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Dread Moores

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St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:10:39 PM »

Editor's Note - So I'm just starting to run through a complete Total Chaos campaign, and I put this lovely bunch together. A TO&E is attached at the end of the post, and you can find the rules that I'm using here.

St. Jarred's Armored Monsters

   Mercenary stories aren't hard to predict by now. We've had enough centuries of warfare and holovid to know all the sob stories, the heroic ballads, and the dastardly schemes. So I'm not going to bore you with an overabundance of details. Plus...it's none of your damn business. You want soldiers and have money. My people need money, are soldiers, and don't want anything to do with a “normal life.” Seems like a match made in hell to me.

   Curtis Jarred served the ComGuards loyally his whole life. He was raised on Terra (supposedly on an island in the Pacific Ocean), followed his father into service with ComStar, and managed to complete his training into time to serve as a Mechwarrior during Tukayyid. Unfortunately, he served in the green Fourth Army that was tasked with defending the city of Luk. The Fourth wasn't very lucky. The Ghost Bears tore his unit, his Champion, and his career apart. After nearly a year of recovery, he finally returned to the active duty ranks. The ComStar that he knew was gone, and his archaic beliefs in the divine heritage of Terra proved to be a hindrance in the newly reformed ComStar. However, he never followed Aziz and her ilk into the Free Worlds League, as he believed in Focht's leadership. As a Terran, his distrust of the Successor States was something he had held since childhood. While he seemed to be a bit of a dinosaur among the “new” ComStar (at the elderly age of 25), he remained with his fellow soldiers. His career had stagnated, but he looked forward to defeating Kerensky's bastard spawn.
   Time wasn't kind to “St. Jarred” (as his fellow soldiers called him, whenever the Level II commander was out of the room). His desire to fight the Clans was never matched by his ability to navigate the political corridors of the organization. He spent the next nine years languishing in various postings on Terra, never taking part in the coveted Task Force Bird Dog, Bull Dog, or Serpent. Even the Word of Blake attack on Terra saw him away from his home world on an extended tour of duty in the Draconis Combine. Resigning himself to an eventual academy instructor position, he began to plan for a life and family somewhere inside ComStar's ranks. November 1st, 3061, became a day that changed his life. The outright shock and rage of one of the FedCom brood being named Precentor Martial shook the core of the ComGuards. They trusted Focht, and he turned them over to one of the squabbling Successor Lords. Many of the Terran members of the ComGuard began meeting in secret. Between Focht's refusal to take back Terra and the appointment of Victor Steiner-Davion, the Terrans were finished with the politics.
   Jarred and a small cohort of former Terrans managed to forge the paper to depart from Tukayyid. Along with Captain Hensler of Something Wicked, he and his shortened Level III were due to arrive on Liberty for cadre duties. They never arrived. In January of 3063, the battered Wicked arrived via commercial JumpShip transport at Outreach. Selling off salvage from a string of successful anti-piracy operations, Jarred began the business of transforming his unit into a mercenary command. Nearly a year was spent on Outreach, finalizing the command structure and filling the gaps in his TO&E. They took their first contract (non-MRBC) through a friend in ComStar's 39th Army, participating in delaying raids and reinforcing various positions against the Falcon Incursion of 3064. The unit took substantial damage over the course of this and the next several contracts, but managed to make a few friends among the Kell Hounds and LAAF. They served a few different pro-Katherine employers during the FedCom Civil War, and finally arrived back on Outreach for rest in March of 3067.
   They were greeted by an old compatriot of Jarred's who had initially followed Aziz into the Word of Blake. Former Demi-Precentor Arturo Vecchi and his small naval flotilla had been mistakenly reported destroyed during a Deep Periphery reconnaissance raid. Having had his own fill of the Word working alongside the uncaring Successor Lords, Arturo brought the remains of his shattered command to Jarred. Parceling out their salvage, they managed to find enough funds to repair a significant amount of the small fleet and expand (and repair) their ground forces. The sale of one Union-class DropShip brought them additional proceeds to work on hiding many of their members' identities and bring in some new blood. Joined (somewhat begrudgingly) by now-Lt. Colonel Sunada of the former Tiger Lillies mercenary unit, they have finished preparations and training. As October of 3067 blooms, they've finally began to take on contract negotations.

   Colonel Curtis Jarred, Unit Commanding Officer (born August 2, 3027 – 40 years old in 3067) is not the most likeable of people. He cares little for politics, has an obsession with awful Terran media and history, and devotes his free time to furthering his skills as a soldier. He doesn't relate to his mean exceptionally well, but he's reliable and competent. That goes a long way among the soldiers he has brought through several ugly conflict. Unlike many other Terrans, the years haven't been kind to him. He's a man with a near permanent slouch, as he has spent more time hunched over his desk with paperwork than actively fighting in his career. His hair has gone salt and pepper quite early, and his skin never seems to gain the rugged look common to many soldiers. Instead, it simply resembles worn-out leather. But at its core, that's exactly who he is. Worn out, dependable leather that has seen many winters and survived them all.

   Lt. Colonel Sunada Kenzo, Unit Executive Officer (born February 11, 3030 – 37 years old in 3067) is probably the last person “St. Jarred” wanted in his unit. Kenzo has never hid his Yakuza roots or his Combine heritage. Unfortunately, he isn't someone who followed the revered ways of ancient Kuritan role models. He quickly lost his place in the DCMS for taking part in a number of illegal rackets, and his rengo was destroyed by the ISF for double-dealing DCMS military supplies to both Black Dragon sympathizers and Draconis March nobles. This irezumi-clad last scion spent the next twelve years in the mercenary market, eventually bringing the remains of a company back to Outreach. When he approached Jarred for employment, he made his case plain. He could bring a demi-company which contained a C3 lance and connections to the sort of people of people who could help with making past histories disappear. In return, he wanted a seat at the table and a chance to prove his value as an officer. Jarred believes his ambitions are much higher, but they've managed to find a rough equilibrium as commanding officer and executive officer for now. One of the few things they do agree on is Jarred's horrible taste in ancient Terran music.

   Major Ozella Sherburn, Aero Commanding Officer and Captain of the Air Group (born March 13th, 3040 – 27 years old in 3067) hails from the Outworlds Alliance. This young woman was a recognized Ace in her home nation's air corps and an exemplary officer. Unfortunately, her politics left a lot to be desired. She was a student of history, and fell in love with the noble idea of what the Alliance was during the heyday of its military strength (prior to the Fall of the Star League). She also had no interest in keeping these ideas to herself, particularly when in came to dealing with higher ranking AMC officers. Her tenure in the Alliance Military Corp was not extended in 3065. In frustration, she left the Periphery for life as a mercenary pilot. Bringing along her wingmate, she recently impressed Colonel Jarred during his interviews and gained the top spot in the Air Group. Like many of the Monsters, her style is not exactly the norm. She models herself after the SLDF gunslingers while swapping out the Western garb for a classic pre-spaceflight pilot's motif. She also has a fascination with swing dancing, something that Major Lallier likes to call “listening to a braying mule be drawn and quartered.” They aren't the friendliest pairing in the unit.

   Major Wanda Lallier, Armor Battalion Commanding Officer (born November 28, 3015 – 52 years old in 3067) followed Curtis out of ComStar service. She is probably the most experienced officer in the unit, particularly in combined arms operations. She even spent time teaching at Sandhurst after surviving Tukayyid. There are rumors of a prior romantic relationship between her and Curtis, but many doubt that due to her affection for Sergeant Wanetta Agunos of the Maniacs. Decades in a tank have left her with some hearing loss, as well as more than a few unique scars from combat. Unlike much of the rest of the unit, she keeps her appearance uniformly military and plain. Her one exception of vanity is the cavalry spurs she wears with both dress and field uniforms. According to Wanda, “I earned these bastards with a lot of blood. You'll pry them out of my cold, dead fingers.” Her nickname “The Psychotic Chef” comes from her love for fusion cooking, something which is often inflicted on the unit to varying degrees of success.

   Captain Cliff Yasin, Armored Infantry Commanding Officer (born December 9th, 3035 – 32 years old in 3067) followed Captain Arturo Vecchi from the Word of Blake. He was the first active duty battle armor troopers in his family, which long served as “gropos” in the ComGuards. Unfortunately, his family never forgave him for siding with Aziz and her splinter group, even after he left for the mercenary life. This taciturn man (who possess more than few major medical replacements) may very well be one of the most personable people in the unit...provided you can get him to speak outside of combat. The loss of his familial relations has weighed heavy on the commando, and Arturo has very much become a surrogate father to him. He spends most of his free time buried in literature, eschewing Vecchi's taste for cinema. He's even published a few poem collections on his ruminations regarding war and the life of a soldier. Unfortunately for Major Sherburn, he seems to have not noticed her interest in his ebony physique.

   Major Donnie Poydras, Infantry Commanding Officer and Security Chief (born July 17th, 3020 – 47 years old in 3067) served with Jarred in the ComGuards as a fellow Terran soldier. His roots in New York show through even after a decade away. These same roots are one of the things that makes him such an effective officer when dealing with urban operations. Age is beginning to catch up to him, though the Major won't admit that he is slowing down. His life on the ground has worn hard on him, as well as his inability to return to his home. While he hasn't developed a grudge against Colonel Jarred...there's something there lurking beneath the surface.

   Commodore Arturo Vecchi, Commander of the Fleet and Captain of the Tagalog Express (born April 1st, 3010 – 57 years old in 3067) never should have made it into to ComStar. Hailing from the island of Sicily, Arturo always believed that he was bound for holovid fame as a director. He grew up directing bad student horror films, with a deep love of the genre. His records (and Arturo himself) are not exactly clear on how he ended up as a pilot within the ComGuard. Space quickly became his second love. When he met Curtis Jarred, he knew that a lifelong friendship was blooming. (Rumors of the Colonel and Arturo having a prior romantic relationship are definitely not just rumors. Arturo is an unapologetic pansexualist and polyamorist.) Their shared interest in ancient Terran art forms and their love for the home of humanity bonded the two together. Though their romantic relationship fizzled, the two have remained close over the years. Even the split between the secular ComStar and the traditionalist Word of Blake (again, one wonders how Vecchi found himself there, though it likely has to do more with who would give him the bigger fleet to command) did not stop the two from communicating. Eventually, the double-dealing of Word of Blake was enough for Arturo. He took his “free-loving circus commune” (his personal term for his fleet) on the road, tracking down his old friend. While many would wonder how this former splatter film director, libertine, and life-long spacer manages to find time for war, his skills at the helm would quickly silence the critics. Whatever Arturo does, he does well...and with flair.

   Due to the recent large expansion of the unit (and the difficulties of trying to cram several disparate pieces into one whole), the Armored Monsters have no tactical specialties at this time.

Unit Organization
   Due to the majority of the personnel's familiarity with the ComGuards organizational scheme, the Monsters remain true to that style, utilizing level II units and combined arms operations wherever possible. Additionally, due to Arturo's influence, the naming convention for units revolves around key concepts in horror films and literature as well as famous examples of both.

'Mech Corps
Colonel Curtis Jarred
100% strength (3 level II units)
100% modern designs (18 modern designs)
Veteran experience

   Three level II units make up the 'Mech forces of the Armored Monsters. The Phantom Strangers focus on an air-mobile cavalry style of operations, taking advantage of their jump jets to surprise the enemy. The Xenomorphs are made up primarily of Lt. Colonel Sunada's upgraded C3 lance along with two heavy body guard units. This allows them to be the strong backbone of supporting fire when needed, all while still maintaining a respectable amount of mobility. The Dark Omen prefers up close and personal combat in tight quarters. They bring speed and heavy hitting weapons, but are not able to hold up in a drawn out slug-fest.

Aero Corps
Major Ozella Sherburn
100% strength (2 level II units)
100% modern designs (12 modern designs)
Veteran experience

   Mirkwood Squadron is the primary escort force for the fleet and the main overwatch squadron for the ground forces. They see the lion's share of the combat deployments, though they do rotate out with their more specialized siblings. Mirkwood focuses on reliable designs that balance speed, firepower, and durability to minimize a weakness in any given area. The Hounds of Tintalos Squadron handles specialized duties, including dedicated ground-attack missions and punching a hole in any defensive naval formations. Their fighters are a more eclectic mix, something that Major Sherburn would like to remedy in the near future.

Armored Corps
Major Wanda Lallier
100% strength (1 level III unit / 6 level II units)
80% modern designs (28 modern designs)
Veteran experience

   The armored forces of the Monsters is one of their greatest strengths. This large formation allows for a great deal of tactical flexibility and its component units have trained hard to work with as many other non-armored forces as possible. This allows for rapid reconfiguration of combat units in the field, allowing the Monsters to bring the right tool for the job with increasing frequency. Mother Dearest is a heavy support level II, focusing around a pair of valuable Schiltrons (often configured for Arrow IV or indirect LRM support) with a quartet of body guard units. Lonely Road is the main battle group of the Armor Corps, seeing those most open field combat with its combination of Manticores, Challengers, and Myrmidons. The Windlings often work closely with Mother Dearest to provide close support and guiding munitions via TAG. This speedy mix of hovecraft function as a secondary recon team when needed. The Gremlins are a fast-response hovercraft group made up of Plainsmen and Gladius medium hovertanks. Their job is to hit a specific target or location and evac before the return fire leaves them smoldering. The Star Fiends are the transport and support arm for all of the unit's infantry assets (conventional and battle armor), though they spend the most time working with the Death Machines. They can provide strong support fire for these secondary forces through indirect LRM support and TAG for artillery strikes. The Maniacs are the newest addition to the Armored Corps, an entire group of VTOL attack craft. The two Karnovs primarily work alongside the Cannibalistic Hummingbirds, allowing for aerial deployment. The rest of the attack choppers provide support fire on rapid deployment platforms.

Infantry Corps
Major Donnie Poydras
100% Strength (3 level II units)
100% modern equipment (3 level II units)
Regular Experience

   While Major Poydras is the overall infantry commander, Captain Yasin still often works with the unit's command staff. The armored infantry is something that Poydras does not have as much experience with, so he leaves those discussions up to the expert. The Death Machines are the Monster's battle armor level II, composed entirely of Inner Sphere Standard suits in various configurations. The Forgotten Dead are the primary security force for the unit, though they have deployed in the field during some defensive engagements. Like all the infantry forces, they are anti-Mech trained (but it is not their specialty). Four conventional foot platoons make up this unit, though Major Poydras would like to fill out all of the infantry units to a full level II. The Cannibalistic Hummingbirds are four Jump Specialist units that work primarily in anti-Mech and anti-armor roles. They use the Karnovs of the Maniacs as their primary mode of transportation. The Grimy Reapers are made up of four mechanized hover platoons who work in support of the Forgotten Dead. Whether handling LZ security or deploying in the field, the Reapers go wherever the Dead go.

The Fleet
Commodore Arturo Vecchi
100% transport capacity (5 ships)
100% modern designs (5 ships)
Regular experience

   The Tagalog Express is the pride of the Monsters' small fleet. Arturo brought this Assault Triumph with him when he returned to Colonel Jarred's side. It clearly makes the unit stand out, but they have so far avoided Blakist retribution. Something Wicked was the upgraded Fortress that took Colonel Jarred from service with the ComGuards. The final three ships are Intruder-class vessels (Crops of Blood and Steel, the Glimmering Blade, and Dead Lights) that followed Arturo to life outside of the Order. This unusual configuration of transport assets forces the infantry to deploy across multiple ships, something that has caused a great deal of concern for Major Poydras. This often means that the Death Machines must land to handle initial LZ security, before the rest of the “gropos” can be unloaded.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 08:08:04 PM by Dread Moores »
The first one to use the term Dork Age loses.

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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 08:01:21 PM »

Edit: Due to some unforeseen bugs with the current version of MM, we had to shift this out of the city as shooting at buildings currently locks up our dedicated server. I'll edit the post to reflect that when we finish the game.

Track 1: Another Day, Another C-Bill
Harlech, Outreach
Chaos March
15 October, 3067

   While I'm still not convinced that this Interstellar Expeditions contract is the way to go, I can't argue Sunada's points in its favor. I just wish we had taken the contract sooner, and avoided all this mess. Outreach has ignited with the flames of war. Wayne Waco has decided to settle his accounts with Wolf, and we're stuck in the middle. Most of the unit is loaded and waiting at one of the secondary spaceports. However, a small portion of the unit is still trying to make their way through the strife-stricken city. We've picked up a distress call from a VP of Blackwell Industries, one Dameon Guillome. He's offering impressive terms for a short term escort contract. Unfortunately, the Dark Panzer Jaegers have side with Waco and are intent on taking Guillome into their possession. Let's see if we can even the score.
From the private journals of Colonel Curtis Jarred

Set Up
   Use a random configuration for a heavy urban map in MegaMek. The attacker's home edge is the north, and the defender's home edge is the south. Forced ejection must be in play for this track.

   The Attacker consists of elements of the 51st Dark Panzer Jaegars. They may deploy up to a maximum of 15 units and a maximum BV of 19,349. They will use primarily mercenary available units (up to and including TRO 3067), but 1 out of every 5 units may be something unique. All of their skill ratings are Regular (4/5). They deploy in the first quarter (approximately first six to eight rows) of the northern edge of the map. The attacker will not retreat under any circumstances, and also will do their best to ensure the capture (first) or kill of Mr. Guillome.

   The Defender will consist of 12 units at a BV of 15,479. Additionally, the defender will have a Heavy Hover APC, two Badger As, and two IS Standard BA squads. These units make up the Blackwell contingent and will not count towards the attacker's available BV. All of these Blackwell units will have a skill rating of regular (4/5). All defending forces (including Blackwell forces) deploy within three rows of the southern edge of the map.

Warchest Details
Cost – 325
Options – Moderate Rainfall (+50 WP) and Light Gale (+50 WP)

   As listed in the track

Special Rules

   Salvage is available for this track only if at least two conditions are met for the track, one of which must be the survival of Mr. Guillome.

   The enemy may capture the VP by spending one full turn in the same hex as his vehicle (or the vehicle crew, if he is out on foot).
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 02:08:38 PM by Dread Moores »
The first one to use the term Dork Age loses.


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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2012, 08:37:13 PM »

Hmmm Very Interesting I like the ex-Comstar angle very much.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2012, 10:56:23 PM »

Unfortunately, due to the current release of MM being rather...broken, in regards to being able to shoot woods or buildings (which is kind of important for an urban brawl), we're stuck in a holding pattern on being able to play. That's a little frustrating.
The first one to use the term Dork Age loses.

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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2012, 12:31:35 PM »

Editor's note: So I did a pretty massive redesign of the unit. Updated documents and further info will be attached as I finish it. I'm much happier with this version, as I intend to use Arturo Vecchi elsewhere for a space-based unit.

St. Jarred's Armored Monsters

   Mercenary stories aren't hard to predict by now. We've had enough centuries of warfare and holovid to know all the sob stories, the heroic ballads, and the dastardly schemes. So I'm not going to bore you with an overabundance of details. Plus...it's none of your damn business. You want soldiers and have money. My people need money, are soldiers, and don't want anything to do with a “normal life.” Seems like a match made in hell to me.

   Curtis Jarred joined the ComGuards in 3047, intent on following in his father's footsteps. He was raised on Terra, in the North American region, and managed to complete his training into time to serve as a Mechwarrior during Tukayyid. Unfortunately, he served in the green Fourth Army that was tasked with defending the city of Luk. The Fourth wasn't very lucky. The Ghost Bears tore his unit, his Champion, and his career apart. After surviving over  a year of recovery, he finally returned to the active duty ranks in late 3053. The ComStar that he knew was gone, and his archaic beliefs in the divine heritage of Terra proved to be a hindrance in the newly reformed ComStar. However, he never followed Aziz and her ilk into the Free Worlds League, as he believed in Focht's leadership. As a Terran, his distrust of the Successor States was something he had held since childhood. While he seemed to be a bit of a dinosaur among the “new” ComStar (at the elderly age of 25), he remained with his fellow soldiers. His career had stagnated, but he looked forward to defeating Kerensky's bastard spawn.
   Time wasn't kind to “St. Jarred” (as his fellow soldiers called him, whenever the Level II commander was out of the room). His desire to fight the Clans was never matched by his ability to navigate the political corridors of the organization. Eventually frustrated with his lack of upward mobility, Adept Jarred transferred to the Explorer Corps in late 3054. He spent the next four years learning an entirely different side of warfare, providing security for reconnaissance forces, patrolling unknown systems in the Deep Black, and practicing asymmetrical warfare in raids against Clan-held worlds. These experiences were a massive boon to Jarred's command abilities, eventually leading to a great deal of recognition within the Explorer Corps and increased command responsibilities. Curtis showed a great deal of aptitude for utilizing the combined-arms warfare that made the ComGuards so successful on Tukayyid.
   The 1st Whitting Conference in 3058 brought a new opportunity to Adept Jarred and his command: the chance to wear the Cameron Star. His forces were highly recognized among the Explorer Corps, and with the political assistance of his now-retiring father, he was able to transition into a role with the newly formed Second Star League. Technically loaned out from ComStar to the newly birthed SLDF Intelligence Command, he and his command took on the role of deep raid and reconnaissance experts. As Operations Bulldog and Serpent progressed, his forces worked alongside several other teams to conduct raids across Clan space to keep the uninvolved Clans occupied. Losses were high, but the rewards of being SLDF soldiers were clearly felt in the way of upgraded equipment.
   By the dawn of 3061, the Fury team (a name created for these specialist SLDF units) under the command of now-Precentor Jarred stood down for an extended R&R period. Over the last 3 years, they had seen a consistent operational pace that set them against the Ghost Bears, Jade Falcons, and Wolves. Not always successful, but they still held one of the better success records among the Fury teams. Precentor Jarred was content to return to Tukayyid and serve out his remaining three years of service with the SLDF, likely taking up some training duties. The Second Whitting Conference on Tharkad changed everything. When Victor Steiner-Davion ascended to the rank of Precentor-Martial, Curtis felt betrayed and wronged. A Successor Lord taking up such an important position for guiding humanity to a brighter tomorrow? One of the scions of those bastards that drowned the Hegemony in blood and fire? Enough. Using up whatever influence his father had remaining and all of the political favors he had curried during his exemplary SLDF service, he managed to work out a deal for his unit to be permanently transferred to the service of the SLDF and sever all ties with the ComGuards. Not all of his personnel followed him, but his contacts in the SLDF were able to arrange for material and personnel replacements.
   Little changed for Jarred's team over the next four years, seeing a number of operations scattered throughout the St. Ives conflict and the Clan fronts. They largely managed to avoid exposure to the FedCom Civil War, except for some actions during the Jade Falcon Incursion (leading to the unit getting their very own Jade Falcon member). The moniker of St. Jarred became a badge of honor for the unit and its commander, as he led them through fire and death time and time again. This eventually led to their informal nickname of the “Armored Monsters.” In early 3066, the Monsters undertook a covert assignment in the Periphery, focusing on rumored build-ups among Circinus Federation forces. They stumbled onto Word of Blake forces in the region, which led to an vicious conflict. Unfortunately, they were never able to acquire proof of the Blakist involvement with the Circinus forces and eventually faced trumped up charges brought by the probationary member's representatives. Lacking compelling evidence to clear them of the “unnecessary friendly fire accident during a training exercise”, Jarred and his team were forced from SLDF service in disgrace. A few remaining friends pulled what strings they could (which allowed the Monsters take a substantial amount of their eclectic salvage stockpile), but the Blakist legal experts managed to force the unit into private sector employment as their only remaining option.
   As 3067 continued and the FedCom Civil War wound down, the Monsters found themselves on Outreach. The task of reorganizing and rebuilding the unit took precedence, as Lt. Colonel Jarred knew that his people would need a goal to focus on. After filling in the gaps in the unit and offloading much of their battered equipment, they used their salvage stockpile to retool as necessary and gain replacements were possible. They managed to sign a long-term contract with a fellow ComGuards retired veteran which gave them sufficient auxiliary transport and aerospace defense capabilities. As fall blossomed on Outreach, St. Jarred had finally landed new employment with Interstellar Expeditions and completed the reorganization and retraining of his unit into two combined-arms Level IIIs focused on rapid-response operations.

   Lt. Colonel Curtis Jarred, Unit Commanding Officer (born August 2, 3027 – 40 years old in 3067) is not the most likeable of people. He cares little for politics, has an obsession with ancient Terran media and history, and devotes his free time to furthering his skills as a soldier. Unlike many other Terrans, the years haven't been kind to him. He's a man with a near permanent slouch, as he has spent more time hunched over his desk with paperwork than is healthy for a veteran soldier. His hair has gone salt and pepper quite early, and his skin never seems to gain the rugged look common to many soldiers. Instead, it simply resembles worn-out leather. But at its core, that's exactly who he is. Worn out, dependable leather that has seen many winters and survived them all.
   Major Wanda Lallier, Cavalry Corps Commanding Officer, Unit Executive Officer (born November 28, 3015 – 52 years old in 3067) followed Curtis out of ComStar service. She is probably the most experienced officer in the unit, particularly in combined arms operations. She even spent time teaching at Sandhurst after surviving Tukayyid. There are rumors of a prior romantic relationship between her and Curtis, but many doubt that due to her affection for Sergeant Wanetta Agunos of the Maniacs. Decades in a tank have left her with some hearing loss, as well as more than a few unique scars from combat. Unlike much of the rest of the unit, she keeps her appearance uniformly military and plain. Her one exception of vanity is the cavalry spurs she wears with both dress and field uniforms. According to Wanda, “I earned these bastards with a lot of blood. You'll pry them out of my cold, dead fingers.” Her nickname “The Psychotic Chef” comes from her love for fusion cooking, something which is often inflicted on the unit to varying degrees of success.
   Major Cliff Yasin, Infantry Corps Commanding Officer (born December 9th, 3035 – 32 years old in 3067) is a former Free Worlds League soldier who worked alongside Lt. Colonel Jarred in early 3066, during the Circinus operation. While not the most experienced officer, he has a strong grasp of all facets of infantry operations, including a strong foundation in combined-arms operations. While not initially pleased to have been cast out of the SLDF simply for serving under then-Precentor Jarred, he quickly realized the opportunity for ascension through the command ranks in the mercenary world. He followed Jarred to Outreach and set about rebuilding the fractured and battered infantry corps. Unfortunately, his family never forgave him for leaving the service of the Eagle. This taciturn man (who possess more than few major medical replacements) may very well be one of the most personable people in the unit...provided you can get him to speak outside of combat. The loss of his familial relations has weighed heavy on the commando, and Jarred has very much become a surrogate father to him. He spends most of his free time buried in literature, eschewing Curtis' taste for cinema. He's even published a few poem collections on his ruminations regarding war and the life of a soldier.


   The Monsters have never developed a specific set of tactical specialties, beyond an expertise for rapid response situations and deep recon raids.

Unit Organization

   Due to the majority of the personnel's familiarity with the ComGuards organizational scheme, the Monsters remain true to that style, utilizing level II units and combined arms operations wherever possible. The naming convention for units revolves around key concepts in horror films and literature as well as famous examples of both.

'Mech Corps
Colonel Curtis Jarred
100% strength (2 level II units)
100% modern designs (12 modern designs)
Veteran experience

   Two level II units make up the 'Mech forces of the Armored Monsters. The Phantom Strangers focus on an air-mobile cavalry style of operations, taking advantage of their jump jets to surprise the enemy. The Xenomorphs are made up primarily of heavy hitting units that have a slower speed than much of the Strangers. This allows them to be the strong backbone of supporting fire when needed, all while still maintaining a respectable amount of mobility.

Armored Corps
Major Wanda Lallier
100% strength (7 level II combat units)
71% modern designs (30 out of 42 modern designs)
Regular experience

   The armored forces of the Monsters is the unit's greatest strength. This large formation allows for a great deal of tactical flexibility and its component units have trained hard to work with as many other non-cavalry forces as possible. This allows for rapid reconfiguration of combat units in the field, allowing the Monsters to bring the right tool for the job with increasing frequency. Mother Dearest is a heavy support level II, focusing around artillery support. Lonely Road is the main battle group of the Armor Corps, seeing those most open field combat with its older designs. The Star Fiends handle urban combat duites with a variety of upgraded, wheeled designs. The Gremlins are a fast-response hovercraft group that almost exclusively pair off with Mother Dearest, utilizing their Target Acquisition Gear to provide pinpoint artillery fire where needed. The Migou handle light fire support and reconnaissance duties, using their Star League and ComGuard equipment to great effect in gathering vital intel. The Maniacs are the newest addition to the Armored Corps, an entire group of VTOL transport craft designed to work exclusively with Major Yasin and his Hummingbirds. The Psycho Killers serve as attached transport for the Forgotten Dead and work primarily to provide security for an LZ or base of operations.

Infantry Corps
Major Cliff Yasin
100% Strength (3 level II units)
100% modern equipment (3 level II units)
Regular Experience

   Major Yasin commands the most challenging and poorly integrated corps in the Monsters. Getting them to work together has been a major challenge. The Cannibalistic Hummingbirds are the Captain's personal command, and are primarily made up of former FWLM troopers using standard IS battlesuits. They predominately focus on combined arms airmobile operations in direct combat actions. The Forgotten Dead handled base security needs as well as additional anti-'Mech support with their heavy field LRMs. The Death Machines are one of the oddities left over from the Monsters origin with the Explorer Corps. XCT trained motorized infantry that normally served as forward scouts seem like an odd choice in the mercenary market. But, Lt. Colonel Jarred has tasked Major Yasin with finding ways to implement these types of forces, due to his friendship with their commander.

The Fleet
   As mentioned previously, St. Jarred contracts with another former SLDF unit for transport and aero support. As such, those forces are not listed here as they are technically not a part of this unit.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 04:20:18 PM by Dread Moores »
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2012, 04:56:24 PM »

Track 1: Another Day, Another C-Bill
Harlech, Outreach
Chaos March
15 October, 3067

   While I'm still not convinced that this Interstellar Expeditions contract is the way to go, I can't argue Deltoro's points in its favor. I just wish we had taken the contract sooner, and avoided all this mess. Outreach has ignited with the flames of war. Wayne Waco has decided to settle his accounts with Wolf, and we're stuck in the middle. Most of the unit is loaded and waiting at one of the secondary spaceports. However, a small portion of the unit is still trying to make their way through the strife-stricken city. We've picked up a distress call from a VP of Blackwell Industries, one Dameon Guillome. He's offering impressive terms for a short term escort contract. Unfortunately, the Dark Panzer Jaegers have sided with Waco and are intent on taking Guillome into their possession. Let's see if we can even the score.
From the private journals of Lieutenant-Colonel Curtis Jarred

Set Up
   Use a random 2x3 configuration for a moderate urban map in MegaMek. The city density will be set to 55% and the city style is HUB. The attacker's home edge is the north, and the defender's home edge is the south.

   The Attacker consists of elements of the 51st Dark Panzer Jaegars. They may deploy up to a maximum of 12 units and a maximum BV of 16,940. One 'Mech unit must be Introductory tech. The attacker may use any mix of units, except infantry. Their skills may be set as desired. The 51st DPJ prefer longer range designs and ammo-independent designs, though this is not a hard and fast rule. There are no restrictions on They deploy in the first six rows of the northern edge of the map (ANY deployment in MegaMek, but must deploy north as specified). The attacker will not retreat under any circumstances, and also will do their best to ensure the capture (first) or kill of Mr. Guillome.

   The Defender will consist of 6 units at a BV of 13,552. Additionally, the defender will have a Heavy Hover APC, two Badger As, and two IS Standard BA squads. These units make up the Blackwell contingent and will not count towards the attacker's available BV. All of these Blackwell units will have a skill rating of regular (4/5). All defending forces (including Blackwell forces) deploy within six rows of the southern edge of the map (ANY deployment in MegaMek, but must deploy south as specified).

Warchest Details
Cost – 325
Options – Moderate Rainfall (+50 WP) and Light Gale (+50 WP)

   As listed in the track

Special Rules

   Salvage is available for this track only if at least two objectives are met for the track, one of which must be the survival of Mr. Guillome.

   The enemy may capture the VP by spending one full turn in the same hex as his vehicle (or the vehicle crew, if he is out on foot).
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 04:59:07 PM by Dread Moores »
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2012, 04:41:20 PM »

Editor's Note: Here's some character bios, done in the style of the Starterbook profiles. This will only cover the 12 current 'Mechwarriors (and possible some other ranking officers at a later date). It also gives a bit of details on their specific ride. Obviously, character visual inspirations aren't exact. But I'm offering them up so you have some idea of what I'm thinking.

Curtis Jarred
Rank / Position: Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer of St. Jarred's Armored Monsters, Commander of the Phantom Strangers, Phantom Stranger 1
Born: August 2nd, 3027 (40 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 4th Army ComGuards, ComStar Explorer Corps, and Star League Defense Force Fury Team contractor
Home Planet: Terra / ComStar (birth place is Philadelphia Metroplex, Atlantic Administrative District, North American Territory)
Pilot Abilities: Edge 2
Gunnery / Piloting: 3 / 3
'Mech: Black Hawk-KU OmniMech (customized Jarred variant)
'Mech Positive Quirks: Narrow/Low Profile (3 points)
'Mech Negative Quirks: Flawed Cooling System (3 points)
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm470980608/nm0000643

   The commander has been discussed in detail elsewhere, so there's only a few things to add. Curtis is a private person, often going to extremes to keep his friendships and romantic relationships hidden from his soldiers and family. While he isn't exactly estranged from his kin, he has sacrificed much of his former closeness with them for his career and his unit. His most outstanding weakness is a slight sense of overconfidence due to his previous successes. This has led to issues in the mercenary life, as he is accustomed to having a powerful military organization to fall back on for supply needs. But when his people are in the mud, that's when he really comes alive. Cold rage gives way to clarity and an innate sense of position. His soldiers stick with him, because for all of his failures, there are far more successes against high odds.
   His 'Mech was a gift from a grateful contact in the 2nd Star League Defense Force command structure. Purchased from the DCMS, this Inner Sphere OmniMech has been his ride ever since the death of his Guillotine in 3064. He has experimented with several different custom configurations, but prefers to stick with a mixed energy package that also provides guided munitions support. Unfortunately, the technical corp has never quite been able to find the issue with the cooling system. When suffering heavy impacts (often due to physical attacks or falls), the system can fail temporarily, actually increasing the waste heat produced. Repeated overhauls have been attempted, but it is likely that a complete factory rebuild would be needed to fix this lingering issue.

Denver Stubbolo
Rank / Position: Command Sergeant-Major, Senior NCO for St. Jarred's Armored Monsters, Phantom Stranger 2
Born: 3016 (51 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 4th Army ComGuards, ComStar Explorer Corps, and Star League Defense Force Fury Team contractor
Home Planet: Terra / ComStar (birth place is Los Angeles Metroplex, Pacific Administrative District, North American Territory)
Pilot Abilities: Jumping Jack and Natural Aptitude (Gunnery)
Gunnery / Piloting: 2 / 3
'Mech: Lynx LNX-9Q
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3495867904/nm0001803

   Denver is probably the commander's closest friend, though most in the unit wouldn't know it. He shares Jarred's fascination with anachronistic Terran media and customs along with his bed. Very few in the unit (save perhaps Captain Traxson and Major Deltoro) are aware of the strong friendship and casual romance between the two men. Denver himself is a quiet soul, very reserved but eloquent. He has a passion for historical ballads, and a particular interest in North American media dedicated to pre-space flight bandit-heroes. He's a large man with ancestry in the South American continent, a marked contrast to the pale and haggard frame of the commander.
   His 'Mech is what truly brings Denver alive. This Lynx has been with him since he joined the Commander's Explorer Corps unit, and his skills with it have become legendary among the unit. Repeated jumping seems to have little impact on his pinpoint accuracy, and a wasted salvo is not something Denver faces very often. He even turns into a bit of a braggart and scene-stealer inside the cockpit of his armored companion, broadcasting taunts for his opponents and bravado for his allies. Some of the medical staff remain convinced that this is some form of stress disorder, affecting a type of megalomania inside his Lynx. Frankly, Denver gets results, so nobody worries about it too much.
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2012, 07:04:14 PM »

Zada Traxson
Rank / Position: Captain, Aide-de-camp to Lt. Colonel Jarred, Phantom Stranger 3
Born: 3040 (27 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 8th FedCom RCT AFFS
Home Planet: Kathil / Federated Suns (birth place is District City)
Pilot Abilities: Pain Resistance and Edge 1
Gunnery / Piloting: 4 / 5
'Mech: Grizzly
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: Non-Standard Parts and Difficult to Maintain (2 points, these two combine to force all repair, rearming, and modification costs to have an additional total 1.0 modifier, in addition to any relevant Unfamiliar Equipment or other modifiers)
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3852376832/nm0299140

   Captain Traxson may very well be the most disliked person in the unit. That often happens when you are a better administrator than officer, AND you are one of the younger people in the command structure. Whatever the soldiers may mutter behind her back (and they absolutely do, even other officers), she possesses the admin skills that Lt. Colonel Jarred lacks. She also came cheap, after finishing her stint with the shattered 8th FedCom and their time in the stockades through the end of the FedCom Civil War. She is a rather tiny woman, which only adds to her reputation as being sharp and bitter. Her ongoing feud with Major Deltoro is an oft-discussed topic amongst the unit, as he believes that she tries to insinuate herself as a barrier between the commander and anyone else. She would say that she's simply doing her job. Regardless of her (un)popularity, Lt. Colonel finds her incredibly useful. She shows a great deal of aptitude for learning the necessities of command, brought herself and another trained 'Mechwarrior to the unit's ranks, and has an aptitude for the type of work the commander hates. She's not going anywhere...and neither are the arguments about her.
   Her 'Mech is another major point of contention. The commander insisted that some of the unit's Clantech salvage be put to use, which has resulted in the newest hire managing to pilot a Grizzly. While many complain about the favoritism, even Major Deltoro admits the pragmatism at play here. Captain Traxson is a passable 'Mechwarrior who still lacks a great deal of experience. The weapons package and advanced technology of this design allow for her to be competitive with more veteran opponents. Like any of the Clantech used by the Monsters, the technical staff curse every time this 'Mech is brought in for repairs. Spare parts and ammunition are extremely expensive and hard to acquire, and many of the proper tools for working on the Clan tech base are not available to the Monsters. It takes up a great deal more time and resources than any other 70 ton design.

Kaycee Roome
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Phantom Stranger 4
Born: 3035 (32 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 8th FedCom RCT AFFS
Home Planet: Filtevelt / Federated Suns (birth place is Roman's Gap)
Pilot Abilities: None
Gunnery / Piloting: 4 / 5
'Mech: Grand Crusader II GRN-D-04
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm609977856/nm0821612

   Kaycee arrived with Captain Traxson, both of them having served time in the stockade after the 8th FedCom RCT was defeated on Kathil. Unlike her former CO, Kaycee is adored by much of the unit. She was raised a farm mechanic's daughter in the Outback, and learned an entirely different set of values from her Kathil-born white collar CO. Whenever she can, she's either tinkering with some “rescue tech” for salvage and re-purposing or finding a new culinary delight that can be prepared with industrial tools. She has a few years of maturity on Zada, but a few less years of formal education. She's also quite the musician, something that makes her popular around the barracks.
   Kaycee wanted the salvaged Grand Crusader II as a pet project. Along with the technical corp, she worked hard to restore it to full working condition, along with their purchased Ostscout. This has allowed for the beginning of a c3i unit, enhancing the long-range firepower available to the Strangers. It is a testament to the unit's support staff that such a wreck was restored to working order with no noticeable flaws or lingering problems.
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2012, 11:10:16 PM »

Lane Travaglio
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Phantom Stranger 5
Born: 3028 (39 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 4th Army ComGuards, ComStar Explorer Corps, and Star League Defense Force Fury Team contractor
Home Planet: Sian / Capellan Confederation (birth place is Newton-Peking Hab-Block)
Pilot Abilities: Hot Dog
Gunnery / Piloting: 3 / 4
'Mech: Ostscout OTT-9CS
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2951322368/nm0001616

   Lane is another survivor from ComGuard service under former Precentor Jarred. Along with Vito and Denver, he is one of the only remaining 'Mechwarriors from that period in the commander's past. Unlike the other two, he has never been a close confidant of Lt. Colonel Jarred. Their relationship is strictly one of soldier and commanding officer. This is true for most of Lane's relationships inside the unit. He gets along well professionally with his fellow soldiers, but most of his deeper connections remain with his family and friends on Sian. This is simply another job that pays him well for the skills he possesses. Growing up in the slums of Sian, he's quite aware that he would never be a full citizen without some kind of luck. ComStar gave him the chance to earn his place and ensure his family's long-term place in Capellan culture. With younger siblings now serving the State as graduates of some of the top universities, he still lives a frugal life that allows him to provide for his entire extended family. Outside of his love of Han metalcrafting and tripcore music, he seems to spend little time involved with the idle pursuits found among the members of most military units.
   Lane has always excelled at cooperative combat. The Ostscout was a perfect fit for someone who manages to work the heat gauge like a finely tuned string instrument, as well as a soldier skilled in combined arms fire support tasks. One of the few recent designs that the Monsters outright purchased, this Ostscout was well-maintained by its ComStar owners. Lane was the one who brought the deal to the attention of the commander, finding that some of his old friends in procurement were willing to “look the other way.”

Vito Humphries
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Phantom Stranger 6
Born: 3034 (33 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 4th Army ComGuards, ComStar Explorer Corps, and Star League Defense Force Fury Team contractor
Home Planet: Summer / Lyran Alliance (birth place is Hadesville)
Pilot Abilities: Dodge
Gunnery / Piloting: 3 / 4
'Mech: Spector SPR-5F
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: No Cooling Jacket (2 points, Large Laser)
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm1163432192/nm0001572

   Vito has always been “Il Padrino” for the ex-ComGuard members of the unit, a role that he continues to this day. If you need to find some trouble off-duty, Vito has the directions. Need a spare part for X-42A power coupling at 2 AM? Talk to Vito. Want a meal cooked just like Ma did, and a drinking buddy? Vito is there for you. He's not the most personable, but he isn't the least. He isn't completely corrupt, but he isn't squeaky clean either. But when he is corrupt, he's corrupt for your side. That's why he's remained with the unit. Rules are something Vito will pay attention to...in the middle of disregarding them if it means that the heart of the unit is better for it. Most of his psych profiles seem to indicate that he's little more than a sociopath with a great aptitude as a social chameleon. Vito probably wouldn't argue that point. He would take pride in it though.
   This Spector has long legs. Its history traces back to an SLDF cache on Terra, only being brought out of storage for Tukayyid. That probably explains why the main gun never quite seems to work right. Knowing that Vito was at the core of morale issues in the unit, Lt. Colonel Jarred felt that he needed a symbol that reflected this reality. Very little else holds more meaning to the commander than the revered past of the Hegemony and its Star League. As a symbol of this very entity, one that fought its wars, the heavy skirmisher design was a perfect fit for the man who lies at the heart of the Monsters.
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2012, 10:36:16 PM »

Rick Deltoro
Rank / Position: Major, Executive Officer of the 'Mech Corps, Commanding Officer of the Zoners, Zoner 1
Born: 3039 (28 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: Brion's Legion mercenary unit
Home Planet: None (born on independent merchant fleet passing through Taurian space, legally a Taurian citizen)
Pilot Abilities: Sniper
Gunnery / Piloting: 3 / 5
'Mech: Flashman FLS-8K
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2906961920/nm0735226

   Rick Deltoro has taken this unit as his family, once his family perished in the Jade Falcon attacks against Rasalgethi in 3064. Having lived his life with the Legion (both on Terra and various other locales), he holds values similar to the commander regarding humanity's birthplace, ComStar, and the Star League. After the loss he suffered, he retired his captain's rank with the Legion, taking with him a strong recommendation from Octavius Brion. Brion directed him to join a former comrade in his the employ of the 2nd SLDF, leading the young officer to join the Monsters. Rick is still adjusting to life without his large family (many of whom were lost in a damaged DropShip crash due to Falcon attacks), and has made himself into quite the executive officer for the 'Mechwarriors. In all honesty, with a few more years experience, he will likely take the unit XO role from Major Lallier. Jarred has made it clear that he is being groomed for higher command responsibilities. To the people that make up the Monsters, Deltoro is a great sign for the unit's future. He has made it a priority to incorporate all of the disparate elements and backgrounds that make up this unit. The only place he has failed in this regard is his very personal feud with Captain Traxson. Some people are simply kindling and open flame.
   Major Deltoro brought this Flashman with him, a final gift from his mother. Julietta Deltoro served Brion's Legion for three decades as an officer, raised eight children, and watched a generation of grandchildren be born into the unit. Her machine, Juanita Rose, was one of the many Star League era designs provided to the Legion during their long ComStar tenure. Rick has made sure that it is meticulously maintained, particularly the custom rose etching that his mother undertook along much of the 'Mech. With only a few surviving cousins back on Terra, he knows that this is his last link to the past. He intends to use this link to move him forward into the future with his new family. And if it lets him get some payback with the Falcons...so be it.

Caitlin Sowders
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Zoner 2
Born: 3043 (24 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: Legion of Vega DCMS
Home Planet: Vega / Draconis Combine (birth place is Takedo)
Pilot Abilities: None
Gunnery / Piloting: 4 / 5
'Mech: Ninja-To NJT-3
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-q81yumYANJ8/TXXCtXK9b-I/AAAAAAAAAGg/0Vgoz1qH3b4/Kaji.2.jpg

   Caitlin is one of the latest hired hands in the unit. Having quite the checkered past with the Legion of Vega (and rumored to have gravely injured or killed at least two fellow DCMS soldiers), Lt. Colonel Jarred wanted nothing to do with her. However, Major Deltoro staked his reputation on this woman, believing that there was something more beneath the surface of an insubordinate and possibly psychotic killer. He wasn't wrong. Details have come to light over time that call into question the official story of the DCMS and Sowders discharge, many of them revolving around her status as an unorthodox woman and rejection of traditional Combine culture. Her birth in the slums of Vega, born to a Russian Orthodox priest and a worker rights activist, probably didn't help any. Important things to know about Caitlin? Don't piss her off. You can tell this is about to happen, because if you do, you'll probably see the quiet woman in front of you with a possibly already bloody blade or possibly already discharged weapon. A good way to avoid this is not to try and pigeonhole any one into a stereotype around her. And never, ever bully any one with her in earshot. What finally cemented her role in the unit was another unusual death. Lucas Smythe was a convicted serial rapist, released early on a bond, who happened to be the last person to see Technical Warrant Officer Michelle Ortega and Victor Cruz of the Armored Monsters alive. Two months without a break in the case led to Lucas being dropped as a suspect on Outreach. Incidentally, Smythe went missing two days later, but small 1 centimeter square portions of him have been turning up on random print scanners all throughout the city for the last two months. Lt. Colonel Jarred had no comment on the matter...in public.
   After Smythe's disapperance, the commander seemed willing to spend additional funds to import a Ninja-To to the unit. He felt that Caitlin's familiarity with DCMS heavy cavalry designs would be invaluable in testing the aptitude of this design. Her assignment to the 'Mech seems to have provide a slight warming of her icy exterior. She now seems willing to actually speak English (which she does quite fluently, along with Japanase, Swedenese, Russian, and French) to people other than Major Deltoro. It's rumored that she's even smiled twice in the last month. Well, smiled that is, while not currently looking at a blade.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 10:37:46 PM by Dread Moores »
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2012, 01:16:02 AM »

Elise Rahm
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Zoner 3
Born: 3045 (22 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 2nd Division Word of Blake Militia
Home Planet: Alpheratz / Outworlds Alliance (birth place is Leighton)
Pilot Abilities: None
Gunnery / Piloting: 4 / 5
'Mech: Grand Titan T-IT-N11M
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15900000/ziyi-zhang-ziyi-15920934-1521-1999.jpg

   Many outside observers would question exactly what a Word of Blake soldier (two in fact) are doing in a former ComGuard unit. The answer is pretty simple: favoritism. Elise Rahm is the daughter of Cromwell Rahm, a former member of the 4th Army alongside Curtis Jarred. While Cromwell served with the ComGuard (and later following the Blakists into exile), he found a friend and understudy in Curtis. When Cromwell's daughter decided to the join the Word of Blake Militia, she quickly found that her father's more moderate politics were not the most common sentiment. When her father passed away in early 3066, she quickly found herself replaced in active duty roles and eventually mustered out. As a favor to his old mentor, Jarred brought Elise and her husband (also a former Blakist Mechwarrior) into his unit. Her familiarity with the unit's organizational style helps, but it is fairly obvious that Elise is little more than a fresh academy graduate. She has a rather exotic look, with her father's typical Nueva Paolo temperment and her mother's genetic roots in Capellan worlds. But growing up in the Outworlds Alliance (even while her father was far across space as a soldier) has given her the determination to succeed. She's a very rapid student, but still lacks key understanding of the larger tactical and strategic skill set.
   Her father's Grand Titan should probably not have disappeared from the Militia, but that is something she can thank her husband Greg for accomplishing. Technically, this had made Greg a fugitive from Blakist authorities, but no one seems to be exerting a great deal of effort to resolving this situation. Due to the Milita's excellent technical support, this unique assault design has been maintained in fantastic working order.

Corey Summerfield
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Zoner 4
Born: 3041 (26 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: Zelazni Stables, Solaris VII
Home Planet: Solaris VII / Lyran Commonwealth (birth place is Cathay, technically a Capellan citizen)
Pilot Abilities: Melee Specialist and Dodge
Gunnery / Piloting: 4 / 5
'Mech: Thug THG-11E
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://www.zuguide.com/image/Galina-Tyunina-Day-Watch.4.jpg

   Descended from Eastern European stock and steeped in Capellan tradition, Corey should seem like a perfect success story. Unfortunately, she doesn't respond well to intimidation, which never endeared her to the local Tongs that were the major backers behind several minor stables and collectives in Cathay. That means that her career on Solaris was quickly cut short, with her barely escaping ahead of her pursuers. It also means that she was desperately looking for work when she arrived on Outreach. The Monsters were the first place that would accept her. At this point, she's simply happy to still be breathing and earning money for what she does best. She's shown this joy by falling back on the ancient pagan beliefs of her babouchka. This probably makes her the most devout practicioner in the unit, but faith in foxholes isn't exactly new to soldiers. Additionally, she still shows a great proclivity for treating combat as a singular duel against an opponent, reflecting her arena based training. Major Deltoro hopes to drive home the value of cooperative assaults before an opponent drives home a killing strike.
   The Thug's original 'Mechjock died during the anti-Blakist operation, though the unit was recovered. Summerfield has made her displeasure known at being inflicted with this “ungainly design.” She prefers something faster and based more around close-combat. It wasn't until Deltoro showcased the versatility of the design on the training grounds that Corey grudgingly accepted her assignment. She still shows a marked preference for closing range and eventually reverting to fisticuffs at point blank ranges. This assault 'Mech is probably the second oldest design in the unit, but has still held up surprisingly well in terms of maintenance.
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Re: St. Jarred's Armored Monsters
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2012, 01:49:07 AM »

Editor's Note: The final two original 'Mechwarriors are posted. I'll start working on the fiction write up tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. But I have to say, I'm really pleased with how the characters came out. Now just to see how they actually work.

Greg Cambridge
Rank / Position: Sergeant, Zoner 5
Born: 3043 (24 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 2nd Division Word of Blake Militia
Home Planet: Alpheratz / Outworlds Alliance (birth place is Leighton)
Pilot Abilities: None
Gunnery / Piloting: 4 / 5
'Mech: Hermes HER-4S
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: None
Character Visual Inspiration: http://1kino.com/uploads/posts/2009-12/1260352455_aleksey_chadov_pohudeet_dlya_novoy_roli.300x200.jpg

   Many would assume that the “pacifist” Outworlds Alliance lacks the larger amounts of moral corruption found in more advanced polities. They would be wrong, on both oversimplifications. Cambridge grew up with more training on the streets than any higher education. This did not endear him to Cromwell Rahm, as few fathers would be happy with their daughter dating an older car thief and profligate burglar. However, Greg proved his belief in the relationship with Elise by pleading Cromwell for a chance to train in a respectable career. This led to the Blakist Militia and military training. Apparently, his neural aptitude for planning security rewirings in his head qualified him as a potential 'Mechwarrior. The young man took to the training with a passion, at least in terms of combat application. The Blakist philosophy? Not so much. It's not great surprise that he followed his eventual wife into mercenary service. It's also no great surprise that his wife's family 'Mech found its way into the storage bays of the Armored Monsters, even though it was technically due for repossession by the Blakist Militia. Nor should it surprise any one that Greg knew “a friend of a friend” that could pick up a Hermes that suited his rapid response style. Lt. Colonel Jarred simply smiled and winked, before the funds were arranged to be transferred.
   This light 'Mech seems to be holding up well, and it definitely fits Greg's style of combat. (Some would say that his mouth works as fast as the ground speed of this unit, especially when he's lying to cover up something questionable.) There are some unusual mystery fractures showing up several of the lower leg actuators, but they have been easily repaired each time. Whether this is a problem in the future or simply normal wear and tear on such a fast 'Mech...the technical staff simply shrugs.

Rank / Position: Lieutenant, Executive Officer of the Zoners,  Zoner 6
Born: 3036 (31 years old in 3067)
Former Affiliation: 5th Falcon Regulars, Mu Galaxy, Clan Jade Falcon
Home Planet: Ironhold / Clan Jade Falcon Homeworld (birth place is unknown)
Pilot Abilities: Maneuvering Ace and Dodge
Gunnery / Piloting: 3 / 3
'Mech: Black Lanner OmniMech (customized Lester variant)
'Mech Positive Quirks: None
'Mech Negative Quirks: Non-Standard Parts and Difficult to Maintain (2 points, these two combine to force all repair, rearming, and modification costs to have an additional total 1.0 modifier, in addition to any relevant Unfamiliar Equipment or other modifeirs)
Character Visual Inspiration: http://buscemifan.tripod.com/images/ml-2.jpg

   Without a doubt the most colorful member of the unit, nobody really understands how exactly Lester is still here. Or ever made it here. This Clan trueborn (technically of the Hazen bloodline) suffered through the tradition-bound Falcon training, and it was only his excellent skill and physical conditioning (he's politely described as a walking brick house) that enabled him to survive the frequent punishments and “re-education” sessions. If it hadn't been for his dual kills in his Trial of Position, he likely would have been flushed from training. The man has endured more Trials of Refusal and Grievance than any Clan warrior should have a right to claim. Ignoring regulation appearance, delving into esoteric and useless artistic pursuits, all while still being extremely effective on the field of combat. Many of his compatriots said he should have been decanted as a Wolf. He simply bares his teeth and smiles at such a thought. Lester's career path into obscurity seemed guaranteed as he pissed off every commander he has ever been assigned. That is, until a Star League Fury team arrived on La Grave in 3060. As the last of his Trinary command was destroyed (and the last of his own command, a single Star) fell, Lester challenged the opposing Guillotine to single combat. The enemy warrior simply laughed across the comm-link, moments before the other enemy units locked targeting beams onto Lester's OmniMech. After the first guided artillery round struck, Lester began laughing in his cockpit, sure that death was near. He started laughing even more when he woke up in the medbay of the enemy's transport ship. Why did Precentor Jarred decide to keep him alive as a bondsman? Why did Lester take such a voracious interest in Terran history and cultures, particularly the specifics of community chants and tribal oral traditions? Why does Lester have varying pigmentation and hair color changes, more ink than found in a printing press, and an overwhelming need to blast sub-standard music from his recovered and finally rebuilt Omni? How has this former Falcon managed to become close friends with the one person (Major Deltoro) who has every right to hate the Falcons to their core? Good luck figuring anything out when it comes to Lester. His response would pretty much be: “I just do things.”
   More so than any other 'Mech in the unit, even Traxson's Grizzly, the technicians absolutely hate seeing this Black Lanner arrive in the repair bays. That either means that Major Deltoro has authorized another bloody repaint (at Lester's insistence) or they are going to have to face fixing the monstrosity that is Henry Rollins of the Blackened Flag. (Yes, that his 'Mech's full name. Yes, he insists that you use the full name. No, most people don't.) They can never find exact parts, as this Clan Omni was one of the original ones assembled in the Clan homeworlds. They can never keep it stocked well enough on the expensive Clan weaponry and construction materials. They are constantly faced with paying heavy import fees for rush shipments from shady, black-market dealers. And yes...they are cursing Lester and his 'Mech every time they are working on it. But to be completely honest, they're probably laughing and smiling to. You just can't help it when Lester (or Henry) is around. You still might want to kill him (them...whatever).
The first one to use the term Dork Age loses.
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