The Nike Strike Tank is a relatively new Clan OmniVehicle design that originated with Clan Goliath Scorpion in the early to mid 3060s. While still relatively uncommon, the design has been spotted within the Toumans of Clans Diamond Shark, Hell's Horses, and Wolf as well.
At 50-tons in overall mass, the Nike is still considered a light vehicle, albeit one on the very top end of that scale. Utilizing a 300XL extra-light fusion engine, this tracked vehicle is able to maintain a cruise speed of 64.8 kilometers per hour and attain a maximum flank speed (on open ground) of 97.2 kph. 7.5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor plating gives it adequate protection (although still considered quite light by Inner Sphere standards, it is well within the norms of Clan combat vehicles) . . . but it is the relatively large amount of pod space that has managed to attract serious attention from ComStar and the Great Houses.
The Nike can mount up to nineteen tons of weapons, ammunition, and equipment, which when combined with the high rate of speed (for a 50-ton tracked vehicle!) and decent armor protection, makes it a most formidable combat vehicle. Contrary to the norms of Clan design (or Inner Sphere design philosophy, for that matter), all weaponry and special equipment are turret mounted. Only ammunition storage bays can be fitted to the main body of the vehicle.
This peculiarity of design came about by the need for the Scorpion design team to minimize the number of Warriors assigned to a Nike crew. With each vehicle requiring a four-man crew, the Scorpions assign members of the Warrior caste as the Vehicle Commander and Gunner, leaving Technicians to serve as the Driver and Systems Engineer.
Mass: 50 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Motive Type: Tracked OmniVehicle
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3060
Dry Cost: 8,029,688 C-Bills
Total Cost: 8,029,688 C-Bills
Battle Value: 503
Power Plant: 300 Fusion XL Engine
Cruise Speed: 64.8 km/h
Flanking Speed: 97.2 km/h
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
19.0 tons of pod space.
Primary Factory:
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 25 points 5.00
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 300 14.50
Cruise MP: 6
Flank MP: 9
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 10 0.00
Control Equipment: 2.50
Lift Equipment: 0.00
Turret: 1.50
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 144 7.50
Front 30
Left/Right 30/30
Turret 30
Rear 24
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
CASE BD - 0 0.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 5
6t 0 0 0 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE, TUR()
The Nike Prime is armed with a Large Pulse Laser, an LRM-10 launcher with Artemis IV Fire Control Systems (fed by two tons of ammunition for 24 missile salvos), a Streak SRM-6 missile system (with a ton of ammunition for 15 missile salvos), and an AP Gauss Rifle (with a ton of ammunition for 40 bursts). Both the laser and APG are tied into a two ton Targeting Computer.
Loadout Name: Prime Cost: 9,191,063
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,481
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Large Pulse Laser T 10 1 6.00
LRM-10 T 4 1 2.50
Artemis IV FCS T - 0 1.00
Streak SRM-6 T 4 1 3.00
AP Gauss Rifle T 1 1 0.50
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 2.00
@LRM-10 (Artemis) (24) BD - 0 2.00
@Streak SRM-6 (15) BD - 0 1.00
@AP Gauss Rifle (40) BD - 0 1.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 15
6t 4 4 3 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(4/4/3), IF 1
Configuration A is somewhat similar. However, the main gun is an ER Large Laser, supported by an LRM-15 launcher with Artemis IV FCS (and three tons of ammunition for 24 missile salvos), a Streak SRM-4 launcher (with a ton of ammunition for 25 missile salvos), and an AP Gauss Rifle (with a ton of ammunition for 40 bursts of fire). Once again, the laser and APG are tied into a Targeting Computer, but only a one-ton version in this case.
Loadout Name: A Cost: 9,371,063
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,535
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 12 2.00
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
ER Large Laser T 12 1 4.00
LRM-15 T 5 1 3.50
Artemis IV FCS T - 0 1.00
Streak SRM-4 T 3 1 2.00
AP Gauss Rifle T 1 1 0.50
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 1.00
@LRM-15 (Artemis) (24) BD - 0 3.00
@Streak SRM-4 (25) BD - 0 1.00
@AP Gauss Rifle (40) BD - 0 1.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 15
6t 4 4 3 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(4/4/3, IF 1/1/1), IF 1
Configuration B features an ER PPC (tied into a two-ton Targeting Computer) and a pair of Streak SRM-4 launchers (fed by two tons of ammunition for 25 dual salvos).
Loadout Name: B Cost: 9,093,938
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,542
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 15 5.00
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
ER PPC T 15 1 6.00
2 Streak SRM-4s T 6 2 4.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 2.00
@Streak SRM-4 (50) BD - 0 2.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 15
6t 4 4 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(4/4/2)
The Nike C is armed with four Medium Pulse Lasers (tied into a two-ton Targeting Computer) supported by a Streak SRM-4 launcher fed by a ton of ammunition (25 missile salvos).
Loadout Name: C Cost: 8,762,438
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,469
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 16 6.00
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
4 Medium Pulse Lasers T 16 4 8.00
Streak SRM-4 T 3 1 2.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 2.00
@Streak SRM-4 (25) BD - 0 1.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 15
6t 5 5 0 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(5/5/0)
Intended for long-range missile support, the Nike D is armed with a pair of ER Medium Lasers tied into a one-ton Targeting Computer and two LRM-20 launchers with Artemis IV FCS fed by a total of four tons of ammunition (for 12 dual salvos).
Loadout Name: D Cost: 9,900,938
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,862
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
2 ER Medium Lasers T 10 2 2.00
2 LRM-20s T 12 2 10.00
Artemis IV FCS T - 0 2.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 1.00
@LRM-20 (Artemis) (24) BD - 0 4.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 19
6t 6 6 4 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(6/6/4, IF 4/4/4), IF 4
Configuration E has two sub-configurations. Each is armed with an ER Large Laser tied into a three-ton Targeting Computer. Configuration E-1 features an LB-5X Autocannon with two tons of ammunition (40 bursts of fire) and an Active Probe. Configuration E-2 instead has an Ultra AC-5 Autocannon with two tons of ammunition (40 single or 20 double bursts of fire) and an ECM Suite.
Loadout Name: E-1 Cost: 9,336,188
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,192
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 12 2.00
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
LB 5-X AC T 1 1 7.00
ER Large Laser T 12 1 4.00
Active Probe T 0 1 1.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@LB 5-X (Cluster) (20) BD - 0 1.00
@LB 5-X (Slug) (20) BD - 0 1.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 12
6t 2 2 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, PRB, RCN, CASE, TUR(2/2/2)
Loadout Name: E-2 Cost: 9,236,438
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,313
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 12 2.00
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Ultra AC/5 T 1 1 7.00
ER Large Laser T 12 1 4.00
ECM Suite T 0 1 1.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@Ultra AC/5 (40) BD - 0 2.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 13
6t 2 2 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, ECM, CASE, TUR(2/2/2)
Configuration F also has two sub-configurations. Each is armed with an ER Medium Laser and a Medium Pulse Laser tied into a three-ton Targeting Computer. Configuration F-1 also mounts an LB-10X Autocannon fed by three tons of ammunition (30 bursts of fire), while the Nike F-2 instead features an Ultra AC-10 Autocannon fed by three tons of ammunition (30 single bursts or 15 double bursts).
Loadout Name: F-1 Cost: 9,142,438
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,276
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
LB 10-X AC T 2 1 10.00
ER Medium Laser T 5 1 1.00
Medium Pulse Laser T 4 1 2.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (10) BD - 0 1.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (20) BD - 0 2.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 13
6t 3 3 1 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(3/3/1), FLK 1/1/1
Loadout Name: F-2 Cost: 8,984,438
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,424
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Ultra AC/10 T 3 1 10.00
ER Medium Laser T 5 1 1.00
Medium Pulse Laser T 4 1 2.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@Ultra AC/10 (30) BD - 0 3.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 14
6t 4 4 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(4/4/2)
Configuration G is armed with just a Gauss Rifle fed by three tons of ammunition (for 24 shots) and an ER Medium Laser, both tied into a three-ton Targeting Computer.
Loadout Name: G Cost: 8,858,438
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,485
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Gauss Rifle T 1 1 12.00
ER Medium Laser T 5 1 1.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@Gauss Rifle (24) BD - 0 3.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 15
6t 3 3 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(3/3/2)
Configuration H has two sub-configurations. Configuration H-1 is armed with an LB-20X Autocannon (fed by three tons of ammunition for 15 bursts of fire) and an ER Medium Laser, both tied into a three-ton Targeting Computer. The Nike H-2 instead mounts an Ultra AC-20 Autocannon, once again with three tons of ammunition (for 15 single bursts or 7.5 double bursts).
Loadout Name: H-1 Cost: 9,434,938
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,284
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
LB 20-X AC T 6 1 12.00
ER Medium Laser T 5 1 1.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@LB 20-X (Cluster) (5) BD - 0 1.00
@LB 20-X (Slug) (10) BD - 0 2.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 13
6t 3 3 0 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(3/3/0, FLK 1/1/0), FLK 1/1/0
Loadout Name: H-2 Cost: 9,195,938
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,522
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Ultra AC/20 T 7 1 12.00
ER Medium Laser T 5 1 1.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@Ultra AC/20 (15) BD - 0 3.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 15
6t 5 5 0 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(5/5/0)
The Nike I is either a command vehicle or a scout, so far it has been seen in both roles on the battlefield. Armament consists of a Large Pulse Laser, two Streak SRM-4 launchers (fed by one ton of ammunition for a total of 25 missile salvos), an AP Gauss Rifle (with a ton of ammunition for 40 bursts), and an Anti-Missile System (with a ton of ammunition for 24 bursts). The laser and APG are tied into a two-ton Targeting Computer. The remaining tonnage is consumed by an Active Probe, an ECM Suite, and a TAG system.
Loadout Name: I Cost: 9,841,813
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,444
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Large Pulse Laser T 10 1 6.00
2 Streak SRM-4s T 6 2 4.00
AP Gauss Rifle T 1 1 0.50
Anti-Missile System T 1 1 0.50
Active Probe T 0 1 1.00
ECM Suite T 0 1 1.00
TAG T 0 1 1.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 2.00
@Streak SRM-4 (25) BD - 0 1.00
@AP Gauss Rifle (40) BD - 0 1.00
@Anti-Missile System (24) BD - 0 1.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 14
6t 4 4 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, AMS, PRB, RCN, ECM, TAG, CASE, TUR(4/4/2)
The Nike J is very seldom seen in action. It mounts an Arrow IV Missile Launcher fed by four tons of ammunition (for a total of 20 artillery fire missions), supported by twin ER Medium Lasers tied into a one-ton Targeting Computer. Usually Clan Warriors have to be ordered to configure their Nike in this fashion, and only if their Cluster or Galaxy commander is expecting to require on-call artillery support during an engagement.
Loadout Name: J Cost: 9,247,188
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,448
Rules Level: Advanced Rules
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Arrow IV Missile T 10 1 12.00
2 ER Medium Lasers T 10 2 2.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 1.00
@Arrow IV (Cluster) (5) BD - 0 1.00
@Arrow IV (FASCAM) (5) BD - 0 1.00
@Arrow IV (Homing) (5) BD - 0 1.00
@Arrow IV (Non-Home) (5) BD - 0 1.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 14
6t 4 2 0 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, ARTAC, CASE, TUR(4/2/0)
And, finally, there is the Nike K which includes a newly developed HAG-20 Hyper Assault Gauss as the primary weapon system, fed by four tons of ammunition (for 24 bursts of fire) and supported by a pair of ER Medium Lasers. All weapons are tied into a three-ton Targeting Computer for maximum accuracy on the battlefield. Despite the inability of the HAG to precisely target specific locations on hostile 'Mechs or vehicles, this configuration is rapidly becoming the most optimal choice for the air defense role, supplanting the E-1 and F-1 configurations for this duty.
Loadout Name: K Cost: 9,255,938
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,606
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
HAG-20 T 4 1 10.00
2 ER Medium Lasers T 10 2 2.00
CASE BD - 0 0.00
Targeting Computer BD - 1 3.00
@HAG-20 (24) BD - 0 4.00
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 5 Points: 16
6t 4 3 2 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, TUR(4/3/2, FLK 1/1/1), FLK 1/1/1