for you?” Yorinaga had genuine concern in his voice as Angus remembered the despair he had felt at seeing his lance mates killed one by one over those terrible forty-eight hours.

“No, they are not.  And yes, it was a dark time.  The Archers were finished and my Grandfather was returning to Terra; my own plan was to follow him.  He would not hear of it however, as the Disinherited were deeply grateful to the Archers for our actions on their behalf and offered all our survivors positions with them.  He had to order me to remain, but in the end his decision was again the right one.  I served with the Disinherited, first as a Mechwarrior, and later gained Lance Command in their 2nd Regiment in 2988.  I was given my company command in 2994 and served under Colonel Chu as one of his staff officers. Colonel Chu completed what my Grandfather had started and turned me into a solid staff officer and battlefield commander.  When we all signed on with Davion after the turn of the century, Chu was killed in a raid on Ares and we got saddled with Colonel Laura Stuman.  She was a first-class bitch and turned out to be a completely useless commander.  I got itchy feet and was luckily head hunted and offered a position as a staff officer with the 21st Centauri Lancers.  A year after that, I was given a company to command and spent five happy years with the Lancers.”

“What caused your departure from the Lancers?” Asked Yorinaga

“A Woman.”

“She must have been important to you for you to leave such a posting.”

“Yes she was.  She made it easy for me however.  We met when I was on leave on Galatia and she was on leave from the Eridani Light Horse. We fell in love and as she was the deputy commander of their 151st Light Horse’s Air Group, she was able to get me transferred into the 151st when a command slot opened up.  She still won’t tell me to this day how she managed it, but it seems that all her favours were called in.”

“Yes, I remember that from about that time the 151st, and later the Eridani as a whole, began to develop a real feel for our defensive weaknesses.  We later identified you and your current deputy, Precentor Millray, as the young officers who were responsible.”

The Precentor Martial stopped before a stone bench and indicated with his hand, offering Yorinaga a seat.  Yorinaga made a small bow and seated himself.  Both men thus gained a pleasing view across the gardens and out across the mountains.   â€œPat had a nose for DCMS defensive lapses and I was able to plan the assaults themselves.  We were formed into a small Raid Planning Unit with a few other officers and reported to the regimental commanders directly.  Three years later I was offered a Battalion with the 12th Vegan’s Gamma regiment and jumped at the chance.  There was no real prospect of a Battalion in the Eridani for at least two years and Dana, my wife, had retired after a bad landing had nearly crippled her.  We left the Eridani and Pat followed.  Gamma was good to us and I loved the challenge of Battalion command.  Did that for five years, until Pat and I had the idea of putting together another Terran ex-pat unit like the old Archers.  We set up a unit called the Men of Terra in 3016 with a few old hands from the Archers, Light Horse, Gamma, and some Terran troopers we had found about Galatia.”

Yorinaga looked across at Hamilton.  “I have never heard of the Men of Terra.”

“I’m not surprised.  We formed on Terra, near my old home down in Australia and our first contract was picked up by ComStar.  We became at first a dedicated Opfor for the ComGuards and then involved in training the ComStar forces themselves and the TerrSec forces, eventually becoming part of the ComGuards.”

Yorinaga leaned back and smiled.  “A most interesting career you have had Precentor Martial, I see why you possess the abilities you do and why you were selected for your role.”  Yorinaga stood and bowed deeply, with Angus rising quickly to do the same. “I must beg of you to forgive my rude abruptness, I must meet with the Coordinator soon and will be late should I enjoy your company and this view for much longer.”

Cunning old rat! “I would not keep you from your duties Kanrei, I would, however wish to ask you some questions regarding your own past.”

Yorinaga smiled, “As do many Precentor Martial.  I cannot do so this evening, but I promise to meet again here tomorrow night to enjoy this wonderful garden and talk of a brash young Samurai I once used to know.”

Angus bowed again and watched Yorinaga walk off.  It’s not the brash young Samurai I am interested in Yorinaga, it’s the great warrior he became that interests me. And I just hope you are as forthcoming as I was.  Hamilton shook his head. How the hell did he make me open up like that?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2018, 09:31:54 PM »

Chapter 25

Sandhurst Royal Military Academy,
England, Terra.
11 January, 3024.

Precentor Myndo Waterly, ComStar’s power behind the throne and the puppet-master of the Concord of Kapteyn, the accord signed between the Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League, and Draconis Combine, looked across at her General as he thought about his answer to her question.  The Precentor Martial intrigued Myndo; he was so much the opposite of her in the way he conducted himself and in his view of the universe in general.

The General, in a simple set of fatigues, contrasted sharply with Myndo, who was resplendent in her red Precentor’s robes.  That she clashed horribly with his large, but simply furnished office, was of no concern to her.  In fact, she felt as though the clash emphasized her superiority to the military arm of ComStar.  He looked up after a moment and began his answer. “I would describe myself Precentor Waterly, as a loyal son of Terra.”

“Loyal son of Terra?” Myndo made a slight chuckle, “Whatever do you mean by that Precentor Martial?”

“I mean that I would do anything to assure the safety of my world.  My loyalty to ComStar is due to the fact that for the last two hundred odd years, ComStar has kept Terra safe.  The efforts the order made to rebuild following the Usurper’s occupation will be a debt that Terra owes ComStar for many years to come.  By serving ComStar and strengthening the ComGuards, I further help to protect my world.”

Myndo was a little aggrieved that his loyalty was first to the world and not the order. That is something that in time will have to change, or else your early retirement will be in order.  The ComGuards cannot be allowed to secularise beyond the period of expansion, otherwise they will become a dagger at our Order’s heart.  “How then, Precentor Hamilton, do you account for your thirty-four year voluntary exile?”

“My parent’s death and my desire to be learn all I could about being an officer and leader of men.  The chance to do so has not existed on Terra for two centuries.  It was a relief when ComStar offered to hire the Men of Terra back in ’16.  I had tired of the way the House Lords treated Mercs, people from Terra, and anyone who did not tow the party line.  Having grown up on this world and then seeing the damage that had been wrought to the old Hegemony made me angry that the Successor States could actually think they could lay claim to the mantle of First Lord.  They are all as bad as each other; unfortunately, no power has been in existence since Kerensky left to bring them to order.”

Myndo leant forward, planning to draw Hamilton on of his own accord. “What if one power could bring the others to heal?”

“Short of the F-C alliance succeeding, I see no way of any of the Successor States being able to.  ComStar technically could, if it was more open and forthcoming in it’s desire to balance the other powers and act as a stabilising influence, much as the Hegemony once was.”  Hamilton stopped, suddenly realising what was in the air.  “What are you thinking Precentor Dieron?”

“Exactly that Precentor Martial.  ComStar needs to act.  This war will help restore balance.  Following that, we need to be more active in directing the Successor States towards the light of Blake’s words.”

“The First Circuit would oppose any such measure, even if you were Primus.”

“But you believe the Successor States must be controlled?”


“What if I can provide you with that possibility?”

The Precentor Martial paused, thinking on Myndo’s reasoning.  “You can only provide that possibility if you were Primus and you could control the First Circuit.”

“I will be Primus; the current incumbent is proving to be too recalcitrant in his support of my plans for our Order.  I now have the support I need to remove him, except that is, your support for my future plans.”

It was at this point that the penny again dropped for Precentor Hamilton.  It was the second point he would look back on later in life and wonder why fate touched him again.  “I can provide the support you need in a form I do not think you might have considered.  The ComGuards will remain largely neutral and I will not betray your plans, on the condition that they remain a defensive force and are not used against Terra." I will not have a religious visionary directing my soldiers in a war of righteous conquest, Thought the Precentor Martial.

“Conditions Precentor Martial? I will command ComStar should I be Primus, yet you wish to set conditions.”

“You will need my quiet support.  Precentor ROM has cooled towards you in recent months and ROM can be a dangerous enemy to any new Primus that displeases it.”

Damm you Hamilton! Very well, I will play your game for now.  I need you to control ROM and once you have brought them to heal, I will give you to them to assuage their anger.

“I see your reasoning Precentor Martial.  There is one issue that I do need you to see, to ensure that we can create stability for the Inner Sphere.”

“What might that be Precentor Dieron?”

“The new infantry force you are raising, the one you plan to attach, as companies, I think you said, to the Brigades you are forming.”

“We do not have a name for them yet, although Pat, Precentor Millray, wants to call them the SAS, after the SLDF Special Forces. They are a regiment currently, but we will need about nine over time. What of them?”
“I need you to create a new mission for these SAS.”

“A new mission?  What mission and why?”  The Precentor Martial was obviously annoyed that a politician was interfering in his already complicated force building operation.

“Should this war succeed and we pull our support from the allies, turning the Capellans on the League and creating chaos in Rasalhague for the Combine, our new face will be exposed.  We will need the ComGuards to protect Terra and the SAS to protect the HPG network until we can deploy stronger forces to defend it.”

The Precentor Martial leant back in his chair.  “Precentor Dieron, I do not think a few infantry, even as highly trained as these new troops will be, will be sufficient to defend the HPG network.  Why would we, and how could we, want to station heavy forces at our HPG’s? Additionally, the SAS as you call them, have not been given that name yet.”

So short sighted Precentor, when you look out from your little military world.  “Firstly, they will not be there to protect the HPG’s.  They will be there to delay any strike on an HPG for long enough to allow ROM operatives to disable the HPG in the event of an attack.   Secondly, should the First Circuit prove reluctant to support the new path; we will need to isolate those supporters of the First Circuit within the network.  A bloodless coup of course, but until the changes are implemented, we will need to cut of the First Circuit Precentors from their support.  As to the need for troops at our stations, that will come in time.  We can eventually manipulate the various states to fall into line and allow us to protect our stations from “threats”, whatever we wish those to be.  The day will come when we will need to take direct action to protect our stations, or prevent their secrets, falling to the House Lords.”

Your plans are approaching that point where some will question your motives Precentor Dieron.  I will support you only so far.  “I will need your authorisation to expand the training of the new Special Forces.  I will also need your support in their recruitment, especially as ROM will no doubt be very curious about their sudden growth.”

Myndo stood, “I will see that this is so. Prepare an initial plan for the execution of actions to secure the HPG net and provide for the security of the First Circuit should it be needed.  Call it…Operation ROMULUS.  He created a city that became the foundation of the greatest Empire of old Earth.  It would be fitting that he gives his name to the new future for humanity.”

Hamilton stood and bowed. “As you wish Precentor.  May the Peace of Blake go with you.”

“And with you Precentor Martial.” Myndo turned and left Angus’s office, whilst he remained standing and watched her leave.  He eventually sat and began writing notes at a furious pace. After an hour of writing, he called his aide in the outer office to have Precentor Millray meet him across the grounds at the firing range.  He finished his notes, tore them from the book and walked out of his office.  Waving off his aide he made his way through the College’s ancient halls and out into the grounds.  The College was mercifully quiet, with most students in classes or training.

Pat was waiting at the range, maintaining his fierce image in case any cadets were watching.  Pat looked across angrily. “These better be bloody well important, I’m as busy as a blue assed fly! Why did you need me here to keep me waiting?”

Hamilton simply handed him his notes as the cadets on the range behind them began to open up with automatic weapons and drown out any chance at verbal communication.  After reading the first page Pat looked up, but Angus motioned for him to finish. Once he completed the twelve handwritten pages Pat tucked them under his arm, his face pale and serious.  He waited for the incessant rattle of fire to end before speaking.  “This is Fraking insane!  Do you really want to be her lap dag?  We take this path and we are committing the sins that we have said the Successor Lords commit in spades, sins we agreed no military commander can make.  Fraking ROMULUS! Who the hell does this woman think she is, Huh?  General Kerensky returned perhaps, or maybe Ian Cameron?”

Angus was not surprised at his friend’s reaction.  “More like Prometheus.”

“Damm straight!  We will all be killed, either at the hands of the Successor States, or at that madwoman’s claws.”  Pat was becoming quite agitated.

Angus watched Pat carefully until the Drill Sergeant in the background began to prepare the cadets for another round of firing.  He handed Pat another sheaf of pages.  “You might not like my other idea then.”

Pat began reading as the firing began and Angus could see him swearing his heart out as he read. Once the firing stopped he looked at Angus with a mixture of fear and awe.  “You’re completely Fraking mad!  I suppose you want me to put this little number together for you sahib?”

“Yes Pat I do. If you’re willing that is?  It’s as dangerous as the first plan, but allows us to assuage our conscience somewhat.  At least this way we don’t have to sell our souls to the devil.”

“HAH! We just sell them to his booking agent.  No choice really is there?” Pat shrugged his shoulders. “Alright then, I’ll put this ROMULUS together for our sweet leader.  Then I’ll put REMUS together for you.  Eyes only on both with the Special Forces as the dagger?”

Angus nodded. “That’s fine Pat, and don’t forget to burn those notes.  Leave nothing to be found.  I also have an idea for the Special Forces.  Your idea of calling them the SAS will be a goer.  The Special Administrative Services.  They won’t be noticed among the other special types ComStar are forever assigning to HPG’s and the acronym works for the troops with the name as a decent cover.  Have fun Pat, I know I will be.” He said wryly as both men began to walk back towards the College, both lost in thought.
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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2018, 04:47:08 AM »

Chapter 26

Vaucluse House, New Earth,
Ryde Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth.
15 January, 3024.

“This expansion of the three Kapteyn’s militaries is beginning to concern me. It’s just not just for the implications that it holds for the defence of our two realms, but also for the probabilities of increased production in those realms, or assistance from another source.” Hanse Davion’s tone was serious and tense. Serious and tense could have summed up the entire meeting between Hanse and Katrina Steiner.  Ever since the Parliamentary coup that Thomas and Janos Marik had orchestrated, the Steiner and Davion intelligence agencies continued to uncover evidence of the start of a new arms race; an arms race that Kurita, Marik, and Liao were building a substantial lead in.

Katrina felt just as strained. Her realm was, until six months ago, believed to hold a large advantage over the other realms in military industrial output, something that was allowing her to rebuild the Commonwealth’s defences to a point where her realm would be safe for the first time in centuries.  Then suddenly, both the Combine and League were building as many regiments as the Commonwealth could, even if pushed.  Lyran strength was predicated on being able to out produce its opponents.  If that advantage was lost, then so was the Commonwealth.

“Mother, if I may?” Melissa Steiner had requested to be present at these meetings, both to learn about her future duties and to spend time to get to know the man who she would marry in four years’ time.  Although only barely a teenager, Melissa’s intelligence and natural inquisitiveness had served her well so far.  What had impressed Katrina the most was Hanse’s attitude.  He was never condescending or impolite and never corrected Melissa.  If she was in error, he guided her to the correct answer, even if Melissa was being stubborn.  Melissa, for her part, was challenging the Prince, as her views and way of thinking were simple and straight forward.  The Prince’s plans were anything but simple and were often composed of plans within plans.  The meeting of the two philosophies was enjoyable to watch, even if the situation was serious.  One day you two will make a formidable pair.

“Of course Melissa, what is it you wish to share?” Answered Katrina.

Melissa, her youthful face furrowed with thought, something that did little for the effect of her flowing eye makeup, began her theory with a question. “Is it really theoretically possible for the League, Combine, AND Confederation to all have unknown production facilities that are enabling them to out produce our two realms?”
Hanse answered before Katrina could. “Yes and No, is the simple answer.”

“That’s not an answer at all.” Mellissa replied, an angry undertone in her voice.
Hanse smiled, “No Mellissa it is not, but that is because I have been handed many different answers on the topic.  Theoretically it is possible.  How both our realms missed it for so long, I do not know.  Perhaps the three realms coordinated their intelligence, but that does not fit with their prior histories.  Such an expansion would have to have been noticed and if we did not notice such activity, in three separate realms, then both our intelligence agencies are in dire straits.  If it is not possible, then where did the Mechs come from?  All three powers cannot have access to some hidden depot; they would have eviscerated each other over it.”

Katrina nodded whilst sipping from a glass of water as she leant back in the solidly built wicker chair she occupied on the large mansion’s patio.  “There are too many ifs in this problem and too few whys arriving to answer our questions.”

Melissa stood and began walking around the table as her mind began to kick into overdrive.  Silhouetted, against the low sun coming across the forests behind the house, her daughter looked too young to be discussing such matters.  Nevertheless, Melissa waded in.  “Why don’t we keep the question simple then?  Can the three realms realistically produce what they seem to be, without hedging your answers and only relying on what we knew six months ago?”

“No.” Answered Hanse, a look of interest on his face.

“There is no real chance.” Answered Katrina, likewise interested.

“Okay, where could they get that material from then?”

“Old storehouses.  Most likely old SLDF storehouses, their own were pretty dry five years ago, much like ours.”  Her mother answered.

“Where would such a find need to be located for all three to benefit?”

“Within a jump or so of Terra, the closer the better, otherwise one realm can ensure its control.” Hanse could not quite see where this was leading, but felt something big was coming.

“What would either of you do if you heard of such a find near Terra?”

Hanse laughed as he answered, “Drop a half dozen RCT’s right on top of it.”

“Not if I was already there you wouldn’t.” Said Katrina.

Melissa stopped her pacing. “Exactly, you would each sell your own grandmothers for it.”

Both Hanse and Katrina were taken aback by Melissa’s tone and words, but understood the vital truth.  For a Successor Lord to allow another Lord access to such a treasure would be to spell that Lords own doom.  Such a find would ignite a vicious war of possession.

“Yet everyone is getting on just fine, what does that mean?”

Hanse sat back, making an exasperated sigh, the answered. “That there can’t be a depot and we are back to working out how they produce so much.”

“Or the depot is controlled by someone else.”

Melissa’s innocent tone slid like ice across Katrina’s nerves.  Not possible. “You know what you are suggesting daughter? Such an action would throw the Inner Sphere into chaos.”

Hanse leant forward, his face grave. “We had considered this, the possibility of ComStar as a source, but discounted it.  They do not have the capability.”

Katrina looked across at Hanse.  “How sure can we be? What was left on Terra when Blake took the world?  We know some of the factories were still working and Blake stripped New Earth into the bargain.”

“There is another possibility,” Said Melissa, “What of the Lost Divisions?”  Melissa brought up one of the old legends of the Exodus.  Well over a dozen SLDF Divisions had apparently disappeared after Kerensky left.  What records the General left behind did not mention their presence in the fleet and they never appeared in any House Lord’s armies.  They vanished.  Some thought the General took them and the records were just too incomplete, others believing that the General destroyed them as rebels.  Some others thought they must have taken more damage during the liberation than was let on and were simply shell Divisions that were disbanded.  Some believed however, that were secreted away on Terra, but few gave that story much weight, as most believed that Blake would have used them to help secure more of the Hegemony.

“My dear, they are little more than a fairy tale.  If they were real, we would have seen them centuries ago.”  Katrina could not bring herself to believe that such a hidden threat could have existed for so long. It’s just not possible.

“But aren’t the simplest explanations often the right ones?  That’s what Thelos tells me.” Melissa’s voice had taken on a slightly hurt tone.

Hanse stood up and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.  “We are not ridiculing you Melissa, we simply cannot afford for such a scenario to be true.  Should ComStar so actively seek to manipulate such a war, it would destabilise the Inner Sphere for decades.  First by allying our states and then assisting the others in a war would open ComStar up to assaults from the House Lords, forcing them to use this arsenal, that you say they may well possess, to defend themselves.  It’s a nightmare scenario.  Nevertheless, I might, just for peace of mind, have Quintus sniff around a little.  If such a disaster is a possibility, however slight, I want to know about it.”

Melissa smiled at Hanse, “Thank you, I just hope Quintus can prove me wrong.”

“And Simon Jonson can try as well.” Added Katrina, then changed the topic.  “What of your plans of the expansion of your realm’s military Hanse?  I hope it’s better than what we have accomplished.  So far we have added two regiments to the Skye Rangers and reformed the 2nd Winfield Brigade and the Tamar Tigers.  Not much, but those units represent real pride for the Skye and Tamar regions and have caused no end of pain for my political rivals.”

Hanse sat, after offering Melissa her chair, which she accepted. “I have begun the expansion of the Training Battalions into Training RCT’s.  They are effectively a March Militia with the Training unit attached.  I don’t think I will form more than five and after that, well the old honour roles are full of holes.  Additionally, I am going to reform the Periphery March due to all the grief I have received from the Outback.  It will allow the Crucis March to become a supply and basing area for reserves and leave the bandit hunting to the Periphery PDZ’s.  The Crucis Marshals are happy and Robinson and New Syrtis are pleased to finally shed their Periphery responsibilities.  So far Filvet and the other more prominent Outback worlds are in full support, so it should streamline command and control of the AFFS.  How is the LCAF’s RCT program progressing?”

Katrina answered after thinking for a moment.  “The Lyran Guards will be at full RCT strength by years end with the Royal Guards to follow.  After that the Arcturans and select Donegal units will convert followed by other units as needed.  We should have completed the program by 3028.”

The meeting continued for hours more, with Melissa amazed at the numerous issues that were now affecting both realm’s outlook and plans.  The more she listened, the more amazed she was that both her mother and future husband could keep all the information in their heads and recall numerous details as required.  She would need that skill one day, but until then would rely on the obviously formidable skills of her Mother and future Husband.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2018, 01:38:07 AM »

Chapter 27

The Cave, Saso, New Syrtis,
Capellan March, Federated Suns.
25 January, 3024.

“It’s a pain in the arse, but it’s what the Prince wants and so we do it?  That is your view now is it? Your father would be incensed that you are handing away the rights to thirteen worlds, two BattleMech Regiments and several brigades of conventional forces.  What if we should need those forces against the Capellans? What then?” 

Count Anton Vitios, one of Duke Michael Hasek-Davion’s cronies, was incensed at the announcement that the new Duke, Morgan Hasek-Davion, had just made.  Morgan had announced that the Warren Polymorphous Defence Zone, or PDZ, would be broken away from the Capellan March to assist in forming the new Periphery March.  As a staunch Hasek loyalist and card carrying provincial, Vitios was in no way temperamentally equipped to deal with such demands from New Avalon.  That the new Duke, son of the man Vitios had idolised, would so willingly give up centuries old Hasek holdings was beyond the pale as far a the small, aggressive and abrasive man could stand.

Justin Allard, his lithe and tall frame towering over that of the small man next to him, answered for the Duke.  “We lose little compared to the other Marches Anton.  Two BattleMech units you say?  A training regiment and a March Militia are not much to lose, and neither would have been available for use against the Capellans anyway.  They man a slim line of defence against the Taurians.  We lose a few tax dollars and are now able to focus entirely on the Taurian core and the Capellan border, leaving Pirate hunting and long-range patrols to the new March.”  Justin had little time for Vitios, as the man was a racist pig, unable to see past Justin’s half Capellan heritage, despite his sterling record of service to House Davion.

“A FEW TEX DOLLARS!!  We lose over £80 Billion in revenue per year.  Where do you propose we make up that shortfall?” Vitios was clearly losing control, his small face glowing redder than a fireball.

“Calm yourself Anton.” Morgan’s deep voice brought Anton up short, before he could continue.  “We loose little compared to the other Marches.  Duke Sandoval is giving up Killbourne and Milligan along with six BattleMech Regiments and Hanse himself has released Anjin Muerto, Broken Wheel, Malagrotta and Islamabad along with thirteen Regiments of Mechs and three centres of military production.  We can hardly complain that we are being unfairly treated.  Besides, the order comes from New Avalon and we are loyal sons of the Federation, are we not Anton?”  Morgan’s question ended on an ominous tone.”

Anton, sensing danger, quickly changed his tune. “Of course, we are loyal my Duke, no region is more determined to see the flag of the Suns ascendant, I merely wished to point out that we were given little opportunity to voice our Marche’s concerns properly or to assist in the implementation of this new plan.”

Little Weasel. Thought Morgan, it’s time to be rid of you and your scheming. “An excellent point Anton, and that is why I summoned you, as I require your services for a project of great importance for the Capellan March.”

Anton, on cue, puffed up as his rampant self importance took hold. “As ever, I live to serve the Capellan March through the utilisation of my talents my Duke.”

Morgan continued with a glint in his eye and his voice masking his amusement at the ease at which the little rat could be manipulated.  “Anton, it is my command as your Duke that you be appointed as my personal representative to the new Duke of Filvet, Robert Edgrer.  You will facilitate the merger of the Warren PDZ into the new march and then act as my representative to Filvet.”

Anton new he was in a trap.  Should he refuse, he may well be dismissed from service as the new Duke had little time for him. Should he accept, he would be exiled.  However, the chance to influence a new March and carve out a new base of power may well be worth the effort.  He could always return to New Syrtis with an independent power base to support him. He bowed slightly as he answered. “I would be honoured my Duke, to serve as your personal representative to Filvet.”

“Morgan smiled as he returned the small bow. “Excellent Anton. I have assembled a small staff for you and they are awaiting you at the northern meeting hall of the Ducal Palace.”

Knowing when he was dismissed, but still feeling a little used, Anton bowed again and left the room.

“Here is hoping his DropShip has engine failure on the way down to Filvet.  I hope I never have to see that little wretch again.”  Ardan Sortek meandered over to the map table that displayed the holographic image of the now smaller Capellan March.  “Probably time we talked about Capellan intentions.  They seem to be getting a little ancy all along the border now that McCarron is home.  Good riddance to the Bastard.”

“Perhaps we could pay Archie a visit on Menke?  Say with, oh I suppose the 5th and 6th Fusiliers, the Armoured Cav and a few of the Illician’s.”  Justin had taken it as a personal insult that McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry, under the commander Archibald McCarron, had been allowed to romp through the Federated Suns, raiding and pillaging.

Morgan shook his head whilst enjoying Justin’s thought.  He was coming to enjoy these sessions with Justin and Ardan, the three men forming a good team that was able to operate smoothly and support each other well.  He knew both men were watchdogs, placed to assure Hanse of Morgan’s loyalty, but having two such minds to assist him was a boon he would not begrudge.  “A pleasant thought Justin, but I think we need to think bigger and longer term.  I want you and Ardan to start coming up with ideas for an offensive that can really hurt the Confederation.  Something more befitting the personal response of the Duke of New Syrtis to Maximillian Liao on Sian for unleashing McCarron on us.”

“I think that will be a nice exercise in military theory and planning, and give the planning staff something to do other than obsess over the results of McCarron’s raids.” Justin leant back against the wall, stretching as he did so.  “It still leaves the question of what Capellan intentions are?  They are building up a new force, the Grenadiers, under Candace, but don’t seem to be causing any other major ripples.  Six regiments is a big ask for them industrially, but we can match it with the new Training RCT’s and the reserves from New Avalon.”

Ardan looked seriously at the map. “What if the reserves don’t materialise?  What if the Dragon strikes at us as well?”

Justin did some quick mental arithmetic. “We still hold three RCT’s, six independent regiments, two March Militias and several supporting Wings and Conventional Brigades in reserve positions around the March.  Even if Max threw in the kitchen sink and weakened the Free Worlds border in a few small areas, we can still hold him.  He would need to strip the entire Free Worlds border to cause issues.”

Morgan saw quickly a nightmare scenario.  “What if he did?  What if Max made a coup and was able to free up troops.  What if the Dragon struck out as well and Max got the Taurians involved?”

Silence reigned in the room as all three men contemplated what would be a devastating situation for their March.  A strong and, in places, overwhelming attack just at a time when the AFFS reserves were not available for full deployment to aid New Syrtis in her hour of need.

“Pull out of the salients.” Ardan’s answer was given in a dead pan voice.

Justin continued the thought. “Shorten the line and free up units for counter-attacks.  It would probably work, but the political ramifications would be dire.  Any flanking strike by the Taurians would also put any withdrawal under immense pressure.”

Morgan thought for a moment.  “That’s your brief then.  Plan for the worst, hope for the best.  Call it Case Black.”
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 01:39:25 AM by Blacknova »
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2018, 03:26:36 AM »

Chapter 28

Sandhurst Royal Military Academy,
England, Terra,
19 March, 3024.

General Hamilton walked across the damp grounds of the Sandhurst Military Academy for, what ROM agents were reporting, was his daily exercise.  However, his walk was far more than that, though ROM suspected nothing, despite reporting all.  Hamilton was using these walks for infrequent meetings with Pat, to discuss the ongoing planning they were undertaking for Precentor Waterly and for themselves.  The walks always took them past the firing ranges, where they made a habit of lingering and taking notes.  A monthly award for marksmanship, the honour of serving as the Precentor Martial’s junior aide, awarded to the month’s best marksman, gave credible lie to these stops.  The stops also gave a nice cover of noise to their more dangerous conversations.  As he squelched through the damp grounds, sodden from a week’s constant steady rain fall, Angus could already detect the scent of the range, the combination of gunpowder and laser scorch.

As he wandered over, he could already see Pat there with a notepad, ostensibly marking in the best shots amongst the officer cadets.  Angus actually found it pleasant to have the young, wide eyed, and keen aides assist him.  It allowed him to gauge the effects of the expansion of the ComGuards from the bottom of the military hierarchy as well as influence, he hoped, the next generation of ComGuards leaders and instil in them a loyalty to the office of the Precentor Martial.  This would be critical in years to come.  Pat accused him of engineering a personality cult, and too some extent it seemed Pat may be right, as the young officer cadets fought hard to gain the honour of serving as aide for a month.  More so, and to Pat’s complete and utter disgust, he treated his young aides as full officers, involving them in as much as he could and forcing them to think well beyond their years and experience.

Angus walked up the last few metres to the small ridge above the firing range a stopped next to Pat.  Neither man looked at the other as the conversation began.  “Who looks the goods this month?”

Pat answered as he looked across his notes, “Some waif from the backwoods of Siberia.  Seems she grew up hunting.  Hasn’t missed a shot yet.”

“New to the Academy?”

“Yeah this week with the new bunch.  Best score yet, even acing that arse kisser Hewitt.”  Pat referred to Colin Hewitt, the young cadet who had made aide three times and was a little too accommodating to Angus’s needs than Pat though proper.  Normally, Angus would have agreed, but the fact that Hewitt’s crawling – he had to face the fact – was driving Pat up the wall, made it all worthwhile.

“Colin will be most put out.” Gus answered with a straight face.

“I can deal with the little arse kisser suffering.” Pat growled.

“How is your pet project coming?”  Angus referred to the plans for ROMULUS and REMUS.

“Tolerable.” Pat could twist tails too.

“Define tolerable?”

“Progressing as ordered by the Precentor Martial.”

“Give it up Pat, I have to meet with Precentors Dieron in an hour and then fly across to Hilton Head to brief the
First Circuit and the Primus on our main plans.”

“Both plans are in order and the troops have begun training in their planned roles, although they have no idea what those roles really represent.  The SAS are turning into one dangerous bunch of eager young men and women.  Word has it that the miners on Mars took offence to us posting so many troopers there.  It got interesting in the bars for a few nights until the miners learned that our new unit is not to be trifled with.”
“Have you got anything in writing I can actually hand to the higher ups?”

“Should be something on your desk already.  It outlines what we have done and what we plan to do to support Waterly’s plans.  As to ROMULUS and REMUS, nothing in writing as ordered.”

Angus nodded. “Good.  How long do you really think you would need before you could institute either of the twins?” Angus asked, referring to ROMULUS and REMUS.

“Not before 3026.” Pat saw Angus open his mouth, but jumped in before he could utter a sound. “And you tell Precentor Waterly that it won’t happen a moment earlier.  You pair want to pull these plans off, then that’s the time I need to get enough troops trained well enough to do it.  That’s final and non-negotiable.”

Angus chuckled. “I was simply going to ask you if yourself and your lovely lady would like to join Liz and I next weekend for dinner.”

Pat turned and faced the Precentor Martial before answering. “You are a lousy bloody liar!  Makes me wonder how you are going to pull all of this off?  Still, I accept your invitation and would be honoured if the Precentor Marital was to shout dinner.”

Angus just had to accept that one.

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

An hour later, Angus stood as Precentor Waterly entered his office, moving around his desk and offering the Precentor a chair.  “Welcome Precentor, it is an honour to have you at Sandhurst again.  I must apologise for not meeting you at the landing pad, I was preparing the notes for our discussion.”

Precentor Waterly, took the proffered seat within the alcove, the same seat that Precentor ROM had used. “That’s quite alright Precentor Martial, I understand the demands that duty places upon time.  Tell me, how do our plans advance?”

Angus sat and crossed his long legs, thinking for a moment. “The recruitment of both ComGuard and naval personnel proceeds apace with new formations being posted across the Terran system.  The fleet is taking a little longer, but that is to be expected with the needs of century’s old refitted ships.”  Precentor Waterly nodded. “The supply of our allies is also well in hand, however, word from ROM indicates that the F-C Alliance now suspects something is seriously amiss, although they do not appear as yet to understand or even suspect our hand.”

Precentor Dieron sat forwards “This is good Precentor Martial, you and your officers are to be commended.  You will present this plan to the First Circuit tonight and be prepared to defend it.”

Angus sat back into the deep chair. “Defend it?”

“Yes Precentor Martial, defend it.  The Primus wishes to cut your plans in half and scale them back.  This is madness.  He seeks this course in order to remove me from the First Circuit.  Instead, you will support the plan with all your efforts, efforts that will lead me to my true place as Primus.”

Damm your ambition! “I would support the plan regardless of other requirements Precentor; we are too far along the path to stop now.  Terra would be exposed as complicit and undefended when retribution came.  Stopping now is a death sentence.”

Very delicately put General, your loyalty to this world before Blake is useful, but will ultimately prove your undoing. “I am truly glad your insight provides you with the ability to see to the heart of this matter Precentor Martial, I will trust in your abilities to outline the dangers we face should we stop short of our goals.  How does your planning for ROMULUS come?”

Angus felt a chill, the same chill he felt whenever he discussed the plan with Waterly.  “Well Precentor.  The SAS have begun training in their planned roles, as have the more experienced main line ComGuard and fleet units, all however without knowledge of their true objectives.  Nothing is left in writing.  Once the order is given, SAS units will arrest any known supporter of the First Circuit in every HPG in the Inner Sphere as well as known ROM officers.  ROM HQ will come under assault, dependent on other details and the First Circuit, Terran Congress, and all major military and military industrial sites on Terra will be taken.  Following those actions will be your political phase as troops on the Marik/Liao frontier are pulled back along with all support of the allied states.  Actions following this will be entirely dependent on circumstance and ComStar’s posture regarding the other states.”  Circumstance that you do not seem to appreciate with your blind vision of religious fervour. “Of course, the ComGuards will be ready to support any threatened HPG should it be required.”

Waterly smiled a smile that made Gus think of the coldest corners of the Antarctic. “I am truly glad that Blake’s insight allowed me to choose you as the master planner of our destiny Precentor Martial, your name will be celebrated for years within our order.”

I highly doubt that. “Thank you for your praise Precentor.  Your support, as always, is greatly appreciated.”

Waterly then continued.  “What of ROM, will they become aware of our plans?”

Angus nodded. “Yes, but it will not matter.  We are naming every exercise and plan that deals with potential threats to ComStar and Terra with ancient Roman names such as Romulus, Caesar, Janus etcetera, ROM may well hear of our plan but will assume it is merely one of many being used to assist in the training of the Guards.”

Myndo beamed again, looking slightly mad. “Again, Precentor Hamilton, you impress me with your abilities.  How then has ROM acted with regards to my call for joint training?”

“Very well actually.  Following your approval of our joint intelligence operations we have found a way to manage a joint training regime.  ROM was at first aghast at your request that ComGuard troops be permanently assigned to their HQ in Cairo, but we believe we have a solution.  We will provide a company of SAS troops to exercise with ROM, out of the Cairo HQ, twice a year in a simulated exercise against a fresh ComGuard Combat Brigade.  Precentor ROM is happy for the joint exercise in the repulsion of a Mech assault by ComGuard/ROM Special Forces on a limited basis.  Besides, the ComGuards are too busy to mount a garrison of ROM HQ and it would raise too many suspicions.  This way we build an apparently solid working relationship with ROM and can act as needed.”  My troops also learn how to storm the rats nest whilst the SAS can raise hell on the inside.

Myndo’s voice dropped low. “So again, Precentor ROM and yourself defy me and plan your own way forwards.”

“Precentor, please forgive two jealous old men who wish to protect their domains.  We accept your ideas as valid and as your aides and advisors we see it as our duty to take your wishes and make sure that they work to best effect.”

Waterly relaxed. “Very well General, I would merely ask that you advise me in future before the decision is made.” Your independence is a liability to you Hamilton. I will not forgive you your slights to my authority when the time comes to pay your dues.

Angus nodded “Of course Precentor, I will not be so presumptive again.” Not that it matters now anyway. Angus decided to change tune.  “I have a request from Precentor Millray, an offering of an apology of sorts.”

Myndo smiled.  “I could never imagine Precentor Millray apologising to anyone Precentor Martial?”

Gus laughed.  “Perhaps not, but it amounts to the same thing.  Pat firstly wants to form to Ceremonial Guards companies from the SAS, the best from the program for the protection of the First Circuit and Primus, under the Primus’s orders, and one for the Precentor Martial and ComGuard High Command.  Would you accede to this request?  It represents a high honor to those chosen and gives them something to aspire to.  The contact with the Primus through the SAS would be seen as a great honour to the ComGuards as a whole.”

Myndo looked a little surprised, almost flattered by the request. “It would be my pleasure to honor the Guards in such a way should I accede to the office of Primus.  And your second request?”

“Similar but more in line with your initial requests of the ComGuards.  Pat wants to take the most fervent supporters of ComStar philosophy and beliefs and form two new Combat Brigades with the finest equipment, as exemplars of what the ComGuards should be.  These two units would be assigned as the main garrison of North-East America, under the eyes of the Primus and First Circuit.  They will be the model for the future of all ComGuard units.” And allow me to put all the hopeless fanatics in one easy to reach place.

Waterly positively beamed.  “It will be as you say Precentor Martial, they will be the first of a new generation of our valiant protectors, avatars of Blake’s True Destiny.

Yes, Precentor Waterly, that they surely will be.
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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2018, 07:08:55 PM »

Chapter 29

Hilton Head Island,
North America, Terra,
19 March, 3024.

Precentor Martial Hamilton felt somewhat nervous as he looked about the First Circuit chamber.  It was not the tall vaulted ceiling with its long glass windows and imposing majesty that made him nervous, nor was it the way the room’s marble floors seemed to glow; neither was it the presence of the entire First Circuit and the Primus behind their crystal podia, the former in their bright red robes of office and the latter in his simple dun coloured robe.  Angus knew it was also not the fact that he, Precentor Naval Grahame Neville, and Precentor ROM Leyland Belov were at smaller, wooden podia, set below the First Circuit that made him nervous.  What made him feel nervous, was the fact that he was one of the few in the room to know what was actually going to happen this evening, and he was trying desperately not to show it.  The addition of the official ComStar robes, which he found exceedingly uncomfortable, did not help his feeling of unease.

Angus focused again as the Primus, Julian Tiepolo, his old, bespectacled and hawk like face intent, continued. “Precentor Waterly, despite your seeming efforts on ComStar’s behalf, you have gravely depleted the financial reserve that we have spent two centuries building up.  Despite the massive expenditure, something I am sure is going to continue, what have you to show for it apart from a few shiny toys?”

Precentor Dieron, Myndo Waterly, her golden hair arranged like a halo, as always, smiled in an almost angelic way as she answered her superior.  “I have provided to ComStar the protective shield for our Blessed Order and the sword with which to smite those who would threaten our future.”

The Primus snorted. “Provide, hardly Myndo, you have kept a tight-fisted grasp of the expanded ComStar forces whilst moving behind my back to undermine the office of the Primus.  Few here realise what little you have accomplished with your frenzied bout of empire building.  You seem to think a few parade regiments and a handful of derelict warships are the future of our Order.”

Myndo almost purred her response, whilst the glint in her eyes showed pure hatred of the Primus. “I would hardly say a few or a mere handful Primus.”

The room became very still as every eye turned towards first towards Myndo and then the Primus. “Explain yourself!” Declared Tiepolo.

Myndo extended a hand towards the Precentor Martial. “I believe the Precentor Martial and his Naval Commander will be best suited to explaining our efforts.”

Here we go. Thought Angus.

The Primus fixed a piercing stare on the Precentor Martial. “If you and your Naval man would be so kind Precentor Martial?”

Angus bowed his head towards the Primus, feeling the robe chafe at his neck as he did so. “Certainly Primus.  In mid-3022, the ComGuards were tasked with a dual mission by Precentor Waterly under the Direction of the Primus and First Circuit.” Always best to cover my arse first.

“Firstly, we were to supply the Kapteyn powers with stripped out war material amounting to twenty-two BattleMech regiments and the standard number of supporting forces.  This process is nearly complete and will allow the three Successor States to provide a stronger edge to their assaults on the F-C Alliance, an assault that was again sanctioned by this body.  Secondly, we were tasked with the reorganisation and the expansion of the ComGuards to allow the Order to deploy forces abroad, to free up further Capellan and Free Worlds troops, as well as to assure a future defence of Terra against a major assault by a Successor Lord.”

Angus continued to sweep his gaze around the room as he spoke, seeing looks on the faces of the Precentors before him ranging from delight to sheer horror. “The reorganisation of the ComGuards in late 3022 allowed us to initially field eight of our new Combat Brigades.  These Brigades contain a BattleMech Regiment, a Tank Regiment, two Infantry Regiments and an Aerospace Fighter Wing.  Due to the new program of expansion, we currently field thirty-eight Brigades, with another four forming and a further nine slated for formation next year.  Several training ranges have been reopened to assist and Precentor Dieron has authorised an attractive recruiting policy that will enable the ComGuards to meet all projected targets.”

The room was silent for several seconds before Huthrin Vandel, Precentor New Avalon, an avowed opponent of Precentor Waterly, began speaking. “What projected targets?”

“We have been ordered to plan for seventy-eight brigades by the end of 3025.”  The room erupted into chaos as the various Precentors began shouting at each other and the Precentor Martial.  Most of the vitriol came from Precentors New Avalon and Tharkad, the Primus’s two main supporters, and Gus would have smiled at the chaos if it were not so serious and the threats levelled at him not so potentially severe.

Eventually, the Primus regained order in the chamber, by a judicious use of his gavel and surprisingly loud voice.  “Precentor Martial, I will return to you momentarily, however, I wish to see if this madness persists in your naval arm.  Precentor Grahame, enlighten us as to your own orders and efforts.”

The Precentor showed little deference to the Primus or the First Circuit, standing ramrod straight and talking as if lecturing school children.  His beard must have been a boon in this situation, probably concealing a sneer, as Gus knew the man had little time for those who questioned his methods when they had little knowledge of the requirements of a fleet and its operations. “The ComGuard Fleet, consisting of twelve vessels since the mid-30th Century, has been ordered to undertake a commensurate expansion of the Warship and Transport Divisions to support the expanding ComGuard Brigades. In addition to this, we have been tasked to take an active role in coordinating the ComStar merchant fleet in the distribution of support to our allies.  Since early 3023, we have begun refitting Warships held in mothballs in various systems, as well as activating additional transport assets, which will link up with the new Combat Brigades.  To date we have reactivated one Corvette, five Destroyers and two Cruisers.  Additionally, we have a Corvette, three Destroyers and three Battlecruisers, and a Battleship in the yards undergoing refit, with a dozen more slated for refit by the end of the year.  The fleet will then consist of forty active warships.  The reactivation campaign will be accelerating in 3025 as the full capacity of the Titan Yards are exploited with labour from the Belters, allowing for a fleet of seventy-five vessels by the end of 3025. Additionally, from early next year we will also begin the construction of new DropShip and JumpShip assets for the ComGuards.”

The chaos after the Precentor Naval’s address was less than before, yet held a savage undercurrent of bitter feeling from several of the gathered Precentors.  The Primus raised his left hand for quiet, lowering it before he began speaking again. “Precentors, as you can see, the actions of Precentor Dieron and her military advisors has thrown open the door to the end of our Order, through either financial ruin, or our exposure through our new military.  I move that this program be stopped and we move to mitigate any damage they it may have caused.”

Myndo slammed her palm down upon her podium, no doubt causing herself no small amount of pain before speaking. “Any such action will see the end of our order! Precentor ROM has information that I am sure will change the minds of those within this chamber.”

All eyes swivelled towards the man who controlled the eyes and ears of ComStar’s feared covert intelligence arm.  The Primus, his face now red and his voice growing ever harsher turned on Precentor ROM.  “So Belov, what information does the esteemed Precentor Dieron think is so important to her continued plans?”

Leyland Belov, despite his rodent like appearance, was nothing if he was not unflappable under pressure.  He first straitened his robe and made a pretence at checking his notes before answering.  “Primus, esteemed members of the First Circuit and the ComGuards. ROM has gathered intelligence over the past several months that indicate a growing awareness within the Steiner-Davion Alliance that ComStar may indeed be the architect of the coming war and the build-up of the Kapteyn powers that now precedes it.  Currently, they have nothing concrete, but it will only be a matter of time, and a short amount of time at that, before the scale and impact of our hand in the coming conflict become apparent.”

Gus thought that all hell broke loose after his bombshell announcement, however, Precentor ROM’s matter of fact statement of the exposure of ComStar sent the chamber into chaos for a full two minutes.  Decorum was a distant second to recrimination and threat as Precentors let fly with language that would have made a Santander Pirate pale.

When order was finally assured the Primus rounded on Precentor Waterly. “Precentor Dieron, your actions have placed this order in a position of grave danger, a danger greater than any faced since the days of Blake himself.  I move, before this honoured conclave, that the current actions of the ComGuards and the assistance to the Kapteyn powers be halted and that you be stripped of your rank and privileges and exiled from our Blessed Order.”

Silence reigned in the chamber as the focus of the First Circuit turned to Myndo, who it appeared was as happy as a cat that had just cornered a mouse.  “Dear Julian, how your misguided and aging site has deluded you.  You see our fall, where those with the true vision of Blake see our triumph.  Before you make this little motion of yours, I would direct you to ask three final questions to Precentor ROM and the Precentor Martial.  Firstly. will cancelling this program stop its discovery?  Will the Kapteyn powers be happy with what we have done?  But most importantly, how safe will Blessed Terra, the sanctuary of our order, be?

The Primus continued to stare at Myndo, locked in an eye to eye battle of wills.  Without turning his gaze, he addressed Angus and Precentor ROM.  “What of these questions ROM, Precentor Martial?”

Belov answered before Angus, his smooth voice carrying across utter silence. “Cancellation of these projects will in no way prevent their discovery, as we have opened ourselves too far already to prevent their discovery in the longer term.  I would also advise, in the strongest possible terms, that the support of the Kapteyn Alliance be continued.  We stand to aggravate the F-C Alliance as it is, with all five powers felling ill-will towards us, we would be in a dangerous position indeed.  Abandoning the Kapteyn Alliance now will leave them in limbo, greatly reducing their chances for success and embittering them for the foreseeable future.”

Precentor ROM turned to Angus and nodded, indicating that he was finished and the Precentor Martial should continue.  “I must agree with Precentor ROM as to his analysis.” He began. “We would be left gravely exposed should our plan halt now.  There is also this to consider: Should we be discovered, and also abandon the Kapteyn powers, the ComGuard General Staff and ROM believe that Terra would face something it has not in two centuries – an armed attack.  Should our hand be shown to contain such deceit, we would invite attack, even should we retaliate with Interdiction.  Should a Successor Lord strike, the others would follow, as none would wish to see the riches of Terra go a single Lord.  In such an instance we would need at least fifty full brigades and as many warships as possible to protect our world.  Our current plans may have opened Pandora’s Box; however, our actions now will determine what we can draw from it.” And what I can draw from it as well.

Silence greeted the two men’s doomsday prophesies as the unthinkable settled into the minds of those gathered: The end of ComStar.  Myndo was the one to break the silence.  “The matter before us is graver than I think any here realise.  The future of our Blessed Order stands at the crossroads of fate.  We can move forwards to a glorious future, or wallow in our past and fall into the mists of history.  It is my responsibility, no, it is my duty as such, to take the following action.”  Staring at the Primus, her face composed, Myndo uttered her challenge. “Primus Julian Tiepolo, in order to protect the future of our Blessed Order and the Vision of Blake himself, I hear by challenge you for the office of the Primus.  I do this not for my own benefit and glory, but to, as Blake himself directed, protect the future of mankind by shielding our light from those whose short-sighted action would destroy it.  This challenge will determine our own personal future and that of our Order.”

Several seconds ticked past before the Primus answered.  He appeared to be in control, but a slight sheen on his bald head gave point to the fact that the turn of events this evening had caused him great surprise and stress.

“Very well Myndo.  I knew one day the time would come when we faced each other, yet I never believed it would be to face you down so you could not destroy our order.”  The Primus turned to face Angus.  “Precentor Martial, you will act as the arbiter of this session of voting as all here acknowledge the neutrality of the ComGuards.  Neither Precentor Dieron, nor myself are eligible to vote.”

Angus was taken aback by the Primus’s direction but nevertheless knew what he was required to do.  He looked across the chamber at the faces of the First Circuit members, each alight with anticipation and a combination of foreboding and hope. Every member of the First Circuit was calculating the votes on known allegiances and leanings and most assumed the Primus had the numbers to at least draw the vote.  “I have been asked to stand as the neutral arbiter of this vote on the continued Primacy of Julian Tiepolo as opposed the elevation of Myndo Waterly, Precentor Dieron, to the office of the Primus.  As decreed by ComStar law, each Precentor of the First Circuit not nominated is entitled to one vote in the matter.”

Angus turned slightly to his right to address the first of the Precentors. “Precentor Bryant, how do you vote?”

“For Precentor Dieron.” Said the eldest member of the First Circuit.

Angus continued, now looking to the first Precentor on his left. “Precentor Procyon, how do you vote?” For the Primus I expect, as you now hold the favour as protégé that Waterly once held.

The young man, at least young by comparison to those of the chamber, stood tall as he answered. “For Precentor Dieron.”  Shocked murmurs rippled around the room as Myndo appeared smugly triumphant at turning the Primus’s new man.  The Primus too appeared shocked as he, and the others in the room, undertook a tally of the expected voting and came up short for the Primus.

Angus moved on regardless of the murmuring. “Precentor New Earth, how do you vote?”

“For Precentor Dieron.”  And so it continued, with Precentors Caph, New Avalon, and Tharkad unable to prevent fall of their leader as Precentors Atreus and Sian added their votes to those for Myndo.

Once the voting had finished, Angus made his fateful announcement.  “The vote to the challenge for the office of Primus by Myndo Waterly, Precentor Dieron against Primus Julian Tiepolo succeeds by a margin of five to four.  By the articles of ComStar law, Myndo Waterly is now Primus of ComStar and Julian Tiepolo is now returned to the rank of Precentor.”

Tiepolo looked shattered, his vision and dreams gone, his office removed, and his future bleak.  Nevertheless, he spoke once before departing.  “So be it Myndo.  I will go quietly, and accept such assignments as this august body sees fit to bestow upon me.  However, and all of you remember this, the decline and fall of our order began this day and upon each of your heads will the final retribution of fate fall.”  Tiepolo then stepped back from the podium and walked from the chamber.

None had seen her move, as all had watched Tiepolo’s exit, but when their gazes returned to the chamber proper, all saw Myndo Waterly standing behind the Primus’s podium.  “Esteemed members of the First Circuit, I humbly accept the office you have bestowed upon me, vow to fulfil the Word of Blake, and to strengthen and protect our Blessed Order.  I only ask that each of you dedicate yourselves to this task for the betterment of all mankind.  I would suggest we adjourn until tomorrow, when we will need to vote formally to continue the policies that we have discussed tonight and appoint a new Precentor Dieron.”  Everyone in the room knew the new appointee would be one of Myndo’s creatures and her polices would surge forward unhindered.

Angus was not sure what to feel.  His future and his plans would go forwards for some time yet, but he could not stop the feeling that he had placed a dangerous and cunning individual in the place that they could do the most harm.  He lay awake throughout that night, scenario after scenario playing itself out in his head, with each one ending in bloodshed and horror.
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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2018, 05:30:06 AM »

Chapter 30

Victoria Barracks, Megrez,
Free Worlds League
2 April, 3024.

All in all, thought Colonel James Hudson, commander of the 2nd Atrean Hussars, it has been a pretty good day.  The Colonel, dressed only in a simple white singlet and camouflaged fatigue pants, looked out across the barracks from his office window on the second floor of the main administration building.  The orderly rows of building before him, all drab and nondescript, eventually gave way to the parade ground and then in the father distance, the Mech hangars of 2nd Battalion, partly empty now.

2nd Battalion’s 1st Company and their command lance were off planet now, on their way to mount the first ever combat action of the 2nd Atrean Hussars.  Force Commander Carolyn Romalo was to lead her own lance and two companies of Mechs, one from the 2nd Hussars and one from the Hussars new friends in the 23rd Marik Militia, on a reconnaissance raid on the critically important Lyran world of Hesperus II.  Intelligence had indicated that the garrison had been changed and the LCCC wanted to know what the situation was, as SAFE had been unable to provide sufficient information.

The Colonel was proud that his new unit had been honoured with the difficult task.  More so, when word came from the LCCC earlier that day, to inform him that the 2nd Hussars were now considered a regular rated regiment.  This, more than anything, vindicated the Colonel’s methods and procedures and had initiated some raucous celebrations by those troops off duty that day.

The Colonel also knew that part of the reason for the improvement was the assistance the 23rd Militia had provided in training exercises, both here on Megrez and on the 23rd’s garrison posting of McAffe.  The Colonel had hit it off with the 23rd’s commanding officer, Colonel Adiss Sullivan, from the outset and both men had worked hard to ensure their units were familiar with each other’s procedures and methods.  The two units had also swapped some Mechs and supplies to better round out their TOE’s, with a company of the Hussar’s heavies being swapped for a company of the 23rd’s fast mediums.  It was this company that was now on its way to Hesperus II, with a company of lights from the 23rd and Romalo’s fast heavy command lance as the support unit.

Hudson looked to his right as several rather inebriated NCO’s staggered out of the Sergeants mess, obviously setting the example on how to celebrate your unit’s good fortune in proper style.  Poor Bastards thought Hudson as he looked at the clock hanging on the wall opposite the window.  The clock looked as old as the planet, as did much of the base, but still kept accurate time.  8pm local, six and a half hours until the 23rd’s 1st Battalion lands for the mock assault on Victoria Barracks.  This should surprise a few drunks.  The 2nd was allowing the 23rd to stage a surprise Battalion level assault in order to assist the 23rd in reaching their own regular rating.  Should they be successful on Hesperus II and here on Megrez, the 23rd had every chance of gaining the higher rating.

Hudson was glad the assault was coming now, as the 2nd was showing hints of becoming complacent, something a border garrison should never do.  The midnight assault, still undetected by the 2nd’s own assets, would serve as more than just a wakeup call, it would show Hudson’s men the need for constant vigilance.  Vigilance that Hudson knew would be needed over the coming months, as the few bits of information he could lay his hands on pointed to something big in the works.

It had all started after the belting the 2nd had given to the 4th Oriente Hussars on New Olympia the year before.  The effects of the Affirmation of the Home Defence Act had begun, with many Provincial units flooding home, with less dignity than Lyran Merchant’s Convention.  The LCCC moved quickly to reposition Federal forces, and those Provincial troops whose leaders were playing the long game and allowing then LCCC to maintain control over them.  These units were rushed to vacated border worlds, the 2nd Hussars amongst them, and in normal circumstances things would have ended there.  However, transport assets and supplies were brought forward as well and remained with several commands in forwards positions.  The excuse from the higher ups was to allow rapid reaction along the now less defended borders, but Hudson knew that the borders were at 95% of their pre-move strength, and all of the forward deployed transports and supplies were on the Lyran border.

That was the reason why he continued to work hard with his men, something was coming, and it looked like a major assault into the Commonwealth with the 2nd Hussars being right in the middle of the border.  The fact that the 2nd and 23rd were hitting Hesperus II, and not leaving it to a more experienced unit begged the question, Where the hell were the experienced units?  That was answered the week before, when Colonel Sullivan had informed him of raids by the Border Protectorate’s Iron Guards, the 1st Free Worlds Guards and the 13th and 25th Marik Militia’s, all along the border with the Federation of Skye.

The more he thought about it, the more Hudson became convinced that his unit, like many of the other new formations, had been created for the singular purpose of bringing the Lyran Commonwealth to its knees.  That thought was just fine with the Colonel.
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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2018, 08:57:51 PM »

Chapter 31

Forbidden City, Sian
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation,
28 April, 3024.

Candace Liao looked across the mahogany table, the same table over which she and her sister had last fought.  The table’s deep colour and high polish allowed her to see her own reflection, and that of the others at the table, reflected up at her.  Those reflections showed people that Candace believed were no longer fit to hold such power, yet possessed enough of that power to prevent her taking it from them easily. At the head of the table sat the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, Maximillian Liao, her father.  Maximillian was a gaunt shadow of his former virility; the attempted poisoning of the entire family had hit him the hardest.  Only recently had he had the strength to return to full time duties, though they still taxed him sorely.

To Candace’s left sat the ever pompous and arrogant Senior Colonel Pavel Ridzik, an eternal schemer, whose place as the commander of the Capellan Defence Force was a constant thorn in Candace’s side, especially as he seemed inclined to support her sister Romano against her.  The Colonel, as ever, was turned out in his heavily decorated uniform, his beard neat and trimmed and his general appearance immaculate.

Romano Liao, Candace’s sister and rival for power, was seated to her right. Romano had suffered the effects of the poisoning to a greater extent than Candace had, but not to the extent that their father had suffered.  The event had sent Romano into a descending cycle of paranoia, a paranoia which had seen half the place staff executed and the household guards shot, or exiled to the frontline, before Candace could halt the bloodshed.  The Maskirovka had been unable to determine who had made the attempt, little though it would have mattered, as Romano had blamed Candace and seemed intent on turning her father’s mind down the same path.  Little by little, Romano was succeeding, something that alarmed Candace.  Candace, however, planned to see her sister at the front of an unsupported advance into the Chesterton worlds, where she could earn honor as a martyr for the Capellan state.

Maximillian, his voice a whisper of its former stremgth, a state the doctors said would remain for the rest of his life began, what Candace assumed, would be a fairly straight forward discussion. “Colonel, please advise us all as to how you plan to return the worlds of Chesterton, amongst others, to the Confederation.”

“Certainly, Celestial Paragon.” Began Ridzik.  “My plan is simple, strait forward and bound to bring glory to the office of the Chancellor.” Candace fumed on the inside, YOUR PLAN WORM!?! You and that rat sister of mine took my plan, MY PLAN, and simply modified it.  Your ability to think original thoughts died years ago.  At least I know where you truly stand.

Ridzik talked on, completely unaware of the hatred flowing at him from down the table. “The plan is to be called Operation SUN TZU, and will have as its primary aims the reconquest of the Chesterton Worlds and the cutting off of the Federated Suns from Terra.”

Maximillian beamed like a school child who had just gotten into the chocolate bowl.  “Sun Tzu” he wheezed “Colonel, you choose a most appropriate name for our operation, please continue.”

Ridzik nodded his thanks and moved on with his briefing, pressing a small button on the console before him, which sat under the rim of the table.  A map of all the star systems within 100 light years of Terra began floating above the table, those of the Confederation in green and those of the Federated Suns in orange.

“As you can see, we plan to modify the strike plan the Duchess of St. Ives plans to use for her assaults rimward, modified and improved to accommodate the needs of this larger invasion.” Candace continued to be amazed at the lengths the little man was going to infuriate her. You are ensuring, good Pavel, that when the time comes, I may have to make sure that your lingering end is something I have a personal hand in.

Again, the Colonel continued, unaware of Candace’s thoughts.  “We plan to strip units from the Free Worlds border and reserve areas of the Tikonov, Sarna, and Capella Commonalities, as well as using troops from parts of the Sarna and Tikonov borders with the Federated Suns.  This will provide us with approximately thirty Mech regiments and the requisite supporting forces for an all out assault on Davion’s worlds.  Whilst these units are moving into place, ComStar forces will be moving to protect the border with the Free Worlds League.”

Candace was still impressed by the numbers of units to be employed every time she heard the plan discussed.  Although little better than five Divisions of the old SLDF, thirty regiments was a major portion the Capellan military, and a vast force by modern standards.

“We plan to strike in two initial primary areas,” Ridzik continued, “near Valexa and across the Federated Suns side of the Tikonov and Ronel salients.  These strikes will accomplish several goals for our forces.  Firstly, the assaults on Valexa, Ulan Bator, and Chesterton will deprive the AFFS of its nearest major supply and logistics node as well as placing Confederation troops on the primary target world, a huge moral boost for all units involved.” Candace had to admit that both those actions were necessary. “Secondly, hitting Mirach, New Rhodes, Rio, Angol, Castleton, and Sonnia, will begin the isolation of AFFS forces in the Terran Corridor.”

Maximillian beamed across the table as the target worlds began to glow red. “Colonel, your plan is audacious, how do you plan to follow it up?”

“The second wave of assaults will use forces from our own border, leaving a reserve of forces to deal with Davion counter-attacks, which we assume will materialise once the AFFS understands the full nature of the assaults.” I had to argue for hours to get you to use a reserve you little pig, and now it is another of your wonderful ideas. Still, the reserve will be my ace in the hole. Thought Candace to herself.

Ridzik seemed to be getting into stride as he continued on with his briefing, seeming to believe that by stating these great plans in such a grandiose way, would assure them of success. “This second wave will seek to further isolate advance Davion units by landings on Algot, Mira, Messertim, Basalt, Ruchbah, Huan, and Ankaa.  These assaults will completely isolate the New Aragon salient and every remaining world in the Terran Corridor, as well as establishing a direct link with forces from the DCMS.  A third wave will seek to reduce the worlds of Demeter, Almach, Nopah, Kawich, Deneb Kaitos, and Addicks with the worlds of Halloran V, New Aragon, Northwind, and Caph left for the final wave of assaults.”

The Colonel seemed insufferably pleased with himself once he had finished his presentation.  Both Maximillian and Romano seemed just as happy with the planned assaults as Colonel Ridzik was, both wearing contented smiles. Time to rain on this parade.

“Dear Colonel” began Candace “just how long will each wave of assaults be?”

The Colonel did not even look up as he answered. “Three months, no more, the AFFS will be totally overwhelmed by our attacks.”

Candace smiled. “I believe you will need at least twice that amount of time, in addition to retaining further forces in your reserve, as four regimental groups in reserve is hardly enough.  Additionally, leaving the command world of Addicks in place until wave three is, in my view, a dangerous decision.”

“You coward,” spat Romano, a look of pure hate in her eyes. “You would seek to cut away at the masterful plan Colonel Ridzik and I constructed.  Your jealousy is unbecoming, you wish to see me fail by stripping regiments away and hiding them in your reserve, but I will not let it happen.”

Ah little sister thought Candace your stupidity knows no bounds.  By placing me in the “inferior” position as commander of the reserves, you have assured that you will never see the supplies you need nor the reinforcements required when Hanse Davion shoves the 12th Vegan Rangers down your throat.  Once they finish with you, then and only then, will I ride in to rescue the martyr’s body.  But you are right Romano, the more troops in the reserve; the more powerful will be my latter assaults.

“I merely wish to ensure the long-term viability of our assaults, I would not dream of casting aspersions upon the Colonel’s masterful plan.” Returned Candace. A plan I mostly put together.

Maximillian looked across at Candace, a sheen of sweat on his brow and a dark look in his eyes.  “Enough Candace, you have your own glorious assault to plan and lead, trying to weaken your sisters own glory is demeaning.  Were I stronger, I would lead this assault myself, so you will show Romano the same respect as you would to me.”

Romano beamed a smile of pure triumph and complete insanity at Candace as the meaning of Maximillian’s words struck home.  Romano was now the favourite, Candace the second.

So father, now the lines are clearly drawn.  Apart from my brother, who is of little real use to me at present, you stand with your Colonel and my little sister and any other who would oppose me. Candace continued to mull over the resolution of her father’s favour as Romano fawned over the Chancellor.  Somehow I think this is all well and good. My father’s decision forces me to act quickly and decisively, knowing all the while exactly where I stand.  I command St. Ives father, and you have given me the forces of Sian and your new pet units, as well as putting me in the position to pull the invasion’s strings.  Whilst your two favourites are off trying to get themselves killed, and I am sure I can help there, you will be here on Sian, with little more than my army between you and great celestial beyond.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2018, 04:08:12 AM »

Chapter 32

Imperial City, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine,
28 April, 3024.

The Command centre of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery was quiet, very quiet, as Coordinator Theodore Kurita entered the room and returned the bows of his assembled commanders.  Before him in the wood panelled room were the five Warlords of the Combine, Gunji-no-Kanrei Yorinaga Kurita and his aide, General Ganacheho.  The men were all attired in the dress uniforms of the Combine, as was Theodore, with the black, high collard tunic and trousers with red stripes, denoting each man as a MechWarrior.  Theodore moved to the head of the table, above which floated a map showing the upper half of the Inner Sphere.

To his immediate left, as impassive as always, was the serene presence of Yorinaga Kurita, Gunji-no-Kanrei of the DCMS, a man who Theodore now knew he could entrust any task to.  Yorinaga had overseen the largest expansion in the DCMS since the Star League era.  Eight new regiments of BattleMechs were now on the rolls, along with numerous supporting forces, each of which was a symbol of the new order in the Combine.

Despite the obvious power of the new units and the benefits of their new way of thinking, many within the DCMS were vehemently opposed to the creation of these units and the other reforms that Theodore and Yorinaga had instituted.  One of the most dangerous effects of this outcry was the indignation of the Sword of Light regiments, the traditional avatars of the Coordinator’s will.  Long had Yorinaga and Theodore discussed the means of assuaging the Sword of Light’s Samurai, finally deciding to give them the honour of spearheading the main invasions to come.  The Sword of Light Commanders would be informed of this honour by the Coordinator himself in two weeks, hopefully satisfying their honour.  Both men believed that this would be part, but not all of the solution.  The other part would be the success of the new regiments; something Theodore had complete faith in, due to Yorinaga’s influence.

Next to Yorinaga was his aide, General Ganacheho, a man who was rapidly gaining the respect of both men, through his dedication to both and his ability to identify weaknesses in plans and either eliminate them, or create strengths from them.  The man was quiet spoken and unassuming, but Theodore had learnt over time that Ganacheho could also be a very compassionate man, with deep concerns for those he may order into battle.

To Ganacheho’s left was the first of the assembled Warlords, Ivan Sorenson, Warlord of Rasalhague.  Sorensen had the potential to be the greatest thorn in Theodore’s side, yet the removal of Cherenkoff and Samsonov the previous year had taken the hostile edge of Sorenson.  Sorenson seemed to be working well under the new system Yorinaga had instituted, that of the Warlords working together, not against each other.  He still clung to the older ways, opposing many of the Kanrei’s and the Coordinator’s reforms, but Theodore was happy for the opposition.  Yes men were of no use, and many of the old ways still held value.  Still, the old fox required watching, and that was what the ISF was for.

Next to Sorenson, on his right, was the dark-skinned Warlord of Galedon, Minobu Tetsuhara, the man who was responsible, along with Jamie Wolf, for the remarkable progress of the Ryuken regiments.  Tetsuhara was quickly justifying his elevation to Warlord and Theodore was contemplating his future as a possible Gunji-no-Kanrei, should Yorinaga ever step down.

Next around the table was the old man of the High Command, Warlord of Dieron, Hester Hsiun Chi.  The old man had been invigorated by his assignment from Pesht to the frontline of Dieron and by all accounts was whipping his district into a frenzy with training and inspections, throwing off the malaise that had set in under his predecessor. Theodore smiled inwardly, as he had always believed that his father had wasted the old man’s talents.

Next to Hsiun Chi was Warlord Shotogama of Benjamin.  The narrow-faced man had, like Sorenson, flourished under Yorinaga’s style of leadership and his position in the coming war would be crucial, as he marshalled the reserves and resources of the Combine.  In the past, this would have been a great dishonour, but in the current climate, each Warlord knew his success relied on Shotogama, and each accorded him all the respect due a front-line commander.

The last man, to Theodore’s right, was the new Warlord of Pesht, the man who would assist Sorenson in his assaults into the Tamar Pact.  Warlord Markt, was as always, turned out to perfection, no mean feat amongst the men assembled, as all looked like pictures of military precision.  The Warlord had brought the same attention to detail to his running of the Pesht district, cutting away at the sluggishness that sometimes took over that least threatened of commands.

Theodore breathed deeply before beginning.  “Thank you all for your attendance here today, I know your efforts on the Combine’s behalf have been unceasing and stand as an example to all Samurai of what duty truly means.  Please, Kanrei, I do not wish to keep you or your dedicated commanders too long, as there is much I know you mean to accomplish, so if you would please provide the general details of the plan for the assault on our foes.”

Yorinaga bowed deeply before beginning. “Coordinator, you honour our meagre efforts on the Dragon’s behalf far too greatly.  We merely carry out your instructions in the way we would assume the Dragon itself would.  However, as we know the Dragon’s time is precious, we will provide our plan in its current form.”

Theodore nodded, deeply thankful that the man before him commanded his armies. How stupid you were to discard this man father, he is the future of the Combine.

Yorinaga began. “The overall plan consists of three separate operations, striking at four places along our border.  The strike into the Lyran Commonwealth’s Tamar Pact is Operation URIZEN, commanded by Warlord Sorenson and aided by Warlord Markt.  This assault will begin in January 3025 and be launched in conjunction with the attack on the Galedon Thumb.”  Two sets of arrows moved out from the red worlds, denoting the Draconis Combine, on the map, one into the blue of the Lyran Commonwealth and the other into the orange of the Federated Suns.

“This second assault with be commanded by Warlord Tetsuhara and is designated Operation SHIRO.  I will take up station on Galedon to give the perception that this is the main assault in to the Federated Suns.”

Theodore nodded. “Yes, we must convince the Fox that we intended to drive on New Avalon.  Will the Dragoon’s be involved at all and what of your final thoughts on Tamar?”

Yorinaga looked to Tetsuhara and nodded. The man bowed to the Coordinator before beginning. “We believe it necessary to involve the Dragoons to get Davion’s full attention.  However, we need to be able to rapidly shift the Dragoons towards Terra when the time comes.  To that end, Alpha Regiment, along with Zeta Battalion and the Black Widows, will accompany the first strikes.  They will be withdrawn in late February and made ready for the later assaults.”

Yorinaga then turned to Sorenson, who took up the narrative. “We have decided against an assault on Tamar, unless the LCAF defence falls apart completely.  The aim of Operation URIZEN was never to gain great amounts of territory, only to occupy the LCAF.  Attacking Tamar would incite the entire region against us and possibly over extend the attacks.  It is with this in mind that we will leave Tamar alone, unless we achieve an overwhelming advantage in the region.”

Theodore nodded again. “Very well, your reasoning seems sound.  Will the Dragoons have time to make Terra with such a late departure?”

Yorinaga answered. “Not normally, no.  However, with the additional transport assets at hand, we will be able to shift the rapidly towards Terra and have them in place no later than May 27th.”

“Very well.  And the main assaults?”

Yorinaga looked towards Warlord Hsiun Chi who bowed deeply before speaking. “Coordinator, in July 3025, units from the Pesht, Benjamin, and Dieron Districts, assisted by the regiments of Wolf’s Dragoons, will strike into both the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth as part of Operation NOBUNAGA.  Their primary task will be to link up with forces from the Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League, cutting off the F-C troops near Terra and then annihilating them one world at a time.”

Above the table, the map showed the 150-light year lateral movement of the Dragoon’s forces and then the movement of DCMS forces into the territory of its enemies.

The old Warlord continued. “Our first strikes are aimed at meeting with our allies and as such will hit the worlds of Galatea and Ozawa in the Federated Suns and Skondia, Alkalukrops, and Nusakan in the Lyran Commonwealth.”

Theodore looked across at Yorinaga. “This will not seal off the allied forces completely.”

“No Coordinator.  We do not have the forces or logistics for the full set of assaults, we have also planned for the worst-case scenario, with many troops tied up on Galedon and Tamar under F-C counter-attacks.  We have allowed for accelerations to the timetable if they can be managed.”

Theodore nodded to the Kanrei. As always you plan for the future, leaving nothing to chance, I should not have questioned you.

Hsiun chi continued on. “The second wave will fully seal the meeting with our allies, with strikes on the Davion worlds of Helen and Towne and the Steiner worlds of Lyons, Galatea, and Zebebelganubi.  Our third wave will begin the reduction of the remaining troops of both realms with the AFFS being hit on Quentin and Errai and the LCAF on Summer, Menkent, and Zolikofen.  The final wave will see the Suns hit on Staffel and Formahault and the Commonwealth on Rigil Kentaurus, Murphid, and Skye.  This last world will be struck to take pressure off the Marik drive on Hesperus, though we do not plan to be able to hold it.”

Theodore was impressed, by both the audacity and the overall simplicity of the plan.  Should it succeed, the Combine would be safe for at least a decade and be the paramount power in the Inner Sphere.  Yet Theodore had one more question. “What of ComStar.  What happens when they finally betray us?”

Warlord Shotogama looked at the Coordinator, asking the question on every man’s lips. “Why would ComStar betray us?”

“Because they are ComStar.” Said Theodore. “And it is their nature to betray.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2018, 08:58:22 PM »

Chapter 33

LCCC HQ, Marik.
Marik Commonwealth, Free Worlds League
28 April, 3024.

Janos Marik sipped his tea, made the way he liked it, weak, sugary and full of milk.  Most others gagged when drinking his tea, Thomas calling it warm, milky sugar water, which was pretty close to the mark.  Still, Janos liked it, and it helped him think during long meetings like this one.  He placed his tall mug, chipped, cracked and batted from over thirty years of use – he would drink from no other if at all possible – down on the stone table top.  The Minister for Defence, busily writing notes, looked up as Janos put his mug down.  “I am sorry Captain-General, I missed what you just said.”

“We need to revise the general plan, now that we have hammered out most of the finer points.  I want the picture of our efforts clear in everyone’s heads before we move on.” Said Janos.

“Certainly Captain-General, I am sure the Marshall of Dieudonne would be most suited for that.”  The ever-harassed looking Minister indicated to the portly Marshall of Dieudonne, Everett Franks, a man who looked every inch the General gone to seed.  That may have been the case, and Frank’s days of getting in a Mech were long past, but his acumen for strategic planning was undiminished.

Marshal Franks, rubbing his ever-red nose, no doubt gained from enjoying a few too many fine brandies, a few too many times, and looked around the room to assure he held everyone’s attention.  Apart from the Minister for Defence, who was still scribbling notes, the other members of the High Command were all ears.  Included in the group were the other four Marshalls of the Military Commands: Marshall Lisa Topfer of Sterling Command; Marshall Michael Svikis of Kendall Command; Marshall Rudolf Salt of Holt Command; and Marshall Tamara Olafson of Granera Command.  Due to the restructuring of the League forces, following the recent Acts of Parliament, the command centres of all but Dieudonne had moved, with the lines of control between the commands being redrawn.  In addition to the Marshalls, also present were the permanent members of the League Central Coordination and Command body, the LCCC: General Akita Hayashi, Director of Military Intelligence, the man who would also be responsible for overall intelligence distribution and analysis as well as integrating captured worlds back into the League; General Adeline Simmons, Quartermaster General, a person for whom Christmas had come early due to the influx of ComStar supplies; General Iasa Toeava, Chief Armourer, the man who was trying to coax a little more production from League facilities for the upcoming war; General Sarah Topfer, Lisa’s twin sister who, as Occupation Liaison Officer, would work closely with General Hayashi to integrate captured worlds into the League; and General Frederick Sohel, Government Liaison Officer, who would work with the Defence Minister to get the plan approved by Parliament.

Once Franks had everyone’s undivided attention he began his summing up of the discussion so far in his deep drawl.  “As of January One, Three Thousand and Twenty Five, our troops will launch Operation THRESHER, under command of Marshall Topfer, with the express intention of misdirecting Lyran forces from our planned major strike into the Federation of Skye.  Eight BattleMech Regiments, with three more in reserve, and twenty-one total conventional Brigades, supported by twenty Aerospace Wings, will strike at eight worlds in the triangle of Pecander-Cavanaugh II-Bolan in two waves.  This attack is designed to pull significant Lyran reserves onto itself, in an effort to tie them up for at least the remainder of 3025. We believe that Lyran front line forces are not overly strong, and their strength rests in their reserves. The main assault formation will consist of forces already on the border, or close to it, in the form of the 2nd and 6th Free Worlds Guards, 1st, 3rd, and 5th Fusiliers of Oriente, 1st Oriente Hussars, and the Mercenary units Caesar’s Cohorts and Clifton’s Rangers.  Reserve forces will consist of a formation under the command of Marshall Svikis, with Mech regiments from his own command, in the form of the 5th Oriente Hussars, and the 2nd and 3rd Atrean Dragoons, along with several of the above mentioned conventional Brigades for garrison of captured worlds.”

It seemed to Janos that the rotund Marshall had said the entire spiel in one breath, just as Janos noticed that he had held his own for some considerable time whilst listening.  Smiling, Janos addressed the Marshall. “Thank you for the summary of THRESHER, Marshall Franks, if you could summarise GARIBALDI for us as well, it would be greatly appreciated, perhaps leaving out unit assignments, for brevity?”

The Marshall nodded, his jowls shaking. “Certainly Captain-General, it would be my pleasure.  From July One, Three Thousand and Twenty Five, our main attack against the Lyrans with go in, under the overall Command of myself as Marshall of Dieudonne and Marshall Salt, commanding the strategic reserve.  Fifteen regiments of BattleMechs, largely drawn from the existing reserve and the Capellan border will materialise in the Lyran systems of Solaris, Zaniah, Phecada, Gacrux, and Wyatt, creating a base for second wave attacks and securing several important systems.” The Marshall paused before continuing. “I must apologise Captain-General, but I must again voice my opposition to the assault on Solaris. The world is effectively neutral and the negative publicity we will take following any attack will not be in our best interests.  Besides, if those crazy eyed gladiators all decide they don’t like us much, there’ll be right hell to pay.”

Janos looked across at the elder man, knowing full well his concerns, but still knowing that the necessity of neutralising the Lyran forces on Solaris was critical. “Marshall, I understand your concerns, but we must drive off the 10th Skye Rangers and 32nd Lyran Guards or they will be in position to threaten our flank.”

The old Marshall’s shoulders slumped a little. “As you say Captain-General, I merely feel it is my sworn duty to speak up when conscience demands it.”

Janos smiled at the man. “Thank you Marshall, that’s why you are here. Please continue.”

The old Marshall, as if no break had occurred, launched straight back into his narrative of the operation. “Second Wave targets will be struck by later arriving units of the Capellan Front and will land, on what we hope to be, less defended worlds in the interior of the Skye Province, effecting a link up with Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery Regiments.  The Skye worlds we plan to occupy in this wave are to be Milton, Alchiba, Cor Caroli, Alcor, and Videmiatrix.  This, our second invasion wave, can undertake operations at any date from October Thirty One.  Following the completion of our Second Wave, First Wave units will affect a leap frog movement over the newly won worlds and begin the subjugation of the planets of Zavijava, Lipton, Alioth, Mizar, and Algorab, starting sometime after February 3026.  The final assault, our projected Wave Four, beginning around June that same year, will attempt to take Chara, Thorin, New Earth, and Caledonia, the last as the jumping off point for the assault on the real prize: Hesperus II.”

Janos felt the chill that always came when that world, Hesperus II, was mentioned.  That single world produced nearly as many BattleMechs as two thirds of the total Free World’s production.  Multitudes of FWLM and DCMS soldiers had their graves on that world, lost in over a dozen assaults.  This time would be different, the LCAF would be overloaded and the FWLM would land a massive assault force to finally cripple the Commonwealth.

The Marshall of Holt, Michael Salt, a large man with a bald head and fierce look, had a further question for the Marshall of Dieudonne. “What of the reserve, where will they come from? I don’t see how we can hold a reserve and still mount these assaults.”

The Old Marshall smiled. “I think our Captain-General has something to help there.”

Janos did, and it was precious, almost as satisfying as the coup he and Thomas had pulled off the year before. “Gentlemen and Ladies, as you know, the Affirmation of the Home Defence Act has allowed the industrialised Provinces that exist well within the borders of the League to horde their considerable military forces with little risk of committing them to battle, namely Regulus and Gibson.  The Province of Andurien will soon be cosponsoring a Bill with Oriente, which demands the use of 40% of these forces at all times by the League and 80% under situations of duress for the League, that duress determined by Parliament.   Marik, Stewart, Graham-Marik and all the other “protected Provinces” are mentioned in the Bill.  Most of these however, apart from Stewart, have left their mainline formations under control of the LCCC, seeking to curry favour with the office of the Captain-General, in the face of the concentration of the larger Province’s power.  The Bill will be introduced this week, Marik will support it, as will many of our allies and, I expect, all the Border States.  For once, Andurien has done us a great favour, and given us legal access to the BattleMech forces of Regulus and Stewart and the support forces of the other interior Provinces.  I am sure Parliament will call the coming invasions a time of “Duress”, in fact, I will see to it that they do.  With that duress, and the few other reserves at hand, we will have from five to eight BattleMech regiments in reserve for use anywhere in the League.  Oriente and Andurien can hold down the Capellan border as needed, but that is likely unnecessary in the short term.

The conversation that greeted the Captain-General’s announcement was positive and continued for some time, as the Marshalls and General discussed the implications of the new-found ability of their group to direct the full might of the Free Worlds League against their ancient foe, something that had, for many years, been impossible.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2018, 05:31:04 AM »

Chapter 34

The Triad, Tharkad.
Protectorate of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth
15 May, 3024.

Katrina Steiner twisted the pawn in her fingers as she stared at the chessboard before here, the small piece, cut in the image of the premiere Lyran light Mech, the Commando, spun effortlessly as she focused on defeating here General of the Armies.  She was taking, to put no small emphasis on the point, a complete hiding.  Edward Regis, as always, was able to think many more moves in front of Katrina and was mercilessly hounding her into a position where check mate would be called.  It’s too hard to concentrate with the news I keep receiving.  Marik raids all along the border, the Oberon Confederation undertaking a sudden surge of empire building, although at least they have rid us Ryan and those other cut throats in the region, the Combine revitalised and even Hanse beginning to worry at the signs.

“A Kroner for your thoughts Archon?” said the General, in his slow measured speech, as he reached out smiling to remove yet another of her pieces from the board.  Despite the smile, Edward still looked basset hound sad, he always did, his heavy features and beard making him seem to carry the weight of the universe on his shoulders.

Katrina put the piece down, next to the few others she had managed to take from her General and pushed her chair back from the table, stretching her neck from side to side to loosen it.  “I fear for the Commonwealth Edward.  Too much is beginning to swirl too quickly around us.  At times I even think this all may be due to my own actions.”

The General removed his own hand from next to the board and reached for his crystal glass, full of spicy green ginger wine, taking a sip of the warming drink before answering.  “You think, that by your Peace Proposal, you have forced the other powers into actions that will eventually lead to great pain and suffering for the Lyran people?”

Katrina felt the pang of guilt that always struck with that thought. What if I have brought this war on my people?  “Edward, my actions in the proposal and then acceptance of Hanse’s offer have galvanised our enemies, and if Quintus and Simon Johnson are correct, may have antagonised ComStar.  The new Primus is no friend of ours; she has openly stated in the past that she detests our attitude to her order.  My actions would not be the first time in history that good intentions have led to catastrophe.”

The General placed his glass down, thinking for a moment before answering.  “I think you overestimate our enemy’s abilities and motivations.  Yes, I agree that matters are proceeding faster than we thought they might, no one really expected another major round of conflict before 3030.  That may still end up being the case, but I am now inclined to believe we will see action in the 3026-3027 time frame.  However, our enemies would have struck out regardless of your actions; they always have and always will.  We can be thankful that we have the time we do to prepare. There is also the fact that, come what may, the LCAF is improving daily and the Lyran State cannot be out produced in the long term.  Davion will occupy Kurita and one point or another and Liao and Marik will fall to fighting at some stage, both points are givens, we merely have to weather the storm until then, something the Commonwealth has proven adept at doing in the past.  Besides, our recent hiring’s in the mercenary halls give me confidence that we will have the reserves we need to meet any expected attacks.”

Katrina reached for her own glass, enjoying the feel of the sweet, spicy, yet smooth taste of the wine.  She thought for a few moments before responding.  “You are far too kind at times General.  Still, I must agree with your analysis, apart from the mercenary situation.  Intelligence says that the other states have also begun hiring extra units, so we break even there.  What are your thoughts on the Oberon situation?”

The Oberon Confederation, long a source of pirate raids on the Commonwealth, had legitimised itself in recent times and had suddenly taken to crushing the nearby pirate bands over the last year and a half. The General chuckled.  “I never thought I would praise former pirate, but old Grimm and his band have done for us that which we have tried to do for decades.  The assaults on Butte Hold and Last Chance seemed opportunistic, but the follow up strikes on Star’s End and Gotterdammerung, though very costly, showed an appreciation for large scale operations we never thought possible from them.  Apart from opening the Elysian Fields to some pretty savage raids from Santander, Grimm now has the shipyards from Star’s End and seven new worlds as part of the Confederation, as well as having gotten rid of three major pirate bands.  Talk is he is looking at Von Strang’s World and a punitive expedition to Santander V for a little payback.  The thing that interests me the most is the number of conventional mercenary commands that were hired an integrated into the Oberon Guards along with planetary militia forces, giving them the ability to hold what they took.  More importantly, if the LIC is right, they are producing tanks on Oberon and have eventual designs on the Chainlaine Isles.  If all this is true, we have a small successor to the Rim Worlds arising on or border.”

“Hmmm.” Was the only response at first from Katrina. “That’s all well and good but what I really meant was how it fits into the larger picture.  We are getting reports of conflict right across the Periphery, nothing major, but enough to make me think something else is at play.”

“ComStar?” asked the General

“They are the only ones with the reach and influence.”

“Why.  They detest the Periphery, what purpose does it serve.”

“That I wish I knew.  However, I am more than willing to interfere with them, if they are responsible, to the Commonwealth’s benefit.”

The General sat back a little in his chair. “If you wish to destabilise the Confederation, that’s something best discussed with the LIC, not the General Staff.”

Katrina eyes took on a glint and her voice hardened.  “Quite the opposite Edward, I want to provide any assistance we can to the noble people of Oberon who have acted in the best interests of all, by securing the safety of the Coreward border.  We will offer assistance funding, technical support, and exercises between our forces.  We will legitimise them and at the same time bind them to us economically.  They will be haemorrhaging funds from their campaigns and will take anything we offer.  Having a secure Coreward flank will be in the LCAF’s best interests as well.”

The General leaned his head slightly to one side, raising an eyebrow. “Do you think they will bite.”

“I will make sure that they do.  Everyone has their price.”  Both sat for a moment, thinking on the implications of what a nominally allied Oberon would mean, before Katrina asked a second question.  “What of my request for information regarding permanent transport assets for the strategic reserve?”

The plan was to provide the LCAF with the ability to throw nearly every major Mech unit and its supporting formations, from the Alarion, Donegal, and Coventry Provinces, into the frontline within six months of a major war breaking out.  The plan was ambitious, but Katrina believed it was absolutely necessary.

The General’s voice took on a deep serious note.  “It can be done, but will tie up 75% of the spare transport capacity of the LCAF.  Should a strong enemy attack evolve, units would be stranded on several worlds and we may have to make a choice between local counter-attacks or withdrawing forces, not both.”

“Do it then.  Also have plans drawn up for those units to respond when and if needed.  Units under threat of destruction on the border are to be given priority in any assault.  They will pull back, link up with local reserves, and hold the line until the main reserve can mount a full-strength counter attack.  Also, update any plans for the uptake of civilian vessels.  I don’t want to touch them unless it becomes a necessity, but plan for the worst, just in case.”

“By your tone I expect you do not wish to be talked out of this?” The General stated, looking grim.

“No.  I know this will tie us to a responsive strategy, but as our enemies have aligned themselves against us and we lack the strength for an effective pre-emptive strike, I see no alternatives.”  In order to bring the conversation to a close, Katrina leaned back in over the board. “Now to see if I can finally defeat you at this infernal game.”
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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2018, 08:55:11 PM »

Chapter 35

Zenith Jump Point, Hood IV,
Main Street Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth.
6 June, 3024.

Villius Tejh looked out of the forward view port of the Dropship Explorer’s Rest towards his destination, the Explorer Corps JumpShip Outward Hope.  Villius was, strangely enough, quite happy to be joining the Explorer Corps.  His stress levels since his departure from the First Circuit had been reduced to almost nil and he had been able to no longer dabble in his true passion, but actively pursue it. 

Villius was an astrophysicist by training, something he had earned a Doctorate in before called to join the ComStar Order.  Ever since the day he began to follow Blake’s true path, he had made sure he kept himself aware of the advances and studies of his field.  This made the banishment to the Explorer Corps more of a return home, as he had spent three years aboard the CSS Stellar Grace early in his ComStar career as a junior science officer.

His former rank as a Precentor of the First Circuit was a boon in his new posting as well, making his appointment as anything less than a mission commander an insult to his rank and experience.  This put him on par with the DropShip and JumpShip Captains and entitled him to his own, quite well appointed, cabin.  He had enjoyed the company of the DropShip Captain, Alexis Savarov, as the man had none of the pretensions and arrogance of his former peers in the First Circuit. Savarov simply lived his work and enjoyed it immensely, which made a very refreshing change for Villius.  Yes, he could well come to call the man a good friend one day.  He was not looking forwards to meeting the Captain of the Outward Hope, that man seemed like a taciturn and altogether difficult person to deal with, if his communications with Savarov were any indication of his temperament.

The DropShip slowed to a crawl as it made its final docking manoeuvres, Savarov and Captain Breton of the Hope constantly talking as the docking continued.  As the ships finally connected and the docking collar was secured, Villius unbuckled himself from his seat, bid Savarov a good day and good job, and floated out of the bridge and into the corridor, where he activated his magnetic boots and began the walk to the elevators.  The walk took him past one of the mandated posters that the new Primus, his old rival Myndo Waterly, had ordered placed in most areas of all ships, one that spelled out the future glory of the order and the eventual triumph of Blake’s will.

It all rang a little hollow for Villius, believing as he did that her path was going to lead the order to destruction.  Villius saw three possibilities arising form that madwoman’s ascent to the office of the Primus.  Firstly, she would antagonise the Inner Sphere powers to such an extent that they would threaten the Order, allowing her to increase her powers and use her new military toy against them becoming, in effect, that what Jerome Blake totally forbid: a new Successor Lord.  It would fit her god complex personality. Now that she controlled ComStar she would feel it was not enough and strike out to gain more power.

A second path was similar to the first, but she would overreach and the decadent Successor Lords would fall on the Order and Terra, despite the new military that was being built, and the Order would be erased from history.  This was the most likely path that Villius could surmise; he just did not see how the aggravation of the Successor States could work out the other way successfully in most instances.

The third possibility was one he did not think Waterly, or any of the First Circuit saw.  Villius did though, and it frightened him all the more, because it would be so simple to execute.  Execute being the appropriate word, for that is what would happen to ComStar should it ever come to pass, executed swiftly and suddenly.  Hamilton, the man was a Janus, he held two faces, but most dismissed him as an honest and straight forward military man of little ambition.  Ambition there might not be, but the man had honour and a deep belief in what was right and more importantly, what was right for Terra.  Should Waterly threaten Terra in any way, the new ComGuards, dawn largely from the Terran system would, in Villius’s view, be unleashed on ComStar in a heartbeat.  It was this that kept him up at night thinking, this and his former colleague’s dismissal of it as the fear of an old man over simple change.  However it turned out, it would not really matter, Villius would be gone for five years and if all things went to plan, be left on a world of his choosing, never to return.

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2018, 09:10:42 PM »

Chapter 36

Selldon Valley, Hesperus II
Rhaneshire, Lyran Commonwealth.
15 June, 3024.

Dan Allard concentrated as hard as he could as the broken and distorted radio chatter from his Battalion’s Third Company came over his Mech’s speakers.  It was difficult to make out, due to the broken a highly ferrous terrain at the north end of the Selldon Valley, but the general picture was slowly improving.  Dan’s Battalion, now known among the Kell Hounds as Dan’s Dingos, after a particularly off-colour joke when one of his men stole the 15th Lyran Guards Tank Commander’s ride, which he often referred to as his baby, had been hunting two Marik companies for a week now.

The two light/medium companies had dropped out of what were thought to be inbound merchant Mech transports, before the two ships turned and fled to a pre-determined pirate point for a pick up, essentially stranding the two companies.  Ever since then, the Kell Hounds had been out hunting, whilst the two slower Lyran units formed a ring around the Defiance and N&D complexes that no raider could possibly get through.

The three Kell Hounds Battalions had been out hunting in the barren and bare badlands of the upper Selldon Valley trying, it would seem vainly, for the last three weeks, to hunt the bandits down.  No matter what the Hounds tried, the two Marik companies just kept vanishing into the landscape, although that was not as hard as it sounded.  The terrain was akin to a coral garden made of rock, making long range visuals difficult.  Additionally, dust storms of varying intensity had been blowing for a month now, making aerial surveillance next to useless as well.  All the iron in the rock also made other Mech sensors degrade, as well as interfering with communications.  All in all, in was a hunter’s hell.  Only three times had the Marik Mechs been engaged, and each time the contact had lasted less than two minutes and no one had managed decent hits on either side.  Until now.

Fifteen minutes ago, as Dan’s Third Company, sweeping up a valley, two over from his own company’s assigned valley, was hit in the right flank by one of the Marik companies, whilst the second Marik company hit them head on.  Dan’s light third company had crumpled and began calling for assistance.  By the time Second Company, in their heavy Mechs could get over the ridge, five Mechs were down with no kills on the Marik forces.  As Second Company began to engage at long range, the Marik units began a rapid fighting withdrawal, with what was left of Third Company trying to outflank them along the ridge to the west once they regrouped and recovered, leaving the Marik Mechs with a fair head start.  Both Kell Hound companies were driving north, towards the head of the small valley.  Dan marched his own First Company, which was backed by his Command Lance into the valley vacated by Second Company and began moving north at pace, to try and get over the head of this valley and into the Marik force’s rear.  If they moved fast enough, they would be able to deal the Marik units severe damage.

Dan’s sixteen Mechs began to crest the head of the valley, and turned north west to cross over a small plateau, that sat below a much larger flat area, three hundred meters up a moderate slope to the north. The Marik Mechs were heading for the western slope to try and gain the higher ground and Dan was moving to prevent that by blocking the head of the valley they were retreating up.

Dan moved his force out with his heavy Lance on the right, to the south with its two Griffin’s, an Archer and a Quickdraw, the centre held by the medium lance of a Phoenix Hawk, an Enforcer, a Vindicator and a Wolverine and the left held by the light Lance with its Panther, two Stingers and a Commando.  His own Command Lance was in the centre, behind the medium Lance and consisted of two more Phoenix Hawks, a Thunderbolt and his own brand new, shiny Wolfhound.

The Mech had been given to him by Morgan, one of the twelve “Marketer Mechs” that the regiment had received.  Katrina Steiner had assigned four of the new Mechs to the Kell Hounds, straight from the TharHes factories on Tharkad, as a sweetener for the “boring” garrison duty they would undertake on Hesperus II.  All four were in Dan’s battalion, one was his own, and all three lance commanders in Third Company had one.  From what he could gather, all were still up and fighting, elegant testimony to the design. 

The Wolfhounds were not the only bonus the Hounds had received, Defiance Industries, getting on the PR bandwagon, had assigned four Hatchetmen to the Hounds, all now in second Battalion, as well as the new stars of the regiment: Four new model BNC-3S Banshee Assault Mechs.  These monsters were in a single lance and would form the point of any major assault the regiment made from now on.  These new toys had softened the boredom somewhat, until the Marik raiders landed, and now they were earning their keep.

Dan’s light lance continued to pull ahead on the left, as the heavies on the right fell behind.  If it all went as Dan planned, they would seal off the top of the pass, from west to east all at once, with the lights to the western end.  The lights were seven hundred meters ahead when the silhouette of Kyle Danison’s Commando disintegrated in a fire ball as the dust to its left, from the higher ground to the north, lit up.  Seconds later, and with cries of distress from their pilots, one of the Stingers lost a leg and the Panther was decapitated by a PPC bolt.  The other Stinger’s icon vanished of his scope as seconds later his sensors registered four heavy Mechs coming down the slope, five hundred meters to his left.  Oh god, we’re in trouble. He thought. Two Marauders, a Warhammer, and an Orion were bringing their guns to bear on the rest of his company as his sensors showed the Marik lights and mediums only two kilometres away and closing.  His own forces were five kilometres behind them and not close enough to provide any sort of assistance in the dusty murk.

“Second Lance move left, command lance on their left and move.  Third lance, fire support now!”  The two lighter lances of Dan’s reduced command moved north on his command, to avoid getting caught between both Marik forces, as the heavies began raining missiles down on the four Marik Mechs that had ambushed them.  The big machines were beginning to retreat uphill as their lighter cousins began streaming up the slope to their rear, firing their PPC’s and other heavy weapons to ensure their compatriots were left unmolested.

Dan led his command lance up the hill to the enemy’s own right flank, trying to get behind the big Mechs and force them to disengage from the other two lances.  As he came parallel with their position at the crest of the ridge he was navigating, both Marauders fired their twin PPC’s at his Mech. At the most inopportune moment, as he negotiated the narrow ridge, all four struck, one hitting his cockpit.  The last thing he could remember was seeing bright blue and then feeling like he was flying. 

*****     *****      *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     

Dan awoke three hours later in a hospital bed, sore and battered, but alive and also very ashamed.  His first action as a Battalion commander was a disaster.  Eleven Mechs down, four pilots dead, and only two kills to show for it.  Third Battalion would be down for weeks and the rumours about his abilities as a Major would only get darker.  Too make matters worse, the Marik units would be picked up a day later and make it out of the system unmolested.  The first blows of the war to come had been struck and both sides knew who had drawn first blood.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 2: A Gathering of Spite
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2018, 05:51:53 AM »

Chapter 37

Forbidden City, Sian
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation,
25 July, 3024.

Candace waited, she could afford to, the decision had been made.  Not that it was an easy decision to make, they never were.  However, she was sworn to the future of her line and to the Confederation.  In the end, that was all that really mattered, even if it meant her life, or those of any other, no matter how important or insignificant they were.  She fingered the ebony box on the table in front of her, it plain edges smooth and cool, with only the latch at the box’s front marring the simple perfection of its construction.  She tuned back in to the conversation again, suppressing the small bout of butterflies that flipped her inside her. Calm, utter calm and focus or the Confederation dies today.  Candace had kept repeating that phrase to herself all morning.  It helped where little else did.

Romano was belabouring the point.  Nothing new there of course, but it was not the best day for such histrionics, Candace was thoroughly sick of them. Time to bait the little bitch again, just to be sure, to know this was the right decision.

“Father” exclaimed Romano “Candace does not need these pets of hers all under her control.  She is just a distraction, bait in a trap.  Why waste resources on bait.  Those new troops should be placed under my command for the true assault into Chesterton, which will bring honour and glory to your name.”

You really are pathetic, aren’t you sister? Thought Candace before she responded.  “Dear Romano, are your talents as a commander so insignificant, that you cannot use the mass of troops provided to you already to accomplish your goals?  You call my attack bait, perhaps it is, but a handful of regiments striking from St. Ives will not attract Davion’s attention. He needs to think I am coming for New Syrtis, otherwise he will not react and neither assault will be successful.”

“I am a commander of Liao blood!” Screamed Romano,” By birth I am a leader and great commander.  You have no idea of the insights the training of my people provides me. We see all and we see far and I see in your attempts to create a private army a threat that the Confederation cannot bear.  Obviously you do not have the skill to orchestrate the attacks assigned to you.  I suggest father replace you with someone who has the abilities our troops demand of their generals.”

Maximillian, still frail nodded his head, his long moustache wiggling. “Romano speaks many truths Candace and I wish for my new soldiers to be part of the glorious strike into Chesterton.  You will assign four of these regiments to Romano and replace them with mercenary troops.  Our recruiters have been most successful in gaining the services of several unemployed and newly formed commands.”

So that is how it stands is it father, I truly am lost in your eyes?  This is a dark day for the Confederation, one I must bring enlightenment to.

“You would have me replace troops that have trained for their role for over a year with a pack of half trained Mercs.  Davion will see through the ruse and watch the forces mass on Sarna and Tikonov and know where our blow will fall.  You will be lucky to get near Chesterton, or any other world for that matter. You throw away every single advantage we have.”  Candace voice was raised by the time she finished, her frustration finally beginning to show, frustration built up over a year as her plans were usurped and were now threatened with abject failure.

“Daughter” Maximillian said in a flat emotionless voice “Obviously you have lost your faith in your father’s strategic acumen.  This is a great disappointment to me and reinforces my need to rely on your sister for advice and support.  You will return to Hexare and send four regiments to Sarna, hiring what mercenaries you see fit to replace them.  However, Master Yadi will accompany you as an advisor, to ensure the success of your operations.  I will not have you jeopardise our plans or those of Pavel and Romano.”  Both Pavel Ridzik and Romano looked smugly satisfied at this turn of events, knowing full well that Candace’s humbling fed power to their own positions.

Father you now leave me no options.  The Confederation must survive.

Candace stood, her uniform hugging her tightly, and her hair bound up, both to ensure her movements would not be impeded.  “If that is the will of the Chancellor, so be it, I am a loyal servant of the Confederation and will do what I must to serve the greater good of our people.”  Maximillian gave her a small smile, acknowledging her humble acceptance of his orders.  “There is one thing remaining before I leave father, something I mentioned on arriving here this morning, the gift from your new regiments.”

Maximillian’s eyes lit up. “Ah yes, I had nearly forgotten.  Please, what is this gift from my great creation?”

Candace slid her hand down to the latch of the box, flipping it and opening the dark container as she smiled at Romano, enjoying the fact that her sister was angry about their father’s sudden happiness with Candace.  Candace drew from the box the most beautiful firearm she had ever seen, a heavy-set pistol with a highly polished platinum finish, hand made by the finest craftsmen of the Confederation.  The grip of the weapon was of jade, showing the map of the Confederation at its greatest extents, the banner of the Chancellors Grenadiers, with the homeworlds of each regiment and of Sian picked out on both sides of the grip in precious stones.  A golden Liao crest was emblazoned on each side of the barrel, finishing what was a stunning piece of military art.

Candace began walking around the table, cradling the gun in both hands, the grip facing towards her father.  “This was payed for by your Grenadiers father, in honour of their dedication to the Capellan people and their willingness to let no obstacle stand in the way of the people’s safety.”

As Candace passed behind Colonel Ridzik, she quickly shifted the gun into her right hand, stopped moving forward and swung her arm out, bringing the gun in line with the back of Rizdik’s skull.  She pulled the trigger and the gun leapt in her hand, barking out a great roar as it fired.  The Colonels face disappeared is a spray of red mist, as pieces of what had once been the commander of the Capellan forces splattered all over Romano. The bullet, travelling downwards, smashed through the table and into the floor, wrecking the holo projector and shorting it out.

Without any hint of emotion, Candace quickly swung the weapon around to point at her father.  However, on the inside she was twisted. Thoughts of what she was about to do screaming at her to stop, but stopping now was not an option.  Maximillian had pushed back from the table, his hands still resting on its surface as his eyes looked into Candace’s.  “I am sorry father, know always that I love you, I always have and will, but I cannot allow you to destroy our people.”  Maximillian said nothing, obviously still shocked by the sudden death of the Colonel.

Candace lowered the gun to point at her father’s chest, destroying his face, like she did Rizdik’s, was not something she could bring herself to do.  As she began to pull the trigger, she shut her eyes, not wanting to see the effect of her actions on her father’s body. She was also concentrating the on shutting out the screaming in her mind, screaming that was telling her to stop.  She did not stop.  She fired three times in rapid succession.  Her were eyes closed the entire time. And that nearly killed her.

As her eyes opened she heard Romano shriek, catching, in her peripheral vision, a fast-moving shape, causing her to duck instinctively.  The jade carving clipped her across the top of her head, had it struck true, she could have been knocked unconscious.  Pain exploded in her skull as she cursed herself and refocused, the pain giving her something to block out the thought of what she had just done.  This one is for pleasure little sister.

Romano, having tumbled away from the table as she was hit by the remains of Ridzik, had moved to her feet as Candace shot their father, grabbing at the carvings on the table top and hurling the first of the two she had grabbed just as Candace opened her eyes.   The second was cocked and ready and she let fly with it.  Candace was ready this time and easily dodged it, razing the gun to cover her sister as she did so.

“GUARDS!” shouted Romano, knowing the peril she was in.

“They will not come little sister.  My own 1st Grenadiers now guard that door.  They will not enter until I call or walk out.  There is no escape for you.  Your madness will end here.”

The full enormity of the situation crashed down on Romano as she realised that all her power plays had come to nothing, that all her ambitions would end here and now.  “My people will rise up and see you thrown down, the Thuggee will avenge me and bring agonizing death on you and every traitor in the Confederation.”

Threats at a time like this, how typical of you Romano. “Dearest sibling, the 2nd Grenadiers will make planet fall in two weeks, with every intention of wiping out your little cult before word of your death ever arrives.  I needed every spare ship in St. Ives to manage that feat of logistics, but I think you would be surprised at my abilities to organise long range strikes should you have survived this day.”

Romano simply screamed in return. “I will have your soul fed to me in the…” The gun roared again.  Silence followed.

*****     *****      *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     

Romano and Pavel troubled her conscience not a bit.  Her father did.  So did the similarities to the death of Richard Cameron, executed with the gift of a firearm by one trusted and dear.  I am no Amaris.  He acted out of greed, I act for my people.  I must act for my people, or I will become Amaris. Now I launch a war, as did the Usurper.  I AM NOT AMARIS!  Father, I will dedicate the rest of my time to your memory, I will build you a state of which you could be proud so that when I am judged, I will not be seen as a usurper. I will be a builder and protector, a daughter you could respect. Despite these thoughts, Candace knew she would be haunted by her action for the rest of her life, but that was good, she could still feel, she would need to feel so that she did not become disconnected from her people as she took up their leadership.  I must never forget why I have done this deed today.  Now for the last step.  Please see reason.

Candace had moved to her father’s office and seated herself there, in its stately opulence, something she knew would have to change. I will need to be seen as the Chancellor of the people, gaudy trappings and glitter will not do.  She had sent for her brother, Tormana, who had quietly accompanied her to Sian, without her father’s knowledge.  All the eggs in one basket. The door opened and Tormana entered.

Not missing a beat, the young man waded straight in. “Enjoying father’s seat Candace.  I am sure he will be thrilled at your presumptiveness?”

“My seat now Tormana.”

Tormana stopped dead in his tracks, shock on his face.  Quickly recovering he asked the obvious question.

“Your Seat? What of Father and Romano?”

“Romano finally flipped, killed father and Senior Colonel Ridzik and was in turn killed by loyal soldiers of the 1st Grenadiers before she could kill me.”

“I meant the official story.”

“That is the official story.  The public one will mention revolutionaries or some such.  Do you have a problem with either?” Don’t force my hand little brother, there has been enough bloodshed today.

Tormano understood the implicit threat in Candace’s question and became very still.  “It seems the official story is an accurate representation of the events that transpired at the palace today.”

Good boy. “I expect that I will have your full support as Chancellor of the Capellan people? Also, as a gift to you and a mark of the high honour you have been denied, I would have that your family join me here in the Palace, as befits the Royal family.”

Tormana smiled, still sensing the danger. “Oh very clever Candace, hostages and a family renewal, that will play nicely in the media.  I have little choice in the matter, all things considered.”

“All things best be well considered Tormana, I have plans for our people that I will broke not interference in.  It is time for the Capellan people to be given the chance to be what they truly can be, not a downtrodden mass of defeatists.”

“So I am to remain here as the court jester, smiling for the functionaries and generally rotting away?”

“Hardly.  Your talents were always wasted.  No more will that be the case.  You will leave Sian, once your family arrives, and take direct command of Operations WUHAN and CANTON.  I will command SUN TZU.  Together we will reforge the Confederation’s glory.”

Tormana made a grand bow to his sister. “The Celestial Wisdom’s will be done.”

“Don’t ever forget that Tormana.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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