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KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« on: August 26, 2019, 09:07:25 PM »

We are finally into new territory, enjoy Book 3 as the Fourth Succession War breaks out.

Book 3

Rage’s Decent

Chapter 49

Hilton Head Island
North America, Terra.
January 11th, 3025.

Precentor II Edward Marks, commander of the ComGuards 77th Combat Brigade Group, known as the “Primus’s Shield”, strode along the corridors of ComStar’s Hilton Head complex.  Precentor Marks was of average height but was possessed of a strong build, topped with dirty blonde, close-cropped hair, and a stern face, with deep-set dark eyes.  Edwards was to meet with the Primus, Myndo Waterly, not at all an unusual occurrence, but in this case, he was informed by a messenger that he had been selected by the Primus for a special assignment.

As a member of one of the two CBG’s that were stationed at Hilton Head, Marks was one of ComStar’s true believers.  Those selected to serve in the bodyguard units for the Primus and the First Circuit, the 77th and 78th CBGs, were what many in the ever-expanding ComGuards referred to as old school.  The very thought of it made Marks sneer, as he was dedicated to the vision that the Blessed Blake had given to mankind.  He was also deeply suspicious of the enormous numbers of recent Terran recruits, whose first loyalty was to the system and not to the guiding light that was Blake’s Blessed Vision.

Every member of the 77th and 78th was a True Believer, each seeing themselves as the living embodiment of Blake’s grand vision.  These soldiers were fervent and early supporters of the ComGuard expansion, provided with the best equipment and most prestigious posts in all the ComGuards.  However, over the last twelve months, Marks felt that the support for his unit was dropping off and that the focus of the ComGuard High Command, under Precentor-Martial Angus Hamilton and his lackey, Pat Millray, was becoming lax in not forming new True Believer units.  Touted as the pinnacle of the ComGuards and the ideal that all ComGuard warriors should aspire to, Precentor Marks had a growing feeling that the True Believers had been sidelined.

After navigating several turns and long corridors, Precentor Marks entered the outer office of the Primus, where an Adept, who rose quickly to her feet, her features obscured by her hood, waved him through to the inner office.  Marks rarely wore his own hood, usually only for ceremonial occasions, finding it too restrictive, however, on this occasion his own hood was up as well.

Marks pushed through into the Primus’s office and immediately bowed to the leader of his order, Primus Myndo Waterly, who was as radiant as ever in her golden robes of office.

“You summoned me, Primus.”

With her voice even and almost kindly in tone, Myndo beckoned him with one hand.  “I did Precentor.  Please seat yourself, I have an assignment of importance for you that I wish to discuss.”

“I am yours to command Primus”, Marks answered, seating himself and removing his hood.

Once settled, the Primus removed her own hood and placed her hands in her lap, under the large marble desk that dominated her office.

“As you are aware Precentor, the forces of the Draconis Combine, Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League, have struck across their borders with the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns, all in general accordance with my plans?”

“Yes Primus”, Marks responded, “Initial reports suggest that despite being prepared for the assault, neither the AFFS nor LCAF was able to determine just how strong the initial attacks would be.”

The Primus smiled, creating a very predatory expression, “The benefits of a strong ROM and our guiding hand.  Nevertheless, the foolish lords of the three Kapteyn realms saw fit to make their own changes to the original plan.  This has exposed them in places and may delay the eventual success of some invasions. “

In the silence that followed, Marks responded, “I would not at all be surprised if the F-C Alliance has a few victories, however, the overall balance of the war will end favourably for the Kapteyn powers.”

The Primus nodded before continuing, “The problem is, however, that such deviations from our master plan could create unforeseen circumstances and I need those circumstances evaluated and hopefully influenced by one who truly understands the Word of Blake.”

The Primus fixed Marks with a level stare, which he returned.

“What would you have of me, Primus?”

“You are to be assigned to the Precentor-Martial, as my representative on the ComGuard High Command.  It is high time that The Word of Blake was represented there, especially as the education of the troops in our holy endeavours has been lacking lately, despite assurances from Hamilton that it will be addressed in the future.”

Marks bowed his head, whilst at the same time his heart soared with the trust the Primus was showing him, his stomach dropped at the thought of being posted away from his beloved 77th.

“I am deeply honoured by your request Primus and have but one question: Who will now command the 77th?”

The Primus smiled, “You will Precentor, I trust no other with their fate.  I expect your executive officer is up to the task of running the day to day operations when you are absent?”

“Yes Primus, Precentor Bris is more than competent.”  Marks's heart continued to soar.

The Primus, still smiling continued, “Before your departure, which I hope will be as soon as possible, I do wish to discuss certain aspects of ComGuard operations with you.  I wish to hear your view on issues such as improving training in our holy message and methods on how to not only control the High Command better but also in using the ComGuards as a more effective brake on ROM.”

Marks nodded as he leant back in his chair, his mind running over what he knew and what would best serve the Primus.  “I have an idea that may be of benefit to our ongoing need for better spiritual education of the troops, to ensure they are properly armed when dealing with those hostile to our Order but it would involve impinging on the manpower of the Fundamentals Branch.”

Waterly obviously intrigued, leaned forward, “Go on.”

“Primus, with the massive numbers of new troops seeing deployment, we need a tool for their control, one which is under the hand of the Primus and First Circuit.  I would suggest taking the more active senior members of the Fundamentals Branch, providing them with basic military training and a background in military theory and operations, then assign them to ComGuard units as Doctrinal Officers.  It would be important to give them a Precentors rank, to ensure they directives were obeyed, as well as providing them with detailed instructional information for training the troops.  At first, these officers would only be assigned to CGB’s, but over time they could be assigned to lower-level units, like regiments and battalions as more become available.”

Waterly chuckled and beamed a smile of incredible radiance at the ComGuards Precentor.  “An excellent notion Precentor Marks, one which ensures doctrinal control of the ComGuards outside of ROM oversight or meddling.  However, such an order, for an order within the order it will be, will need to report to its own head Precentor and through them to the Office of the Primus.  Too often the First Circuit has doddered when applying such important breaks on threats and I will not allow that in this case.”  As Myndo turned to look out the window onto the cloudy vista, she also asked, “How do you think the Precentor-Martial will react?”

Marks thought for a moment before answering.  “He will be diplomatic, as he cannot reject a direct order, especially if the First Circuit signs off on the plan.  However, I do believe his little attack dog, Precentor Patrick Millray will be the main opponent.  He seems to believe the training and education of ComGuard personnel is his own personal fiefdom, something that should not be encouraged.”

Myndo turned back to Precentor Marks, “I could not agree more about Precentor Millray.  He is overdue for a lesson in diplomacy and proper respect, whilst it is unbecoming for a ComGuard Officer to have such a blatant disregard for the greater needs of the troops.  I would like you to delay your departure for a few days whilst we work out the details of this new order.  I believe they will also need a fitting title, something along the lines of the Order for the Purity of the Doctrine of Blake’s Faith, or some such.  I will need you to coordinate with the heads of the Fundamentals Branch, to ensure that any plans for such an order see a smooth and efficient beginning.”

Marks nodded, “Certainly Primus, I can have a select staff from the 77th see to it immediately.”

The Primus steepled her fingers, “Excellent.” She paused for a moment, before continuing, “Precentor ROM, despite his officers moving into an intelligence assistance roll and exercising with the ComGuards, is playing his own game, but I cannot yet fathom it.  What experience have you had with his operatives that have been attached to your Brigade?”

The Precentor shrugged, “So far I have no cause for concern.  The small intelligence staff from ROM and my own staff work well together, with ROM providing good intelligence summaries and the information we need for realistic training.  I have seen no indications that there is anything sinister in the operations, but as always, ROM is ROM and the truth may well be different.”

The Primus stood and walked across the room to the ornate white oak sideboard.  “The truth is always different with ROM, that is the crux of the issue, but until we can fathom their true purpose, we are at a disadvantage.”

As she finished speaking, the Primus poured herself a large glass of clear liquid, water most likely from what Marks knew, but offered the Precentor nothing.  She walked back to her seat, sat, whilst still holding the glass in both hands.

“I want to see how far our new order will push ROM, to see if we can flush out any hints of what game Precentor Belov is playing.”

“That will take some time and not a little bit of luck Primus, especially so since we have no new order as yet.”

The Primus’s eyes flared, “Then we will make it a priority once formed!” She snapped.

Marks bowed his head, “Blake’s will be done.”

The Primus settled as quickly as she had flared, “Yes Precentor, Blake’s will be done.  Now, what of the Precentor-Martial, how might we loosen his grip upon the High Command?”

Marks shook his head ever so slightly, “That will be a difficult task Primus, as every senior post in the ComGuards, apart from a few administrative branches and the two CBG command slots here are filled with men and women handpicked and loyal to the Precentor-Martial.  It would take us years to slowly remove all those officers and we would want to move slowly, to both prevent backlash and ensure vital command experience was not lost in these tumultuous times.”

The Primus’s face hardened, “So you are telling me there is nothing that can be done?”

“No Primus, you have already begun, by appointing me to the High Command and in planning your new order.  However, there are two officers, above all others who the Precentor-Martial relies upon Precentor Pat Millray; and Precentor-Naval Grahame Neville.  Remove those two from their positions and the Precentor-Martial becomes far more isolated.”

The Primus nodded in response, “I have long thought the same, but I am not familiar enough with the other officers of high rank to ensure I can appoint those who I could trust.” She paused for a moment, “Perhaps you can fulfil one more duty for me whilst at your new posting?”

“I live to serve Blake’s will.”

“As do we all.”  The Primus responded, “You will evaluate the other officers of the High Command, and report back to me on the suitability of each for the posts currently held by Precentors Millray and Neville, as well as gathering any useful information that could be used against them should they or the Precentor-Martial protest.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2019, 10:47:20 PM »

Chapter 50

Forbidden City, Sian,
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
January 12th, 3025.

Candace Liao, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, Duchess of Sian and St. Ives, Brigade commander of the Chancellor’s Own Grenadiers, nominal Colonel of the Red Lancers and 1st St. Ives Armoured Cavalry, tapped the fingers of her right hand against the window sill of her office’s smaller side window, which looked across a small lake in the Forbidden City’s manicured grounds.  Candace was awaiting the arrival of her brother, Tormana Liao, who was to bring news of the Capellan invasion of the Federated Suns.

How long have we awaited this moment?  Centuries of defeat and withdrawal avenged in one day.  Best to not get too excited though, Hanse is cunning and the AFFS strong, making this only the beginning of a long war.  Well, at least this is another reason for the Capellan people to be happy.

The new Chancellor had instituted several reforms to Capellan society, easing the burden on the common citizen; acts that had garnered her much love from her people, yet these steps were only the beginnings of the Capellan rebirth she had planned.  Just as importantly, Candace had restored the pride of the Capellan Officer Corps by showing her trust and belief in them.  The re-institution of officer ranks above Colonel had been a blessing, with competition for high rank driving her senior officers to excel, as well as gaining loyal support from those promoted.

There was a brief knock at her door before it was flung open and her brother marched into the room, full of flair.  Behind him came five senior officers, all recently promoted.  The five moved to one side of the room, at a wave of the Mandarin’s hand and stood silent and motionless, more like statues than men.

Candace placed her hands behind her back, pulling her CCAF officers uniform taut.  “Mandarin Liao, how goes our revenge on the Davions?”

“Chancellor, your forces are across the border and have met the great foe in battle, with word from the front lines positive so far.”

As he finished speaking, Tormana stopped in front of his sister and handed her a small, leather-bound report.  “All the answers to your questions are there, but to summarise, initial reports are good, despite heavy resistance from the AFFS.”

“That is all well and good Tormana, but I want details, not platitudes.”

Tormana nodded and continued, gesturing to the folder in Candace’s hand, which she opened.  “The Operational Movement Report shows January's planned attacks and the forces for each attack.  After the experience of the past few months and in accordance with your orders, the CCAF hit only 8 worlds in wave one.  Sirdar, Verlo, Ziliang, Avigait, Beid, Weekapaug, Redfield, and Alcyone were all struck with superior force.  Hanse threw us by moving the Immendstadt RCT to Ziliang, but we recovered in time, and Avigait was added to the target list in order to hammer the RCT there, instead of hitting Safe Port and having it land on us later.”

Candace nodded, “Good, we need those dammed RCT’s humbled.”

Tormana took a breath before continuing, “The idea behind these attacks it to apply the maximum amount of force against as many of Davion’s RCT's as I can, to damage them beyond combat effectiveness.  If things go well, I can hit 5-8 additional targets in February or March with units from those 8 worlds, if the attached plans for those strikes meet your approval.  I should also be able to free up as many as 50% of the transports used in the initial attacks, to use for movement of reserves and have them available in March.  I believe I have to cripple Davion’s RCT's early, if the Confederation is to weather his counterattacks.”

Candace looked over the strategic map in the report detailing unit dispositions, combat and proposed orders.  Redfield has fallen more quickly than expected.  In hindsight, I should have realized that the two Davion tank brigades, although of better quality than those on Beid, were only filled with light tanks.  Still, the world needed to be taken and now we hold a lost Capellan world.

She looked up from the report and signalled to her brother, “The 122nd and 352nd Reserve Brigades will garrison Redfield along with the mercenary unit Redfield’s Revenge.  Order Bullard’s Armoured Cavalry, Lockhart’s Ironsides, and Devon’s Armoured Infantry Combat Groups to immediately jump to Alcyone.”

Tormana looked at his own note pad, “Candace, they will be going back into combat without any break.”

“Yes, I know that, but Alcyone must be broken before reinforcing RCT’s can make it a bloodbath.”  Candace paused, making a decision, “Order Kingston’s Legionnaires, Vincent’s Commando’s and Cochrane’s Goliaths Combat Groups to join the WarShips in orbit at Heligoland and move to Alcyone also.  Make sure they take the 11th Light Naval Group with them as well.  They won’t arrive until the end of the month, but nine corvettes and the large fighter and assault DropShip forces already there should heavily damage any reinforcing Davion units.”

Tormana looked at his sister sharply, his brow furrowing, “All three WarShip Squadrons?”


“That is a huge gamble.  Yes, each ship is strong and as a group they are powerful, but if Davion manages to destroy even one, the PR coup for him would be great.  What is more, should we reveal the WarShip now, or not wait for Davion’s counter-attacks and strike his troops then when he believes he will turn the tide?”

Candace shrugged, “WarShips are built for war, and war requires the concentration of force.  The appearance of these ships, small though they are, will spread panic across the world and without Alcyone; its PDZ will start to disintegrate.”

Seeing the look in his sister’s eye that told him she would not discuss the matter further, Tormana conceded defeat.  “Very well, I shall dispatch the fleet to Alcyone.”  He then changed topics, “What are your thoughts regarding Beid?”

“Beid will fall soon enough.  We have sufficient forces to take the planet, let them do their duty.  Avigait is the concern right now.  The temptation for our commanders there will be to stay and destroy the 8th Syrtis Fusiliers, however, the 39th Avalon Hussars are at Narellan, only one jump away.  Order General Cherenkov to hit the 8th Syrtis hard for one week and then withdraw to Teng for rest and refitting, I do not want him cut off and destroyed.  That will give us a strategic reserve in the area and still leave Cherenkov able to take Safe Port and Kafr Silim when the time comes.  Besides, if these reports are correct, the 8th Fusiliers will not be of much use to Davion in a week’s time anyway.”

Candace turned some pages, read and then looked over to Tormana.  It amazed her how over the world of Weekapaug, the elite fighters of the 7th Crucis Lancers had cut through over 300 Capellan fighters, two assault DropShip Wings, and then destroyed the DropShips carrying the 1st Battalion of the 15th Dracon.  The battle had been fierce, but now that they were on the planet, the veteran and elite units she had assigned to the world should start to crush the Lancers.  If she were the Davion commander, she would pull out now and add his forces to the battle at Alcyone.  “Brother, order the 2nd St. Ives Lancers to stay on Weekapaug, but if the 7th Crucis Lancers withdraw, all units are to pursue.  We cannot have them hitting St. Ives unopposed or reinforcing Alcyone.”

Her brother nodded as he looked at the reports from Verlo.  “It looks as if the 15th Deneb Light Cavalry put up quite a fight.”

Candace grimaced, “If the 4th, 5th and 6th Chancellors Own had been more concerned with coordinating their attacks instead of taking credit for the kill, our losses would have been fewer.  Nevertheless, the 15th can’t hold the planet without reinforcements.  They can’t come from Sirdar, but they could come from Ziliang.  Order the 165th and 137th Reserve Brigades to Ziliang, whilst leaving Baxter’s Brawlers, Rivaldi’s Hussars, and St. Cyr’s Grenadiers there as well.  If the Davions want to fight for Ziliang we will match them, but if they withdraw, the remaining CCAF units there will move to Verlo; it is the most likely place for an AFFS withdrawal.  If your transport planning is right, we will have sufficient transports in March to bring in several Reserve Brigades and we can use our reserve mercenary regiments to take Velhas, Uravan, and Imendstadt, with help from those Brigades.  Of course, this is assuming the two RCT’s withdraw.”

Tormana leant to his left, letting the desk take his weight, “If the 15th Deneb withdraws from Verlo the 4th and 6th Chancellor’s Own and the Paragons should jump to Sirdar.”

Candace, staring now out the window answered, “Get the orders out to Verlo as soon as possible.”  She paused before continuing, “I am seriously considering giving the four Northwind Highlander regiments transport next month and having them hit Northwind, but I will decide on that later, for now, send those orders and send in the Colonel.”

Her brother made a mocking little bow, “Your will be done Celestial Wisdom.”  He then turned and swept from the office.

Candace bit back a retort and moved to stand behind her desk to wait for Colonel Han Wu Di.

Colonel Han Wu Di waited outside the office of the Chancellor with four guards from the Red Lancers.  Formerly the commander of the Tsitsang militia, Han Wu Di was somewhat surprised by the summons to Sian, instead of just being shot.  Knowing that his militia of kids and grandfathers stood no chance against the 2nd Crucis Lancers when they raided Tsitsang, he had surrendered after making a token defence.  It had saved the lives of his “soldiers,” but forgiving failure was not an attribute of the Confederation, especially when the commander survived the failure.

Mandarin Tormana Liao exited the office and beckoned the Colonel.  “Colonel Han Wu Di?”  He paused for the colonel to nod and then motioned for him to come closer, “The Chancellor will see you now.  You may salute with your left arm, no offense will be taken,” he said upon noticing that the officer was missing his right arm.

The Colonel nodded his thanks and walked past him.  As the door clicked closed, he saw the Chancellor was not alone.  Several officers of command rank were also in the office.  The Colonel approached the desk and saluted.  “Colonel Han Wu Di reporting as ordered Chancellor.”

Candace rose and returned the salute.  “Ah, Colonel Han Wu Di. I am busy, so will be brief. Your actions on Tsitsang are seen by some as having brought dishonour to the Confederation.  I do not see it that way, therefore, General Han Wu Di, you will take command of the 1st Capellan Training Division on Capella immediately and start training our soldiers, so that no commander has to make the choice you made.  An honourable surrender after token defence is not acceptable, but it is the only choice if trained soldiers are not available to defend our worlds.”

Colonel, now General, Han Wu Di was stunned, but managed to stutter out his thanks.  He had come here expecting a public execution, not a promotion and an order to prevent other officers from having to fight without well trained soldiers.

“The 1st Division is to become the centre of training efforts that will improve our conventional and militia forces.  For too long the Home Guard and militia have been both relied upon and scorned all at once.  This ends now, and I am relying on you and with you these men to make that fact change.”  Han Wu Di swelled with pride, something clearly visible to the Chancellor. 

“Meet your brigade commanders, General Han Wu Di” the Chancellor said as she began introductions.  After salutes had been exchanged, Candace dismissed the other officers and beckoned the new General to sit.

Sitting herself, Candace studied the old General for a moment before speaking.  “What do you think of our war effort General?”

“It is destined for success; nothing can stand before the might of the Chancellor’s wisdom.”  His response brought a scowl from the Chancellor.

“I asked what you thought, not to speak meaningless praises.  Now again General, what do you think of our campaign against the Davions?”

The General swallowed before answering, knowing that under Maximilian Liao, such questions were deadly traps.  However, he had just been promoted for surrendering, not an everyday occurrence in the Confederation, so taking one more risk, spoke his mind.

“Chancellor, despite the concentration of force on our Spinward border, we are still weaker than the Davions.  I expect our initial strikes to be successful, even for some months, but Hanse Davion is no fool and he will find ways to hurt us, ways that we do not see or expect.  Will we win worlds?  Yes, more so then we lose I do believe, yet I still feel we will be worse off for it, as Davion will strike us everywhere.  What’s more, when the Free Worlds wakes up, we will be deeply vulnerable.”

Candace smiled slightly, “An interesting analysis, but there are certain aspects of our planning that you are not privy to.  Your analysis would be somewhat different if you were, but your thoughts are valuable nonetheless.”  Candace paused. “Please, do not let me detain you from your new duties any longer.  An officer of the Maskirovka is waiting outside to take you to your new post and I am sure he has plenty of information for you to digest in planning for your new role.”

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   

Several weeks later…

The officers of all four of the Northwind Highlanders regiments had gathered in the Brigade’s conference room.  Emotions had been running high ever since they had been gathered on Epsilon Eridani in late 3024.  Now a message from the Capellan High Command had been received and a briefing was about to begin.

"Everyone settle down and listen to our orders", Colonel Alistair Marion called as he keyed the message to start.

The image of Mandarin Tormana Liao, appeared on the screen. "Transports are now arriving to take all four regiments of the Northwind Highlanders to liberate Northwind from the Davion occupiers."  The Mandarin paused and was still, obviously expecting the wild shouts of joy that now echoed around the room as the Highlander officers shouted their approval. 

After what seemed like several minutes Tormano continued.  "I must humbly ask your forgiveness for not having given these orders sooner.  Be assured that Northwind will never again be allowed to fall to invaders."

As the Mandarins image faded, the celebration continued, while senior officers started planning for a joyous reunion. 
« Last Edit: August 31, 2019, 10:47:53 PM by Blacknova »
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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2019, 12:01:33 AM »

Chapter 52

Hilton Head Island
North America, Terra.
February 19th, 3025.

“Ambitious buggers!”  The comment came from Precentor Pat Millray, as he interrupted the new “aide” he and the Precentor Martial had been “gifted” by the Primus.  Pat could not stand the man, not so much for who he was, though by all means there were issues there, but for what the new aide represented – Primus Waterly’s growing distrust with the ComGuards in general, and Pat and Angus in particular. Still, with the balloon going up, it going to be hard to kick us out of our jobs now, so many new units are coming online, and so much has been done to date that a command change now would cause chaos, especially with twelve CBG’s spread across thirty-five Capellan and Free World systems masquerading as mercenaries.  Pat’s thoughts were interrupted.

Marks was skewering Pat with his cold gaze – he returned Pat’s feelings with interest – “May I continue sir?”

Pat waved his hand airily “Whenever suits you.”

Marks continued to stare, and Angus did all he could to stifle his smile.  Angus knew that alienating this man would cause issues, but with events now so far along, he knew that his plans had gained a certain pace and strength all of their own. Within another four months, we cannot be stopped, and even now, I would give us a 75% chance of success.  Still, we need to wait for just the right moment, and then we can tip all the scales in our favour.

Marks looked back to his notes, his plain face hard.  “Very well.  As I just said, the Kapteyn powers’ invasions, which began in early January, have been largely successful, though no one has as achieved a decisive break through.”

Pat interrupted again in a light voice, “That’s because no one used nukes.  Those little toys will open anything.”  He grinned impudently at Marks.

Edward ignored him this time.  “On the Steiner/Kurita front, the DCMS has struck at seven systems, including Tamar, and taken one target outright.  On each world, there are large concentrations of forces on both sides, though the advantage on most lies with the DCMS, that could change, especially as some DCMS officers are sticking to the plan and not showing initiative.  It would seem the LIC was able to determine what was coming, at least to some extent, and has reinforced the front.”

Angus leant back in his chair and stretched, as he looked to his left, out the window of the alcove in his office.  “It was to be expected, and the revelations in diplomatic circles that we may have supplied the allies do not help matters.  I am not surprised the Davions and Steiners worked out or partially worked out, what was going on.  We have all been a little too ambitious, and the troops at the front are paying the price, as ever in these matters.”

“No thanks to us!”  Was the one-eyed Precentor’s reply.

Marks waited until he was sure they had both finished before continuing, a little exasperation creeping into his voice.  “The Combine was far more audacious against the Federated Suns than it was against the Lyran Commonwealth.  The DCMS struck all along the border, at isolated units, whilst the Wolf’s Dragoons landed on Robinson en masse. The AFFS deep strike unit – Task Force Black – which has been operating behind enemy lines for several months now, collided with a DCMS battlegroup in the abandoned Tangerz system and was mauled as well.  Despite the Combine’s audacity during the initial strikes, the DCMS’s efforts have begun to bog down in February, with the Suns reinforcing the frontier.  Wolfs Dragoons have been chastised by the AFFS on Deshler, suffering heavy losses in a huge battle there.  Additional information had stated that Natasha Kerensky herself has also fallen.  Meanwhile, the Davion counterstrokes ended poorly, with the TF Black getting caught in a second meat grinder on Irurzun.”

“The Black Widow is dead?”  Asked Hamilton

“It would appear so sir.”

Pat whistled, “Never thought I’d hear those words.”

“Another dead mercenary, the less the better.”  Said Marks

The temperature in the room dropped, “We’re both mercs,” growled Pat, “Kerensky was nothing short of extraordinary and looking at your service record, you could afford to learn something from her!”

Angus reached out and put a hand on Pat’s knee “Easy Pat.”  He looked at Edward.  “Pat has a point though, The Black Widow can teach much, and her loss will drive the Dragoons into a frenzy.  I feel sorry for the AFFS units on planet; things are likely to get ugly there now.”  He paused, “What about the Marik front?”

Marks looked to his notes again, his face flushed, though his voice remained even. “The FWLM began the first “official” assaults of Operation THRESHER on the heels of the capture of both Loric and Dixie late last year.  Loric was been taken by the 9th Regulan Hussars, and the surrender of the 7th Lyran Regulars on Dixie, along with the departure of the Stealthy Tigers under terms, led the Dixie militia to down their weapons on Christmas Day.  Only two additional worlds were struck by the League in January, which looks like the beginnings a pincer move around Cavanaugh II.  The LCAF’s only response was the deep strikes on Midkiff and Holt, which has drawn the attention of nearby defenders, not the League strike units, which have secured Timbiqui.  As the second wave of THRESHER commenced this month, the FWLM began has run into stiffening Lyran resistance, with casualties mounting across the front, which now extends to Bolan.”

“League needs to push harder,” Pat stated, to which Angus nodded his agreement.

“Yeah Pat, they’re going in half-cocked and it's going to cost them, they could have hit 12 worlds, yet they focus on four without deploying overwhelming force.” The Precentor Martial nodded to Edward, “And the Capellan Front?”

Precentor Marks shuffled through his notes, which were in a series of folders on his knee, he picked up and opened the folder bordered in emerald and gold, and read from its cover page.  “The Capellans launched the single largest series of attacks in January, hitting worlds in and around the Kittery and Ziliang salients, as planned during the meetings here on Terra last year.  These strikes represented the single largest series of invasions the CCAF had launched in many years.  The Confederation hit nine worlds, with Redfield falling quickly, and then poured additional troops in to tie up Davion reinforcements early this month. Most seriously, they deployed nine small WarShips over Alcyone.”  Marks looked up as he finished.

“We were aware of those last year, the Primus was…less than impressed.” Hamilton responded.

Pat threw his head back and laughed, “She gave poor Graham a right grilling, you too if I remember right.”

Angus smiled, as Edward scowled, not appreciating the apparent lack of respect the ComGuards 2IC was showing towards the head of their order.

In a flash though, Pat changed focus, “So, what does it all mean lad?”

Edwards cocked his head and looked back to Pat, after checking his folder quickly, “What does what mean?”

“The briefing, what does it mean?”

Edwards shrugged, “It means that the invasions have begun as planned, in line with the plans set out by our blessed Primus.”

Pat leaned over as Angus looked on impassively, “No lad, it doesn’t!  I want you to see what it truly means, to analyse it.”

“That’s not my role here.” He retorted

“Your role is what I say it is, and if you’re going to be briefing us, I don’t want a rote repetition of data.  I want you to analyse it, look for patterns, unusual information, anything that will let us keep ahead of this storm, because this storm is going to come around and bite us in the ass at some point, and I want us to be dam well ready when it does.”

Edward was about to speak again, when Angus interjected, “You have your orders Precentor, please return tomorrow at 0900 with a preliminary analysis.”

Angus held Precentor Mark’s gaze, as the Primus’s man debated internally whether to push his luck or not. He nodded slightly, “Yes sir, 0900 sir.”

“Dismissed Precentor.”  Said Angus.

Edwards gathered his folders and stood, bowed slightly to each man. And then made his way from the alcove and out of the office, closing the door behind him.

“Urgh! Bloody True Believer!  He can’t see past his chants to the real heart of things. Not a single mention of logistics or transport issues for ANY of the combatants. How the hell did he get this far up the chain of command?”  Pat had a disgusted look on his face.

“Pat, you know well and good the answers to that, and we knew that something like this would happen at some point.  But you raise a good point, and by forcing him to learn the finer points of military science, he’ll be too busy to cause trouble in other places.”

“Yeah, I suppose.  Still, I won’t trust the bugger.”

“Fine Pat, but be civil, and don’t denigrate the man, he has his pride too, and if he is too far offside, he could cause us real issues.”

The two men sat in silence after Pat finished, both contemplating the future that was coming, and the myriad complications that could ruin their own.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2020, 11:07:50 PM »

Chapter 53

Elke River Dam
North of Saranak, Kobe
Tamar Domains, Lyran Commonwealth
March 20th, 3025.

Sho-Sho Meredith Westenberg, deputy commander of the Rasalhague Military District’s Rubigen Prefecture, walked into the driving rain atop the massive Elke River Dam. The ferocious wind whipped and tore at her dark black and red rainproof jacket and pants, which were emblazoned with the crest of House Kurita and the green kanji “4”, which denoted her rank to the officers she approached.

The small gaggle of Combine officers huddled on the east side of one of the dam’s main towers, largely protected there from the wind and rain, all of whom however looked sodden and downcast. There was good reason for that, as they knew Westenberg intended to lay down the law today. Westenberg had been sent to take command from Tai-sa Tassen Sorenson, commander of the 22nd Rasalhague Regulars, the officer first appointed to take this world from the Lyran Commonwealth.

The Sho-Sho stopped in front of the twenty-two senior commanders, who represented six BattleMech commands from Rasalhague, Pesht, and Benjamin, seven DCMS and DCA fighter wings, eight conventional brigades, and the deadly DEST Team 23. All bowed and none met her eyes, excepting the commander of the 23rd DEST, the dark-skinned Miriam Orun, who knew her troops had not failed in the tasks set them to date.

Westenberg nodded her blonde head once in response to her officers, her brown eyes narrow and hard as she observed them. She looked towards the pale Sorenson, his light brown hair tossing in the wind and his pale grey eyes apprehensive.

“Tai-sa Sorenson,” began Meredith, “You seem to have misplaced our timetable no?”

Sorenson moved to speak, but the General cut him off, “Losing time, time that belongs to the Dragon, and not your unworthy self, is of great irritation to me.” Her voice was calm, low, and hard.

“You do realise, do you not, that the beginning of Operation URIZEN planned to have the DCMS strike hard at several worlds, such as this one, but also Tamar and Severn, so that these key systems would fall quickly, yes?”

Sorensen nodded.

Meredith raised her voice as a particularly vicious howl of wind blew around the two dozen officers. “Then why, must I ask you, are we still standing here on Kobe, with the LCAF still entrenched on the world? You were sent here with four Mech regiments, seven wings of fighters, and over a dozen conventional regiments, against 2 Mech, three fighter, and six conventional units of the LCAF? Why, I must ask, were the Lyrans not driven from Kobe in a MONTH!” The Sho-Sho finished by yelling the last words into the face of the Tai-sa.

Sorenson looked up and met the furious General’s gaze, “Sho-Sho, the initial air battles were hard fought, and we cut down 26 LCAF fighters for the loss of 14 of our own. We lost two inbound transports as well and most of the troops on board, leaving the 118th Armoured Brigade and 3rd Pesht Mech Regiment with large holes in their roster. This caused issues in our initial battle plan.”

Sho-Sho Westenberg stared at the Tai-sa “Really?” The word held venomous malice, which the Tai-sa missed in the wind. The other officers did not however, and ever so slightly began inching away from their comrade.

The Tai-sa, still missing the cues, nodded, “Yes Sho-Sho, once we landed, I left the 224th Aero wing on blockade duty, and split our forces into two groups, with the Pesht units driving on the 1st Lyrans and the planetary capital, and my own Rasalhague units striking at the Arcturan Guards. Both battles were hard fought initially, as I looked to quickly overwhelm my opponents. The LCAF regiments were, however, able to withstand the initial attacks, with the Arcturan forces hitting back and forcing the Rasalhague troops back from the capital. However, a poor tactical decision by the commander of the 1st Lyran Guards opened their flank to a devastating attack by the 9th Pesht Regulars Mech Regiment a sent them reeling with heavy causalities.”

The Sho-Sho put her arms behind her back before responding, as the other officers froze as she cast her gaze across them, “What a wonderful tale Tai-sa, it seems that you divided your forces and went on a merry chase and failed to crush either force! Tell me, what foolish chicanery did you get up to then?”

The Tai-sa finally began to notice the malice in his commander’s voice, as began to speak more rapidly, “No foolishness Sho-Sho, we were moving to hammer the 1st Lyrans when the 23rd Arcturan Guards and Hansen’s Roughriders arrived to reinforce the LCAF, mauling the 224th Draconis Aerospace Wing badly and grounding with little damage themselves.” This last comment drew the 224th's commanding officer a withering look from Meredith. “As soon as they landed, Hansen’s Roughriders launched a hasty assault on our positions, though I turned part of our forces to face them, turning the fight into a slow slog, unfortunately that favoured the Lyrans, especially the Roughriders. On the 19th, the Lyrans struck hard at a weak point in our line, centred on the 3rd Pesht Regulars, and caused heavy losses.”

“Tai-sa,” Meredith responded in a voice barely heard above the wind and rain, “What you have explained to me is an insult to the honour of the DCMS and a disgrace to your name. You have allowed the LCAF to remain in control of this world for longer than planned, and you are lucky that the incapacitation of the Archon has allowed our forces four weeks grace before a full counter‐attack can develop against the front. The DCMS has used this time wisely, more wisely than you have used yours, by sending extra forces here to Kobe in an effort to break the front open. I could execute you here and now, however, I plan to allow you to redeem your honour by leading our next assault on the Lyrans here on Kobe.”

Sorensen bowed deeply, his wet hair falling forward, “My eternal thanks Sho-Sho.”

Whilst Sorenson was bowing, Westenberg turned to her left and nodded once to Sho-sa Orun “Escort the Tai-sa to his place at the front of the advance!”

As Sorenson looked up the DEST commander moved quickly towards him and struck him hard beneath the ear, but not so hard as to totally incapacitate him. The Tai-sa sagged, putting one arm out to catch his fall as his knees buckled. Orun grabbed his other arm and half dragged him across the two wide road lanes that ran across the front of the dam, to the southern wall, fifty meters from where the officers were gathered. Then, whilst the still dazed Tai-sa uttered protests, she deftly tied him to the rail overlooking the long Elke River valley.

Meredith gestured for her officers to follow her to the south wall, where the now terrified Tai-sa was staring gap mouthed at his comrades, whilst being lashed by the full force of the wind and rain. Talking loudly to be heard of the storm, the Sho-Sho addressed her officers. “Kobe is one of the three critical battles of the Lyran front, with victory here and on Tamar and Severn having the ability to open the front up to a general advance. In order to ensure this happens, the DCMS has sent in the Mechs brigades from Suk II,” she nodded to the officers of the 13th Rasalhague Regulars, 15th Benjamin Regulars, “and several reserve air and tank units, in order to bring about a decision.” Several other officers straightened as she mentioned their forces. “DEST Team 23 will be the catalyst for the Lyran defeat.” At this Tai-sho Orun bowed deeply, “In six hours, DEST 23 will not only eliminate the command staff of the 1st Lyran Guards, but detonate the mass of explosives they have placed in the Elke River Dam, which they have installed over the last forty-eight hours.”

All of her officers looked startled by her last comment, and Tai-sa Boris Petroff, commander of the 15th Benjamin spoke up, his Slavic features aghast at what was planned. “You plan to flood the valley Sho-Sho? That is no honourable way for our foes to meet their end.”

Meredith nodded once, “I would agree if our opponents were honourable Tai-sa Petroff, but they are Lyran merchant soldiers who have again and again demonstrated their lack of honour. Thereby they deserve no honour in defeat.”

Three of her conventional commanders were staring at Sorenson, where he was tied to the railing. “Yes, she said, our brave Tai-sa will lead the first wave, quite literally.” She laughed, a hard sound, one that snapped all of her officers’ heads towards her.

Once she had their attention, she continued, “Each of you will return to your headquarters immediately. The attached air wings will be tasked with the interception of any Lyran aircraft, whilst the independent wings interdict anything that moves. The flooding of the valley will inundate the majority of the 1st Guards, splitting the 23rd Arcturans and the Roughriders from the 2nd and 25th Arcturans. The Pesht and Benjamin forces will strike the latter, whilst I lead the forces of Rasalhague against the 23rd and the mercenaries. We will drive the Lyrans from this world in the name of the Coordinator, and in doing so, break open the front for the daring thrust of our Mech forces into the heart of the Tamar Pact!”

Six hours later, as the command staff and security detachment of the 1st Lyran Guards were desperately fighting against the shadows of DEST Team 23, who had slipped through the Lyran lines, the massive demolition charges in the Elke River dam blew. A torrent of water over forty meters high surged down the valley, annihilating villages, roads, Tai-sa Sorenson, and the main defensive positions of the 1st Guards within ten minutes of the charges detonating. Over 35,000 civilians died and the valuable irrigated land of the Elke River Valley was scoured. DEST Team 23 were collected from the smoking remains of the Lyran HQ on the knoll it occupied, which was now a small island surrounded by debris. Severe losses were then inflicted on the remaining defenders, as Sho-Sho Westenberg tore into the now separated Lyran battle groups with heavy numerical superiority. Several units were decimated, with the 1st Lyran Guards taking the brunt of the flood and assault, ceasing to exist. Under standing orders, the LCAF forces on world began a general retreat, trying to salvage what they could. On Tharkad and Tamar, many eyes looked to the systems now open to assault, and the limited forces which were available to block them. The front had been sundered, and the DCMS was now unleashed.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2020, 06:21:48 PM »

Chapter 54

Sandhurst Military Academy
England, Terra
April 16th, 3025

Precentor Martial Angus Hamilton nodded to the two ComStar Guardsmen who stood to ridged attention as he passed into the dim room beyond them. The arch the Precentor Martial passed through was old, with the stones laid more than a millennia before. The room beyond was a large and circular, with a vaulted ceiling twenty feet overhead, and a series of two stone benches which ran in rings around the room, each with a walkway cut through the cardinal points. The walkways ended in steps that descended into a circular depression, fifteen feet across, with the room three times as large again. The place had once been a small meeting and lecture room, but had sat unused here in the bowls of Sandhurst since the time of the Star League at least, with the records Angus had found had been unclear as to when it was last utilised.

Angus had stumbled on the room in his meanderings around the ancient college, walks which he took as often as possible. He used those walks to arrange his thinking, run through his plans, and fulfil one of his childhood delights, which was to explore old buildings and see where things went, and what was beneath them. The nice part of being the commanding officer of the ComGuards, was that there was no one here that could tell him where he could and could not go. When he had first come across the room, after having to force the heavy oak door, which left his shoulder bruised and sore, he sat quietly in the semi-darkness for over an hour. By the time he had finished with his private reflections in the room, he had decided that it would suit his proposes admirably.

Angus stopped just inside the door, as the guard behind him pulled it closed, cutting him off from the outside world. The room’s blue grey stone dully reflected the light from the dozen working lamps that were suspended from the roof, or which stood on stands scattered around the room. The lights were illuminating the work benches, tools, and equipment for the workers in the room, who were toiling hard at restoring the room to a useable state. Angus had noted the condition of the room on his first visit, crumbling mortar, paint that fell like snow from the roof and walls, rotting timbers, no power, broken stonework, and rising damp. That was why he chose it.

The work crew were specially chosen too, as to have others do the work that was needed here would raise questions, questions Angus had absolutely no interest in answering; at least that was until he was good and ready to do so. Beavering away before him were fifteen men and women, some sanding back timber, others mixing lime mortar for the stonework, whilst the majority were working on repointing stone around the room. The High Command of the ComGuards was working hard. Angus had brought them here as part of a team building exercise, at least that was one of the two ostensible reasons for all the work, the other being that he needed a red herring to throw off ROM and the First Circuit, as meetings here would grow in frequency. The real reason, however, was that in this room he could talk privately with his commanders, as the room was largely secure, and one of these fifteen people was either always here working, or trusted guards were posted outside when not, so no one could get into the room to bug it, though they swept for those regularly anyway.

“This crap stinks!” snarled Pat Milray, his one eye narrow as he spoke to the neat and proper Lisa Orlov, who, her own nose wrinkling, stepped back from the tub of paint Pat had just opened, towards the door where Angus was.

“That’s because you let it go off.” Angus spoke across the murmur of chatter in the room, as all of his officers looked up, including Pat.

“Paint doesn’t go off Gus, though your brain might be.” Pat’s growled response brought a smile to Angus’s face.

“Pat, I told you when we mix this stuff, because we’re using rabbit fat glue to make a traditional mix, the paint does go off. You should have waited until the repointing was done before mixing it. Good thing you had not started trying to paint with it.”

Lisa, leaning back against the wall to the left of the door, well away from Pat and the offending large bucket of paint, had a quizzical look on her face, “Go off Sir?”

“Lisa,” Angus’s face was pained, “Down here it’s informal please, no ranks, no sirs. However, as to your question and since you missed my lesson on mixing old paints whilst you were playing chase with cadets at the Military Academy of Mars. This is a traditional paint mix with rabbit fat glue, distemper, natural tints etcetera, so if you don’t use it, you lose it, and worse still, you need to mix enough to do the entire room in one hit, and I mean one hit, all hands on deck.”

Lisa looked around the large room, “One go, for all of this?”

“Yes, you see, each time you mix the paint, the colour will be slightly different, as it’s all done by hand, so you want one batch big enough to use in one sitting. Also, you need three coats, once the walls are clean and repointed, and the walls need to stay wet as each layer is applied, otherwise, again, you get uneven colour. So, one day soon, all sixteen of us will be working hard at getting this place painted with three coats in one night.” He paused whilst that sank in, “But the good news is that when it dries, it smells quite nice, almost like a potter’s shed, not like that morass that Pat brewed up in his cauldron over there.”

There were chuckles around the room at his last comment.

“And I assume you have not brought us all here for one of your folksy home repair seminars?” The question came from Angus’s cousin Ryan Hamilton, a man almost as tall and broad shouldered as the Precentor Martial himself, and who shared Hamilton’s brown eyes and broad plain face.

“No Ryan, I have not, though hell knows you could use it based on that sloppy job of pointing you managed there.” Angus gestured to the attempted mortaring, which had not so much mortared the joints between the stones, as much as the stone’s themselves.

“I’m a MechWarrior Gus, not a miracle worker.”

“Hmm”, was all the response he got as Angus walked across the room to examine the poor work on the lower bench in front of him.

“Kinda looks like his shooting patterns from that clap-trap Marauder he drives eh?” Asked an evilly grinning Pat.

“Your one-eyed opinions are as accurate as your own shooting old crank!”

Pat and Ryan laughed together, as did several of the other officers. Ego died quickly in this room, as the old mercenaries had keep their irreverent ways behind closed doors.

Gerhardt Panhard, who was sitting on the back of one of the benches, a leg draped over it and his white t-shirt smeared with paint and mortar, ran a hand through his dark hair and jumped off the bench, “So Angus, you have us all here…” he trailed away.

Angus looked across to his best commander. “Yes Ger, I have you all here.” He turned to his left to the portly, red faced man furthest from him, “Logan, could you turn that mixer on full please?”

Logan “The Lunatic” Athout, a man known for his cavalier approach to battlefield danger and operational issues, switched the machine on and the noise quickly filled the room. Angus, meanwhile, had turned and pushed the old cast iron bolt home in the door. Secure.

Angus raised his arms and gestured for the fifteen people in the room to join him in sitting on the inner stone bench. The officers, all in fatigues or civilian dress, all rather dirty and stained, filed in and took their customary places. To Angus’s right was Precentor Graham Neville. Precentor Pat Milray had once always assumed that place, but through mutually unspoken agreement had ceded the place to the naval man. Graham was quietly spoken, with his plain bearded face hiding a mind almost as cunning and technically adept as Angus’s own. The critical importance of the fleet made him Angus’s number two by default.

Arranged around Angus were the Precentors (Admiral and Vice-Admiral) of the fleet, his Corp Precentors (Lieutenant-Generals) and their Demi-Precentors (Major-Generals), Pat (Deputy Commanding General), and then himself (Commanding General). I already think of them with two faces. We have a way to go yet before we can reveal one and drop the other.

“You are all aware of the fighting consuming the Inner Sphere at the moment, and that ComStar’s hand in these matters is starting to be revealed by Davion and Steiner sources, far sooner than the Primus had planned.”

“Her overreach has been evident from the start.” This from the SAS Commander Henry Cavill.

Gus nodded, “Yes Henry, it has, but not to her, nor her controlling faction in the First Circuit, though I did warn of this many moons ago. She will look for someone to blame over this information, likely us, as we were the ones who shipped all that material for her, and she will deflect any blame that comes. What the Successor Lords do with that information is anyone’s guess, but we are planning to speed home the forces we have on the Capellan-League border, as I have no wish to see entire brigades lost so far from home on a fool’s errand. I have spoken with each of you in turn, and you are here because I trust you and you are loyal to this world, its past, its present, and its future.”

Angus looked around the room, taking them all in before speaking again in a voice loud enough to be heard over the mixer, but quiet enough to not carry over it beyond where they all sat. “You are all aware of the plans I have for our army. You are, each of you, children of Terra, well versed in the stories of our past, the betrayals we suffered, and the destruction that has been wrought on what is ours by right. Each of you share these ideals, as do most of our officer corps and the troops, for they too are Terran, and do not heed the delirious words of an injured mind turned to gospel by his followers, nor do we desire to toe the line for lords on worlds around distant stars who fight in the ruins of our worlds that they destroyed. We children of Terra, we lucky few here today, we are the last keepers of the eternal flame of Earth, we here will ignite the fire that restores our world to her birthright.”

None of the assembled officers had heard Angus talk like that before, and they found it heady stuff indeed. For each of them, though they had been taken into his confidence before, and each had seen the possible futures and embraced a new way forward, tired as they were of the ever spiralling status quo, they had not heard the vision spelled out so openly, and silence followed, until Logan asked, “If the scavenger lords know what we might have here and how the Primus has interfered with the balance of power, and if the Primus sees those of us gathered here as a threat to her, how do you plan to execute REMUS?” Logan referred to the plans developed initially by Angus and Pat, later shared with a slowly growing core of ultra-loyal general officers.

“Pat?” Angus looked to his executive officer,

Pat sat back on his bench and put his arms behind his head as he started talking, “You know we have SAS detachments for security at all HPG stations?” Nods were received. “Upon receipt of the code word, the SAS will take out each station’s ROM detachment, and assume technical control of the HPGs. Despite the mumbo-jumbo the nutters go on with, the operation of the HPG’s is pretty straight forward.”

“That’s all well and good Pat, but what about here on Earth?” Asked Gerhardt. “I do not assume that ComStar will roll over and die, we know we have to move to cut the head from the snake, but despite Angus’s general plan, we don’t really have much detail.”

“There’s a reason for that Ger,” Pat sat forward, “We need to be light on the detail so nothing leaks to ROM, especially with that conniving prat Precentor Marks assigned to the command staff. There will two phases to executing the plan. The first will involve the good Admiral here taking control of the space tracking systems.”

“Is that even possible?” Asked Lisa Orlov, concern on her face.

“Rather,” said Graham Neville, “We routinely take system control, where we assume control for exercises focused on system wide defence drills. We hold these between three and six times a year, with the tempo increasing in the last two years. We can lock anyone else out of the system for about six hours before alarms would be raised.”

“And when are they scheduled?” Asked Ryan.

“Next week, mid-July, October, and late-December at the moment.”

“Why do we need the sky blinded?” Asked Panhard, “It will be handy, but we control the fleet, so I don’t expect any real issues there. I assume it relates to operational security?”

Pat responded with a savage grin, “Yep, right on there Ger. You know we have posted most of the conduit lickers to the 77th and 78th brigades that protect Hilton Head, where we can manage their world view and keep them and the Primus happy?” He received a nod, “Well, we don’t want them getting word that I Corp will be lifting off for a high-speed run across the Atlantic. The plan is to drop 1st, 6th, 11th, and 21st Divisions on Hilton Head, whilst 16th Division and a full regiment from the SAS makes life interesting for ROM in Cairo.”

There were smiles and chuckles around the room at Pat’s comments. The thought of a dozen BattleMech regiments and twice that number of support troops dropping on the Primus was one to savour. “The other Corps will have targets across the planet and intra-system, but Hilton Head is the key, and we will need to strike when the First Circuit is in session, which it is every two months at the moment, and they are currently in session.”

Elaine Lin, deputy to Logan spoke up, “That puts our two closest windows in October and December when we line it up with the navy’s system defence drills.”

“Yes.” This came from Angus.

The room became quiet and still. The dawning realisation that the plan they had been brought into was to go ahead so soon was a sobering one.

“Six to eight months’ time…will the line forces be ready?” Asked Henry.

All eyes turned to Pat. “Yes, sort of. We will have, by September, seventy-seven combat brigades on the rolls, each anchored by a BattleMech regiment, which includes the two at Hilton Head, and twelve that will be greener than green. It gives us the force we need cover our objectives, and each of you will be commanding a Corp of five divisions, each with three brigades each. The less experienced divisions will form a reserve for each of you, except for I Corp, as we need them sharp for dealing with the Primus’s troops.”

“So that deals with Phase I.” Said Angus.

Logan blurted out loudly “PHASE I!”

Pat was smiling wickedly again, “Yes, Phase I.”

“And what does that mean?” Asked Logan

Angus stood up, “You are all aware of the wargames we have been running which simulate ComGuard forces striking out at systems close to Terra in pre-emptive strikes against a planned assault by a Successor Lord?” He received nods “Then you will also be aware that those exercises have concluded that operations should be conducted by approximately fifteen brigades operating as a unified Crops, yes?” Logan and other nodded, “So Logan, it means that following the removal of ComStar as a threat to Terra, we then remove the threat of the Successor Lords. We are not just going to liberate Terra, we are going to liberate the Terran Hegemony.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2020, 04:23:19 AM »

Chapter 55

Rhone Valley, Marduk
Draconis March, Federated Suns
May 9th, 3025

The hot wind blew the dust across the plain in front of Natasha in great billowing clouds, clouds that mixed with the smoke of hundreds of fires. The fires rose from woodland set afire from errant rounds, from the savaged ruins of small towns and villages, and from the many gaps in the ruined armour of a multitude of shattered war machines.

The scene reminded her of the all to recently departed battlefields of Deshler, where many of the regiments engaged here on Marduk had also fought. Wolf’s Dragoons and the three Davion Guards formations began a death struggle three months before on Deshler, in which the Kuritan units supporting the Dragoons found themselves more spectators than participants. Wolf had quickly taken charge of the situation, launching a hasty assault on the Davion lines, trying to unbalance the AFFS before it could get organized. The Dragoons surged forward with success initially, but as the Davion Guards found their footing, they gave almost as good as they got, with the fighting building to a crescendo in mid‐month. The primary showdown occurred on the 17th of February, near the village of New Toledo on the Plains of Ishmael, where competing flanking manoeuvrers crashed into each other, creating a scene that echoed the one in the valley before her.

The fighting lasted four days and was vicious, often hand to hand, with little quarter asked or given. By the end of the battle, the Davions were forced to retire, but the Dragoons had suffered as well, with a third of their number dead, wounded, or missing, and two regiments of machines little more than burning and smashed metal. The commanders of the Dragoons had suffered as well, with Natasha herself missing, unconscious in a ditch after ejecting. J. Elliot Jamieson, Commander of Zeta Battalion, was put in a coma as his Stalker shot apart around him by a pair of Davion Stukas, the commander of the Special Task Group, Major Brubaker was likewise wounded when he had a run‐in with a Davion Partisan, and his prognosis was still grim months later. The commander of Alpha Regiment, Kelly Yukinov was nearly killed, ejecting before a reactor explosion with a concussion, and Kathleen Dumont of Delta was taken a POW. The Davions had suffered worse, with one Guards General dead and five brigade commanders captured or missing, but they hadn’t broken and had the grim satisfaction of having stood toe to toe with Wolfs Dragoons.

Within a month, much as Severn had become the focus of the Lyran front, Deshler had become the focus of the Davion front for the DCMS. Success there would see the end of the Galtor Thumb, with failure opening the way for a devastating AFFS counterattack into the heart of the Benjamin Military District. The AFFS and DCMS threw more forces into the world, as the Dragoons and Davion Guards desperately tried to recover, and those reinforcements collided in the atmosphere over Deshler in the early days of the March. Whilst the 4th Davion Guards and the Militia moved to engage the incoming DCMS reinforcements near the town of Spencer, the 1st and 3rd Davion Guards continued to hold Wolf’s Dragoons in the Berowra District. The fighting around the ridges of Berowra finally turned to the Dragoons advantage, as the Guards RCT’s no longer had the 4th RCT and the militia guarding their flanks.

Jamie, gambling much on a partially restored Dragoons line, one repaired with much of the spoils taken from Robinson in January, tried the same flanking assault that met with a bloody stalemate the month before, but this time was able to pull off the gambit, as Gamma Regiment ploughed into the 1st Guards Mech regiment and reduced it to a pair of Battalions over the course of a night’s fighting. The gap opened by Gamma allowed Beta Regiment to savage the 1st Guards Beta Brigade and opened a general assault. The pressure of two months facing the Dragoons became too much for units in both RCT’s and they began to lose cohesion over the night of the 15th, presaging a general Dragoon break out, one led by Natasha in a factory new Warhammer she was still trying to get comfortable with, her old ride now parts.

The AFFS forces were saved by the arrival of the monsoon rains, which funnelled Natasha’s formation along the ridge tops and out of the overfull rushing gullies. However, the AFFS suffered just as much as did the Dragoons, limiting catastrophe, but not really delaying the inevitable, as the Recon Regiment and the Black Widows got into knife fighting range.  However, the mud and howling winds allowed the AFFS to fight a rear-guard action and get it forces off world here, to Marduk, where many of the Dragoon regiments pursued them.

“This is not the sort of war we were once trained to fight, though we have become rather good at it.” Her voice was slightly croaky, the result of the dust, and long hours in a cramped and hot cockpit.

Standing next to the tall red-haired woman was a shorter man, who stood with a dignified stance, his eyes squinting from the smoke and dust, and his close cropped beared matted and dirty. “True Natasha, I assume this is what the Pentagon once looked like when Nicholas left for his own exile, and though we may have become good at it, so are our foes in the Davion Guards. This is no Robinson.”

“Ha!” Exulted Natasha at the mention of their recent stunning triumph on the Draconis March capital. “I hear Hanse Davion would decorate us if he could, so impressed is he with our strike…though I believe the Sandovals are somewhat more circumspect in their praise.”

“You did incite them somewhat with your last action Natasha.”

“Jamie, if the idiot Marshals in charge of the Draconis March are going to leave their primary storehouses poorly defended, then they can’t complain when we drop en masse to liberate them. Plus, leaving them with that Galleon tank was one more item than they deserved for that pitiful defence.”

Jamie nodded, and placed his hands behind his back, “Well, the mission idea was yours, and Tetsuhara was willing to back it, and if not for the lack of supplies and replacements coming to the front because of it, the Davion Guards may well have pushed us off Deshler, and never let us reach Marduk for that matter as well.”

Natasha sat down unceremoniously in the dirt, sticking her legs out in front of herself and leaning back on her hands. “True, the AFFS has been more than willing to give us as good as we have given them. Hanse really has them working well together, better than the DCMS. Sure, the Dragon has some good regiments, more than Davion, but they just can’t seem to work together as well as the AFFS is. From what I can gather, same problem is plaguing the Lyran front, and if the Dragon can’t kick the Lyrans around easily, then something is amiss, especially after that bloody atrocity on Kobe.”

Jamie nodded, “The Combine has grown complacent under Hohiro and Takashi, but Theodore is something else.”

“That he might be, but he has not had enough time to work his reforms in, and what he has was done too quickly. It’s pissing people off, and the blame is falling on him, not the old ways. I think this war will cause more problems for Luthien than it solves.”

“Isn’t that the way of all wars Natahsa?”

“Can we do without the sagely comments today Jamie, I’m too tired to argue philosophy with you?”

Jamie chuckled and sat down beside Natasha.

Both were silent for some time, before Jamie spoke up again, “I have the latest news from the DCMS off the HPG, the war is proving interesting right across the Sphere.”

“How so?”

“House Marik seems to be rather gun shy on the Lyran front.”

“Idiots! Their provincial troops opting out?”

Jamie pulled a sheaf of notes from within his fatigues, “No, it is not that, as they seem to have sorted that organisational Achilles heel out. It is more a case of hitting worlds in force, but with not enough force, and retaining a reserve against a counter-attack that does not seem to be forming anywhere.”

“They have intentionally tied a hand behind their back? Marik war making has always been a bizarre exercise.”

Jamie placed the papers down next to his right leg, resting a hand on them so they would not blow away, “No, it’s not that, as they seem to believe they are going all in, I actually think they have underestimated frontline LCAF force strength, and overestimated the capacity of the Lyran reserves.”

“So they are going nowhere?”

“Not entirely, no, they have taken several systems and are pushing towards Bolan, but the approach the FWLM is applying is limiting their advantages and giving the LCAF the time it needs to fight a more flexible defence.”

Natasha leaned right back, laying now, with her hands behind her head staring up at the sky, “So the masters of war for this merry-go-round are the Capellans? Never would have thought to hear myself say those words.” Natasha ended with a chuckle.

“Neither did I” Jamie responded, “However, the fact remains that the CCAF is on the rampage near Sirdar and Kittery, crushing Davion units and taking systems, whilst ensuring that Davion efforts to stabilise the situation meet with failure more often than not.”

“I am sure their new WarShips have helped there. God knows how badly they have employed them tactically, but Panzer shock is Panzer shock, no matter where you see it. The AFFS has been scrambling to counter those Molinya sized ships, but there is not much they can do when the CCN keeps deploying the things in mutually supporting squadrons.”

Jamie nodded, “Yes, someone in the CCN seems to know what they are doing at an operational and strategic level, and it is costing the AFFS dearly. What is most interesting is not the battles the Capellan WarShips have been in, but the battles they have avoided. If they keep this up, they will learn the tactics so long ago forgotten and ally them with their operational/strategic art”

“Speaks to good overall doctrine.” Was Natasha’s replay.

“I agree.”

Natasha changed track, “What of our own problems here with Davion’s Brigade of Guards?”

“Numerous.” Was the dead pan reply she received.

“Jamie…” The tone was ominous.

“You do realise I outrank you Natasha?”

“Would you like to Trial for the information Jamie?” Natasha asked sweetly.

“No, not today thank you, I am rather enjoying the sensation of breathing without life support.”

“Then give Jamie, your sense of humour is as lost on me today as it has ever been.”

“They are hurting, despite what they have accomplished to date. Though the fighting here is not as intense as what we saw on Deshler, it has been going on for longer and both realms keep feeding more and more forces into the fight. If the Black Widows and Delta were here, we could probably break them, but as it is, if we do, we risk being broken ourselves.”

Natasha’s face darkened at the mention of “her” unit, the Black Windows, who she was separated from as she shepherded the Special Reconnaissance Regiment to its place a full member of the Dragoon’s roster. “Bring the Widows back and I’ll break this whole place wide open!” she spat back.

“No, that is beyond even them and you together, especially considering our supply situation.”

“How bad has it got?”

“It’s not critical, yet. With what we gained from the Robinson raid, the salvage we picked up on Deshler and here, we have managed to keep pace and keep enough people upright, but a month or two more of this and we will need to stand down, or hope for quieter assignments.”

“You really think that will happen Jamie.”

“I don’t know, but I can guess. The AFFS has at best three months of supplies for the entire front thanks to our gutting of Robinson, they cannot keep up the tempo of the war.”

“Neither can the Dracs, you’ve seen the state of the units coming back onto the line after rest and refit. They blew whatever windfall they had on new regiments and not on a strong logistical base. The whole war is going to sputter out.”

“I disagree Tash, the Davions will fight on, no matter what they have to fight with, even if the Capellans keep advancing as well. I think this one might roar on at a high tempo at least until well into 3026, maybe longer.”

“Will we need to make a run to our new home?”

“Possibly. Our efforts there to get a foothold after using your fun on Alpheratz as cover worked well. Our facilities are up and running, and the locals are responding to our medical aid well. We have a strong level of support and are seeing local enlistment rise. However, I’m hesitant to start drafting them to fight here, it sends the opposite to the signals we have been giving them to date, and could undo our longer-term plans. We can draw on war stocks there, but again, we need to be careful.”

“War on a shoestring then Jamie, like proper Merc’s for once?”

It might be that way,” Jamie nodded, “but Tetsuhara is going to intercede with the Kanrei on our behalf. With our record, he believes the Dragon will be duty bound to support us properly. It also makes the best military sense; we are the most potent strike weapon they have.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2020, 06:21:13 PM »

Chapter 55

Brisbane Waters
Australia, Terra
June 9th, 3025

“Five worlds! That’s all you want to strike in the first wave once we pacify Terra?” Pat Milray’s dark face was incredulous, as Angus leaned back, then flung forward, casting out his baited hook from the small metal boat the two of them rode in. The boat bobbed gently on the wide and calm surface of Brisbane Waters, where both men were spending their time relaxing on a rare few days off.

“Pat, I swear you are becoming more reactionary than the Primus every day. Do you really think I’d pick a fight with all five Successor States and not make an overwhelming statement? I think strategic shock requires a rather weighty sledgehammer.”

Pat sat back down, stabilising the small boat, picked up his beer, put it down, then picked up his own hook off the bottom of the boat, and began to bait it with a prawn. “You really like to get people’s attention eh? Each Corps we have, forty-five regiments each, a third of them BattleMech, supported by fifteen WarShips, to hit the five nearest worlds simultaneously, all at the same time as we announce the formation of a new Terran Hegemony, and declare our control of the HPG network…yep, that ought to garner a little media attention.”

Angus grinned at his friend as he sat down facing him and set his rod in a holder. “Pat, we are doing something only a madman has tried before, and then adding to it, so we have to be audacious. The shock we cause must be used to give us the maximum opportunity to get what we need, or we all end up dying for the cause. Speed, firepower, and a diplomatic offensive must be combined to give us freedom to annex the Hegemony and crush any attempt to stall us. Momentum will be the key. If we can strike hard enough and quickly enough, we may be able to precipitate local withdrawals, then focus our strength on contested areas. No one seems to be looking at Terra, and the fighting, if it goes as planned, will surge past, not close to Terra.”

“Wishful thinking right there.” Was Pat’s response as he cast his own line.

“Possibly.” Angus responded, but the real tell on that will come next month when the strikes closer to Terra go in, and we get information on the ones that have launched. Did you get the latest report this morning?”

Pat scowled at his friend, “No, I was getting the boat ready whilst your lazy ass was in bed reading!”

“It was character building for you Pat – You’re getting a bit tubby anyway, the exercise is good for you.”

“You and me both.” was Pat’s amused reply. “What’s the latest from the Sphere?”

Angus looked across the waters to the dark green gum forests that marched all the way to the shoreline as he recalled the basics of the briefing papers he had read that morning.

“The Lyran Commonwealth has become more active on the League border, though its actions are dwarfed by the FWLM. Strikes near Solaris and the movement of additional forces towards the border have been assisted by the LCAF’s pull out from Circinus, and it seems the local commanders are more than happy that the High Command is no longer distracted by the Circinian side show the idiots got involved in. However, the Free Worlds League has changed the tempo of the battling on the front, from a few large, almost static fights, to major thrusts aimed at deep penetration into the Commonwealth on an additional ten worlds. Seems the aims is eliminating the Cavanaugh Theatre completely.”

Pat whistled, “So the Mariks finally woke up? With Dixie secure and strong positions on both Ford and Poulsbo, the FWLM is free to strike hard at additional targets to overwhelm the LCAF’s ability to respond.”

Angus nodded, “Yeah, Pat, and the LCAF’s counter-raids against the Free Worlds League are aimed at drawing attention away from the main battles on Ford and Poulsbo, but Free world’s own additional strikes are far more attention grabbing than anything the LCAF is attempting.”

“The raids might play into the League’s hands as well.”

Angus spoke as he began reeling in his line after failing to jag a fish striking at the end of his line. “They could, and the actions on the Combine front don’t help much either. The LCAF could build on its modest success of late, as the DCMs just can’t seem to get properly organised, although Theodore Kurita has ordered assaults against another sixteen Commonwealth worlds. With Tamar still under attack and Combine forces a single jump from Skye, the Archon might be feeling real pressure from the likes of Duke Kelswa of Tamar and Aldo Lestrade in Skye.”

“That’s true,” said Pat, “But those Dukes are always complaining. Still, if I read it right, Operation Urizen might just suffer its first real problems in June, as the LCAF Quartermasters are beginning to deliver large amounts of supplies to the forces on the front line. That would allow the LCAF to stop falling back and fight the DCMS to a standstill on several worlds. Still, sixteen new targets is a pretty deep strike into the Tamar Domains.”

“It is, and the LCAF is trying to pressure Kirchbach and try to take the heat off Tamar, but the DCMS has reserves that look to be able to contain the incursion.”

“Based on the massing of forces a week ago,” Pat responded, as he too began to reel in his line, “The LCAF could piggyback off the Kirchbach operation to relieve Tamar, without going through the teeth of the DCMS “south” of Severn. If they take Moritz and Skokie, a path to Tamar would be opened that would allow for easy resupply, whilst not being under heavy pressure from DCMS forces.”

Angus pulled his line all the way in and began baiting again. “It might work, but if the Lyrans get problems like the DCMS has with General Tengwan, there’s little hope of it working.”

“Whose General Tengwan and what’s he gone and done?”

“General Goshi Tengwan, still bitter over the new Coordinator’s actions in late-3024 it would seem, managed to bully the commander of the Buckminster Prefecture, General Kyesan Kurita, into supporting a renewed assault upon the Port Moesby Thumb. Kurita is a less than stellar member of the ruling clan and looks like he was easily swayed by Tengwan. However, the Lyran’s initial successes with SEVERE FIST being the only light in an otherwise bleak outlook for the LCAF, it was decided to expand the scope of the assaults in the Dieron Military District in order to pull more Combine forces in. The main strike was to fall on Vega, but additional efforts near Kessel also continued and added to Tengwan’s fun around Moesby, the whole area is lighting up.”

Pat raised his eyes “Starting a private war, what an idiot, especially with the LCAF putting pressure on the DCMS in Kessel and Vega.”

Angus casted and looked to Pat, “Yeah, that’s ominous, and there is some intel that is making us think that Theodore Kurita may decide not to wait for July to commence Operation NOBUNAGA. We know that units from the Pesht, Benjamin, and Galedon Districts are still in transit or not yet even on their transports, but we think both Theodore and Yorinaga Kurita know that allowing the LCAF to take the initiative in the Skye region would derail their long-term plan and may authorise and earlier strike.”

“Makes sense.” Pat said. “What about the Davion border?

Angus settled back in his seat once he was happy with his cast, “Despite AFFS efforts to focus the DCMS’s attention elsewhere, the determination of the Combine to take the worlds it has already struck is forcing the AFFS to expend men and material it can ill afford in battles not of its choosing.”

“That strike on Robinson by the Dragoons took half the March’s supplies in one hit, those AFFS regiments must be really hurting by now.” Pat cast his own line back out and set it as he spoke.

Angus leant back, “True, and the DCMS has also moved from assaulting worlds to consolidating its control over those it already had forces on. With the AFFS still jumping around behind the lines, many DCMS regiments which could be on the front are still chasing Davion ghosts behind the main action.”

Pat said nothing, so Angus continued “The FedSuns – Capellan Front hit a new level of intensity once the Chancellor went early into the Terran Regions last month, and the AFFS is raiding and striking across the Tikonov Commonality. The AFFS also began its own counter-invasion near St. Ives, whilst the CCAF is consolidating and shifting troops to manage ongoing conflicts and captured worlds.”

Angus looked to have finished, but then looked up, “Oh, and there are some odd troop movements in the League. The Defenders of Andurien have dropped off the maps, and there are reports of troops massing on the Canopian side of the League-Magistracy border.”

Pat looked up with curiosity in his eyes, “That’s odd.”

“Yeah. I know Kyalla Centralla is ambitious, but stabbing Marik in the back is asking to get beaten, though if Andurien is pulling its troops back to cover the border, it will weaken the League’s invasion into the Commonwealth.”

Pat put his feet up on the bench next to Angus and looked his old friend in the eye, “So back to the topic at hand – How does all of this affect us? We have the plans for ROMULUS done, and REMUS piggy backs most of that, though with sealed orders, a couple of secret provisions, and a sprinkle of fracking faery dust to try and make it work!”

Angus looked soberly at Pat, his brown eyes hard. “It means we follow the plan Pat, we don’t second guess ourselves, and we talk hard and fast to keep folks focused outwards, and not inwards.”

“OK, but I still think we need to hit more worlds in the initial strike.”

“I disagree. Most of our formations, though they have trained together, have not seen combat, and having them undertake an “easy” first assignment will be invaluable. Lessons learned on those five worlds will be critical in saving lives once the Corps break into divisions for the second wave. We overwhelm five worlds, the hammer another twenty plus, all within three months. Surprise and shock will be guaranteed and save lives as our troops learn the ropes.”

“I still think we need more than five straight up but, “Pat held a hand up before Gus could speak, “I’ll grant you your arguments and at least model it out before we speak again.”

Angus nodded, “OK Pat, but it will take a bit to change my mind.” He paused, “How are the Generals coping with it all?

Pat leaned back and folded his arms, causing the little boat to rock a little, “Varies. Lunatic wants to go now,” Both chuckled at the nickname and outlook of General Athout, they both thought of their officers as Generals now, not Precentors. “Cavill is of a similar mind, but the SAS reckon they can take the entire Sphere on their own. Lisa is nervous as hell though she is not showing it, that’s her nature, as she thinks of everything that can go wrong and plans for it. Gerhardt is similar, but that’s just him being thorough, and boy what an operational mind he has. We really underestimated just how good he really is, easily better than both of us put together. The rest are in the middle somewhere. There is quiet competence, and general nerves, but they are starting to believe, both in the mission AND as you as a saviour. You best be careful of that.”

Angus nodded, ignoring the tugs on his line. “Yeah, we don’t need a messiah complex forming around me, we need this to be about Terra and the other worlds helping themselves, we will just be there to assist and protect. Still, there will be some saviour stories after all of this.” He grinned “Maybe I should appoint myself God-Emperor?”

Pat shook his head, “You are a prat! How your wife puts up with you, I don’t know.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2020, 07:35:07 PM »

Chapter 57

Sandhurst Royal Military Academy
England, Terra
August 27th, 3025

Angus looked at the young woman across the ring of stone benches from him in the now fully restored room beneath Sandhurst. She was dressed in a ComStar dress uniform, with the rank insignia of an Adept, but had been fulfilling the role of a Major in regular military terms. Nothing like a rapid expansion, or a war, to minimise time in rank and accelerate the promotional pace. Angus was a beneficiary, or victim, depending on your point of view, of the same process. A mere Colonel three years ago, he had skipped five rungs up the chain in rather spectacular fashion, much like the young woman before him who, at twenty-three, was now essentially a Major, having risen from the equivalent of a Lieutenant in three years as the ComGuards massive expansion program kicked in.

“So, Adept Moore, you come highly recommended by your last CO, as an aide of the first order, who also excelled as a Company Commander.” Angus both stated and questioned with his words.

The young Adept, shook her head slightly, her dark hair moving with it, whilst her deep brown eyes remained locked on the Precentor Martial’s, “Sir, I believe I discharged my duties as well as I could, however, as with many of us, we have advanced so quickly, there are large gaps in what we know, and we are making mistakes because of it.”

Ah, a young officer with all the answers. “Trade-offs were made Adept, trade-offs that needed to be made in order to meet our goals.”

Moore flicked her hair back as it fell forward, in a gesture that undercut her irritation at the Precentor Martial’s statement, “Political goals sir, not military, though it’ll be the military that pays for them!”

Angus chuckled, And opinions. “So Adept, you think ComStar and the Primus have erred.”

“No sir, you have.”


“Yes sir. As I see it, since Precentor Millray briefed me following my interrogation, your decision to rush into this war, riding the tiger as it were, means you are likely condemning thousands of us to death on a wish and fanciful hopes. How do you think we can face five Great Houses and possibly win?”

Angus sat back, watching the young officer before him, chosen by Pat for her passion, loyalty to Terra, intelligence, and strong will. She would need them all, but Angus was already liking the young aide, she was sure to keep him constantly on his toes. Now to do the same in return.

“How do I think we can possibly win? Well Adept Stephanie Moore, why don’t you show me how good a staff officer you really are and try and reason out my thinking?”

The young officer stopped, taken back a little by the Precentor Martial’s comment. She sat back, folded her hands in her lap, looked down to gather her thoughts, then started speaking, whilst she raised her head to again meet her superior’s eyes.

“You see chaos as our ally. You likely hope that the five Great Houses are too entwined in a war to the death with each other, and far too busy with each other to be aware of the coming strikes until it is too late. It should be possible to that extent, as they don’t have eyes on Terra, but the initial blow needs to be truly hard for us to have any advantage.”

Angus nodded and said, “Fifteen brigades on five worlds to start with, over twenty worlds hit a month later.”

Stephanie’s eyes widened, “That would do it, but we have no experience with such large operations, we WILL make mistakes. Still, there is more to it than that. I think you have been planning this for a very long time?”

“I have, yes.” He was surprised at just how fast she had seen to the heart of matters. “Do you think you can guess when we will be striking out?”

“Within six months.” The answer came with such confidence.


“Well, I’m here for one, and after the inquisition I was put through, I have to surmise the plan is still being kept in a very small group, but that you need to focus on the bigger picture and need trusted aides who can deal with the day to day for you. If that is the case, we can’t be far from launching.”

Angus again chuckled, “I hope there is no one in ROM with your ability to see to the heart of things. You know of the first stage, for Terra?”

“Yes sir, but only now about the other worlds. Will we stop there?”

“No. We will restore the entire Hegemony.”

“Good. We need our place back; the universe has been lost without the leadership of Terra and the Hegemony for so long now.”

A true believer of another stripe eh? “You probably know enough to be going on with for now, however, you will become privy to most of the details of the plan over the coming weeks, and I need you to be across them all. You will become my shadow, Colonel, and whip the other aides into shape as they arrive.”

“Colonel sir?” She asked with cocked head and raised eyebrow.

“Within this inner circle, we have shed our robes, and taken ranks appropriate to our duties. Colonel is a promotion for you, but you have what I need in an aide, and I have no doubt that over the coming months you will more than earn it.”

A slight smile played across her lips, “Thank you sir...ah...General? I think?”

Angus laughed out loud this time, “Apparently, according to Pat, it’s Commanding General, but General suits just fine.” He paused, “So tell me Colonel Moore, how would you deal with the situation that looks to be brewing in South America?”

Angus was referring to the series of incidents between the TerraSec forces that manned the South American Jungle Warfare School, who took a perverse pleasure in making life hell for ComGuard CBG’s that regularly rotated though the facility, and the 77th and 78th CBGs in particular. Most commands took the hard lessons and good-natured abuse and pranks in stride, but in the last two weeks, the 77th and 78th CBG’s, the Primus’s fanatics, were training there. The troops in the two units did not take well to the training, or their hosts, and an aggravated situation had gotten more heated by the day. As of this morning, full scale fighting had broken out between the seven regiments of TerraSec armour and infantry and the eight ComGuard regiments. The 77th and 78th claimed the TerraSec units had revolted and struck at them, though Angus was far more willing to think that General Sargan’s men had missed their mark in the pranks on the two CBG’s, and that tempers on both sides had flared out of control. What made things worse was the Primus’s declaration that the two ComGuard units would “Eradicate the rebellious Terran fools who dared to raise arms against those who had for so long shielded them.” Word of this idiocy from the Primus had spread through the ranks like a grassfire before a strong wind, and the feeling at Sandhurst was ugly. Action, one way of the other would have to be taken.

“We wipe the 77th and 78th out and get started with whole thing now!”

“You’re letting your emotions get in the way of clear-headed thinking Colonel. Much as it might advantageous to get the ball rolling, there are some critical elements to the plan that still need to come together before we can get adventurous.”

“Then what sir?” Moore responded, looking down, “Big cuddly peacekeepers?” She said the last with a grimace.

“Yes. We show this world that we have an even hand. We put the fanatics in their place and send a message to the First Circuit that Primus does not control us.”

“Why would we want that message to go to the First Circuit?”

“Because Colonel, we are seen as a threat by them, but if they see us as a potential break on the Primus, they will back off, and give us the room we need to move over the coming months.”

Moore folded her arms, looking almost impatient.  “Then we are going to South America?” The question ended almost on a plea.

“We are. A full-scale deployment of six CBG’s, which will give us the experience we will need so soon for trans-Atlantic deployments into hostile environments. I want you to analyse every aspect of this operation Colonel Moore, we need to learn from it and learn fast. The clock is ticking.”

There was a pause. “Your Mech here Colonel?”

She smiled, “Yes sir, a Royal Highlander.”

Angus smiled also, “Nice ride. I have an upgraded Banshee 3S. Mean beast that one.”

Stephanie looked curious, “A 3S sir, how did you manage to get one of those?”

“Long story that one. I’ll tell you on the way. We need to hook up with the 11th CBG, who are in turn linking up with the 48th. We’ll be joined by the 1st and 2nd, and the 31st and 50th. Be ready in thirty, a lance of Ferrets is on the way. Meet on the grass between the lake and the parade square.”

“Thirty minutes sir. Yes sir.”

Quick salutes were exchanged and the young officer hurried out of the room, as Angus headed for his own quarters to change for combat.

xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx

Twenty-four hours later, with the situation in hand, Adept Stephanie Moore stood at ease behind the Precentor Martial, and Precentors Millray and Panhard, along with several other junior officers. During the run across the Atlantic by the six CBG’s of the temporarily formed VI “Emergency Corps”, Precentor Millray had told her in no uncertain terms that he expected her to keep the other junior officers in line, keep up with both himself and the Precentor Martial, and not frac anything up! It was education by immersion and her head was still swimming.

Three hours after leaving Sandhurst, she was aboard a DropShip with the rest of the command staff, Mechs hot loaded with little else bar some last-minute emergency supplies, and already hurtling towards South America. Two hours later, she hot dropped with elements of the 11th CBG, right between the TerraSec forces and those of the 77th and 78th. The other CBG’s dropped in pairs behind each of the two mutinous groups and within thirty minutes the word was out that the stupidity was to stop. Not many shots had been fired, but Steph had had the immense satisfaction of putting a gauss slug into the centre of an already damaged 77th CBG Thorn, coring the Mech and earning her first kill. The Thorn’s had lashed out at the Precentor Martial’s command company, thinking they were part of the TerraSec forces and learnt the lesson of the importance of battlefield id the hard way.

Stephanie refocused on the view in front of here, moving slightly left, so that the flap of the field tent would stop beating against her, which also allowed her to keep an eye on the outside of the tent for anyone approaching the entrance as well. Before the senior ComGuard trio were Precentor Edward Marks, still in his MechWarrior combat gear, and General Sargan of TerraSec in field fatigues. Both men were getting the chewing out of their careers.

“Precentor Marks,” growled Angus, “What possessed you to open fire on Terran troops during training? What bloody madness made you think that it was acceptable to fire on the people that are helping us be better soldiers, and who, as ComStar, we have sworn to protect?”

Marks pulled himself up, responding almost with a sneer on his face. “This ridiculous command has done nothing but antagonise my troops, their betters, since we arrived. They have assaulted Com Guard troops, and when put in their place, or arrested, responded by further assaulting my men, as well as staging illegal prison breaks. My troops had no choice but to fire on them. Then the fools fired back. At that point they were in open rebellion and I undertook my duty to crush such opposition to the righteous order of ComStar.”

The Precentor Martial seemed stunned by the response, and there was silence in the room, only disturbed by the distant sound of an approaching helicopter. “You’re an idiot!” Was the statement from Precentor Millray. Stephanie was inclined to agree.

Before Marks could respond, the Precentor Martial tuned on the TerraSec general. “Tony, what in world got into your head? You’re better than this. Your troops are better than this. You’ve gone and created a god-awful mess. I know I have no direct authority over you, but there will be consequences from this.”

“Precentor Martial,” the man started in a deep voice, “We underestimated the thinness of these people’s skin. Most of the units you send here take what we give and give back good naturedly. We train hard and play hard here, but there is always respect, both given and received. These troops, they gave no respect, and failed to see the lessons we tried to teach, both on and off the field in dealing with irregular troops. Their arrogance incited us, and we were too proud to back down. I should have stepped in, but…” he did not finish.

“Generals can’t have emotions in war.” Said Gerhardt.

Angus nodded. “You lost your head Tony. Now how many of your troops are dead?”

“Eighty-seven, a couple of hundred more wounded, I have not seen the final lists.”

“And what of the ComStar dead?” Said Marks in a loud and angry voice.

“Shut up Marks! We’ll deal with you in a minute.” Barked Precentor Millray across the table they all stood across.

As the Precentor Martial continued to speak to General Sargan, Stephanie’s mind focused on the sound of a Helicopter, which was now very close. She leaned over to Adept Wen and quietly spoke in her ear. “Take over here, I’ll see whose coming in.”

The other adept nodded, then Steph turned to her right, ducked her head and walked past the security detail. “Two of you with me.” She said as she walked past the last of the eight guards. Two quickly fell in behind her as she walked across towards where the white painted Royal variant Ripper infantry VTOL was flaring for a landing, shielding her eyes, both against the dust being blown out by the VTOL, and its lights, which were bright in the gathering darkness of the late evening.

She walked around to her left, towards the doors, and looked through the window. OH SHIT!

Standing, as the crew opened the door for her, was the Primus of ComStar, golden robed and looking for all the world like a raging demon come to earth.

As the Primus dismounted, with several staff climbing out behind her, Stephanie stood to attention and executed a perfect salute. “Primus, we were not expecting your presence. How can I be of assistance?” Her voice betrayed none of the uncertainty she felt.

The Primus’s voice was nearly drowned out by the still running engine of the VTOL, but the malice carried despite the noise. “Take me to the Precentor Martial immediately.”

Oh shit.

Again, no trace of uncertainty showed on her face or in her voice. She turned briefly to one of the guards that had come with her. “Run head and inform the Precentor Martial the Primus is here to see him.” And before the Primus could countermand the order, she spoke to the Primus, “If you would follow me Primus.”

She could see the anger in the Primus’s eyes. She had obviously wanted to storm in and surprise the Precentor Martial, but Stephanie had prevented that from happening. The Primus stared hard at her, but as she got no response, merely gestured for Stephanie to lead on. By the time they started moving, the guard was already entering the tent, having covered the hundred meters to the tent at a blistering pace.

Adept (Colonel) Moore, led the other woman towards the tent, and she smiled inwardly at that thought, being so close to the Primus. The guards snapped to attention and saluted as they passed, then she entered the tent, saluted herself and announced the Primus. “Precentor Martial sir, the Primus is here to see you sir.”

The Precentor Martial returned the salute, and bowed to the Primus, “You honour us with your presence Primus, how can we be of assistance?”

The Primus strode right up to Hamilton, creating an almost ridiculous scene, as the large man, in MechWarrior combat gear, towered over the gleaming Primus, who looked so overdressed as to be almost ridiculous in the plain setting of a field tent. She pointed at General Sargan. “Why is that man and his troops not in chains, and why have you interfered with the order I gave to MY officer to put this revolt down?”

“Your orders Primus?” Angus asked with a slightly cocked head.

The Primus smiled a cold smile. “Yes, my orders. Precentor Marks informed me of the situation, and I instructed him to bring these TerraSec fools to heal. He was carrying out MY orders when you INTERFEERED!”

The Precentor Martial paused for a moment. “You directly ordered Precentor Marks to continue his attacks on TerraSec forces?” The Primus nodded once. “In direct contravention of First Circuit Order 107, and the ComGuard Operational Doctrines?”

The Primus flared, “I have no time for your military mores Hamilton, I am here to see justice done!”

“As am I Primus. Though as you are no doubt well aware, the ComGuard Operational Doctrines state that no Precentor or Adept may accept orders from outside of the chain of command without the express permission of the Precentor Martial,” the Primus tried to speak, but Angus held one hand up, “And First Circuit Order 107 explicitly states that the First Circuit must approve any order given to the ComGuards from the Office of the Primus, if those orders could or will circumvent the usual chain of command. I must ask Primus, since no request was made to the Office of the Precentor Martial, did the First Circuit approve the commands you gave to Precentor Marks under Order 107?”

The Primus snarled, “I took what action was necessary! It is YOU who overstepped their bounds.”

“I’m sorry Primus, I did not. Under Article 43 of the ComGuard Operational Doctrine, the Precentor Martial is delegated the authority to take immediate action within the Terran system, independent of the First Circuit and Primus, should fighting break out on Terra, or an invasion of the system appear imminent. The Precentor Martial then has 48 hours within which to report to the First Circuit regarding any actions taken. I have acted completely in my remit, and will be reporting to the First Circuit tomorrow, as required by the Doctrines.”

Stephanie watched the Primus’s colour redden until she looked like she would burst. Backed into the sort of doctrinal corner she used to manipulate others; the Primus seemed to be suddenly at a loss. She breathed deeply, then pointed at General Sargan. “I want that man arrested and brought before the First Circuit!”

“My apologies Primus, I have no authority to do that, though I had hoped General Sargan would accompany me to Hilton Head?” He looked at the General, who nodded. “I also intend to take Precentor Marks. General Sargan will at the least be required by TerraSec to resign his commission, Precentor Marks I fully intend to cashier for incompetence.”

Waterly bristled again, “You will do no such thing. I have the power to ensure he remains in the ComGuards as MY representative, since you are obviously incapable of seeing my vision.”

“Very well Primus, as is your due, though I suggest you take him back to Hilton Head to command the 77th and 78th. If you insist he stays at Sandhurst, I’ll assign him to counting the grass on the parade field.”

Stephanie was both amazed and aghast at the Precentor Martial. He was openly rolling the dice against the Primus, openly undermining her actual and perceived authority, and moving to embarrass her before the First Circuit.

The dawning realisation that she had been roundly defeated here seemed to give the Primus pause. She changed tact very quickly, adapting to the new situation and no doubt planning ahead for the First Circuit, where the home field advantage would be hers, and not the Precentor Martials. “Very well Precentor Martial Hamilton, I will call a session of the First Circuit for dusk tomorrow. You will present yourself there to answer for your conduct.”

“Of course Primus.” He bowed “In accordance with 137 and the Doctrines, I will have briefing papers to the First Circuit in the morning.”

“No need, I’ll brief them myself.” She returned.

“Unfortunately Primus, I have no choice in the matter, I am required by ComStar law to do so.”

The Primus bristled again, “Very well Hamilton. I need an officer from your staff to brief me then, as I return to Hilton Head, in addition to Precentor Marks.”

Angus bowed slightly again, “Of course Primus, Adept Moore can accompany you, if you give me an hour to gather the information she will need?”

Oh shit! Thought Stephanie, for the third time.

The Primus wheeled without a further word and stalked from the tent.

The Precentor Martial spoke next with his command voice. “Clear the tent. Pat, you, Ger, and Moore are to remain.”

Everyone filed out, apart from the three required to remain. Once they were alone, the Precentor Martial spoke quietly. “Ger, can you and Steph get the information together she’ll need on the trip up to Hilton Head?” Ger nodded. “Good. Pat, initiate SHE-WOLF.”

Pat raised an eyebrow, grinning, “SHE-WOLF 3?”

“Yeah, we have three months until our operational window. Get the warnings out to the right people, and make sure Henry has the SAS good to go. After tonight, the clock’s ticking, the Primus now knows the ComGuard is not in her camp, and I for one, am happy for the clock to have officially started. Quite frankly, I’ve had a gut full of this. It is time to do something. We were going to start the clock in a few days anyway, so now’s as good a time as any.”

“Sure thing, SHE-WOLF 3. That gets the assets in place in time for our early December dance.”

Stephanie stood in absolute shock. Oh shit.

“Yes, it really is happening.” Said Precentor Millray, grinning at her. “You did well today kid. You kept the staff organised and out of the way, no mean feat on the fly. Got your first kill: That shot you made to drop the Thorn was inspired, never could have made that myself. And you were smart enough to get a runner to the tent when the Primus showed up. Yeah, you’ll do just fine.”

All three senior officers were looking at her, and all she could do was nod.

“Now Stephanie, remember, keep to the facts and the facts only on your little jaunt up to Hilton Head.” The Precentor Martial smiled, “And let’s get you all ready for your cosy trip with the Primus.”

Oh shit. She thought one last time.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2020, 07:07:23 PM »

Chapter 58

Hilton Head Island
North America, Terra.
September 5th, 3025.

“So Donald,” Primus Myndo Waterly said, “it would seem the Precentor Martial thinks he has the best of us, doesn’t it?”

Unfortunately for the Primus, Donald could not say anything in return, as Donald was a fat ginger cat, who was at that moment enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon sun, which was making an otherwise cool autumn day inside all the more bearable. It was probably good that Donald was also mute at this point, as Myndo wanted to break something, anything, and preferably, somebody.

The fiasco of South America rankled her deeply, and the fact that the Precentor Martial had first humiliated in front of his troops and those bastard Terra Sec idiots, then had the temerity to lecture her in front of the First Circuit was more than she was willing to take, more so due to the First Circuit declaring that they would be launching a full investigation into her handling of the entire affair and her orders to the ComGuards. Those lazy entitled bastards Ulthan Everson and Huthrin Vandel had been quick to move, and even some of her supposed allies had either abstained or voted for the investigation.

“BLAKE DAMM HIM!!!” She hollered at the window. The window merely rattled a little, however, Donald was more than rattled and was up and gone in a shot, his entire afternoon ruined as he sought a calmer and less dangerous resting place far from his enraged mistress.

Hamilton had managed to bring her vision of delivering Blake’s prophesies too close to danger to be allowed to progress further. He must be up to something. There is no other reason for him to oppose me. Myndo was unable to realise how tied up in her own vision she was whilst developing such thoughts, and it was this singular vision that was now driving her beyond all else and lending desperation to her thinking.

That was why she had sent for Precentor Marks, the one person who had acted appropriately and with unwavering loyalty to her and the true vision of the Blake’s blessed goals for people everywhere. The man had understood what she had wanted from the moment he walked in. What were the words he used… “Blake’s eternal vision is in danger and those of true faith must act without thought for peril in such times, even when those perils entail the breaking of doctrine and tradition!”

“Why could Marks have not been available two years ago to lead the ComGuards?” Myndo said to the room. Because trials are sent to test our faith and devotion, was the thought that answered her question.

However, Mark’s comment had opened a whole suite of opportunities, and the resulting conversation had solidified in her mind what need to be done, and she had the 1,800 loyal soldiers in the 77th and 78th CBG’s handy to provide emphasis to any points she may wish to raise with her now intransigent and less than trustworthy First Circuit. There was the problem of the many soldiers at the command of Hamilton, orders of magnitude more, but there were ways around such massive beasts, especially when you killed the brain. Her own thinking had not been well advanced, thinking clouded by emotion had managed that, however, the suggestions offered by Marks now opened up a whole new realm of possibility for her.

A full review of the “Faithful”, the 77th and 78th before the entire First Circuit to show them what the true strength of ComStar could be. Of course, that was to be what she told the First Circuit, and each member would be feted by the loyal personnel in the two units and given the run of their bases and personal to discuss whatever they wished with them. The Precentor Martial could not turn down such a request. They would also be given the opportunity to tour what she now referred to as “Terran Divisions”, but that was a mere formality.

The parade of the nearly 1,000 combat machines and 1,500 infantry before the First Circuit would be ostensibly to honour them for their visit and interest, but would merely serve to have them all in one convenient place when the Faithful turned on their supposed masters a took the First Circuit into custody.

Such thinking was music to her ears, and considered ordering that the Precentor Martial should be present as well. However, Marks had opposed her on that, and again impressed her, however, his cleverness may need to be watched in future, as he had a devious mind and she would tolerate no contender to her position. Precentor Marks suggested that the Precentor Martial not be present for the parade or the earlier inspections and be ordered to remain at Sandhurst, where the First Circuit would conduct the second part of their investigation into the ComGuards. The 77th and 78th, once the First Circuit was secured, would perform a high speed, low level strike from Hilton Head on Sandhurst and cut the head from Terra’s growing insubordination. Any resistance would be painted as heretical insubordination and wiped out. Hamilton would be painted as the Judas who imperilled both ComStar and Terra. At that point, Mark’s would be installed as Precentor Martial and secure control of the ComGuards and the Fleet, and Myndo herself would have uncontested control of ComStar and Terra, then she could bring about Blake’s vision unfettered by those of lesser intellect and vision.

These recollections went some way, though not all the way, to soothing her still roiling emotions over the events of the last few days, but they did provide enough focus to allow her to be ready to get the initial orders out, but she still felt the deepest rage whenever her thought’s strayed towards Hamilton and his pet troops.

Breathing in deeply, she walked over to her desk and activated her communications system with an imperious wave of her hand. There was a moment’s pause before an aide spoke, “Yes Primus, how can I serve?”

“Bring me the meeting schedule for the First Circuit, a copy of the Directive from the last meeting regarding the ComGuards and prepare to have priority messages sent to each member of the Circuit, the Precentor Martial, and Precentor Marks. I will compose those messages and have them linked to you momentarily. Once you receive them, dispatch them immediately.”

“As you order Primus.”

There really is no substitute for those who obey and perform, she thought as she cut the link to her aide and opened a new file to begin recording her message. She paused for a moment and began speaking.

“Esteemed members of the First Circuit, Precentor Martial, Precentor Marks. Following from our meeting regarding the activities of the ComGuards and my office, I have taken it upon myself to make all possible amends and expediate this matter to support you in your investigations. My respect for this body and our Order is greater than any need to maintain security around our august forces and therefore I will work with both the Precentor Martial and Precentor Marks to ensure you see our gallant protectors in the way I do.”

“To ensure this is the case, I would like to invite the entire First Circuit to inspect the 77th and 78th CBG’s here at Hilton Head over the week of the Monday 12 December to Sunday 18 December, where you will be given full access to all aspects of both brigades, access to all personnel, records, and materials, and demonstrations of their skills in the field. The week will end with a full parade of both Divisions in honour of the First Circuit.”

“During this week, the Precentor Martial will be preparing Sandhurst for a similar inspection in the days following, and therefore the inspections at Hilton Head will be managed by Precentor Marks. In the New Year, any other aspects of the ComGuards and the Fleet will be available for the First Circuit to inspect so as to support you in your work and findings. In order to maintain transparency, I will absent myself from all but the Hilton Head parade.”

“I trust this message finds you well in the Word of Blake.”


Angus Hamilton looked up as the battered and one-eyed form of his oldest friend, Patrick Millray entered his office. The one eye Pat possessed was gleaming out from his weathered face and there was a wicked grin on his face. “What has you all wound up Pat?” Asked Angus, with a growing sense of anticipation.

“Want and early Christmas present old fella?” Was the reply as he plonked down into one of the chairs facing the Precentor Martial with all the grace of a falling stone.

“Yes please.” Was the dead pan innocent sounding reply.

Pat dropped his voice low, though he was sure the SAS had made the room impossible to listen into. “You know how we wanted all the socket kissers in one place for our little hop over the pond?”

Angus sat up a little straighter, “I do. What have you got Pat? Give!” There was a small note of urgency in Gus’s reply, as one of the issues facing their planned December operations was bagging the 77th and 78th quickly and ensuring they had control of the First Circuit and the Primus.

Pat beamed at his boss, “Our Lady of the Immaculate Stupidity is planning on holding a parade for the First Circuit on the 18th of December with the 77th and 78th at Hilton Head, for the First Circuit, and we are very much not invited.”

The magnitude of the statement hit Angus like a blast from a PPC. There was a long silence between both men, before the Precentor Martial spoke. “Go find Steph and have her run down Panhard and get him here ASAP. In the meantime, go scare up a shuttle and brief the good Admiral in person.”

He paused again before smiling. “We have a go date. It is now D minus 104.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2020, 11:43:00 PM »

Chapter 59

Sandhurst Royal Military Academy
England, Terra
October 26th, 3025

“Would you stop that you complete pest!”

“I just want one.”

“Piss off and get your own chips you bastard seagull.”

“You’re too fat anyway, you need to share with us skinny people.”

A chip went flying across the small sunken room in the bowls of the Sandhurst Military Academy as Pat Millray threw one with all the force he could muster at Angus Hamilton, who had been trying to steal chips from Pat’s dinner for the last few minutes. The chip landed on Colonel Stephanie Moore’s lap.

“Not fair Pat, why does Steph get one?”

“Because she is not a man child who skipped dinner and thinks pestering a quiet diner is an acceptable trait in a General Officer.”

Hamilton, grinning, looked across at Steph, “What do you think Colonel, should he give me a chip?”

Steph looked at the two senior officers and with a straight face said, “Sirs, due to impossibility of finding both a moral and physically safe route out the General’s request, I must most humbly resign my commission as an officer.”

Angus grinned at her answer as Pat laughed through a mouthful of chips, and then talked around them. “Told you she would fit in around here, doesn’t take either of us seriously.”

“That’s because you’re a ridiculous human Pat.”

“True, but you’re no better.”
The Commanding General shrugged in agreement, “Fair Call.”

Steph had been struck by the strange formal informality of the ComGuard’s – soon to be HAF’s – senior officers when alone, which extended to the Corp commanders and the Senior Admiral. As ex-mercenaries, they were relaxed and open with each other and were not inclined to formality or ceremony when out of the public eye. However, when the subject turned serious, they became intensely focused and highly professional. It had taken Steph a little time to get used to, but now that she was considered a part of the inner circle, all be it a junior part of it, she was happy to give as good as she got, within the bounds of military decency that was.

The opening of the solid oak door behind her brought her thoughts back to the moment as the High Command filed into the room chatting to each other. Present was the short, bearded Admiral Graham Neville, looking dapper as always. He referred to the fleet as the Senior Service, a gentle ribbing to his ground bound counterparts, and made sure he was always well turned out. As the only non-mercenary in the High Command, he cultivated his image as a way for him to humorously “look down” on his “filthy” compatriots.

Behind the Admiral was Lisa Orlov, who commanded III Corps. The General was slight and seemed jumpy all the time, something that surprised Steph to see in a senior officer, but Orlov was an excellent planner and cunning battlefield thinker, and her manner belied her abilities. Behind General Orlov were Generals Logan Athout and Ryan Hamilton of IV and II Corps, the first tall and strong, the other short and going to portliness. They were chatting animatedly to each other and the contrast between the two went beyond their physical appearance. To say General Athout had a cavalier attitude to battlefield threats was an understatement, and he was known as the “Lunatic” for good reason, though his lunacy prevented opposing forces from knowing what his troops were doing, or where they might be on the field. Ryan was the opposite, as much like his cousin, he was a good planner and a thinker when in action.

V Corps commander Sebastian Aconit, a rather unremarkable looking man who was a master of slight of hand and ambush walked in behind them, reading a briefing note with some intensity, whilst behind him came Gerhardt Panhard, I Corps commander and easily the most accomplished operational thinker in the room. Gerhardt closed the door and then joined the rest of the Generals in the lowest ring of the sunken lecture room, as the strongly built and handsome General Henry Cavill, commander of the SAS, roused himself from his dozing on the second ring of benches.

Cavill looked at the Admiral, “Graham, there’s a single hair out of place on your head. It looks awful. You need to have a good long hard look at yourself and tell us where in life you went so wrong, and how it lead you to come to a meeting of the High Command in such a disgraceful state.”

The Admiral looked at the SAS commander, sniffed, turned away and asked of the Commanding General, “I see we still allowing the lower classes to attend.”

“Unfortunately, yes.” said Angus over chuckles from the group, “We think Henry and the savages he looks after may be of some use over the coming months.”

“Pitty.” Was the response, given with a smile, as the Admiral seated himself next to Henry and they shook hands. “Good to see you old boy.” He said to the bigger man.

As the members of the group said their welcomes to each other, and three more tried to steal Pat’s chips, to howls of protest, Angus stood and moved to the centre of the room. Whilst he did so, Steph brought the small holo projector online, which brought up the globe of Terra into being about 2 feet above his head.

The Commanding-General cleared his throat, which brought the room to order, and all eyes moved to him. “We are now fifty-three days from our date of action, where we will bring the Terran Hegemony back from its long slumber. This will be our second to last opportunity to cover off on what we need to consider. Tonight, we need to sign off on the VI Corps special assignments, make a final decision on who is going into Cairo, and I want to go over Corps and Divisional assignments for operations beyond Terra in January.” He paused and gestured to Steph, who zoomed in on the eastern seaboard of North America and centred the holographic display on Hilton Head Island.

“VI Corps will be a temporary formation, like it was when we dropped into South America. For the assault on Hilton Head, Operation SALEM, I want to use the 1st and 56th CBG’s from I Corps…” he stopped as General Cavil interrupted.

“Gus, based on recent readiness assessments, I am going to need the 56th at Cairo, I know we wanted to use the 90th, but they just aren’t ready for it, and the 56th is good in close quarters combat and assaults.”

Angus looked at Pat, “What do you think Pat?”

Pat shrugged, “If Henry thinks the 56th will do a better job, then it’s fine with me, we still have a three to one advantage at Hilton Head no matter who we send. But they’re both Ger’s formations, so as long as he thinks the 56th can crack Cairo, it’s fine with me.”

Gerhardt nodded, “A better fit for both divisions, I agree.”

Angus nodded, “Done then. So at Hilton Head we are sending in the 1st from I Corps, the 9th from Ryan’s mob, Lisa, your 12th Brigade, the 13th and 467th from IV Corps Logan, and the 81st from V Corps.”

With nods from around the room and no comments, he continued, “We will depart from our bases in Europe and Asia sequentially and make a low altitude rendezvous over the North Sea. From there, we come in below the horizon an effect a combat drop deployment via BattleMechs to establish LZ’s, with the conventional transport landing following the Mech insertions. This is all to be under the cover of the Fleet, who will have control of the system wide traffic control net ands sensors. They won’t have control of Hilton Head’s systems, hence the low altitude approach and pop up maneuverer for deployment.”

“That’s going to be messy as drops go.” This from Logan.

“Yeah, it will, but we have surprise and numbers, so I see it as being worth the risk.” Logan nodded in response.

Angus waved at the image above his head, “Leading the assault in will be the 240 fighters of the six brigades. Four wings will be on escort duties and intercept any of the 77th and 78th CBG’s aircraft that are up. The fighters from the 9th will be tasked to take out the Hilton Head airbase on the island’s north east corner, whilst the 1st CBG’s aircraft will target the air defence grid.” Icons flashed on the map showing targets and unit assignments.

“The landings will cover most of the island. The 81st is to secure the bridges to the mainland and Jenkins Island, preventing any forces escaping west. The 467th will deploy east of the airfield and secure it and the northern part of the island, though most of that is recreational areas and should not be too hard to handle. Both brigades will move south around Broad Creek once their areas are secure. The 1st, 9th, 12th, and 13th will drop in and around the Palmetto-Greenwood intersection, where the parade of the 77th and 78th is to be held. Once those two formations are dealt with, the 13th in the north west will move north to link up with the CBG’s coming south. The 12th will secure the administrative and research facilities on the east coast, whilst the 1st and 9th will take the HPG and First Circuit compound on the island’s south, and secure the Primus and senior Precentors.” He looked at all of his officers, “Questions?”

“What if any of the ComStar precentors, or worse yet, the Primus escape?” asked Lisa.

“If they do the fleet will track them in the air, or we drop additional brigades along the east coast to work with TerraSec in keeping them locked down. Any escapees will be dealing with a lot of pro-Terran revival information on the newsfeeds if they try and call for help, making their message a hard one to sell. However, we rate the chance of this happening at about one in twenty. We are hitting them with too much too fast for any coherent response to come together fast enough.”

When no one else spoke up, he again gestured to Steph and the map moved to North Africa. “Henry will be in the Cairo Castle Brian with a battalion of SAS, who are backing up the ROM troops there in “defending” against the 56th in a mock exercise to test the site’s defences. At the designated time, Henry’s troops will sow chaos and take control of the Brian command centre, opening the gates and letting the 56th in. The fight will be brutal and messy, even with the SAS inside initially. But if we can secure the main database, our future task of rooting out ComStar and ROM operatives will be an easier one.”

“I can’t promise you we can get the information.” Said Henry with a frown.

“I know, but get what you can and get Ger’s Division through the door.”

Henry grinned, “That much I can do.”

“Right, so that’s Terra.” Said Angus, as everyone grinned, all knowing it would not be that easy and was only half the battle. “Now, whilst you lot get the fun of preparing for the off world strikes, Pat and I will be off to Geneva to reinstate the Hegemony Charter and get the planet on-side. That operation is right up in the air, as we will be creating messages on the run and trying to wow this homeworld of ours into following us. We also have to deal with the varied interstellar powers, however, in the meantime, senior SAS officers at captial world HPGs will act as temporary ambassadors until we can get Terran politicians out there.” Angus took a moment to realign his thinking.

“We essentially have to set a government up from scratch during war time, so the JAG and his office will take point on that, once we bring him into the loop. However, we do have centuries of examples of what did and did not work for the Hegemony, so we won’t be going off half cocked. However, part of that will be reforming the ComGuards into the HAF, and that means new uniforms, ranks, and brigades. We are lucky in that most of the ComGuards are more Terran than ComStar, but there will be teething problems, but much of the on-cosmetic changes will come after the war. Still, once we head out from Terra, we will be the HAF, and we will use new ranks, we will rebadge with the Hegemony livery and let the whole universe we are coming, however, we will be operating using the ComStar CBG organisation. But before we get onto that, Henry, are your troops ready for SHE-WOLF?”

“They are.” He said laconically. “Every HPG has at least a platoon of SAS, A-Stations have a company. When the signals go out under a priority tag, they will disseminate across the Inner Sphere within days, meaning we will send the message on the 11th of December, giving the furthest flung stations at least three days to be ready to go. Each commander has discretion to undertake the operation as they see fit. Once in control, they will broadcast back the secure code to Terra. But, once the order is out, it is their hands. I have a full regiment here that can be sent out to assist, and the A-Stations can send detachments where needed as well, but that part of the war is largely beyond our control.”

The tension in the room was now palpable, as taking and holding the HPG network was vital. “How do we stop the Houses trying to sieze HPG’s?” asked Admiral Neville.

“We ask them nicely.” Said Pat with a sly grin.

“Yeah right.” Was the response from Ryan Hamilton, who looked incredulous.

“Actually, it’s worked before. We will be taking the approach that Jerome Blake used. We will tell the other powers that we hold the HPGs, and if they want to keep using them they have to stay away from them, or we crash the system in their realm. We will not ask for neutrality over Terran worlds like Blake did for Terra, that won’t fly as we start assaulting systems, but any lord will think more than twice about taking an HPG if it means fighting blind.”

“Huh, all well and good, but what about the C-Bill, no HPG’s means the currency has no value.” Ryan continued to look sceptical.

“The Hegemony will honour all ComStar script and exchange it on a one for one basis for Hegemony dollars. It may be in their interest too, as their own economies are weakening from the war, and the Hegemony HPG network with 100 planets behind it is worth more than the ComStar HPG network with just Terra behind it.”

“If you say so, but I don’t think it will be that easy.”

“No Ryan it won’t be. None of this will be easy, but we have thought it through, if not with each of you, then at least know that we have with some of you.”

Ryan did not seem entirely convinced.

Angus turned and waved to Steph, “Bring up the Inner Hegemony if you could.” She played with the controller for a moment, before the area around Terra out to 30 light years appeared above Hamilton’s head, the worlds coloured by who currently held them, and broken into five areas of operations, one for each Corps.

“Gerhardt, over to you.” Said Angus.

“Thank you, Angus.” Said Gerhardt, as he stood and moved into the middle of the room. Operation REMUS, the conquest of the Terran Hegemony will launch on New Year’s Day 3026, so no hitting it hard the night before.” There was laughter around the room, as the General delivered the line with his typical flat tone.

Smiling, the commander of I Corps continued. “REMUS is designed to shock the Inner Sphere, whilst also giving us a very small window to work out the kinks in our organisation on the fly. In January, we plan to hit over twenty worlds, four times more than originally planned after the Commanding-General came around to Pat’s way of thinking. We want to make a statement in January that makes every House Lord take notice. Holding the HPG’s is part of that, taking control of the heart of the Inner Sphere is the other.”

He waved at the diagram above him. “We originally planned to hit five worlds with a full Corp each, instead, we will hit twenty-three worlds with full Divisions or more, with WarShip support where needed.” He paused, Angus, do you want me to fill them in on the current House deployments and actions before going further?”

“Yeah, good idea Ger.” Angus said.

“Very well.” He thought for a second. “The changes in the Kapteyn alliance have benefitted us enormously. With the Capellans out of the fight, their Terran regions are calming. The FWLM is redeploying the face Andurien and Canopus, and the DCMS is focused on the Rasalhague and Galtor regions. Though they began their planned invasions of Skye as per the original Kapteyn plans, they are now on their own. The LCAF and AFFS seem to be gearing up for an assault via the back of the Dieron district, which though potentially adding more forces to the region, may clear the areas closest to Terra within our window of operations. All in all, we don’t have ideal conditions around Terra, but we do have good one that should aid us in the overall campaign. However, we have no idea how our assaults will effect the alliance and if the five realms will coordinate their responses to us with their allies or not.”

He leant back against the Inner bench a looked up, signalling Steph, who made the I Corps areas flash golden. “I Corp’s Operation YETI will strike along the Lyran-Combine border, with troops being dropped onto Altair, Asta, New Earth, Rigil Kentaurus and Yorii, supported by the fourteen WarShips of 1st Fleet, which will be primarily focused on Altair and New Earth. 1st and 6th Divisions will strike Altair, the 11th will take New Earth, whilst the 16th and 21st focus on Asta and Rigil respectively, both detaching one brigade to cooperate in taking Yorii.”

Whilst signalling Steph to move the projection to II Corp’s area, he flashed her a large grin. “II Corps will only hit two worlds, as we expect most resistance here, and all it from the DCMS. The 2nd, 12th, and 22nd Divisions will drop on Fomalhaut, whilst the 7th and 17th his Saffel. Additionally, supporting Operation WEREWOLF, naval blocking forces will be sent to blockade Dieron and Northwind from 2nd Fleet, in addition to the squadrons it will deploy to the ground targets. Additionally, a third target, Caph, will be struck by a new formation, escorted in by the soon to be rechristened THS Bismarck, our only McKenna-class vessel.”

Angus broke in smiling at this point. “I need each of you to strip your most Terran company of troops from each brigade and send them to Sandhurst. We are forming a Royal Division of three brigades, and they are going to Caph. We need a new formation with no ComStar connections to fly the propaganda flag for us, and it has to be seen to be in the thick of it. Of the three Mech regiments that will be part of the Terran Division, command of the 1st Regiment is going to our own Stephanie Moore.” Gerhardt and Angus began applauding as the other officers joined in. Steph was stunned. “Unfortunately,” he went on, “your posting is only for the duration Steph, then you’re back to being my lap dog, but I need you there as my appointment to the units, so they know they have my blessing.”

Steph stood and saluted, “Sir, it will be an honour to lead the first Terran Mech Regiment, and I will truly miss the paperwork of HQ in the meantime.”

Angus saluted back, “That’s why it will all be here when you get back.”

The general officers stood and moved across to her, shaking hands and catting animatedly. Steph remained stunned at the prospect of her own Mech regiment, and a few of the officers slapped her on the shoulder or spoke their support for her as they moved back to their own seats. Gerhardt continued speaking as Steph returned to her seat, grinning like a fool.

“III Corp’s Operation VAMPIRE is tasked for Kied, Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon Indi, Terra Firma and Sheratan, backed by 3rd Fleet. Lisa has assigned a single Division to each world and will only be facing troops from the Capellan Confederation. As will Lunatic’s Operation KRACKEN and IV Corps, who are jumping out further to strike Capolla, Bryant, New Home, Outreach and Elgin, covered by 4th Fleet. 3rd and 4th Fleet have the highest likelyhood of facing significant naval opposition, and Admiral Neville will command 4th Fleet personally.

Finally, we have V Corps, they will be hitting Procyon, Alula Australis, Carver V, Graham IV, and Sirius in Lyran and Capellan space along with 5th Fleet in Operation GHOST. Carver V will be hit by two Divisions, and all but Graham IV will be hit by two brigades, Graham getting a full Division. By the end of the month, we will have faced all but the FWLM in combat and all things going well, have the core of a reformed Terran Hegemony under our control.”

“You mentioned logistics previously Ger, “ said Sebastian Aconit, “Can you give us any more details?”

Before Gerhardt could answer, Pat stood, “I can.” He moved to the centre of the room as Gerhardt returned to his seat. “We will be using much of the system we set up to supply the Kapteyn powers before the war, and we know that system worked for getting supplies from Terra to where we needed them. We have no shortage of hulls to carry what we need, but we don’t have endless supplies. We used about half to build the Divisions we have and train them, another third went to the Kapteyn powers pre-war, leaving us only 15% of what the SLDF left behind. Terran industry has been ramping up for the last three years, doubling what was left, which means we have supplies for about eighteen months of intense combat operations. We need to make sure that before then we have cowed the Inner Sphere militaries, so that we can move over to a defensive posture a let our industry and the industry we capture catch back up with us.”

Whilst the senior officers began asking questions that delved into the minutiae of logistics and transport, Steph leaned back on her bench, her mind listening both to the conversation and also considering the possibilities of regimental command, even if it was a temporary assignment.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2020, 01:09:07 AM »

Chapter 60

CSS Blake's Sword
Terran Orbit
12 November 3025

Angus Hamilton floated into the Admiral’s quarters of the McKenna-class battleship Blake’s Sword, soon to be renamed the THS Bismarck, when the ComGuards threw off their current visage and reclaimed the mantle of the Hegemony Armed Forces. In five weeks, the ComGuards would morph into their new form and strike down ComStar within the Terran systems, and across the Inner Sphere. On that day, the massive ship that he was currently on would take up her new name, not her old Star League name, but a storied one from the Terran Hegemony Navy, and lead the naval contribution of Operation REMUS under the command of one dapper looking Admiral Graham Neville.

The said Admiral was currently floating across his immaculate, large, and stately quarters to shake Angus’s much larger hand, a smile on his face. The Admiral was graceful in space, far more so than the General, and for a moment Gus felt a pang of irritation, as he disliked being physically bettered by anyone, a symptom of his natural competitiveness that had driven him to succeed.

“Commanding General.” The Admiral said very quietly, using the title that was known only to a few select people.

Gus returned the smile, “Admiral.”

Both men hung for a second in the moment, the centre of the biggest secret in the universe at that moment and then separated, as the Admiral indicated for Gus to take a seat on the couches in the middle of the large room.

 â€œI see the Navy has made sure that her Admirals lack for no measure of comfort as they leisurely ply the quite of space.” Gus gestured to the wood panelling, carpet and expensive furniture.

The Admiral sighed, “I did try to restrain my subordinate’s creativity and desire to make Flag Quarters floating elements of Versailles splendour, however, I was shouted out of the room by many hard core traditionalists, those who felt that it is the Navy’s job to show the Army just how much more senior we are in every way possible at every opportunity. Hence these rather august quarters I find myself in.”

“I’m sure you fought tooth and nail to your very last.” Angus responded in a dead pan voice.

“It was my duty as an officer to do no less.” He looked around grinning, “Alas.” He shrugged.

“Alas. Yes.” Angus grinned back.

The Admiral looked straight at Angus, “How is your son coming along?”

Angus smiled, “Michael is a company commander in the 472nd CBG’s Mech Regiment. He will be going in as part of 25th Division’s assault on Alula Australis. From what I have seen, he is coming along as an officer well. I am considering sticking him under Steph once I properly cut her loose from the HQ after the war. I think Steph’s brand of command would be good for him, though to be honest, I have hardly had time to properly check in on his progress for a while now.”

There was quiet for a moment and then Graham spoke again, “Best we get to business then?”

Angus sat up straighter, “Indeed. I want a better appreciation of the fleet now it is ready, and some final particulars on the control of the space lanes. I also wanted to see if you had any news from your family on Kearny?”

The Admiral’s aunt and her family had emigrated to the Free Worlds League many years before but had kept a close relationship with Graham. “Thank you for asking Angus, they are fine. The fighting came nowhere near them, though the economic dislocation has caused a few issues. They are now citizens of the Federal Republic of Andurien and Canopus, and from what I can gather, are all a little bewildered by it all.”

Angus sat and stropped himself into his seat, to prevent himself floating away in free fall, and shrugged, “We are all a little bewildered. The advance of the FRAC has shattered the League. The way Oriente and Regulus are threatening to jump ship is incredible, and Captain-General Janos Marik is showing little skill or ruthlessness, though Duncan Marik seems to have more nous than I gave him credit for.  What he is advocating for the League in his “Reformation” is rather interesting, though I doubt Janos will support it.”

The Admiral sat back in his chair, looking thoughtful, “True, Duncan has made some interesting points, but someone has to, or there would be no more League. Janos needs to take a hard line and make rapid changes or the FRAC and Capellans will take more pieces of the League for their own.”

Gus crossed his legs and ran a hand through his short dark brown hair, “And the League’s woes, allied to Capella’s abandonment of their alliance has left the Dragon to bear the brunt of the Steiner and Davion’s wrath.”

“They have turned the war around,” Agreed Graham, “Though if Rasalhague had not rebelled, I am not sure the Lyrans could have held the Tamar front, even with Oberon’s help. The DCMS has reached Sudeten and cut Tamar off a couple of times. I think, that in other circumstances, their complete overrunning of the Tamar Domains was not beyond the realm of possibility.”

Angus put his hands behind his head as he leaned back and looked up, visualising the campaigns in his minds eye. “True, though now they risk losing the entire Dieron Military District. The revival of the AFFS and the Lyran attacks from Skye are meeting limited resistance.”

“I can’t see what Theodore thinks he can gain via a withdrawal versus a stand and fight in his battle for influence with the old guard. He is playing into their hands and with our won forces soon to join the fray he is going to look like he has given up on dozens of world with no fight. He can’t survive that, even if it is the right call in a three-front war.” The Admiral looked perplexed as he finished talking.

“You have the right of it and having people like Yorinaga and Testsuhara by his side limits some of the damage. However, Hohiro’s and Takashi’s influence has deeply damaged the ability of the DCMS to think beyond its current social doctrine and it is hurting them badly.” He paused for a moment.

“How do you think it will affect fleet operations?”

“It won’t. The balance of naval power is what it is. We have sixty-one WarShips we are deploying for operations, sixteen of those are cruisers or larger, whilst the entire Inner Sphere navies between them have forty WarShips in total, and of those, twenty-five are corvettes. Only the Capellans, and maybe the Federated Suns, have any larger WarShips that can possibly interfere with the naval operations we have planned.”

“So you are expecting an easy overall campaign then?”

“Yes and no. Their WarShips may claim our hulls on a one-for-one basis if everything goes their way, so say losses of four to ten ships in action against other WarShps, but it’s their fighter wings and nuclear ordinance that worries me. If F-MIDS and our point defence are not as good as we hope them to be, we could triple those losses to fighter delivered missiles.”

Gus took pause at that, as those were heavy losses. “You think we could lose from a dozen to thirty WarShips? That’s half the fleet!”

Graham shook his head “Only if everything goes right for them, and that is total worse case, which we can replace quickly, as we still have thirty hulls coming out of mothballs. Realistically, our losses will probably be less than ten hulls, but that is not what worries me.”

“What does?” asked Angus curiously.

“The age of the fleet. We are already getting issues on many ships due to age. We have four ships less than two hundred and fifty years old. These are old boats and they are showing it. If even half of what we have now is still operational by 3050, I will be pleasantly surprised.”

“That bad huh?”

“That bad Gus yes, however, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.” He paused, “The work we have been doing with Neecy and Waugh Ship Design out in the Belt has been most promising. We are working up a series of new designs to reequip the fleet with once the yards at Titan finish refurbishing the cache ships. We can start producing new corvette, destroyer, cruiser, transport, battlecruiser and battleship hulls by early 3027 if we really want to.”

Angus’s face showed the surprise he felt. He knew the design program had been progressing and had made great strides, but he had no idea it was moving so quickly. “Do you recommend we do so?”

“I do, we have the yard space and designs, but it will also be an economic question, as well as a strategic one, as having a fleet more powerful than anyone else will make striking at the Hegemony a rather costly endeavour.”

“Fair point, but there will be many demands on us in the first few years. I can’t promise we will build hundreds of new ships, but I see where you are coming from.” Angus changed tack on the Admiral, “And what about control of the space lanes and sensors on the 18th?”

“Absolute child’s play old boy. We will follow our normal routine, much as your seven participating divisions will, making it all look like normally scheduled exercises. Then, instead of handing back control after six hours, we keep control and block any word of your little flight getting out, which will be easy, as we will be directing matters from the bridge here on the Bismarck.”

“That easy?”

“Well, without and automated SDS, having control of the central nodes from a properly authenticated link aboard this ship, the Primus has zero chance of accomplishing anything outside Terra’s atmosphere whilst you come down on her within the atmosphere like the proverbial ton of bricks!”

The Admiral took a moment to sort his thoughts and then asked, “And the ground arm, have we reached your targets?”

Angus snorted, “Just. And I really mean just. There are 78 Brigades on the rolls and between fifty and sixty of those are green as green. Two dozen I would consider giving a regular rating to, and less than ten are better than that. Still, we have at least one strong brigade and three regulars in each Corp, husbanding five greenhorns, but I think we will be ok. The more experienced regiments will lead the assaults in during the first wave, letting the lesser units get their feet under them. It’s not perfect, but we do have mass on our side. I don’t care how good your regiment is when three Mech regiments, twice that in conventional units, and a squadron of WarShips comes calling, you’re going to have a bad day.”

“Much like the fleet really. We have some very sharp ships and captains, yet also many who are less than seasoned. However, the strategic situation does seem to bode well for your troops General.”

Angus pursed his lips as he thought a little. “There are approximately sixty to eighty regiments of BattleMechs within the old Hegemony at any one time, but at the moment they are all fighting each other. However, within thirty light years there are probably less than fifteen, so we have a major advantage. We will also be announcing an amnesty to any unit that withdraws from the Hegemony, giving them less of an incentive to fight us. And there is Operation ROYAL, which you might not be aware of as yet.”

“Royal? No, what is it?”

“We are going to offer disgustingly good contracts to old SLDF regiments to get them to come over to the Hegemony on five-year contracts. At the end of five years they can accept a payout on their contract or agree to become the core of a new Royal formation within the HAF. Even if none stay with us, and we will do all we can to make that happen, we get the services of some of the best mercenaries in the Inner Sphere, who will remain well disposed to us over the long term, and keep our rear areas covered whilst we take the war to the House Lords.”

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****      *****

Whilst the Precentor-Martial and Admiral were discussing the ins and outs of naval warfare, on the planet below, others too were planning.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****      *****

“No Primus,” said Precentor Marks, “I do think it will be better to go into Sandhurst with a light touch in January. We don’t want to put the nearby divisions offside with a campaign of wanton brutality. If we strike hard from what they think will be your transport and its escorts, we can eliminate Hamilton and his key supporters in one swift stroke, whilst limiting the damage our key training facility.”

“I want those divisions brought to heal!” Snarled Myndo Waterly from behind her desk.

“And they will be,” deferred Marks standing at parade rest in his dress uniform before her, “However, if we can remove the High Command and then promote loyal followers of Blake’s blessed message to the Divisions, as well as integrating commisionars dedicated to ensuring Blake’s message is embraced by our troops, we will have an army of such power and passion, that none could stand before us.”

Waterly sat back, her eyes glowing, “And soon then, so very soon, we can bring the light of Blake’s vision to the wayward people across the Inner Sphere. Think Marks, a new golden era, a new golden age, with First Lord steeped in Blake’s law, ruling over a united mankind free from war and brought together by my vision.”

“It is a future worth fighting for Primus, and one I will gladly lay my life down to see come about.”

Oh you will Marks, you are too clever by half and already you disagree with me, much like Hamilton did. You will serve your purpose, then I will find another, one far more pliant.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****      *****

Stephanie Moore, Colonel, 1st Terran BattleMech Regiment, was frustrated as she waited for her OpFor to make their expected appearance during this, her first major outing with her full command. Rain pelted the canopy of her BattleMech and the glow of her monitors showed her frustratingly little useful information.

That was not all that was weighing on the painfully young Colonel. Her formation would be deployed in six weeks and, like the other three formations that formed the Terran Divisions, it had been brought together from across the ComGuards and hidden behind the temporary designations of the 501st, 502nd, and 503rd Combat Brigade Groups. Unfortunately, it showed as well. Though each lance and company was cohesive and good at its job, battalions and regiments were still more a bumbling mess that a cohesive formation. She had the raw materials of an excellent regiment, better than the 502nd and 503rd, she just needed to get them to gel and realise that potential.

As her first large command, Stephanie felt almost overwhelmed by the magnitude of her task. She understood battlefield tactics, and was a good communicator, she had a mind for logistics and administration, and when to take control and when to let her subordinates off the leash, but despite all of those beneficial characteristics the 1st remained  circus when more than a handful were on the field together at once.

Not that it was unexpected, the regiment had ben coming together for a month and was only now all together. She would need a few solid months of training operations to pull them together properly, but only had six weeks. That is why she had requested that they spend the vast majority of that in the field on training manoeuvres. They could sort out their admin once they were back, but they needed to get dirty together now, or they would die in job lots in six weeks’ time.

The late formation of her unit she understood, and its purpose, but dam the General for sticking here with this. There were only two ways this could go: either spectacular success; or dismal failure. Three days into the current exercise, the latter looked likely, though she knew she was merely being pessimistic, as in the last few hours they had been drawing the 502nd into a trap. The soldiers under her command were all good, resolute, and desired to excel, she could only hope that six weeks would be enough to bring them together properly. What also frustrated her, was that the General wanted her back with him for the operation against Hilton Head, as she was one of the few officers who knew the plan and would be key to coordinating the actions of those fateful few hours.

That was all five weeks away, and as she looked out of the cockpit of her Royal Highlander, it started to fade away as the first contacts with the 502nd was called in. Colonel Umboro was trying to get around her flank, and she was having none of that. Her 2nd armoured battalion was in place, enfiladed, just for this very eventuality, and Umboro was about to get a rude shock if he came swarming through the heavily forested ridges to the east.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2020, 10:02:24 PM »

Chapter 61
18 December 3025

Svinngarn, Lyran Commonwealth

“Precentor, Captain Pirouzfar is here to see you.”

The voice came over Precentor Baggio’s intercom, from her personal Acolyte, Napan Iemtadanai. About time! The Captain of the ComGuard’s SAS detachment to Svinngarn was a pain in the ass, scheduling drills and security tests at all hours and operating as a law unto herself. She was never punctual, unless it suited her, and obviously, again, punctuality did not currently suit her.

Precentor Baggio did not realise how wrong he was.

The door to Baggio’s office opened and in came the tall and lithe form of Captain Pirouzfar. Before Baggio could utter a word, Pirouzfar drew her sidearm and fired several shots into the Precetnor’s chest, eliciting no more than a shocked gasp as the former station head crumpled to a heap on the floor. From behind the SAS Captain, came the sound of other shots being fired, as the SAS swung into action.

Estuan, Federated Suns

“Stupid place to put a HPG is all I am saying, and an even worse place for a ROM security station.” Said Corporal Chin from the darkness, as she hoisted the portable SRM launcher to her shoulder.

“True,” responded Sergeant Illus, “But I don’t recall ComStar asking your opinion.”

“Pity, they might live through the night if they did.”

“True again.”

Both SAS troopers were concealed in the thick underbrush below the Estuan HPG transmitter, which was perched precariously on a low cliff top, its main ROM security office cantilevered out over the cliff, affording a wonderful view and an excellent target.

Illus looked at his watch, counting down to 02:45 local time, when Lieutenant Korov would be storming the main offices of the HPG. When the time ticked over to 02:45, he slapped Chin on the arm, and the night lit up as first one, then a second SRM shot away from her launcher, both striking the base of the ROM office just out from the cliff edge. The entire structure lit up, pieces flying away, before the combined damage caused a cascading structural failure, and the building peeled away from the cliff and fell thirty meters to the forest below.

Illium, Free Worlds League

Precentor Bastian liked parades, especially when the SAS held them, as they looked the part of soldiers, not like those preening ROM fools who thought they were soldiers. No, this was the real thing and Bastian never got tired of it.

The SAS platoon assigned to Illium’s HPG was turned out in full dress this bright spring morning, undertaking the full suite of drill, all for his benefit, as a celebration of the Precentor’s sixty-third birthday.

Arrayed alongside him were all of his senior staff and many of the ROM agents assigned to the station, all here to witness who really called the shots on Illium.

As the drill reached its crescendo, and the SAS presented arms, something odd happened. They levelled their weapons at the onlookers, and Bastian had just enough time to be surprised by the “Ready, FIRE!” command, before he, like those around him, was torn apart by automatic rifle fire.

Across the Inner Sphere and Periphery, similar actions played out, as the fall of ComStar began with the actions of the SAS.

THS Bismarck, Terran Orbit

The THS Bismarck hung 500 kilometres above the Atlantic Ocean, still and watching. On her spacious Flag Bridge, Admiral of the Terran Hegemony Navy, Graham Neville, sat quietly in his command chair, as his staff chattered quietly and excitedly to each other. He had announced their orders two hours before, three hours after the vessel had taken control of the Terran space defences and communications links. Sixty minutes earlier, formations of HAF DropShips had begun lifting off from points across the Eurasian landmass and were now clustering above the North Sea. Over one hundred and fifty DropShips were now moving southwest in a tight formation, gradually shedding altitude as they left the northern islands of Scotland behind. They were a full hour behind schedule, as heavy storms over the Urals had delayed the launch of the 12th Brigade.

That meant Bismarck should begin the process of handing back access to Terran System Traffic Control at any moment.

Within minutes his communications officer, Adept – no, Lieutenant Senior Grade Úlfgeirsson, looked up, “Sir, I have Head Controller Agis on the line, he is requesting permission to begin resuming control, starting with the airspace over Japan.”

“Tell him we are extending the operations by 2 hours.” That should be enough time.

“Yes sir.” Úlfgeirsson transmitted the message, then, “Sir he is protesting.”

“Let him protest,” the Admiral said quietly, “Tell him we have control and it is staying that way for another two hours. Now get me a channel to the Precent – dammit…” he smiled, “The Commanding General.” There were more smiles around the Flag Bridge. They were taking their home back and regaining an identity long revered on Terra, but old patterns of speech died hard, and it was nice to know the Admiral could still smile, even when under stress.

“Link established Admiral.” Said Úlfgeirsson, with heavy emphasis on the last word.

“Legionnaire Actual, this is Bismarck, lanes are clear and in control, your path is clear.”

Angus Hamilton’s voice came back to him, “Roger Bismarck, all transports are accounted for, we are thirty minutes from Slam Dunk.”

“Slam Dunk in thirty, Roger. Out.”

“Adele, focus all sensors on the Hilton Head area and its north eastern approaches.” Graham ordered. There was no way he was going to miss seeing the HAF come home.

HAF DropShip Spindle, North Atlantic, Terra

Stephanie Moore, Colonel, 1st Terran BattleMech Regiment, temporarily on secondment to the Security Company of VI “Special” Corps, heard the Admiral sign out and smiled, as she bounced around in the cockpit of her HGN-732b Highlander. Within the Union-class DropShip Spindle were eleven other heavy and assault BattleMechs, tasked solely with the safety of the Commanding General, his deputy, and aides. The MechWarriors in the Spindle were all hand picked for their skills and loyalty.

As Steph continued her final checks, assured herself that her fellow body guards were set and ready, and exchanged small talk with the Captain of the Spindle, the formation of HAF DropShips began to shift. Fifteen minutes from the eastern seaboard of the North American continent, the observers aboard the Bismarck noted the changes too.

One hundred and sixty aerospace fighters accelerated to full speed and spread out in an arc before the onrushing DropShips. The fighters of four brigades were to sweep the sky before them of the aircraft of the 77th and 78th ComStar CBG’s. Senor data from the THS Bismarck indicated that only eighteen were airborne and conducting aerobatics over the parade, with the others still on the ground at the airbase on the Hilton Head Island’s northeast. To deal with the grounded fighters, an other forty HAF craft, laden with bombs, rockets, and missiles were sweeping in low to scour the airfield and prevent any additional aircraft from getting off the ground. A further forty were spreading out below the escort fighters, and would go in low across the island, striking at air defence installations and the sensors that the static SDS batteries could use to target incoming DropShips.

As the HAF fighters began to spread out, the DropShips they were escorting began to arrange themselves into separate formations as well. Six modified Leopards led the way, each with a lance of pathfinder Mechs aboard, supported by two platoons of pathfinder infantry. Behind them came the BattleMech transports, which would arrive over Hilton Head five minutes after the pathfinders had marked the drop zones. Ten minutes later, the now slowing one hundred conventional transports would arrive, bringing their armour and infantry to the field.

Fifteen minutes later, on Steph’s glowing screens, she could clearly see the multiple groups of aircraft and DropShips. As the countdown on her console dropped below sixty seconds chatter across the various channels dropped to zero. Thirty seconds later, the voice of Commanding General Angus Hamilton came across her speakers.

“Soldiers of the Hegemony Armed Forces, we have slumbered for many years, under the banner of the Star League, then deeply for nearly three centuries, forgotten. Today we arise again, like a legion of Arthurian Kings to rid our people of the sick overlordship of a fundamentalist cult, and to move outward, to free our fettered kin on the worlds that Terra once succoured. Today the HAF is reborn! Today the Hegemony arises from the Ashes! Today, the heart of humanity will beat again and reclaim the mantle stolen from her so long ago!

There was a pause, and Steph could hear her heart pounding, then, “All commands, execute Slam Dunk.”

A fraction of a second later, Steph was pushed back into her seat as the Spindle poured on full acceleration and climbed, whilst whoops and cheers came across the intercom as the DropShip rocketed skyward.

Hilton Head Island, North America, Terra

Precentor Edward Marks watched from the cockpit of his King Crab as the end of the 77th CBG’s parade, mainly APC’s and light tanks, moved past, and the head of the 78th’s, consisting of BattleMechs hove into view. The 77th’s conventional forces were turning left and north at the primary intersection, whilst their Mech forces had moved east and were gathered by battalions on the far side of the intersection. To his front left was the main viewing stand with the assembled First Circuit and the Primus, visible in the golden robes, and facing them across the wide dual carriageway were other stands, full of ComStar faithful, all applauding and cheering the display of their righteous might.

With no warning at all, a new sensor trace appeared on his long-range screen, then another, then a small swarm.

“Ghost Actual, this is Hilton Air Control, we have have numerous inbound aircraft, count over 100, coming from 040 degrees, altitude 500 with interspersed DropShips, additional DropShips, count over forty are climbing, now at 3,000 meters and on same vector. IFF is negative and I am getting no response from Terran flight control or the Navy.”

“Hilton, Ghost Actual acknowledges.” Marks paused for a second, his skin had gone hot and his insides cold and tight as he instinctively reacted to what he saw. He is coming!

Sycophant and fanatic he might be, but to Mark’s credit, he was a good battlefield commander and had a sharp set of wits in the cockpit, and he reacted quickly. He rapidly chose frequency covering both his brigades and broadcast, “All units, Rogue Star.” His broadcast, whilst brief, meant much to those around him. As the hard core of loyal ComGuard believers, the 77th and 78th drilled for assault against the Primus, and some in particular, called Rouge Star, dealt with an attack by rebel elements of the ComGuards.

With the threat axis seeming to be from the north east, the two brigades began to rapidly deploy, gaining sheers from the crowds who thought it all part of the event. Specific formations began closing on the Primus and First Circuit, seeking to take them under cover and escort them back to the more secure areas of the HPG compound to the south. However, by moving north east, they opened ground behind them, ground into which the 1st and 9th Brigades were about to drop into.

They had little time to react. Whilst still falling out from their parade ranks, four of the six pathfinder Leopard DropShips streaked into view, dropping Mechs and infantry, who seemed to be landing about two kilometres out from his own position. As he zoomed his Mech’s sights into one of the DropShips he saw the markings of the 13th Brigade, then bright flashes began as the fighters parading overhead broke into sections as one of their own exploded. The sky became a whirlwind of fire as dozens of Aerospace Fighters unleashed on each other.

Marks moved his lumbering assault Mech towards the formation gathering around the Primus’s transport and barked “Move her NOW!. All units protect Sunshine, fall back on the main compound.”

Even as he was giving orders, other explosions began, dotted around the island, and it took him a moment to realise the air defence emplacements were being hit. He locked his King Crab’s legs as the small convoy got underway and scanned the area around him, then looked up.

Above him, four glittering avalanches had begun from four discreet groups of climbing DropShips, as hundreds of Mechs made a low altitude combat drop through the dogfight that was beginning to dissipate below them, as the rebel fighters drove off his air cover and others began strafing runs on his own troops, who returned fire, or began targeting dropping Mechs. He looked back to the Primus’s motorcade, assessed the location of the drops target and realised that it would be a close run thing to get through the gap before it closed. He turned his Mech and accelerated hard, whilst hollering at the combined arms escort battalion to move at maximum speed.


Steph’s Highlander hit hard, and she ejected the jump boosters, before hitting her jump jets to clear her landing point before any ComStar Mech could get a lock on her. Her instincts were right, as the ground behind her Mech turned to glass as two PPC’s struck within meters of each other.

As her Mech slid to the right through the air, she tracked left, saw a Thug, and fired her gauss rifle by instinct, not waiting for a lock. Her gauss slug crossed the distance in a fraction of a second and then tore through the Thug’s cockpit, dropping the Mech. Wow! Two kills in two missions with two shots. That can’t last. It didn’t either, as her next round of fire, and alpha strike, tore armour from all over a Kintaro, but did not drop the Mech, which closed a sprayed her with a hellacious barrage of short ranged missiles. Regaining control of here unsteady ride, Steph struck again with her short-range weapons as she charged the Kintaro, and her concentrated fire cored out the lighter Mech.

“Shield One is down, in contact with ComStar Mechs moving south-south east.” She looked down, checked her sensors, looked up, let loose an LRM volley at a running King Crab, then keyed her mic again, “Shield One to Shields, head count.”

Her lance leaders called in, as did her lance mates, all down, all safe. “Excalibur, this is Shield, you are clear to land.”

The voice of the Commanding General of the HAF, Angus Hamilton greeted her. “We already have Shield, coming up on you from the rear.”

“That’s not part of the plan Excalibur!” Steph was both annoyed and unsurprised that Angus had jumped early – there had been several heated conversations about how close he could or could not get to the front before they left Sandhurst, and it would seem he had ignored them all.

Pat Millray’s growling voice answered her. “Easy there Shield, we ID’d Goldenrod leaving the party through the gap between the 1st and 9th and they can’t close it in time. It’s up to your Company, ours, and any scattered elements of the two brigades that are nearby to slow her or stop her from getting inside the compound. So go hard and go fast, we are five hundred behind you an coming on hard.”

Steph did not hesitate, “Roger Excalibur Two.” She switched to her company frequency, “All shields, advance line abreast on a bearing of 102, spacing 300. Goldenrod is likely within 2 klicks, find her and stop her.


Primus Myndo Waterly, 13th Head of her Order, was truly terrified for the first time in her life, as she was jolted around inside the cabin of her armoured limousine as missiles exploded all around it as it speed over the 4 kilometres of road that stood between her and the relative safety of the Hilton Head HPG complex.

The parade had been progressing swimmingly not ten minutes before, and was even more satisfying, as Precentor Herakleon had reported to her the Operation Shadow was progressing as planned, with its five centres now in place and training troops. Her trump card was now growing of its own accord.

Today should have been a day of celebration, second only to that which would come in a weeks’ time when she planned to finally remove Hamilton and his lackeys and make the ComGuards into the force they should always have been.

Then the sky exploded. What information she had was patchy, but that HERETIC HAMILTON was trying to undo her, and only Marks stood in his way. The indignity of being dragged from the podium and thrown into her vehicle and then tossed about as the driver hardly waited for the passengers to be settled was enough to set her to seething. However, when she learned the true magnitude of what was occurring, she had screamed in vicious anger at the fate that was roaring down on her.

She grabbed hold of her belt as the car slewed sideways and there was another terrific bang, as the back of the vehicle lifted and then the whole thing slewed the other way and came to a halt.

“EVERYONE OUT!” came the shout of one of the security team in the car with her.

As the Primus was dragged out of the car and towards a waiting armoured vehicle, she saw the end of the world coming towards her. The entire north seemed to be on fire as Mechs tore into each other and fighters dove from the sky to strike at those on the ground. Smoke and flames danced up all across the island and is seemed to her like the entirety of the ComGuards were in this place, all at once, destroying themselves.

As they reached the tank, with its back ramp open and infantry deployed outside it to cover her, she saw an enormous square headed mech kick another with a enormous leg, crushing the victim’s own leg and sending it crashing to the ground, where it remained unmoving. The onrushing monster then turned and fired a barrage into the flank of another, which exploded in an incandescent fireball, which momentarily stunned those with her.

Before they could recover and get her into the tank, fire exploded from above and behind as a massive squat Mech engaged the killer before her, backed by three others, but the onrushing enemy titan had its own compatriots, and they added their fire, and then so too did another line of advancing Mechs behind those.

She was dragged away from the tank into a ditch by the side of the road as the area disintegrated into fire, flying metal and earth, little of which she saw as her security team covered her with their own bodies as the two forces tore at each other.

The battle seemed to last both a moment and a lifetime, but before too long her guards were up, but they did not try to move her. To her right lay the ruined forms of tanks and the four Mechs that had come to her aid. To her left stood nearly twenty others, lead by the one she had first seen, though it was in a terrible shape, beaten and blasted, but under control and pointing it weapons straight at her.


With his command company and Colonel Moore’s security company forming a cordon, and a mechanised company from the 9th Brigade securing the area from infantry, Commanding General of the Hegemony Armed Forces Angus Hamilton dismounted his BattleMech. It was a melancholy moment for him, as he realised this may have been the last time he would lead troops on the battlefield, as he had much larger fish to fry from this moment on. Much larger fish, and the first of those was now under guard not more than three hundred meters away.

As he crossed the shell pocked and laser scored roadway towards the Primus, Pat joined him, then Steph, and a squad of infantry formed a moving security perimeter. More HAF troops were moving into the area, more to protect him than fight the ComGuards, who were pushed up against the eastern beaches and getting systematically destroyed. He feared little for his personal safety, as the operation had gone as hoped, if not as planned, being as always a far messier version of the neat lines the planners had made on the operations maps. The drop had cut off the 77th and 78th and they had lunged east instead of the expected south, which worked for him, as it allowed the 1st and 9th to block them from assisting the Primus once he realised where she was.

“Long way from the Men of Terra now eh?” Asked Pat, a fierce grin on his face.

“It is Pat, long way still to go.”

“Buzzkill, always a fucking buzzkill you are.” Responded Pat. Steph smiled at Pat.

“What are grinning about Moore? You make ace or something?”

“Ace in a day sir. Got five more silhouettes to paint, including Marks’s.”

Pat whistled, “Regular old Gunslinger you are Colonel, and that simpering shit Marks as well. Lucky you. I might even buy you a drink for that one.”

“Your generosity known no bounds sir.” Steph responded

“Do you two mind?” Asked Angus in his command tone, as they drew towards the former Primus.

As he approached the Primus, Angus carefully studied her. She was raging, he could see that in the colour in her cheeks and the manner of her stance, but there was fear, deep fear in her eyes, as she had seen her own power turned against her in a most terrible and uncompromising way. It was strange, as he had always pictured meeting her in this moment in the First Circuit chamber, in his dress uniform. He wasn’t sure why that was, but right here and now would do fine. Neither were in grand finery today, here golden robes were soiled and rumpled, and his own cooling gear was less than semi-formal on the best of occasions.

Before Angus or Myndo could say anything, Pat stepped forward as Angus halted and said, “Primus, I have the honour of presenting to you the Commanding General of the Hegemony Armed Forces, Angus Hamilton.” To his credit, Pat delivered the entire introduction without a hint of sarcasm.

There was a pause, which seemed to strength for many minutes, counter-pointed by the explosions and other sounds of fighting to the north. Angus resolved to wait out the Primus, knowing he could, as she would need to say something, so she could take some small measure of control of the situation.

Eventually she did speak.

She sneered, “The Hegemony has been dead for centuries!”

“Yes,” Angus responded, “But today it arises again.”

“With what, a single world, and not even that, my people will rise up and crush you!”

“What people,” asked the Commanding General, “Your two loyal brigades are in their death throws, whilst more HAF troops root out the rot that is ROM from Cairo. I control the fleet, and my SAS are taking over every HPG across the Inner Sphere! As we speak, nearly eighty brigades of HAF troops are making ready to reclaim the Hegemony. Where are your people Primus? They are not here on Terra, but you never saw that did you? We Terrans are tired of ComStar, we will lead ourselves again. You have convinced yourself for too long that Terra sleeps and accepts a second-class status, but in that you were wrong. We have never forgotten who we are, what we can achieve, and that the glory that was founded under our name that could be reclaimed again. We are awake now and we are not your people.”

Angus’s words seemed to rock Waterly back on her heels, stunning her for a moment. Then she puffed up and began to scream at him, her words were largely incoherent, as she called down the wrath of her beliefs on him and those that followed him. She promised retribution and painful death many times, of the death of Terra and the end of all he cared about and then CRACK, and the Primus wheeled away blood fountaining from her ruined skull.

Angus, Steph, and several nearby infantry jumped. Angus looked at Pat, to where the sound had come from, and saw him holding his sidearm, still smoking, then back to the body of the Primus lying on the ground.

“I could never take the way she went with her holier than thou crap. Always drove me nuts.”

Angus looked at his old friend, “Pat, what have you done?”

“What needed doing. What were you going to do with her? Exile? Trial? Any option but this gave her a platform or made her a point of contention the Successor Lords could use to their benefit. She’s gone now, “killed in the fighting” and there’s no sense worrying about it.”

“That was cold blooded Pat.”

“Yes it was. Going to arrest me?” the small dark-skinned man looked ready to fight as he faced his old friend.

“No, but you will be punished.”

“Oh. Court Martial?” His tone was dangerous.

“No.” Angus smiled. “I have to go to Geneva and assume some rather lofty responsibilities, like Director-General Pro Tem. It is something I have been thinking long and hard about and I have had to think on who replaces me. As punishment, you are hereby appointed as Commanding General of the HAF. Have fun with the paperwork, I won’t miss it one bit.”

Pat smiled grimly, “Huh, you bastard. That is one punishment that fits the crime. But I think you have the wrong guy. Pick Gerhardt. That man can think, and he makes both of us look a little pedestrian on the field as well. He beats me out in every way; he is your best choice.”

“No Pat, you are. Ger is good, excellent even, but he lacks one quality you have in spades, one which the next Commanding General is going to need.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that.”

“You’re a cold blooded son-of-a-bitch.”

Pat chuckled and holstered his sidearm. “Can’t argue with that, just as you can’t argue with what I just did.” Angus nodded as Pat continued. “As my first order of business then, best get the word out. Steph, broadcast PAX ROMANA to all commands. It’s time to go out amongst the stars.”

He looked over to where Myndo Waterly, the last Primus of ComStar lay, then back towards his oldest friend, “The Witch is dead, long live the King.”

“You have a terrible sense of humour Pat.” Angus shook his head and grimaced, then began walking back to his Mech. He had a long way to go and many tasks to complete.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2020, 09:56:57 PM »

On 1 January, 3026, on news screens across the Inner Sphere, Angus Hamilton, dressed in the regalia of the Director General of the Terran Hegemony appeard, and he read the following message:

Leaders of the Inner Sphere and Nearby Periphery,

I am Angus Hamilton, Director-General of the Terran Hegemony.

Though it may take sometime for that information to sink in, please be advised that the Hegemony Government has been reconstituted on Terra, within the City of Geneva. State ambassadors to ComStar here on world can attest to the fact should you require additional conformation. 

I have assumed the mantle of Director General in order to protect and serve the people of Terra and the Hegemony and re-institute the Hegemony Charter across the worlds it once served. An interim period of my Director-Generalship and that of Hegemony President Elizabeth Andreas will end with Hegemony wide elections in three years time.

During the course of this month, forces loyal to the Terran system and state have seized control of all major sites within the Terran system and eliminated any points of resistance from former ComStar occupiers.  Terra is now ruled by Terrans again and Terrans alone.

At the same time as operations in the Terran system were undertaken, forces loyal to Terra have seized 93% of the HPG’s currently in service across known space and will have the remainder secure within a week.  You may have noticed some small technical glitches over the past week, and this was due to our operations and we are confident that all Sphere wide communications will be restored to their full capacity shortly. Any interference with the working of HPG's or their staff in any way will result in realm wide communications interdiction.

ComStar no longer exists as a functioning entity, bar a limited number of renegade former members who avoided our recent operations.  All former ComStar materials and property are now the materials and property of the Terran Hegemony. The Hegemony will honor the exchange of C-Bills for Hegemony Dollars at a one-to-one rate to ensure the smooth functioning of commerce and trade.

Now that each of you are informed as to our recent operations, there are some matters that require addressing:

*The Terran Hegemony lays claim to all former territories held at the end of the 2750 within the former Terran Hegemony proper;

*The Hegemony Armed Forces will soon be sending forces to reintegrate these worlds back into the Hegemony and end their illegal occupation by former Member State forces;

*Opposition to our rightful territorial claims will be met with force;

*Any attempts to remove industry from these worlds will be met with overwhelming deadly force;

*Forces withdrawing from these worlds peacefully will not be interfered with;

*ComStar is to be broken into the following two divisions and area of responsibility:

>>>Communications Enterprises Inc., which will be a wholly Hegemony owned corporation, responsible for the development, construction and servicing of HPG hardware;

>>>Starlight Broadcasting Ltd, which will be a company jointly held by all governments, which will oversee the administration of the HPG network.  Each state is invited to appoint one representative, with voting rights based on current national strength.  States which opt out of the administration of Starlight Broadcasting will have their HPG systems disabled.  Permanently.  Starlight will oversee Communications Enterprises, though the latter will remain a wholly owned Hegemony Company;

*Any attempt to seize equipment, personnel, or any other material belonging to either Communications Enterprises or Starlight Broadcasting will result in the offending nation having their HPG systems disabled.  Permanently.

*The Terran Hegemony sees the operations of Starlight Broadcasting as lying outside of all other Interstellar activities and will not use its hold over Communications Enterprises as a political bargaining chip or threat; and

*None of the above points are open to negotiation.

Though I am sure this message is a surprise to each of you, I am also sure you will come to value a strong, stable and progressive government that again rules the heart of mankind’s stellar territories.

Yours in a prosperous New Year,

Angus Hamilton

Director-General of the Terran Hegemony

Geneva, Terra, 1st of January, 3026
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2020, 10:26:30 PM »

Chapter 62

Geneva, Terra, Terran Hegemony
23 January, 3026

Colonel Steph Moore looked frustrated in her field fatigues, as a hot wind blew her hair around her face, one that was set hard. He had a face that effortlessly and clearly showed how she felt, which probably made her a terrible poker player, but underlined any point she was trying to make very clearly. The city of New Brunnel on Caph was visible behind her, with smoke rising from several locations. The Terran Hegemony had claimed the world with little fighting and the Colonel appeared to be less than thrilled at having been sent on such an easy assignment.

“I understand sir, but the Division saw little combat, and pulling us back now will do nothing for the three brigade’s morale.”

“We understand Colonel, however, our plans to hire ex-SLDF mercenary commands is going slower than we had hoped. The Northwind Highlanders are on board, but won’t leave Northwind, and the Lexington Combat Group has only just departed Gallitzin. We have no one else that can mind the store. TerraSec just don’t have the strength now that they are providing garrison forces for reclaimed worlds, so your troops are coming home. That’s an order Colonel.”

Pat Millray looked around the room, at the other members of the temporary Hegemony government and got nods.

“Yes sir.” Said Moore over the live HPG link. “In that case, as soon as the TerraSec occupation brigade arrives, we will load up and head for Terra.”

“We’ll see you soon Steph, and you’ll be part of HQ whilst the 1st is at Geneva. Make plans to have the 2nd deployed to Sandhurst and the 3rd to Hilton Head. Out.”

On a signal, the HPG transmission cut out and Pat looked around, “Well, that’s that sorted, I suppose we can get down to other business then?”

Director General Pro Tem Angus Hamilton stood up and nodded sharply once. He was dressed in civilian clothes now, no more uniforms except for official occasions and to his old friend’s eyes he had changed more in the last month than his wardrobe. His hair was starting to grey, and he had large bags under his eyes, which stood out against the pallor of his skin. Hamilton had been putting in 18 to 20-hour days – not that Pat hadn’t been working hard too – but regulations required General Officers to get a minimum of rest on campaign to ensure efficiency. There was no such regulation for the Director General.

Looking equally tired was Elizabeth Andreas, the President of the Terran Congress, which had recently retaken the old name of the Hegemony Congress, as the first temporary representatives of reconquered worlds arrived on Earth. Andreas had long been a supporter then leader of the Terra Prime faction of the Terran political landscape, one which wanted to see ComStar sovereignty over Terra end and the world retake its place in the Inner Sphere. When Hamilton arrived in Geneva with news of ComStar’s fall, his control of the HPG network and his plan to reunite the Terran Hegemony, Andreas was his first and loudest supporter. Her appointment as temporary President cam about when William Windsor-Cameron, the sitting President, demanded that Hamilton be arrested. Windsor-Cameron was removed, and Andreas put is his place. It all flew in the face of the Hegemony Charter, which was then enacted, however, the promise of elections, as stipulated under the original charter, tentatively set for 3029, calmed a few of the ruffled feathers. Andreas had taken no backward steps, she was forthright, outspoken and very good at what she did, a consummate politician and manager.

Also present was Major General Madison Perez, Director of the Hegemony Intelligence Division, the HID. Perez was small and round and very sharp. She was the ex-head of ComGuard’s military intelligence and had adapted quickly to her expanded role as she endeavoured to build the HID up from the ground. That was no small task, but the control of the HPG network and the files from ROMs HQ in Cairo gave her a running head start.

The four together had become the “War Cabinet”, and whilst other Ministries, based purely on those from Terra were in operation, the wider government would take time to come together. The four met daily, and Pat was surprised at just how much they were getting done though he, like the others, was also painfully aware of the enormous amount of work that still required addressing or lay ahead of them all in the future.

Angus looked around as he removed his suit coat and rolled up his sleeves. Never one for formality, Pat knew just how uncomfortable Gus was with the ceremony and dress codes that went with his new role. “I trust everyone is well rested after yesterday?” There were chuckles from the other three, “You don’t get to laugh Pat, I know your aides are making you sleep.”

Pat looked somewhat bashful as he answered, “That is true, but I am trying to take over the Inner Sphere, so its best I look fresh for the cameras. You’re just a politician now, you have no soul, so you don’t require sleep.”

“Ouch.” Angus feigned hurt and looked and Elizabeth, “Is that true Dre, are we free from mortal concerns?”

“We are,” Andreas responded, “Though we do require the ritual sacrifice of a suitable animal in our name at the full moon. To restore our powers, you understand.”

Angus looked thoughtful, “I’ll get Pat to look into it. I’m sure he will be happy to cover that for me.” He looked to his old friend, “Apart from research into how to slaughter a bull, want to brief us on operations and the strategic situation?”

Pat gave his mate a wry look, “You’ll be lucky if I sacrifice a guinea pig in your name, but as to the war, it is going rather well. The Steiner-Davion invasion into the Combine really ramped up in January now that the League and Confederation are off their backs, and they are trying to link up through the line of systems that runs from Telos to Kessel. The AFFS had secured Dieron, and the two armies are within a jump of each other. The withdrawal of the DCMS to a new defensive line had stripped the region of troops, though wherever the allies have struck that line they have been repulsed. The wider border on both sides is on fire, as the DCMS tries to set another line from Pandora to Alshain to hold the LCAF and OCAF back, whilst they are getting the better of things on the border with the Federated Suns. The League is in complete crisis, they have ballsed up their attempt to invade the Confederation, as they believed the FRAC was going to strike at Capella, but instead betrayed them and is driving further into the Free Worlds. Regulus and Oriente are declaring their neutrality and threatening to leave the League and apparently Duncan Marik is on his way to Atreus to “effect a change in government” as he calls it.”

Elizabeth spoke up, “So the Sphere is a mess?”

“When isn’t it?” Said Pat, “However, it works in our favour, they are all so focused on each other and away from Terra that we have been able to take complete advantage of the situation. There’s just so little in the way of line forces close by that we have had what amounts to on opposed training run. Not that it wasn’t we needed, as where we came up against line forces we took a fair bit of damage. I Corps took all its targets with minimal losses. II Corps had a similarly easy time, and the squadron we sent to harass the AFFS on Dieron did just that, forcing them to take cover in fortress Dieron. III Corps had more of a tussle, though they bagged Keid and the two Epsilons for little loss. We took some heavy damage to the Jupiter and Franklin over Shertan, Capellan Warrior Houses being crafty buggers and all, but once we got the 23rd Division on the ground and hit them with orbital fire they broke up, but are still fighting. 18th Division also ran off the 1st Reserve Cavalry from Terra Firma, leaving just Shertan on that front. IV Corps had no major issues with their own targets and are sitting furthest out on Outreach. V Corps faced no major opposition; however, the Procyon Militia is refusing to fold and elements of 5th Division are having all sorts of trouble putting them down. The Hegemony now controls twenty-three systems and we have received no counter-attacks as yet, but that won’t last.”

“All looks to be in hand then?”  Asked Madison

“It would appear so, and your intel was pretty good. We are standing troops down for a few weeks to reorganise and absorb lessons before hitting the next series of targets, but so far, we have done what we set out to do, at least militarily.”

Angus smiled, his plan and the army he had built were doing what they needed to do, and it was giving him the room he needed. “On top of that we now control 97% of the HPG network and the remainder should be in hand by early February. The House Lords have indicated an initial agreement of terms regarding the management of the network, though the Lyrans are bitching and moaning non-stop.”

“They have no choice but to come around, there is no way they can survive without the HPG network, but some of their rhetoric is positively alarming.” Elizabeth looked angry, and that was of no surprise to Pat, as the career politician had been shocked by the tone of language and the threats emanating from Tharkad.

“I agree,” Angus said, “The Archon has taken matters personally, and unlike the other realms can’t seem to get past it and work for steady diplomatic exchange. Madison, what do you make of her threats?”

The intelligence chief winced, “I’d give fifty-fifty on it. We think the Lyrans were close to a nuclear release around May of last year and the Archon’s temperament since her accident has been declining, I think she broke more than bones that day. Apparently, Melissa is cut from a different cloth, but for now, we have a Lyran Archon ready to drop nukes if she feels too put out. How we control that, I don’t know. Capella and New Avalon are less than pleased, and Luthien and Atreus are too harassed to be more than perfunctory, but Tharkad seems to be trying to set themselves up as the bulwark of opposition to us.”

“Diplomatically maybe,” Pat said, “but the HAF could sweep the LCAF without breaking a sweat. The Lyrans have too much on the Combine border and too small a reserve to strike back in any meaningful way.”

“That is true Pat, but it also points to why a harassed and threatened Archon may reach for the nukes. We need to push, but not back her into a corner. I don’t want to liberate a smoking hole where the Hegemony used to be.”

“Fair point Gus, but if she pops a nuke in atmosphere, I’ll unleash the fleet on her merchant service and drop troops on Hesperus II! Maybe tell her that, it might cool her down some.”

“Or enrage her further,” said Elizabeth. “I suggest staying the course, ignore her outbursts and take the moral high ground. It will erode her support if we paint her as a nuke wielding madwoman.”

“No, we need to come down on her hard.” Pat was not backing off.

“You’re wrong Pat, you are looking like this as a battlefield, but its politics, we win by not playing her game, not by upping the stakes.”

Before Pat could respond, Angus said, “Elizabeth has a good point Pat, and if we follow her way of thinking, yours is still in reserve.” He closed his eyes as he thought, “Elizabeth, get word out to our media mob, start painting the Archon as a danger to all of us.”

Pat did not look happy, but he did not add anything, and Elizabeth did not push the point. Angus proceeded when there were no further comments. “How is the rest of the government forming up?”

“OK, so far. The existing Terran ministries are making plans for organising Hegemony wide systems, but there is no rush, as we plan to work with local systems and only phase in Hegemony wide standards over time. Our expansion is taking the pressure of unemployment, which had been rising of late, so we kicked that problem over for a while and public opinion is starting to swing more solidly towards us. Our approval is up from 29% in late December to 48% now, as word of our successes outside of Terra come in. Disapproval is down from 42% to 21%, and I think if we keep advancing approval will soar. The problems won’t come until the end of the war and we actually have to govern, though setting the election for three years has helped, but honestly, it might take five to get the machinery in place to make the elections as broad based as possible. The fact that we are using the old Hegemony model, with a few modifications, and that it is basically the same model we still run here on Terra has eased my job considerably. The main issue as I see it will be the representatives from the other worlds, temporary though they may be until the election.”

“That is why I want to greet each individually with you present and have a very frank discussion about what the Hegemony is and how it will operate. We can put temporary Governors in if we have to, but I would prefer to avoid that where possible.” Angus was adamant that the old Hegemony would rise again, and he would use force where necessary, however, he wanted to avoid it as much as he could.

“It is the best approach as I see it.” Said Andreas.

“How about you Madison, how comes the HID?” Angus looked at the fourth member of their group.

“Nowhere near as well as the rest of you. We took control of the Cairo Castle Brian and got most of ROM’s main archives, but despite Henry’s best efforts, they erased most of what they had about ROM, and that worries me. We have got maybe 70% of ROM on Terra, but less than a tenth of that off world and they have been undertaking sabotage and limited assassination strikes against us. I think we will get it under control, as they have no coordination. We have also come across some strange rumours of something called Project Shadow, which seemed to be a fallback for the Primus, but I’ll be dammed if we can work out what it was or where it is.” She shrugged, “We will keep looking and our own agents are working hard, but they are green as green, military intel not being as demanding as full covert operations. The control of the HPG network is the only thing keeping us in touch with the abilities of the Inner Sphere espionage organisations and given time we will improve. However, if a sharp group of operators like the LIC or Maskirovka decide to make life hard for us, we will find it difficult to respond.” Madison looked frustrated as she finished talking.

“You had the toughest assignment Madison; we don’t expect miracles and so far you have not let us down. We will get you what resources you need.”

“Thankyou sir, we have some good foundations to work off, but building a functioning intelligence service takes many years.”

“Understood. Are there any other matters that are pressing today? No, good. Pat, I want to see updated plans for Wave two by the 31st. Madison, I need updated threat assessments at the same time and an analysis of the Successor States possible actions against us, as well as more assessments of who can use on Hegemony worlds as part of the government. Elizabeth, I want the Archon looking bad, and more talk about what we have done and will do for the Hegemony, I want folks working towards a new golden era together, not just expecting us to deliver it to them on a silver platter.”

Angus got words of agreement from each. “Right, let’s be about it then,”
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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2020, 11:28:52 PM »

Chapter 63

Kentares IV, Draconis March, Federated Suns
23 February, 3026

Hanse stood at the small podium in the dress uniform of the Davion Guards, whilst to his right, Quintus Allard, ever impeccable in one of his tailored business suits, took up station, much as Marshall of the Armies Yvonne Davion, in a uniform identical to that of Hanse, stood to his left. Before the podia was a single camera, a holoprojector and a link to the local HPG station, now run by “Starlight Enterprises” and staffed with Terrans. That still struck Hanse as quite odd. Still, the Federated Suns had accepted the offer from the Terran Hegemony to take up a role as a member of Starlight’s Board, and the HPG network was still functional, so that was something, and from what James Davion, his representative on the board had reported, the company was functioning as advertised and the Board’s recommendations were being followed. Hence the planned link up live between Kentares IV and Alexandria, where the Archon was directing her war effort. Small miracles in miraculous times, we only need fifteen or sixteen more.

The screen before him flickered, then came online and before Hanse appeared the figures of Archon Katrina Steiner, sitting in a semi-throne, regal as ever, with her daughter, Hanse’s betrothed Melissa Steiner to her right, regal as well but less haughty than her mother. Simon Johnson to her left, dressed as a near twin to Quintus, though where Quintus was solid and blocky, with darker hair, Johnson was tall and thin, with lighter hair and complexion.

“Archon Steiner, it is good to see you again despite the circumstances.” Hanse smiled, as he genuinely liked the Steiners and had enjoyed his time with them.

“Hanse, it is good to see you too, we have much to discuss and I fear our dream of peace under our banner may be slipping away. Terra’s new deceitful form and her overt brutality need to be stopped and stopped soon!” Katrina’s voice grew as hard as her face as she spoke about Terra. Hanse knew she had not been herself since her accident last year, but her rhetoric regarding the rise of the Hegemony and her overt threats of nuclear war were, at the absolute minimum, deeply disturbing.

Hanse took his right hand from the podium and put it in his pocket, so that he would not gesture with it, and made sure his voice was even. He had no intention of either offending his ally, or supporting her more extreme calls to action, so he would need to tread lightly here. “Katrina, I agree, the Hegemony’s actions have been unexpected, and their declarations have been somewhat arrogant, but from what I can see, they are honouring their word, and if we are to be brutally honest, their doing no more than any other state has; Using diplomacy and war to deliver the outcomes they so desire. Of course, it hardly suits our plans, and reacting to them is proving devilishly hard since they chose this moment to strike, however, I think Hamilton is rational enough to see reason when it is required.”

“He’s a dam madman!!! He has used WarShips to bombard troops from orbit! He leaves us few choices in how to respond. No state can do that and expect to get away with it.”

Yet you were willing to use nuclear weapons on planetary surfaces a year ago. He was sure Katrina did not know that he knew, and he would like to keep it that way. “There are ways and means to deal with WarShips, and we have the fighters and air launched weapons to cause any WarShip pause, besides, our own WarShip programs, whilst still ramping up, will close the gap in time.”

“Hanse, he is breaching the Ares Conventions! We cannot sit by and let him trample on the progress that has been made towards a more ordered standard of political discourse across the Inner Sphere in the last few years.”

What order? Thought Hanse. You keep talking about simple diplomatic nods like they are caste in stone agreements that no one can ever break from. You are not yourself, and I don’t now how to get you back on an even keel. “Katrina, the Convention has been dead since the Reunification War, and any current norms of warfare are just that, not binding agreements. I’ll support you diplomatically, though I can’t accuse anyone of breaching anything, as there is nothing to breach.”

“I disagree Hanse, we need to beat Hamilton with the Conventions so that he backs off using his navy as a weapon of choice.”

“Possibly, however, it is not the Hegemony Navy that worries me, it’s the HAF that does. If the reports we are getting are true, they have unleashed a minimum of fifty BattleMech regiments into a very confined part of space, possibly more, though data from the Confederation is patchy. That kind of force can spread out and maintain potency as far as Tikonov and Skye, and there is dammed little we can do about it.” He looked to his left, Yvonne, what do you think?” He asked his elderly Champion.

“Archon, My Prince, we are in a most precarious position. In any other circumstance I would say we had a very good chance of physically uniting our realms and ending the Combine threat for a generation. Our own assault into Dieron has gotten as far as Deneb Algedi, Errai, and Yance, whilst the Lyrans have Kessel, Vega and Alnasi. Although we have hit roadblocks on their new defensive line, if we skirt around that towards Terra, we would link up by May. However, the Terrans have claimed that entire region, though they have not left the worlds they have already hit yet. The problem there is we don’t have any troops spare to mount a covering attack of the HAF, even with the cease fire we managed to negotiate with the Kurita’s. We were at war along the entire Draconis frontier, and there are maybe six commands in the region that could be moved and be able to fight, and we can’t strip the Capellan border, it is held too thinly. What is more, and no disrespect intended, with your own assaults ongoing after calling for a ceasefire, the DCMS may strike at us again.”

Katrina looked less than happy, “If Theodore won’t meet my requirements for peace, then he gets war. Hanse, you should not have been so quick to agree to terms, I have to fight on alone now.”

“You can still accept terms Katrina, and we can still link up, if we can halt the Terrans. Kurita can’t hold Dieron, we all know it, so ceding those worlds to us may work in his favour, but the problem remains of getting sufficient troops into the region to slow the HAF. What of your other campaigns, do you have the troops to spare?”

Katrina looked to Simon, who shook his head. “I wish we did Prince Davion, but we just don’t have the troops available. We are still trying to stabilise the Tamar Pact, but for every world we take, back Kurita secures another. Though the Marik front is quiet, all we have from that border is already deployed into the Dieron District. Apart from a few scattered commands there is little more the Commonwealth can do, less so on the naval front, as our yards are experiencing huge problems with producing hulls efficiently.”

Quintus spoke up quietly from Hanse’s right, “It would appear we are almost admitting defeat already.”

“I never said any such thing!” Katrina snapped.

“Quintus may have a point Katrina. If the League, Confederation, and the FRAC were not at war, their might be more troops in the area to divert the HAF from us, and though it seems the CCAF is redeploying, I can’t see either the CCAF, FWLM, or the DCMS operating in concert with us. It will be every realm for itself soon, and the Hegemony has the jump on us all in the region.”

“Hanse, are you saying our alliance is dead?” Asked Melissa with concern on her face.

“No, it will be more important than ever in this setting, we can act as counter-weights against both the Hegemony and Combine for each other, however, if the HAF keeps advancing at the rate they are, and the DCMS counter-strikes, I just can’t see how we can physically unite our realms. The Hegemony is too large a roadblock, and if we pour all our efforts into that region, then we will be at the mercy of the other powers along the rest of our borders. There is no easy fix here.”

“I can’t accept that Hanse,” said Katrina, looking thoughtful, “This whole war was predicated on the union of our realms. We have both suffered losses on both borders and now we are taking yet more close to Terra. If the war ends like this we are left in a poor political position, both of us.”

“That’s why we need to negotiate with the Combine and get what we can now. Theodore is hurting, and if we give him the chance to consolidate and give us what we need close to Terra, everyone may feel they have won, even if just a little. Accept the ceasefire for now, then we can plan how to deal with the Hegemony and maybe, just maybe, make the link we need physically.”

Katrina sat motionless for a long time, staring off into the distance as her mind weighed the pros and cons of what Hanse was proposing. “And what of Terra, what do we do there?”

“We do what we can, though it will take months before we can realistically face them on equal terms, and by then, they may have what they want anyway and be digging in. On that front I can make no promises.”

“Very well Hanse, I will speak with the Dragon, goodbye for now.”

The link abruptly cut off and Hanse looked at Quintus. “Katrina is not herself, and I am not sure where that will lead her.”

“Indeed. We may need to draw up contingency plans for the worst.”

Hanse looked back to where the hologram of his allies had been. “If Katrina takes the nuclear path, we will have no option but to completely disavow her. I am not refighting the First Succession war, nor will I have the House of Davion tainted by association. Do what you must Quintus, talk to Simon, but make sure our ally does not go off half cocked.”

XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     XXXXX     

HAF HQ, Sandhurst,
Terra, Terran Hegemony

Pat Millray was beaming, he had been since December of the previous year, as Christmas had come early for him and had kept on giving all the way into the new year. Handsome in a battered, bald, and older kind of way, his constant high spirits and childish grin made the one-eyed general look like a deranged pirate, and Steph Moore wished he would go back to his more taciturn self, as she found the new Pat Millray oddly disconcerting. Both were walking through the sunny grounds of Sandhurst, cold and crisp though they were in midwinter, where hundreds of HAF cadets were training fiercely in order to reach active service in time.

“Now tell me my good Colonel, have you finished polishing the next wave of assaults?”

“General Panhard polished, I more or less painted rocks.”

“He is good, isn’t he?”

“He is a remarkable planner sir.”

“Are you suggesting I’m not?”

“Nothing of the sort sir.”

“Uh huh?” Pat kept smiling. He liked Steph, she was an outstanding pilot, a good officer, and her planning skills were developing rapidly, as and much as she wanted to be back on the frontline, she had not said a word. Most importantly, she was not off put by his humour. “So, Colonel, what are the highlights now that you and Ger have run over the planning.

“We don’t expect much trouble from the DCMS, though we may hit AFFS troops in the region. Our focus is with the Confederation, though we will be hitting the Commonwealth and the League and expect some resistance there as well. Due to Capellan troops movements, we are tapping three Divisions from I and II Corps to be ready to move to III or IV Corps if the worst eventuates, but that won’t be until April. We are striking twenty-two worlds, five in all operations areas excepting IV Corps, which will be focusing only on Acamar and Nanking. Our analysis is that we will meet resistance similar to what we did in January, but that by April, the Successor Lords will be deploying in force against us.”

“You expect us to be halfway to our goals by May then?”

“It would seem that way sir. We have struck at the right time with overwhelming force and surprise, tipping all the scales in our favour.”

“Good, and any word from Admiral Neville?”

“Yes sir. Both Jupiter and Franklin are able to remain on station with 23rd Division, and they still have Kii with them as well. Otherwise the fleet is in good condition and the Admiral is ready to support the next wave in full.”

“They have been impressive. What about the holdouts?” Pat referred to the ex-ComStar personnel that could not accept the HAF for what it was.”

“Up to ten percent in six brigades, five in another twelve, and less than three in the remainder. Equates to about a Division across the HAF, not great, but within our projections and easily replaceable from the ready reserve.”

“Good, that was one matter that had me concerned. “What about the mercs we have been taking to?”

“The Lexington Combat Group is on its way to Terra Firma and Outreach and will be in place by March, and the Northwind Highlanders have accepted service as a line unit with special privileges as part of the deal we have negotiated with Northwind. Northwind will be a Hegemony world with “associated privileges.” As part of that, I am taking a battalion of troops into the 1st Terran Regiment, as a first step to creating a new Black Watch. They are also sending troops to garrison Bryant, Altair and New Earth for us. Negations with The Foreign Legion are going well, but they are out on Vanra, so not readily available. We also had a very interesting signal from the Sirian Lancers.  Seems that they have been left as the sole roadblock for us as the FWLM reorganises being them and they are less than happy about being left behind. The Marik is showing little care for their worlds. That’s all I have there so far, but if they throw in the towel, that will give us the Sirian Holds for little effort and add three regiments to the defensive line.”

“How about that.” Said Pat. “Get word out to General Aconit to give them whatever they want if it brings them over.”

The two continued to walk through the sunny grounds of Sandhurst back towards the main administration buildings, Pat asking questions, Steph answering and taking notes.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 11:33:56 PM by Blacknova »
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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