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Empire Falls
« on: February 20, 2017, 01:06:23 PM »

February 20th, 3100
Pirate Point
Ariel, White Sun, The 'Verse

The detailed sensor logs provided by the IES Adean Dulcimer allowed the RRS Indomitable and IES Memory of Twycross to execute a jump to a pirate point in close proximity to the Star Empire's Capital world of Ariel. As they recovered from the jump they immediately Launched their DropShips, then opened fire on the nearest ship, a massive ship identified as an Imperial class star destroyer. The DropShips, formed into two groups, the spearhead and the transports. The spearhead made up of RSS Constitution, RSS Constantinople, and RSS Repulse drove ahead to make a hole in the planet's defenses in order to let the transports through.

The transports followed the spearhead, forming up around the Carrack class IES Memory of Twycross, with RSS Challenger in the center, and three of the Tribe's Mammoths around the outside for the formation. The IES Pilgrim, IES Ranger, and the IES Crockett had each been modified with transport bays and extra life support equipment sufficient to be effective troop transports. Not as effective as the Colossus in their midst, but effective none-the-less.

For it's part, the Star Destroyer launched it's fighters and small craft, and ordered them to engage the transports. The small T-fighters never stood a chance against IES Memory of Twycross's guns, with most of the fighters being destroyed before even reaching weapons range. The star destroyer, unable to reach weapons range against the more nimble fox, took volley after volley of naval autocannon and laser fire, before it eventually launched escape pods as the crew abandoned ship.

The spearhead, sending waves of sub-capital weapons fire at the orbital defenses had made a hole in them large enough for the transports to descent through. As the Colossus and Mamoths prepared to do just that, the IES Memory of Twycross took up a defensive position over the planet. It's cargo bay doors opened up and a tidal wave of armored troopers fell out of the sky around the transports. Some careless troopers got caught in the DropShips' plasma wash, but other than that the descent was uneventful.

The aerospace forces that had gone on the attack took over the spearhead's assault into the atmosphere, striking enemy fighters as they tried to approach. One of the mammoths was destroyed by a ground battery that suddenly opened up. It was avenged by ordnance dropped by a squadron of fighters. The RSS Constitution, RSS Constantinople, and RSS Repulse rejoined the RRS Indomitable an prepared to meet the next wave of incoming capital ships.

While it was clear that none of the local ships were a match for the Fox class warship or it's pocket warship escorts, the sheer number of capital ships in the system would eventually overwhelm them. Despite the wreckage of two more imperial class star destroyers around them, the RRS Indomitable knew the ground forces would have to act quickly or they would still be lost.


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Re: Empire Falls
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 10:30:46 PM »

February 20th, 3100
Pirate Point
Ariel, White Sun, The 'Verse

Much of the wave of battle armored troops that dropped from the IES Memory of Twycross was made up of Salamander armor, piloted by a combination of former clan Elementals, and Gene Cast warriors from Toreel. When they touched down, their ability to ascend sheer walls, jump around, and the fire they brought wherever they were proved decimating to the Star Empires Storm Troopers. Attacked from all directions, and unable to organize, they fell quickly. With the battle armor securing almost an entire city sector within minutes of touching down, the remaining DropShips were able to land unmolested.

In response to the calls for help, local 'Mechs were deployed, with huge, heavily armored quadruped Imperial Assault Transports smashing aside buildings to clear the way. Smaller scout transport 'Mechs The Star Empire had clearly never dealt with an opponent that fielded their own 'Mechs before though, and were unprepared for the combined arms force that met them, lead by an old Templar B. Though most of the Tribe's BattleMechs weren't the most advanced designs, light 'Mechs like the Jenners and Commandos fielded, outperformed the enemy scouts easily, and the heavy armor, and Heavy and Assault 'Mechs made short work of the lance of Imperial Assault Transports.

Moving in on the Imperial Palace the battle armored forces went room to room, inside, as the BattleMechs smashed the defenses, and communications buildings. After fighting through waves of storm troopers, each fighting more desperately than the last, the Tribe's forces finally reached the throne room of the Star Empire's self styled 'Immortal' Emperor. The enthroned figure turned out to be quite formidable.

As the first Battle Armor entered, a Salamander, the figure on the throne rose to it's feet and it became obvious that this Man was wearing a suit of Battle Armor of his own, though heavily stylized into the face and figure of a seriously disfigured burn victim. With a gesture, Man-made lightning bolts of PPC technology flew from the arms of the Emperor, striking and consuming the Salamander. Several more warriors met the same fate. Return fire showed that this Emperor had one of the fighter shield generator protecting him and his throne. Unfortunately, no matter how surprising that turn of events was, it didn't matter a lot as more Tribe forces entered, and several marked the 'Immortal Emperor' with TAG, and guided Long Tom shells directly into him. They were able to recover enough genetic material to prove his death, including pieces of his skull.

The ground forces broadcast to the whole system that the emperor was dead, and demanded the Star Empire's forces lay down arms and surrender, and if they did, they would be given a place inside the Tribe's forces. Most of the ships defending the planet stopped fighting with that broadcast. Some surrendered, while others set course for other parts of the system. The Tribe's ground forces sent one further signal that day, inviting the People's Rebellion to the table for talks.


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Re: Empire Falls
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2017, 12:21:08 PM »

March 4th, 3100
Ariel, White Sun, The 'Verse

With complete control over Ariel established, and several Star Empire generals and admirals throwing their lot in with the Tribe, control of the whole White Sun area was established within a couple weeks. Negotiations with the People's Rebellion established a working relationship between all parties involved. Under the Tribe's leadership, the People's Rebellion, would be renamed the 'People's 'Verse Defense Force' or PVDS, and would be responsible for planetary defense, and the protection of the citizens, including police actions. The Star Empire forces would become the 'Interstellar Defense Force' or IDF, and would be tasked with bringing the rest of the 'Verse systems into line, along with preventing or directly intervening in interplanetary conflicts, performing customs and patrol of the space lanes, and would co-operate with the PVDS for anti-piracy actions.

The IDF would be directly supported by the Industrial complex covering the surface of Shiva, one of Ariel's moons, and the Shiva Drive Yards which dominated the orbit around the moon. The SDY facilities were a massive complex of aerospace yards which outstrip anything in the Inner Sphere, and were one of the reasons for the massive number of capital ships in the 'Verse. The PVDF would be supported by the Incom facilities on Burnadette, and a few other smaller facilities.

The Tribe's own scientists and engineers worked to bring both facilities up to speed with modern technology, rather than leaving them with the rather sub-par weapons that they had been using. New designs were planned to upgrade the forces now working under the Tribe. The promise of higher technology for the military, and a better quality of life for the civilians was one of the strongest points that allowed the Tribe to bring together these groups under their banner.

This process also brought to the Tribe's attention that the 'Verse also contained many gene-caste humans as well, in fact many of the same or similar 'species' of gene-caste were found. None of these served in the Star Empire, being treated as second class citizens. When it was revealed how many gene-caste were serving within the Tribe's ranks, this was a strong point in bringing the former People's Rebellion into the Tribe's embrace.

The Tribe's scientists produced a plan to incrementally introduce improvements to the System. The first thing was to create analogs of their current technology, so that it was as familiar as possible, and then later replace those first-generations with better and more effective designs. To this end several teams went to work with both SDY and Incom to produce both capital ships plans, and new aerospace fighters.


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Re: Empire Falls
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 06:25:40 PM »

March 27th, 3100
White Sun, The 'Verse

Despite the unprecedented cooperation between the former enemies in the IDF and the PVDF, and the relative peace in the core of the White Sun system, all was not well. Criminal elements on the fringes of White Sun began receiving support from several of the other stars, and their ships began challenging IDF forces.

Primarily relying on carriers, which launched a hodgepodge of various fighter craft and assault dropships, the pirate forces were taking their toll on the Tribe's IDF forces. The first three Totem TCSs worked together to contain the threat and push it out of the system, but only with heavy losses. Even commanding the out dated warships of the former Empire, the over whelming numbers took their tool. Two of the three Totem's were lost, and much of the IDF crippled, but eventually, the enemy forces retreated out of the system.

Unfortunately one of these pirate groups, the Black Sun Cartel, which nominally had control over the Kalidasa system, managed to retreat with a data core containing specs for a considerable amount of The Tribe's technology. They immediately began construction in several of their own shipyards incorporating the technology acquired during the incursion.


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Re: Empire Falls
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2017, 03:25:25 PM »

Kalidasa System
The 'Verse
May 3100

With several new ship designs filling the IDF's ranks, they prepared to move on the Kalidasa system, and bring an end to the Black Sun cartel once and for all. The initial attack would be an assault on the worlds of Newhall, Beylix, and Oberon, turning the Penglai protostar and it's worlds and moons into a beachhead in the system. The attacks would occur simultaneously on all three worlds.

Each taskforce comprised of a single Totem, two Demagogues, three Shamans, and ten Spears. Each had a full complement of fighters and ground forces, however since they were using the new K-F technology absent in the system until now, none of the dropships other than the Tribe's native ones were suitable, so the mammoths and mules were divided between the task force and sent along. Further support took the slot route between system, and would arrive the next month.

The Newhall task force arrived and took the planet without issue, dropping the full contingent of infantry and mechs onto the planet's surface, it was pacified within hours of arrival in orbit. Mostly rural communities, often with animal drawn vehicles, and simple technology, it would serve as a food basket for the invasion.

The Beylix task force went similarly without issue. A minor industrial center for the Kalidasa system, it was primarily a thriving spaceport, and reports had indicated that it was a major hub of activity for smuggling and slave operations in The 'Verse. The task force arrived and secured the space port first. Sending a signal indicating anything that tried to take off would be destroyed. Deployment began, and the task force spread across the planet. Spear frigates chased down ships that tried to escape. The task force's Demagogues and Shamans moved to secure the planet's moons and orbiting stations and satellites. The flagship of the taskforce moved over the planet's capital and deployed troops to the surface.

The capital attempted to resit by launching a nuclear warhead at the totem, however it failed to break through that ship's shields. A swift barrage of capital weapons fire put a stop to any further attempts to attack the ship, and deployment continued. On the surface, standing militia, angry ship captains, and criminal elements all seemed to organize together to resist the occupation. Despite this none were prepared to deal with the sheer volume of troops the Totem was deploying. Remnants of the Star Empire's forces tried to intervene as well, and for the first time the IDF fought their former comrades.

Displaying the superiority of the Tribe's technology, the defenders were quickly overwhelmed by the forces of the task force. A few ships escaped into deep space between planets, and presumably will get word to the rest of the system of Beylix's fall.

Of the three worlds, Oberon was the most difficult to take. Containing one of Kalidasa's most prominent shipyards, the task force was under orders to take it intact, rather than destroying it out right. The Tribe not only wanted to deny it's use to the Black Sun cartel, but they wanted to turn it against them, and use it as a primary repair hub for the invasion of the system. From a great distance the Oberon task force's Shaman missile destroyers began launching capital missiles, designed to make crippling strikes at ground targets with fixed positions. This would keep the defenders busy stopping the missile attacks rather than fully preparing to deal with the approaching task force.

The Spears stayed in front of the formation, joined by the two Demagogue's fighter complements. Once the task force came within range of the defending forces, they opened fire. Possessing much greater range than the defending ships, the fight was a slaughter. More than 30 capital ships fell in only a few short minutes. Unfortunately that all changed when the Shipyards opened their own bays and launched ships that had only barely finished production. With eighteen construction berths, and the new technology incorporated into them the sudden onslaught was a surprise that almost cost the IDF the battle.

Barrages of Naval Autocannon fire broke the spine of two of the Spears, and Naval Laser and PPC fire brought down one of the Demagogues in the opening salvo. Soon though it was clear that these weren't truly new designs, instead new weapons had been bolted onto a hodgepodge of ships as best and as quickly as they could be. Malfunctions ran rampant through the new defender's ships, and after a few minutes the surprise of the attack wore off and the more experienced commanders in purpose built ships took control of the battle once again. Pulling back, the Shamans unleashed waves of capital missiles that crippled any defenders they encountered, while the remaining Demagogue retreated. The Totem moved closer and docked with the station directly, disgorging it's massive army into the halls and across it's surface to cut their way into it. Too close to risk targeting, the enemy forces ignored it. The remaining Spears dove into the enemy fleet and unleashed waves of destructive energy in all directions. The aerospace fighters flew into point blank range with the enemy fleet, hugging hulls and unleashing electronic warfare missiles into them.

Two more Spears were crippled and all sustained heavy damage, but the battle only lasted a few short minutes longer. The Shamans and Demagogue moved into orbit around Oberon and deployed their own troops the secure the surface, but with the lose of the defending fleet, the forces on the surface quickly surrendered.


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Re: Empire Falls
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2017, 06:23:56 PM »

Kalidasa System
The 'Verse
June 3100

After consolidating the Penglai worlds, the IDF prepared for the full scale invasion of the Kalidasa system. The PVDS moved in to defend the new holdings and the IDF maneuvered for the coming assaults. Before they began, however, the Kalidasan forces struck. Having revived a very old design, and upgraded it with the technology they now had, they were able to produce a powerful light cruiser. With the 'Verse's astounding capacity for production, they had managed to produce dozens of these ships in such a short time.

Called the "Black Sun Dreadnought' it carried a huge array of capital and subcapital laser weaponry, and a small fighter screen. Relatively lightly armored, it's defenses were bolstered by the same dual shield generator design that the Tribe's ships were using. This time though, rather than facing the IDF attack force by itself, they were also met by the PVDS as well.

Initially the IDF and PDVF did not play well with each other, after losing ground due to refusing to communicate and generally getting in each other's way, the two forces worked out between them some hierarchy, and then turned the tables on the Kalidasans. The Black Sun dreadnoughts fell, but reports from deeper in the system indicate that that was only a portion of the fleet that was even now departing shipyards.


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Black Sun Dreadnought
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2017, 06:25:04 PM »

Black Sun Dreadnought
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Black Sun Dreadnought
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,468,454,000.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 59,811

Mass: 600,000
K-F Drive System: Primitive
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
80 Naval Laser 35
60 Subcapital Laser 1
10 Naval Laser 45

Class/Model/Name: Black Sun Dreadnought
Mass: 600,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 151,200.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 2,100.00
K-F Hyperdrive: 15 LY range Primitive (14 Integrity) 300,000.00
Jump Sail: (16 Integrity) 300.00
Structural Integrity: 50 30,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 6,500 Single 6,067.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 1,785 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 5,818.50
Armor: 240 pts Standard 600.00
Fore: 45
Fore-Left/Right: 45/45
Aft-Left/Right: 45/45
Aft: 45

Bay 1: Fighter Bays (12) 1,800.00
Small Craft Bays (5) 1,000.00
Cargo (21,580.5 tons) 21,580.50
Doors (6)

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Escape Pods: 25 175.00
Life Boats: 25 175.00

Crew And Passengers:
53 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 530.00
112 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 784.00
150 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 1,050.00
49 Bay Personnel 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
6*4 Naval Laser 35 Nose 208 140 (14-C) Long-C 16,800.00
5*6 Subcapital Laser 1 Nose 144 60 (6-C) Long-C 4,500.00
1 Naval Laser 45 FR/L 70 45 (4.5-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
1 Naval Laser 45 FR/L 70 45 (4.5-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
3*4 Naval Laser 35 FR/L 208 140 (14-C) Long-C 16,800.00
1 Naval Laser 45 R/LBS 70 45 (4.5-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
1 Naval Laser 45 R/LBS 70 45 (4.5-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
3*4 Naval Laser 35 R/LBS 208 140 (14-C) Long-C 16,800.00
1 Naval Laser 45 AR/L 70 45 (4.5-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
4 Naval Laser 35 AR/L 208 140 (14-C) Long-C 2,800.00
5*6 Subcapital Laser 1 Aft 144 60 (6-C) Long-C 4,500.00

Equipment Mass
WttNC Equipment Mass
2 Capital Deflector Shield Generators 2,000.00
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