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Separatists (by Hessian)
« on: March 30, 2008, 10:32:35 AM »
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Well folks it is my pleasure to give you this excellent writeup on Separatists done by Hessian. Unfortunately real life of events of a devastating nature have precluded any further work by him on this for now. Again my thoughts and prayers go out to you Hessian. God bless.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2008, 10:33:33 AM »
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To: Deputy Director Alan Milunsky, Chief of Foreign Service Department
From: Assistant Director Yael Cohen, Foreign Service Department
While fighting “big government†is a long and storied tradition in itself, the story of today’s freedom fighters is tied to the current struggles of the Great Houses. The Succession War seems to be a callous and futile effort to many especially along the Periphery of the InnerSphere. These frontier peoples who prided themselves on their independence barely tolerated the omnipresent Star League. Even during the Golden Age of Mankind there were numerous “incidents†with the tyrannical authority of the First Lord. In fact many natives here wished to see this oppressive union vanish into the distant past. The dissolution of the League in 2781 was the answer to their collective prayers but their joy soon turned to sorrow as the greedy House Lords plunged humanity head long into war. For more than a decade now these warmongering sovereigns have fought a vain and horrific conflict that serves no common good. The Pan-Separatist Movement aims to change all that by breaking away from the Great Houses once and for all. Dedicated to a splintering of the InnerSphere and an end to interstellar tyranny it advocates the creation of limited regional or fully independent planetary governments. Spurred on by an ironic spirit of cooperation not seen since the days of the Star League and widespread dissatisfaction with the war this cause has recently taken off. However, they face a difficult struggle as they stand united in the shared ideal of independence. While the Houses may call them terrorists or rebels some dare to call them heroes.
This report provides a brief history of the Pan-Separatist Movement and details the current hotbeds of separatist activity throughout the Successor States.
Brief History
A shadowy connection of separatist-groups providing a network for numerous Periphery separatist groups to coordinate activities, share information, shelter fugitives etc. this organization developed after the Reunification War that forcibly brought the Periphery realms of the Magistracy of Canopus, the Outworlds Alliance, the Rim Worlds Republic and the Taurian Concordat into the Star League as Territorial States, garrisoned by large Star League occupation forces to ensure compliance with the rule of Star League-appointed military governors. (Nowadays the Pan-Separatist Movement acts in the same way, although no longer the majority of separatist-groups connected is located in the Periphery, but in regions of the Inner Sphere bordering the Periphery.)
By 2607 home rule was reestablished for the Star League´s four Territorial States(Magistracy of Canopus, Outworlds Alliance, Rim Worlds Republic and Taurian Concordat) and Star League Associate-Member status granted. Additionally most of the occupation forces were withdrawn and a massive reconstruction effort was launched to “foster good will between the distant frontiers and the cradle of humanityâ€. Although this aid was badly needed it came attached to a massive propaganda campaign that the Periphery people met with cynicism and skepticism at first, finding it hard to believe such propaganda after all that had happened. As the years passed and the Star League government´s reconstruction efforts began to bear fruit many citizens of the Periphery began to feel a grudging respect for their former enemies and eventually admitted it wasn´t so bad after all. But the people of the Periphery still remembered and missed the good old days of independence.
This changed in 2722 with the passing of Council Directive 41.
The Directive, written by the Lords from the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League, appeared to grant the Periphery states limited autonomy, freeing them from many restrictions imposed after the Reunification War. In practice it allowed private Inner Sphere interests unprecedented power to exploit Periphery worlds. One measure imposed under Directive 41 was a hated excise tax, the first of many, on Periphery-made goods. So a wave of exploitative businesses
swamped the Periphery worlds, setting up factories that consumed whole sections of planets.
Products were sent to the Inner Sphere without benefit to anybody in the Periphery. Angered by the rape of their worlds underground independence movements bent on overthrowing the Star League gained increasing support amongst Periphery citizens. Then in 2753 the Star League council passed
an edict raising taxes in the Periphery drastically, inciting a growing revolt. Even more important it caused many of these separatist organizations to form an alliance despite any previous ideological and political differences among them.
Thus the Pan-Separatist Movement was born. Not as a rigidly streamlined organization, but as a network of separatist-groups throughout the Periphery cooperating to reach their common goal, using the same age-old classic cell-structure as the groups it constituted. And although only a fraction of all separatist-groups in the Periphery participated in the PSM, its network spanned the whole Periphery.
The next twelve years saw Pan-Separatist Movement insurgents staging attacks against SLDF forces on numerous periphery worlds, all the while personnel was recruited and trained, equipment and supplies were procured and stockpiled and propaganda spread in preparation for the day the Star League would be thrown out of the Periphery. During these years the Pan-Separatist Movement also got in contact with Separatist groups from the Inner Sphere that sought independence from their respective Great House for various reasons(interestingly most of these groups came from regions of the Great Houses bordering the Periphery). Loath to include Spheroids into their organization for fear of being infiltrated by the SLDF Intelligence Command, but at the same time eager not to annoy potential allies, the PSM choose to use these Inner Sphere Separatist groups to spread its propaganda in the Inner Sphere.
Unbeknownst to them, the PSM was infiltrated and manipulated not by Inner Sphere Intelligence agents, but by a fellow countryman: Stefan Amaris, ruler of the Rim Worlds Republic. This masterschemer had portrayed the rabid Star League loyalist in public, but had secretly contacted and funded many separatist-groups throughout the Periphery. It was Amaris as one of the “Independence war´s†chief architects that came up with the suggestion how BattleMech divisions could be outfitted and personnel trained to use them. Soon Amaris and his representatives became important advisors of the PSM
It took five years till these Periphery BattleMech divisions were certified combat-ready. Until then the insurgents engaged in guerilla and terrorist activities as they had for the last few years, ranging from theft and sabotage to blackmail and abduction to shooting, poisoning and bombing. Eventually open warfare erupted in 2765, seemingly spreading throughout the Periphery like wildfire, resulting in heavy losses for the SLDF, that nonetheless was beginning to gain the upper hand despite the activation of the Periphery BattleMech divisions. Until...
Stefan Amaris and his Republican troops seized the Terran Hegemony in a coup d´etat in the waning days of 2766.
This caused the SLDF Commanding General Kerensky to declare a cease-fire with all the Periphery realms that had taken part in the Uprising, stating that it would be ridiculous for his troops to continue fighting the Periphery rebels to preserve a Star League whose capital was occupied. Astonishing as it might be, the cease-fire was respected by the Periphery rebels. Or perhaps not, as most insurgents felt betrayed by Amaris. They had wanted independence from the Star League, but had been used as puppets by an usurper. Furthermore, rumours and later reports from the Terran Hegemony told of indescribable atrocities committed in the name of the Amaris Empire.
Ashamed the Pan-Separatist Movement, like many other separatist groups, began to purge its ranks of those that Amaris had brought into the organization or that wanted to continue fighting the SLDF “while they are preoccupiedâ€. Instead the PSM watched as the the SLDF invaded the Rim Worlds Republic to use it as a base of operations for the liberation of the Terran Hegemony and ignored demands and pleas sent by Amaris to all the Periphery separatist-groups and to the remaining Periphery BattleMech divisions to defend the Rim Worlds Republic. The PSM then choose to await the outcome of General Kerensky´s Hegemony campaign, believing that after the war, whoever would be the victor(and having fought the SLDF themselves most separatists thought it would be Kerensky´s SLDF), the Periphery would get its independence, preferably in a peaceful way without further bloodshed, but if need be also via renewed combat. For which preparations were begun immediately.
In hindsight they were right. General Kerensky was victorious against self-styled Emperor Amaris and liberated the Terran Hegemony. But with the Terran Hegemony badly weakened (and later reformed into the Terran Republic under the last Cameron, Regent Amanda Cameron) and the council-lords pursuing their own agendas the Star League just dissolved. Furthermore most of the SLDF departed for a destination unknown, as General Kerensky avoided involvement in the upcoming Succession War.
The inactivity during the Hegemony campaign also caused intensified relations with separatist groups within the Great Houses, with many experienced secession-activists relocating to the Inner Sphere(often under the guise of refugees) to assist and instruct their Inner Sphere counterparts, strengthening several separatist-groups within the Inner Sphere, which are now the nucleus of the PSM, as most of the original groups that cooperated in the PSM achieved their goal when the Periphery States gained their independence(the exception being the Rim Worlds Republic that was in large parts annexed by the Lyran Commonwealth, became a Protectorate of the Terran Republic or just desintegrated).
As such the PSM today once more links several separatist-groups across the Inner Sphere in a network. These separatist-groups each have their own goals, be it full-scale secession or limited autonomy, be it for a single planet or whole regions but they cooperate to achieve their goals. Using the same age-old classic cell-structure as the groups it constitutes, albeit on a higher level the PSM helps to spread ideals such as independence, liberty and self-determination across the Inner Sphere.
The most important task of the PSM, however, is to share information. Information on how to train personnel, how to acquire material, how to conduct various operations, how to manipulate the media in their favor, how to use legal measures, how to avoid infiltration by Intelligence agencies, how to cultivate your own spy-network and so on.
Of course there is no guarantee that a certain method successful for one separatist-group will be successful for another separatist-group operating in another Great House at least such shared information inspires to continue the struggle for liberty.
Following is therefore an overview of several separatist “hotspots†within the Inner Sphere.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2008, 10:34:12 AM »
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Rasalhague Principality
Rasalhague was originally settled by colonists hailing from the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden that were driven bankrupt by the fallout of the Second Russian Civil War. Choosing the world of Rasalhague, with a landscape reminiscent of their Scandinavian home, at this time at the edge of explored space, as their new home enabled them to escape the oppressive, impersonal Terran Alliance and find the freedom they craved. They prospered and before long several neighboring worlds were also settled and organized into a loose structure of clan-oriented families. Family heads took responsibilty for their own, and annually elected a single head for each
world, known as a varldherre. In turn, each varldherre paid lip-service to the Prince of Rasalhague, elected once every ten years (hence the name “Principalityâ€).
The Rasalhagians were busy developing their new homelands and kept their noses out of others´ business. All they wanted was to live free and be left alone. They did not get their wish though, as isolationist policies and political neutrality couldn´t deter Shiro Kurita of the Draconis Combine, who coveted the thriving Rasalhagian worlds in search of new (and supposedly easy) conquests and invaded the Principality in 2330. And although formally declared vanquished by Tenno Kurita in 2367 after decades of savage guerilla war the Principality of Rasalhague remained essentially independent of Combine authority with Kurita forces controling only a few key cities on various Principality worlds . Not much changed until 2620 when Coordinator Urizen Kurita II attempted to force japanese culture and language upon the Rasalhagians. Predictably they resisted and fought to retain their own identity, generally refusing to conform, undaunted by the penalties imposed. This resistance eventually developed into an independence movement: The Tyr.
Named for a god of the ancient Norse, the Tyr are currently active on all worlds of the principality with one or more underground cells. These cells stage (terror) attacks against Combine military forces and authorities that are seen as occupants and oppressors ranging from bombings and shootings to abduction and blackmail to sabotage and propaganda and graffiti. Estimates by the Combine´s own ISF place roughly a battalion of Rasalhagian Tyr freedom fighters on major worlds of the Principality, and roughly a strengthened company on minor worlds. And everywhere the Tyr enjoy the support of the population providing alibis,clothes, food, medicine shelter, water and the like. Furthermore there are indications that the Tyr movement receives some outside support from at least one of the other great houses (Steiner and/or Cameron being the most likely) although the Tyr understandably won´t comment on this topic. Rumors of shipments containing heavy military equipment such as combat vehicles, BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters remain unsubstantiated.
Notable Personalities
Agnes Carlsson
The most influential member (leader is the wrong title in an underground movement using a cell structure) of the Tyr is one Agnes Carlsson, a six-feet tall, blonde, beautiful woman from Rasalhague in her early thirties.
Nicknamed “The Valkyrie†she would seem more at home on a fashion catwalk. Indeed Carlsson once was a top-mannequin that also supported the Tyr-movement as a courier(travelling often and in erratic patterns made her ideal for this job apart from an ability of portraying the “brainless blondineâ€, something that she is definitely not). This is proven by the fact that, while pursuing her modeling career, she also managed to finish her studies of Computer Sciences magna cum laude and become a talented programmer(and resourceful hacker). A feat nearly unknown to the public and quite useful as demonstrated by the recent sabotage of security systems by a sophisticated software-virus. This virus caused all electronic security-systems in military installations on Rasalhague to interpret valid access codes as invalid, prompting several mishaps, some of them fatal, when automated defense-systems tied to the security-systems reacted to the presence of perceived intruders. Unsurprisingly this incident boosted morale amongst Tyr Movement members and Rasalhagians in general significantly.
Haakon Lukashevich
Despite his atypical surname Lukashevich is a true Rasalhagian. Born and raised on Nybergen (or New Bergen on most Star maps) he is another influential member of the Tyr Movement. A prominent linguist renowned throughout the whole Inner Sphere he devised several encryption methods based on an ancient languages to ensure secure communication between Tyr members. These encryption methods have recently proven to be secure when, quite by accident, an ISF-raid netted the Kuritans two encrypted messages. So far all efforts of the Kuritans to decipher these messages have been unsuccessful.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2008, 10:35:03 AM »
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Outback Coalition
The Outback of the Federated Suns encompasses the outer reaches of the Federated Suns´ three marches and is widely considered a frontier just a step above the wild Periphery. The truth is actually little better, as the Outback has the lowest levels of education, income, industrialization and infrastructure in the entire Federated Suns. As such Outback worlds and their populations are regularly viewed as the proverbial yokels. And although there are programs to improve education and infrastructure in the Outback these programs prove invariably insufficient as they can reach only a part of the populations on a limited number of worlds. The recent dissolution of the Star League after the Amaris Civil War has only exacerbated the problems as First Prince John Davion has sharply raised the defence budget to prepare the AFFS for the looming Succession War, while improvement projects in the Outback have been slashed or postponed until further notice(which might very well mean till kingdom come). Furthermore what few items of advanced technology have reached the Outback have been increasingly expensive and difficult to maintain and/or repair.
This has caused much resentment even amongst local nobles, that are usually much less snobbish and much more modest than those of worlds closer to Terra. Many native nobles are also hardly indistinguishable from their subjects as they tend to actually work with or on their lands practicing their profession as farmers, fishers, miners or whatever else they do for a living as tax incomes are usually insufficient to get all bills paid(little surprise given the impoverished state of most Outback planets). This further divides the Outback from the worlds closer to Terra as commoners on Outback planets see their nobles share their lot which results in unusually good rapport between the commoners and their nobles, which therefore are viewed with some disdain by the “true†nobles in other areas of the Federated Suns that abhor the thought of getting involved in manual labor.
Historically all these factors have done nothing to affect the loyalty of the Outback Worlds towards House Davion and the Federated Suns. Since the dissolution of the Star League however an increasing number of Outback Worlds have come under attack by ever bolder Pirates. Because the AFFS had changed its deployment patterns, as several of the best units guarding the Federated Suns Periphery border had been transferred to bolster positions in the Capellan March and the Draconis Marches, these Pirate raids have caused severe damage. Since then the Pirate raids have increased both in boldness and frequency which has caused many people of the Outback to wonder if they
would not be better off without House Davion and the Federated Suns that, in their opinions, had never fulfilled their obligations towards the Outback Worlds to their best abilities.
Among these increasingly illoyal subjects are several planetary dukes and duchesses that felt that they and their planets had been mistreated and that vowed to end this situation in one way or another. Meeting on the planet of Mararn these Outback nobles formed the Outback Coalition(OC) just prior to the start of the Succession War in 2784. To improve the situation they demanded the formation of a fourth march that would encompass all Outback worlds and would be equal to the other marches, while threatening the secession of their worlds to form an independent state if their demands are not met. Shocked by this development the government on New Avalon has promised to look into the situation and improve it. If this is indeed a genuine effort by House Davion to improve the situation or just a plot to silence the OC is anyone´s guess, but the OC won´t be fooled and continues preparations for secession if their demands aren´t fulfilled till the year 2800. Although it is still not clear if all the worlds of the OC will carry their threat through to the end and really secede.
Notable Personalities
Rene Vialon
Rene Vialon, Duke of Valois, is a typical Outback noble. He regularly goes fishing with his own trawler and sells his haul to the local fish cannery. He is also a fish-farmer that sells fish-delicacies all across the Federated Suns, proving that profitable businesses can be operated on Outback Worlds. But foremost he is a convinced secessionist who believes the Outback Worlds can not only survive on their own, but prosper given the natural resources at hand and the resourcefulness and sturdiness of their inhabitants. As a fervent secessionist and eloquent speaker Duke Vialon is an idealist who works tirelessly to improve the situation on his homeworld as well as in the Outback as a whole. He is among those members of the OC that believe the Outback would be better off as an
indepent state and works tirelessly to convince the nobles of other Outback worlds that seceding from the Federated Suns would be in their best interests. And although many of the nobles still believe the threat of secession alone to be sufficient enough that Prince John Davion will renew and expand the former Outback improvement projects despite his previous actions in preparation of the
looming Succession War, the number of those nobles that realize that their situation can hardly deteriorate further if they secede from the Federated Suns is slowly growing. Furthermore Duke Vialon has drawn up complete plans for the formation of a government for the Outback Council that are based on the government model of the Lyran Commonwealth. He is also one of the most envied men in the whole Federated Suns, dating Madeleine Valois(whose ancestors colonized the World of Valois) the current Miss Federated Suns and described as “probably the most beautiful woman aliveâ€.
Madeleine Valois
Madeleine Valois, the current Miss Federated Suns is not only romantically linked to Duke Vialon but also a trained police officer, and unknown to the public, his former bodyguard. She is also the Duke´s chief advisor on security matters, while her brother Andre Valois, a former AFFS-Colonel is the Duke´s chief military advisor.
Andre Valois
Andre Valois is a former Colonel of the AFFS, whose combined-arms approach to warfare didn´t sit well with his superiors and who therefore resigned his commission in disgust. Sometimes considered a tactical genius, he currently travels all across the Outback to assess the military situation on all Outback Worlds.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 10:36:02 AM »
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The Duchy of Andurien
Consisting of several Worlds long contested between the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation this duchy was formed during the Age of War. Back then the Andurien Worlds were repeatedly fought over and alternately conquered by Capellan and Free Worlds forces. Ultimately the duchy was splintered when most of its worlds were ceded to the Capellan Confederation as inducement to join the Star League with only a small rump province remaining part of the Free Worlds League. After being fought over for one and a half century(between 2398 and 2551) the Anduriens relished the experience of more than two centuries of peace during the Star League but chafed under the enforced separation of the duchy as a rump province stayed with the Free Worlds League while the majority of the duchy was handed over to the Capellan Confederation. Immediately thereafter many Anduriens, includung the Humphreys ducal family, began to wonder if independence from both neighbouring Great Houses could not be achieved to prevent being fought over and split up every once in a while. To finally decide their own future appealed very much to most Anduriens, though there were still some Anduriens loyal to either the Capellan Confederation or the Free Worlds League agitating for reunification under the respective Great House they supported.
This resulted in a very complex situation with the population split into three camps: The smallest, supporting the Capellan Confederation, amounted to roughly ten percent. The largest, striving for independence, amounted to roughly sixty percent, while those supporting the Free Worlds League amounted to roughly thirty percent of the population.
Under the Star League these sentiments were mostly subdued not by oppressive force, but by the prosperity the Star League had brought to the Andurien Worlds. Rebuilt and expanded infrastructure allowed the Andurien economy to thrive, fulfilling it's huge potential. Naturally this made the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League more determined to claim the whole Duchy of Andurien for themselves during the Hidden Wars of the Star League.
Since then both Great Houses have sponsored Separatists sympathetic to them within the other realm to bring the whole Duchy under their control. Simultaneously those Anduriens harboring independence notions,suspected to be led by the ducal Humphreys's family, have begun attacking representatives of both Great Houses and the Separatist Groups they sponsor in the respective other realm.
Since the Star League disbanded and General Kerensky led the Star League Regular Army out of the Inner Sphere in an Exodus of unprecedented scale, the situation on the Andurien Worlds has worsened rapidly: Peaceful protest marches have been replaced by violent riots, instead of petitions letter-bombs are delivered, abductions and assassinations are on the rise and so forth. Therefore many Observers expect that the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League will fight over the Andurien Worlds once again within the next few months, possibly amidst a three-way civil war between the Anduriens themselves, given the populations split into the three opposing camps of Liao-supporters, Marik-supporters and those seeking independence for the Andurien Worlds.
While the pro-Liao and pro-Marik camps can draw on the might and the resources of their respective sponsors, the pro-independence supporters have to make do with relatively meager resources, but enjoy overwhelming support by the “silent majority†of the population and the alleged assistance of the ducal Humphreys family(ruling the rump province still part of the Free Worlds League), that is revered on all the Andurien Worlds, regardless to which Great House they
currently belong,
This “silent majority†of pro-independence supporters are led by Tristan Diaz, the son of Hector Diaz, who married the current duchess Diana Humphreys after the death of his first wife, Tristan's mother.
Tristan, who graduated from the Orloff Military Academy, is a gifted MechWarrior and tactician and an inspirational leader of troops. A promising career in the FWLM was cut short, when he voiced his concerns of the plans drawn up by the FWLM for the planned liberation of the Andurien worlds from the Capellan Confederation, which did away with the Ares Conventions and called for massive nuclear strikes against detemined resistance, which would ultimately hit civilians the worst.
Resigning in disgust he also suddenly fell out of favor with his step-mother and has since then gone to ground and has formed and organized the Andurien Underground Army (or AUA), that aims to liberate all Andurien Worlds from foreign oppressive Overlords. In classic separatist fashion the AUA operates in cells across the Andurien Worlds. Usually several cells operate on each of the Andurien Worlds. These cells have formed in record time, fueling accusations that Tristan Diaz is indeed supported by his step-mother and her connections covering all of the Andurien Worlds. No conclusive proof for these allegations has ever been forwarded though, neither by the Maskirovka (the Capellan Confederations secret police) nor by SAFE (the secret service of the Free Worlds League).
Preparing for the inevitable day when the AUA will make its bid for independence, the AUA operates at least the equivalent of one infantry battalion on each of the Andurien Worlds as well as a few Aerospace Fighters, Combat Vehicles and BattleMechs, that are mostly disguised as household troops of a local noble or mercenaries hired by local nobles or local businesses. Furthermore infiltration of the planetary militias of the Andurien Worlds in both the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League is extensive, to say the least. Surprisingly neither the Maskirovka nor SAFE seem to have detected this infiltration until now, possibly because they are preoccupied with their respective counterparts.
And while the Maskirovka and SAFE seem to be blind in this regard, the leaders of Free the Andurien Worlds (FtAW,the Free Worlds League-sponsored separatists operating on the Andurien Worlds within the Capellan Confederation) and Andurien Unity(AU, the separatists sponsored by the Capellan Confederation operating on those Andurien worlds still part of the Free Worlds League) have begun to suspect that several of their operations that failed to meet their objectives were thwarted by the AUA. This might further increase the likelihood of a Civil War.
Notable Personalities:
Tristan Diaz
Tristan Diaz, the step-son of duchess Diana Humphreys,is a gifted MechWarrior and tactician and an inspirational leader of troops. Educated at the Orloff Military Academy on Vanra, he is young for the leader of an Underground army at age thirty, but does an admirable job organizing and preparing the AUA for the day when the oppressive Overlords of Houses Liao and Marik will be thrown off. This becomes increasingly difficult though, since more and more AUA-members want to strike immediately, regardless if all necessary preparations have been concluded, thereby putting at risk the AUA and its goal. Fortunately, however it is going to take only a few more months until the Uprising can commence in November 2785.
Diana Humphreys
Duchess Diana Humphreys is said to be the power behind Tristan Diaz and the AUA. Officially supportive of the League and the Captain-General there are signs that indicate this might be just a facade. If the duchess is indeed pulling Tristan's strings this is a wise move to distance herself from political harm if the Uprising should fail.
Zhang Yan
Zhang Yan is a retired former Colonel of the CCAF who married a native of Sadurni and has since then been recruited to the Andurien cause by his wife Amrita Bharti. Despite fears him being an undercover-agent for the Maskirovka, he has proven himself a valuable asset for the AUA with his insights into CCAF deployment and doctrine. His expertise in infantry warfare, especially in counter-insurgency operations is a great boon to the AUA, and has already been put to good use, which has bought Yan grudging respect from other members of the AUA.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2008, 10:36:42 AM »
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Trinity Worlds
Once known as the Intendancy of New New Spain the worlds of Cerillos, Galisteo and Sierra (also called the Southwestern Worlds or Trinity Worlds) near the Lyran and Periphery borders of the Free Worlds League were settled primarily by descendants of hispanics and indian peoples from southwestern North America, admixed with some conservative Jews from Israel and a number of (often ridiculed) Texans. This ancestry produced an unusually chauvinistic and prejudiced, but also proud and self-reliant population that experiences occasional tensions between its diverse cultural
and religious groups. As most of this population resides on scattered haciendas and ranches, only a handful of major population centers exist on any of the southwestern worlds. Consequently few industries sprang up on any of the “southwestern worlds†resulting in a primarily agrarian economy (with beef being the sole major export). And although the standard of living is not too bad (everyone is getting clothed, fed and housed), little wealth exists on any of the “southwestern worldsâ€.
Thus joining the military is an attractive option to many Southwesterners, men and women alike, provided that their aggression can be channeled and they heed authority, as the southwesterners are typically skilled and tough fighters, but usually have a less than stellar disciplinary record. The Intendancy of New New Spain, which was originally an independant polity engaging in Piracy, joined the Free Worlds League only involuntary, being conquered by the nascent League in order to expand and secure its borders. During this conqueast the Free Worlds League Military (FWLM) learned to respect the combat skills of the Southwesterners.
Drafting entire Infantry regiments from the Trinity worlds the Free Worlds League utilized the Southwesterners heavily throughout the Age of War(especially the Andurien Wars). Feeling exploited by the Free Worlds League on far-flung worlds on the Capellan border, however, caused some resentment against the Free Worlds League amongst the Southwesterners. So, when the Star League was founded many Southwesterners joined the Star League Defense Forces(SLDF), making the Trinity worlds one of the premier recruiting areas of the SLDF within the Free Worlds League. And not just for infantry but for MechWarriors as well, as many Southwesterners were trained to operate agro-mechs from a young age, thus already being skilled in piloting a Mech when entering the military.
Although there were still Southwesterners joining the FWLM, the high numbers of Southwesterners joining the SLDF raised some concerns among the Free Worlds League Military; especially the fact that those Mechwarriors and Aerospace fighter pilots who completed their term of service with the SLDF were allowed to purchase older Mechs and Fighters. As this was anathema for the FWLM, the SLDF eventually surpassed the FWLM in status amongst Southwesterners. When Captain-General Kenyon Marik refused to aid the SLDF in the reconquest of the Terran Hegemony this resulted in numerous Sothwesterners participating in demonstrations against the Captain-General. From this moment on relations between the Trinity Worlds and the Free Worlds government on Atreus deteriorated. Other factors contributing to this development were the subsequent disbandment of the Star League, which Captain-General Kenyon Marik had approved, and the Captain-General´s preparations for war, which, given the location of the Trinity Worlds on the Lyran and Periphery borders,the Southwesterners were afraid of, having just witnessed the Periphery Uprising and the Amaris War. (Until today, however, not a single attack by the Lyran Commonwealth has occurred, though Pirate raids are increasing both in frequency and in scale).
Eventually, an underground separatist movement formed a few years ago in. This group, known as “Movimiento Liberacion Popular†or MLP or alternately as “Guerilleros Libertadoresâ€, began agitating for independence and the reestablishment of the Intendancy of New New Spain and has gained widespread poular support. Ultimately, when peaceful measures such as petitions and protest marches proved ineffective, they engaged in direct action against the Free Worlds League and its representatives.
Sadly, this became necessary as the current MP´s of Cerillos, Galisteo and Sierra were either totally corrupt or ardent, genuine supporters of the Free Worlds League and therefore unwilling to support their compatriots by declaring the Secession from the Free Worlds League. Hence it is widely suspected they won´t be reelected at the next elections for the Free Worlds Parliament. Thats´s why the MLP has a military arm, the aforementioned “Guerilleros Libertadores†and a political arm. The political arm aims and prepares to win the next Free Worlds League Parliamentary Elections and to secede legally from the Free Worlds League, while the military arm prepares for, well, military action in case a legal secession isn´t possible or contested/ignored by the Free Worlds League government. Both the military and political arm of the MLP apparently receive financial and material support by outside benefactors, which, given the location of the Trinity Worlds and the lack of attacks by the Lyran Commonwealth since the Succession War began, seems to indicate the Lyran Commonwealth is amongst them. The probable reason being that the Lyrans want to destabilize and thereby weaken the Free Worlds League. Furthermore, the Terran Republic is also suspected to somehow support the Trinity Worlds, as there are still many connections between ex-SLDF Southwesterners and their former Terran comrades, and the Terran Republic can only profit from internal strife within the Free Worlds League. Concerning the distances involved, however, most analysts agree that the Terran Republic is providing solely financial support.
The exact size of the MLP is unknown. The political arm has umpteen thousand party members while the military arm is thought to consist of 1 or 2 battalions of mechs and several infantry battalions per each each of the Trinity Worlds.
Notable Personalities
Jim Cody and Zora Obrenovic
A key member of the military arm of the MLP is (Major) Jim Cody, a native of Sierra and heir to the Rainbow Valley Ranch. Still in his early forties, Cody is a veteran of the war against the Usurper Amaris, having joined the SLDF at age eighteen in 2772 as a volunteer. Returning home in 2280 as a Major and with a heavily modified Phoenix Hawk BattleMech, Cody has since become a supporter and ultimately a member of the MLP, appalled by Captain-General Marik´s policies. And although he is in command of the MLP Mech forces on Sierra (one Battalion of mostly medium Mechs) he prefers a political solution, e.g. a legal secession after the next Free Worlds Parliamentary Elections. This should come as no surprise as he is romantically linked to the leader
of the political arm of the MLP on Sierra, Zora Obrenovic. A refugee of the Periphery Uprising (she was born on Nobel in the Magistracy of Canopus), she came to Sierra with her parents when she was three years old. Now in her mid-thirties she was once a prominent Newscaster, but resigned when she became involved with the MLP. Now the MLP candidate for Sierra in the next Free Worlds Parliamentary Elections she is currently the hands-down favorite to win the election. If she can survive till then. There have been several anonymous death threats against her, followed by an assassination attempt. This attempt could be traced to a political rival within the MLP (rumored to
be an undercover agent for SAFE, the Free Worlds League secret service),whose villa on the outskirts of Sierra´s capital Santa Fe became the target of a single Mech of medium weight during the latest Pirate raid a few days later that destroyed the Villa utterly without any attempt of plunder.
Kelly Alvarez
Kelly Alvarez is a typical southwesterner. Born and raised on a cattle ranch near Puerto Cortes, the planetary capital on Cerillos. The daughter of Jeronimo Alvarez, an Apachean, she was born and raised in the spaceport quarter of Puerto Cortes, the planetary capital of Cerillos, where her father was the head of spaceport-security(her mother, who had been of Texan descent, had died during her birth). It was there that she became infatuated with DropShips and JumpShips. By the time she graduated from high-school she immediately enlisted in the Free Worlds League Military in 2775 and attended the Lloyd Marik-Stanley Aerospace School on New Olympia where she was chosen for Warship Crew Training. Upon her graduation in 2780 she was transferred to the Atreus-class Battleship Bolan. Rising through the ranks she eventually became XO to the Bolan´s captain, Elias
Stavros and is in line to succeed him when he retires in 2800. Having witnessed the brutal fighting in the Bolan Thumb firsthand (as the Bolan was assigned to the defense of the world of Bolan and only barely managed to withdraw into League space after Bolan fell) she wasn´t exactly excited that the Bolan was now assigned to the defense of her homeworld of Cerillos as she believes this will eventually attract a Lyran attack.
And with the Southwestern Worlds currently gripped in an increasing Secession fever she fears that she will soon be ordered to confront and fight her compatriots to prevent any attempt of secession. This fear is slowly eating away at her psyche and caused a massive behavioral change. The usually cool and composed Alvarez has become increasingly irritable and quarrelsome and has already been reprimanded twice for “conduct unbecoming an officer of the FWLMâ€. Therefore she is viewed with increasing suspicion by the higher echelons of the Free Worlds Navy.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2008, 11:04:09 AM »
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Sadly enough folks this is where Hessian had to stop. This unfortunately left the
Lyran Occupied Rim Worlds completely undone along with any further revisions. But his fantastic efforts have sparked my lazy butt out of a deep depression and spurred some thoughts. (Not only on the Separatists but an introduction for this book and the start of a ComStar section).
To stick to the topic at hand I wanted to share with you my initial thoughts on all of this, which I'm still trying to digest.
I view the Pan Separatist Movement or PSM as a philosophical movement more than an actual hierarchy or structure. All of this as laid out by Hessian is tied together by a mere ideology. An idea. The spirit of revolution. Down with the House Lords. As Walegrin remarked to me this would sort of "parallel with the rise of Marxism and the attendant worry of the aristocracy". This is driven by the callous policies of the Houses who seem intent on claiming rulership over all.
So how far does this go, what is its goal? A good question asked by MechRat. Of course this is somewhat elusive. It is not down right anarchy or communism as some individuals might be spurred on by but Regional or Planetary Sovereignty. Of course each group, like a corporate franchise, has its own agenda but all want rid of the giant Houses of the InnerSphere. This is what links them together. However I can see the Houses using Regional or Planetary Sovereignty as a means to divide especially in the RWR. Some favor total independence others want to bring back the Republic. Divide and conquer. But for now remember the big idea is with them, to hell with the Lords of the InnerSphere.
Then we can also imagine the Lords reaction. Alot of nationalist are also present all throughout the InnerSphere. Our PSM here is a small group in many of these states who don't appreciate traitors at the moment. What so ever!! Suppression would be FAST AND BRUTAL. Dare I say popular to many. Also the sheer destruction wrought by the Succession War is bringing about a new status qou throughout the InnerSphere. As the Successor States pound themselves back into the Stone Age regional power grows for the vassal somewhat altering the neo-feudal system. Again the Archonettes in the Lyran Periphery. Perhaps this is what undoes the PSM. It is harder for these Lords to be despised when their influence gradually diminishes.
These ideas I'd like to incorporate into this great work.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2008, 03:53:36 PM »
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It looks impressive.
I will take a deeper look at it.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2008, 04:36:13 PM »
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I have taken the time to read through Hessian's work and you will find below my comments and questions.
Quote from: Takiro on March 30, 2008, 11:04:09 AM
The inactivity during the Hegemony campaign also caused intensified relations with separatist groups within the Great Houses, with many experienced secession-activists relocating to the Inner Sphere (often under the guise of refugees) to assist and instruct their Inner Sphere counterparts, strengthening several separatist-groups within the Inner Sphere, which are now the nucleus of the PSM, as most of the original groups that cooperated in the PSM achieved their goal when the Periphery States gained their independence(the exception being the Rim Worlds Republic that was in large parts annexed by the Lyran Commonwealth, became a Protectorate of the Terran Republic or just desintegrated).
This does not seem coherent to me: why would the Separatists groups from the Periphery decide to help those of the Inner Sphere when they should prepare themselves for the big day.
Quote from: Takiro on March 30, 2008, 11:04:09 AM
Sadly enough folks this is where Hessian had to stop. This unfortunately left the
Lyran Occupied Rim Worlds completely undone along with any further revisions. But his fantastic efforts have sparked my lazy butt out of a deep depression and spurred some thoughts. (Not only on the Separatists but an introduction for this book and the start of a ComStar section).
What about the Terran Protectorate? Are there no separatists there?
Quote from: Takiro on March 30, 2008, 11:04:09 AM
I view the Pan Separatist Movement or PSM as a philosophical movement more than an actual hierarchy or structure. All of this as laid out by Hessian is tied together by a mere ideology. An idea. The spirit of revolution. Down with the House Lords.
I know the power of ideas but how do they keep together: do they have contacts among themselves? Do they exchange tips?
We saw that there were "instructor exchanges" but is there something more?
Quote from: Takiro on March 30, 2008, 11:04:09 AM
Then we can also imagine the Lords reaction. Alot of nationalist are also present all throughout the InnerSphere. Our PSM here is a small group in many of these states who don't appreciate traitors at the moment. What so ever!! Suppression would be FAST AND BRUTAL. Dare I say popular to many. Also the sheer destruction wrought by the Succession War is bringing about a new status qou throughout the InnerSphere. As the Successor States pound themselves back into the Stone Age regional power grows for the vassal somewhat altering the neo-feudal system. Again the Archonettes in the Lyran Periphery. Perhaps this is what undoes the PSM. It is harder for these Lords to be despised when their influence gradually diminishes.
Or it could boost them: after all, if they are semi-independent, why not go all the wayN
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2008, 05:10:39 PM »
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Quote from: Ice Hellion on March 31, 2008, 04:36:13 PM
This does not seem coherent to me: why would the Separatists groups from the Periphery decide to help those of the Inner Sphere when they should prepare themselves for the big day.
Because it is in their interest to postpone or halt the big day which I assume is a Reunification War II. Periphery powers have an interest in disrupting the Great Houses so why not encourage separatists.
You gave me another idea for Hotspots. What about Periphery areas long ago annexed by the Great Houses? The Canopians, Taurians, and Outworlds all lost planets to the InnerSphere during the Reunification War. Would these peoples be separatists? Perhaps not but I thought I'd bring it up.
Quote from: Ice Hellion on March 31, 2008, 04:36:13 PM
What about the Terran Protectorate? Are there no separatists there?
The Rim Protectorate certainly does have separatists. No reason there wouldn't be.
Quote from: Ice Hellion on March 31, 2008, 04:36:13 PM
I know the power of ideas but how do they keep together: do they have contacts among themselves? Do they exchange tips?
We saw that there were "instructor exchanges" but is there something more?
Or it could boost them: after all, if they are semi-independent, why not go all the wayN
I see it as a general idea. Moral support and plenty of written material are interchangable. Certainly instructors or sympathizers would be "exchanged". These movements are pretty independent which as I noted could be used against them. Divide and conquer.
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2008, 01:51:27 PM »
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Quote from: Takiro on March 31, 2008, 05:10:39 PM
You gave me another idea for Hotspots. What about Periphery areas long ago annexed by the Great Houses? The Canopians, Taurians, and Outworlds all lost planets to the InnerSphere during the Reunification War. Would these peoples be separatists? Perhaps not but I thought I'd bring it up.
Yes with help from the Periphery they could be a little more aggressive.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2008, 11:21:00 AM »
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I will see if I can continue with this work(as it remembers me of my mom's death Sad)
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Re: Separatists (by Hessian)
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2008, 11:46:55 AM »
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No problem Hessian, I can understand that. Besides you've given us more than enough to get started on the Separatists. Hell we just need to do a little Rim Worlds stuff, decide on a format, and we are all set at least for this section. We will hopefully be kicking this entire project into high gear in October following the release of TRO2800 in late September.