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Author Topic: Euthan Palace - Chapter 11 Pt 3  (Read 37512 times)

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Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 9 Pt 1
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2011, 08:45:02 AM »

Chapter Nine
Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

It was light. The early morning sun touched the ridgeline of the small rock outcrop. A road wound carelessly between grey-brown walls. Birds sang, insects buzzed, and the war seemed far away. Troops on patrol moved through the area; tired, discontented and bored. They had recently arrived to bolster defences destroyed by the Protectorate attack and had seen little action. This would change.

High above, greedy eyes devoured the soldiers. It mattered not that their badges were mirrored by those still clinging to tattered cloth. Five beasts waited, whilst a sixth moved into position. The attack would be swift, deadly. No quarter would be given. Hunters did not pity their prey, not when stomachs rumbled anxiously and mouths drooled in anticipation.


Sondra held pride of place; she had retained the most, her humanity still hiding beneath more atavistic urges. The others had given in to the virus, which even now demanded sustenance. They had killed and fed the evening before, their bodies now glistening with health; replenished skin and bone had shed the ravages of disease.

A cry sent them into motion, racing towards the milling soldiers. Instinct took over and Sondra pushed aside any misgivings. Her body was not yet complete, she needed fuel and the gunfire brought a promise of ready energy.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

“How much of the micro-wafer did you recover?” Jan’s voice boomed painfully in the Technician’s ear.

“All of it, as you requested.”

“And how much did you use?”

“All of it…”


The roar of Jan’s voice made the Technician take an involuntary step backwards.

“We used every last piece of the micro-wafer cerebrum. It seemed the right thing to do.”

The Technician greeted Jan’s laughter with surprise.

“That…is…priceless…” Jan’s chuckles reverberated round the Control Room.

“May I ask why?”

“No,” casually Jan back-handed the man, his metallic fist crushing the Technician’s skull and sending him crashing against the bulk-head.

“It’s funny,” he continued, ignoring the rest of the Technicians’ frightened cries, “I had my humanity suppressed and you have done the same to a machine. Poor Cameron has no idea what awaits him.”

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 9 Pt 1
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2011, 02:28:29 PM »

Very soon this will also be exclusive. I have just finished editting apter Twelve and am now on Chapter Thirteen.  ;)

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 9 Pt 2
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2011, 11:37:21 AM »

The whining saw-blade sheared through the last soldier’s torso and Cameron stopped to admire his handiwork. A charnel house welcomed him. Body parts and partially dismembered corpses littered the hanger. He had been more than efficient. There had been a necessary delay. He now needed to move on and his plans had not changed; he wanted out and nothing now stood in his way.


Jan tried to connect with Cameron’s unwelcome guest. RPB-762 still existed and with new programming forced to obey. Cameron’s will would be useless under the machine’s external control. It was most entertaining.


Electrical signals flashed across the micro-wafer circuits, activating synapses and powering up the original programming. New commands began to download, pushing and prying their way in. Augmented musculature locked and Jan’s voice giggled insanely from the ship’s speaker system.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

James tried desperately to move but was frozen in place, raging impotently.


The micro-wafer brain was a second-generation Protectorate invention. Scientists had deliberately limited its capabilities; no critical mass of self-awareness had been created, leaving the incumbent nothing more than a machine. What the scientists had feared, and Jan’s bumbling Technician had achieved, was the act of exceeding this critical mass. A simple connection to a human brain had been the catalyst. Processing power increased exponentially and RPB-762 gained a parasitic identity; it was Cameron and he it, their was no distinction.


Pain exploded in Cameron’s skull, driving him to the floor. Metallic legs folded as he fought to hold back the agony. The giggling had stopped, cursing taking its place, but Cameron had no time for either. His pain had been replaced by wonder. A small voice echoed in his mind…


Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Blood dripped from her jaws, spattering Sondra’s already disgusting clothing. With each bite energy coursed through her veins, suffusing her entire being. Muscles swelled, taking on new definition; a creature took shape. Nails hardened into claws, teeth became needle-like, her jaw altering to encompass the over-bite. Thick hair sprouted, cascading down from her crown and reaching her shoulders. She looked up, eyes blazing and saw her new self mirrored in the others.

Feeding became easy; jaws tore chunks of flesh free, crushing bone with ease. Nails shredded armour, releasing the meat beneath. The pack occasionally stopped, one of Sondra’s companions spitting and snarling at another. Disputes seemed common, as they strove to each find their place. Sondra did not care; she was the leader and all knew it.

Her enhanced senses caught an unidentified smell and she growled. Instantly the gorging of her pack mates ceased and they watched her attentively. When she ran, they followed, covering the ground in leaps and bounds. She angled them away from the feasting, leading them back into the shelter of the rocks. Quick barks drove them to silence and crouched down, they waited, new muscles quivering in anticipation.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 10 Pt 1
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2011, 11:23:37 AM »

Chapter Ten

His Word
Outer Planetary System

The Protectorate vessel His Word winked into real space. They had deliberately jumped into the very limits of Gestatin’s system. Jersey City had been their first stop and what they had found there had confirmed their worst fears and driven them here.

His Word  was packed with detection equipment and armament. There was a minimal human crew; those sufficient or at least necessary for deployment of Doctor Alberto’s new toys. Euthan Palace had sent its best, unwilling to sit idly by. No mistakes would be tolerated. These RP units were modified, added to and improved. Not only were there examples of Jan’s successors, but also something new. At the outermost limits of detection, four shapes split from the main ship and slowly increased power.


“Will it work?”

Inspector Jordan held little faith in machines. He had read of Jan’s awakening and leant towards the Resurrectionists’ viewpoint; machines were dangerous. Where he differed from the hard-line fanatics was that he believed all such weapons should be under Protectorate control, his control.

“Of course,” sneered Doctor Alberto, “there will be no mistakes this time.”

“That is so comforting,” replied Jordan, as he watched the screens showing the status of each of the RP units, “it would be most unfortunate if anything were to go wrong.”

Doctor Alberto was unsure how to take the Inspector’s comments, so he concentrated on what he knew.

“Our drones have also been deployed, they will be sending back data shortly.”

“I thought I told you that they were a risk too far?”

The Doctor winced; he had forgotten that little detail.

“It was decided that we needed confirmation…”

“Decided?” interrupted the Inspector, “You go too far, my good Doctor. Remember the consequences of failure…”

Further discussion was cut short as the drones entered Gestatin’s atmosphere. They had been programmed to deliberately avoid the orbiting vessels, their objective to piece together how fared the Protectorate forces on the ground.

All waited. No identification beacons responded to the drones’ signals. The main city was in ruins and Doctor Alberto took manual control, sending his spies in ever-widening circles. He found the aftermath of the explosion; local carrion birds squabbled over decaying corpses. On he drove his charges, finding the more recent kills. Behind him stood the Inspector, watching, puzzled by the obvious signs of feeding.

“There are no large predators on Gestatin…”

It was a statement. Doctor Alberto merely grunted in agreement. He took one probe to ground level.

“See there?” He was excited, the scientist in him taking over, “They were torn apart, eaten, they…”

He stopped abruptly as the video feed shook. A clawed hand held his probe, all attempts to free it thwarted. Teeth closed over his camera, shredding metal. All went black.

“What was that?” asked the Inspector sharply.

“I have absolutely no idea,” returned the Doctor, “but a most interesting development.”

Jordan stared at the strange scientist in disbelief. Such curiosity was fine in a laboratory, but he had the feeling that none of them were going to like the answer, when it came.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 10 Pt 1
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2011, 07:15:39 AM »

Okay, having noticed that theis needs reposting, I will get on with it, a bit at a time. It might give you all the impetus to read it again ;)


Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 10 Pt 2
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2011, 11:23:58 AM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

�Who are you?�

James spoke out loud, not sure whether he was imagining things. He would not be surprised to find the existence of multiple personalities in his head; insanity was clearly an option.

�I am you...and you are me...� the voice continued.

�You called me Master...�

"That is all I have ever had. What else is there?�

Cameron discounted another of Jan�s games, intermittent cursing continuing in the background was a give-away. No, this was something new.

�Where are you?�

�I am part of you...we are connected.�

James shivered, now it was clear; the RPB�s brain was alive? Yes, definitely crazy.

�Okay,� he began, �let�s assume I�m not losing it for a moment, and that I believe you. How have you gathered life? You were only a machine.�

�I know,� the voice was child-like, scared, �I was RPB-762. I have that data. The rest of this is new to me. A-a-a-rgh!� Shared pain screamed through James� body.

�What the frak!�

�We are under attack...� the thin voice strengthened, tinged now with anger, �...and I DON�T LIKE IT!�


�Ooh,� chuckled Jan, �baby wants to play...�

Further thought was interrupted as alarms began blaring. Four objects had been detected, coming directly for his ship a full power.

�Hello,� he muttered, �now what do we have here?�

Although the ship�s system could not identify his unknown assailants, Jan recognised their distinctive signatures.

�Time to go, I think,� and he surged towards the hanger, all thought of Cameron�s torture forgotten.


�We�ve been detected!� Doctor Alberto said, scurrying from one screen to another.

�I can see that,� replied Jordan, �now what are you going to do about it?�

�Just watch,� said the Doctor, activating he RP units fully.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 01:17:18 PM by Rayo Azul »

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 10 Pt 3
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2011, 04:28:15 AM »

�We have a problem...�

James was still recovering from the intense pain, and only listened half-heartedly.

�The ship is under attack,� insisted his new partner.

�From whom?�

�I do not know...but they are of Protectorate design. My estimations would suggest RP units.�

�Like you?�

�No,� replied RPB-762, �not like us. They are something that I do not recognise.�

Jan crashed past them, activating his jets as he ran. �Coming?� he quipped as he disappeared through the exit.

Cameron tried to follow, but crashed head-long to the floor. None of his limbs would respond; it was if they fought against him.

�Frak!� he cursed, and tried again.

�That will not work,� replied 762, �allow me...�

Now he began to move in a disjointed fashion, puppet-like.

�Stop that!� James shouted, slapping one hand against his helmet, �I�m in charge here.�

He felt 762 recede, allowing him access to his motor functions. Cameron began to pick up speed. Without weapons, he was a sitting duck, and he had a real bad feeling about this.


�Target the outer ship,� ordered Jordan, �it will be a good test.�

Doctor Alberto grinned, sending his commands. They saw first one, then another shape flash away from the second vessel, angling down towards the planet.

�Ignore them,� snapped the Inspector, �we know where they are when we want them. Now get on with it!�

The Doctor gritted his teeth; he was not used to being treated this way. Well, soon enough, the correct order would be established. Fingers flying, he programmed his commands, setting the RP units into full attack mode. One last stroke of his fingers and he sat back, the show was about to begin
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 01:16:52 PM by Rayo Azul »

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 11 Pt 1
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2011, 01:18:58 PM »

Chapter Eleven

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Sondra scraped her claws along the remains of the probe’s body. It was curious, not of local design, which suggested that they were about to have visitors. With only five followers, she would have little chance of survival and therefore propagation was the only tool.

It would be difficult to control the other five; they wanted, no needed, to kill. What she had planned was something quite different. She bared her teeth in a strange approximation of a grin; if there was enough prey, they could not kill them all, could they?


The fifteen man patrol was searching. They had lost contact with their comrades earlier in the day and all semblance of boredom had well and truly disappeared. Other forces were scouring contiguous segments and kept in constant contact. Rumour had it, that the Protectorate had launched another attack and this idea held sway until they found the bodies.

The afternoon heat had already begun to bloat what was left. Rotting flesh, blood and worse stained the earth, with more than a little fresh vomit being added to the stench. Chewed limbs, cracked bone and strange tracks covered the ground. Weapons ready, the patrol fanned out; no-one was taking any chances. Still, they missed the important tell-tales and rifles did not react until Sondra and her beasts were amongst them. He had decided that no restraint was the best policy. They could kill, she would infect.

Auto-rifles chattered wildly as the pack struck; more bullets slamming into soil than beast. Those that did find their target were ignored; fresh meat would soon cure all wounds.

Sondra waited until a terrified soldier scurried her way. Clawed hands cupped his skull, bending him backwards. Fangs slid free from their gum sheaths and she wasted no time, piercing his neck and pumping poison into willing flesh. This venom was pure virus; deadly in its effectiveness.
She dropped his twitching body, leaping past one of her fellows, tearing him aside, cracking armour and biting, before once more continuing on her mission. Two more. It was a start. Looking up, she saw another. Eyes glinting, she attacked.


The virus was changing; improving itself and its carriers. It had become selective in transmission; food was food procreation was another thing. There was only a simple sentience in its make-up: carriers provided mental and physical capacity. In Sondra, it had found a soul-mate. Her rage and need for vengeance gave the virus a base of operations; it did not want her higher functions activated. Physical need was all that mattered.


Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 11 Pt 2
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2011, 05:44:56 AM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Jan’s abandoned followers did their best, but they were no match for Alberto’s creations. These RP units were les humanoid in shape; functional attack units designed to operate both in and out of atmosphere. Rail-guns barked; projectiles smashing their way through defences and ripping through the outer ship’s hull. It had arrived from Jersey City almost derelict and Alberto’s babies were about to complete the job.

Specialist missiles flew from one RP unit; their outer casings opened half-way to their target. Secondary motors kicked in, boosting their payload. On impact, a thin net of micro-fine wire deployed, forming a sparkling spider’s web, through which a high voltage charge raced. A directed EM pulse resulted, crippling large sections of the stricken vessel’s controls. Now, already weakened, defensive systems failed; gun turrets falling idle, anti-missile mounts silent and communications died, their chatter abruptly cut off.

In his Control Room, Doctor Alberto smiled as he watched his machines’ frightful armament spin into action.


Cameron did not follow Jan’s flight path. The mad man-machine was not his first choice of companion and he needed time to assimilate all of his options. Once through atmosphere, he arrowed away from any signs of habitation, looking for and finding isolation in a small mountain range just outside the city.

Jan had no such compunction. He needed ammunition and followers. The first large, and still standing, city was his objective. Speed was required, either to find a means of escape or cannon fodder willing to die for him.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Sondra hunkered down; infected bodies dragged close and lined up carefully around her. The sound of feeding into her silent observation, but she ignored it. Viral infestation was well under way and it was key that the first imprint was that of her leadership. Food, in the guise of a pair of corpses, was nearby; given freely it would help the process. She snarled protectively if any ventured too close, and waited.

After a short time, she noted the first signs of reawakening and casually tore an arm from the nearest body. As feral eyes stared into hers, Sondra tossed her bloody offering forward. Good. It was working.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 11 Pt 3
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2011, 01:38:10 PM »

Cameron was confused. He had followed the sounds of battle and now watched the beasts feed. They could be nothing else; animals whose urges were clear. Yet, one sat apart, crooning softly to its reanimated charges.

“What are we doing?”

“Waiting,” replied Cameron, “and hiding, just in case.”

“Are you frightened?”

“Always,” replied Cameron, as he watched the gruesome conductor play her new audience, “and especially now.”

Bright light sparkled high above, and his conjoined senses recognised the death of a ship high above the planet. For the light show to have been visible from here, the destructive process must have been intense. It did not bode well.


Inspector Jordan laughed joyfully. At times he forgot how much he enjoyed his vocation, and then there were days like these. Doctor Alberto’s creations had performed well; their attack had been efficient and deadly. The Protectorate’s faith now totally repaid in violent action.

“No time for reverie,” Doctor Alberto’s voice rasped through the fanatical Inspector’s glee, “we should end this, now.”

“Of course,” said Jordan, “what next?”

“Our true goal can now be fulfilled,” the Doctor said, his finger following the flight path written across the data screen, this city could hide the rogue unit, but not its electrical signature. My suggestion is that we deal with the RPB’s separately. If subtlety is impossible, then we use overkill.”

One eyebrow rose questioningly in Jordan’s austere features.

“We remove the city and the threat in one.”

Jordan’s face creased into a satisfied smile, “Do it,” he said, his eyes flicking back to the destruction before him. Could the day get any better?
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