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Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« on: December 03, 2019, 04:27:57 PM »


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Welcome Precentor Tau-IX Elias Linch

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Confidential: Eyes only
From: Precentor ROM Thomas Miller
Date: 20 May 3067

Good morning my friend, 
Through extensive researches through several databases and after battle reports, I managed to find some more data about Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen prior to their participation in the Andurian-Canopian War.
I managed to put back together their complete TO&E as well as information on people who died during this fight.

Make good use of this knowledge my friend.

“ If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Ancient Terra.

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Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen as of 3031


Mech company:
    • Close Support Lance 1:
GRF-1MCA Griffin, “Ladyhawke”, Commander Heinz “Eismann” Bileygr, LC, unit commander
BHD-3E Blood Hawk, “On the Jazz”, Command Sergeant John “Hannibal” Smith, FS, tactical adviser
TBT-5S Trebuchet, “Bugs”, Ensign Alexandra “Bunny” Rosen, LC
VLK-QMC Valkyrie, “Mustang”, Mechwarrior Sandra “Crazy Eagle” Twoyoungwoman, FS
    • Close Support Lance 2:
DRG-1MC Dragon, “Mushin”, Commander Auliya “Kitsune” Chouada, DC, lance commander
BHD-3E Blood Hawk, “Katioucha”, Mechwarrior Andreï “Zvierboy” Suvorov, CC
TBT-5S Trebuchet, “Un-Birthday”,  Mechwarrior Jervis “Mad Hatter” Becket, FWL
VLK-QMC Valkyrie, “Lasalle”, Mechwarrior André “Shovel” Ducheval, TC
    • Fire Support Lance:
SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk, “Recuerdo”, Commander Estrella “Matador” Lagrimas, MoC, lance commander
DV-6MC Dervish, “Nebelwefer”, Ensign Jean “Gribeauval” Bureau, TC
TBT-5J Trebuchet, “NURV”, Mechwarrior Lisa “Mystic” Calighan, LC
VLK-QA Valkyrie, Nothung, Mechwarrior Michael “Siegfried” Newburgh, FS

Vehicle company:
    • Vehicle Lance 1:
Savannah Master, “Saint”, Ensign Mary “Magdalene” Covendale, LC, lance commander
Savannah Master, “Right on Time”, Vehicle Commander Luke “Patcher” Simms, FS
Savannah Master, “Beersheba”, Vehicle Commander Nicole “Aussie” Chauvell, LC
Savannah Master, “Where’s Sam?”, Vehicle Commander Samantha “Sam” Carter, FS
    • Vehicle Lance 2:
Saracen, “Marshall”, Commander Ace “Tombstone” Holiday, FS, company commander
Saracen, “Sugar”, Vehicle Commander Sharon “Lollypop” Harton-Winters, MoC
Saracen, “Medicine”, Vehicle Commander Monica “Doc” Spencer, LC
Saracen, “Train”, Vehicle Commander David “Sidewire” Lange, LC
    • Vehicle Lance 3:
Harasser, “Katana”, Ensign Alys “Sake” Grant, DC, lance commander
Harasser, “Dagger”, Vehicle Commander Doreen “Dirk” Gold, FS
Harasser, “Polisher”, Vehicle Commander Parker “Slick” Matheson, LC
Harasser, “Compactor”, Vehicle Commander Harold “Blacksmith” Wilkesom, LC

Infantry company:
    • Command Squad:
Commander Erich “Teddy” Bär, LC, company commander
    • Platoon 1:
Squad 11, Star Corporal Maria “Rya” Mendez, MoC, platoon commander
Squad 12, Lance Corporal Ken “Shield” Sköld, LC, squad commander
Squad 13, Lance Corporal Edouard “Ponch” Ponchardain, TC, squad commander
    • Platoon 2:
Squad 21, Star Corporal Acady “Black” Noiré, TC, platoon commander
Squad 22, Lance Corporal Audrey “Blood Rose” Branard, LC, squad commander
Squad 23, Lance Corporal James “Waxfire” Osborne, FS, squad commander
    • Platoon 3:
Squad 31, Star Corporal Han “Hot Soup” Tzu, CC, platoon commander
Squad 32, Lance Corporal Elisabeth “The Queen” Cook, MoC, squad commander
Squad 33, Lance Corporal Paul “L’Ange Bleu” Lalonde, TC, squad commander
    • Heavy weapon platoon:
Heavy Squad 1, Ensign Jasper “Magic” Maskelyne, LC, platoon commander
Heavy Squad 2, Star Corporal Thomas “Crazy Tom” Guodan, LC, squad commander
Heavy Squad 3, Lance Corporal Delmar “VR” Chang, CC, squad commander

Some biographies:

Thomas "Crazy Tom" Guodan always wanted to be a soldier. Unfortunately, his parents were not very fortunate and the only way he could find to fulfil his dream was to enlist in the local militia in the infantry.
Being gifted with a sharp mind, Private Guodan went through the ranks as a meteor being promoted as a Leutenant in the Steiner regular forces in less than two years.
His main problem was that although (or maybe because) he was good and had a sharp mind, he could not stand it when somebody above him was stupid and unfair. And when he got pissed off, he really went off. Ranting, throwing things, tearing bedding off every bed in his barracks once, writing a message about what an idiot his commander was and mailing it to every officer in his regiment. Officers there still say that it was the hottest thing they ever read.
His manners and temperament made him the soldier with the unenviable record of being the most transferred soldier in the history of House Steiner.
He ended working in the support teams along with the 24th Lyran Guards. This is where he met the then Hauptmann Bileygr. When this one picked up the names of decent soldiers he wanted to go with him as leaders, "Crazy Tom" was on the top list and readily left this "******* military where so called generals are so inept as to send militia infantry companies against elite 'Mechs battalions and then send to trial the Hauptmann in charge for waste of life. They should be the ones killed."
He was not awarded a platoon as his sometimes disruptive behaviour could make bad impression on the Canopian officers. However due to the decentralised organisation of Bileygr's Kampfgruppen, he was already used several times as a leader of combined arms teams and his gift with infantry meant more than once that the enemy ran into real death fields.

Jean “Gribeauval” Bureau is coming from the Taurian Concordat where he followed the classes for becoming a ‘Mechwarrior before being thrown out for some mysterious story (one version involves some black market deal). He then went to the Magistracy where he hoped to have an easy life. However after a few months, he was short of everything except troubles. At that time (through some game connection in Canopian Retrofitted Designs), he managed to enlist in Bilfeygr’s Kampfgruppen and showed a real flavour for missiles and all artillery guns.
This is the official story told by Jean Bureau. As could be expected, it is not really the truth or at least not completely.
“Gribeauval” was indeed born in the Taurian Concordat and followed the classes for becoming a ‘Mechwarrior but he was not thrown out of the training. Instead he graduated with honour as a Cornet and became an expert in all artillery and missile problems (hence his nickname). However, he also got bored with normal military life.
This is why he gladly accepted the opportunity offered by the Taurian intelligence to get a mole inside the army of the Magistracy of Canopus. Even if his superiors did not agree with this plan, they had no real choice but to let him go.
However the plan partly backfired as the MIM quickly found out about this intent and decided to watch over the intruder. When they discovered what his real mission was, they arranged for him to make his way into a high risk unit where he could get killed at any moment and where they could control the information he got access to.
The MIM did not warned Commander Bilfeygr of the true motivation of Jean Bureau but instead told him that they had found out an useful expert that would be glad to join his unit.
It seems that Jean “Gribeauval” Bureau likes the liberty he has in the mercenaries and the responsibilities he has sometimes. Only time will tell where is loyalty really lies.

Estrella Lagrimas is the example of what wealth and ancestors can do in the Magistracy. Being the only child of a minor noble, all her whims were always answered. At the age of 20, she decided to become a soldier and her daddy bought her a charge of commander of a fire support company in a line regiment.
Her first campaign was a disaster, she managed to lose all her company both due to the attacks of the pirates and to her inept orders. She was not happy when her unit was sent to repair and refit on some retired world, she immediately asked for a transfer to a more active unit. Unwilling to sacrifice any  further Canopian to her incompetence, her commanding officer asked for any mercenary unit that was in need of soldiers: Bilfeygr’s Kampfgruppen was high on the list and had the obligation to welcome a few Canopian soldiers for training and teaching.
She jumped on the opportunity to be involved in combat once more and was quickly transferred, acting as the commanding officer of the fire support lance of the mercenaries. However her first mission was another complete disaster. She even faced court-martial for disobeying direct orders during combat.
At that point, for an unknown reason, Commander Bilfeygr testified in her favour and had the punishment changed to permanent assignment to his unit until he felt that the loses had been repaid. Relieved not to have to deal with a harder punishment, the Crimson Council agreed with the idea.
Honour bounded, Commander “Matador” swore that she would repay “Eismann” for this favour.

Commander Auliya “Kitsune” Chouada is a mystery even for her comrades-in-arms. What is know for sure is that she is an Arkab that left the Combine for a mercenary life. She was recruited on Solaris VII by Command Sergeant John “Hannibal” Smith while he was on his way to join the unit.
The truth is a secret known only to John Smith and to Heinz Bileygr. She is Arkab by her mother but a Davion by her father, an officer that somehow seduced her mother and left her pregnant. Ostracised for this within the Combine, she tried to buy back the fault of her mother by swearing to serve faithfully the Combine in the Steel Pillar.
However, she soon found out that she was facing three different challenges: being half Davion, a woman and an Arkab. Unable to find a way into the teaching system, she had to rely on retired warriors that agreed to pass her some of their experience. But even after several successful mock trials to prove her value, she was laughed at and her intents to prove her being a loyal Daughter of the Dragon were despised.
Eager to find a solution to that, she travelled to Solaris VII hoping to fight against for the glory of the Dragon. Although, people were a bit more open-minded there than in the Draconis Combine, the Kuritans still hold firm in their antic beliefs.
Unable to find an opportunity to prove her worth, she considered committing suicide until John Smith found her and seeing a potential recruit managed to convince her to join the mercenaries. Although, she dislikes what she has become, she is grateful to John Smith and to Heinz Bileygr to give her the opportunity to prove anyone that she is as deadly as anybody else inside a ‘Mech.

Eric “Teddy” Bär is absolutely unlike what his nickname suggest. He is a huge bearded men really akin to what would be a human grizzly. He was the perfect football player and led his regiment team to many victories. Furthermore, he was always kind to his men (hence his nickname) and full of hate for his enemies, nearly on the verge of going berserk at some point. The problem was that officers issuing orders that greatly threaten the men under his command were becoming enemies for him.
In order to keep his coolness when out of the battlefield, he had to use all kind of tranquillisers available to him and over the years his needs increased until he was caught by the Steiner military police forces. He was convinced of taking drugs and putting all the men under his command in great danger. Enraged by what he felt as being unfair treatment, Eric Bär went berserk in the middle of the court martial and attacked the judges. The surviving judges sentenced him to life into a psychiatric house.
Just before resigning and moving to the Magistracy, Hauptmann Bileygr defended one Steiner world against a Kurita invasion. During the heavy fighting, the psychiatric house was used as a fortress by the Lyran infantry. Unfortunately, some shots destroyed one wing of the house killing the main officers and freeing some madmen. Seeing some of his fellow Lyran soldiers in dire strait, Eric “Teddy” Bär took command of one platoon and managed to keep the Combine soldiers out of the house.
After the battle, the commander of the Steiner force did not know how to reward “Teddy”. Seeing an opportunity to make the best of this powerful yet unstable commanding officer,  Hauptmann Bileygr proposed to free him while keeping him under his personal custody.
This is how Commander Bär joined Bilgeyr’s Kampfgruppen. Fully conscious of his potential, Commander Bileygr made the best use of the Canopian medical system to both provide him the needed drugs to keep “Teddy” under control and to free him from his hatred on anything else than the enemy. So far, the progresses have been slow but Commander Eric Bär integrated itself well into his new unit.

Little is known about the man called John Smith.
He is a brilliant tactician having earned his nickname of Hannibal thanks his numerous tricks on the battlefield. However, nothing is known about his past, his studies or his home planet; he seems to have materialised as a Senior Sergeant Major in the 24th Lyran Guards regiment around ten years ago. He served under several Hauptmanns until he met Hauptamnn Bileygr with whom he developed a solid friendship over the 5 years they served together. When Bileygr asked John Smith if he would join him in a mercenary unit, he gladly accepted. Unfortunately for the first battles of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen, Command Sergeant John Smith had still one last tour of duty to perform before being freed of the Lyran Armed Forces. As soon as he could, he joined the mercenaries and helped them with his expertise.
Some rumours heard by agents of our Holy Order only increase the mystery surrounding Command Sergeant John “Hannibal” Smith. He would have been a top analyst in the Federated Suns MI-2 and send on a loan to House Steiner to help it increase the efficiency of its armed forces. If this is true, the alliance between House Davion and House Steiner might have begun earlier than we thought.
One of the main drawbacks of this theory is that John “Hannibal” Smith speaks with a strong and “perfect” Steiner accent and has been known to swear in purely Steiner ways. Obviously, if he is the top analyst described by our informers, the faking of such an accent would be an easy thing for him. Another problem if this was true is why would have the MI-2 agreed on one of their agent leaving his assignment to go on a personal mission? Personal as after all, the Federated Suns never showed any interest in the Magistracy of Canopus before. Why should it  start now all of a sudden?

Jervis Becket is known as the “Mad Hatter” for three main reasons: his love of funny hats, his love of a strange old book (nothing is known except that is all about a girl who get lost in a hole following some rabbit with a clock, this story seems to have no sense at all) and the strange tactical ideas that comes out of his mind at all time.
However these strange habits are perfectly normal when one considers the unit Jervis Becket served in the longest time: the Second Oriente Hussars. As this unit is known to have taken the normal craziness of the lifestyle of ‘Mechwarriors one step further, the strange ways of “Mad Hatter” would have been seen as perfectly suited to any good ‘Mechwarrior. Furthermore, his tactical “genius” (nobody can still agree if it is genius or pure madness) might be the results of him being taught by “Silent Cal”.
A few years ago, Jervis Becket was sent  for a tour of duty to serve as one of the tactical advisers of the Martian Cuirassiers, a mercenary unit in service of the Free Worlds League. Their main mission was to try to make the mercenaries act more aggressively. They together devised a plan for making small raids about a company size against lightly defended worlds to blood the unit. This plan was used but was not popular with the mercenaries that frequently disregarded the advises given to them and relegated soldiers from the Free World Leagues to rearguard positions.
It was during one such raid on Bass that Jervis Becket was taken as a prisoner by Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. After interrogating him, Commander Bileygr found out that he could be useful to the unit and offered him (against the instructions of the MIM) a place as a free member in the unit in exchange for his words not to try to break away.
Impressed by this show of confidence and loyalty, “Mad Hatter” agreed and so far kept his word even when fighting against fellow Mariks. However, the only true loyalty test will come if the mercenaries ever face the Second Oriente Hussars.

Little is known about Han Tzu’s past as he only talked about it to Commander Bileygr before joining Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen.
From what is known, Han Tzu is the typical example of how the Capellan Confederation periodically wastes some of its finest warriors. He went through one of the Martial Training Academies and was posted to the infantry of a Confederation Reserve Regiment. He was seen as a rising star in the remaining military forces of House Liao.
This all ended when he was sent with his unit on a raid against a secret research facility of the Federated Suns. The target was not as lightly defended as they were told by Maskirovka and they were caught in an ambush that destroyed all his unit except him. After managing to escape from the ambush site and making his way back to the Dropship awaiting him, he was surprised to be arrested and treated like a traitor. As the agents that arrested him explained, the Maskirovka had learned that there was a mole in his unit that had passed several times vital information to the Department of Military Intelligence. The only way to find it was to send the unit on a suicide mission against House Davion and see who would come alive of it.
All Han Tzu knew was that he was innocent but that would not matter if he was kept in custody. In order to proof that he was innocent, he needed to escape and find about the real traitor. By mere talent and with a bit of luck, he managed to escape and to make his way back incognito to the nearest ComStar facility.
Looking at the opportunities he had, he decided to go to the Magistracy of Canopus, the least suspicious move he could make. When he arrived there, he knew he had to find a job to survive. After looking at the opportunities he had, he learned about a mercenary unit that was recruiting experimented people and went to see if he could have a position there. Eager to develop his infantry company, Commander Bileygr readily agreed to hire him as a platoon commander until Han Tzu had enough money to begin his own investigation. After having some problems dealing with his Chinese name, his men nicknamed him “Hot Soup” and this nickname spread in all the mercenary unit.

The first look can be deceptive and this is what happens when looking at Commander Heinz Bileygr. There is nothing extraordinary about him: an average sized man with short grey hair, only one valid eye left and with a scar running through his face and his closed eye. No one could conceive that he is one of the best (if not the best) Commanders available to the Magistracy of Canopus.
Both his parents were mercenaries from Rasalhague, their family having fled the Combine several years ago. Heinz was sent to school in the friendlier State, those mercenaries could think of: the Lyran Commonwealth. Through some relations and money, he was awarded the right to go to the Nagelring where he received a first rate military education completed by readings of everything he could get his hands on about military theories and history. At the end of his training period, he was approached by recruiting officers from the “Slashers” and offered a place in this regiment as Leutenant. His successful missions soon provided him with a promotion to First Leutenant
Over the following 5 years, he was used several times in forlorn hope missions with his lance where he lost several ‘Mechs (both heavy and assaults). However, his superiors seemed always to appreciate his performance and always gave him one new. It is during one of these missions that he lost his eyes to a Kurita attack while covering the withdrawal of a light lance.
Trusted for his coolness in combat situations and tactical evaluations (this coupled with the difficulty to read any emotion on his face earned him his nickname of Eissmann) and his eagerness to protect the lives of those under him, he became Hauptmann and trained his heavy company in the cavalry style he favoured.
In 3019, he faced with the rest of the 24th Lyran Guards the Wolf’s Dragoons on Hesperus and although his regiment was victorious at the end, he issued an internal note assessing the recent victory and stating that several things needed to be changed in the Steiner military forces to be able to deal with modern warfare. This note was not well received by the social generals and Hauptmann Bileygr was told that he could forget about getting any promotion.
After contributing to the rebuilding of the 24th, he was approached by messengers from the Magistracy and after some negotiation, he accepted their offer and resigned his commission and left his ‘Mech behind to create a mercenary unit employed by the Magistracy. This is how Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen came alive.

Harold “Blacksmith” Wilkesom was a Lyran field tech genius able to repair anything at incredible speeds but that for some reasons seemed always to refuse any offer he was made to work for the Lyran Commonwealth.
When Canopian Retrofitted Designs was created, they tried also to recruit him. They came to him asking what he wanted to come to Canopus IV and work for them. His only condition, which is why he never worked for any company or regiments was that he would not stay out of the big picture. In other words, he wanted to be part of the combat arm.
After some thoughts on it, the executive committee of Canopian Retrofitted Designs and Commander Bileygr agreed to have him integrated within the Kampfgruppen in the combat units but at the conditions that he should undergo some military training and that once in the unit, he would not disagree with making also maintenance work.
Agreeing on these two conditions, “Blacksmith” went to the Blackjack School of Conflict thanks to the money earned by the unit in their first battles. There he learned some useful tricks for surviving in and outside the field. After that, he joined the unit where he used to the best his abilities both as a vehicle commander, as a tech and as someone able to find anything needed by anyone earning him some reputation outside of the unit. At the end, Canopian Retrofitted Designs is really pleased with the deal as they have at any moment a competent technician within the unit that can see from first hand what is wrong and give them his feedback and ideas based also on his experience as a soldier.

Sharon Harton-Winters is the heir to a commercial empire within the Magistracy of Canopus. One day, she decided to throw everything away and to become a soldier. Her mother thought that this was just another crazy idea she had and that it would disappear  as the previous ones she had had and that her “Lollypop” should not mix with this brainless soldiers.
After some search, Sharon decided to chose Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen for two reasons. First, it was the only Canopian related unit that would not allow her to buy any rank she wished and that would ask her to prove her worth before accepting her within the unit. Second, it was a front-line unit always sent on “firemen” missions and therefore the less likely place her mother would like her to be.
Reluctant at first to recruit such a baby-doll in his unit, Commander Bileygr finally agreed as he saw her as a way to attract more recruits from the Magistracy in the future as the outside source might not last forever.
To everyone surprise, “Lollypop” adapted rather well to the unit and rose in rank to take the command of a vehicle. The only annoying point from her recruitment is the mess created by her mother to recover her, she has already tried kidnapping (repelled with the less amount of violence available) and has began several trials against the unit and Commander Bileygr on supposed charges of corruption and so on. So far, the line of defence of “Eismann” and therefore of the unit has been simple: “Miss Sharon Harton-Winters came to this unit on her free will, was tested like anybody else and signed a contract before testimonies. She is now a full time member of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen and as such cannot be kidnapped or threatened in any ways.”
Not to say, this statement had two effects. On the one hand, it increased the morale of the unit members who saw that once they were in, “Eismann” would not let them down and on the other hand the Harton-Winters family is doing whatever they can to make the life of the mercenaries more difficult.

Ace “Tombstone” Harley was until recently a Vehicle Commander in the 1st Capellan Dragoons and a real sharpshooter able to defeat most ‘Mechs through some few well-placed shots. He seemed promised to a bright future under the banner of the Federated Suns. Unfortunately for him, he was always subject to bursts of rage when provoked and this is exactly what happened.
When stationed on New Syrtis, he was insulted by several ‘Mechwarriors from the 6th Syrtis Fusiliers loyal to Duke Michael Hasek Davion and further to that they also insulted Prince Hanse Davion, something that Ace could really not stand. He challenged to a duel of one against one. Since the more experimented ‘Mechwarrior was a Locust pilot, he chose his favourite ‘Mech and as a way to being fair to Harley proposed him a Savannah Master.
The poor ‘Mechwarrior never stood a chance. Displaying his usual abilities, “Tombstone” quickly destroyed the Locust without being ever touched and with that he thought that the matter was clear once for all. However, the following morning, he was arrested and tried for murder. With the court being already bought, Ace Harley never stood a chance. However due to his behaviour during his service in the army, he was only dishonourably discharged.
In order to avoid any further immediate problems, he left New Syrtis in the first commercial Dropship he could find but before he left, he made sure to warn the other ‘Mechwarriors that he would have his revenge. He then headed to the Periphery in order to have time to plan his revenge unnoticed.
Unable to do anything else than being a soldier and unwilling to swear loyalty to another one than Prince Hanse Davion, he agreed on the offer made by Commander Bileygr. This last one was really pleased to find such an experimented recruit in the Periphery and made him the Commander of the Vehicle Company.

It is really a strange thing that a devout woman like Mary Covendale is leading a vehicle into combat but as she says sometimes: “The Lord moves in mysterious ways.”
Born in the Lyran Commonwealth, she was a Vehicle Commander in the Defiance Self-Protection Force in 3019. Her pious behaviour had earned her in the unit the nickname of “Magdalene”. She participated with the 24th Lyran Guards to the defence of Hesperus II against the feared Wolf’s Dragoons. It is during those desperate times that she went to know Hauptmann Bileygr who was with his company acting as part of the fire brigade of his regiment.
Wounded during the fight, she was honourably discharged but was stilling to serve what she saw as the greater good since she felt gifted for vehicle combat and not making use of this would have been a sin. That’s why she agreed to the proposal made by Commander Bileygr to join his unit.
She joined the unit as Ensign and soon began to rule her unit with an iron but fair hand and surprisingly is not trying to convert anyone. The only thing she strongly insist on is for her unit (in fact, whoever is placed under her command) not to swear or use His name in vain.
During the battle, she lead from the front with a blind confidence as “If God is on our side, who can be against us?”

Jasper Maskelyne is one generation more of Maskelyne to serve within the infantry. As most of them, he has a unique touch for infantry tactics as well as a taste for magic.
He met “Hannibal” while he was in a boot camp in the Lyran Commonwealth. John Smith was so impressed that when Commander Bileygr looked for someone for the heavy weapons platoon, “Hannibal” convinced “Eismann” to have “Magic” joined the unit.
Jasper Maskelyne quickly approved as he saw his chance to truly shine and to model an unit according to his views (something he felt he would never be allowed to do in the conservative Steiner army). Although his family disapproved and considers him a deserter, Jasper did not care for one second.
Commander Bileygr did not exactly allow him to do what he wanted but agreeing with Commander Bär, he allowed him to model his heavy weapons platoon as he saw the best and gave him also a free hand on everything related to infantry training (including the one for the other branches).
Thanks to the decentralised nature of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen, he also managed to lead other arms than his usual infantry.
However “Magic” is not satisfied yet with the situation but he knows that it is much better than the previous one and more important to him, if he comes with a clever idea, he will be listened to before any answer is given.


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Welcome Precentor Tau-IX Elias Linch

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Confidential: Eyes only
From: Precentor ROM Thomas Miller
Date: 16 May 3067

Good morning my friend. 
Do you remember this unit I sent you some information on a couple of weeks ago? I was lucky and thanks to a secret access to the archive of units in the Magestrix Command Center, I got some more details for the period between 3027 and 3032. I have no further information on this unit after that, which is quite a problem.
However, my informant is really afraid of being discovered and I do not think that I will be able to use it any longer without having him report to the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry (a thing I cannot let happen).

Make good use of this knowledge my friend.

“ If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Ancient Terra.

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Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen

Main Battles:
Vixen: Victory. Sent as a relief force against a raid by pirate forces that tried to take hostages on this winter sport planet with no defensive force to use. Completely destroyed the outmanoeuvred pirate forces with no casualty for the hostages or the rescue force.

After this, the Magestrix Command Center decided once for all to destroy these pirates and gave this mission to Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. The order was simple: “hunt them down and let no one stops you”.

3027-3031: The Pirate Campaign
Gambilon (3027)
Maranthon (3027)
Afarsin (3028)
Booker (3028)
Bass (3029)
Regum I (3030)
Regum II (3031)

Being totally free of any outside influence and having managed to “found” enough ships to increase the mobility of his force, Commander Bileygr devised his campaign with cleaning only one planet after another and no move until a militia was raised and able to defend itself (even if only with guerrilla warfare).
Although this was a slow approach, it ensured that the pirates were slowly deprived of their freedom of action. This effect was increased by the tactical flexibility enjoyed by the mercenaries. This involved fake retreats (even off-world) to lure the pirates out of their hiding places followed by quick comebacks, striking from different directions, changing the composition of the Kampfgruppen on a regular basis to keep the enemy guessing about who they were facing.
At the same time as the unit was destroying the different pirate forces one after another, reinforcements kept on coming bringing the unit to the strength of a battalion just prior the assaults on the pirate main bases in Regum I and Regum II.
Although the fighting was fierce, thanks to the previous piecemeal defeats of pirate forces, their remaining forces were no match for a full battalion and no casualty was taken on the side of Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. It was estimated that although some pirates had managed to escape by foot, more than 95% of their forces and all their heavy assets were destroyed.
This meant that the Pirate Campaign was a complete victory.

3032: Andurian-Canopian War
After their successful and long campaign, the unit hoped to have a rest and refit period as garrison as planned. Instead of that they were rushed into all Dropships and Jumpships and send as a relief force to New Roland.
The campaign that had begun so well was beginning to look more like a nightmare with the rout of the 2nd Canopian Cuirassiers in front of House Dai Da Chi. Only the resistance of the 2nd Canopian Fusiliers allowed the Canopian forces to still maintain a front.
The priority of the Magestrix Command Center was to allow their men to escape but the only unit available was Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. Therefore the mercenaries were sent in a forlorn hope mission to prevent the surrounding of the two Canopian regiments and to allow them to escape.
Thanks to the lack of fighter support from the Liao side, they were able to make a combat drop unopposed upon one supply site of House Dai Da Chi. With this, they threw part of the enemy offensive off balanced. However Commander Bileygr knew too well that this would not last long and that his best chance was to make the best use of the mobility and the flexibility of his unit to keep Capellan forces guessing about what was going on and who they were facing.
Commander Bileygr refused to take a direct approach to the rendezvous point, instead taking a more indirect approach, which allowed the Kampfgruppen to make successful hit and run attacks and to make House Dai Da Chi sent several lances in search for units that no longer existed.
At the meeting with the Canopian officers, the mercenaries were ordered to keep the “door” they had managed to create in the enemy line open. While performing their mission, they took heavy casualties but managed to keep it open for 10 days before being ordered to pull back.
Less than 40% of the mercenaries managed to get off world, all badly injured and with no heavy gear. It is however to be noted that House Dai Da Chi did not manage to capture any mercenaries or any piece of their equipment.
Although the campaign was a defeat, Bileygr’s Kampgruppen was awarded for their exceptional behaviour heavy combat primes and the unit was given the Canopus Cluster with no upgrade, an exceptional reward for any unit. Together with this came a new contract and a period of R&R of one year to get back to company strength.
With the number of messages exchanged between Commander Bileygr’s hospital room and Canopian Retrofitted Designs, it seems that things might move earlier than expected.

Honoured fallen:
“Keep us a good seat in the best bar in Hell as we will join you sooner or later, meanwhile we will drink for you here.”

    • Alexandra “Bunny” Rosen, Lyran Commonwealth, Ensign, TBT-5S Trebuchet, killed on New Roland while attracting fire away from Canopian soldiers. “Nothing anymore will be up, Doc”
    • Sandra “Crazy Eagle” Twoyoungwoman, Lyran Commonwealth, Mechwarrior, VLK-QMC Valkyrie, killed on New Roland while attacking a heavy ‘Mech to open the “door”. “Too crazy to know that you do not face an Assault ‘Mech with a light one, even a Valkyrie”
    • Auliya “Kitsune” Chouada, Draconis Combine, Commander, DRG-1MC Dragon, killed on New Roland while covering infantry. “You were truly a fine samurai-ko, the Snakes will miss you for sure”
    • Andreï “Zvierboy” Suvorov, Capellan Confederation, Mechwarrior, BHD-3E Blood Hawk, killed on New Roland during the initial assault on the supply depot. “Who is going to hunt the deer for us, now?”
    • Jervis “Mad Hatter” Becket, Free Worlds League, Mechwarrior, TBT-5S, killed on New Roland while protecting Commander Bileygr’s back. “This was really your craziest idea of all”
    • André “Shovel” Ducheval, Taurian Concordat, Mechwarrior, VLK-QMC Valyrie, killed on New Roland while luring enemy away from the main forces. “You died before 30, therefore you are not a blackguard”
    • Lisa “Mystic” Calighan, Lyran Commonwealth, Mechwarrior, TBT-5J Trebuchet, killed on New Roland while guiding Canopian soldiers out of the enemy ring. “This time your radical vision did not protect you”
    • Michael “Siegfried” Newburgh, Federated Suns, Mechwarrior, VLK-QA Valkyrie, killed on New Roland from a shot in the back while fighting. “You truly lived up to your nickname, ending in the same way while fighting a dragon”
    • Luke “Patcher” Simms, Federated Suns, Vehicle Commander, Savannah Master, killed on New Roland while acting as a screen for escaping troops. “As always, you were right on time to meet the Reaper”
    • Nicole “Aussie” Chauvell, Lyran Commonwealth, Vehicle Commander, Savannah Master, killed on New Roland while charging enemy ‘Mechs. “This time, no Beerhseba for the Australians”
    • Samantha “Sam” Carter, Federated Suns, Vehicle Commander, Savannah Master, killed on New Roland in an ambush. “This time someone managed to know where Sam was and scored a hit”
    • Monica “Doc” Spencer, Lyran Commonwealth, Vehicle Commander, Saracen, killed on New Roland while acting as a decoy. “Who would have thought that we would survive you and your miracle pills?”
    • David “Sidewire” Lange, Lyran Commonwealth, Vehicle Commander, Saracen, killed on New Roland while surrounded. “Who will now transmit the information at the speed of a train?”
    • Alys “Sake” Grant, Draconis Combine, Ensign, Harasser, killed on New Roland while creating a breach for other troops to flee. “Sayonara my friend and do not drink all  the sake while waiting for us”
    • Doreen “Dirk” Gold, Federated Suns, Vehicle Commander, Harasser, killed on New Roland while duelling a heavy ‘Mech. “If you ever come back to life, do not forget that a dagger is meant to strike fast and in the back”
    • Parker “Slick” Matheson, Lyran Commonwealth, Vehicle Commander, Harasser, killed on New Roland by an artillery raid. “I told you not to polish too much your vehicle, I am sure that it betrayed your position”
    • Maria “Rya” Mendez, Magistracy of Canopus, Star Corporal, killed on New Roland in the heavy fights for opening the “door”. “You forgot the first lesson for infantry: if it’s bigger than you, just hide to fight another day”
    • Ken “Shield” Sköld, Lyran Commonwealth, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland while performing a headhunter assignment. “Too bad your shield failed you at the last moment”
    • Edouard “Ponch” Ponchardain, Taurian Concordat, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland during a raid on the supply depots. “I am sure that you found some ponch and died in order not to share it. You should be ashamed”
    • Acady “Black” Noiré, Taurian Concordat, Star Corporal, killed on New Roland during a night assault. “Once in your life, the night betrayed you. You should not have trusted it like that”
    • Audrey “Blood Rose” Branard, Lyran Concordat, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland while protecting the escape Dropships. “The roses will not be the only ones to cry tears of blood for you”
    • James “Waxfire” Osborne, Federated Suns, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland in the fights in the mountains. “Who will set the fire to our nights now?”
    • Elisabeth “The Queen” Cook, Magistracy of Canopus, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland during an infantry attack. “It seems that the bullets did not make any special distinction for Your Highness”
    • Paul “L'Ange Bleu” Lalonde, Taurian Concordat, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland while clearing a minefield. “Now, we have a problem: how can we win the next diving championship without you?”
    • Delmar “VR” Chang, Capellan Confederation, Lance Corporal, killed on New Roland while covering the retreat of Canopian ‘Mechs. “This was not virtual reality, people can really die here”

Main members:
    • Commander Heinz “Eismann” Bileygr, GRF-1MC Griffin “Ladyhawke”, Close Support Lance 1, Lyran Commonwealth, commander of Bilgeyr’s Kampfgruppen
    • Commander Estrella “Matador” Lagrimas, SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk “Recuerdo”, Fire Support Lance, Magistracy of Canopus, commander of Fire Support Lance
    • Commander Erich “Teddy” Bär, Infantry Squad, Lyran Commonwealth, commander of Infantry Company
    • Commander Ace “Tombstone” Harley, Vehicle Lance 2, Saracen “Marshall”, Federated Suns, Commander of Vehicle Company
    • Ensign Jasper “Magic” Maskelyne, Heavy Infantry Squad, Lyran Commonwealth, leader of Heavy Platoon
    • Ensign Jean “Gribeauval” Bureau, DV-6MC Dervish “Nebelwerfer”, Fire Support Lance, Taurian Concordat
    • Ensign Mary “Magdalene” Covendale, Vehicle Lance 1, Savannah Master “Saint”, Lyran Commonwealth, Commander of Vehicle Lance 1
    • Command Sergeant John “Hannibal” Smith, BHD-3E Blood Hawk “On the Jazz”, Close Support Lance 1, Lyran Commonwealth
    • Star Corporal Han “Hot Soup” Tzu, Infantry Squad, Capellan Confederation, leader of Platoon 3
    • Star Corporal Thomas “Crazy Tom” Guodan, Heavy Infantry Squad, Lyran Commonwealth, member of Platoon 4
    • Vehicle Commander Harold “Blacksmith”, Vehicle Lance 3, Harasser “Compactor”, Lyran Commonwealth
    • Vehicle Commander Sharon “Lollypop” Harton-Winters, Vehicle Lance 2, Saracen “Sugar”, Magistracy of Canopus


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Confidential: Eyes only
From: Precentor ROM Thomas Miller
Date: 25 April 3067

I hope everything is fine with you. I know that you are really busy trying to gather all the information we had before the World of Blake hit Terra and destroyed or captured our data.
I have recently managed to discover some information on an old mercenary that has been working for the Magistracy of Canopus since 3025.
What happened to the unit is for now unknown but as soon as I manage to find information in spite of the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry, I will let you know.

Make good use of this knowledge my friend.

“ If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Ancient Terra.

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Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen

Mobilis in mobile

In 3022, Heinz Bilgeyr, then a Hauptmann in the 24th Lyran Guards of House Steiner, was approached by envoys from the Magistracy of Canopus. They told him that the Magestrix Command Center (MCC) had made an analysis of their current strengths and weaknesses and had found out that they needed an intervention unit that would be used to perform the missions of an Assault unit (i.e. attacking and defending in strongly fortified areas or being sent in missions to allow Canopian forces to withdraw). A second analysis enabled them to understand that this could not be done within the Magistracy Armed Forces (MAF) because of their current use and small size. This meant that a mercenary unit was needed and to ensure its stay in the Magistracy of Canopus, it had to be created with the help of both the MAF, the Magestrix and the future commanding officer.
At that point of the story, Hauptmann Bileygr asked them the reasons for choosing him; after all, he was just an obscure Hauptmann in one of the regiment of the Lyran Commonwealth. They answered that after making a search through the different but fragmented databases owned by the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry and that very few names came out for an officer able to manage these missions with Medium ‘Mechs and come back from it alive and that his was one of those. Thinking quickly, Hauptmann Bileygr answered with the calm that had earned his nickname of “Eismann” that he agreed but on his own terms and that he needed both time to negotiate, find suitable candidates and resign from his regiment.
Among the main terms he imposed were the creation of Canopian Retrofitted Designs, the access to some Union Dropships, the purchase of some positions for his men and a number of other non disclosed terms.
After agreeing on that, he resigned from the Steiner troops and went into a recruiting trip within the Inner Sphere. His main focus knowing the level of development in the Periphery States was to develop the engineering and technical support his unit would need and make sure that a small manufacture was built on Canopus IV. For him, recruiting soldiers was secondary to this.
In 3025, he gathered his unit on Canopus IV for some training sessions before the real things began. At that time, he had managed to put together one lance of Galleons, 5 squads of infantry, one Valkyrie and himself waiting for Canopian Retrofitted Designs to produce his own ‘Mech. After intensive repairing and training sessions, Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen were ready and they were called on their first mission.

Main Battles:
Bass : Victory. Sent as a relief force against a raid by the Free Worlds League. First appearance of the GRF-1MC Griffin. Destroyed a support lance and the support base of the invading force. Captured a damaged TBT-5N Trebuchet. One infantry squad and two GAL-100 Galleons were lost.
Regum II:  Defeat. Sent on a raid against a pirate base. First appearance of the SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk. Captured one heavily damaged DV-6M Dervish. Enthusiastic troops were carried away and driven into a trap. Heavy casualties were taken while retreating (2 infantry squads, 2 GAL-100 Galleons, 1 DV-6M Dervish).
Regum II: Draw. Sent as a support unit for an unit of the Magistracy Armed Forces. First appearance of the DVD-6MC Dervish. Successful ambush of the rearguard units that destroyed one pirate lance. Remaining of the pirate forces went into hidden. Magestrix Command Center called it a victory although no concrete results were achieved.
Krimari: Victory. Sent to retake the main city and capture the rebel leaders. First appearance of the DGR-1MC Dragon. Unsuccessful surprise assault due to a traitor. Easy cleaning of the city thanks to the early destruction of the heaviest opponent ‘Mechs.

Gambilon: Defeat. Sent to protect the planet from pirate raids. First appearance of the VLK-QMC Valkyrie. Used by the governor to protect himself and the main cities. First raids against the cities easily repelled but the pirates wiped out the militia and captured the supplies in the factories. Destroyed one lance of light ‘Mechs and their support infantry.
Affarsin: Victory. Sent as a rescue force for Canopian units cornered by Marik troops. First use of the BHD-3E Blood Hawk. Successfully broke a well entrenched combined force thanks to an outflanking followed by a bold pursuit. Managed to extract the main officers from the trap. Destroyed in the main fight a QKD-4G Quickdraw, a SRM Carrier and several infantry squads. An unknown number of Marik troops were destroyed in the pursuit.

The different units are using camouflage patterns according to the terrain they are excepting to fight on. When out of the field, they are usually wearing the latest pattern used.
The logo of the unit showing the head of a heavy trooper with a fire background is displayed on the left shoulder while the symbol of the employer (currently the Magistracy of Canopus) is on the right one. The only other mark of identification is a number on the left knee indicating which Kampfgruppe they are temporarily in. As this changes on a regular basis and quite quickly, the enemy forces have more than once been confused with the appearance of “new” units (merely changed Kampfgruppen) and have been lured into thinking that the mercenaries were more numerous than their actual numbers.

Combat Doctrine:
Due to the lightness of his forces and their small numbers, Commander Bileygr insisted that all operations at any level and under all circumstances should rest on four pillars: flexibility, decentralisation, combined arms and offensive.
Due to the missions they have to perform and the closed terrain they would usually fight on, the mercenaries are relying mostly on close-combat designs with longer range designs in support.
As advocated by its founder, no set of predefined tactics is preferred by the unit. The different forces are constantly adapting to their opponent. This fact when coupled with the ever changing Kampfgruppen implies that no stereotyped answers can be given to a specific situation as the same commanding officer will be really unlikely to have twice the same units under him.
However a common set of practices has been observed: the use of mobility to strike from unexpected areas, the reliance on short and devastating offensives even when being forced on the defensive and a willingness to commit reserves to exploit success.
This last trait means that no insurance is available against disaster. This tendency to gamble is increased by the noted practice of allowing non successful units to leave their own sector and follow in the wake of whatever neighbour is successful. It seems that the important thing is not the width of a breach but the rapidity with which it is exploited.

Although, Bileygr’s Kapfgruppen is organised on the paper like any normal unit with 4 lances making a company and three companies a battalion (size, the unit is aiming at for now), this organisation is not used in battles.
This is mainly due to two reasons. The first one being the incomplete state of the unit with no lance at full strength. The second and perhaps more valid reason lies in the tactics advocated and in the name of the unit.
Rather than relying on classical military organisation, Commander Bileygr chose to allow for the creation of ad-hoc combat teams. This aimed at maximising the resources available to him and allowing the maximum flexibility when performing a certain mission.
The result is that the different Kampfgruppen are better used to work as a whole and to incorporate themselves quickly in any military force they are send to than normal other unit.

Recruiting process:
Obviously the tactics advocated can only work provided that the leading officer or NCO or even simple soldier is aware of the overall context of the battle and is willing to accept responsibilities. Unfortunately, this kind of person is rather rare in the Inner Sphere.
This means that Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen can only increase step by step and rather slowly as Commander Billeygr is not willing to include any new member that would not match the high standards he set. This strict policy is applied at all the levels from the highest officer to the common First Ranker.
To ensure that his unit remains in top condition, all his members have to pass different tests every term. Those that cannot pass the tests have to leave the unit without their equipment.
Although this harsh policy means that many suitable mercenaries are not recruited or could be washed out (so far this did not happen), the positive aspect is that all members are usually quite able soldiers ready to face anything and willing to prove to the outer world that they are among the best..

Honoured fallen:
“Keep us a good seat in the best bar in Hell as we will join you sooner or later, meanwhile we will drink for you here.”

    • Dwight “Howlin’ Mad” Peck, Federated Suns, Lance Corporal, killed on Bass while urging his men to take cover. “The crazy fool, we will miss your mental state”
    • William “Knight” Xia Shan, Capellan Confederation, Vehicle Commander, GAL-100 Galleon, killed on Bass while attracting the fire away of a damaged Galleon. “You should have known that only in tales is the white knight escaping”
    • Richard “Kamikaze Cowboy” Brown, Federated Suns, Vehicle Commander, GAL-100 Galleon, killed on Bass after rushing on a damaged ‘Mech. “You should have warned us that it was the last charge of the Kamikaze Cowboy, we had no trumpets for you”
    • William “Seer” Hunt, Lyran Commonwealth, Commander, GAL-100 Galleon , killed on Regum II while creating the breach that allowed the rest of his combat team to escape. “Too bad, you did not see it coming”
    • Nathan “Piranha” Grant, Lyran Commonwealth, Lance Corporal, killed on Regum II while leading the initial assault that captured the two Dervishes. “Only the cook is not missing you”
    • Etienne “Chanteur” Lapointe, Taurian Concordat, Vehicle Commander, GAL-100 Galleon, killed on Regum II after being isolated. “No hope of winning the singing contest without you”
    • Juan “Johnny” Rico, Magistracy of Canopus, Mechwarrior, DV-6M Dervish, killed on Regum II while bringing one of the captured Dervishes to the Dropships. “If you ever get a second chance, try choosing a ‘Mech with ammo next time”
    • Bill “Too Tall” Folley, Lyran Commonwealth, Lance Corporal, killed on Regum II while covering the retreat of the infantry. “The infantry ‘Mech is no more, how will we impress the enemy now?”

Main members:
    • Commander Heinz “Eismann” Bileygr, GRF-1MC Griffin “Ladyhawke”, Close Support Lance 1, Lyran Commonwealth, commander of Bilgeyr’s Kampfgruppen
    • Commander Estrella “Matador” Lagrimas, SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk “Recuerdo”, Fire Support Lance, Magistracy of Canopus, commander of Fire Support Lance
    • Commander Auliya “Kitsune” Chouada, DRG-1MC Dragon “Mushin”, Close Support Lance 2, Draconis Combine, commander of Close Support Lance 2
    • Commander Erich “Teddy” Bär, Infantry Squad, Lyran Commonwealth, commander of Infantry Company
    • Ensign Jasper “Magic” Maskelyne, Heavy Infantry Squad, Lyran Commonwealth, leader of Heavy Platoon
    • Ensign Jean “Gribeauval” Bureau, DV-6MC Dervish “Nebelwerfer”, Fire Support Lance, Taurian Concordat
    • Command Sergeant John “Hannibal” Smith, BHD-3E Blood Hawk “On the Jazz”, Close Support Lance 1, Lyran Commonwealth
    • Star Corporal Maria “Rya” Mendez, Infantry Squad, Magistracy of Canopus, leader of Platoon 1
    • Star Corporal Acady “Black” Noiré, Infantry Squad, Taurian Concordat, leader of Platoon 2
    • Star Corporal Han “Hot Soup” Tzu, Infantry Squad, Capellan Confederation, leader of Platoon 3
    • Star Corporal Thomas “Crazy Tom” Guodan, Heavy Infantry Squad, Member of Platoon 4
    • Mechwarrior Jervis “Mad Hatter” Becket, TBT-5S Trebuchet “Un-Birthday”, Close Support Lance 2, Free Worlds League
    • Mechwarrior Michael “Siegfried” Newburgh, VLK-QA Valkyrie “Nothung”, Fire Support Lance, Federated Commonwealth
    • Mechwarrior Sandra “Crazy Eagle” Twoyoungwoman, VLK-QMC Valkyrie “Mustang”, Close Support Lance 1, Lyran Commonwealth


"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2019, 05:17:04 PM »

Great Ice, look forward to reading all of this later.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2019, 03:53:22 PM »

Great Ice, look forward to reading all of this later.

I will in the coming days add the armoury and the designs.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2019, 07:30:15 PM »

Awesome, can't wait!

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2019, 04:26:51 PM »

Canopian Retrofitted Designs

Following the 3025 agreement between the Magestrix Command Center and Hauptmann Bileygr for the creation of the mercenary unit known as Bileygr's Kampfgruppen, technicians and engineers from different Inner Sphere weapon manufacturers were contacted to work for a new company: Canopian Retrofitted Designs. Its aims are simple: to design the ‘Mechs to be used by the mercenary unit (and eventually by the Canopian Armed Forces for as long as the mercenaries remain under Canopian contract), to organise the technical support for the unit both on and outside of the field (the high risk wages promised were really often the main reason for the change of company and trying) and to develop the teaching of technical and engineering subjects in the Magistracy. A further and more long-term goal was added in the final agreement: to contribute to the development of the national weapon industry by using, whenever possible, weapons produced within the Magistracy bought at a preferential rate (Hauptmann Bileygr must have bargained quite efficiently to have this preferential system ensured). Since both the technical facilities on Canopus IV and the capacity to invest of the now Commander Bileygr are quite limited, the maximal weight for a ‘Mech produced at Canopian Retrofitted Designs is 60 tons. Although this would be a major limitation for a Successor State, for a mercenary unit and a Periphery State, it is not. Due to the limited resources available for now, the focus is for now to repair and retrofit the ‘Mechs and vehicles bought to be used by Bileygr's Kampfgruppen. It is hoped that in a near future, the company will be able to begin the production of ‘Mechs and vehicles and eventually to create and build new designs. Only time will tell if Canopian Retrofitted Designs will succeed in its audacious bet.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2019, 05:50:28 PM »

Like the insignia. An interesting joint technical endeavor in 3025. Pretty tough to keep anything sophisticated nice in the Periphery.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2019, 03:27:55 PM »

Like the insignia. An interesting joint technical endeavor in 3025. Pretty tough to keep anything sophisticated nice in the Periphery.

It isn't that sophisticated. They are at first mostly retrofit.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2019, 09:09:09 PM »

Very good, looking forward to seeing what you got!

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2019, 04:06:37 PM »

Code: [Select]
Griffin GRF-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 55 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 275 15.5T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 5 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 13  3T
11 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 5.5 11.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 26/9
L/R Torso 13 20/6
L/R Arm 9 18
L/R Leg 13 26

Battle Value: 983
C-Bill Cost: 4,950,906
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
2 SRM-4 LT 2 4
1 Ammo (SRM-4) 25 LT 1 1
2 Jump Jets LL 2 1
1 Medium Laser H 1 1
1 Jump Jets CT 1 0.5
1 Heat Sink CT 1 1
2 Jump Jets RL 2 1
2 SRM-4 RT 2 4
1 Ammo (SRM-4) 25 RT 1 1
1 Heat Sink RT 1 1
14 13.5

The Griffin was the first design to be rebuilt and retrofitted by Canopian Retrofitted Designs. It was chosen simply because it is the chosen ‘Mech of now Commander Bileygr. This class of ‘Mech is quite old with the first ones being built in 2492. At the beginning, it was considered as an Assault ‘Mech but over the years its role changed to providing long-range support in medium lances. Although this role would perfectly match the needs of Bileygr's Kampfgruppen, it did not match those of Commander Bileygr. A former Hauptmann of an Assault company in the Tyr Regiment, he knew that although a Medium ‘Mech was more adapted to the missions his unit was to perform, it could not be expected to perform as well as an Assault ‘Mech. he felt the need for a close range firepower nearly as strong as the one of an Assault ‘Mech if he intended to lead from the front as he used to. The engineers at Canopian Retrofitted Designs had no choice but to try to reach this goal. The GRF-1MC Griffin is the result of their intent.

The approach chosen was to take the exact opposite of the classical GRF-1N, whereas this last needs support from its team-mates at close range, the GRF-1MC has no long range weapons, relying on its mobility, protection and the ability of its pilot to get close to the enemy and deliver its volley The first step taken was to strip the ‘Mech of all its weapons and to replace them. After looking to most of the combinations available, the engineers decided to go for a fully short-range firepower, with all weapons having a great damage potential and a similar range. The missile boat side was kept with the use of 4 Shannon Fore SRM-4, a proven weapon used on the Commando version of the Taurian Concordat. These sleeker SRM systems were put in each torso by groups of 2 in order to prevent a lucky shot to destroy the main offensive weapons. Each group is supplied by a ton of ammo. This might seem low for long campaigns but the focus of Bileygr's Kampfgruppen is more on "firemen" missions, meaning short and violent combats (both when attacking and defending) rather than on long running campaigns. However, to ensure that the ‘Mechwarrior could still be able to fight with something else than the massive battle fists when all his ammo is depleted, a head-mounted Martell Model 5 Medium Laser already used on the Canopian Locust was added. Foreseeing the heavy fights the GRF-1MC was going to face, the armour was increased by two tons, bringing it to the maximum allowed by the structure of the ‘Mech: 11.5 tons. This is the exact amount of armour carried by proven Assault ‘Mechs such as the VTR-9B Victor or the ZEU-6S Zeus. It is hoped that this heavy protection will be enough to keep the pilot out of harm during the combat. The strengthening of the armour allowed for the removal of the false baffles that limited the peripheral vision of the ‘Mech. The heat capacity was also increased by the addition of one more heat sink. However, this does not solve the usual heat problems of the Griffin and any pilot should be careful when firing and moving as this can quickly overheat the GRF-1MC and shut it down.

[b]Configuration / Variants:[/b]
As this is already a retrofit from the GRF-1N, any variant will more likely be based on the original design rather than on the modified variant.

[b]Battle History:[/b]
Even before Bileygr's Kampfgruppen was fully operational, it was called to the rescue of Bass, a Canopian world raided by some troops from the Free Worlds League. Gathering whatever troops were available (his own ‘Mech, a VLK-QA Valkyrie, three squads of infantry and a lance of Galleons) into a improvised Kampfgruppe or Combat Team, Commander Bileygr rushed on the heavily mountainous world and thinking that the best defence was a strong offence headed straight on to the base camp of the invading troops. Finding a Support Lance rearming under the protection of a squad of infantry, he decided to take advantage of the treacherous ground to divide the enemy forces by sending the light tanks into one direction, the infantry in another, the Valkyrie in a third and then using his superior mobility to support the infantry and armour into destroying the opponents before destroying the infantry. The first to fall was the Centurion facing the Valkyrie, the 'Mechwarrior probably did not understood where the crossfire was coming from. The Valkyrie then went to help the infantry. Commander Bileygr then turned his attention to the heaviest 'Mech of the enemy, the Archer, which was standing in a central position, reloading and ready to cover any lance mate that might need it. Using the superior mobility of its design and the cover provided by the landscape, he managed to get close to the Archer with a dodging efficiency close to 75%. When the Archer began firing its Medium Lasers, Commander Bileygr rushed towards his opponent in an effort to increase the efficiency of his weapons, confident that the increased armour of the Lady Hawke would protect him. At rather close range, he opened fire and managed to score several hits, including one lucky shot in an ammunition store still left open by the supply crew. The explosion destroyed completely the Archer, leaving only scared pieces of metal. The Valkyrie, the infantry and Commander Bileygr then rushed to help the Galleons that were cornered and severely mauled by the remaining Trebuchet and the infantry. After a brief fight, which damaged the Trebuchet, they quickly surrendered. The Trebuchet was taken by Canopian Retrofitted Designs to see if they could repair it and do something out of it. After the capture of their logistical base and unable to take any supplies, the Marik invaders withdraw quickly. Although the Magestrix Command Center was more than pleased by the performance of the mercenaries, Commander Bileygr was not. This was due to the heavy casualties faced by the infantry and armoured vehicles. The solution might lie in more training and more use of combined arms. Concerning the Griffin GRM-1MC, the repair crew was amazed by the damage taken, which would have meant the end for a normal Griffin. Commander Bileygr was enthusiastic about the protection, firepower and mobility of his “Ladyhawke” and personally thanked the design and retrofit teams for this "little wonder".

So far only one GRF-1N has been retrofitted into a 1MC variant for the use of Commander Bileygr. This 'Mech has been christened “Ladyhawke”. Having found a ‘Mech that perfecly suit their role as a “firemen” brigade, Bileygr's Kampfgruppen will do its best to keep the design inside their unit for as long as possible.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2019, 05:50:05 PM »

Interesting Griffin SRM boat there. Could probably do a bunch of damage in an urban area where its mobility and close in firepower could wreck opponents.

It is difficult to read your fluff in the code format though. Everything gets stretched into a mile long single line. Plus it doesn't recognize bold either. I'd recommend just a quote box.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2019, 03:54:45 PM »

It is difficult to read your fluff in the code format though. Everything gets stretched into a mile long single line. Plus it doesn't recognize bold either. I'd recommend just a quote box.

True. I will repost it.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2019, 03:56:32 PM »

Code: [Select]
Griffin GRF-1MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 55 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 275 15.5T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 5 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 13  3T
11 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 5.5 11.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 26/9
L/R Torso 13 20/6
L/R Arm 9 18
L/R Leg 13 26

Battle Value: 983
C-Bill Cost: 4,950,906
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
2 SRM-4 LT 2 4
1 Ammo (SRM-4) 25 LT 1 1
2 Jump Jets LL 2 1
1 Medium Laser H 1 1
1 Jump Jets CT 1 0.5
1 Heat Sink CT 1 1
2 Jump Jets RL 2 1
2 SRM-4 RT 2 4
1 Ammo (SRM-4) 25 RT 1 1
1 Heat Sink RT 1 1
14 13.5

The Griffin was the first design to be rebuilt and retrofitted by Canopian Retrofitted Designs. It was chosen simply because it is the chosen ‘Mech of now Commander Bileygr. This class of ‘Mech is quite old with the first ones being built in 2492. At the beginning, it was considered as an Assault ‘Mech but over the years its role changed to providing long-range support in medium lances. Although this role would perfectly match the needs of Bileygr's Kampfgruppen, it did not match those of Commander Bileygr. A former Hauptmann of an Assault company in the Tyr Regiment, he knew that although a Medium ‘Mech was more adapted to the missions his unit was to perform, it could not be expected to perform as well as an Assault ‘Mech. he felt the need for a close range firepower nearly as strong as the one of an Assault ‘Mech if he intended to lead from the front as he used to. The engineers at Canopian Retrofitted Designs had no choice but to try to reach this goal. The GRF-1MC Griffin is the result of their intent.

The approach chosen was to take the exact opposite of the classical GRF-1N, whereas this last needs support from its team-mates at close range, the GRF-1MC has no long range weapons, relying on its mobility, protection and the ability of its pilot to get close to the enemy and deliver its volley The first step taken was to strip the ‘Mech of all its weapons and to replace them. After looking to most of the combinations available, the engineers decided to go for a fully short-range firepower, with all weapons having a great damage potential and a similar range. The missile boat side was kept with the use of 4 Shannon Fore SRM-4, a proven weapon used on the Commando version of the Taurian Concordat. These sleeker SRM systems were put in each torso by groups of 2 in order to prevent a lucky shot to destroy the main offensive weapons. Each group is supplied by a ton of ammo. This might seem low for long campaigns but the focus of Bileygr's Kampfgruppen is more on "firemen" missions, meaning short and violent combats (both when attacking and defending) rather than on long running campaigns. However, to ensure that the ‘Mechwarrior could still be able to fight with something else than the massive battle fists when all his ammo is depleted, a head-mounted Martell Model 5 Medium Laser already used on the Canopian Locust was added. Foreseeing the heavy fights the GRF-1MC was going to face, the armour was increased by two tons, bringing it to the maximum allowed by the structure of the ‘Mech: 11.5 tons. This is the exact amount of armour carried by proven Assault ‘Mechs such as the VTR-9B Victor or the ZEU-6S Zeus. It is hoped that this heavy protection will be enough to keep the pilot out of harm during the combat. The strengthening of the armour allowed for the removal of the false baffles that limited the peripheral vision of the ‘Mech. The heat capacity was also increased by the addition of one more heat sink. However, this does not solve the usual heat problems of the Griffin and any pilot should be careful when firing and moving as this can quickly overheat the GRF-1MC and shut it down.

Configuration / Variants:
As this is already a retrofit from the GRF-1N, any variant will more likely be based on the original design rather than on the modified variant.

Battle History:
Even before Bileygr's Kampfgruppen was fully operational, it was called to the rescue of Bass, a Canopian world raided by some troops from the Free Worlds League. Gathering whatever troops were available (his own ‘Mech, a VLK-QA Valkyrie, three squads of infantry and a lance of Galleons) into a improvised Kampfgruppe or Combat Team, Commander Bileygr rushed on the heavily mountainous world and thinking that the best defence was a strong offence headed straight on to the base camp of the invading troops. Finding a Support Lance rearming under the protection of a squad of infantry, he decided to take advantage of the treacherous ground to divide the enemy forces by sending the light tanks into one direction, the infantry in another, the Valkyrie in a third and then using his superior mobility to support the infantry and armour into destroying the opponents before destroying the infantry. The first to fall was the Centurion facing the Valkyrie, the 'Mechwarrior probably did not understood where the crossfire was coming from. The Valkyrie then went to help the infantry. Commander Bileygr then turned his attention to the heaviest 'Mech of the enemy, the Archer, which was standing in a central position, reloading and ready to cover any lance mate that might need it. Using the superior mobility of its design and the cover provided by the landscape, he managed to get close to the Archer with a dodging efficiency close to 75%. When the Archer began firing its Medium Lasers, Commander Bileygr rushed towards his opponent in an effort to increase the efficiency of his weapons, confident that the increased armour of the Lady Hawke would protect him. At rather close range, he opened fire and managed to score several hits, including one lucky shot in an ammunition store still left open by the supply crew. The explosion destroyed completely the Archer, leaving only scared pieces of metal. The Valkyrie, the infantry and Commander Bileygr then rushed to help the Galleons that were cornered and severely mauled by the remaining Trebuchet and the infantry. After a brief fight, which damaged the Trebuchet, they quickly surrendered. The Trebuchet was taken by Canopian Retrofitted Designs to see if they could repair it and do something out of it. After the capture of their logistical base and unable to take any supplies, the Marik invaders withdraw quickly. Although the Magestrix Command Center was more than pleased by the performance of the mercenaries, Commander Bileygr was not. This was due to the heavy casualties faced by the infantry and armoured vehicles. The solution might lie in more training and more use of combined arms. Concerning the Griffin GRM-1MC, the repair crew was amazed by the damage taken, which would have meant the end for a normal Griffin. Commander Bileygr was enthusiastic about the protection, firepower and mobility of his “Ladyhawke” and personally thanked the design and retrofit teams for this "little wonder".

So far only one GRF-1N has been retrofitted into a 1MC variant for the use of Commander Bileygr. This 'Mech has been christened “Ladyhawke”. Having found a ‘Mech that perfecly suit their role as a “firemen” brigade, Bileygr's Kampfgruppen will do its best to keep the design inside their unit for as long as possible.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2019, 05:26:26 PM »

A much easier read, thank you!

Built like an Assault Mech concerning the Griffin makes sense with this type of weapon loadout. If paired with a long range design like the Valkyrie it would make an excellent pairing.

Your Combat Team organization intrigues me. Do you have rosters for this unit at different times throughout its history??
« Last Edit: December 17, 2019, 05:32:19 PM by Takiro »

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2019, 05:56:42 AM »

Your Combat Team organization intrigues me. Do you have rosters for this unit at different times throughout its history??

Only those published in the first posts here.
The idea was to allow the unit to be tailor-customised for each mission.

I will post more designs when I get back to home and get access to my external hard-drive.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2020, 12:55:13 PM »

Code: [Select]
Shadow Hawk SHD-2MC
Level: Custom Level 1 / 3025
Technology: Inner Sphere Biped
Tonnage: 55 Tons
Designer: Ice Hellion
Armory: Canopian Retrofitted Designs
DBM (The Drawing Board) File

Faction Availability
Magistracy of Canopus Periphery


Equipment Mass
Cockpit: Standard 3T
Engine: Fusion 275 15.5T
Gyro: Standard 3T
  Walk: 5 MP
  Run: 8 MP
  Jump: 3 MP
Standard Heat Sinks: 10  0T
10 in Engine

Internal Structure Armor
Standard Standard
Tons 5.5 9.5
Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 23/8
L/R Torso 13 18/6
L/R Arm 9 16
L/R Leg 13 16

Battle Value: 964
C-Bill Cost: 4,639,356
Qty Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
1 Jump Jets LT 1 0.5
1 Autocannon/5 LT 4 8
2 Ammo (Autocannon/5) 20 LT 2 2
1 Jump Jets CT 1 0.5
1 Jump Jets RT 1 0.5
1 PPC RA 3 7
12 18.5

Thanks to the retrofit of the Marik TBT-5N captured earlier into a TBT-5S, Commander Bileygr agreed that he had enough close combat ‘Mechs for now especially when he thought about the next assignment that awaited his unit: to hit a fortified pirate base and clean it once for all. Although he knew that once the fight broke at close range it would not be a problem, he felt that some covering long range fire was needed to supplement the Valkyrie already owned by the mercenaries. With some 15 days before the unit had to move, Commander Bileygr asked Canopian Retrofitted Design to come up with a solution. With no ‘Mech in store, really low stocks of fundamental spare parts (preventing them to produce anything yet) and no time to buy a second-hand ‘Mech anywhere, they had to ask to the Magistracy Army for a replacement ‘Mech and a pilot for it. Due to the limited production capacity, the choice was between a Locust, a Stinger, a Wasp and a Shadow Hawk. After some thoughts about it, the Shadow Hawk was finally adopted. The engineering team then worked on how to provide Bileygr's Kampfgruppen with what they had asked for.

The SHD-2H has always been considered as one of the most outstanding examples of how to design a well balanced ‘Mech. Canopian Retrofitted Design decided to destroy this balance in favour of more long range firepower. Surprisingly enough the first step taken was to throw away the Holly LRM-5 with its ammo. The reason for this was simple: the engineers wanted to use only direct fire weapons, more precise than the indirect fire-weapons commonly used on support ‘Mechs. Because of the intended role as a fire support ‘Mech, the Marklin Mini Missile Pack was also discarded as was the Martell Medium Laser This left plenty of weight available for more weapons. The chosen weapon to complement the Armstrong J-11 Autocannon was a Parti-Kill Heavy Cannon, a proven PPC used on the Manticore tank. Two things made this weapon the chosen one. First, the range was the same as the Armstrong and second, this weapon did not need any ammunition to fire. However, even with all the space made available, the weapon was still too bulky to fit into the ‘Mech and the only solution found was to get rid of one more heat sink. The PPC was put into the right arm instead of the Medium Laser. Trying to increase the endurance of the ‘Mech, the engineers decided to replace one more heat sink with one ton of ammo. Although this increased the heat management problems of the SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk, it also increased the time this design can stay on the field. The trade-off between both issues was considered satisfactory by Commander Bileygr when he was presented with the ‘Mech, until further testing cleared that issue.

Configuration / Variants:
The SHD-2MC is a variant of the SHD-2H Shadow Hawk and as such any variant from it is more likely to be based on the original version.

Battle History:
The SHD-2MC was ready to be used just in time for the raid against the pirate base on Regum II. And so was Commander Estrella Lagrimas, the Canopian officer on “loan” to Bileygr’s Kampfgruppen. At first, everything went well and the surprise attack allowed two Dervish to be captured intact. However, soon some of the most junior troops including Commander Lagrimas were carried on by the success encountered so far and started to push deeper than the rest of the unit. The pirates used perfectly this error and surrounded the different elements. Faced with this, Commander Bileygr calmly ordered a retreat to the Dropships with all the ‘Mechs covering their lesser team-mates. All the close range ‘Mechs were to open the road and the long-range ones were to prevent the pirates from closing the gaps. Fulfilling the orders this time, the SHD-2MC delivered a heavy barrage on any pirate ‘Mech foolish enough to try to get into the back of the retreating troops. She used the mobility of her ‘Mech and concentrated long range firepower to repeatedly hit several pirate ‘Mechs. At the end of the fight, the SHD-2MC, the engine was hit and the continuous jumping and firing became problematic. Just when the pirates had her cornered, the closest one suddenly exploded, both “Ladyhawke” and the Valkyrie had came to rescue her. The raid was not recognised a success. Furthermore, during this retreat, one of the Dervish captured earlier was destroyed and the other was severely damaged with both its LRM-10 being destroyed. However, the SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk performed well under difficult conditions and proved to be as efficient in a fire-support role as the engineers had planned (provided that no enemy could get close to it). Facing martial court for disobeying direct orders and putting the mission into balance, Commander Estrella Lagrimas, at the request of Commander Bileygr, was sentenced to serve in his unit until they left the service of the Magistracy. To acknowledge the debt she had just contracted, she re christened her ‘Mech “Recuerdo”.

So far, only one SHD-2MC Shadow Hawk has been retrofitted. It is believed that the problems of heat management are too much for any military force including the Magistracy Army to decide to use it. Another possible reason is the lack of production facility in the Periphery preventing any marginal variant to be seriously tested.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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