Ok think the numbers on the Capellan March are done!
Capellan March
Chesterton Combat Region
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Chesterton Dragoons (3rd destroyed & 4th created after 2600)
Chesterton CMM
Emerson Combat Region
1st & 2nd Emerson Pikemen (3rd & 4th created after 2600) [-2 EP]
Emerson CMM
Hobbs Combat Region
1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Hobbs Guards (later known as the Hospitallers) [+1 HH]
Hobbs CMM
Die Moot Combat Region
1st & 2nd Die Moot Armored Legion (later known as the Lothair Legionaries)
Die Moot CMM
New Syrtis Combat Region (revision necessary for the 9th)
Syrtis Fusiliers (8 regiments)
New Syrtis CMM
(Pleiades Combat Region)
Made up entirely of worlds taken from the Taurian Concordat during the Reunification War we do not have to account for a RDC or a CMM [-4 regiments]
A minor revision may have to be made to account for the Syrtis Fusiliers participating in the RW and the ones in TA2785. The unit numbers from TA2785 show the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th but H:RW has the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th participating. The easiest fix is to swap the unit histories of the 6th and the 9th.
So in the end not much cutting going on for the Capellan Mech with only 5 regiments being cut. Not as much as I would like making our current total 108 regiments - with 20 regiments to cut. Next up the Draconis March!