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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2020, 10:41:26 PM »

Chapter 64

HAF HQ, Sandhurst,
Terra, Terran Hegemony
29 March, 3026

It was all driving her crazy. Steph was finally becoming to succumb to the ever-expanding list of tasks that had been delegated to her, and she and the rest of the staff were starting to feel the pressure. The worst part of it all was that the one thing that could help, was tantalisingly within reach, though no option was entirely perfect. The HAF needed a new HQ, and her choices were varied to say the least.

So, Sandhurst is too small for HQ to remain here, but all the alternatives are the same. West Point, Annapolis, Kure, Duntroon, Itiquira, Frunze, and the Ecole Militaire just don’t have the size, and Whampoa and Dehradun are big enough but are so run down as to require a complete rebuild. Then there is Mars, but 0.35g won’t cut it in the long term, except for fat generals, and we don’t need those. Aphros is inhospitable, until the Director General gets the Terraforming back in order. Kied, Graham IV, and New Earth have historic connections, but we have only held those worlds for a few months, so they will have to wait. The Belt has offered Ceres, but it’s too far out, same with Titan. That leaves Mount Saleve here in Geneva.

Mount Saleve had been burrowed under during the original Hegemony Period and was a stout and potentially highly defendable site, close to the capital and with plenty of room to grow.

But it needs a refit, not on the scale of Whampoa and Dehradun, and it is bigger than the facilities at the other sites. So maybe it is the best bet based on the factors? And I can get a team there today to assess it.

“Second best today, not perfect next week.” Steph said, as Pat Millray walked in. She stood and saluted.

“At ease Steph. Quoting Gus now like he is your lord and saviour?” He asked this with a smile as he walked across the meeting room to look out the window onto the grounds.

Steph smiled as she resumed her seat and gestured to her data pad, “I might just be in the case of the new HQ.”

“Who’d you pick?” Pat turned with a look of interest.

“Leaning towards Mount Saleve. It is bigger than what we have operational now, close to the Director General, and doesn’t need the rebuild some other large facilities require, though it does need a refit.”

“Hmmm. Geneva. It could work. Any details?”

Not yet sir, I’ll get some teams over there today and have an assessment ready by Friday.”

“That’s quick.” Pat seemed happy as he moved to take a seat next to Steph.

“We have a lot of people in Geneva at the moment, and my unit could use something to do other than babysitting politicians.”

“Angus will be thrilled to know you think you are babysitting him.”

Steph went red, “I meant…”

“I know what you meant, and it’s ok, your troops are stuck whilst the rest of the HAF gets all the glory.” Pat was also less than thrilled to be stuck on Terra, but he was Commanding General now, not a MechWarrior.

Before Pat could add anymore, the link pending on the holoprojector began to flash and Pat reached out at hit the accept key. Before them sprung up the images of Director General Angus Hamilton, Hegemony President Elizabeth Andreas, and HID Director Madison Perez.

Angus smiled, “Welcome, to what feels like the four hundred thousandth meeting of our little War Cabinet.”

There were chuckles from everyone present. They four had been meeting nearly every day, at times with aides, at other times without, with Steph being the only senior Aide present today.

“We could retire and let someone else have all the fun.” Said Andreas.

“You live for this Dre, you would never walk away. Besides, you don’t strike me as the retiring type suited for a life on the farm.”

“I have chickens and a vegetable patch!” Responded the Hegemony President with a smile.

“And I have cat, but that doesn’t make me a vet.” Said Perez.

“And I’ll just go fishing.” Said Angus, “But before that I need to sort a few major problems out first. Like the Hegemony Government. How’s that dumpster fire coming along Dre?”

Elizabeth shrugged. “So far not too badly. The transition from Terran to a Hegemony wide government is going smoothly, and we are progressing the new Terran Assembly to deal with in system issues well. There are a few bent egos for those who are not going to be part of the new Hegemony wide government, but we need some smart heads left for the system, as well as using it to blood some junior members. They will get over it soon enough, but Windsor-Cameron is sniffing around to see if he can stir up trouble. Any chance you can give him an ambassadorship to somewhere like Taurus?”

“It might not be a bad idea. Gets him away from here and into a post he can’t really refuse. Get the paperwork moving and we can get the pest off world as soon as we can. Any other major opposition?”

“Not really, no. Approvals are still going up, low fifties now, and we have a rump of the new Hegemony Congress working, so there are tangible signs that things are changing. Some of the new representatives are a little less than ideal, but I have them in hand for the moment. Once we get another bunch on world, I’ll look at appointing a number two.”

Angus looked interested as she said that, “Who are you thinking off?”

“Callan Dai from Bryant at the moment, but I’ll wait and see on what the next lot has before deciding.”

“I’ll leave it to you for now but let me know who you are after and I’ll review them and sign off.”

“Off course.”

“And speaking of movements, how is Columbus progressing Madison?” Angus was adamant that Operation COLUMBUS, the transport of remaining fanatics into the Deep Periphery would move as quickly as quickly as possible. ComStar had to stay dead.

“The first Explorer Corps ships carrying passengers for the Columbus facility left three days ago. The first wave has only 2,500 persons, but with what Henry’s SAS are sending back from the HPG network, and the others we have here on Terra, the final tally should be about 140,000 settlers. It’s been ugly in some parts, with a few assaults and two deaths, but as per your orders, we are sparing no expense in setting them up to survive at a level that whilst not comfortable, is more than adequate. We are holding the remainder on Saipan until we have room to move them. We still have a few thousand to track down, and another 5,000 seem to have totally vanished, which has me worried. Those hints of Project Shadow seemed tied to something else called the Five Havens. We think that wherever they have gone was some kind of fallback sanctuary for ComStar. It has me worried that we can get little more than that, and if they learn of what we are doing on Columbus, they may seek to liberate their fellow believers, so I recommend we send a brigade on rotation out there just in case. We have only managed to get fragments from the ROM internal database and are chasing ComStar ghosts most of the time on that front, but we are persevering.”

“It can’t be helped Madison,” said Gus, “Do what you can and we will worry about ghosts later.”

Angus wrote something down and then turned to Pat, “Pat, what do you have for us?”

“More success but tempered with gathering clouds. I, II, and III Corps took five worlds apiece for negligible losses. V Corps had similar success, though Procyon is still holding out. The DCMS is still on its defensive line, and the ceasefire with the Commonwealth and Suns has seen all three realms pull back and concentrate force. Which means they may be about to hit back hard. The CCAF has massed faster than the other powers, so we are pulling 1st and 21st Divisions from I Corps and 17th Division from II Corps to support III Corps next month. IV Corps hit only Acamar and Nanking. We took Acamar but lost the Essex with all hands to nuclear strikes from CCAF fighters. We have also lost the cruiser Olympic and the corvette Ise over Nanking, both captured after heavy damage. Nanking is proving to be a very tough fight, though there are early indications that the CCAF may choose to quit the world so they can consolidate. The three divisions are having real trouble coordinating against a similar sized CCAF force, and though they are learning fast, we just don’t have the experience yet.”

“Is there anything we can do to address these issues? Is the fleet in jeopardy?” Asked the Hegemony President.

“No Elizabeth,” Pat’s response was clam but firm, “We anticipated ship losses and we have fourteen ships coming out of mothballs by September to add to the fleet. I have complete faith in Admiral Neville, and if the CCN makes a full appearance, they will get hurt. As to the ground forces, we need to keep fighting, share lessons, and gain experience, there is no easy fix. However, we now control forty-four systems. If our rate of advance even drops by 75%, we will still regain the entire Hegemony by the middle of next year. We have the jump on our enemies and have our forces concentrated, as well as having interior lines of movement and supply.”

“And what about when the CCAF arrives” Ask Gus.

Pat dragged Steph’s data pad over. “We are going to go for the throat, we don’t want the Successor Lords to think we will hunker down if they flex their muscles. With that in mind, we are upping the ante. I Corps will hit seven systems with three Divisions on an axis towards Skye, which will either shut the Archon up or send her to the nukes. We are sending in extra naval support there in case Crazy Kat reaches for the doomsday toys.”

“And if she does?” Asked Madison.

“The Archon is finished. Not only will we scour her forces by using the fleet to its maximum extent, the Combine and League would join us in eviscerating the Commonwealth, and her allies would abandon her.” Gus spoke firmly and with a grim face. “I don’t think it will come to that, but we are prepared if it does. Pat, you were saying.”

“Yeah, we will see on that front. II Corps will push hard towards the Federated Suns, hitting eight worlds with four divisions. We want to test Prince Davion’s resolve, and this is the best way to do it. We should see some hard fighting there, though Davion units are run down from their war with the Dragon, so we will have the edge. III Corps will have the hardest work before it. They are hitting four to six worlds, but General Orlov still has to confirm what the final target list will be. V Corps will go after eight worlds from the Lyran border, across the League and into the Confederation.

You’ll also be happy to know the rear areas are getting stronger as well. We have Steph’s Terran Brigade, who will ship out two regiments to Sirius soon to help bring the Sirian Holds into the Hegemony properly and keep a quiet eye on the Sirian Lancers. The Lancers have agreed to protect the Hegemony rear areas if we help properly protect their worlds. Duggan Marik led them over when he was accused of treason by the new Captain General Duncan Marik, and neither Duggan nor the Lancers have any love left for their former realm. The Northwind Highlanders are protecting Northwind, Bryant, Altair, and New Earth, the Lexington Combat Group are on Terra Firma and Outreach, the latter also has the Foreign Legion, who just arrived in our space, and the big coup was the surrender of the 15th Dracon from the CCAF, whose terms include them garrisoning Epsilon Indi for us in exchange for keeping their Mechs. All up, we have the equivalent of a reinforced Corp of defensive forces behind the lines now, making our situation for more manageable than it was a couple of months back.”

“To sum that up, more success, some hard fighting to come, but any losses are in hand to date?”

“That would be the sum of it Gus.” Pat answered with a wry smile, “Seems all your paranoid planning paid off.”

Gus laughed, as did the others, bar Steph, who stifled a smile.

“I have my moments. Not many, but I do have them.” He paused. “On the diplomatic front, the arrangements for Starlight Broadcasting and Communications Enterprises have proceeded apace and may well become something of a defacto permanent meeting point for all the warring powers. The Lyrans are still howling bloody murder, and the Capellans and the Federation have had nothing nice to say about us. Luthien has been fairly quiet, and Marik has been too busy on the home front to give us much in the way of communications. The Periphery, bar Oberon, is generally neutral.

Things may be settling down across the Inner Sphere, which does not entirely suit us. The League has called off its invasion of the Confederation, and the latter is redeploying to face us. The FRAC is looking inwards as it needs to reorganise after all it has taken. The Commonwealth-Combine-Suns border is quite for the moment, but I don’t know how long that will last. Part of Pat’s acceleration of our assault timetable is due to this, and we need to get our blows in fast before the Successor States fully reinforce their borders with us.”

“Do you think we will get the rest of the Hegemony?” Asked Andreas.

“Yes” said Gus, “I believe so, but I am not sure what the final cost will be or how long it will take.”

“So, what’s next, should we go and find General Kerensky?” Asked Madison.

“Hah! I think there is close to zero chance of ever seeing them again. That’s all for today, we will meet again tomorrow at 8am.”

The link cut off and Pat turned to Steph. “Get onto Lisa for me, I need her final plans for April, and let’s have a late dinner Friday to look at the options for the new HQ. We also need updated casualty and supply statuses, and a summary of the report from TerraSec on their garrison brigades.”

Pat kept reeling off thoughts, needs, and orders for ten minutes before he dismissed Steph back to the intensifying Tornado her life had become.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2020, 12:15:58 AM »

Chapter 65

Geneva, Terra
26 April, 3026

“It’s a fucking dungeon!”

“No sir, it’s a highly defensible position, with strong bones and it will cost a third to bring up to spec compared to our other options. And it keeps you within arm’s length of the Director General, he was quite specific about that sir.” Steph replied to Pat Millray with a small smile.

They were inside a vast room of stone, with damp wall,s pools of water on the floor and too little light to make much else out. There was a musty odour and the air was almost cold, though not quite. The massive bulk of Mount Saleve loomed all around them, as they were three hundred meters below its surface and a similar distance from the access ways on its eastern slopes.

“A highly defensible dungeon then. The Director General’s dungeon for HAF officers he thinks will have too much fun without him.” Pat was back to his old self as the Operation REMUS had slowed, and casualties had started to rise. That coupled with the enormous growing pains of the HAF, the lack of adequate facilities for command, and the need to keep dozens of other plates spinning had the General in a foul mood of late. Steph was happy with that, as a grumpy Pat was a predictable Pat.

“Is what we are doing fun sir?” Steph asked in a light voice.

Pat turned and growled at her, looking fearsome in the gloom. “Don’t you start Moore! We are all in this dumpster fire together. Besides, I’ve been thinking of sending you out to make some observations for me. I need some eyes I trust implicitly on the lines to work out what the problems really are so we can sort them out. We are advancing but General Officers are still making mistakes that are getting folks killed. I am thinking of assigning you to look in on the strike headed for Ozawa in May with the 7th Division.”

“Sir, I would honoured to shoulder the burden of getting out in the field, as terrible as it will be to leave my duties here.” Steph had been aware that some of the senior staff and aides were to be sent out to the front to examine matters for the Commanding General, however, she had expected to either remain on Terra or go with Pat herself. That he was letting her off the leash so to speak was a thrill.

“Watch your mouth Colonel, or I’ll leave you down here. Anyway, I’ll be heading out too. I have a gift for the Archon that I’ll be delivering in person, with the aid of Admiral Neville. Can’t have all the fun myself now, can I?” He smiled and headed for the exit. “I’ve had enough of this place, time to get back into the sunlight. Might as well get the work started, I want operations set up and running by the end of July.”

“Steph hurried to catch up, “Yes sir, we can have basic operations in by June and a full core set up by July. We can progressively bring more of the facility online as we need going forward.” They ducked under a low hanging beam encrusted with rust and began to walk up a long gently sloping ramp, illuminated patchily by wall mounted lamps set every twenty-five meters. “What’s this about Skye?”

“HID is getting indications that the LCAF is staring to mass there as the point of an invasion, and because of that, I will be wrecking the Archon’s plans, and her regional C3 with the 1st and 21st Divisions and the best part of the HAF’s battle line.”

Steph looked hard at her commanding officer, “Sir, are you planning on playing chicken with the Archon to see if she will escalate?”

“I have ne idea what you are talking about Colonel. However, due to your continued questioning of your superior, you can help Major Karakov and his staff in ensuring it is planned well…in addition to your other duties.”

“I live to serve sir.”

“You live to be a smart ass! But that’s why we hired you I suppose.”

The two officers continued to banter as they walked slowly from the cavernous underground complex, and back into the sunlight. They then entered a staff car and were whisked across a gloomy Geneva which sat under a lead coloured sky to the Hegemony Congress, the ancient buildings, which once held the United Nations offices, looked across Lake Geneva from the south-west shore. They were ushered into the complex via the main entrance, which was now guarded by Steph’s own troops from the 1st Terran Regiment, who saluted both officers crisply.

They were escorted to an elevator which rapidly and smoothly took them to a private floor and the office of the Director-General of the Terran Hegemony. The private entrance to the office meant that there were no guards or secretaries to wade through. The office was huge, easily twenty meters long and ten wide, and was furnished well, though not opulently. The two officers found Angus standing on the small balcony, leaning against the balustrade, reading a dispatch that appeared to have come from the HAF, based on Stephs observations of its cover.

Angus looked across and smiled at his guests, “Pat, Steph, good to see you. How was Mount Saleve?”

“Wet cold and dark.” Pat growled.

“He thinks it is a dungeon you are incarcerating him in.” Steph added getting a dark look from Pat.

“He would, but he is sensitive that way.” Said Gus with a laugh. He then waved the briefing papers he held at them, “Any chance to talk this over?”

Pat grunted, “Sure, but I need coffee first and he wandered across the room to a table that was laid out with breakfast for at least a dozen kings. “You’re going to get fatter than a hog working here!”

“The price of duty.” Angus called, leaning back against the rail and looking at Steph. “Speaking of duty, Pat letting you ship out soon?”

Steph smiled and nodded, “Yeah, Ozawa in a few weeks with 7th Division.”

“Time for it too: Your record as Ace of Aces in the HAF is under threat, you only lead by 2 now.”

Steph grimaced. “That’s not why I want to go sir.”

“I know, but don’t try to tell me a little part of you wants to hold that record for a little longer Lady Gunslinger?”

Steph shot Gus a lopsided grin.

“Hah! We are all the same.” He looked up. “Pat, get your head out of the trough and get out here.”

Pat returned with a mug of coffee and a small plate laden with pastries. He shrugged when Angus raised an eyebrow at him, offered the plate to Steph, who shook her head and settled into the corner where the balustrade met the wall, placing the plate and mug on top of it. “What do you need from us today master of mankind.”

“Some humility to start with, and some more detail on what you have coming up. From what I can see, we are doing ok so far in the new wave of assaults, though the CCAF and FWLM are finally in the fight properly.”

“Pat spoke around an apricot Danish he was chewing on, partly muffling his words. “Uh huh. In the last month we have secured another seventeen systems, and that includes Sheratan and Nanking, which the CCAF withdrew from. I get their leaving Sheratan as we had them dead to rights there, but on Nanking they had a real shot at holding us for the long term. Instead, they took their troops from there and jumped towards Terra. They are fighting us the way the AFFS fought them, by jumping around and concentrating force in seemingly random places. Keeps us on our toes, but they are not hitting hard enough for long enough in any one place for the strategy to stick properly.”

“I’m not complaining.”

“Neither am I, but if is a shell game and they plan to hit closer to Terra, or hit us here of all places, we are a bit thin.”

“True, but the fleet would make that a costly gamble.”

“Exactly why I don’t think it is a shell game. I think the Chancellor knows she can’t win this one and is playing for time and respectability. Though she is doing it very well. She dropped four regiments on Epsilon Indi and retook the world from the TerraSec garrison in a week, and on Terra Firma two of the Lexington Combat Group’s regiments are earning their pay, but doing alright so far against the best part of three and a half mercenary commands the CCAF has sent in.”

“They need help?”

“Yeah, but my thinking is that by the time it gets there the Capellans will be gone. Probably somewhere we are still fighting to pacify like Helen, Dubhe, Wyatt, or Zosma. None of them are Capellan worlds, but HID thinks New Avalon and Sian have been talking, nothing official, but both willing to work together to hurt us, enemy of my enemy and all that. I think Hanse and Candace have developed a real respect for each other, which does not help us.”

“No, it does not.” Gus said frowning “The less divisive the Houses are, the harder our job becomes. What about the League?”

“Pat wiped his fingers on a serviette as he answered, “They landed on Graham IV and Alula Australis, behind the lines and took both quickly. We are still lacking both strategic depth and a strong reserve, and since we are moving so fast, we have holes all over the place.”

“So do they though.”

“They do, but it’s getting harder. However, the good news is the DCMS may be getting ready to strike again. Apparently, they are not thrilled by the Lyran’s calling for a cease fire and attacking, nor do they think the proposed terms meet their needs. If that happens, the AFFS and LCAF will be looking two ways next month and we can focus on the Capellans and the League.

“What are you proposing for next month?”

“Three worlds in the Commonwealth, plus our little love tap on Skye for the Archon, five in the Federation, three in the League, and I have to work out how to prevent their strikes becoming a full incursion, and nine in the Confederation, plus any cleaning up in the rear areas that is needed.”

“Sounds reasonable. Is Graham ready for Skye?”

“Oh, he is very ready. He has Battleships Bismark, Tirpitz, and Bayern, the Battlecruisers, Starsword, Invincible, and Lion, as well as three lighter escorts. Mrs Millray’s finest son is travelling to the front in decadent luxury and comfort, with the biggest and baddest battle line assembled in two hundred years.” Pat was grinning like a maniac when he finished.

“You are such a modest sadist aren’t you?”

“Can’t help who I am Gus.”

Angus paused an looked out across the lake. “I want to run an idea by you both. There has been a lot of attention on Colonel Moore here, due to her record. I also noticed in the reports that came across about the new HQ, that Aphros has a lot of potential to support the expansion, and it was the home of the old Gunslingers. I think we should reactivate the program, make it something the people can rally behind and show that our MechWarriors are the equal of any the older militaries have.”

“You want to raise the dead of the SLDF whilst we are at it?” Pat asked angrily. “We don’t have the time or resources at the moment. In three years, maybe, but no chance of anything sooner than that, and even then, it will take a couple of years to get off the ground.”

“I was not planning on anything soon; we have enough going on as it is. But something post-war. We will need to find something else for the good Colonel to do instead of listening to you fall into your dementia, and if she keeps knocking over Mechs at the rate she has been, she will be the perfect choice.”

Steph’s heart was racing – Lead the GUNSLINGER PROGRAM!! Me? The surprises the two older men kept throwing at her were getting to the point where Steph was sure that the condition of her heart was probably equal to theirs at the moment.

“Longer term, it has some merit.” Said Pat grudgingly. “What do you think Colonel, want to make Aphros home in a few years and raise some Martian kids, all whilst training dead eyed Mech killers?”

“I would be honoured sir, but with the Mercenaries we are bringing in, there has to be more experienced candidates with more kills to their names.”

Angus dropped the briefing notes to the floor next to his feet and crossed his arms, “There are, no doubt, two of them are right here. I have eleven and Pat has ten, but none of those were gained in service to the HAF – All of yours were. We will find these aces for you and send them across as your instructors, but you end this war the commander of a Terran regiment and with more kills than most, and you pretty much walk into the job. Just don’t go getting killed on Ozawa in the meantime.”

“No sir, was not planning on getting my ass shot off. There will be a huge amount to do beforehand.”

“There will, but we can worry about that after the war.” He bent down and picked up the papers again and moved inside, Steph moving out of his way, then followed behind Pat as he went in after Angus.

“As for you two now, it’s best you make tracks. I have a delegation from New Home coming in, followed by a briefing on the needs of the Belters, followed by what amounts to a lesson in basic economics from Minister Shu, which I expect will sail right over my head.”

“The price of glory is steep indeed. You should have stayed a merc.” Pat returned, as he walked over to the breakfast service to steal another pastry before leaving.

“We could always run away and start a little company again and see the universe.”

“And have our wives hunt us down and kill us, no thanks.”

Both men laughed, shook hands and then Pat led Steph back to the elevator.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2020, 08:12:35 PM »

This chapter has a lot of writing and input from KU player Coriendal.

Chapter 66

CCS Wudang Jian, Zenith Jump Point, Helen
Terran Hegemony
17 May, 3026

Admiral Yu Chin looked at the four faces before him on his screen, each belonging to a Captain of one of the WarShips in service to the Capellan Confederation that he had brought here to this world. Brought here to test themselves against the navy of the Terran Hegemony. The others may command ships that were 120,000 tons in weight, but each could manoeuvre under its own power, and bring to bear capital scale weaponry that had not been seen in the Inner Sphere in two centuries. The small Shuang Bi Shou corvettes were already obsolescent, only one year after active serve, but they had done their job to date well, and given the Confederation an edge over its adversaries. They were dwarfed by his command however, the frigate CCS Wudang Jian, the pride of the Capellan fleet, built in the image of a Phoenix, and the avatar of the rise of the Confederation. At 730,000 tons, the flag vessel would be able to go toe to toe with all but the largest Hegemony WarShips, and its forty-eight capital missile launchers went hand in hand with Capellan naval nuclear doctrine.

The tactical display was very clear in the holotank showing beyond his screen, in hung three icons indicating THN WarShips turning to face his fleet. Coming towards him were an Aegis, a Sovetskii Soyuz, and a Baron. Admiral Chin was confident he could take all three with his five ships, however, he was not a gambler, and had brought an escort of eight aerospace wings. The THN would learn a terrible lesson today, lessons that the CCN had learned, that Admiral Chin had learned, ever since that fateful day so many years before…

CCN Headquarters, Capella,
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
6 July, 3012

Zhong-shao Yu Chin, former commander of the 11th Confederation Light Naval Group, a force of nine assault DropShips, was not a big man.  Of Asian descent, from the Hunan province of China, if his family history was correct, he was a man of medium build, with braided hair that ran halfway down his back, and years of martial arts training had left him with a lean and powerful frame.  At 33 years old, he was on the fast track for high command within the Capellan Confederation Navy.  Yu was to be reassigned and would miss commanding the assault dropships of the 11th Light Naval Group, even if the dull primary mission of the 11th was patrolling space around the Rashpur-Owens JumpShip yards over Capella.

Lieutenant Colonel Chin wondered what his meeting today was about.  There was far more energy and suspicion than was usually evident in the Maskirovka agents who had descended on the Capella War College earlier in the day.  When Yu was not deployed with the 11th, he taught naval history and DropShip design for the War College.  The frenzy of the Maskirovka agents had him thinking they were rooting out traitors.  Yu had always ensured his behaviour met the model for Capellan officers, however, in the dangerous world of Capellan officer politics a rival could always frame you.

He had been called to the office of the commander of the CCN, which abutted the college.  He had already watched the commander of naval intelligence and several other senior officers enter the conference room whilst he waited quietly outside.  That he, a relatively junior officer, had been left waiting was not surprising and he had used the time to meditate.  Security was everywhere today and something major was definitely happening, as the buzzing that the Maskirovka agents in the college displayed was also evident here.

“You may go in now,” the officer guarding the door said, and as all Maskirovka “officers”, she was turned out immaculately, yet exuded an arrogance born of power secure in iteself.  He stood, straightened his uniform and nodded to the agent before approaching the office.  He knocked on the door, entered and found the entire senior naval staff of the Confederation in the conference room.  Yu Chin counted twelve Maskirovka in the room and six naval officers.  Typical, he thought to himself.

“Come in Zhong-shao Yu Chin, we have much to discuss with you.”  Sang-shao Zang Wu San, commander of the CCN, and a man known for his intolerance for action even remotely approaching less than total competence, motioned to a chair near him and with no fanfare continued on from where he had obviously been in the conversation before Yu entered.  “We have been summoned to discuss matters of great import to the Confederation.”  He paused before continuing.  “Approximately three months ago, Maskirovka agents with the second battalion of Hurloc’s Hussars transmitted the code Jade Monkey from the abandoned Lhasa system.”

Yu Chin was shocked, Jade Monkey was the code for a major Lostech find.  But what could have been found and why were only naval officers present today?

The officer took Yu’s, and everyone else’s lack of a response as a response as Yu sat with the other CCN officers.  “I will get right to the point then.  We have found numerous mothballed WarShip construction yards and maintenance bays in varying states of repair within the outskirts of the abandoned system!” 

Only stunned silence greeted the announcement.  It was quickly followed by rapid fire questions from the other four officers.  Yu sat silently as he contemplated the find.  He now knew why he, the most junior officer here, was present.  He knew more about WarShip construction, theory, and design than any other officer in the Capellan navy.  It was a hobby of his that could almost be called an obsession, and was the focus of his thesis when he was a young officer at the War College.  He had even written several additional papers on the subject since.  It was all theory, as no nation in the Inner Sphere had launched a warship in nearly two hundred years.

“Zhong-shao Chin, what would you recommend?”

Yu had not expected the Sang-shao to call on him so soon and so directly.  He composed his thoughts and then answered.  “It is hard to determine how to proceed without seeing what we have found firsthand sir.  The problem may not be the yards themselves.  The problem may be that we no longer make the machines that make the machines that can supply the yards with what we need.  Do we have the raw materials readily available, the trained personnel, the….”  He trailed off as his thought ran ahead of his ability to articulate them into speech, his mind running down multiple paths, but finally added, “How can we be sure we have what we need to manufacture a WarShip after a gap of 200 years without launching a single vessel?”

This one question generated three hours of discussion, as the officers tried to decide what to do with the newly discovered assets.  Much of it was pure speculation.  At the end, Sang-shao Zan Wu San had made a decision that would greatly impact Yu Chin’s life.  “Zhong-shao Yu Chin, you will proceed to the Lhasa system and begin a complete survey of what is there.  You are, by default, the most qualified to assess the value of the find and recommend the best course of action for the maximum benefit of the Capellan Confederation.  You will leave now, you will not talk to your family, Maskirovka agents will take you directly to a waiting dropship.  Good luck, and may you find favour with the Chancellor when you make your recommendations.” Which meant, nothing less than total success would see Yu Chin answer in the harshest possible way.

Yu Chin left the meeting in a daze, his mind a whirlwind. No doubt he would be gone for months, though he had the advantage of never having married, life in space and his career had taken priority over a personal life.  The total black out of communication made sense too.  If either the Federated Suns or the Free World League discovered news of the Capellan windfall, Lhasa would turn into a nuclear free for all as they tried to deny the Confederation the benefits of this most extraordinary of finds.  WarShips, could they really return them to the Confederation navy?  The thought forced him to harden his resolve: he would ensure that the CCN would have grand ships serving again.  “May I stop at my quarters to get my books and files on naval design and production?” He asked his escorting Maskirovka officer.

“No, Zhang-shao, they are already on the dropship, as are the entire contents of your quarters.” 

DropShip Spice, Capella,
Capella Commonality, Capellan Confederation
7 July, 3012

Scrolling through his data pad as he waited to depart, Yu looked up what little information was available on Lhasa.  Located near Ares and Tsingtao, the world had survived until the Third Succession War, when the ravages of war, loss of technology, and the focus of the Capellan state elsewhere saw the system fail, its last inhabitants leaving or dying.  The Confederation, having limited access to old SLDF archives, had never recorded anything about possible spaceborne yards during the entire Succession Wars.  Blind luck and an alert sensor officer had given the Confederation an unbelievable advantage.

The information Yu could find on the actual day to day operation of WarShip yards was also sketchy, as so much had been lost over the preceding centuries, and simply upscaling DropShip and JumpShip processes was guaranteed not to work, that much was certain.  From what he could glean from the records, several key materials and machines had become hard to produce sometime during the early 2nd Succession War, though most was lost in the 1st War.  The cost of restarting a WarShip program from scratch was considered too expensive by the Successor States, when measured against the ongoing cost of prosecuting the current hostilities.  If the construction and repair yards discovered could be restored to full function at a reasonable price, Yu mused, then at least limited production of WarShips could begin again.  An onsite inspection would be able to quickly determine if my hope is a reality.

Looking up from his research he noticed the Maskirovka officer from his meeting waiting for him to notice her. The woman, of Chinese Asian descent like himself had long dark hair, and as before was dressed immaculately.

“Zhong-shao, I am Sang-Wei Rachel Sheng,” she said.  “I have studied your file extensively and wish to inform you that I will be your Executive Officer for as long as we are in Lhasa, perhaps beyond that.”  Yu knew exactly what the term XO meant. He might “make” decisions, but only after his XO approved of them.

Rachel continued to address Yu.  “I have served as a line officer in several Light Naval Groups.  I also have a degree in DropShip engineering and design.  I was carefully chosen to not only be able to “assist” you effectively, but also to work with you, should we determine it is possible to bring WarShips back to the Capellan Navy.”

Yu read between the lines, as he was familiar with the Maskirovka and their way of speaking, and translated her role regarding him as observe, manipulate, control. Yu responded in turn, properly.  “I will, of course, be an open book.  If we can concentrate on our task fully it will go more quickly.  Please ask as many questions about and our tasks and myself while we are on route.  I will need every minute once we get to Lhasa to evaluate the construction and repair yards.”

“Good, we understand each other.”  Rachel paused, and then changed tact.  “I understand you are an avid martial artist.  Since physical exercise is a great release when undertaking such intensive study, I have scheduled zero-g combat exercises before breakfast and just before dinner.  This should maximize our effectiveness and allow us to both do our jobs while helping each other.”

He considered her plan.  It did allow him freedom from having to stop and suffer through the time loss of periodic debriefings, whilst staying fit, which was necessary to avoid the debilitating effects of long exposure to micro gravity.  If she also had a working knowledge of DropShips she might be an asset.  Only time would tell.  “I hope our work will prosper and we can bring WarShips back to the Capellan Navy.”  Yu bowed to his XO – deference to the Maskirovka being a key to any successful career in the CCAF.

SLDF Rhasa Fleet Repair Station, Lhasa,
Sarna Commonality, Capellan Confederation
27 July, 3012

The arrival in the Lhasa system and the transit to the yards had been interesting.  It appeared that both the Capellan Navy and the Maskirovka took security here very seriously.  During the security checks he had identified assault DropShips from the 16th, 29th, and 35th Light Naval Groups.  They were cleared into the site and he recalled the initial sensor data, which was stupendous.  He couldn’t wait to get out there to assess the find. And he did. Like two school children let lose in a theme park designed just for themselves, Yu and Rachel crawled over every part of the site, with their team cataloguing everything and analysing what was there and what could be done with it.

Three exhausting weeks later, the inventory and assessment were complete.  Sang-Wei Sheng had been a surprise to work with for Yu.  Intelligent as expected, but also intuitive about what was important and how the certain specific details would be the most critical to the future of the program, her insights had cut a week of the analysis of the assets, keeping them well on track, as well as keeping the CCN and Maskirovka suitably happy.  Knowing that angering his Maskirovka handler could be fatal had kept him cautious, but the longer he worked with Rachel, the more he was willing to open up. 

At least the report was complete. Rachel had left it on his desk sometime that morning before he had arrived to give it his final assessment before it was couriered to the CCN and Maskirovka. He picked up the cover sheet and read the summary, a summary he was sure would turn many heads on Capella, Sian, and many worlds beyond that once its import had been truly realised.

To:  Capellan Navy Command

As commanded, I provide the attached report on the Jade Monkey assets in the Lhasa system. Below is a brief summary.

The Lhasa system contains 23 mothballed yards and 11 suitable for repair and 13 suitable for constructing WarShips.  After evaluating the find, we have determined that 3 of the construction yards are close to pristine condition as are 5 of the repair yards and can be made fully operational with parts from the other yards.  My team recommends that these yards be moved to Capella and hid in plain sight among the many JumpShip and DropShip yards already there.  8 more of the construction yards and 4 of the repair yards are somewhat intact, with these yards needing replacement parts and various repairs. In a worst-case scenario, the remaining yards would provide a wealth of replacement parts. Deconstruction and assessment of some of the assets would provide incredible insight into how such structures and fabrication plants were built during the Star League.

There exists the potential of offering construction and repair yards to other distant realms, such as the Lyran Commonwealth or Draconis Combine, in exchange for materials and technology.  We could gain supplies, increase our trade opportunities and if needed acquire mercenary units currently under contract for our own needs.  In addition, once the traded yards are in service, both the Federated Suns and Free Worlds League would have to assign additional units to protect their borders when the LCAF and DCMS begin launching WarShips.  This would pull units away from the Confederation’s border and allow greater tactical flexibility, possibly allowing us to reclaim worlds from our enemies.

Also attached are preliminary plans for a 120,000-ton WarShip.  The size will allow us to create the illusion that this is a new JumpShip class for as long as possible, being similar in appearance to the Merchant-class produced by Rashpur-Owens.  The lessons learned from building such a design will allow the CCN to move on to designs a more complex designs for future needs.  I must stress that I expect quite a few hard lessons will be learned during the building process.  Delays can be expected as we iron out design and building assembly techniques, and failures of some elements of the program must be expected.  Given the yards condition, schematics, and the wealth of knowledge derived from them, we see the actions noted above as achievable in a decade’s time.

Zhong-shao Yu Chin
Naval Officer Commanding
Lhasa System Task Force

CCS Wudang Jian, Zenith Jump Point, Helen
Terran Hegemony
17 May, 3026

Over the fourteen years since Yu had sent the letter, he had gained ever more prestige and rank. The slow process of moving the first yards was not complete until 3015, and full scale production did not commence on pre-operational designs until 3021 when testing commenced on many produced systems, in preparation for the first WarShips. The first test vessel was a nightmare, though much was learned from it, and any involved with its testing shed few tears when it was expended in a weapons test. Then the CCS Acinaces was launched in 3024, his first WarShip command and the pride of the Capellan fleet for a time. By the start of the war, there were nine of the small ships in service, with larger vessels ready for construction to support them.

Then came the test of war. Initially disappointed with the performance of his crews over Alcyone in February and March of 3025, where lack of coordination and experience were telling, Yu further trained and honed his force. The lessons learnt from early engagements were put to the test in the Battle of Beid in June 3025, where the fleet’s performance was greatly improved, though the AFFS response had developed as well. Despite these improvements, over Menke in September 3025, the CCS Balisong was heavily damaged, whilst the AFFS captured the CCS Katara. These losses underscored Yu’s reservations over operating small Corvettes away from larger ships and accelerated his plans for destroyer and frigate production. The vulnerability of the original Capellan Corvettes was further demonstrated by massed AFFS assaults over Lee in the same month, though the three-ship squadron there was able to prevail. The near loss of another vessel over Menke the following month underlined the Admiral’s growing concerns and saw him revaluate the use of smaller WarShips in the CCN. The Shuang Bi Shou was simply too small to operate in hostile environments. They had given the CCN an edge, but it would not last and they would need to be replaced as other navies began their own WarShip programs. Still, they were all he had to work with, and still formed the backbone of the fleet, and would for some time. That meant further work, and ensuring that there was heavy Aerospace Fighter support for his WarShips.

This revised tactical doctrine would not be applied against the Federated Suns, instead, it was the Free Worlds League that faced the rejuvenated CCN in January of 3026, as the new flagship, the frigate CCS Wudang Jian, with Yu at its helm, along with the recently launched destroyer CCS Shuang Shou Ji, and three Corvettes, the CCS Acinaces, CCS Kirpan, and CCS Sgian‐dubh combined to annihilate the FWLM escort over the world of Propus and kill off the League’s invasion before it had properly begun. The new doctrine seemed to be working, though the FWLM was unprepared to face such a naval force.

Two months later, the CCN was in action against the THN in the Nanking system, where despite losing the world, the CCAF was able to capture two THN vessels, utilizing anti-WarShip tactics developed pre-War by fighter squadrons and DropShips. However, the CCAF had no experience fighting another WarShip equipped navy, until now, as Admiral Chin’s fleet now faced the THN.

“Follow standard deployment procedures. Three wings forward, one to each flank, and three with the fleet. Captains, take station around the flagship. Focus fire on the Sovetskii first, whilst the fighters escort the DropShips in towards the Aegis. If anyone gets a clear shot at the Baron, take it, but only if your primary target is down.” His Captains nodded and he cut the link.

The next fifteen minutes were a whirlwind of fire, where again, lessons were learned and also taught. The CCN fighter wings suffered terribly at the hands of the THN’s heavy AAA fire, though they proved the distraction needed for the Wudan Jian to land successive heavy blows on the Sovetskii Soyuz, but not before it savaged the Katara. The THN WarShip eventually detonated, just as Capellan marines were storming into the Aegis. The Aegis and the Jian traded blows, whilst Yu’s three other Corvettes eventually crippled the Baron, though at a high cost to the Kujang. Once the Aegis struck its colours, Yu was able to take stock, as damage reports poured in; the ex-SLN vessel’s heavy autocannon armament had reaped a terrible harvest of lives from his crew. The Wudang Jian and two corvettes would need to limp back to Capella, yet they had two prizes, and had won their first major ship-to-ship encounter.

Admiral Yu Chin was a proud man as he began to take stock of the battle and prepare his report for the Chancellor.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2020, 01:45:13 AM »

Chapter 67

Carrakis Folds, Helen, Terran Claimed Space
19 June, 3026

Steph stood quietly in the cool morning inside the command centre for the HAF’s 12th Division. Over her cooling vest and shorts, she had a wool lined set of dull green combat fatigues, which kept her warm and could also be dispensed with very quickly if called to action. She stood behind the officers of the 12th, a guest and an observer, sent here by Pat Millray to see how the officers of this less experienced division were doing. It made some conversations awkward, but her record and position got past much of that for her.

Presenting to the tent was Lieutenant-General Marlena Santoli, commander of the 12th, a tall, red haired woman, who had led the 12th to Fomalhaut and Styx, neither of which had been difficult assignments. Also present we Santoli’s staff, the commanders of the three Combat Brigade Groups, their XO’s, and the commanders of each regiment and their XOs. It made for quite a gathering, which made the otherwise large tent feel cramped and all too small.

The sub-units of the 12th were the 34th, 167th and 322nd Combat Brigade Groups, which were generally competent, though not renowned units. The 34th was the “senior” unit, and the heavy Mechs of the 34th had become the HAFs orbital insertion specialists, albeit at company level and below. Individual 34th CBG units were highly adept at locating and securing landing zones for other formations, though they suffered from lack of coordination when the brigade tried to operate above battalion level. The 167th was less than eighteen months old, whilst the 322nd was the divisional baby, having come together just prior to Operation REMUS.

All three brigades, and Step’s provisional company from the 1st Terran Regiment, were all now on Helen, facing a difficult task. The previous month, the 12th had landed under the guns of the cruisers THS Zeus and THS Kirov to face the Screaming Eagles, 3rd Crucis Lancers RCT, and 10th Lyran Guards RCT;  a defending force more than up to the task of repulsing the 12th. The AFFS had brought substantial forces onto Helen over the weeks before the HAF arrived, with only the THN WarShips ensuring that a safe planetfall was made. Without the support of the fleet, things on Helen would have gone badly, but the HAF was able to drive back the 10th Guards and militia from their landing zones and establish a strong beachhead, carved out by companies from the 34th. However, additional troops would be needed to ensure the fall of the world, and they would not be forthcoming for two weeks yet, as the HAF was now heavily engaged with the AFFS, CCAF, FWLM and LCAF across a vast swath of territory. Divisions under pressure would need to hold the line and make do with what they had.

That would have made the task of the 12th hard, though not truly herculean, however, herculean had had recently replaced hard as March moved into April. Though the THS Hugh de Beauchamp had arrived to bolster the defence of the world, the CCAF had arrived, in force, and seemed to be working with, not against the AFFS. Eight Capellan aerospace wings and five WarShips had destroyed or captured the THN WarShips over the planet, whilst two AFFS fighter wings had arrived to bolster the RCT’s, making life difficult for the HAF. Without the support of the fleet to track the movement of the AFFS, and keep them honest with ortillery strikes, the HAF brigades had been on the back foot and taken noticeable losses.

“Word is the 9th Division is on its way to us, along with heavy elements of 2nd Fleet, though they won’t be here for close to two weeks. That means we must keep at least two RCT’s at arm’s length, knock a third about, and cause enough problems that the enemy focuses on their own problems and not ours. That way, we get the 9th down clean and easy, and go on the offensive once we have the numbers.” General Santoli looked around the room. “I want a company of fast heavies and strong mediums from each brigade, and a lance of good hovercraft. Colonel Moore, you up for an assignment?”

Steph was caught unawares by the General’s question but answered automatically. “Yes General, of course. What do you need from my company?”

The General smiled, “Your battalion Colonel. I want you to take the forces I am stripping away from each brigade and form a temporary battalion, we are calling it Cavalier Battalion, and get out and around the flank of either the 10th Lyrans or the 3rd Lancers, and then hit them from behind when we surge out. When we hit their flank hard it will recoil, or so I hope, then we land the 9th in that region and hammer home the advantage.”

“Yes Sir, that I can do.” Steph was both curious and a little apprehensive about pulling five companies together quickly for such a mission, though she was excited at the prospect. She had done well at Hilton Head having to think on her feet, and this would be no different, just on a bigger scale. “What will the third of our brigades do to hold the line against and RCT and two mercenary Mech regiments?”

“Good question Colonel. One brigade, plus two battle groups from a second will act as the anvil to your hammer. The third battle group will support the third brigade, and I plan for it to hold the line along the Carrakis Folds. That is terrible country to advance through, and the left flank can anchor on the Bankstown River.”

There were nods around the room, as the 12th had skirted the folds over the past few days and were now on the eastern edge of that broken and heavily forested country.

“No one in their right mind wants to take a large formation straight into the folds, however, the city of Kretchmeer is in the western end of the folds, on the Bankstown River, and Kretchmeer has a space port, which to allied eyes would appear to be the logical place for HAF reinforcements to land. I want them to think that, then we strike out of the folds on the right, with the Cavaliers coming around the long way, once the their flank in in disarray, the 9th come down and we try to roll them up against the river and smash them.”

Steph liked the simplicity of the plan, good terrain, a simple ruse, and a relatively straight forward flanking attack. Problem was, if things went south, the Cavaliers would wear it right in the face.

110km North West of the Carrakis Folds, Helen, Terran Claimed Space
29 June, 3026

Steph sat on the foot of her Highlander, facing her officers, whom she had come to know decently well over the last two weeks. The first week had involved getting them together and working as a unit. The second week they had struck out south east to begin their long loop around the flank of the 10th Lyran Guard RCT, a trek that had covered fourteen hundred kilometres, well outside the path of the 10th and around them to a point now ninety kilometres from their rear areas. The Mechs and hovercraft of what had come to be known as Moore’s Cavaliers were well hidden in the hilly and wooded terrain, which was a less rugged outlier of the Carrakis Folds, where the rest of the HAF force was preparing for the next day’s assaults.

Her four officers, Nazar Balikian, Žaneta Vyvozilová, Kiyomi Machi , and Stian Christensen lounged or sat in the grass before her in the late afternoon sun, enjoying the chance to relax and go over their plans for the last time, before they moved out in the pre-dawn darkness in nine hours’ time.

The dark haired and hard-faced Captain Nazar Balikian was her XO, and was a skilled pathfinder from the 34th Brigade, and whose company was second only to Steph’s Terrans in terms of competence. Nazar was friendly, in his own way, not one to speak unless it was necessary, and led his company with skill and focus. Steph had little concern about delegating to him, and he would command half the force in the morning’s assault.

Lieutenant Žaneta Vyvozilová commanded the hovercraft detachment and embraced a put-on persona, Steph was sure of it. She considered herself a cavalry officer, a Hussar of old, scouting daringly before the mainline and casting caution to the wind. That was ok with Steph, as the stocky and tanned woman was good at her job and had led the Cavaliers to their current point without loss or discovery, despite her antics.

Lieutenant Kiyomi Machi, a recent graduate from Sandhurst and native of Japan was a solid officer, with few frills and limited issues, someone an officer could count on to get a job done, but not rattle the universe with new applications of warfare or amazing battlefield manoeuvres. Machi was commanding the second company of Nazar’s force and worked with the man well.

Lieutenant Stian Christensen, had potential, problem was, the Nordic pin up boy knew it and acted like it. Potential was one thing, realising it was another and he had a long way to go. Steph had jumped hard on him twice and kept a close eye on him at all times, hence why his company was part of her force, she would not lump Nazar with him, and she suspected Nazar was deeply appreciative of that fact.

Once the four officers were settled and quite, and any banter had faded out, Steph spoke quietly, making sure each had to strain a little to hear, which she observed had tended to make people focus on what she had to say. “I have General Santoli’s final instructions. The 10th Lyran Guards RCT are forming the left flank of the allied advance, as we had expected, and they have thrown most of their heavy forces towards the 34th and the brigades of the 322nd that are supporting them. They are pursuing our comrades into the folds and it is costing them, but also fixating the unit on the task of rooting out what is in front of them. They have moved their logistical bases to a point 20km north of the front, 90km south west of us. At 0415 tomorrow, the 34th will hit the Lyrans with everything they have got, whilst the 167th digs in hard to hold the Lancers and Eagles. Our job is to come straight on into the Lyran rear areas, and smash through. We are not to stop for trophies, showboating, or fallen comrades, Žaneta will pick those up. We are to push on until we hit heavy resistance, which will mean the Lyrans are pulling forces off the front. We will then withdraw north west to string them out. At that point, the two supporting brigades of the 322nd will pass through the 34th and continue the assault on the weakened 10th. That should be some time around late afternoon tomorrow and continue into the night. At dawn the following day, 9th Division will begin landing operations 120km south of where we are now, and as soon as they are ready, will reinforce the assault.” She paused. “Questions?”

“What’s our battle order?” Asked Nazar?

“The hovercraft 10km in advance in a scouting line, heading out at midnight, that gives us four hours to cover 70km. Your demit-battalion on the left, I’ll take the right. I have more heavy hitters, so we can shield you if the Lyrans come on hard. If they try to bury us, we’ll act as rear-guard and you bug right the hell out.”

There were a couple of hard looks and a little squirming. “Seventy in four…we won’t have a lot of time to stop and sniff.” This from Žaneta.

“No, you won’t, but that’s how it is, we have been pushing hard and need some down time before striking. But the word is, old Frederick Steiner and his crew are tired after a long war and are focused on getting into the folds, not on what’s behind them. It’s a risk, but a calculated one.”

“I am not happy being on the left sir,” said Nazar, “no disrespect intended. If the Lyrans come hard at us, my force can disengage and be covered by you as we do so, the other way does not work to our advantage in the same manner.”

Steph leaned back and looked at her XO, “No Nazar, it doesn’t. But the Lyrans love a slugfest, and when they see my heavy cavalry company, they will focus on it, that lets you and the others get in between them and carve them up. My company is one of the more experienced in the HAF, we can move fast if we have to, and have been in this sort of environment before, that’s why I am giving the other companies more space to operate. Your point is a good one, but in this instance, I am in the fire, not you.”

He nodded in understanding. “Of course, yes sir.”

10km North of the Carrakis Folds, Helen, Terran Claimed Space
30 June, 3026

The Lyran logistic and repair area was now 10km behind them, an area of glowing fires and billowing smoke. The only warning the LCAF had of Moore’s Cavaliers had been the panicked calls of their outposts as they were overrun by hovercraft. As soon as the hover tanks had targets, the Mechs with LRMs started raining them in. Steph had led her company straight at the security unit, a Mechanised Infantry platoon and a lance of Rommel and Patton tanks. Five minutes of furious fire ended the resistance, though Tom Skallen’s Grasshopper was a total loss. The other three companies had rampaged through the depot smashing anything they could find, as Steph called in the code word for a successful attack. Like the depot behind her, the sky to the south was also lit up, as the HAF drove in the 10th Lyran Guards with a vengeance.

Her speakers crackled as her Mech swayed about her as she cruised south at 50 kilometres per hour, “Cavalier, this Hussar, we have contact with three plus companies of Mechs, with armour support on a reciprocal heading. We are withdrawing east. Expect contact in four minutes.”

“Roger Hussar.” Steph checked her tactical map. In four kilometres she would be coming down a moderate slope as the Lyrans moved out of a series of gullies and creeks, which would break their formation up. She thought for a moment. “Cavalier two, move east two kilcks then come in hard on a south westly track, I am going straight in, you flank them. Cavalier Four, line up behind me, I’ll go in first and break them up, you focus on any cripples. Once Cavalier two and three hit the flank, we pull back north west by companies, four, three, two, one. Hussar, chart us a path out of here. Clear?”

Four voices answered her in the affirmative, and Steph’s Highlander ploughed on. Three minutes later, she crested a ridge and then before her was a battalion of the LCAF doing its best to untangle itself from some really crappy terrain it had to cross. Too bad kids, wrong place and the wrong time. “All Cavaliers, have at them!”

Her command was answered by ten heavy and fast assault Mechs opening up as one, then Stian Christensen’s company added its fire ten seconds later. Steph targeted one of the new Lyran Wolfhounds, which had turned in surprise at her arrival and got a gauss slug in the right arm for its trouble. She followed that strike up with her medium lasers and LRMs, the former severing what was left of the arm, and the missiles hammered home all over the smaller Mech. A PPC and autocannon blast from behind her finished the Wolfhound off before it could react, and she shifted targets. There, you can be next. A Lyran Marauder had just put two PPC’s into Liam Holm’s Victor, which staggered sideways, and Steph let loose an Alpha Strike in response, her Mechs excellent heat dissipation systems keeping her Mech cool in a way the Lyran’s could not. She tracked right and accelerated, and as the Lyran brought up its weapons to fire again, it was savaged from its right as Nazar’s force came piling into the Lyran flank. Steph fired her gauss rifle and medium lasers into the Marauder, and the machine collapsed into itself as her fire cored out the torso of the Mech.

Steph then pulled back to assess the situation, looking over her force and that of the Lyrans. Two Lyran companies had become disorganised as they crossed the broken land at the centre of the valley, and her attack had caught them between four of her own. However, the assault weight company coming on and that company and its armoured support would change matters. It was already time to leave.

“All cavaliers, execute withdrawal by company.” She called across the battalion network. Kiyomi Machi’s company peeled away at pace, one Mech short and withdrew two kilometres back. On her set signal, Nazar pulled back, a Mech short as well, then Christensen’s intact company, and final hers, now down to nine Mechs. As they covered the withdrawal of the other companies, two of her number had succumbed to the heavy fire coming from the Lyran assault company. As she began to pull back under the cover of Machi’s Mechs, she could see the two initial Lyran companies her troops had savaged reforming, but there we at least ten that were still down.

“Good work Cavaliers, Cavalier one is heading to point 4. Hussar, how’s the path look.”

“All clear so far Cavalier.” Came Žaneta’s cheery voice.

Steph smiled too, they had not only smashed the rear areas of the 10th Lyran Guards, they had hammered one if it’s Mech battalions, and hopefully, drawn more attention, making life easier on their compatriots coming north and preparing the way for the 9th Division to land and ensure Helen returned to the Terran Hegemony.

Though at the time, and through the next few days, the HAF troops on Helen felt they were in a war that was growing in tempo and savagery, they were actually sitting on the cusp of victory, as they politics of the Inner Sphere kept their enemies disorganised, at odds with each other, and facing a foe that had crushed every attempt they had made to slow it.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2020, 08:46:44 PM »

Chapter 68

31 July, 3026

The room had settled down after the victory parade along Geneva’s Rue de Lausanne, where the entire Terran Brigade had marched past throngs of cheering Terrans, celebrating the sudden and spectacular rebirth of their world’s preeminent place within the politics of the Inner Sphere. Other parades and celebrations had been held across the planet and many others across the Hegemony. Colonel Stephanie Moore sat to the rear of the Director General’s office, as she was one of the junior officers present, though to be included here within the august guests told her she was considered part of the inner circle now, albeit a minor one.

Around her neck hung the Hegemony Medal of Honour, the highest award for bravery and service in the new nation, hung about her neck just an hour before by the Director General himself, following his speech of victory to the entire Hegemony. Steph was one of seventeen recipients and had been floored when advised of her selection for the award. The effects if the parade, joining the main viewing stand after completing the parade, her award, and now coming here with all the Hegemony grandees, had left her lightheaded, and feeling like she was more than just a little bit concussed.

Present in the room were the Director General, along with Pat Millray and the five Corps commanders all with aides, the Admiral of the Fleet and his new aide, The President of the Hegemony Congress Elizabeth Andreas and her number two, Priam Sais of Outreach. Also present was the HID Director Madison Perez, and the Director of Starlight Broadcasting, Irinia Letov, who also doubled as the CEO of Communication Enterprises. It was almost, but not quite, crowded in the room. Steph took the aides in hand and had the whole lot up against the back wall behind her, out of the way, but ready to assist as needed, which so far had involved serving their lords and masters with refreshments, an underwhelming application of their skills and knowledge, but it did come with the territory.

“Ladies and gentlemen”, said Angus as the chatter in the room started to subside, “it has been quite a day of celebration, but we are not out of the woods yet, even if our celebration right at the six month mark of our campaign was a political move that we needed to hammer home.” There were smiles around the room, as everyone was riding a high from the rapid successes of the Hegemony and their own personal successes that formed part of it.

“I have asked Director Perez to brief you all and for that briefing to form a basis for a more general discussion of where we go from here, at the formal dinner we will shortly be attending. Director.” Angus gestured to the General and then leant back on his desk, as others took chairs, couches, arms of couches or a convenient bit of wall.

“Thank you, sir. As of 12pm Terran Standard Time today, only Wyatt remained out of our hands, and the LCAF looks like they won’t be staying much longer either. We have been blessed by a unique series of events, which allowed us to take advantage of the exhaustion, disorganisation, and mutual antipathy of the Successor States, to refound our realm. Losses have been generally light, despite some localised heavy casualties, and the general pattern of war across the Inner Sphere has subsided.” The intelligence chief paused to think before proceeding.

“The last three months saw the surprise assault by the DCMS that abrogated their cease fire with the Davions and Steiners break the link between the Lyrans and House Davion. That, coupled with our own assault, forced Davion to negotiate with us and House Kurita, setting our border where we wanted it, and changing the Davion/Kurita border little from what it was pre-war. Both sides of that conflict are totally exhausted, and Davion has made some overtures towards us in the last few weeks. Capella looks strong and has bet cleverly on every front. When the Federated Suns reacted to the Combine’s assault, the Chancellor threw in the towel against us – the thinking is she felt that without the two military powerhouses fighting us, there was no way she could fight on, especially as her navy had been badly mauled. The League fought the best campaign against us, but the salient Duncan Marik formed containing Graham IV, Oliver, Pollux and Alula Australis could not hold once the other powers withdrew from the war. That, and the League is still coming to terms with being the size of the Confederation pre-War.”

Madison smiled ruefully, “Which brings us to our good friends in the Lyran Commonwealth. The Archon backed down after Skye, despite her rhetoric.” There were chuckles as eyes turned towards Pat and Admiral Graham. “Our commanding General sent one hell of a message and despite her calls for unity against us, the Archon can do little, especially with House Davion talking to us. Basically, we got what we wanted at an extraordinarily low price, and exceptionally quickly, now we have to hold it and build a whole new realm before any Successor Lord gets their feet under them.”

“Thanks Madison.” Said the Director General, “We have been lucky, far too lucky, but it gives us time to do what we need to do. Pat, what were our final losses?”

Pat didn’t stand and shrugged as he started talking. “About 16,500 total casualties in the ground arm, just over 4,000 of those dead. We lost seven WarShips to battle damage or capture in various engagements, with a few others banged up pretty well too, and we lost the 116th and 308th Combat Brigade Groups from 7th Division on Ozawa, with the 800 or so who surrendered making up the vast majority of our POWs.”

As Pat provided more details on the losses, Steph found some relief that she had been rerouted from the original plan to send her to Ozawa and sent to Helen instead. That had been a close call for her, and three of the other recipients of the Medal of Honour had been from the 7th Division. Her mind wandered back to Helen and the week of hectic advances that had seen the 10th Lyran Guards broken and their remnants captured.

Steph refocused on the conversation as the Hegemony President began speaking. “The political situation in the Hegemony is generally good at the moment, as events have moved so fast and everyone likes a winner. Ally that to the historic reverence for Terra and the Hegemony, and we have some breathing room. Problem is, we now must make our promises stick, integrate the worlds, their governments and begin the slow process of moving from being over one hundred worlds from five realms into an integrated Hegemony. We also need to use Terran technology to improve their lives, and that is the real holy grail in our arsenal. We will need elections to make it all legitimate, but my fears over how long that will take were justified, and I can’t see elections happening before 3030.”

“I don’t like it Elizabeth, but if that’s the reality, then so be it, though we must be completely clear and open to our people about why and set a hard date that we do not deviate from.”

“As you say, we were thinking four years from today. Gives it a nice undertone.”

“It does.” Said Angus smiling. “That means we may all be out of a job by then, as I intend the Hegemony Charter to be the original Charter. If the people don’t like me or my heir, they get to choose someone else. And that goes for all of you too.”

There were nods and utterance of assent around the room. No one present wanted to create another Successor State.

Angus looked to the Director of Starlight Broadcasting, “Irinia, can fill everyone in one your work?”

The light-haired woman with clearly Slavic features stood and faced the Director General, not as informal as those more used to the relaxed attitudes of the Director General. “Of course, sir. We have integrated all of the HPG’s in the Inner Sphere and begun a crash course to expand our number of workers, all drawn from Terra. We are maintaining operations, though only barely. 70% of ComStar staff are gone, though the voodoo they practiced around technology made the operation of HPGs seem harder than it was. We need to double our workforce and can do that in three years. On the hardware front, the factories are in good order and we will have no issues getting spare parts out or building new systems. The Board is functioning well, surprisingly. Some of the states are looking to it as a defacto Sphere wide body for inter-state treaties, primarily the Lyrans, but there is enough opposition to interference in internal matters from other realms that I don’t foresee any great issues there. Profits are steady, and there appears to be little appetite to raise or lower fees. Overall, we have some medium-term issues to address, but generally, I foresee no problems we cannot deal with.”

“Thank you Irinia, you have done a remarkable job is such a short time.” She smiled her thanks as she sat. “That brings us to ComStar, or what is left of it. As you all know we have been transporting the believers out to Columbus, that continues and will take another two years. ROM has all but fallen apart or disappeared, which worries me, though there is not much we can do on that front. We have control of all the facilities we have identified, but there are persistent rumours of others, and yes, that deeply concerns me. HID have set up a unit to focus on ComStar and make sure they don’t come back or cause us issues, though to my mid, as they years pass, I think we will see the Order become a piece of history, rather than a true threat.”

The Director General looked around the room, “That’s is where we currently stand in a very tiny nutshell, and we have all evening to talk and share ideas, hence why you are all here. You will be joined by several of Elizabeth’s Ministers for dinner as well, and I hope that by the end of tonight was can have the genesis of plans that we can begin to form into our vision of the future.” He smiled at his guests, “Now, all of you be gone, enjoy yourselves, and I will join you in the ballroom shortly. But before you go, know that to each of you I owe a personal debt, and I have been honoured to work with each of you to make our shared dream a reality, and that in raising our people up, each of you have my eternal gratitude.”

The crowed stood and applause spontaneously broke out and lasted for over a minute. The notables and their aides then began to move out of the room, all pausing to shake the Director General’s hand, and in the case of his old mercenary HAF friends, long hugs were exchanged. As the room emptied, Pat looked at Steph, “Don’t you go anywhere Moore, we have plans for you.”

What’s the old grump got planned now? Thought Steph.

Pat moved his battered old body to one of the couches and dropped into it with the grace of a sack of crap dropped from on high. Angus remained leaning back against his desk and pointed to the couch. “Take a seat Colonel.”

Once Steph was seated, Pat spoke up, “What do you know about the Medal of Valour, apart from the colours and ceremony.”

Steph shrugged, “Not much sir, to be honest.”

Pat smiled wickedly, looking at Gus, “So I get to keep her then?”

“No Pat, she has suffered enough under your gentle hand.” Angus smiled too, as Steph looked confused. “Steph, you get an automatic bump in rank with that medal, that makes you a Brigadier, at twenty-five no less, and the HAF’s ace-of-aces with your fourteen kills.”

Both men laughed as her eyes went wide and her face went pale. “Brigadier?” Was all she could say.

“Yes, Brigadier Moore, but there is more.” Both men laughed. Then Angus continued. “You get to pick your next assignment, and though we have talked about a Gunslinger School, it’s a little way off as yet. There are two holes in the lists where two of 7th Division’s brigades used to be. How do feel about being the poster child for rebuilding one of those brigades? I am sure General de Silva would be happy to have you.”

Steph sat gaping for a moment and simply nodded, paused for a moment and then spoke. “A brigade on the border would be an honour sir and pulling one together would tie in well with my duties to date. I’ll be a green as my brigade in the role though sir.”

Pat smiled gently, “Don’t worry about that, de Silva is a good teacher, I want him for Sandhurst one day. He will see you through, and you will have time to get it done. We won’t start pulling in troops for the brigade until the New Year, so you will be stuck here for another month before we ship you off to the 7th, if that is what you want?”

“Yes sir, I do.”

“Good, because you better enjoy your time there, as I’ll be bringing you back when it is time to form the Gunslingers and unless you shoot yourself in the foot, this will be the perfect training you need in forming a new unit.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: KU Book 3: Rage's Descent
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2020, 09:54:55 PM »

Chapter 69

31 August, 3026

Atreus, Grand Duchy of Atreus
Free Worlds League

Duncan Marik sat in the quiet and empty Chamber of Parliament. He had taken to coming here often, to remind himself of what the Free Worlds League had become, and what it was one, both in terms of its former politics and it once greater size.

The old League was not just broken, it was dead. His uncle, Janos Marik and his cousin Thomas had almost made the League great, the dominant power in the Inner Sphere, but had failed. Their inability to prosecute the war against the Lyran Commonwealth was bad enough, however, their handling of the succession of Andurien and its alliance with Canopus was nothing short of diabolical. Then the Capellans invaded.

It was at that point that Duncan knew he had to take action, as Regulus and Oriente declared no confidence in the League and went their own way. He had travelled directly to Atreus, had his uncle and cousin arrested and executed for gross incompetence and treason, and then set about saving what he could of the League.

The old provinces were no more, and Parliament, terrified, divided and seeking a saviour rubber stamped his declarations, and as they did so, made themselves close to irrelevant. The League’s new provinces were essentially equal, and equally weak compared to the central government.

The FWLM was emerging anew, reformed from the recent catastrophes and now the break on provincial ambition and the true shield of the realm. Each of the new provinces had for regiments of BattleMechs, many former Marik Militia or other trusted commands, leaving little room for military adventurism on the Provincial Grand Dukes part. The new Federal Corps deployed one of each of its brigades to each Province as well and were a mobile force that could be dispersed or concentrated as needed. Despite all the changes, the military only numbered forty-two commands, backed by eighteen mercenary regiments, which left him with few options if the League was attacked again. Despite this, Duncan had hope for the future, as the League was finally acting as a truly centralised state, had faced the Terrans with aplomb, and had time to recover, as the other realms were exhausted and wary of each other.

The Terrans would need to be worked with, not against. The Lyrans would be a threat, but Katrina’s focus on Terra and Luthien would keep that border quiet for now. Capella was truly dangerous under Candace Laio, but again, Terra could act as a buffer there. A reckoning with Canopus would be made, but that was at least a decade away, and in the meantime soft and hard power would be needed to bring Oriente and Regulus back to the fold.

Duncan Marik was dedicated to the vision of the League rising again, however, this time, it would be in his image, not that of Parliament or the provinces.

Granera, Federal District
Federal Republic of Andurien and Canopus

Magestrix Emeritus Kyalla Centrella looked across the crowded hall to where Dame Emeritus Catherine Humphreys of Andurien stood with some of her family. Kyalla raised her glass in salute with a genuine smile, which the old hawk returned in kind.

Kyalla found she genuinely liked the rotten old schemer from Andurien, and despite both of them being political snakes of the first order, they had grown close and come to trust each other. Kyalla realised early in their partnership that had matters turned out otherwise, they would not be standing here on Granera, the new Federal Capital, or of they were, the new realm they had built would not last.

The union in marriage of her daughter Emma and Catherine’s grandson Thomas had gone better than expected, as the two seemed to like, if not love each other, and an heir was already on the way. That was important, for if all the grandees and hangers on in this swirling room of colour, dance and sound wanted the good times to keep on rolling, then an heir too truly unite the two realms was critical.

Kyalla mused, as her eyes swept across the room, apprising each body that moved past and making mental notes for her own entertainment post-ball, when she could take a few choice guests back to her chambers. There were underlying issues that could break the Federal Republic apart. Andurien was never a quiet province, and her own Canopians had a healthy lack of respect for those from the Inner Sphere. Then there were the dozens of former League planets that were demanding their own parliament. That would never happen. Not even the new League was giving away much central power, and if the rulers of the realm’s new conquests got too uppity, they would learn the hard way that centralised power was here to stay.

Domestic problems were the main concern, as Sian, Taurus and Atreus had bigger fish to fry, were of no real threat, or were less danger to Kyalla than she was to them. It could not last, good times never did, but all that said, she had dammed well made sure history would not forget what she had accomplished.

Luthien, Pesht Military District
Draconis Combine

Theodore Kurita walked through the gardens of the Imperial Palace in a beautifully embroidered kimono, which showed a cascade of blossoms pouring from his neck and swirling past his hips. He was flanked on one side by the grey haired Yorinaga Kurita, and on the other by the dark skinned Minobu Tetsuhara. Both men had brought new ways to the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery and had been instrumental in the campaigns that had saved the realm from the Steiner-Davion onslaught. The changes had caused problems however, yet Theodore believed that the adherents to the old ways could be managed and in time would come to see his path as the better for the Combine.

“What of our foes now Yoringa-san?”

The older man replied to his Coordinator in a quiet voice as the trio passed a small pond where coy carp swam around stones representing the islands of old Japan. “Davion has stood down, he is honouring the peace and talking with Terra. Steiner, Grimm and the Principality have withdrawn, yet they maintain a high state of readiness. They fear us and well they should. Terra is quiet, they have done as they said they would do, no more and no less, exactly as I would expect of Director General Hamilton.”

“An interesting man, and one that rid us of an old foe. He has changed the futures of all within the Inner Sphere. I would see you reach out to him, warrior to warrior. I wish to know his plans, bluntly spoken, and he respects you.”

The Gunji-no-Kanrei bowed as he walked, “I will make arrangements.”

“We have much to do, many changes to make and honour to restore. The first step must be to return the worlds of Rasalhague to us, so that they may properly experience the protection only the Dragon Throne can provide. Oberon and Tharkad will oppose us, so we must be swift and uncompromising in our strikes. What thoughts have either of you on this?”

As Yorinaga remained silent, Minobu spoke up. “The fleet. It grows more quickly and greater in power than any bar Terra’s. Given several years we will possess a preponderance of strength there. Striking with the fleet to cover assaults on key worlds could break the enemy early in a campaign, provide us with surprise and flexibility, and demonstrate that the Dragon does not forget and repays all slights in kind.”

“An interesting suggestion. Minobu, do you concur?”

“Yes Coordinator.”

“Make it so.”

New Avalon, Crucis March
Federated Suns

Hanse Davion watched the sunset staining the flanks of Mount Davion. This had been his first day of rest in many, many months and he felt restless after even this tiny respite. There was so much still to do, so many risks and rewards to be made by accepting those risks.

His plans for a realm that untied the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth was in ruins, and he had come to accept that fact, despite coming so close. The two nations had touched for the briefest moment and then been torn apart by a rampant and newly risen Terran Hegemony.

Hanse was not one to lose sleep over plans gone bad, what worried him was the future. The Combine had been humbled for now, though not the Confederation. Candace Liao was a dangerous and most cunning opponent, and he had developed a deep respect for her abilities. He had said so much in their communications and though they remained steadfast foes, they were not bitter enemies.

Terra was a problem, but Hamilton seemed to be a reasonable man, once he got what he wanted, and he had that now. The new HPG Board was a sign that the Terran’s could be reasoned with a were willing to work with others.

He still had his alliance with the Lyrans, which would be useful against Luthien, or Terra if need be, and for trade, but any real and immediate concrete value the alliance had hoped for vanished with Terra’s rise.

He turned to go inside and begin working, even on his day off, as his next priority, now that he could not unite his realm with the Steiners, was to choose a bride and sire an heir.

Sian, Sian Commonality
Capellan Confederation

“You’re a complete pig Tormana!” said Candace Liao in a voice full of amusement.

“No dear sister, I am not. I am merely ensuring that I can speak with some knowledge when it comes to the finest dishes from each of the worlds so recently returned to the Confederation.”

Before the two Capellans was a vast low table piled high with elegant dishes. Each was a speciality from a world recently retaken and there were dozens. The Liao siblings had been trying each, though Candace had given up some time ago, Tormana was still forging through the varied platters with little restraint.

Candace levelled a hard stare at her brother, “Well, I suppose you have earned it for a night. I’ll have you back to work tomorrow.”

“You would, and that is because you are a nasty Chancellor who desires only pain and suffering for those who serve her so well.”

“No Tormana, just for you.”

Both laughed and then Candace turned a little grim. She waved a hand to encompass the table. “Think on how much effort it took our nation to be able to provide this victory dinner. There are still dozens of Capellan worlds still under foreign banners, and the universe is a far more dangerous and unpredictable place now than it was two years ago,”

Tormana screwed his face up as he thought, “It is yes. Terra, Canopus and the dissolution of the League have made our little corner of space an interesting neighbourhood. Davion is quiescent for now, though that can’t last, as much as the two of you like to check each other out. Diplomatically speaking of course.”

Candance frowned, “Yes, I respect Davion, but I won’t be underestimating him anytime soon.”

“Best not, the man needs a big win, and apart from the Periphery, we are still the best target. He is already interfering in the Aurigian Reach.”

“Everyone is interfering in the Aurigian Reach dear brother. That little area will be living in interesting times for years to come.”

Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth

Melissa was worried, worried for her mother, Katrina Steiner, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, and she was not the only one concerned. Her mother had almost, almost, launched a massive nuclear strike in mid-3025, as she panicked over the advance of the Kapteyn powers. And it was not the launch order, which she had convinced her mother to rescind that bothered Melissa so much, it was that her cool and controlled mother had panicked. Her skiing accident had apparently been the cause of more than just broken bones, as her mother’s personality had changed since the accident, and there was now a small but important group who shared Melissa’s concerns.

“We need to openly discuss our concerns with the Archon. We cannot act behind the scenes, otherwise we are little better than rebels seeking to instigate a coup.” Said recently returned General Frederick Steiner. “I have been down that path before, and it is not one I wish to walk again. Archon Steiner will listen to reason, especially if we do not frame our discussions as an ultimatum. I trust that even in her current state that the Archon will be able to see that the needs of the Commonwealth outweigh the wants of the Archon.”

“I hope so, said Melissa.” concern on her face, “Which is why we need to have a plan if she does not, and a plan for what we think is the best course for the Archon and myself. I am only sixteen and am not yet prepared to rule in my own right, though waiting too long past my majority will be difficult to manage, but it would give my mother time to leave the office with dignity.”

“This is true.” Said the ever-inscrutable Simon Johnson. That he was here, as totally loyal to her mother as he was, spoke volumes. “However, the length of time, August 3028 at the earliest, means that we have to manage the Archon for the next two years at least. The Combine and League might be quiet, and Oberon is solid on our flank, but the mutual antagonism between ourselves and the Hegemony is cause for concern, especially as the Archon views the matter personally.”

Morgan Kell, one of Katrina’s oldest friends nodded his head with a deeply sad look on his face. “Then we have to stand up on behalf of the Commonwealth. We need to help our friend, our Archon, through this period, and work for the people of the Commonwealth to ensure that their future is a safe one. The LCAF is to run down and small at the moment to support another major war, therefore we must ensure we have peace for the foreseeable future.”

Oberon VI, Butte Sector
Oberon Confederation

Thunk! The dark hit home in the forehead of the picture of Coordinator Theodore Kurita, which was pinned to the wall of the office of Prince Hendrik Grimm of Oberon. The lithe and dark-haired young man picked up another dart and lobbed it across the light wood panelled room. Thunk! This dart hit home on the Kuritan’s shoulder. He lofted a third, which barely missed his aide as he entered the room and whacked home in the Coordinator’s right eye.

His aide shot him a venomous glance, which he took in his stride. Douglas had never for a moment ever showed real deference to his Prince. That was why Hendrik liked him, there was no bullshit with the man. “Do you mind Hendrik?”

“Not at all Douglas, you should have knocked.”

“You should be working.”

“I am. I am thinking on how that man is probably doing the same thing with a picture of me at this very moment and thinking on how he can shove the DCMS up Magnusson’s and my collective asses.”

His aide crossed to his large dark timber desk and dropped a stack of papers on it, “Yes, you managed to piss of an entire Successor State. Not what I would call a career enhancing manoeuvre.”

“True, but the Steiners have our back.”

“For now, they will act in their interests, and if we are not in their interests, we will be hung out to dry.”

He pulled his feet down from on his desk and threw his last dart close to Douglas to make him move, before it sunk into the wall above the picture of Theodore. “Possible, but not in the immediate term. If we can tie Rasalhague closer to us and keep expanding our forces the way we have been, there is a chance we keep what we took. We just need to pay the Steiners enough to make sure they are there when the Dragon comes knocking.”

Unnamed System

Demona looked through the glass into the lab were the scientists were working, then to her companion. The other woman was tall and strongly built, with long and straight red hair, hair that sat awkwardly around her flat, rounded face. She was older than Demona, but deferred to her, as Demona had become the defacto leader of the True Believers who had fled the scourge of their order. “When will it be ready?”

“Several years yet. The strain is too virulent, and not contagious enough. It would burn out far too quickly. We need time to modify it, prepare the Deliverers and ensure they are in place as well.”

Another voice from behind her spoke, “I think it is too much, we should only use the Shadows.”

Demona turned on the man, her narrow face a mask of fury, “We will use the Shadows, and this! We will use every tool we have to break the betrayer and burn his dream to the ground!”

Here ends The Other Option: Kapteyn’s First Strike.

The story will continue in a series of Field Manuals, then be followed by Kerensky's Lost Hope, a new story set in the Kapteyn Universe.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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