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Author Topic: II Cohors Tempestas of the IV Legio Comitatensis  (Read 6783 times)

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II Cohors Tempestas of the IV Legio Comitatensis
« on: August 27, 2013, 11:54:34 AM »


II Cohors Tempestas of the IV Legio Comitatensis (34753 BV)

I'm working on painting up at least a whole cohort of a Marian Legion. Here's the TO&E for what I'm currently working on: 40 vehicles and 'mechs. This is my snapshot of the Legion's Second Cohort as of 3085. Prior to the Jihad, the IV Legio had already been through the meat grinder and the II Cohors was down to 1 full maniple of Mechs (2 centuries of 5 mechs each). The other maniples had "light recon" mechs with the centuries filled out with vehicles, especially Saracens and Saladins. The IV Legio is described throughout the different source books as a fast response unit that prefers hit and run tactics. It weathered the Jihad fairly well and made it through with 85% strength; by 3085, it's listed as 105% of strength.

Most of the mechs in the entire legion are old school designs. According to canon, a mere 15% of the 'mechs have been upgraded. It is unclear to what level. For instance, is a 3050 variant an upgrade or not? Well, 6 mechs out of the 15 are "modern" (defined as 3050+ designs), about 40%. And that’s not counting the Fulcra ECM tanks! The overall numbers are a little higher because the II Cohors is listed as a "reinforced" cohort; thus, I've added a "combat support" maniple (the IV Maniple). And that's what makes this post "canon-inspired." I lean more toward the retro work that does away with the Mad MAx feel of the universe. Did production sufffer? Did it start to look liek a bad 1980's movie? No. With all the possible salvage from fighting Wobblies plus the stockpile of Germanium, I have no problem with the MArians having cool shiny toys. Especially since the fiction gives the Caesar an IS Omni. One could say that's just a fluke, but when your Battlemech forces equal only 5 regiments....

My supposition is that the Marian High Command has decided to fill out the TO&E but keep its peculiar vehicle-heavy formation as an experiment (and a cost saving measure, as well). It's almost like an RCT on a battalion level but with a ComGuard-like Level system with a Clan base of 5 units instead of 4 or 6. Also, there are no infantry units because each legion has an attached Auxiliary Legion from which the infantry assets are drawn.

Everything below is available to the Hegemony in 3085 with one small exception noted below.

Note also that anything with a * is a mech I own. The others (mostly vehicles) I need to purchase.

I Manipulus Grandines (12434 BV)

I Centuria (6149 BV)
1. Orion ON1-M (1414)*
2. Thunderbolt TDR-7SE (1809)*
3. Centurion CN9-A (945)*
4. Enforcer ENF-4R (1032)*
5. Blackjack BJ-1 (949)*

II Centuria (6285 BV)
1. Wolverine WVR-9M (1617)*
2. Firestarter FS9-S1 (820)
3. Griffin GRF-1N (1272)*
4. Shadow Hawk SHD-5M (1430)*
5. Dervish DV-6M (1146)*

The I Manipulus is the command maniple and is surnamed Grandines or "hailstones" because of a preponderance of AC-units in the first Century especially. It  coordinates and follows up the actions of the II and III Manipuli in battle.

II Manipulus Vertex (7277 BV)

I Centuria (3523 BV)
1. Locust LCT-1V2 (568)
2. Fulcrum Hover Tank (1167)
3. Saladin Hover Tank (596)
4. Saladin Hover Tank (596)
5. Saladin Hover Tank (596)

II Centuria (3754 BV)
1. Locust LCT-1V2 (568)
2. Fulcrum Hover Tank (1167)
3. Saracen Hover Tank (673)
4. Saracen Hover Tank (673)
5. Saracen Hover Tank (673)

II Manipulus is surnamed Vertex or "Whirlwind" for the speed and ferocity of its attack. Each century is supported by a Locust for 'Mech support and a Fulcrum for ECM ability. I wanted light mechs that could keep up with the hover vehicles, so I am somewhat limited in my choices. This is the Vanguard unit that sweeps in fast.

III Manipulus Fulgur (7345 BV)

I Centuria (3640 BV)
1. Spider SDR-5V (622)*
2. Fulcrum Hover Tank (1167)*
3. Pegasus Scout Tank (640)*
4. Pegasus Scout Tank (640)*
5. Pegasus Scout Tank (640)*

II Centuria (3705 BV)
1. Spider SDR-5V (622)*
2. Fulcrum Hover Tank (1167)*
3. Gladius Hover Tank (586)*
4. Gladius Hover Tank (586)*
5. Kanga Hover Tank, AC (744)*

The II Manipulus is surnamed Fulgur or "Stroke of Lightning." In Latin, this is not the bolt itself, but the flash and power of the strike; it can also mean "Glory." This maniple strikes after the II, punching through the softened-up defenses and paving the way for the I to mop up. Again, I needed light 'mechs to keep up with the hover tanks and the Spider is quick. Also, there are fulcra for ECM support.
The Kanga is the one thing that shouldn't be here per canon. All Kangas were destroyed in the Jihad and even then there was a mere 50 or so in the hands of ComStar and the Word of Blake. This is one of the non-jump capable units, downgraded to a pure hover vehicle at some point during the Succession Wars but with a better AC. I wanted to add a little color to the unit and this is the Cohort's punishment vehicle. It's kept running with spit and baling wire. Frequently heard in the II Cohors is this admonition to FNG's: "Hey, don't tick off the legatus or you'll be serving on 'Big Bertha' in the next assault."

IV Manipulus Boanerges (7697 BV)

I Centuria (5641 BV)
1. Awesome AWS-9Q (1875)*
2. Shrek PPC Carrier (935)*
3. Shrek PPC Carrier (935)*
4. Heavy LRM Carrier (948)*
5. Heavy LRM Carrier (948)*

II Centuria (2056 BV)
1. Warrior VTOL H-7A (292)
2. Warrior VTOL H-7A (292)
3. Warrior VTOL H-7A (292)
4. Karnov VTOL (Periphery) (590)
5. Karnov VTOL (Periphery) (590)

This is the extra maniple for the cohort and is pure support. It is surnamed Boanerges or "the Sons of Thunder" which is the title given by the Lord Jesus to the two brothers James and John. And that is what this maniple brings: thunder and lightning from above. The I Centuria is supported by the Panther as a bodyguard but we have 6 PPCs and two of the Hegemony's shiny new Heavy LRM carriers. The II Centuria is air support: select striking and spotting for the I Centuria. The Karnovs are the Periphery gunship variant.


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Re: II Cohors Tempestas of the IV Legio Comitatensis
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 03:01:43 PM »

Please tell me you'll have pics of this?!
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: II Cohors Tempestas of the IV Legio Comitatensis
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 08:41:35 PM »

Oh, I so plan to. :) Lined up in Parade formation. :)

"The more 'Craptech' or 'Dork Age' talk that gets put out there, the more we see this community get more exclusionary. Elitism doesn't seem to have a great track record of keeping a game line healthy."
--Dread Moores
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