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Author Topic: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen  (Read 32682 times)

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Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2020, 12:56:44 PM »

Code: [Select]
Dervish DV-6MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 55 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 275 15.5T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 5 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 10  0T
10 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 5.5 9.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 20/7
L/R Torso 13 17/7
L/R Arm 9 16
L/R Leg 13 18

Battle Value: 937
C-Bill Cost: 4,896,966
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Medium Laser LA 1 1
1 SRM-2 LA 1 1
1 Ammo (SRM-2) 50 LA 1 1
2 LRM-5 LT 2 4
1 Ammo (LRM-5) 24 LT 1 1
2 Jump Jets LL 2 1
1 Jump Jets CT 1 0.5
2 Jump Jets RL 2 1
2 LRM-5 RT 2 4
1 Ammo (LRM-5) 24 RT 1 1
1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
1 SRM-2 RA 1 1
1 Ammo (SRM-2) 50 RA 1 1
17 18.5

Long the workhorse of the Successor States' militaries, the Dervish has a truly lack of prestigious combat records. However, being a rather new mercenary unit, Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen could not afford to be really selective. Understanding that part of the failure that had cost the unit its lance of Galleons in the recent mission was due to the inability of the ‘Mechs to provide a decent long range suppressing cover for all units, Commander Bileygr decided to expand as quickly as possible the Fire Support Lance and he once more asked Canopian Retrofitted Designs to make the best out of the much damaged Dervish taken during the last failed operation.. Analysing the long history of the DV-6M, the engineering team found out that when used properly, the Dervish was really efficient even if it lacked the glamour of other ‘Mechs. The main problem was indeed the widespread belief that a support ‘Mech had to be used like a front-line one. In these cases, the armour began to be a problem for the Dervish. The DV-6MC was developed for a specialised role: providing a enduring mobile fire support and suppression platform within the different combat teams. This new version makes the best of the Dervish's speed and jump jets to avoid enemy fire while exploiting optimal positions for offensive and defensive fire support.

Following the retreat on Regum II, the engineers were left with a Dervish with no torso weapons as they had been damaged during the fighting but no other important problems. Looking at the different weapons available to replace the LRM-10, they found out that twin Holly LRM-5 (produced locally) fitted perfectly in each torso, allowing the ‘Mech to deliver the same rain of missiles as the previous unique system while decreasing the vulnerability of the system to lucky shots such as those suffered recently. Furthermore, the new systems did not increase the heat burden and allowed each LRM to have the same amount of ammunitions as the original. Another positive result of this change in weaponry was that it allowed for the increase of armour by more than 25% to a respectable 9.5 tons (the same amount as the classical Wolverine, Griffin or Shadow Hawk). This seriously increased the survival ratio of the DV-6MC and addressed one of the main critics of the DV-6M: its reduced protection. The rest of the Dervish was left unchanged retaining its overall mobility and its close combat capacities. The main reason for it was that in the mobile battles fought by Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen, close combat is likely to happen and a pure long range missile boat would have been nothing more than a target there, something that the unit could not afford. The main consequence is that the heat problems usual in a Dervish are still there. However, a good pilot through the careful selection of its firing weapons should have no major problem.

Configuration / Variants:
Since no other Dervish were available to make a peculiar retrofit, Canopian Retrofitted Designs did not go further into their studies, although it is rumoured that they made some plans for a close range version of the DV-6MC.

Battle History:
The “new” Dervish was available just before the start of a new raid against the pirates by the Canopian forces with some support by the mercenaries. Following the plan devised by some new Major and acting against the will of the officers from the mercenary unit , the majority of the units was scattered on all the planet, searching for the pirates. The only thing left to guard the base camp was the DV-6MC with the Kampfgruppen infantry. As could be excepted, the pirates let the main forces go through their positions and then split their forces in order to smash the base and all the isolated units one by one. Upon detection by the sensors of the Dropships, the newly recruited Ensign Jean Bureau agreeing with the infantry leaders decided to try to buy time for both the infantry to move in ambush position and the main body of the forces to come back. Using the hilly terrain and the mobility of his ‘Mech, he used hit and runs attacks to lure the attacking lance into wrong directions and to reduce their efficiency. Upon reaching the ambush point, he decided to help the infantry and made a stand, making fall a rain of missiles upon the enemy lance. This coupled with the infantry fire and the earlier damages sealed the fate of the pirate lance. No survivors were found. Hearing about the destruction of one of their lance, the rest of the pirate force (barely more than a lance) decided to withdraw and go into hiding. Unwilling to spend more time on this "back-watered" planet, the Major called the raid a success. Commander Bileygr could not calm down until he received the after-action report from Ensign Jean Bureau, saying that the DV-6MC was perfectly suited for fire-support missions and that it had acted like a perfect “Mist Trower”. Giving no further explanation, he decided to name his ‘Mech “Nebelwerfer”.

Only one retrofit has been used but it is rumoured that following its successful display and the after-action report made by Ensign Jean Bureau, the Taurian Defense Force has expressed interest to Canopian Retrofitted Designs for the Dervish DV-6MC. As agreed, the company passed the demand to the Magestrix Command Center, letting them examine if this variant should be made available to foreigners.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2020, 12:58:25 PM »

Two more reposts.

I don't remember the original order of the designs since I designed them a long long long time ago and I do hope I don't bring them back in the wrong order.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2020, 01:01:14 PM »

Code: [Select]
Commander COM-3MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 25 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery
Taurian Concordat Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 150 5.5T
Gyro: Standard 2T
  Walk: 6 MP
  Run: 9 MP
  Jump: 0 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 10  0T
6 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 2.5 5
Head 3 8
Center Torso 8 10/6
L/R Torso 6 8/4
L/R Arm 4 7
L/R Leg 6 9

Battle Value: 553
C-Bill Cost: 1,861,250
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
2 Heat Sink CT 2 2
1 PPC RA 3 7
2 Heat Sink RA 2 2
7 7

The Commander COM-3MC was designed after former Tai-i and now Commander Scope Kinugau issued a call for tenders for a light ‘Mech based on the Commando but able to provide long range firepower and command capacities to the numerous light units available to the Magistracy. With this, he thought not only would they be able to carry on better scouting missions but also more missions. The winner of the contest was Canopian Retrofitted Designs, a new company at that time, that had only produced one type of ‘Mech. They asked for the permission to give the name Commander to their new design as a tribute to the Commanders within the Magistracy, a way to show what its role would be and a camouflage as its model name would then be COM-3MC, meaning that for some time, it could mislead the enemies into believing they were facing a standard Commando.

The design was based on the Commando COM-2D but also on the original version with a Large Laser instead of the different short range missiles systems. The first step was to decide about the speed. Since, it was going to act with designs such as the Stinger, the Wasp, the Commando and other similar ones, the original speed of the Commando had to be retained. The engineers working on the design found out that the problem with the right hand could be solved with a better cooling system and also a better thermal isolation of the weapon. Looking at the different weapons available for long range sniping that had good thermal isolation, they found out that the Parti-Kill Heavy Cannon PPC, already used in the Manticore was perfect for that need. No secondary weapon was provided this would prevent Commanders from being tempted to fight close and personal (something this design is not meant for). The remaining weight was put into armour in order to protect the Commander from being shot easily. To help the design fulfil its role of commanding light units, the most advanced tracking and communication systems available were added, giving the Commander an unique edge for the Periphery. In order to honour Commander Scope Kinugau and to further confuse the opponents, the external appearance was remodelled to look like a Panther. To add to this similitude, a new cooling system is being tested within the centre torso that uses two cooling plugs in one heat sink. So far the only result was a really small increase in the cooling capacity but not worth the investments made. However, the external look of the two heat sinks in the centre torso is just like the SRM-4 found in the Panther.

Configuration / Variants:
The only variant produced so far is being used by Commander Inka Paajanen after her show on Bass. Her COM-31MC is using a salvaged Tacticon B-2000 that should be able to monitor and co-ordinate several lances of light ‘Mechs. The true efficiency of this computer in such a light frame (and with the code rewriting of Canopian Retrofitted Designs) has not been tested in combat but is expected to perform well. However, this variant is likely to remain unique as this advanced battle computer is not produced in the Magistracy and all of them are used on the Cyclop.

Battle History:
Several raids have seen the use of the Commander both in attack and in defence. One of the earliest was a winter defence of Bass in 3025 by elements of the 1st Canopian Fusiliers led by Commander Inka Paajanen. Outnumbered by the heavy forces set up by the pirates (mostly wheeled vehicles), she ordered her force to split and attract as much as the pirates away while regrouping further away. After that, she used the heavy woods of that part of Bass at her advantage to destroy piece by piece, the separated pirates. The ambushes were co-ordinated thanks to the advanced system and took advantage of the difficult ground for wheeled vehicles to block them on the roads and then destroy them piece by piece. The Commander occasionally brought its long range firepower to soften up some targets. At the end of the two days, what was left of the pirate force was a light lance led by a Charger. Seeing that her battered force needed heavily repairs and that this fight might cost precious lives, Commander Paajanen issued a challenge against the Charger in her COM-3MC. Thinking that this was just another version of the Commando with only short range firepower, the pirate went forward and found himself caught in a game he could not win. Staying at long range and using the Commander better speed to keep it that way, Commander Paajanen destroyed the Charger with a few aimed shots, which could not score a hit. Seeing what had happened to the heaviest member of their lance, the other pirates quickly surrendered, much to the relief of the Canopian officer.

This ‘Mech is the only mass produced by Canopian Retrofitted Designs and as such is being sent to all light units commanders to help these units perform more missions and leave only the heaviest fighting to the barely available heavier ‘Mechs. Some talks have been going on with the Taurian Concordat and it is rumoured that several Commander have already been shipped to them for evaluation.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2020, 01:02:44 PM »

Code: [Select]
Valkyrie VLK-QMC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 30 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 150 5.5T
Gyro: Standard 2T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 5 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 12  2T
6 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 3 6
Head 3 8
Center Torso 10 14/4
L/R Torso 7 12/2
L/R Arm 5 9
L/R Leg 7 12

Battle Value: 576
C-Bill Cost: 2,213,120
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
2 Heat Sink LT 2 2
1 SRM-6 LT 2 3
2 Jump Jets LL 2 1
1 Heat Sink CT 1 1
1 Jump Jets CT 1 0.5
1 Heat Sink H 1 1
2 Jump Jets RL 2 1
2 Heat Sink RT 2 2
2 Ammo (SRM-6) 15 RT 2 2
1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
16 8.5

In 3026, Commander Bileygr was approached by Sandra “Crazy Eagle” Twoyoungwoman, a mercenary Lyran Mechwarrior with access to a much battered VLK-QA Valkyrie. After interviewing her and making her pass different tests, Commander Bileygr offered her a job in his mercenary unit. However her ‘Mech had to be rebuilt completely before any it could be used in combat. Taking a new approach to the repairs, the technical team at Canopian Retrofitted Designs interviewed Mechwarrior Sandra Twoyoungwoman to know more about her favoured combat style and weapons. They found out that she liked nothing more than to hunt heavy ‘Mechs and especially Marauders at close range and to perform Death from Above tactics to destroy them. These were the reasons for both the battered state of her ‘Mech and her nickname. Basing themselves on the information provided, the technical team decided to create a completely different Valkyrie to suit their new Mechwarrior. The final result was the VLK-QMC.

Already known for its manoeuvrability, armour and speed, it was difficult to make any change there. The Sutel IX Medium Laser was also kept as it was a reliable weapon and it provided an important close range firepower. Seeing that it was impossible for a Valkyrie to be as efficient in long range combat as a heavy ‘Mech, the engineers saw that the only possibility of improvement was to increase the short range firepower beyond the original Medium Laser. This was done by exchanging the Devastator 07 LRM-10 system for some short range system. After looking at the different systems available, it was decided to use the Marklin 6 Pack already used in the Manticore. This system was given two tons of ammo to allow it to fire 30 salvos before running out of ammo (this number was seen as perfectly adequate for the kind of short missions fought by Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen). One heat sink was also added to keep the capability of the Valkyrie to jump and fire without any heat problem. The reputation of the VLK-QA to “fight until one of the opponents goes down” was therefore kept by the VLK-QMC. The final result was a ‘Mech designed only with close combat in mind but with the capacity to jump from cover to cover to take any opponent by surprise. Only time will tell if the sacrifice of the long range firepower is really interesting. One thing is already sure: a special breed of pilot is needed to take full advantage of the VLK-QMC and survive.

Configuration / Variants:
Since this is a version of the VLK-QA Valkyrie, every variant of the VLK-QMC will be more likely to be based on the original design.

Battle History:
The first battle of the VLK-QMC Valkyrie was on Gambilon, a Canopian urban world. Bilgeyr’s Kampfgruppen was sent there to protect the world against raids from pirate units. However, the governor, a corrupted politician, used the unit to guard the main urban areas, sending the local militia against the pirates. The final result was that after some initial raids against the urban areas that were easily repelled, the pirates targeted the industrial plants and severely crippled the militia. Even if nothing was said against the mercenary unit, Commander Bilgeyr felt that this campaign was a crushing defeat and asked for a change in the contract, allowing the unit to act against orders in some cases. While on patrol in her “Mustang”, “Crazy Eagle” detected two unknown PNT-9R Panthers approaching from her position. Knowing that they did not belong to her side, she quickly devised a plan involving the nearest heavy infantry squad. Rushing like a mad on the pair of Panther, she disabled the legs of one of them before withdrawing suddenly. The remaining Panther began to hunt her and although the pilot managed to score a few hits, she managed to avoid most of the PPC shots and to score some hits. Making a final jump, Sandra Twoyoungwoman landed in a street with no escape. Feeling he had cornered the evasive ‘Mech, the pirate approached hoping to bring it within the range of his PPC. Just when he was ready to shot, he was hit by several shots. Sizing the opportunity, the “Mustang” ignited its jump jets and performed a perfect Death from Above that completely destroyed the enemy ‘Mech. The other Panther was sold in order to pay for the damage suffered by the VLK-QMC in the battle.

So far only one VLK-QMC is available and is used by Mechwarrior Sandra “Crazy Eagle” Twoyoungwoman from the mercenary unit Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. However due to the positive feedback received from the first combat, the production team at Canopian Retrofitted Designs is looking for another VLK-QA to transform it into a VLK-QMC.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2020, 01:04:05 PM »

Code: [Select]
Wehshi WHI-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 30 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 180 7T
Gyro: Standard 2T
  Walk: 6 MP
  Run: 9 MP
  Jump: 4 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 10  0T
7 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 3 6
Head 3 8
Center Torso 10 14/4
L/R Torso 7 12/2
L/R Arm 5 9
L/R Leg 7 12

Battle Value: 589
C-Bill Cost: 2,193,620
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Hatchet LA 2 2
1 SRM-6 LT 2 3
1 Ammo (SRM-6) 15 LT 1 1
2 Heat Sink LT 2 2
2 Jump Jets LL 2 1
1 Heat Sink CT 1 1
2 Jump Jets RL 2 1
1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
13 9

After seeing several fire support designs being produced, Commander Bileygr ordered Canopian Retrofitted Designs to work on more close combat designs as defensive operations in restricted areas were likely to erupt in the coming months. Hearing rumours about a new Lyran design displaying a hatchet that could be used in close combat, the engineers at Canopian Retrofitted Designs decided to go ahead and to design a new ‘Mech based on this concept. They were unwilling however to start designing a completely new BattleMech, they decided to use the homegrown VLK-QMC as the basis. With the use of hatchets being an alien concept to the Magistracy Forces, the new ‘Mech was christened the WHI-1MC Wehshi or Barbarian.

Since it was supposed to be a close combat fighter, the speed of the Wehshi was increased to a maximum of 97 kph. This was made possible by the use of a Warner 180N engine produced in the Taurian Concordat. Not willing to become even more dependent, the Magestrix Command Center agreed on an experimental purchase of a restricted number of such engines before giving or not the final go ahead. In order to be able to add the hatchet, one ton of ammo for the Marlin 6 Pack was removed from the ‘Mech together with two heat sinks. However, the Marlin 6 Pack and the Sutel IX Medium Laser (placed instead of the right arm as in all variants of the Valkyrie) were kept to provide an added punch to the Wehshi. To increase the mobility, 4 jump jets were added, providing the design with a 120 meters jumping capacity. The final result was a ‘Mech that went a step further into the close combat option of the VLK-QMC but that had really the potential to hunt efficiently most light and medium ‘Mechs (the hatchet being too light to fight efficiently heavy and assault 'Mechs). The Wehshi can use its ground speed, jumping capacity and the cover to come within short range of any design and destroy them with the hatchet and the Medium Laser. The decrease in ammo for the SRM-6 means that it can only be used in really short operations even by standards of operations within the mercenaries or as a back-up weapon when facing an unexpected foe too heavy for its hatchet.

Configuration / Variants:
Since this is a rather new ‘Mech, no variant has been produced so far.

Battle History:
Acting under orders from the 2nd Canopian Light Horses to help it repel a major attack from the Capellan Confederation on the new Canopian world of Andarmax, Commander Bileygr recalled all its Kampfgruppen including the new recruits and a new design the WHI-1MC Wehshi called “El Mio Cid” piloted by ‘Mechwarrior Diego “Buch” Carnicero, his latest Canopian recruit. During the first part of a three months battle, the Wehshi as all Bileygr’s Kamfgruppen was sent on deep raids within the Liao area. Due to the peculiar profile of its ‘Mech, Commander Bileygr did not give to “Buch” any peculiar instructions but rather insisted on him causing the maximum havoc within the light and medium ‘Mech forces facing them. This is what he did, hunting through night raids any isolated ‘Mechs from the Kincade’s Rangers that he could found. He was so successful that several scout-hunters Scorpions were sent to hunt the unknown ‘Mech operating in their rear area. The climax was reached when one Scorpion cornered the Wehshi, only to find it running straight ahead with the hatchet ready to be used. The last thing heard from that Scorpion was “Manzi”, an old term used for the Southern Barbarians in the old Chinese Empire. Diego Carnicero emerged within the Canopian zone several days later with a ‘Mech barely able to move (a testimony to the survivability potential of the design) but three kills certified, one of them being stylised as a stinger.

Due to the special profile of this headhunting unit, no further ‘Mech has been produced so far.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2020, 03:37:29 PM »

That Commando has got a big gun!

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2020, 12:26:52 AM »

That Commando has got a big gun!

And you should see when they act in packs.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2020, 09:31:50 AM »

No thanks, I don't like lightning storms!

And there is the Wehshi again, very nice bud. I could certainly see the Magistracy of Canopus undertaking something like this.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2020, 12:41:28 PM »

Code: [Select]
Dragon DRG-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 60 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 300 19T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 4 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 16  6T
12 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 6 10
Head 3 9
Center Torso 20 27/12
L/R Torso 14 16/8
L/R Arm 10 14
L/R Leg 14 18

Battle Value: 1058
C-Bill Cost: 5,242,880
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Medium Laser LA 1 1
1 Medium Laser LT(R) 1 1
2 Ammo (SRM-6) 15 LT 2 2
1 Heat Sink LT 1 1
2 Jump Jets LL 2 2
1 SRM-6 CT 2 3
2 Jump Jets RL 2 2
1 Heat Sink RT 1 1
1 Medium Laser RT 1 1
1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
2 Heat Sink RA 2 2
16 13

Impressed by the performances of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen, the Magistracy Armed Forces decided to reward them by giving them access to new designs. They decided to give the unit for free a captured and much damaged pirate DRG-1N Dragon. This move was seen as a way of increasing the power of the unit while ensuring that most of its resources would be turned to repairing, and retrofitting, preventing them to become fully autonomous. Interested in increasing the raw power of his unit, Commander Bileygr accepted the gift and turned to Canopian Retrofitted Designs for ensuring that the ‘Mech would be repaired and retrofitted at the lowest cost and as quickly as possible. Furthermore, he wanted a complete change of role for the Dragon, converting it into a close combat design. As soon as he gave them this task, Canopian Retrofitted Designs set up a special team with the goal of fulfilling the vision of Commander Bileygr. The DRG-1MC Dragon is the brainchild of this talented group.

The first step of the engineers was to replace the cheaper actuators that were the reason for the frequent overhauls of the hip assembly with heavier ones bought at a heavy price. Even if this seemed to go against the initial order, it was seen as a winning move on the long term. The autocannon Imperator A and the Long Range Missiles system Telos DecaCluster had been damaged beyond any hope of repair because of the heavy fights the Dragon had been involved in and the usual lack of maintenance of the Periphery. The design team chose to replace them with closer range weapons. The AC/5 was replaced by a Martell Model 5 Medium Laser. To keep the fragile electronic system in the right arm working in spite of the heat increase, two heat sinks were also installed. The LRM-10 was replaced with the already tried Marklin 6 Pack system fitted with two tons of ammo. As room was still available, another Martell Model 5 was installed in the right torso. At that point of the process, one of the engineers felt that although the ‘Mech had always been considered a mobile one, he lacked the mobility provided by jump jets. The Pitban LFT-50 used on the Shadow Hawk were tried and were found generating enough lifting power to give the Dragoon a 120 meters jump capacity. It was decided that the original Victory 23R Medium Lasers would just go a routine repair cycle as they had always proven to be an efficient design. The mix of different Medium Lasers and the new jumping capacity were too much for the original Eagle Eye SY10-10 Targeting and Tracking System and it began to crash on a regular basis. Unwilling to send such an erratic ‘Mech on the battlefield, it was decided to replace it with a locally produced Magestrix Gamma that although less sophisticated was far more robust and less likely to crash when new weapons were plugged in the system. The last step was to chose between a better heat dissipation capability or the upgrade of the armour. Due to the reputation of the Dragon as a resistant ‘Mech and the increase in the number of energy weapons, it was decided to add four more heat sinks, bringing the total number to the impressive number of 16. The final result is a completely changed Dragon more mobile with an increased damage curve and a better capacity to deal with heat but with a much shorter range than the DRG-1N. This was a ‘Mech that although a bit more costly than the original design was perfectly suited to the missions of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen.

Configuration / Variants:
As this is a retrofit of the original DRG-1N Dragon, no variant is expected to be designed.

Battle History:
Just as the unit was preparing itself for another assault on Regum II, the operation was called out because of an important uprising on Krimari. Having lost control of the main urban area, the Magestrix Command Center called for help to retake it. Deciding to strike as quickly as possible to minimise the reinforcement of the fortifications by the rebels, Commander Bilgeyr chose not to wait for the forces already sent to Regum II to strike back. Acting upon intelligence provided by loyalists, a plan was devised. The attack would begin with a surprise battle drop near the town hall followed by the capture of the leaders of the movement. Everything went according to the plan with the ‘Mechs taking position to prevent any approach and the infantry cleaning the building. Unfortunately for the mercenaries, a traitor had warned the rebels and the centre of the city had been transformed into one giant trap. Soon all the units were reporting contacts with hostile forces including infantry and ‘Mechs. Unwilling to destroy the city, Commander Bileygr ordered a withdraw outside of the city. While on the move, the DRG-1MC moved into a street with no exit. When making her way back, Commander Auliya Chouada found herself in front of a CPLT-C4 Catapult and a VND-1R Vindicator. Acting without any deliberate thought, she fired all her weapons on both ‘Mechs and managed to cripple them before they could react. Igniting the jump jets, she felt on top of the Catapult destroying it. The surviving rebel pilot decided to run away but was not quick enough as a salvo of missiles in the back destroyed it. With such a quick victory, Commander Auliya Chouada had managed to both destroy the heaviest ‘Mechs available to the rebel forces and to seriously shaken their morale. The rest of the campaign was nothing more than an easy and quick cleaning ending with the rebel leaders being brought before the Crimson Council.

So far only one DRG-1MC has been deployed. Despite some proposals by the Magistracy of Canopus, the Draconis Combine has been unwilling to buy a version of their main heavy ‘Mech designed by some dishonourable mercenary unit.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2020, 12:43:55 PM »

Code: [Select]
Babar Sher BS-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 45 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 225 10T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 0 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 15  5T
9 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 4.5 8.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 14 21/6
L/R Torso 11 13/4
L/R Arm 7 14
L/R Leg 11 19

Battle Value: 861
C-Bill Cost: 3,552,790
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 LRM-5 LT 1 2
1 Ammo (LRM-5) 24 LT 1 1
1 Large Laser LT 2 5
2 Heat Sink LL 2 2
1 Heat Sink H 1 1
1 Heat Sink CT 1 1
2 Heat Sink RL 2 2
3 Medium Laser RA 3 3
13 11

This BattleMech is loosely based on the classical trio of ‘Mechs; the Shadow Hawk, the Wolverine and the Griffin. This design is the first experiment of the Canopian Retrofitted Designs into developing “Mad Hatter” had called Medium Support ‘Mechs. No one knows if he meant ‘Mechs designed to be jack-of-all-trades or to fight at middle ranges and since he died on New Roland, no one will ever know. Beginning to work on this idea, the engineers designed a ‘Mech meant to be polyvalent and fight efficiently at all ranges. As a final reward to the “Mad Hatter” who had died valiantly without breaking his vow, the ‘Mech was christened the Babar Sher or Lion in Urdu

Since their heavy lines of productions were still down after what looked like a Capellan sabotage and eager to try something new, the engineers went for a tonnage of 45 tons, ten tons lighter than the original trio. The cruising speed was set at 32.4 kph, in order to allow it to keep with the fire support designs. No Jump Jets were added as it was decided to maximise the armour and weapons instead of the overall mobility. Since the concept of the ‘Mech was rather new, it was decided to use only weapons that have already been used in several designs and that engineers, technicians and ‘Mechwarriors know rather well. Therefore, at the heart of the middle to short range firepower is a trio of locally produced Martell Model 5 Medium Lasers. If fired accurately and at the same time, they can severely cripple even heavy ‘Mechs. The long range firepower is based on a local Holly LRM-5 system with one ton of ammo backed up by a Sunglow Type 2 Large Laser. This last system is produced in the Taurian Concordat but had already been tried on the DOA-1MC Dhoondna. As a measure of precaution, the Magestrix Command Center decided not to tell the Taurian Concordat that parts of the imports were meant to go into a new design. The split between the weapons is quite clear; the middle to short range ones are located in the right arm while the long range systems are located in the left torso. Although this could be seen as a drawback as located shots could destroy most of the weapons of the Babar Sher, it was decided to go ahead with these locations as most of the Canopian ‘Mechwarriors that could use the BS-1MC do not have the skills to remain cool during a battle and could be confused by having similar weapons distributed all over the ‘Mech. In order to ensure protection, 8.5 tons of Maximillian 43 armour were added. Although it is only 88% of the maximum armour that can be supported by the chassis, it is equivalent to the amount carried by the CN9-A Centurion, a design known to fight at close ranges To ensure its efficiency, it was decided to add 5 heat sinks to the BS-1MC in order to allow the ‘Mechwarrior to deal with the heat generated by movement and either his long or short range weapons but not both. However, 4 heat sinks were put into the legs, meaning that if put into a body of water, the Babar Sher should be able to fire all its weapons.

Configuration / Variants:
As this is a brand new ‘Mech, no variants are foreseen for now.

Battle History:
The BS-1MC Babar Sher has for now been involved in only one battle but has already seen more than its share of battles. In 3033, trying to make the best of his limited forces while giving the Capellan military something to think about, Commander Bileygr set up a Kampfgruppe to make a deep raid on a supply depot located on Ward. This was seen as a way to release some of the pressure faced by the captured and the border worlds. He gave command of this force to John “Hannibal” Smith with his brand new BS-1MC. However, the “soft” target found by the MIM was heavily guarded by a reinforced regiment. The operation quickly became a hunt of the Kampfgruppe. At that time, the flexibility of the Babar Sher together with the tactical skills of John Smith were the only things that saved the mercenaries from complete annihilation. The Babar Sher was used to the maximum of its possibilities replacing all the ‘Mechs that the Kampfgruppe did not have and acting as fire support, reconnaissance or close support ‘Mech. However, as all of them recognised even the battlefield performance of the mercenaries could not allow them to perform their mission. Therefore, “Hannibal” decided to withdraw from the planet before having more of the precious forces available to Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen destroyed in a hopeless battle. Even with this new goal in mind and despite their fighting abilities, the battle group managed to escape only thanks to the timely arrival of Kampfgruppe Bureau with troops just back on service. Even if the battle was a defeat for the Canopian forces, it showed the true potential of the Babar Sher that managed to severely hamper the ‘Mech forces facing them, destroying alone one Cataphract and two Vindicator and scoring other ‘Mechs in collaboration with the rest of his Kampfgruppe. Part of this is the result is due to the ‘Mech but another part is due to the skills of Command Sergeant John “Hannibal” Smith. It remains to be seen if the same ‘Mech in green hands will be as deadly.

The Babar Sher produced so far are stockpiled by the Canopian forces. It is more than likely that they will be released as soon as new recruits arrive to reinforce their bloodied forces.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2020, 04:02:38 PM »

An interesting 55 tonner circa 3025. Medium range fighter that can certainly do some damage.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2020, 03:55:13 PM »

Code: [Select]
Saanp SAP-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 40 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 240 11.5T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 6 MP
  Run: 9 MP
  Jump: 0 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 12  2T
9 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 4 8.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18/6
L/R Torso 10 15/5
L/R Arm 6 12
L/R Leg 10 19

Battle Value: 747
C-Bill Cost: 3,297,560
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Medium Laser LA 1 1
1 Heat Sink LT 1 1
1 Medium Laser CT 1 1
1 Heat Sink CT 1 1
1 Heat Sink RT 1 1
1 SRM-6 RT 2 3
2 Ammo (SRM-6) 15 RT 2 2
1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
10 8

As soon as 3027, Commander Bileygr asked Canopian Retrofitted Designs to make a considerable effort in R&D. As he explained, although he was more than pleased with the different changed versions designed so far, he felt that there was some room left for improvement. Another idea was to increase the links between Bileygr’s Kampgruppen, Canopian Retrofitted Designs and the Magistracy of Canopus. After hearing all that, the designers went to create a new generation of ‘Mechs by asking the different members of the unit what they felt was needed. The priority went for the ‘Mech of Commander Bileygr. He saw the need for a faster design that could be the cavalry of the cavalry and react quickly to any change. After the fight on New Roland and what had happened to his GRF-1MC, he also asked for a less ammo dependant ‘Mech but that would have the same short range firepower. The overall idea was to design a ‘Mech that will come out of nowhere, split its fire and then fade away quickly, exactly like a snake. In order to show their long term commitment to the Magistracy, the engineers christened the ‘Mech SAP-1MC Saanp, which means snake in Urdu (one of the language of the Magistracy).

After studying the GRF-1MC in details, the engineers found out that they could not increase the speed without decreasing the firepower, which was not the goal. Therefore, they decided to decrease the overall tonnage down to 40 tons. This allowed the running speed to be increased by 12% to 97.2 kph thanks to the use of the proven Pitban 240. The weapon load was also changed to energy weapons in order to allow for longer stands on the battlefield and to reduce the vulnerability to explosions. This was made possible thanks to the use of three Martell Model 5 (one in each arm and one in the centre torso). To give an added punch in case the need arises, a Marklin 6 Pack SRM-6 was added with two tons of ammo to allow it to function through long battles. This missile system will not go down easily as it has already been tested over the years on the Manticore. In order to cope with the heat, 12 heat sinks were added (2 of them being visible on the torsos). This number of heat sinks ensured that only minimal heat build-up would happen when alpha striking and running at full speed. The remaining tonnage was used for protection with 8.5 tons of armour, bringing the protection to a maximum. Although it is less than the GRF-1MC, this trade-off was seen as necessary in order to deal with the initial request. The final result was exactly what had been asked: a ‘Mech with similar firepower, better mobility and heat management capacities and less costly by more than one million of C-bills than the GRF-1MC.

Configuration / Variants:
As this is a new design, no variant has been designed so far.

Battle History:
So far, the SAP-1MC has fought in only one battle but this is expected to change soon. As foreseen by Commander Bileygr, the rest period of his unit was really short, not even allowing all his Mechwarriors and vehicle crews to be out of the hospital. Trying to take advantage of the previous victories and of the bad shape of the Canopian army, the Capellan Confederation launched several raids on different worlds. One of this world was Early Dawn, an arctic world where the remaining forces of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen had been sent to garrison it. When he heard of the landing, “Eismann” decided to stay on the defensive while waiting for the new ‘Mechs to be manufactured and for his people to come back from the hospital. He therefore put once more the burden on the surviving infantry as they were in charge of patrolling and holding the forward zone while the Saanp would use its speed to strike in a preventive way and reinforce weak points when needed. His preventive strike managed to surprise the overconfident Capellan force and to destroy one of their Vindicator that tried to deal alone with the unknown 'Mech. The answer of the Liao commanding officer was to split his forces in order to catch what he thought was the only serious threat to his successful campaign. This was the doom of the Capellan unit as Commander Billeygr used his ‘Mech to lure the different ‘Mechs into ambushes by infantry and to reinforce them with the heavy firepower of his SAP-1MC. As could be expected from the savagery of the latest campaign, no Liao survived the encounter with the mercenary unit, who furthermore managed to size much needed supplies.

Only one SAP-1MC has been produced so far. However after seeing Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen in action on New Roland with their oldest designs, both the 2nd Canopian Fusiliers and the 2nd Canopian Cuirassiers have asked this new design in order to allow their light and medium lances more aggressive tactics. As the sharing of designs had already been agreed in the initial contract, Canopian Retrofitted Designs can be sure that the Saanp will represent a regular flow of incomes in the future.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2020, 03:56:51 PM »

Code: [Select]
UPDATE: 10/22/2004

Minotaur MNR-10TC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 60 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Taurian Concordat Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 240 11.5T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 4 MP
  Run: 6 MP
  Jump: 0 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 15  5T
9 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 6 9.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 20 27/10
L/R Torso 14 16/8
L/R Arm 10 13
L/R Leg 14 16

Battle Value: 929
C-Bill Cost: 4,746,560
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Autocannon/10 LT 7 12
3 Ammo (Autocannon/10) 10 LT 3 3
1 Heat Sink H 1 1
1 PPC RT 3 7
5 Heat Sink RT 5 5
19 22

In 3030, the Magistracy of Canopus made a move to facilitate the importation of weapons from the Taurian Concordat. Canopian Retrofitted Designs was allowed to answer a call from the Taurian Defense Force. Conscious that the shrunken size of the Concordat, in comparison with its original holdings in the 2500s meant that in any full-scale war, they would be unable to trade space for time as they did in the Reunification War and that the protection of the manufacturing centers outside of the Hyades Cluster was a priority, the Taurian Defense Force had issued a call for tender for a medium-heavy 'Mech designed for defensive operations along the borders and within urban and industrial centers.

Canopian Retrofitted Designs made a special team for this call, that tried to create a 'Mech with an unique Taurian feeling. In order to do this, they made several interviews with citizens from the Taurian Concordat present within the Magistracy (including the famous Ensign Jean "Gribeauval" Bureau). This led the design part of the team to give special attention to the external appearance. Even the name, Minotaur MNR-10TC was chosen because of its links with the mythology surrounding the bull within the Taurian Concordat.

The MNR-10TC was built within the tradition of the Atlas and therefore its external look was shaped to create the living image of a minotaur with the head and the horns. However, this peculiar shape decreased the maximal amount of armor that could be used on the 'Mech. However, the Minotaur is still carrying a respectable 9.5 tons of Leviathon Plus armor.

As the design was a heavy 'Mech with its 60 tons, it was decided to give it the normal speed of most heavies with a top speed of 64.8 kph. This is lower than a lot of other designs with the same weight but due to the defensive missions, it was to perform, this was not seen as a problem. In order to move the 'Mech, a Pitban 240 engine was needed but could only be found within the Magestracy. Much to the surprise of the diplomats from the Taurian Concordat, the Magistracy of Canopus quickly agreed on a renegociation of the current commercial agreement linking both realms for the missing components of the different designs from Canopian Retrofitted Designs. The new treaty does not speak anymore of exchanging 'Mechs but focus on weapons against engines.

Since the goal was to create a 'Mech doing concentrated damages at long and middle ranges while the enemies were approaching the outskirts of the cities or industries, the engineers decided to shape the weaponry of the Minotaur along those of the Enforcer, the long trusted Medium 'Mech of House Davion. This is why they gave the MNR-10TC a torso mounted Pontiac 50 with 3 tons of ammo (more than the Enforcer, in order for the Minotaur to stay longer in the field than its rival). This AC/10 was completed by a Donal PPC in the right torso. As close combat could be expected in urban operations, two massive battle fists were added to provide an additional advantage at close quarters. 15 heat sinks were put into the 'Mech, enough for it to fire all its weapons while running with no problem at all.

Special attention was also given to the targeting and communication systems. For both, proven systems already manufactured within the Taurian Concordat had to be selected. This was important as the defensive positions should not be left on the open for an error within these systems. The final choice was made in favor of the Garret Supremesound and the RCA Instatrac Mark X, already used in the Thunderbolt and produced by Pinard Dicolais Electronics.

Configuration / Variants:
Two variants are being already manufactured: the MNR-11TC and the MNR-12TC (although it is difficult to differentiate each version as they have the same external appearance with the horns and the two huge tubes on the torsos).

The MNR-11TC is a close combat specialist. It carries one hatchet (which gives it even more the look of a classical minotaur), two torso mounted Shannon Six-Shooter SRM-6 with two tons of ammo each and two Martell Medium Lasers together with enough jump jets for a 120 meters jump and 17 heat sinks to help cooling down this feared urban fighter.

The MNR-12TC is the long range variant. It carries two torso mounted Delta Dart LRM-15 with two tons of ammo each and two Martell Medium Lasers. To help manage the increased heat generated, 17 heat sinks are being used. As the Minotaur is not supposed to carry a mobile campaign or to be used on real open fields, only one out of every 12 'Mechs produced is a 12TC version.

Battle History:
The first battle of the Minotaur was on the world of Pinard against a pirate raid. Trusting their superior numbers to make the difference and to prevent the defending Concordat Jaegers to establish a firm defensive line, the pirates divided their forces in order to target as much installations from Pinard Dicolais Electronics as possible. Using the advantages offered by their inner lines, the Jaegers managed to repel several thrusts from the pirates. However, the pirates were too numerous and a small force managed to reach the doors of one facilty just before the arrival of the Jaegers. Using its superior middle range firepower, Cornet Jack Brownbear began to tore the smaller 'Mechs to pieces until he saw a Dragon rushing to him. Thinking quickly, he ran towards it and stopped just under the range of the LRM-10, thinking that the pirate would not be willing to get into really close quarters with its two heavy battle fists and that the armor of the Minotaur should protect him long enough from the medium laser and the AC/5. Not able to bring most of its firepower on the MNR-10TC and faced with certain destruction, the pirate had no solution but to leave its 'Mech. By doing this, he forced the remaining pirates to withdraw as they were unable to do serious damages to the Taurians.

The Minotaur is intented to become the standard heavy 'Mech for any regiment within the Taurian Concordat involved in defensive operations. As such, it is deployed in every regiment as fast as possible. However, the priority remains with the regiments deployed along the borders with the Federated Suns.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2020, 03:59:09 PM »

Code: [Select]
Hathorha HTA-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 40 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 200 8.5T
Gyro: Standard 2T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 0 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 14  4T
8 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 4 8.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18/6
L/R Torso 10 15/5
L/R Arm 6 12
L/R Leg 10 19

Battle Value: 810
C-Bill Cost: 2,649,266
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Large Laser LA 2 5
6 Heat Sink RT 6 6
1 Large Laser RA 2 5
10 10

After giving a new ‘Mech to each of the surviving ‘Mechwarriors of the New Roland battle, Canopian Retrofitted Designs went on with their newest R&D ideas. After the Medium Support ‘Mech, they wanted to create “Mini ‘Mechs”, ‘Mechs meant to perform more or less the same missions as the original ones but lighter and faster. Since the Warhammer was a formidable and proven ‘Mech, they decided to begin with it and thus designed the HTA-1MC Hathorha or Hammer

The Hathorha was set at 40 tons cutting the original weight by nearly 50%. Thanks to this decrease in weight, the speed was increased to a maximum of 86.4 kph, allowing it to keep with most of ‘Medium and Light ‘Mechs in use with Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. To retain the formidable reputation of its inspirer, it was decided to give the HTA-1MC nearly the maximum of armour its chassis could afford. With its 8.5 tons of armour (more than most ‘Mechs within the 20-55 tons range), its long term survivability seemed insured. The original design was devastating both at long and short ranges but the new one needed a clearer mission. It was decided to give emphasis on the fire support aspect. This meant that the Hathorha had to be able to fire at long ranges concentrated strikes of heavy firepower. Since they were too heavy to be used, the original PPC were replaced by the Taurian Concordat produced Sunglow Type 2 Large Lasers. However, this use made necessary an increase of the importation. Unwilling to let this new promising design be used by the Taurian Concordat as well, the Canopian merchants invoked a new market for the Dhoondna as the reason for their need for more Large Lasers. Although the use of such lighter weapons, lowered a bit the range and damage potential of the Hathorha when compared to the Warhammer, it also lowered the heat generated. To ensure that most of the heat would be cooled down, 14 heats sinks were used with 6 of them being put in a special superstructure on the right torso. When looking from afar, they look exactly like the SRM-6 rack used on the Warhammer. To further increase its efficiency in night fight, a special searchlight was added and the software behind the O/P 911 had to be rewritten to allow the Hathorha to perform like the Warhammer. Luckily, both tracking and targeting were from O/P which facilitated the job of the software engineers at Canopian Retrofitted Designs. The final result was a ‘Mech that looked like the Warhammer, had an increased mobility, better heat management as well as decent armour and firepower. Seeing these promising trends, Commander Bileygr agreed on launching the field tests.

Configuration / Variants:
Since this is a new ‘Mech, no variants have been produced so far.

Battle History:
The first combat test was of the Hathorha was with ‘Mechwarrior Alonzo “Cuervo” Ramirez; a former ‘Mechwarrior from the 2nd Canopian Fusiliers who after New Roland had requested a temporary transfer to the mercenaries forces (something perfectly acceptable under the contract of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen and that is becoming more and more common) as he wanted to fight against the Capellans and Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen were the most likely to see offensive actions in the coming years. However he was first sent on the planet of Bass (well known for the veterans of the unit). This areas had recently seen an increase in pirate activities and Commander Bileygr still under his contract had to deal with this. He saw the opportunity to blood a little the newest recruit and send a reduced Kampfgruppe under ‘Mechwarrior Ramirez to see if they could find anything. However, when landing on the planet, they received a distress signal from the governor as the main towns were being under attack by pirate forces. Going at full speed and letting the infantry behind to create defensive positions, the Kampfgruppe managed to get quickly to the rear of one of the pirate forces. Using his ‘Mech long range concentrated firepower, he carefully shot several fire support ‘Mechs while his vehicles were fighting against the heavier vehicles from the pirates. Seeing that his force was outnumbered, “Cuervo” ordered a withdrawal and began a kind of guerrilla campaign for several weeks using the fortifications made by the infantry together with the garrisoned towns as anvils and his more mobile forces as a hammer destroying little by little the pirate forces, tough at a high cost for the towns that suffered heavily from the fighting (although less than from being taken by the pirates). As he reported in his after action report, this tactic was only made possible by the non ammo dependency of the mobile forces that allowed the HTA-1MC and its accompanying unit to stay on the field for weeks and to run from one hot point to another without need for resupply.

Due to the report of ‘Mechwarrior Alonzo Ramirez, his original unit, the 2nd Canopian Fusiliers, asked for the next production of the Hathorha to help them refill their ranks. Canopian Retrofitted Designs managed to make them buy also the following runs. It is expected that in the near future other units will follow the same track converting the HTA-1MC into a common sight within the Canopian Armed Forces.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2020, 05:00:01 PM »

A mini Warhammer armed with Large Lasers? Not bad!
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