To focus in a bit, here's Fleishman's 67th Brigade:
67th Brigade (Regular)
HQ Battalion “Purple†2 Monarch dropships
Command (1 Mobile HQ)
Medical Company (3 MASH)
Engineering Company (4 Engineering Vehicles, 4 Recovery Vehicles)
Air Defense Company (12 Partisan)
671st Infantry Regiment “Amethyst†3 Buccaneer dropships
1st Battalion (12 Maxim, 12 Foot Platoons)
2nd Battalion (12 Heavy Hover APCs, 12 Jump Platoons)
3rd Battalion (12 Heavy Hover APCs, 12 Motorized Platoons)
672nd Medium Tank Regiment “Mulberry†1 Mule dropship
1st Battalion (8 Vedette, 8 Myrmidon, 9 Condor)
2nd Battalion (9 Vedette, 8 Myrmidon, 8 Condor)
3rd Battalion (8 Vedette, 8 Myrmidon, 8 Condor)
673rd Heavy Tank Regiment “Orchid†1 Jumbo dropship
1st Battalion (8 Po, 7 Zhukov, 8 Brutus, 10 Heavy LRM Carrier)
2nd Battalion (7 Po, 9 Zhukov, 7 Brutus, 10 Heavy LRM Carrier)
3rd Battalion (7 Po, 7 Zhukov, 7 Brutus, 11 Heavy LRM Carrier)
Aviation Battalion “Thistle†1 Buccaneer dropship
18 Karnov, 18 Yellow Jacket
Artillery Battalion “Imperial†1 Buccaneer dropship
36 Vedette (Sniper)
Hover Cavalry Battalion “Mauve†1 Buccaneer dropship
29 Plainsman
Aerowing “Pansy†1 Mule dropship
12 Centurion, 6 Corsair
The 67th is one of only two brigades that's fully provided with dropships although like most of Hell On Wheels' transports converted freighters are far more common than dedicated military dropships.
Each sub-unit uses a codename based on the colour-coding of the brigade - in this case purple. The aerowing aren't entirely happy with theirs.
Fuel Cell conversions are common within the 67th, to some degree because Fleishman approves anything Morgen proposes. Speculation on this has yielded three theories: he's true believer in what she's doing, he's sleeping with her or he's not bothered to read the paperwork. Thus far no evidence of the second theory has been discovered.
The line regiments have benefited most from the conversions, with all their vehicles modified. In the case of the tanks this has involved complete weapon replacements - usually replacing the main gun with a gauss rifle. This allows the 672nd and 673rd to punch well above their assumed capacity. In the latter case, upgrading their Heavy LRM Carriers has brought the vehicles up to the same speed as the heavy tanks they're supporting, improving their strategic mobility.